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Lecture 10Lecture 10

The Dirac equationThe Dirac equation

WS2010/11WS2010/11: : ‚‚Introduction to Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIntroduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics‘‘

The Dirac equation is a relativistic quantum mechanical

wave equation formulated by British physicist Paul Dirac

in 1928.

The Dirac equationThe Dirac equation

• The Dirac equation provides a description of elementary spin-½

particles, such as electrons, consistent with both the principles of

quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity.

• The equation demands the existence of antiparticles and actually

predated their experimental discovery.

This made the discovery of the positron, the antiparticle of the

electron, one of the greatest triumphs of modern theoretical physics.

1902 1902 -- 19841984

Dirac found the equation for free relativistic fermions under the requirement :

1) that the wave-equation – as in case of the Schrödinger equation – should be of

1st order in �/�t ��/�x0 and

2) to allow for a continuity equation with a positive density �*� .

3) Relativistic covariance (with respect to the Lorentz transformation) then

requires that the wave-equation also has to be of 1st order in the space

derivatives �/�xk (k = 1, 2, 3) .

Accordingly the equation has to be of the general form

The Dirac equationThe Dirac equation


(2)with a restmass M and an hermitean Hamiltonian

α, βα, βα, βα, β – unknown (yet!) coefficients

If the equation should describe free particles it‘s solutions should be plane waves

with the proper dispersion relation for particles with restmass M,


The Dirac equation The Dirac equation



By comparing the quadratic form of (1), symmetrized in the indices k, l ,

with the Klein-Gordon-equation (4)

one has to require that the unknown coefficients �k (k = 1, 2, 3) and �

must have the properties



The conditions (6) can only be fulfilled for matrices. Due to Eq. (2) these

matrices have to be hermetian:

The eigenvalues then are real and according to (6) can only be +1 .

In this case the wavefunction � (or each component of �) has to be a solution also

of the Klein-Gordon-Equation:

The Dirac equation The Dirac equation

These matrices must be traceless. Accordingly, the dimension of the matrices

has to be an even number. In 2 dimensions, however, there are only 3 linearly

independent matrices that anticommute, i.e. the Pauli matrices:



or unitary transformations of (10). Accordingly, the �k, � must be at least 4x4

matrices. In Pauli-Dirac standard notation (with 2x2 submatrices) these are

given by


Unitary equivalent representations are also possible.


Furthermore, since �k = −��k� – due to cyclic invariance of the trace ����

The Dirac equation The Dirac equation

The wavefunction �(x) in (3) then must have 4 components


Its adjoint is

and fulfills the equation



By multiplication of (1) with �† from left, multiplication of (14) with � from

right and subtraction we obtain the continuity equation


with the positive definite density


as desired.

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra

For the analysis of transformation properties it is more convenient to introduce

an equivalent set of matrices which is obtained as follows:



The Dirac-equation then reads:.

with the Pauli-adjoint Spinor(19)



For the �-matrices Eqs. (6)

then become more compact:

and Eq. (7) leads to the pseudo-hermeticity

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra

This can be easily proven in the standard representation (EX)



In the standard representation �1, �3 are real and �2 is imaginary.

and describes the vanishing of the four-divergence of the four-current j�(x).

With the help of the 4-� matrices one can construct a complete set of 4x4


Since a general 4x4 has 16 independent elements there also have to be 16 basis

elements. For convenience one chooses the basis:

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra


The continuity equation (15) then reads (EX)

1 matrix (4 x4 unit matrix)

4 matrixes

6 matrixes (antisymmetric)

4 matrixes

1 matrix



�-matrices and Dirac-algebra

where �5 is the ‚chirality‘ matrix given by


This matrix can also be written as


(27)if (µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ) is an even permutation of (0,1,2,3)

if (µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ) is an odd permutation of (0,1,2,3)

in all other cases

if (µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ) is an even permutation of (0,1,2,3)

if (µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ)(µ,ν,ρ,σ) is an odd permutation of (0,1,2,3)

in all other cases

with the complete antisymmetric unit tensor of fourth order.

