Page 1: Leadership, Management and Survival Ken Jarrold. Leadership, Management and Survival 10 Topics

Leadership, Management and Survival

Ken Jarrold

Page 2: Leadership, Management and Survival Ken Jarrold. Leadership, Management and Survival 10 Topics

Leadership, Management and Survival 10 Topics

Page 3: Leadership, Management and Survival Ken Jarrold. Leadership, Management and Survival 10 Topics

10 Topics

• 1. Wisdom, serenity and courage• 2. Required and earned agendas• 3. Values• 4.Priorities• 5.Performance• 6. People• 7.Leadership and Management

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10 topics

• 8. Organisational change • 9. Making the most of a merger• 10. Looking after yourself.

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1. Wisdom, serenity and courage

• Wisdom to know the difference between what can be changed and what cannot be changed

• Serenity to accept what cannot be changed• Courage to change what can be changed

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2. Required and earned agendas

• The required agenda is what you are required to do

• You should seek to influence it where possible• However you should deliver the required

agenda• Delivering the required agenda earns you the

right to the earned agenda – the things you want to do

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2. Required and earned agendas

• Having an earned agenda is motivating for you and yours

• There will be no earned agenda without delivering the required agenda

• It is a missed opportunity to earn the right to an agenda and not have an earned agenda!

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3. Values

• We are defined as much by our choices as by our abilities

• Our choices will be driven by our values• Three values• Patients and carers first, last and always• Front line staff are the next most important

people• Treat others as you would wish be treated

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4. Priorities

• Understand and accept that you will not do everything

• Spend time deciding what to do before you do it

• Prioritise again and again and again • It is more important to do the one most

important thing on the list rather than the other 99 things on the list

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5. Performance

• There are 6 key ingredients in performance management

• 1. Clarity about the objectives.• 2. Commitment to delivery – the will to do it.• 3. Evidence of progress – good quality

information.• 4. Rigour – effective monitoring.

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5. Performance

• 5. Resilience and staying power – coping with the setbacks and keeping going until the job is done.

• 6. People – getting the best from the most important resource.

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6. People

• In order to get the best out of people they need four things

• 1. Support.• 2. Feedback including appraisal.• 3. Development and training.• 4. Clear job content.

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6. People

• Beverley Alimo Metcalfe asked 2,500 NHS managers what qualities they most wanted in their managers. 7 were identified.

• 1. Concern for others• 2. Ability to communicate and inspire• 3. Decency• 4. Humanity• 5. Humility

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6. People

• 6. Sensitivity• 7. Respect for others• These qualities are very close to Robert

Greenleaf’s work on servant leadership• Warren Bennis and James O’Toole remind us

that people need to be held accountable for their performance and promises.

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7. Leadership and Management

• It is important to understand the difference between leadership and management

• Leadership is showing the way – knowing what to do next

• Management is the responsibility for the use of resources

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7. Leadership and Management

• Leadership is not dependent on role or seniority

• The leader is the person who can show the way

• This can be someone at any level and will vary according to the situation

• A Manager does not have to be a Leader BUT a manager does need to allow leadership to flourish in others

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7. Leadership and Management

• Management is dependent on role and seniority

• Managers need to manage even if they do not lead

• The leadership can come from others the management cannot

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8. Organisational change

• Change management is not different to every day leadership and management

• If you are a bad manager you will manage change badly and the reverse!

• The objectives of organisational change are rarely achieved

• Organisational change is not sufficient in itself

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8. Organisational change

• Organisational change is expensive in terms of paralysis, impact on delivery and people

• 10 Top Tips for organisational change• 1. Understand the purpose of change. What

are you trying to do?• 2. Be realistic about the chances of success• 3. Make balanced judgements about each

stage and the outcome. Well founded optimism is the best mind set

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8. Organisational change

• 4. Communicate and explain at each stage both in writing and face to face in open meetings and 1 to 1s

• 5. Behave with honesty, integrity, and authenticity. You have to be real and seem real to the people you manage

• 6. Exercise empathy – put yourself in other people’s shoes

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8. Organisational change

• 7. Practice stewardship – do your best for your people. Let them know you are on their side.

• 8. Be realistic about the opportunities available for people. Do not tell them it will be all right if it will not be all right.

• 9. Aim for felt fairness. Everyone will not get what they want. If you manage change well the great majority will feel that the change process was fair

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8.Organisational change

• 10. Remember that real and sustained change is achieved by developing people, redesigning process and investing resources

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9. Making the most of a merger

• 5 top tips for the Victors• 1. Demonstrate magnanimity in your actions as

well as your words. If you are the victors you can afford to be generous to the vanquished. You don’t have to rub their noses in it.

• 2. Strive for fairness in everything you do and most of all in appointments. Appoint the best people. Do not appoint all your cronies. A sense of unfairness will be corrosive.

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9. Making the most of a merger

• 3. Celebrate the best in all the old organisations not just the one you led yourself. You don’t not have to rubbish the achievements of your predecessors to safeguard your own position. It will mean an enormous amount to the vanquished if they feel that their past work is recognised and valued.

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9. Making the most of a merger

• 4. Be open to ideas wherever they come from. You and your former colleagues do not have a monopoly of wisdom. Implementing best practice from a part of the new organisation that you were not responsible for will send a very good signal

• 5. Communicate personally with as many of your new colleagues as you can. It is important that they are able to count the number of your heads and find out if you really are that wicked!

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Making the most of a merger

• 5 Top Tips for the Vanquished• 1. Accept the new world and move on. Do not

go on about the good old days. It will upset the victors!

• 2. Show commitment to the new organisation. Do not be dragged into the new world.

• 3. Acknowledge the achievements of the victors. Just because they have won does not mean they are wrong.

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9. Making the most of a merger

• 4. Do not greet every suggestion with “we have never done it that way”. Try it and see if it works and then use your experience to change things.

• 5. Give the new people the benefit of the doubt. It is just possible they know what they are doing!

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10. Looking after yourself

• Work is only a part of life. Do not become a workaholic

• Look after yourself and the people you love. Who will be there for you when work comes to an end?

• Get support when you need it. Asking for help is a sign of strength not an admission of weakness.

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Leadership, management and survival 10 topics

• 1. Wisdom, serenity, and courage• 2. Required and earned agendas• 3. Values• 4. Priorities• 5. Performance• 6. People• 7. Leadership and Management• 8. Organisational change

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Leadership, management and survival 10 Topics

• 9. Making the most of a merger• 10. Looking after yourself

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