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l\,vqnt ljo thonk everyoneiNoh/ed In cleoiicg lhls book.

lom sinceely grcJeful loDonold Holden, I\,4ory Suffudyond Condoce Roney for lheif

wisdom ond gL]idonce.

Ed'led by Mary SLrilody and Candace Ran6yOe{ign€d by Bob FlleGraphic p|oduclion by E len G€ons

Cogright @ 1986 by Wat6on-G Lrpli I Pub loations

Fn$ pubtished 1986 in N€w York by Watson-Guplill PLrbllcations,a dMsioi ol Billboard Publications, nc.1515 aroadway New York, N.Y 1003€

t ir'ry ot Congr€s Cat loging.ln"Publlcatlon D6lt

Lrssolls tom Michelangslo.

1. F$tEdlawing-Tschnique. 2. Drawing,FgEirsaE-E{hniqu6. 3. [4ichelangelo Buonarlo,r475-156a-Thern€€, moti!€s. l. Title.ifc6t5.B8'/ €86 743'.4 86-11107rsa o{e*zzr+1Disttrtsd h !E t niled Kingdom by Phaidon Press, Lld.,Li@ab Eols€, SL Ebbeb St., Oxiofd

All riits r€s€.Ed. No pa.t of ihis publication may berwodr€d 6us€d h any iom or by any means graphic,electD.*i n nE ls*:al. indlding photocopying, recod'ng,lalirE, 6 hturdir| $rage ard leideval systems-wilhoutsm€.t pr.tri*irx: d t|e Fui*rer

Manuftdll€d in U.S-A.

1 23,1 5 6 7 8910/91 9089 8A 87 86

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l\lHI lloi lSOd OH/!{ SllCOv',I IHI CNVcuol tHI io $sLalv IHI TIV ol

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The Upper limb uuIHE MUSCLES OF]HE UPPER A?IV €9



.. itE lvuscrrs or nE FoREARM AND IHUMB 98. : IVASSING IHE FOREARN' ,oo



The Lowef Lifllb ,ooTHE FRONT OF THE 1HIOH ,10l







G l n S S A D v , / n- : - : , : : i . ' r ' . , , : r i : I : : . . : .


Dropery r:cFSTABI SF NG VPSS 1I4

"yii,Tic lli:gi"_s g:?*_T 1.,l.t::i,'.r:: -t ,I , .M4SSING WTH Llcllt AND SHADF 'r34

: .. .r, .. , I ,, .THE GESTURE-oRRH\+jM oF FABnlc : /36

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nne do,/ \dh e vlewing o drow ng showVhod on etperience thot offected m--:eeplyLs cosuo ywo kedlhroughihe room,:aw o drowing I coudn't toke my ey€s olf,

:nd ol lhe olher drowlngs seemed sho owand und sl ingu shed by compor son. Thoi:rcwing wos o nude sfudy by M chelongelol i h o u g h h o d b e e n l o m i o r w l h'.ilche ongelot work ol my fe, iseemed lhol.nly now perhops becouse of myeducolion:nd troin ng, was lrecept\€to hh nfe|preto_ ?ns of lhe figufe nfocl,ilwasos f hodn-.ver:eenlhem before ondlholnothing could be-ore exciiing lhcn lo be n ihe presence of_ gh Renoissonce od ond flno ly hove eyes_rol cou d see it

Since lhol doy I ho!€ been lhoroLrghly n,c\,€d n the process ond mogic of drowing_.1e fgure My increosed knowledge hos_e\€rde$royed lhe sponlonelly ond mogcl' hos only enhonced ilgreoiy ln foct, I ho!€'rund thol drow ng wthout o frm foundolion_ lhe p ncpes of onoiomy s more diflicu Iron ihe lsdrn ng of lhose prnciples

When begon io wte lh s book, mY inTen-_3n wqs io keep the spirl of fgu€ drowing.iocl.lho!€ nol oltempled io soy eveMhingroi con be said oboul drowing, nor frove- ed to lisi olLihe musc es oflhe h!mon bodyiclher, in o mosi pleoslroble wqy, I \tonlecl to: i down wiih \,ou, look ol these mognifcenl,,crks ond begin discusslng those cspects of',llch6ongelo3 \^ofk lhoi ore ceoresl lo ob-:?tue os wel os mosl imporiant io lilsl_roie'3iJ|e drow ng,

when lbegon io wriie ihis book, my inienrn wos io keep lhe spit of figure drowng_ioct, ho\€ nol oliernpted to soy e\€Mh ng-ci con be so d oboui drowng, nor hove I- ed to sl a I the mlrscles of the humon bodl

Rothet in o mosl p eosurable woy, l ws nled lost down wilh you, look ai lhese mogn ficentworks ond beg n d scuss ng those ospecls ofeoch wgrk thol o re cleo resi 1l. observe os weos mosi imporloni lo lirst role fgure drowing

Iire draw ngs se ecied ior th s trook showih,. figure in many wrols poses irom a lditerenl po nls ofvew There is o greoloppodunly here 10 observe howo mosler drcflsmonforeshodens mony ol the fofms of lhe bodyond chonges lheif shopes in ihe different

Anyone who serously $onts lo underslondgreol frgure drowing musl de\r'cie o conslderob e omounlof lirne lolhesludyof onolomyhove only concenlroled on the mosl imporionl muscles ond musce groups on l1_ie slrface of the f gure For greoler clorlv I ho\€ncluded next lo Michelongelob works o diogrom of lhe skeleton show ng ony ihe muscle or musces under discussion These orenlended io he p you underslond ond re-anember exocily where o fom begins and

These wrl ngs oTe io be considered on in-troducton or cotolysl io o pfofound slLlciy thoiyo! w spend lhe rest of )o!r doys enJoy ng. Ifei strongly ihol \tonled lo create o bookihoi would knock down some borefs onda low \,oung orihis io beg n to reqlly undef-stond the lorms offhe flgure,li ls cleorto methal f wonled ihe reoder lo shore my g€oTenihlsiosm for onolomyand drqwng prlnc-p es, wou d have lo express some comp exdeos in o more simplfed wqy ond I lokeresponsib iV lor thot.

N4ore lhon on!4hng ese, lhis book is iheexpress on of o lo\,€ affo r thol I hove hod wllhthe exhoordinory drawlngs of lhe greoleslmoster of the figure, Mcheongeo.

Michoe BubonNew York C ly, 1986

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SKETCH'S FOR INF NUDES1508, tadd point ontl p.n73/r'. t 9qt p1.27 t 24.45 ch)

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Eorm is eleMh n9. For Miche onge o, drowI ng s o pfoceou€ rcr oercrmrnrng rcrmthe i uson of form s merely appfoxmole iJlorm is ndicoled by lighl ond shode oloneThe shope of o form s delined exaclly by iheuse of ne, fire lhree seaied figLrres weredrown wilh lighl sketchy Ines colled p€nr''menli 'Yepenlonces," or chonges of m ndbeforc lhe lnol contour is drown.

