  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Central Place TheoryGeog 315: Lecture 8

    Walter Christaller&

    August Losch

    Translation from the original1933 German was done by

    Baskin in 1966.

    He started to play with the

    maps, connecting towns of the

    same size with straight lines

    until his maps were filled with


    These triangles appeared to

    show some regularity in a

    hexagonal pattern.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory



    Walter Christallers Central Place Theory developed in 1933 can beseen as a groundbreaking theory that seeks to study geographicalspace as that in which the locations of retail outlets or central placesmay be mapped.

    The theory was also an attempt to explain the nature, sites and

    spacing of retail centres as central places to surroundingpopulations. Note also contributions to market area analysis byGatrell A., (1983). Applebaum, (19) and Ghyoot (1992)

    The theory relied on two concepts: thresholdandrange.

    Every good service must have a range and a threshold. The size ofa market area is a function of its threshold and range, but has adirect influence with its threshold (Rodrigue, 2003).

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    What is a central place?

    A central place is a settlement whose primefunction is the provision of goods and services to adispersed population around it or hinterland. It mayvary in size from a village to a primate city andforms a link in a hierarchy.

    Its sphere of influence or urban field or hinterland isthe area that comes under its economic, social andpolitical or administrative influence

    The size, order, spatial distribution andinterrelatedness of settlements within an area orregion are the key issues at the heart of the theory

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Threshold and Range

    Figure 1: Threshold and range

    Range of a good or service Maximum distance people are

    willing to travel to obtain it.It is dependent on the value ofthe good, the distance, and thefrequency that the service isneeded.It is the farthest distance

    measured in time, cost&convenienceover which either acustomer would be prepared totravel to obtain it or a suppliertravel to provide it.

    Threshold of a good or service

    The minimum number of peoplerequired to support it, ensuringreasonable profit.The more specialized theservice the greater the numberof people required to make it


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory




    Finding the best new bank and ATM location for business expansion is a reallychallenging task and it requires quite a huge sum of capital to get it moving.Management, therefore, in a bid to feel secured that wherever they are moving tohas the ability to understand their concept and provide insight for strategic planning

    A catchment area, among its various definitions, can be explained as the areaandpopulationfrom which a city or individual service attracts visitors or customers(, 2006)

    A banks catchment area is the geographic areafrom which customersare willingand able to engage its servicesand patronize their products. It is the geographicalarea served by the bank

    For a bank/ATM to be profitable in its operations, however, its market must have arange higher than its threshold

    This is one of the primary considerations in the planning of any service-deliveryorganization.


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    ATM Threshold and Range

    Figure 3: Market Threshold and Range

    SOURCE: Rodrigue, 2006

    The range is a function of

    transport costs, time or


    If the patronage of an ATMmachine falls below the thresholdlevel, the ATM will operate belowcapacity and thus likely to be at aloss.

    However, with an increase in thepatronage of a cash machineabove the minimum, it will operateat full capacity or even beyond.Profits for this machine willincrease leading to increased

    competition from others.The frequency of use of themachine is important in assessingthe extent of market threshold,which is often linked to the level ofincome and easy accessibility toand from the machine.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Threshold and Range (Contd.)

    Customers travel in from both within the threshold and range to the ATM.However, in theory, beyond the range, at point 3 in Figure 3 above, mostcustomers should be unwilling to patronise the ATM services.

    Different thresholds exist depending on the types of services the ATM provides,its reliability, availability of other ATMs nearby.

    A threshold may be as low as 250 persons for a banks ATM and thereforevarious off-site locations at places of higher concentrations whereas anotherbanks ATM might have about 1500 persons for its threshold population becauseof fewer locations usually at the branch sites.

    If the patronage of a machine falls below the threshold level, the ATM willoperate below capacity and thus likely to be at a loss. However, with an increasein the patronage of a cash machine above the minimum, it will operate at full

    capacity or even beyond. Profits for this machine will increase leading toincreased competition from others.

    The frequency of use of the machine is important in assessing the extent ofmarket threshold, which is often linked to the level of income and easyaccessibility to and from the machine.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Assumptions of the CPT There is an unbounded flat land so that transport was equally

    easy and cheap. Transport cost is therefore proportional to the

    distance from the central place using the only means oftransport, donkey cart

    Population was evenly distributed across the plain

    Goods and services are obtained from the nearest central placeonly

    Resources are evenly distributed across the plain All customers had the same purchasing power and made

    similar demands

    Some central places offered only low-ordergoods with smallsphere of influence while others offered higher-ordergoodswith larger spheres of influence

    No excess profit would be made by any one central place, aseach locate as far as possible from a rival to maximize profits.