The matrix �5 has the properties (EX)


�-matrices and Dirac-algebra


The nonzero elements of the matrices �µνµνµνµν are those from nondiagonal spacial

components (�, �) = (k, l) with k unequal l and (�, �) = (0, k). These elements can

be expressed as





is the ε ε ε ε -tensor in 3 dimensions.

The three 4x4 matrices (29) have the properties of a set of spin-matrices,

i.e (EX)

which is proven explicitly in the standard representation

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra

Where �m are again the Pauli spin-matrices. In this representation we have



Hermetian properties are fixed by (21), (28) and read

The 16 matrices



build up (except for ΓΓΓΓ1) a traceless orthonormal set of matrices with the scalar






�-matrices and Dirac-algebra


In particular, these matrices are linearly independent.

Accordingly any 4x4 matrix M can be written as a linear combination in the

basis (36):

Products of arbitrary matrices thus may also be written in terms of an

expansion in the ΓΓΓΓ-matrices.

For a couple of such products we present the result in the following

‚multiplication table‘:

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra


�-matrices and Dirac-algebra


The system of matrices (36) with the multiplication table (40) is denoted as


An application of (40) is the summation over spin-matrices in transition


Further examples are often appearing products such as:

if n - odd

Contractions with arbitrary four-vectors a�, bv are written in shorthand form


etc. In this context one also has to mention �-identities such as:

�-matrices and Dirac-algebra




Nowadays the Dirac-Clifford-algebra is encoded in software routines

such as Mathemetica, REDUCE, FORM, DERIVE etc.

Transformation of Dirac spinors


In case of homogenuous Lorentz transformations

the Dirac-equation must be form-invariant according to the principle of special

relativity, i.e. read as



For ��(x�) we have to allow for a linear mixing of the components of �(x),

which requires to define a transformation in Hilbert space, i.e.



with a ΛΛΛΛ dependent 4 x4 matrix Sαβαβαβαβ((((ΛΛΛΛ)))).... ΤΤΤΤhe equations for S are obtained by

insertion of (47) in (46); multiplication from left by S−1 gives


Transformation of Dirac spinors

Comparing (48) with the original Dirac-equation shows that the term [. . .] � �νννν,

i.e. the transformation in Hilbert space must be aquivalent to a Lorentz

transformation (49)

For Lorentz transformations with det (ΛΛΛΛ) = +1 and ΛΛΛΛ00 � 1 we employ the


with an antisymmetric parameter-matrix r�v = −rvµµµµ.

For infinitesimal transformations ΛΛΛΛ=1 + r (|r|<< 1) we get



For the matrices µνµνµνµν we obtain according to (49) the condition

Transformation of Dirac spinors

Using the multiplication table (40) one identifies the unique solution


A four-component field function �αααα(x), which transforms under homogeneous

Lorentz transformations (47) as

is called a Dirac-Spinor.

The 4x4 matrices S(ΛΛΛΛ) – acting in the Hilbert space – follow:



The group transformations are not unitary, but due to the real and antisymmetric

parameter-matrix r�v follow:


Transformation of Dirac spinors

We now consider (54) in particular for rotations and Lorentz boosts for which we


for a rotation with vector

for a boost with velocity

An expansion of the exp.-function (54) and using the matrix identities (40) gives:



1) For arbitrary complex vectors a,b a pure rotation leads to a

unitary transformation (with )

Transformation of Dirac spinors

In standard representation this corresponds to a doubling of the Pauli matrices

for two-component spinors.