Prelminory sketches or conlour drowngsthol ndicote overol proport ons ondlhe gesfure of the pose o€ essenliol lo sLrccessfufgu€ drowings, There is not much poini inmoving onlo sLrch deloils os honds or€elor

Preliminory Skerches10 lhe nside modelng of lhe fgue wilhoulfirsi eslab shing the ollside shope oJlhe figuTe n o geneTotwgy

E!€ry figure hos on implcil oclion, or ges-ture.]he lne A connech ihe ports of lhe bodylrcm heod io ioe and suggesis lhe geslure ofnre pose.Gestu€ isthe h.4hm or music ofthefigure. which creoles o peosing relotionsh pbenreen one form cnd onolher Mchefongelo ncorporoled o slrong sense of gesture in o lof hisdrowngs. Hh bold curving ondspiroling ines pre\r'enled lire pose frcm be-coming stiff ond wno'rurol,

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Indicoling Form with line

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lllchelongelo drew consfonil\4 ond be-ItI couse poper was expensi\e in the six-leenth ceniury h s pogeswele n\oroblyf lledwlh o\,e opping sketches ond studies. lheskelches on ihis poge cleor y demonsirole hiseorly esioblishmenl of powe !1, e\ocot\€dlowings. The bod, untolierng ines used londicote lhe oulside shope of ihe odulttg!€and ch d {A) ore beoulifu ydrown Once theoliside conlour of o llgufe v/os delermined,

Mcheongelo begon to ind cote more de-io ed forms He represented skeeiol ondmusculor mosses by quick, light nes For exomple,ihe lnes ol B indicoie the col orbones,or c avcles; ihe shod nes in lhe oreo of Csuggesilhe greol pecioro muscles on lop oflhe r b coge. A ser es of shorl lnes, which \derethen applied lo lhe arge mosses, suggesiforms thoi ore lo be in shodowt nole lhecur\,ed lines on the bock ofihe thlgh oi D.


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The Shopes of Form

The n o fgures on ihe rqhlot lhs drowing,! whch ore rendered n lqhi ondshode (4

were perhops frct skelched ln line, much likethe n o frgu€s on the eft (Bl

It is helplulfilsilo ind colelheoulsideshapeof lhe figLrre in o loose ond genero monner,wilhoul being concemed oboul mnor detoils.l€ep ng in mind howlhe heod,rib coge,ond pe vic mosses ore lo be p oced in spoce,),ou musl o so delerrn ne the poslons of iheorms ond egs, Once you ho€ oppropr ole ydrown lhe ouls de shope lo del lle lhe direciion ond size of ihe forms, lhen colefullyond poienlly refne ollthe genero lines ioochieve the flno ouis de conlour ine As youobser\e the oulside shopes of these fgures,noiicelhe \,orous chonges in difeciion of lhelnes l.liimotely,lhe lines of lhe f glle connolbe vogue; ihey must cleory fepresent theonolomy lt s mportanl, ho\^€!€i notlo drowlines ndicolng deta ls L.htilthe d fecllonsondpropofiions ol the lorger forms ore exoct y lhewoyyouwsnilhem Obviouslythesiudyof lheshopes of ihe forms of ihe body isfundomen-io io drowing ihose forms occuraiey As ihetrueshopes of lhe bone ond rnuscle slructureore underslood, lin€s become \€ry eosy to

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't534, block cholkse / t ' / 4 f t t15 t 1o .6 .n l

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The Skelehl Fromewofl(


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ln the d'owing ol efl, tou con see howIMchelongelo bu i feshy forrns on lop oflhe skeletolshucture.lhe rib coge (AJond lhepevis (B) ore huge bonystructuresonwhichtobose lhe enlire poseondgesture, Londmorkoflhe iLesh \r'ory greonyfrom one ind viduolloonolherOn some modelsthe n pp es ore lowlon olhers lhey ore high Bones g \,e o rel obleset of fixed points, or ondmorks, on whlch tobuiLd o drowing.

lvloke onofomcol drowlngs olong with)o!rdraw nggfrom the model. Ofcourselourrnode does nol ook like on onotomcaldrowng, bui by mokn9 occompony ng skel'etolond muscu ordrcw ngs,youore liflinglhecurtoin of skin n order lo see lhe uhderlyngstrlcture thof detgrmnes lhe shopes on lhe

Agoodwoylo eorn iheformsofihe body slo proclice drowing the majof mosses ffomonoiomy chorh Drow ihe frcni, side, ondbock views Close ihe book dnd see howmuch 'ou can dfowlrcm memory ll ls a so ogood ideo lo proclice drowing frcm thegreot mo$ers, lf N,l chelongelo con gi\€ )ouon ideo where the lines shou d be pul down,whal betrer help coLJld you ho1€? Anotherwqy io eorn is io dtaw ftom o reol skelefon,Skelch ihe ske eion o\€r your fgure drowingsio see if lou hove ploced ihe bones correcily,Mony bones ore directly LJndor lhe skin-forinstonce, ihe sku l, the knee, ond lhe bonesofihe feol and hoads

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SIUD ES FOR TNE THREE CROSSES1520 2', block ond Ed cholk1 3 " \ q p 3 . A 2 x 2 2 3 6 c h l

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scopula (shou der blqde)der Jo nt (bo l-ond4ockei)

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a2nlb6on eoch side ,

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verteb|oe ( ib)

pelv,ic c€sl

onieior supe or iloc spln€(petvlc potntj

symphys s pubh


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Proportionol Systems



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Ihese boxes ore bosed on thelenglh af the slernum. ^lale lherelallonship af lhis lenglh la alhet

I n drowing, the fgure s bu I oul ol mossesI lhol hove o relofonsh p io eoch oiher:Th 5 sacLect propodons n o ploportono sYslem_-re ori st con use whotever porl of lhe bocly^? kes os o lnl of meosure Then he need:- y anol\/?e how lhh chosen unil Ie oles 10:: erpodsofthe body The onc enl EgYpl ons_:c o propodionol system thoi \das bosed on-,. englh ol lhe midd e fnger opp colions:: rhh syslem oso occur n cerToin exompes:'Greek orl Accordng 10 lhs syslern, the:^qih ofihe midd e fngermuli p ed by n ne'_:.n equos the heght of ihe figure The:^glh of ihe hond muiplied by ien or the:^glh oi ihe looi muLl p ed by sx a so op-: .x moies lhe heghiof on o\€roge hlmon

ri l're deveoped lhe drowing shown here,' . a.eongelo wos evdeniy lhnkng of lhe:_!i1 of lhe knee ond how il le oies lo lhe:-: formsoflhe body Afler correcl y render

:-e porlsoi theknee n ine, M cheongelo:: :eeded to odd lght ond shode-noie- :' -e ght in lhis drowing comes from the=' .-i iowqrd the fronl ol lhe liglrre

-: nlerest ng lo observe lholihe engih oi- : . .39, ihoi s, lhedisloncefromlhetopoi-: ::-rmon lendon, (4, of lhe quodrlceps-,:: . io ihe knee ng polnl, or tuberc e oi-: -: . lBl, equa s the enerlh of lhe br,aosi-

bone, or sternum, minus lhe xiphod process,wh ch s ocoied ot lhe boliom of lhe siern! m

