

/ADJ1/ - ADJ, Initial algebra semantics and continuous algebras,

Jour. Ass. Comput. Mach. 24 (1977), 68-95.


/A~2/ - ADJ, A uniform approach to inductive posets and induc-

tive closure, MFCS 77, LNCS n9 53, Springer-Verlag, Berlin

(1977), 192-212.

- ADJ, Data type specification: parameterization and the

power of specification techniques, IBM Report n°RC7757,

Yorktown Heights, New-York (]979).

/AU/ - A.V. Aho, J.D. Ullman, The theory of parsing, transla-

tion and compiling, Prentice-Hall, London (1973).

/A/ - K. Apt, Ten years of Hoare's logic: a survey,

Erasmus University report, Rotterdam (]979).

/AFR/ - K. Apt, N. Francez, W.P. de Roever, Semantics for con-

currently communicating finite sequential processes,

based on predicate transformers, Report of the Vakgzoep

informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (1979).

/AI/ A. Arnold, Schemas de programmes recursifs non d~ter-

ministes avec appel synchrone, in Transformations de

programmes, 3 rd Int. Symp. on Progr., Robinet ~d,Dunod,

Paris (1978), 126-140.

/A2/ - A. Arnold, S~mantique alg~brique de l'appel par valeur,

RAIRO Informatique Theorique, 12 (1978), 69-82.

/AD/ - A. Arnold, M. Dauchet, Un Theor~me de duplication pour

les forets alg~briques, JCSS 13 (1976), 223-244.


'~ zL2

A. Arnold, B. Leguy, Une propriet~ des for~ts alg~bri-

ques de Greibach, Coll. de Lille Arbres en Alg~bre et

Progra~ation, (1979), 1-17.

/AN/ - A. Arnold, M. Nivat, Non-deterministic recursive pro-

gram schemes, FCT 77, LNCS ng 56, Springer-Verlag, Berlin

(1977), 12-21.

/ARS/ - J. Arsac, La construction de programmes structures, D~

nod, Paris (1977).

/AK/ J. Arsac, Y. Kodratoff, Some methods for transformation

of recursive procedures into iterative ones, Rapport

LITP ng 79-2, Paris (1979).

/AH/ E.A. Ashcroft, M.Hennessy , The semantics of non-deter

minism, 3 rd ICALP proceedings, Edinburgh University

Press (1976), 478-493.

/ AHP/ - E.A. Ashcroft, Z. Manna, A. Pnueli, Decidable proper-

ties of monadic functional schemes, J.A.C.M. 20 (1973),




- J.W. de Bakker, Least fixed points revisited, TCS

(1976), 155-181.


- J.Bell, A. Slomson, Models and ultraproducts,North-Hol

land, London (1971).



/BI /


G. Berry, J.J. L~vy, Minimal and optimal computations

of recursive programs, JACM 26 (1979), 148-175.

J. A. Bergstra, J. V. %~acker, A cbJaracterisation of ccr~atable data

types by means of a finite equat~oonal specifi~tion method, Proc.

ICALP 80, I/~CS n °. 85, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1980), 76-90.

G. Birkhoff, Lattice Theory, 3 rd ed, AMS, New York


/BLO/ - S. Bloom, Varieties of ordered algebras, JCSS 13(1976),


/BO/ - G. BOudol, Langages polyadiques alg@briques - th@orie

des schemas de programme: s~mantique de l'appel par

valeur, these 3 eme cycle, Paris (1975).

,~K/ - G. Boudol, L. Kott, Recursion induction principle revi m

sited, to appear in TCS.

~ D /


- R.M. Burstall, J. Darlington, A transformation system

for developing recursive programs, JACM 24 (1977),44-67

- J.M. Cadiou, Recursive definitions of partial functions

and their computations, Ph.D. Stanford (1972).

/CH/ - A.K, Chandra, Generalized program schemes, SIAM J. Co n

puting 5 (1976) , 402-413.

- P.M. Cohn, Universal Algebra, Harper & Row, New



/ co /




- B. Courcelle, Infinite trees in normal form and recur-

sive equations having a unique solution, Rep. n9 79-06

Bordeaux University (1979) , also MST 1_3 (1979),]31-180.

