Page 1: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)

Le Dijonais BaDijonné

(de moutarde!)

Get Ready for GApage 7

Gr8 facts about Dijonpage 3

All about Mustardpage 11

Page 2: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)



(Gr)8 Facts about Dijon - page 3

Committee Reports - page 4-5

EYP un jour, EYP toujours - page 6

Guide for the GA - page 7

Inverted Euro Covrage - page 8

Plus on est de fous, plus on rit? - page 9

All about Mustard - page 10

EYP cross word puzzle- page 11


Page 3: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)

EYP You came here to EYP,

the best thing in the world! A group of youngsters, new friends

to make, interesting things to do and it’s a lifetime experience. This was your motivation to come to Dijon

and your goal is the GA. Well, here you are, enjoying

your arrival.

Mustard Dijon is definitely the town of

mustard. Be proud of it! The motto of the town is: “Moult me tarde” which

actually sounds like mustard when you pro-nounce it. The reputation of Dijon’s mustard is spreading across the world; it’s so famous that Obama asked the cook of Air Force One to bring him some during one of his flights.

The town of Dijon was so flattered that they sent him a box filled with Amo-

ra and Maille mustard.

FunYes, Burgundy is

fun! The best five names of villages in the region are:

Anus, Poil, Beze, Le Mollard and Baise-ma-mie. Pretty good when the average age of Burgundies is about 109 years. Believe it or


NothingBecause your idea of

Burgundy is that it is emp-ty. Well, when coming here you take no risks: as you don’t expect it to be nice, you can

only be happily surprised. Let the region charm


FoodAh! Bour-

guignon beef… It’s an excellent meal to warm you up

after a terrible working day or an outside teambuilding afternoon. Sauce everywhere, it is so good.

Just don’t weigh right after din-ner.

WeatherPicture a sunny landscape,

young people out on the grass, chilling, teambuilding, wearing shorts

and T-shirts. It is warm, the birds are singing and the chairs cheering... Well you have hit the wrong place. Burgundy is all about rain and stormy weather. But

playing mud-and-rain games is the funniest thing ever!

Aliens If you love Science Fiction,

Burgundy is THE place to be. A mayor recently forbid the landing of

UFOs (Unidentified flying objects) on his commune. That means there is

something more than meets the eye… So keep looking at the


Miss FranceBecause she comes

from here, in Burgundy. It is a proof that your region is full of beautiful and marvellous young women. Come to Dijon and you might have the op-

portunity to meet her.

Gr8 Facts about Dijon

by Lèa and Laetitia


Page 4: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)


Committee La corruption dans le sport est un fléau

qu’il faut combattre.

La commission CULT est d’accord pour dire qu’il est grand temps d’agir pour retrouver les valeurs fondamentales du


by Michaël

Longues phrases et clauses compliquéesImpeccablement modifiéesBeat it guys, on va gagner

Et “Victoire !” criera LIBE.

by Laetitia

La commission EMPL s’est donné corps et âme pour résoudre le problème de mobilité du travail en Europe. Durant des débats mouvementés et pertinent les délégués ont su, grâce à leur chair, mettre en ordre des résolutions des plus sérieus-

es et convaincantes.

by Léa




Page 5: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)


ReportsPar ce beau ciel bleu, la commission AF-COrange, après quelques « fruit salad » pour se remotiver, n’a jamais vu la couleur d’un « blanc ». Leur committee work riche en échanges et débats vous rendrait verts de jalousie. Et LEUR résolution sera sexy

pinky !by Nathalie

« Plus l’adversité est grande, plus l’ENVI de convaincre l’est aussi » (Claude Lel-ouch) Aujourd’hui se préoccuper de la

protection de l’environnement est deve-nu essentiel, mais d’autres facteurs entre en compte. Malgré les difficultés, la com-mission ENVI est motivée pour trouver des solutions. Et ils ont ENVI de réussir.

by Marouchka

Bonne dynamique de groupe chez IMCO, la corruption dépasse les frontières et il est primordial de trouver des ententes en Europe, les délégués sont investis et les débats sont animés et pleins de proposi-tions intéressantes. De bons orateurs qui maitrisent la rhétorique et ne manqueront

pas d’animer l’AG avec Yanis




Page 6: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)

Friday morning, the doors of Lycée Le Castel opened for the 2nd Regional Session of EYP Bourgogne. For most of the delegates, it was their first commitment to the faith of EYP. They slipped on their delegate clothes and began the teambuilding. They discovered uninhib-ited and relaxed people, crazy, even completely off their rockers. Games to get to know and to trust each other was on the agenda: this was the part that we usually call Teambuilding. Little by little, the delegates were converted by the EYP spirit. They were not scared to be ridiculous, not even to bend over backwards for their committee. But the EYP spirit goes further than that: Satur-day, the delegates swapped their craziness for a more academic attitude and exemplary seriousness. They worked hard in order to generate amazing resolutions in Committee Work. Ideas, debates and resolution writ-