The lenglh oflhe slernum nlocleqLrolslhelonglh of selerc oiher seclions of lhe onoi-omy For exompe, l eqlols the ength of TheclovcLe, the lengih ol lhe shoulder blode, orscop! o,lhe d slonce belween lhe scopu oe,the lenglh of lhe hand m nus lhe tp of lheth rd f nger ond lhe w dth oi ihe heod

n oddton, ihe siernol lenglh mutpledone ond o ho f limes equa slhe lenglh ofiheheod (from the top of the sku io the boliomollhechin)ond the englh ollhe foreorm Theslernol lengih doubed eqLrols ihe engih ollhe r b cooe,ihe oppfox mole u/ dih oiihe fli)coge oi iis wdesl poinl ond ihe engTh ofiheupper orm, or humerus Ihree iimes ihelenglh oilhe siernurn eqlo sihe Lengrih ol ttelhigh os\de os lhe lenglh of ihe egwihlhefool, lhal s, the heighl oi ihe fooi (ihe dislonce from ihe onke io lhe groLlndl

Ho\,e ),ou evercompleled o drow ng oiihefigure only io fnd lhoi lhe head is ioo srno ,ihe orm s ioo long, oI the body sloo wide?The cure for these problems s lo work os muchosyou con wth proporions, The oncienlorTsis of Greece lo\,ed lo work wlh meosurements ond numbers ond those hormon oLrsnumbersloundihe rwoy inlothe re oi onshipsof lhe forms of lhe lgure

Page 23: Lessons from Michelangelo

Proportions Used by Renoissonce Artists

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Qy underrtondng the reoionshrps be-glween fofms in a siond nq f qLrfe you whove a beller deo of whot io expecl whenlou encounler fglres in seoted or €clinng

Arlisis of ihe Reno ssonce were fond ofLrsing ihe englh of Jhe heod os o uni ofmeosure The engih of Jhe heod mulip edseven ond one hof lmes equo/s lhe lotohe ghiof on a\eroge liguretlhe heod lengihmulliplied by eghl equoh lhe heighloJo lollpersonr ond the heod lenglh mulllp/iedroughly by seven equo s lhe he ghl ol o shodndviduol. Renossonce orlsh usualy usedeghi heods as o meosuremenl simpy be-couse il s eosier 10 subdivde eighl lhonse\,en ond o holf. Ofcourse nolo lrnodeho€ihe some height D screpdncy n heighl inmosT insionces, occurs n the o\^€r limbsrlhelengih oilhe heod ond lnrnkdoes not\ilrysomuch. Thelefore, odjuslments n heghlwefe

usuolly mode n the ower lmbsAccording io lhs system of meosuremenf,

ihe heod lself consiitules the irst meosuremeni (A). The second meosuremenl h the dls-lance beireen lhe chin ond ihe nppes (B)The third meosuremeni s lhe d slonce fromlhe n pp es io the e\€ ol the no\,e (C)riheiourlh from the no\€l lo ihe crolch, or sym-phys s publs (D)jthe Rfih fforn ihe crolchloiheleve of lhe mddle ol ihe ihigh (E)r lhe sixthfrom lhe midd e ol lhe lhigh lo ihe le\,e of theknee (D; lhe se\,enfh from lhe knee lo lhem dde ol ihe ower eg (G)j ond the eighfhfrom lhe mlddle of the ower leg io the boltom of the foot (H)

I yo! oppy lhe englh of lhe heod to lhew dihs oisorne oi ihe mossesolihe figufe, ),oucon see lhol lhe length ol one heod equa slhe d slonce be veen the nipples os we oslhe d slonce ocross the \ro si,

One ond one hol heod engihs equo lhe

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iLsiance beireen the ormpih os wellos the, ldlh of lhe mo eh pevc massrlhe lemoebseLvic rnoss ss ghllywidet

the lengih of tu/o heods equoh ihe ds-'3nce ocross lh,a moe3 shouders; the=moeb shouders ore sighty norrov€t The.nglh of iv/o heods s o so equol to ihe lengih:i ilre lhigh.

li so mhiokeio beg n drow ngiromlhelop:: ihe heod ond oliempl lo fn sh your drow_-g of ihe bo1lom oi the fgLrre ojl n one ex:arion Lnsfeod, sketch n ihe poris of The'j!re n o generolv/oy,lndicoing proporiions:_c ceslure, Th nk of ),our figure drow ng os o-.p on which yo! simpy v,/oni io pon ond:;coler ihe plocemenl of the porls of lhe..:dy lhe esloblishmenl of po nts, or lond-ark, ond the plocemenl of ines conneci_3 lfese poinls ore mportonl n poitng: aperproporijonsbetv€enlormsofthebody

- : , " r , . . i L - - .

y'6 you drow conlinuoly scon \,our subleciThe lntroduclion ol bod proporlions resullswhen you Look too long at ony given pan ordeloll of lhe body n oddition to lhe proporlionol sysiems thot hove been d scussed here,why nolexplore ond come up wlh oiher relo_uonships olyour own? The more reollonshipsthoi you conlind os you drow lhe more occu_role your lgure wiL be. Proporiiono sy$emsshoLrld be lseful and comiodoble Mchei_ongeos meoslrremenls oi ihe llgure oreceorly differenl lrcm lhose ol soy E GrecoThe femoe fgu|e oi DeL oh ond the orgerlg!re ofSornson tholyou hove been study nghere ore dfown occording io proporlionolsyslems thal ore roughy ihe same I s ihelengths ol lhe Lrnits of meosure lhal ore d i€leni noiice lhol the heod ol Sornson isi\r ce os lorge os lhol oi Delioh

S,AMSON ANO DEUL AH153A rcd chdlk

loli t 15.!, 127 2 \ 395 ch)

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Designing Fonns

Rhy'hm lines indi.ote lhe flaw ot.rD.Jenlenl within o drcwing ondrclote indiviluol figut$ ta thecompositr, os o whole.