It has the characteristic properties for fermions, i.e. for

we get: (59)

2) In case of pure Lorentz boosts we obtain the non-unitary transformation:


or with the four-unit vector



Transformation of Dirac spinors

For parity transformations we have to allow for a phase � = ±1 (� is the eigenvalue

of the parity transformation) as in case of the Klein-Gordon field . The condition

(49) ( ) leads to:


which is solved by (63)

Eq. (47) then reads:(64)

���� The Dirac equation is form-invariant under these parity transformations.

For the particular matrix �5 this implies:


whereas – due to the matrices �µνµνµνµν - one finds:


Transformation of Dirac spinors

From the transformation � � S� follows for the Pauli-adjoint spinor:


Accordingly a term with arbitrary Dirac spinors is always a Lorentz



while is invariant under ordinary Lorentz transformations

but changes sign under parity transformations, i.e. it is a pseudo-scalar:


Transformation of Dirac spinors



tensor of 2nd order



In particular the current (23) is a 4-vector.

By analyzing the residual matrices of the basis (24) and applying (49) one

finds five different bilinear covariants with the particular transformation



Solution of the free Dirac equation

The solution of the Dirac equation are plane waves (3).

In order to find the yet unknown spinors �(0) (or a suitable basis) we consider

solutions for positive and negative energies, separately:



By insertion in Eq. (1) we obtain:


(73)or in �-notation:

In order to specify the spinors u and υυυυ we consider first the case p = 0 (i.e. we

evaluate the spinor in the rest frame of the particle). In this frame (73) reads:


Solution of the free Dirac equation


Now we can choose for u(0) and υυυυ(0) two orthogonal eigenspinors to �0 with

eigenvalues +1 and −1 , which are denoted by .

Since Tr (�0) = 0 each eigenvalue appears twice. Furthermore, the matrices

(29) commute with �0 and we can choose ur(0) and υυυυr(0) as eigenspinors of

with eigenvalues s= +1, where aa is an arbitrary unit vector because according to

(57) we have :

In standard representation one chooses a = (0, 0, 1) which leads to


The 4 basis spinors are normalized according to:


Accordingly we get the orthogonality relation:


since u and υυυυ belong to different eigenvalues of �0 .

Solution of the free Dirac equation

The completeness relation then reads:


and any bilinear expansion of �0 wrt. eigenspinors reads as:


Consequently, the matrices




have the properties of projection operators on solutions (with p = 0) for positive

and negative energies +M .

Solution of the free Dirac equation

In standard representation these relations become immediately apparent:



and the 4x4 matrices read

In order to get solutions for we have to apply a Lorentz transformation,

i.e. the transformation (61) with the proper Lorentz boost:


The appropriate boost velocity is given by:


Solution of the free Dirac equation

According to (60) one gets with the parameters of (61) :





The solution is according to (60), (61):


Now the spinors for Dirac particles with momentum p read:


Solution of the free Dirac equation

These are solutions of (73) since


Since the lefthand sides of (77) are Lorentz invariants the normalizations read:


In order to evaluate the general projectors on solutions with positive and

negative energy


we use


Solution of the free Dirac equation

and obtain (EX)(95)


The completeness relation (79) then reads:

Note: the eigenvalue equation (76) does not hold for finite p, since ΣΣΣΣ3 does not

commute with Sp .

In standard representation the 4 basis spinors are given by:


or explicitly:

Solution of the free Dirac equation



The matrix elements with these u- and υυυυ-spinors are easily calculated to give (EX)


such that the matrix elements of the Dirac-equation (73) (after multiplication with

M) read:


which is equivalent to the free dispersion relation for a

particle of mass M.

Solution of the free Dirac equation


In the representation (100) – in the nonrelativistic limit |p| << M – the lower

components of us become smaller by a factor |p|/(2M) than the upper

components, while for υυυυs the relations are opposite.

The relation between us and υυυυs may be expressed according to (25) as (EX):

i.e. the chirality matrix �5 exchanges u- and υυυυ-spinors.

Finally, the explicit form of the Lorentz boost for the transformation (85) reads

(using NE = M(Ep +M)) (EX):


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