ing are also part of the delegate life. Coffee break was the time for delegates to take a break and meet the oth-er delegates and hear the lovely podcasts prepared by their lovely journos or try to accomplish their task in the Legging game. The Europarty was the time for the delegates to have fun after their hard work. Dancing and having fun: yes, EYP is not only work, but also a really good time. The knowledge of how to party on a Saturday night and still be ready to speak like a politician on Sunday morning is a quality of any true EYPer. Sunday, and Sunday in EYP means General As-sembly. The most solemn moment of a session, and a very important one. Some games in order to boost the delegates are common at sessions, but as are the famous attack speeches, high-tension moments during the GA. In every important moment of a session you can feel the EYP spirit. And after these wonderful three days, after com-ing back home, you will remember all the fantastic mo-ments you have spent with your chairs, your new friends and all the other delegates and you will probably feel bad. In EYP, it is known as PED: Post-EYP Depres-sion. There is no known cure nowadays, and the only way to feel better is to attend another session. You have to know that EYP hosts more than 200 events all over Europe every year. So many chances to attend another great EYP session !

by Michaël and Yanis

“Little by little, the delegates were converted by the EYP spirit. They were not scared to be ridiculous, not even to bend over backwards for

their committee”

EYP un jour, EYP toujours


Page 7: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)



This is THE moment of the session, what you all have been waiting for, what you have worked for during the last three day, what everyone dreams to attend. Of course I mean the General Assembly, aka. GA. GA is YOUR moment, the moment in your life when you can be whoever you like, when you can reveal your capac-ities to the whole world. However, you have to know some ”rules” about GA before going in. First, formal clothes is a must. Boys, you are expected to wear a work suit, that is to say a class suit (with a nice tie, if you can). Girls, you can wear a nice dress or an outreaching suit.

You have defined the role of each person the day before this fateful day, that is important in the prepara-tion of the GA, as to be more efficient when your turn in the GA arrive. When this moment arrives, above all, do not panic. Delegates, you will also note that GA has a very precise ”procedure”: reading of the operative clauses, defence speech, points of information, attack speech, open debate and summation speech (that aims to re-cap all which has been told during the debate, and to convince the last sceptical delegates), just like your chairs explained it to you those previous days. Do not worry; you will quickly get accustomed to this rhythm. In order to realise this procedure, there will be a lot of placards: your committee placard, that your chair has to raise when you want to be recognised by the board, an attack speech placard, when you want to deliver… an attack speech! Otherwise you also have a ”point of information” placard, a ”point of personal

GA Procedure:

1. Reading of the Operative Clauses

2. Defence speech, where the committee ”glorify” their resolution so as to convince their fellow delegates that it is the best an-swer to the problem.

3; Point of information, where the delegates can ask to the proposing committee a very specific point.

4. Attack speech, probably the most interest-ing part of the GA, where you attack (friend-ly!) the resolution of the committee;

5. Open debate, usually consists of rounds of question from the delegates

6. And finally, the summation speech that aims to recap all what has been told during the debate

Guide to the General Assembly

- Story of an unforgettable day

privilege” placard, to use if you are unable to hear what a delegate is saying. Of course, like in these three previ-ous days your chairs will be next to you to accompany you all through this GA. Do not hesitate to make a point, either in French or in English, the two official languages of EYP, and why not an attack speech (friendly!) against another committee if you feel comfortable with that.It does not matter if your resolution passes (congratu-lations!) or not, you have all done great job, and you can really be very proud of yourself. Bear in mind, dear delegates, especially if it will be your first GA, that this is a great opportunity for you to express yourself. After the GA, you will probably feel that you have improved your skills in many fields. Remember all you have learned all over the session, you will certainly use them again in the future…

by Michaël

“It does not matter if your resolution passes (congrat-ulations!) or not, you have

all done a great job.”

Page 8: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)


L’Eourvallige a été un memont frot de la sisseon où les dléguéés ont pu fiare déoucvrir des sepcail-ités eruopnéenes. Les cmoissoins ont liassé palce aux dlégtéaions. La miusque et la dnase éaetint au rnedez-vuos et les dléguéés se snot fiat un paislir de crrormope le jruy en luer pprosonat des dnas-es rppraohcées et en luer réesrvnat les mleiluers mets bein etendnu. Ce fut l’occsiaon puor tuos de dcouvriér des nuovelles savuers, et puor cerat-ins de se rpparchoer. Nuos n’en drinos pas puls. Pius, dnas la siorée une Euorpatry nuos a été porposée par nos chres oragniastuers. Les rpa-procehmnets qui aavient eu leiu dès l’eruovilalge ont pu aobuitr et cetranis aruont pu rmearqeur quleques basiers vloés, mias cela ne nuos rgearde pas, bein que cretanies pohtos aeint été prsies par norte éqiupe de jorunalsite, tojuorus à l’afuft du mionrde scoop. Mias cela ne nuos rgeadre pas, et nuos n’alolns pas nuos étreniesr sur le sjuet, bein que nuos puovons drie que cretanis éatient très porches ce sior là, praticulièermnet lros du solw sur la blele msuiuqe du gorupe Scropoins mias cleà ne nuos rgeadre pas bein sûr. En fin de siorée, les ofifceils ont efnin di-ojncté, et les dléégués ont pu vior luers chiars dnaser et fiare les fuos. Tuot le mnode a predu son séiruex lros de cette soriée méomrbale, mias clea rsetrea etnre nuos et ne srotria pas du Csatel piusuqe clea ne rgeadre que nuos.

by Yanis

Friday Night Fever!