The eftecllve plocemeni ot one obleci inI fe otonto onolheroblecf s\ery mporlonl

in a work of orl. The lhings thot )ou leornoboul drowing o sngle figure willo so be ofhelp in composlng o piciule mode !p ofgroup ngs of frgures. Juslos the€ is o geslule,or h)4hm, throughoulihe lorms lhol moke upo single flgure, there musl be a rhy,thm lhotconnecls muliple imoges,

In ihis drowing of Hercues engoged ind sporole octions, lhe gesfures of lhe ind!vlduolfgures biend hormoniousylo creoie ounif ed composillon Thoif hormonyof gestuecouses the eye lo fow freely from one fgurelo onoiher Try io visuolize curved, ff owing linesthofconnecithe three f gufes in lhls drcwing.A good composilion ollen hos numerousfildhm hes runnlng ln mony different direc-lionr, Thus, ihe pods of o drawing ore neverireoied as bh ond pieces bul work iogetherlo forrn o lorger lnljy

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IHRFE LABORS OF NERCUTES1523 rcd cholk 144" ' 16qr

(27 .31 t 4223 ch )DoDoged

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Simplifying Complex Form

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Thk is o foscinolino skelch nloving monyI fgufes ond much dynom c oct ion, l is!c-

uobe becouse ii shows how lvlchelongelolhoughl oboui ond drew compicoted cus-lers oi inlerocJng fgures These ligures oredrown os simpe iornrs, bll the drowing is inno v\rcy vague, The seporoion of one musclemoss irom onolher on lhese smo i bodies isc eorly deined by Inei ond shorl holchednes ore paced on those tigures or porls ol

fgures 1o €present shoding Nole lhat lheighi source n N/ichelongelo's drowings olmosi o wqys comes from lhe efl

Wrelher lou are working on o drowing ofone fgure or o hlfdred fgures, il is wise lokeep o lihe foms s mple lf you con v suc izeone hundred fgures os one lorge rnoss, youw I ha\e discovered o fundomenlol kuthoboui whot great drowing enloi s lhe sub-ord nolion ofdeioi io ihe elfeclve rendering


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,tW..1 ,16l:r-t:'' 4;' -r,/,:

fhese swtli.g lihes denanstolethe wcy rotiaus fiqutes Elote taeach alrer dthin lhe can'ert af o

SXEICHES TOR TI]E DEAD RIS]NG1534, bl@k cholkll r 161,'127.94, 41.91 en) Dohoaed

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rHECRUC| lo i l lS !5 ,b td .kch . tk3?1 i ' /51" .1 r ' {26239\15s39.n)

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Mossing lhe Heqd

Th s h o delo I of lhe drowing lhol oppeorsI on poge 131.lhe oldestmossing concept

|.Bed by orl sls for lhe head h lhol of ihe bollond the owl. Try to see lhrough deloils of lheheod os if lhey did nol ex sl ond nole lhoi thet rolncose, or cranium, sosphefe(Al.ondthemoss ofthe iJce, when the feolures ore dis-'egoded, oppeors lic be on o\r'ol (B). ll is ex-iemey imporloni ic wderstond the slze ofli|e bo oflhe heod in le olonshipto lhe size

of the owl of lhe nrce. The bollofthe heod, orcronium, willRl inlo a perbcJ sqloret the ovolofthe loce is one ond o holf t mes os long oslhe boll of the heod. People ofien moke lheihe cronium loo smollfor the foce

The orlisl must also consider how these 1vr'olarge mosses ore io be ploced, lhe relolionship of ihe ballof the heod lo the owloflhe foc€ will of cou6e wry depending on iheposiiion of lhe heod.

the relallonshp at the poll of lhehed b t'he awl at thb fo.P wjchonge os the mode/3 pcrtionchonges



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Posifioning fhe Heod in Spoce

r.: i:: i:'


The iosr or dfowng,ucl"r complcoiedI fo{m5 os lhe heod in o llted posilion s

greaiy essened f you lrst th nk ofthot headoso slmpeiorm o bock, cy ndetorovoond ihen place ihis s mpe form n o posilionlhoicor€spondsioihedes red pos ion oi iheheod Disreoord ng ihe ieolures, The drow ngof ihs heod con be Lrnclerslood os a cyiin-der ke mossi lling ntolhe poperoilh,-lop osthe bolTorn of the cyl nder prolecls forwarcl fo cy nder were poced n lhis posion inspoce you wou d see some of lhe c rcu orunder pone allhe boltom or bose bul noneoi the c rculor lop plone. Nol ce lhal lh-- nesrepresenifg lhe hol (Al defne ond ernpho-sze ihe cy ndrcol shope of ihe for-oheocl,ond ihol the rles used for the border of lheower iaw (BJ suggesilhe under pone ol thecy rdetvsuo z ng lhe foce os o cy nderwihines encrc ng t also heps nsure thot youploce eyes, nose, and mouth on the heod

la irs,te lf)e ptapet tlll af thehedd lr .dtowirg. t is helptultalhi.k af the fa.e as o cftnCtical

SIUDY OF IHE NEAD OF DA\II..I1524-21 tot totet)

ed chdtk, bldck choik, ohd peh13', \ 31/,', 63 42 t 21 se cn)



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Prcporfionol Syslems: Fociol Feotures-$; r

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When pasilioning the feo^.trct il is helpful ta divide lheloce inla lhnds wilh light hai

The I fsllhinqs you mighl noice n lhis dfow-I ing of o heod ofe the beoulful ond com

p exdetoih, blllhedelaiharenotwholmokeihs drowing greol Whol h mportant lonollce s lhclthe smollerforms o€ drawn sothotihey appeorlo resl grocefully on lop oflhe ofger moss of lhe heod ls€lf. Heodsdrown by Micheangeo ovr'cys gile the usion of beng o solid moss n spoce.

When decid ng on lhe plocoment ol lhefeotures, t s hepful lo divide lhe loce inioTh rds You might want lo rln ghl horizoniolnes oround lhe ow - ike moss of ihe foce althe evel of lhe balures. The foreheod fromthe holrine lo ihe brcw (4 woud represenlone lh rdi lhe nose wou d represeni the second lhirdt ond lhe spoce frcm the bofrom oflhe nose (B) lo the bollom of the ch n (CJwoLrld loke up ihe losf lhird. lhis losi sectoncon be further subdivided nio ihirds in orderlo ploce lhe moLrih ond chin colecly Theseporoton of ihe lps willbe otihe botiom olthe firstlhirdtlhe top of the chn wil be neorlhe boltom ofthe second ihirdr ond the bol,tomoflhechinw be ai ihe bollom ol the osithird You hove to soy "neof" of "oboul,whsnspeokng of meosufemenh becouse lhereofe no obsolutg rulest you con justnotlce howc oselyihe leolures ofihe mode corespondio the c oss cal proportons oui ned obove

n iems of depih, ihe reoilonship of iheboiufes must oho be c eory esloblished Thenose s fodhef forv,qrd lhan lhe mouihi iheupper lip is mo€ forvr'ord lhon ihe ower llprond ihe chln s forther bockthan ihe mouih.Iry drowing consiructon lines-hor zonioi,\ericol, ond diogono -from one feolure ioonoiher The phllirum (D), or areo obo\€ ihecenler of lhe lpper p exiends downwqrdfrorn lhe cenler of the bose ol the nose,lhephilirurn forms o rnosi nlereslng plonet I sconco!€ irom lop io boitom ond oso con-co\€ irom sideloside. Th s is theonlyp one ofiis knd on lhe enl re lgure,

the more sensili\,e you ore io reolronshlpsbelween vorous ieoiures, ihe belier yourdrowngs wi be. Nol€ that on mognory\€rUco ne exlending upword lrom the bock ofihewing oJihe nosewould conneclthis pointof org n with lhe inner corner ol the ele.

