Page 1: Lesson plan template with examples

Lesson Plan

Context: Unit type: Unit Title:

Outcome(s) (what will students know and be able to do at the end of this lesson? How will this/these outcomes(s) help students accomplish BALs, CCCs, ELA Aim, and Goals?

Assessing and Evaluating “before” teaching

(What do students already know and what can they already do? What do they need to learn and be able to do as a result of this lesson? How will they show what they know?)

Lesson Focus

Resources/ Materials

Before (Engaging activities) How will I introduce the lesson

(How will I introduce and prepare my students for the focus or key task of the lesson? What background do I

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need to build? What is the purpose and focus of this lesson?)

During (Exploring Activities) How will I develop the lesson.

(How will I explicitly teach, explain, or model the skills and strategies that students need to use as they view, listen, read, represent, speak, or write to achieve the outcome(s)?)

After (Consolidating and Extending Activities) How will I bring closure to this lesson.

(How will I help students review, practice, respond, synthesize, and apply what they have learned?)

Assessing and Evaluating “for” learning.

(What have students learned? What do they know and understand? What are they able to do?)

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