Page 1: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图



Page 2: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图 和态度。

Page 3: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

【课程精讲】 一、考情分析

1. 占 40 分,其他题目也考查阅读能力,比如:单项选择。 2. 不重视词汇和阅读文章,偏爱语法和单选;

缺乏兴趣; 3. 没有良好的阅读习惯和阅读技巧,阅读失分


Page 4: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图


1. 对语篇领悟能力是重点和基本点。 2. 选材多样化、现代化和生活化,突显语言与文化相结合的特点。 3. 提高试题信息含量,体现新课程理念:注重考查同学们获取、分辨、整合、加工和表述信息的能力。 4. 材料“原汁原味”,设问更深入。

Page 5: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

San Francisco has its cable cars. Seattle has its Space Needle. And, Longview has its squirrel bridge. The bridge, which has attracted international attention, is now a local landmark.

The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in 1963 by a local builder, Amos Peters, to give squirrels a way to cross the busy road without getting flattened by passing cars.

The original bridge was built over Olympia Way on the west edge of the library grounds. Before the bridge was built, squirrels had to avoid traffic to and from the Park Plaza office building where office staff put out a nutty feast for the squirrels. Many times, Peters and others who worked in and near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over.

One day Peters found a dead squirrel with a nut still in its mouth, and that day’s coffee break discussion turned into squirrel safety. The group of businessmen cooked up the squirrel bridge idea and formed a committee to ask the blessing of the City Council (市政会) .The Council approved, and Councilwoman Bess LaRiviere jokingly named the bridge “Nutty Narrows”.

After architects designed the bridge, Amos Peters and Bill Hutch started construction. They built the 60-foot bridge from aluminum and lengths of fire hose (消防水带) . It cost $1,000.

It didn’t take long before reports of squirrels using the bridge started. Squirrels were even seen guiding their young and teaching them the ropes. The story was picked up by the media, and Nutty Narrows became known in newspapers all over the world.

In 1983, after 20 years of use, Peters took down the worn-out bridge. Repairs were made and crosspieces were replaced. The faded sign was repainted and in July 1983, hundreds of animal lovers attended the completion ceremony of the new bridge.

Peters died in 1984, and a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memory of its builder and his devotion to the project. (山东高考阅读理解 C 篇)

Page 6: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

San Francisco has its cable cars. Seattle has its Space Needle. And, Longview has its squirrel bridge. The bridge, which has attracted international attention, is now a local landmark.

The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in 1963 by a local builder, Amos Peters, to give squirrels a way to cross the busy road without getting flattened by passing cars.

The original bridge was built over Olympia Way on the west edge of the library grounds. Before the bridge was built, squirrels had to avoid traffic to and from the Park Plaza office building where office staff put out a nutty feast for the squirrels. Many times, Peters and others who worked in and near Park Plaza witnessed squirrels being run over.

One day Peters found a dead squirrel with a nut still in its mouth, and that day’s coffee break discussion turned into squirrel safety. The group of businessmen cooked up the squirrel bridge idea and formed a committee to ask the blessing of the City Council (市政会) .The Council approved, and Councilwoman Bess LaRiviere jokingly named the bridge “Nutty Narrows”.

Page 7: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

After architects designed the bridge, Amos Peters and Bill

Hutch started construction. They built the 60-foot bridge from aluminum and lengths of fire hose (消防水带) . It cost $1,000.

It didn’t take long before reports of squirrels using the bridge started. Squirrels were even seen guiding their young and teaching them the ropes. The story was picked up by the media, and Nutty Narrows became known in newspapers all over the world.

In 1983, after 20 years of use, Peters took down the worn-out bridge. Repairs were made and crosspieces were replaced. The faded sign was repainted and in July 1983, hundreds of animal lovers attended the completion ceremony of the new bridge.

Peters died in 1984, and a ten-foot wooden squirrel sculpture was placed near the bridge in memory of its builder and his devotion to the project.

Page 8: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图


Page 9: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

1. The Nutty Narrows Bridge was built in order to ________.

A.offer squirrels a place to eat nuts

B. set up a local landmark

C. help improve traffic

D. protect squirrels

2. What happened over the coffee break discussion?

A. The committee got the Council’s blessing.

B. The squirrel bridge idea was born.

C. A Councilwoman named the bridge.

D. A squirrel was found dead.

Page 10: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

3. What does the underlined phrase “teaching them the ropes”

probably mean in the text?

A. Passing them a rope.

B. Directing them to store food for winter.

C. Teaching them a lesson.

D. Showing them how to use the bridge.

4. Which of the following is TRUE of the squirrel bridge?

A.It was replaced by a longer one.

B. It was built from wood and metal.

C. It was rebuilt after years of use.

D. It was designed by Bill Hutch.

Page 11: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

5. What can we learn about Amos Peters?

A. He is remembered for his love of animals.

B. He donated $1,000 to build the bridge.

C. He was a member of the City Council.

D. He was awarded a medal for building the bridge.

Page 12: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图


1. 先通读,后细读 首先快速浏览,了解文章大体讲的是什么,理顺句子或段落间的关系,准确地把握文章的主旨。在掌握了文章的大体内容后,我们再根据需要解答的问题逐句细读,认真分析词义及句子结构,从而更准确地把握文章的具体内容。

Page 13: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

An old friend from California called from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was not able to leave the office, but I had made plans for his arrival. After explaining where my new house was, I told him that I had left the key under the doormat(门垫) . Since I knew it would be pretty late before I could get home, I suggested that he make himself at home and help himself to anything that was in the refrigerator.