Notice loo thot the chn sirop (E) in thisdrowlng serves as o contour ineihothelpsioexploin ihecuri€d ospecloflhe under plofeot the owerlow (Fl Ihe ch n strop oso sepa-roles the ower jow flom onother cuftedpone,lhe cylindor of the neck {Gl. You conseelholihech n ntesecis the neck ot o owerelellhon does the backoJthe skull. The baseoflheneck s owerinfronlthon in bock,whichgives i o fo^/crd ihrust



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Page 35: Lessons from Michelangelo

Defining lhe Feotures with Light ond Shode

I - - : . :=re' c eor wheiher lh s slhe

I - : : : : ' : - an or o womon, lv lcheionoe o

,, . - : . -19 cr lsfs nlo sketch l ines crevs.. ^nsCrowing There o re very €w slroighl.:3.efe Miche cnge o was concerned wih

. leci ng a sold heod on o faipieceolpopet,n car s besl occomplished by using curveclnes Ihe lines of lhe hol (A ond B) he p c or fo

iire foundness ol the heod The lines of lhesiernocle domasloid muscle (C) help lo defne the neck os o cylinder

This lhree quorler pos I on clro molica Iy n-creoses lhe uson of ihe heod os o lhree-dimensionol foran Th nk of a cube drown njusl such o poslon Now d.ow of lh nk of ocube poced n o compele sde vewt nole


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l]ow iire symbo of o so d s weokened.Olco!rsewi ihihe heod r i lh s poslt ion,the

sde ond podons oiihe froni piones of ol ofthe smolerforms ol the heod ore o so vis ib e,os orelhe bock ord sde pones ofthe neck.

The d rect ght n this drowng comes ifomihe efi ond ihe iellecled ghlcomeslrornther ght. The side plones of ihe heod ore in ght,whereos lhe front panes of lhe foce o€ inshodow L ghl and shade del ne ihe meelngpoces of fronl ond srde pones,ll rs most mpo onllholsr-rch clefnilion be estob shed bylne or by ghl ond shcder olherwhe lhe formsof the heod ond lace w I oppeor fol

The merging ol the fronlond side piones oflhe nose (Dl .s ernphcszed by lhe obrLrplchonge frorn lghi lo shade The rdge oi oform, ihe iunclure of l^/o panes, should benlio y eslob shed by drow ng o line.

l/ore rounded forms ore ndicoled by omore grodual l ronslon ofva ue from i ighi ioclork. BecoLrse ol th s grodLra progression. iheloreheocl oncl neck oppeor mor,- ro!ncleclihon do lh-6 nose, rnollh, oncl ch n on whichihe clronge ifom light io clork s obrupt. Thenose. mouTh. ond chin are bocklike n op-

Tlre eor s beoli fu ly drown o nd posil ofed.tsfroniborder s ocaled al lheho lwrypo nlof ihe s de of ihe heod f th s worc o siro qhlprof e view ihe lop or ihe eorwoud oppeore!€ w th lhe brow ond ihe bofom ollhe eorwoLrld appear e\,1r wilh lhe bofonr of thenose. 8!i snce ihe hed.l s I 1e.l .lownword,ihe ear correspon.l ng y iilis upword n con-kasl lo ihe nose ond o\irl oi the loce Th-.more the hecrd s t led, ihe more ihe reo-

Afier p npointing ihe conecllocoiion ofTheeor you shou d generolly --stab sh ls olrlsicleshope Nole M checngeob corefu oiJeniionlolhelube ke cort ogesof lheeor lhefm,orheix (E)r lhe Yshopecl nner corl oge oi iheonlhe x (Fl, which cLr^/es dowri\,lordo ongs de ihe he ix;ihe hro sma lprojeclionsoi lhe irogus (G) ond ontilrosus (H) /roguscomes from lhe Greek word meon ng goofsbeorcl"r il s here lhol hoirs n lhe eor occurThe corlioges surround cnd deine lhe hearing cono, or concho 0. The eor/obe !) shondsomey decoroted wlh lhe eorrnO. Thecortioges formng the eols ond nose con-linue 10 grow througholt our lelme, whchmeons od foks somelimes hove er1roord nor y bg eors ond nosesi

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a;-!, NEID,1516, red cholkS' \ 6lr" 2AS \ '165 nnl


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The Relolionship of Volue fo line

l f VoLr con opply qhiond shode lo o cV nI Oer yolr con dfow ihe necl of o modeOflen lhe heod cosls o shodow on lhe neckMcheongeo knew lhol such dork spoiscou d spoillhe suble effeci of ghl. iis nieresi ng io nole lhol oilmes, he om ired or jLrsiborey suggesled such cost shodows (AThere o re few exlremely do rk iones in ihe eye



sockeioreo {Bl, ondthe caslshodowiromihenose [C] is oso qule subJe , \ o .ue,Micheongeo ,,!ca exircmely corefu cboulcosl shodows and oiher dork tones used 10defne forn s n ghi oreas of hh drawngs.

You con undersiond how lhe drcclon ofihis heocl was esiob shed by vsua lz ng hvompo(onT consirucion nes; moone o hor-zontc ne running through lhe eyes ond o!€rfco ne runn nOlhrough ihecenierof ihefoce The nose s beouifLrly drown cnd per-tuclly p oced coftislenl wth the direct on oflhe rnoss of the head ll m ghl be he pfu lolh nkofon imog noryorrowpiercing ihe bockol ihe moss oi lhe head, ot lhe eve of thebottom of lhe nose, ond com ng oullhe froniof lhe head ol the some eve This onowwoud ndiccle the direction n which lhenose snouro De olown

The Ines oflhh ng ore very express veoncl ore re oled 1o o llhe olher eemenls ofclrow ng. L nes useclto deineformsoflen iokeihevo ues opp ed ioihe orger mosses ln iheoreas ihai lhey poss over For example, ihene oi lhe lroi is o aonTour ihai is drown o\er

ord explo ns lhe shope ol The foleheocl Thisine s very ghl os i lroveh lhrough ihe highighl oreo [D] ol the moss oi lhe heod ondbecon'es .la rl<er as il r'roves nlo lhe shadoworeo (El The rno$ ofihe foce s strocl,od mrchos o large egg woLrd be The /ighi s fo nOfronr above efi ond lo\dord ihe ironl. Such oighlng scheme ifsures thot threeJourlhs ollhe heod s in ighi wh e one fourth s n

The ines used onlhe efl side ofsuch fofrfsos ihe eyebrows, ihe oi the eye, ihe w ngoiThe nose. ond ihe lpsoreol l ig lr ier nionethan the nes used on the rightsde.