    He also assumed free market competition in that both supplierand customer would make decisions entirely on economicgrounds.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    The Central Place Hierarchy Within any region the hierarchy of central places can

    be established by classifying each central place

    according to the highest order good or service itsupplies e.g. University, SHS, JSS, Creche, etc.

    At the apex of the hierarchy there will be the largestcentral place in a region with its catchments arealarge enough to support more than one outlet for allthe orders of goods and services. Below this leadingcentral place the hierarchy progressively descends tothe lowest order.

    Empirically there may not only be regularity in thesize and order of places and the number of placesfound at each level of the hierarchy, but alsoregularity of the spatial distribution of central places

    for any one level and between different orders ofcentral laces

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Hierarchical spatial arrangement and

    nesting of central places - Hexagons

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Minimizes the numberof settlements serving

    an area by having eachat the meeting point ofthree hexagons:

    K3 = 1/3 x 6 + 1 = 3

    K=3 or Marketing Principle

    Th fi t ( i th fi ) i i i th b f ttl t

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    The first (a in the figure) minimizes the number of settlementsserving an area by having each at the meeting point of threehexagons. This is his k = 3 (or marketing principle) model, inwhich the number of settlements at each level of the hierarchybelow the second is three times the number at the next highest.

    (Thus, with one at the highest, seventh, order, the numbers are1, 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486.) The figure (a) illustrates thisarrangement with a three-level hierarchy only.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Minimizes thelength of roadsneeded to join all

    adjacent pairs ofcentral places.

    K4 = 1/2 x 6 + 1 = 4

    K=4 or Transportation Principle

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    In the k = 4 or transport principle, the goal is to minimize the

    length of roads needed to join all adjacent pairs of central

    places. As shown in (b), each settlement is centrally located on

    each sideof a hexagon, at the boundary of two rather than

    three hinterlands. The number of settlements is thus greaterthan in the k = 3 model (in the ratio 1,2,8,32, 128,512,2048).

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Each lower orderhinterland is nested

    administratively orexclusivelywithinthat of a singlehigher-order central

    place only

    K7 = 6 x 1 + 1 = 7

    K=7 or Administrative Principle

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    In the k = 7 or administrative principle, (fig. c ) each lower order

    hinterland nested exclusively within that of a single higher-order

    central place only - producing a sequence of 1, 6, 42, 294,

    2058, 14,406, and 100,842 settlements.

    L t t C t t

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    L m tat ons Cr t que o t eCentral Place Theory

    Change in demand pattern of goods and services because ofaffluence, changes in taste and preferences and greatermobility enabling people to travel further to do their shoppingand obtain other services

    Technological innovation and progress has also broughtchanges in the ways provision of goods and services are

    organised and located

    Increased government intervention through planning measuresand other legislation has also interfered in the operation of themarket forces which help to shape the central place system

    The number, location, and spatial organisation of urban centresis also influenced by the degree or localisation ordispersal/uneven distribution of the resources of which theurban centres directly or indirectly rely.


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Strengths of the Central Place Theory

    Excellent Theoretical tool: Bunge (1962) seestheory as useful for theoretical geographye.g. Marketing Principle used to plan OostPolder in the Netherlands.

    Administrative Principle used `resolution` of the`Eastern Question`: Christaller was made anexpert adviser in the `Reich Commissariat for the

    Strengthening of Germany`(Freeman,1987).

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory



    Despite recent changes the concept , it does

    have some values as an analytical tool

    It can still help identify more clearly the role of

    settlements as places of trade and exchange

    and the extent to which this has influencedthe nature of the settlement pattern

    developing in a region

    It encourages us to think of individual

    settlements in their wider context and to seek

    above all some order in the spacing and

    interrelatedness of settlements.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory



    P J Ambrose 1969. Concepts in

    Geography. Longman. Pages 12-133

    Peter E. Lloyd and Peter Dicken. Location

    in space: a theoretical approach to

    economic geography. Harper and Row.

    Pages 11-16

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture 8 Central Place Theory


    Trial questions The central place theory provides a platform for

    understanding the size, order, spatial distributionand interrelatedness of settlements within anarea or region. Expatiate

    Walter Christallers central place theory is builton unrealistic assumptions. Provide a critique ofhis theory

    The range and threshold are the cardinalprinciples of the central place theory. Discusshow bakeries would mushroom over a givenregion based on these principles

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