Page 1: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

Bioprocessing for Sustainable production of COLoured textiles

Biscol MeetingLouvain-La-Neuve , May 9th 2011

University of SienaDepartment of Chemistry

LCA table presentation and questionnaire

Riccardo BasosiMaria Laura Parisi

Page 2: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

ISO 14040:2006ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management – Life Cycle Assessment - Principles and Framework (practice, application, limits)

ISO 14044:2006ISO 14044:2006 – Environmental Management – Life Cycle Assessment – Requirements and Guidelines (preparation, management, critical review)

“Assessment includes the entire life cycle of a product, process or activity, encompassing, extracting and processing raw materials;manufacturing, transportation

and distribution; use, re-use, maintenance; recycling, and final disposal”

LCA Definition according to SETAC

Page 3: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

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LCA Methodology


The assessment is developed through consecutive and interlinked stages of a product, process or service system from the extraction of natural resources to the final disposal.







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PRE-PRODUCTION: project management research and development, selection and purchasing of raw materials, transport and stocking;

PRODUCTION: material processing, assembly and manufacturing, company management and organization. DISTRIBUTION: logistic and selling productsUSE and CONSUME: utilization and employment (also as intermediate product) DISPOSAL: end life management, recycling and recovery

Page 4: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

Step 1: definition of goal and application

Preliminary stage: clear statement of targets and goals of the study (definition of the fundamentalparameters for the entire analysis)

Building the LCA context

-Scope of the Study

-Functional Unit

-System Boundaries

-Data Categories

-System Input Inclusion and ExclusionCriterions

-Data Quality Requirements

Step 2: Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

Definition of the case system single operations as “unitary operations”: each one takes its input from the up stream unitary operation(s) and its output will flow to the following operation(s)

-Flux diagram of the process;

-Data collecting (minimizing problems);

-If the studied product is obtained in a process leading to other products or by-products and only aggregate data are available, it is necessary to establish criteria for the input allocation (f.e. definition of the real input in presence of a variety of outputs).

Page 5: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

Life Cycle Costing

LCC is an assessment of all costs related to a product or service, over the entire life cycle, from production over use until disposal. LCC has along tradition in industry, especially for those products that have a long life time and /or high maintenance, use or disposal costs. In combination with a life Cycle Assessment that investigates the environmental impact of a product or service, LCC can serve to address the economic dimension of sustainability. Further, LCC together with LCA is part of many eco-efficiency approaches. Very similar to LCA, also for LCC goal and scope (system boundaries, the object of the study, allocation, “impact assessment”) and other aspects need to be specified and aligned with the decision taken for the LCA in order to obtain an overall consistent analysis

Page 6: LCA table presentation and questionnaire · 2013. 11. 9. · LCA table presentation and questionnaire Riccardo Basosi Maria Laura Parisi. ISO 14040:2006 – Environmental Management

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