B. Courcelle, I. Guessarian, On some classes of

pretations, JCSS 1_/7 (1978), 388-413.


B. Courcelle, M. Nivat, Algebraic families of interpr~

tations, 17 th FOCS (1976), 137-146.

/CR/ B. Courcelle, J.C. Raoult, Completions de magmas ordon

nes, Fundamenta Informaticae 3 (1980), 105-116.

/ c s /


- G. Cousineau, Les arbres ~ feuilles indic~es un cadre

alg~brique des structures de controle, Th~se d'Etat,

Paris (1977).

- N. Dershowitz, Orderings for term-rewriting systems,

FOCS Conf., Porto-Rico (1979), 123-131.


/DN /


- J.E. Donahue, Complementary definitions of programming

language semantics, LNCS n9 42, Springer Verlag (1976),

- J. Doner, Tree acceptors and some of their

tions, JCSS 4 (1970), 406-451.


- V. Donzeau - Gouge, Utilisation de la s~mantique d~no-

tationnelle pour la description d'interpr~tations non-

standard: application ~ la validation et ~ l'optimisa-

tion des program/nes, 3 rd Int. Symp. on Progr.,Robineted.,

Dunod, Paris (1978), 315-335.





/F /






/GOO/ -



- P. Downey, Formal languages and recursion schemes,Ph.

D. Harvard (1974).

- P. Downey, R. Sethi, Correct computation rules for

recursive languages, SIAM J. Comp. 5 (1976), 378-401.

- J. Engelfriet, Simple program schemes and formal langua-

ges, LNCS 2_O0, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1974).

- J. Engelfriet, M. Schmidt, IO and OI, JCSS 15 (1977),

328-353 and JCSS 16 (1978), 67-99.

- M. Fischer, Grammars with macro-like productions, 9 th

IEEE Symp. SWAT (1968), 131-142.

- E. Friedman, Deterministic languages and monadic re-

cursion schemes, Ph.D. Harvard (1974).

- J. H. Gallier, Alternate proofs and new results about

recursion schemes and DPDA's, Report MS-CIS-80-7,Dept.

Comp. Sc. University of Pennsylvania (1980).

- M.-C. Gaudel, G~n@ration et preuve de compilateurs bas~e

sur une s~mantique formelle des langages de programmation,

Th~se d'Etat, Nancy (1980).

- S. Gerhart, Proof theory of partial correctness veri-

fication systems, SIAM J. Comp. 5 (1976), 355-377.

- J. Goguen, Correctness and equivalence of data types,

Int. Sy~p. Math. Syst. Th., LN Econ. Math. Syst. 131

(1976), 352-358.

D. Goossens, La m~ta~valuation au service de la com-

prehension de program.rues, Tn~se 3~me ~cle, Paris (1980) .

- S. Greibach, Theory of program structures: schemes,

semantics, verification, LNCS 3_6, Springer-Verlag,

Berlin (1975).


/GRE/ - P. Greussay, Contributic~ la d~finition interpretative et

~impl~nentation des l-langages, Th~se d'Etat, Paris (1977).

/GI/ - I. Guessarian, On continous completions, Proc.4 th GI,

LNCS ng 67,Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979),142-152.

/G2/ I. Guessarian, Une m~thode syntaxique d'optimisation

de programme, in transformations de programmes, 3 rd

Int. Symp. on Prog., Dunod, Paris (1978), 352-366.

/G3/ I. Guessarian, Schemas r~cursifs polyadiques: ~quiva-

lences et classes d'interpr~tations, These d'Etat, Uni

versit~ Paris 7 (1975}.


/G5 /

/G6 /


/~E /

I. Guessarian, Apropos de la s~mantique de l'appel par

valeur selon A. Arnold, RAIRO Informatique Th~orique i_~2

(1978), 287-289.

- I. Guessarian, Les tests et leur caract~risation synta-

xique, RAIRO Informatique Th~orique l_!l (1977), 133-156.

- I. Guessarian, Program transformations and algebraic se

mantics, TCS 9 (1979) , 39-65.