The eyebrow s olso rcpresenled by neslhoi eclro ond expoin ihe fofm obo\€ iheeye The sepofoton fiefr'r'een the froni ondside of the foreheod occurs ct F The curvedLnes LJsed for lhe eye lds deline lhe roundediorm of lhe eyebo l, and lhese iines curvesighiy up\dord, ndicolng thoi lhe heocl st led s ghlly downwcrcl The ine used lo seporole the lps oso curles.slighty upwardSlro ghl nes onywhere on the f gure lend io


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Shoping the Nose ond Mouth

The rghl ng scheme emp oyed hefe t ros aI R)vofr le or Micheongeoe o enge lqhl

soufce from lhe efl lowsrd ihe ironl ondobove ihe figure, L nes os wel os lghi ondshade n [,4 cheongelo3 drawngs ore olwcysbosed on lhe orlisls p'oiound underslond ngoi forrn. The vo ues con be ihoughloi os lhinoyerc of skin plocecl on lhe so d scu pluroforms of the figufe P,s n ihe drowngs seeneor er, eyeld lines ore cqrefulyclrown here loconvey a sense of lhe mass of lhe eyeba l.AdisTs rarey nd cole fhe eye oshes becouselhey hove so lllle fo|m

McheongeoS unclerslonding oi ihe porisol The nose ore c eorly demorislraiecl hereThe oreo bel\reenlhe bfows, obove the nose,s colecl lhe giobeilo (Al 1is o down\aordsop ng pcne, wh ch cur \es ufderonclowoyfrom lhe lighfsource emonolng from oboveSLrblle groylone oppl-ad lolhe g obello suggesTs ih scLrrving owoy lrom the lighi D reciybeow th.,r gobela s The Jrone c€oied byihe bi.lqei of lh,- nose. which s composeii oflv /o sm.r / lnoso bones (BJ. lh is pone.whch siooclo.l by ghl, wideris os l sopes.lowir-\,!ad .rfd lerrrr foles on o evc ihoT correspoftls wiTh The nner corncrs ol ih.- cyes. Theower hn iollhc cy r.lcrjiko rierl] oflhc fos{llrecomes rnorc noffow os it eiTencis (lownrfTolhe bulb oi ihcrorc (Cl The owerer.rolthc nosc s formed by ihree smo . rolnded,

yel blocklke masses lhebub, nihecenietond The wngs on eilher sde, wh ch ore porlio y embedded n the cenlro and slighiyorger bu b Nolce how Michelangeob mas-lerfu mon pulolion of \4tr ue couses cerioinoreos ol The nose io odvance whie oiheroreos Tecede The reolonship ben/een iheforms oflhe head n lerms oi deplh s oiwoyswe consdered b'y Micheangeo For nslonce,one lee sihoi n h s draw ngslhe nosesc ea fly iorwa rd oiihe eyes ofdiholihe eyesole ceoriy for\,lord of ihe eors

ft4icheongeob drowi]rgs of mouihs feverook fol. n this drowng lheTe s o ceofsenseoi Tfre mouih curvng around lhe loolh cy nder of the underying sku The upper pwhich s o clownwarclsopng pone, rece vesess ghithqn doesthe oweri ip,wh chslopesupword The ower lp lnlhis draw ng hos beenshacled os one wou d shode o horzonta cyinclef lhe upper p is made up ofihfee iorms

one in the m .l.lle oricl onc on eoch sidowhie The ow--r p s made up of hro forms.

Once The sirlclure of The he,:,:l s esTobishecl,you sho! d TokecoreTo dec cle on iheexocT ocoTion ol lhe leoTLil:s. A qoo.l eye nihe wrong ploce s worse ilra n o bod draw fgollh(--cye n lhri r ehip oce \lnr.rlirc o !l ftJ ofhornrna onrl v-^dico r,-s o(f,oss yolrnxxlcl! lftje vr lhot yo! can .lejemii'r thele ai onsh p of lh-- f-.aiues

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Page 41: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles of Expression


'1503 4, red.hdlk/'h \ 6* [24 \ 1715cn)

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T he dominor ng rorm orthe heod sthe skuI The ob, i1l to drowlhe heod vlettE bosed

on on underslonding ofthe shope oJlheskull.Thore ole o few very ihin mltsc es ol ihe foceThoi i ll oulihe bony siruclure ol ihe skutt. Thesecre the musctes oi expression Addltionolltjlhere ore lwo musces on lhe heod, wh chmo\e the ower jow or mand be, ond oreused fof chew ng food

The muscles of expression ore slrucluroly\€ry diJlelenl from lhe muscles of lhe bodythe mlsclesihol mo\€ lhe body ofginofe otone bone ond insert nto onolher bone. Themusc es ol exp€ss on o so orginole on bone,on ihe sku I, bulihey inserlinlothe skin ofiheirce Whef lhese muscles conirocl ihey pLt/lthe skin, producing wrious fcrcio expressions.

The occ p to-frontolis muscle (A co\ers theOock,lop ond fronl of the cronium, Thls m!s-cle, orginoiing n Jbers on lhe bock of the

cronrum, hos o iendinous sheeilhol exlendso\€r lhe lop of ihe cron Lrm lo lhe foreheod,where fibers ogoin occur. Allhe fo€heod themusc e term noles in the sk n obo\,e lhe eyebrows. The occipiiojronla ls hos ihe funclionoi lfiing up lhe eyebrows, creoiing horizonloiwrinkes on lhe foreheod os seen n lhe ex-press on of surpr se or ollenton

The ele s sufiounded by se\€ro musces,These include hro selsofcirclilor muscles lhennerond ouler rings of lhe orbiculorh ocu i (Band Cl The innef rngs, or po pebralpori (Bl,are respons be for opening and closing iheeye ds. The ouler ring, or obiiol porl (C),obove The eyes, when conlracied w llpulllheskin beireen lhe eyebrows s ghlly downword, cousrng short verilcol wrnkes lo oppeor bei/,een lhe brows. Th s muscle expres-ses lhe letlocll\,e or mediloli\e slo1e,

Anolher muscle in lhe ele oreo is lhe cor-


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-Jgotor of lhe eyebrow or corugolor super: i (D), o \,ery sma I muscle or ginoting on lhe'3reheod, under lhe occipiiol ironiolis mus-ae. The corrugolor nserh nlo lhe skin oiihe-ndpo ni of lhe eyebrcws, pu ling lhem n.,rord ond up\,!ard creol ng expressions of

One ofihe muscles ofthe nose sthe p^/ro-_ridolis nosi (E). li orses from lhe nosa bonesrnd exlends upvr'crd lo nsed nlo lhe skinceiween lhe eyebrows, This musce pu s lhe:kn obo\€ lhe nose downwqrd, creoingshort hor zoniol wr nkes ol ihe bridge of lherosechorocle sl c of lhe express on ol o nger

one oflhech efmusc es of ihe rnoLrlh hlhe.ygomotcus rnojor (D I oig noles ol lhecwer border oflhe cheekbone, olzygomoT|ccone, ond exlends down io nserl neor lheaorners of lhe mouth when conlTocled, os Inine exp€sson of oughtei this muscle pllsiiie corners oflhe mouih upwqrd ond tolhe

The zygomolcus minor (G), onother mouth'nusc e, of ses frorn the fronloflhe zygomolicaone, coser io lhe nose The elewtol oflheJpper p, or e\'oior lobi superio s (H) rsesiom ihe lower boldel of ihe ele sockeT, orarbiio covlly lhese iwo musc es exi'end down'o inseri inio lhe orbcuorLs orls in lhe oreo of'le upper p They hove the funclon of ftng1e upper ip neor ihe midpoinl wh e lhe:ornerc ofthelipdrop down, os n expresslonsal g ef.

