Page 1: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Lesson 7

What’s Your Project about?

Page 2: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Read the words and expressions loudly.

Page 3: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也






n. 课题,计划n. 兴趣adv. 还,仍旧adj. 不动的,静止的adv. 任何地方, 无论何处n. &v. (开)玩笑


Page 4: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

了解一般过去式; I slept for three full days. We had a great trip. We learne

d so much. And we saw our friend Li Ming again.

We heard a lot about him…

Objectives :

Page 5: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Marco Polo and the Silk Road

Page 6: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Places of interest in China

Page 7: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也
Page 8: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Listen and write true (T) or false (F).

1. Danny slept for three full days.

2. Jenny’s project is about Marco


3. Jenny and Danny will go home

and work on their projects.

Page 9: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Read and answer.

1. What is Danny’s project about?

Danny’s project is about some places of interest in China.

2. What is Danny’s joke?

Danny can’t believe it — they don’t have donuts on the Silk Road.

Page 10: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

3. What is the Silk Road about?

The Silk Road is about history and culture.

Page 11: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Read and fill in the blanks.

Danny and Jenny went on a ___ to China. After they came back, Danny was very tired. He ____ for two full days. Now they are getting ready for their _______. Jenny will taik about Marco Polo for her project.




Page 12: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

Danny’s project is about ___________  __________ in China. He will talk about some places and things they saw along the Silk Road. Will Danny talk about donuts? No! The Silk Road is about the ______ and ______ of China. It’s not about donuts.

some places of interest

history culture

Page 14: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

1. project a part of a school course that involves careful study of a particular subject over a period of time 课题In our third year everyone does a special project. 第三学年,我们每个人都必须做一个特别的课题。

Page 15: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

2. places of interest 名胜古迹Which places of interest in china would you like to visit?你想去参观中国的哪些名胜古迹?There are many places of interest in the city of Beijing.北京城里有许多名胜古迹。

Page 16: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

3. talk about 谈论I can’t talk about this to Sam.

这些话我不能对山姆说。We had plenty to talk about.


Page 17: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

4. make a joke


But he is always just making a joke.


Did you just make a joke?

你刚才是在开玩笑吗 ?.

Page 18: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

5. work on


Exercise can work on the three systems.


I prefer to work on it alone.


Page 19: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也
Page 20: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

1. The research ______ ( 课题 ) was on

ly a partial ( 部分 ) success.

2. Beijing is famous for its ancient ( 古老的 ) _______________ ( 名胜古迹 ).

3. If you don’t like the job, why are yo

u ___ ( 仍旧 ) there?

I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式。


places of interest


Page 21: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

4. He’ll meet you _________ ( 任何地方 ) you want.

5. Why must we _________ ( 谈论 ) war?6. I have no mood ( 心情 ) to _________

_ ( 开玩笑 ).7. The two machines _______ ( 工作 ) th

e same principle ( 原理 ).


talk about make a joke

work on

Page 22: Lesson 7 What’s Your Project about?. 学生早读时已预习过本课单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学 生快速回顾温习,对单词的 熟练度越高,阅读的速率也

— Where were you last Saturday?

— I ____ in the Capital Museum. (201

2 北京 )

A. am B. will be

C. was D. have been

II. 单项选择。

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Write about a place of interest you know and draw a

picture of it.

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