- J. Guttag, Abstract data types and the development of

data structures, CACM 20 (1977), 396-404.

- M. Hennessy, Algebraic semantics over equational clas-

ses, to appear.

C. Henry, R~solution d'~quations alg~briques sur le

magma libre: application aux transformations de progra m

mes, Th~se 3 ~me cycle, Paris (1978).

/ ~ o /





- C.A.R. Hoare, Procedures and parameters, an axiomatic

approach, Symp. on Sem. of Algor. Lang., Lect. Notes in

Math. n9 188, Springer-Verlag, New-York (1971),102-116.

- G. Huet, J.-M. Hullot, Proofs by induction in equational

theories with constructors, 21st FOCS (1980), to appear.

- G. Huet, B. Lang, Proving and applying program trans-

formations expressed with second order patterns, to

appear in Acta Informatica.

- I. Ianov, The logical schemes of algorithms, in Pro-

blems of cybernetics, Pergamon Press, London (1960),


/IN/ - K. Indermark, Schemes with recursion on higher types,

MFCS 76, LNCS n9 45, Springer-Verlag, New York (1976),





- G. Jacob, Substitution dans les arbres et non determi-

nisme. Appel par nom et appel synchrone, in les arbres

en Alg~bre et programmation, 2 nd Coll. Lille (1977),


- S. Kamin, J.-J. L~vy, Attempts for generalizing

recursive path orderings, in preparation.

- L. Kott, Des substitutions dansles syst~mes d'equations

alg~briques sur le magma; application aux transforma-

tions de programme eta leur correction, Th~se d'Etat,

Paris (1979).

- B. Lang, Threshold evaluation and the semantics of call-

by-value assignment and generic procedures, 4 th ACM

Symp. POPL (1977).




- P. Lescanne, Etude alg~brique et relationnelle des types

abstraits et de~repr@sentations, Th~d'Etat, Nancy (1980).

C. Livercy, Th@orie des progra~mes: sch@mas, preuves ,

s@mantique, Dunod, Paris (1978).

/LPP/ - D. Luckham, D. Park, M. Paterson, On formalized compu-

ter programs, JCSS 4 (1970), 220-249.

/MC/ J. Mac Carthy, A basis for a mathematical theory of

computation, in computer programming and formal sys-

tems, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1963), 33-70.



- M.E. Majster, Data types, abstract data types and their

specification problems, TCS 8 (1979), 89-127.

- Z. Manna, Mathematical theory of computation, Mac Graw

Hill, New-York (1974).

/MNV/ - Z. Manna, S. Ness, J. Vuillemin, Inductive Methods for

proving properties of programs, CACM 15 (1972), 528-536.

/M/ - A. Mazurkiewicz ' Proving algorithms by tail functions,

Information and Control i~8 (1971), 220-226.

AMA / - G. Markowsky, Chain-complete posets and directed sets

with applications, Alg. Universalis ~ (1976), 53-68.

/MR/ - G. Markowsky, B. Rosen, Bases for chain-complete posets,

iBM J. of Res. and Dev. 20 (1976), 138-147.

/ME/ - J. Meseguer, Ideal monads and Z-posets, Not. Am. Math.

Soc. 25 (1978), 579-580, to appear.


J. Mezei, J. B. Wright, Algebraic automata and context

free sets, Information and Control ii (1967), 3-29.

/~i/ - R. Milner, Implementation and application of Scott's

logic for computable functions, Proc. ACM conf., ACM

New-York (1972), 1-6.

/MI2/ - R. Milner, Models of LCF, Stanford A.I. Lab. Memo.AIM

186/CS 332, Stanford(1973).

/MI3/ - R. Milner, An algebraic theory for synchronization,

Proc. 4 th GI conf., LNCS nQ 67, Springer-Verlag,Berlin

(1974), 27-35.

/MO /

/NI /

J. Morris, Another recursion induction principle,

ACM 14 (1971), 351-354.


- M. Nivat, Langages Algebriques sur le magma libre et

semantique des schemas de programmes, in Proc.l st. Int.

Coll. Automata, Languages and Programming, North-Holland,

Amsterdam (1972), 293-308.