The orbcuors or ls 0, a circuor mLlsce.vhich surrounds ihe moulh, hos lhe funciionrf c losing lhe moulh isouler ibersbendwlh:nd con act ogoinsl the wrious olh-ar mus_: es thot ore otioched io t

Anolher musce ol lhe moulh, co led ihe: evoior oflhe upper p and lhe wing oi ihe-3se, or e\olor lob super oris o oeque nos-1, so th n rnuscle orlginoting from lhe lpper:.d of the upper low or moxilo, extendingi swnword lo inserl nlo lhe wing, or o o, oi lhe_3se ond lhe upper ip These forms ore lfied- ihe ocl on of sobE ng.

Iheconinus, or ewior ongu oris (l!, orises-3m the moxllo and inserls inlo ihe sknI30\e lhe con ne looth This musc e litis ihe- 3 per lp, exposing lhol looth to give o sneer

ihe depressor ofthe angle of lhe mouTh, or::cressorongu oris (L), orisesfrom ihe mon: ae, or ower low qnd exiends upword to_:gar nlo lhe corners olthe moulh The iunc__ar ofthis musc e is lo pul the cornersoTThe-auih downuord n expressions ol ogony

-e depressor ofihe ower p, or depressor:: nferors {lvl), ohoorig noies on irre mon-: : e. From ihere ihe muscle exiends up lo

nseri inio ihe musce fbels surrounding ihemoulh olthe lower p The depressor lob ln-feriois pu ls the ov,€r lp down in lhe aclionsoT cryrng.

You musi understond thal lhese mlscles ofexpTession ore ol inlerconnecled wllh oneanolher n ihe r porlcu or oreos; lhus in ihesublle mo!€rnenis of the eye oreo or themoulh regon, severol smoll fociol musclesmoy be in\€l\,ed n one expression. Or theloce moy be express ng more irron one emo-lon n o drowing ol lhe heod such oslh s one,lvichelongeo does nol d.ow lhe ndviduolfocio musces; he mosses iirem, lruT he cer_ioiny knows ol ob,orri ihem ond tronsoleslhem inlo o drowing olthe heod lhoishows ogreoi dea of expression.

Page 43: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles of lhe Jow

the h{o musces of mostcolon edendI do\anhi. rd trom the mmovobl--slill ioihe

molcbe owerlow On lhe bock port of lhecheek s lhe mossefer muscle (Al, whch ex-lends down$ord and bcclolofd from thezygomoic orch oflhe sku lolheongeoiiheower jo\,v By being owqre of lhe posiiion ofih s mlsce, you can underslond is funciion,which ls lhal of fo sing lhe lower jow Thispowerfulmusc e con be fell by c enchinglheowerlow h th ckifont border creoles o sholow depression on the foce, d recly ln froni of

Thelemporo s musce (Blis locoled oniheside otihe cron um in the temporo fossc lslbers poss downword under lhe zygomolicorch ond inseri nio the coronod process onlhe ower jow Th s musc e works wih ihe mos-seler musce lo rose lhe ower iow when operson chews, lhe oiernoing coniroclonond reoxalion oi the iemporals musce sopporenion lhe sideoflhe heod in iheoreool lhe lemples Ancenl onolom sls narnedlh s musce ond lh s oreo of lhe sku I lemporo s, re olng iollme, becouse liis herelholhoirs lLrrn whle so qulckiy

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: :a- 3r A NEAD tOR TllE LAST IUDGEMENI 1 534 block ond Ed cholk l Sl/t' t


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Org n:

to ihe corono d process


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Org n:

to ihe corono d process


Page 46: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Foms of lhe Neck



The orfl$ nrsi sees brm in lerms of sirnpleI mossbeic€ going onliosmollerforms ond

deloil. lhe neck is essenliollv o cvllnderllkemoss, lvichelongelo ne\,'er lirlled to empho-size the cyllndrlcol qlollly of ihe neck which iswidet ot the bose thon ot lhe top lhe neckossumes o cvinddcol shooe becouse lhe flsilvro ribs, which lbtm lhe bose of lhe neck orechculor, ]he hlgher le\,el of lhe neck In lhebock lhon ln the fronl of the body €6ull$ in ofcMurd thrust more dfomotlc ln women lhonIn men. the sldes of the neck Cyllnder or€fomed bV three scolonus muscles-onleiorm6dlus, ond pod€fior.Ihe6e muscle6 gdendupv,ord from the ffnt two ribs ic the upp€rneck \erlebroe, ]he 6cdlenus muscles cousothe n6ck to b6nd,

On the froniof the neckihere ole importonticrms thot pioject or.rtv,ord ftom the cyllndermo$, 'lhese o€ th6 cortlloges o@!nd lhewlndplp€, or trocheo, which fom the \oicebox or loryrx, The shope of the lorynx ls lhot ofon upslde-down lrlongl€. The opo( of lh€ hl-ongle ls locdted at the pli of the ihroot (Al,ond the upper border cofi€sponds to o le\€llust belor tho low€r low The port of the volcebox thdl lvlchelongelo v ts most lnlei€sied Inportoylng hele ls lhE upp€r edge @), whlchprcJecis lio fom the ldomt opple,

Ano\er fom thdt i!4lch6long€lo wos w€llowsr€ of ls th6 hlold bone, o smoll hoBe'shoe+hooed bone obole the Adomt oDolethol helpr holo the wlndplpe In ploc6, thlssmoll h)he b hot vlslblg on th€ rurlbce, brJtoccurs where lhe under plone of lhe lowerJow lepoiEis6 ftom the fiont plon6 of th€neck

]ho lhroot mufclos leat owr tho corillqgerof the \olca bo(, lh€9e thln rduscies ole mos-sgd, ond fhry lprm the generol cyllndor9hope of fd9 fronl of lhe neck


'ht\, x Hl 123.26 , 19.6*'n)

f--'-, J\)C

lorynx (\,olce bo0r Adqln!

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Ihe Stetnocleidomosfoid Muscle

The two nernoc eidomosto d mlsces resiI on, ond ore porlio v embedded n the

cyinder moss of lhe neck, They ore ropelikemusces thot exlend from the top ofthe sternum up to the heod beh nd the eor Theynseri nio lhe moslo d process (A) of lhe skuEach muscle is oi ls widesi obout ho tMoydownthe neck.Al ls lower end tbronchesoffinlo hro iendonsr one lendon is otioched toihe top ol lhe siefnum (B), ond lhe other saltoched lo lhe clovcle (Cl. These hdo len-dons creoie o smollhongLrlor deprcssion (D);lhe heod of lhe c ov cle s ot lhe base of thisdepess on The iendon lhol oltoches lo lhelop of lhe sternum h very pronounced andcordlike, whie lhe one lhol olloches lo iheclov cle is rolher f ol ofd brood The iendonsthol olloch to ihe sternum form lhe pil oflheihroat IEJ f lhe slernoc eidomosio d muscleon one slde oflhe neck conhocis, ihe heodwll roiole in ihe opposile direclion or t idownword loward the shouder These lwomuscles usuolly \^/ofk ogo nsl eoch oihot buiwhen lhey do wo.k logelhe, ihey couse theheod lo be lhrown up whie smuloneouslypullng lhe neck down,

l\4ichelongeo hos drown ihe steFnocledomosioid muscles n o subiewsy be"cause, os has been nofed, ihey ore delolls onond porliolyembedded n ihe orgermoss ofihe neck They musi noi oppeor ioo prom -nent. ln ihs drawing o smo I podlon of iheorge tropezus muscle s vlsble (FJ, EetMieenthe slefnoclo domqsloid musc e and ihelro-pezius is o rolher large fiongu or depressionco led ihe 'onofomicol sollbox" (G)