Two hours later my friend phoned me from the house. At the moment, he said, he was listening to some of my records after having had a delicious meal. Now, he said, he was drinking a glass of orange juice. When I asked him if he had had any difficulty finding the house, he answered that the only problem was that he had not been able to find the key under the doormat, but luckily, the living room window by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in through the window. I listened to all this in great surprise. There is no apple tree outside my window, but there is one by the living room window of my next door neighbor’s house!

Page 14: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

文章大意 我的一个朋友在机场给我打电话,他到了


Page 15: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

1. An old friend of mine called ______.

A. to tell me to meet him at the airport

B. to tell me about his arrival

C. to ask me to leave the office

D. to ask me to make plans for his arrival

2. My friend climbed into the room because ______.

A. there was an apple tree outside

B. the living room window was left open

C. he had difficulty opening the door

D. he hadn’t found the key

Page 16: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

2.略读 略读( skimming )是利用较短的时间粗略地阅读全文的阅读策略,其主要目的是迅速抓住文章的主旨大意或作者的写作意图。

Page 17: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

在运用这一方法阅读文章时,要特别注意: ①文章的标题; ②文章的首句或引导性段落; ③文章尾部的结论性词汇; ④反映段落中心思想的主题句。

Page 18: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

What do you think of British people and American people? You might think that there are no differences between the people in the two countries. After all they speak the same language, don’t they? But if you ask a British or an American person, the differences are quite great.

What do British people think Americans are like? The British think Americans are very strange. They make a lot of noise and they laugh too loudly. They are rich, and they only think about money. But the British do say that Americans are kind, friendly people. They are happy to help you if you are in trouble.

What do Americans think of the British? Well, they think the British are cold and very unfriendly. They are not interested in success or in making lots of money. They think Britain is the best country in the world. They look down upon other countries. But Americans say that the British are quite good workers. They are brave and honest. And in time of trouble they face difficulties happily.

You can see that these ideas can cause misunderstanding between the British and Americans. But when American and British people become friends, they usually find things are not as bad as they expected.

Page 19: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图



Page 20: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

1. What do the British think Americans are like?

A. They are strange but friendly.

B. They are poor.

C. They are rich but unfriendly.

D. They are happy in trouble.

2. The American and British people usually get along

quite well _____.

A. when misunderstanding is caused between them

B. once they become friends

C. after they fight

D. when they help each other

Page 21: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

3. 查读 查读( scanning ),也称为扫描式阅读,


Page 22: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图



Page 23: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

Last year I went to Nepal(尼泊尔) for three months to work in a hospital. I think it’s important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle(丛林) and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me. We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our equipment. It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants’ backs to see better, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the daytime.

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We moved nearer and found a dead deer. This was the tiger’s lunch! I started to feel very frightened.

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out suddenly, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long. It grabbed(咬住) Kamal’s leg between its teeth, but I succeeded in pulling Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep.

The writer of the passage must be____ . A. a Nepalese doctor B. a foreign tourist C. a Nepalese traveler D. a foreign doctor

Page 24: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

4.默读 朗读:每分钟 125 个词 默读:每分钟 150 个— 600 词。 默读时一定要做到如下三点: ①全神贯注; ②积极思维; ③减少回视。

Page 25: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

As one comes to some crossroads, he or she sees a sign which says that drivers have to stop when they come to the main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually have to stop unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road; and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road.

Mr. Williams, who was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when he came to a crossroad. It had a “SLOW” sign. He slowed down when he came to the main road, looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely.

At once he heard a police whistle(口哨声) , so he pulled into the side of the road and stopped. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and a pen in his hand and said, “You didn’t stop at that crossing.”

“But the sign there doesn’t say ‘STOP’.” answered Mr. Williams, “It just says ‘SLOW’, and I did go slow.”

The policeman looked around him, and a look of surprise came over his face. Then he put his notebook and pen away, scratched(抓) his head and said, “Well , I’m in the wrong street!”

Page 26: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

1. Mr. Williams was driving ____ one evening.

A. to a party B. to his office

C. home after work D. to work from home

2. Looking around Mr. Williams, the policeman was

surprised because____ .

A. he met a crazy man

B. he realized that he himself made a mistake

C. Mr. Williams dared to speak to him like that

D. Mr. Williams would not apologize to him

Page 27: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图


1.丰富词汇量; 2. 培养阅读兴趣; 3. 提高阅读技巧; 4.克服心理障碍,提高学习英语的 积极性。

Page 28: Leo 王者阅读需会做. 【重点导航】 1. 读懂日常生活话题的简短文字材料。 2. 理解主旨要义和具体信息,推断生词词义, 简单判断和推理,理解基本结构,理解意图

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