/N2/ - M. Nivat, On the interpretation of recursive polyadic

program schemes, Symposia Mathematlca i~5 Rome (1975),


/N3/ M. Nivat, Interpretation universelle d'un schema

programme r~cursif, Informatica 7 (1977), 9-16. w


/N4/ - M. Nivat, Non deterministic programs: an algebraic over-

view, to appear in IFIP 80 Proceedings.

/No/ L. Nolin, Syst~n~s algorithmiques, syst~mes fonction-

nels, in Proc. I st ICALP, North-Holland, Amsterdam

(1972), 309-318.

/OG/ - S. Owicki, D. Gries, An axiomatic proof technique for

parallel programs, Acta Informatica 6 (1976), 319-340.

/PAI/ - C. Pair, Sur les modules des types abstraits alg~briques,

S~minaire d'Informatique Th~orique,LITP Report, Paris

(1981), to appear.

/ ~ / - D. Park, Fixpoint induction and proofs of program pro

perties, in Machine Intelligence ~, Edinburgh Univers !

ty Press (1970), 59-78.

/PAl - M. Paterson, Equivalence problems in a model of compu-

tation, Ph.D., ~T Cambridge (1967).

- M. Paterson, C. Hewitt, Comparative Schematology, Proj.

MAC Conf. on Conc. Syst. and parallel Comput., ACM,New

York, (1971), 119-128.



- J.F. Perrot, Programmes, mots et arbres, Rend. Sem.

Math. Univ. Politecn. Torino 36 (1977-1978), 11-14.

th D. Plaisted, Program schemas with counters, Proc. 4

ACM Symp. on the theo~ of computing, ACM, New York

(1972), 44-51.


/PLO/ - G. Plotkin, Call-by-name, call-by-value and the l-cal-

culus, TCS 1 (1975), 125-159.

/ROB/ B. Robinet, Types et fonctionalit~, in "Lambda-calcul et

S~mantique formelle des languages de program~ation" ,

6~me Ecole de Printemps, La Ch~tre (1978) , p. 303-325.

/R~ /


- W. P. de Roever, J.W. de Bakker, A calculus for recur-

sive program schemes, Proc.l st.ICALP, North-Holland ,

Amsterdam (1972), 167-197.

- B. K. Rosen, Program equivalence and context-free gra-

mars, 13 th SWAT (1972), 7-18.

/RII - B.K. Rosen, Tree-manipulating systems and Church-Rosser

theorems, J.A.C.M. 20 (1973), 160-187.



- W.C. Rounds, Mappings and grammars on trees, Math. Syst.

Theory 4 (1970), 257-287.

M.P. Scbiutzenberger, Pushdown automata and context-

free languages, Information and Control 6 (1963), 246-


/ss/ - D. Scott, C.Strachey, Toward a mathematical semantics

for computer languages, Techn. Monograph PRG-6, Oxford

Univ. Computing Lab. (1971).





D. Scott, Data types as lattices, SIAM J. Comput.

(1976), 522-587.


- M. Sintzoff, Ensuring correctness by arbitrary

postfixed-points, MFCS 78, Ed. J. Winkowski, LNCS

nQ 64, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1978), 484-492.

L. Snyder, An analysis of parameter evaluation for re-

cursive procedures, Ph.D. Carnegie - Mellon Univ.,

Pittsburgh (1973).

/ST/ J. Stoy, Denotational semantics: the Scott-Strachey a~

proach to programming language theory, MIT Press, Cam-

bridge, Mass. - London (1977).

/STR/ - H. R. Strong, Translating recursion equations into

flowcharts JCSS 5 (1971), 254-285.



J.W. Thatcher, Tree automata: an informal survey, in

currents in the theory of computing, Prentice-Hall,Lo~

don (1973), 143-178.

- P.A.S. Veloso, T.H.C. Pequeno, Don't write more axioms

than you have to: a methodology for the complete and cor-

rect specification of abstract data types, Proc. ICS78,

Nankang (China), also report Monografia em Ciencia da

Computagao n ° 10/79, PUC Rio de Janeiro (1979).

