
Leaders and Leaderships

People need leaders! Many think that a person is needed to encourage their growth and development. So that they can lead their life leisurely following them like sheep!!.I think most of the successful political leaders know that too well. So, most of the time they concentrate on striking the emotional chord of their likely followers. Contemporary indian political leaders Like Sonia Gandhi, Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, come to my mind. They need not work very hard, to achieve political success, work history of their predecessors are handy. People, at large, are too emotional and least educated. They really do not know, what really is good for them. They go after what appeals to them emotionally particularly while they are suffering from oppression of one kind or another by a set of powerful persons. The leader is then taken as their messiah who would free them from their bondages!!What then are the qualities that distinguish a real leader from a fake?Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher of 6th Century wrote:A leader is best when neither seen nor heard, Not so good when adored and glorified, Worst when hated or despised. Of a leader when his work is done his aims fulfilled the people will all say We have done it ourselves.I think a real leader must be love the people who follow and therefore understand them! Must have good management skills - so the right attitude is very essential; be ready to accept inevitable change and therefore inculcate such an attitude among people around, so that they do not aspire/try to be in power for as long as they can!Isn't that asking for the Moon? Do we know of any leader who has/had such qualities?

I do not think most contemporary political leaders have such qualities, they are the qualities of well known leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Lenin, Mahatma Gandhi, Mandela, and Mao Tse Tung!!! Their qualities, look at the following link: Top 5 quaities of Good Leaders , They are no doubt: Honesty, Compassion, Integrity, Flexibility, Confidence!!!, Rakesh Mohan Hallen

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