Page 9: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)

At EYP, as you have probably noticed, we always work in groups. Delegations, committees, chairs team, journos, organisers… Yes, all of them are working together, but, team work, it is really effi-cient? To illustrate our point, we did not use scientific anal-ysis, but some interviews with your chairs. Why are they here, why do you work in committees…? Here is the result: some people like to work in groups, but on the other hand, some prefer to work alone. Indeed, alone you are more comfortable, ef-ficient and free to do what you want. You have your opinion and you are not influenced by others. There is no distraction, no compromise, etc. However, a group can come up with more ideas, more creativity, our dear president told us. It is a great experience. But, you have to distribute tasks very well in order to be efficient. If you are guided by our objective and really motivated you are bound to strike the perfect balance. Sometimes, a group phenomenon prevent us from expressing our-selves or makes us follow the majority without reflec-tion, however, that depends on confidence and how well the group manages. Finally, opinions differ: it depends on personalities and feelings. Another point: do we really need a chair, a cheer-lead-er in a group? We noted, that in EYP, a chair has a glob-al view on the session, and knows how to make every-one feel comfortable and confident. But in daily life, we hardly ever encounter people like that, so … How do we manage to work together well? Always, there is someone who takes the role of coordinator. A group

can not work without it. So, team work is good? In a group we can make great things happen. That is why you should work in groups. But do that in a good way to achieve success. And after all, what is the real impact of your EYP group’s work in the European politics?

When the group succeeds and the resolutions are done, what happens to them? Does resolution writing have an aim? The aim of the EYP is more than to learn to debate, to promote open mindedness or to work in group; the EYP can have an impact on European poli-tics, yes really! After a session, the resolutions are sent to politicians such as EU politicians. And do you know that one day, after an international session, a resolution was made concrete in the European Parliament? A book of history of the World War II was created in cooper-ation with France and Germany in the both languag-es from the proposition of the delegates. We can also mention the project of the EYP-France. The national committee will create in less than one week a platform on their website to debate about the resolutions and you will have the chance to do that with members of the European parliament, not bad huh?

by Nathalie and Marouchka

“Finally, our opinions dif-fer; it depends on personal-

ities and feelings”

Plus on est de fous, plus on rit ? - Or how to find the best way to work.


Page 10: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)


Moutarde Mustard senf mostaza sinep senape musztarda mostarda mustár sinepes sinapi SenapLa moutarde fut inventé le 30 février de l’année 3 avant la naissance du père de la mère de la tante de la sœur de la voisine de la nièce, du propriétaire de la nounou du caniche privé (J-C alias jeune caniche), bichonné et chouchouté du colonel Moutarde. C’est de là que vient le nom du produit préféré des Dijonnais.La recette de la moutarde Dijonnaise est gardée secrète et seul le PDG de « The mustard company » la con-nais. De nombreux agents secrets chinois et américains ont tenté, en vain de percer ce secret si bien gardé. Aucune de leurs opérations n’ont abouti et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. Tout d’abord, les ingrédients de la moutarde, en plus d’être inconnus du public sont introuvables hors de la région. Ensuite, seul un Dijonnais de souche possède les mains adéquates pour pétrir la pate mou-tardeuse. Enfin, un taux d’humidité très élevé est nécessaire, et aucune autre région du monde ne peut prétendre au climat Bourguignon. La moutarde Dijonnaise est unique, nous avons de la chance d’avoir une région aussi incroyable.

by Yanis

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Magic Word:

1. Commission sur les problémes du monde du travail2. Région d’ici3. On les trouve au PEJ4. Guide de l’Europe actuel (diminutif)5. Il faut s’en servir pendant le travail en commission6. Ville de la moutarde7. Commission pour l’expression des artistes (mais pas que!)8. Continent unifié (diminutif)9. But de dimanche: elle est générale10. Tom Cruise on fait des impossibles11. Il fait les lois12. Commission pour le bien-être du colza13. Se grave dans la mémoire14. Dans le PEJ commedans le cochon, tout est...

15. Responsable de commission16. Commission sur le marché interne17. Commission sur les affaires de prime importance18. Echelle de la session (géegraphie)19. Nous en sommes citoyens20. Volie but à l’AG21. Vous en faites partiè. Chacune a un sujet propre.22. Elle est régionale de Bourgogne 23. Commission sur la fa,euse statue New-Yorkaise24. Le meilleur type d’officiels25. Elle est votée pendant l’AG

by Laetitia

Page 12: Le Dijonais BaDijonné (de moutarde!)

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