/v/ - J. Vuillemin, Syntaxe, s~mantique et axiomatique d'un

langage de programmation simple, th~se d'Etat, Paris




- W. Wadge, Personnal communication (1978).

/WE/ - B. Wegbreit, Goal directed program transformations,

IEEE SE-2 (1976), 69-80.

/WER/ - H. Wertz, Un syst~me de comprehension de programmes

incorrects, Proc. 3rd ISP, B. Robinet Ed., Dunod,

Paris (1978), 31-49.

/~rB/ - M. Wirsing, M. Broy, Abstract data types as lattices

of finitely generated models, MFCS 80, LNCS n 9 88,

Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1980), 673-685.


conditionnally complete (subset) 96

congruence 73

continuous mapping 32

....... relation 72

copy (of an occurrence) 124

correct (computation rule) 48

cpo 53

C-relational (class of interpretations) 107

C-smaller 74

D 95

denotational semantics 59

depth (of a term) 15

derivation 25

(left, OI) 26

descendant 17

directed subset 32

discrete interpretation 95

ordering 55, 95

domain (of an F-magma) 14

(of an interpretation) 53

(of a tree) 17

E R 90

equational (class of interpretations) 90

equivalence (C- ,) 74

( I- ) 73 , 74 , 116

(strong .... ) 56

F 94

factor (left, right) 16

F-algebra 14

family (of interpretations) 73

father 17


F-magma 14

first-order (class of interpretations) 102

free complete F-magma 35

free F-magma 16

free interpretation 54 , 76

full substitution rule 45

function computed (by a tree w.r.t, an interpretation)

(by a scheme --) 58

H 54

H R , H 92

height (of an ordered domain) 94

Herbrand interpretation 54 , 76

74 , 99

l-equivalence 73 , ?4 , 116

ideal 33

increasing (monotone mapping)

interpretation 53

(C-free) 76

76 (C-Herbrand)

(free) 54

........ (Herbrand) 54

(initial) 54

(universal) 54

(valuated) 53

Kleene computation rule

-- sequence 45

substitution rule

L(S,t) 26 , 40

L' (S,t) 26

LR(S,t) 48



14 , 33



label 17

language (generated by a tree-grammar) 26

leaf 17

left derivation 26

length (of a chain) 94

macroexpansion 38

M 14

M 33

M(F,V) 15

M~(F,V) 35

monotone (increasing mapping)

morphism 14 , 33

node (in a tree) 17

occurrence (in a tree) 18

OI (outside-in) computation rule 44

OI ( ) derivation 26

operational semantics 63

parallel-innermost (computation rule) 50

parallel-outermost ( ) 49

preorder 71

product ordering 32

R 48 , 90

recursive image 126

program scheme 38

scheme 38

reduction 64

relational (class of interpretations) 90

rewriting 26, 39

(system) 25

. . . . . . . ( ~- ~) 39

root (of a tree) 17

14 , 33


S 25 , 38

S~ 38

(S,t) 38

son 17

strong equivalence 56

(S,t) i 58

(S,t) (i,m) 54

subinterpretation 95

substitution (in a tree) 22

substitution-closed (relation) 73

T H 54

t I 56

T I 58

54 T(I,V)

T(S,t) 48

tree 17

(finite) 18

(infinite) 35 , 37

tree-grammar 25

useless (occurrence)

ValalgI(S,t) 59

ValdenI(S,t) 61

ValoP(i,~) (S,t) 66


value computed by a scheme (w.r.t. an interpretation)

word 16



Algebraic class of interpretations

closure (of a relation ) 84

cpo 81

interpretation 82

relation 73

semantics 59

ancestor 17

approximations (finite) 37

base 81

C n , C , C 95

C(A) 102

C R 90

C(R) 107

Cva 1 78

C v 76 C ,

call-by-value 50

C-equational (class of interpretations)

C-equivalence 74

C-free, C-Herbrand (inter

chain 94

class (of interpretations

compact (element) 81

compatible (relation) 72

(trees) 35

complete (ordered set)

(magma) 33

computation rule 48

sequence 39,63

conditional 107

)retation) 76





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