The neck h consirucied lor greoi freedomond vorlet of mo!€meni Thesho! dergidle(i,,/o scopuloe ond ]u,o c avic €s) s ihe ske -elo siruclLrre upon which tho l oshy forms oi-


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Plocing lhe lorue Mosses of the Body

l nr form lhotthe orisldrows w obviolrsvAhove o cerloin poston ond d recion re o'/elo the space lholsurrounds il The position: delermined by the locolon oflhe obiect n:oocet lhe d recion s deierm ned by wh ihe obiecl h focng. mogne on oxisa oced vedcolly ihrough ihe cenier oi therbjecl Now mog ne ihoi lhe objecl roioiesrround ih s cxis. The degree of roloion s of.cu6elhe obleclsd reclon Thequeslons on:rlisl aslc before clrowing a I gure oreiWhct s'.e dreclon of ihe part oJ the body onr:rowng? s I d ecled lowsrd lhe ell oI lhe.ght and by how much? How for foovard orcocL^r'ord in spoce is lhe form eon ng? Fur-iitermore, ihe orlist rnust conslder lhe relo'onship of h s own poslon n spoceto thot of-heobiecl being drown Hedoes nol hove loCrowlhe oblecl n lhe posiliof irom which he!ews I bulil hedoes not, he rnusldelerm neire position from which lhe iorm s To bedrown, ond he musl meniolly occommodoTe

l\4icheangeo determ ned ihe poslion ofth s ligure very corefuly n odv.rnce Yo! ore

ook ng Lrp ol lhe body of Chrsl bLri you o€ook ng down on h sfeeiond oilhe sku otihebase of lhe cross The heod of lhe figure sdirecled 10 lhe rghl lhe rb coge s turnedlowofd lhe iefi ond si led londordrihe mossof the pevs s i l rnedsightytothe ghtondllled fo^altrrcl io\rcrd The eft.

There are ih€e mpcrloni orge mosses ofThe humonigLre ihe heod Ther ibcage,ondtire pevs A: hos ceen shov/n n iire eor ersludy oi ihe hecd, i ! .rc!_ rnporionl lo

siori dro\^/ ng ihe 'gLJre i s 'e .iLr ircn' ihebeginn ng, io drrw ihesg -asse.< as s rnpelorms, for exomc L cn egg, :cne€ a! .:er,or bock l t is .nLrch ecs er ic pcae o a. -c 9rform lke lhe ib coge n odf tcr 'p . : r . . . , /drowing o s imple bock in iha i posio. ' : : '

You con then skelch I lhe r b ccge o''sr i'eblock Snce lhe humon figLrre s tne mostcomplex iorm on oriisi can drow i s necessory io see rghl ihrough o l lhe in i rco ie ondconfls ng clelo h lo the crrge, simpe mosses

Ihese sinple bax figurcscon be Lsed l. detetninelhe elolire pasilian af lhe

moses the heod, r/b


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Ihe Plones of the T0ls0

Ihese slmple drcwings werc dohe ospreliminory sketches fo determine lhelorge plones al lhe la6o frcm lhe frcnl,bcck and lhrcequoners views

nons der whol porlons otlhe vor ous poris\rof the igLrre you ore lookng ol n ihisdrowng. Do )ou see lhe loo fionl s de, or o Iofthese? These are the plonos of o form.

Dsregordlng detoils foro momenlthink ofthe torso aso orge b ockcreoted by tho fioniplone (4 ond ihe sde plane (Bl The sdeplones ofthe lorso ole ol o s ighl obluse on-g e lo the front p ane, moking the bockwiderlhon the front of lhe torso

rnogne o seres of lines running frcm lhelop oflhe shoulderslolhe n pp es,lrom shouder lo shoulder and from npple 10 nippleThese nes \^/ould define lhe b g lop plone oflhe chesi (C), which is wider ol lhe shouderihon ol ihe nipples, lhls pone lncLudes lhefronl plane of the delo d musc e (D)

You moy nolcetholthe occuroiedef niiionof plones is d reci y fe oled 1o the successfulhond ing of ghi dnd shode. For insionce, thearm on lhe righi is drown os o rounded blockthe lght top plone (E) is clearly sepootedfrom the pane in shodow (F)

Thetocilhol bolh ihe ffonl of the lorso ondo section oflhe slde orevisib e gives o power-fu i usion ofihe figure os o lhree-dimenslono

The mosl inlrigu nglhing oboul figure drow-ing s ihot ii requkes you to ihlnk ond do sev-erol differeni ihings smuioneously, S nce t sdiilicult in lhe beg nning io ddselero ih ngsol once, I moy be he lo consldef onyone eement ol o iime, e\,en tholgh lt is !n-dersiood ihoi oll e emenis of o drawlng orenierleloied. The elemenh of o good figuredrawng are line, mossond deioil, proporilon,thrusi, onotom\t perspecii\€, lighiond shode,

When beginn ng o drow ng, iiis oflen he p-fLr lo cons der only ihe plones Afler you ha\,€esloblished ihe ouhide shape of ihe lgure,drow ines thotseporote one ponefrom on'ofher Think of ond drow lhe plones of lhelorgest mosses f rsi lhen go on io ihe plariesof lhe smoller forms

NUDE MALE FIGURE RIJNNING1496 150],, pq, b@n ihk ond block chotk

1a! \ 9./d (3).47 | 23.13m1


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Ihe Shoulder Gidle

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I n lhis slrong drowing, whch k less finjshedI lhonthe preceding drow ng,lhe r bcoge isdromoilcoly Upped forv/ord li s cleor thoiMchelongelo drew the ligure whie beorngn mnd lheiop orsuperiorview of ihoi form

The shoulder girdle, which resh on iop ofihe b coge, cons sh of lhe hro clovlcles (Aond B) ond ol lhe 1uo shou der blodes, orscopuloe. The scopuloe ore bolh co\e€d inlhLs pose byihe hvc mosses of ihe iropeziusmusce [C ond D). The shouder girdle s oi-ioched io ihe rib coge ony ot the pil of lhelhrool where lhe clov cles meei ihe iop of lhe

slernum Thls s ght ollochmeni to the rest ofthe ske eion offords the lwo scopu oe ondfu/o c ovicles exiensive mobL ly1 Since ihe upper limbs ore oitached lo ihe scopulo by lheshoulderloini, the orms ore oso only slightyottoched lo the rest of lhe lrunk oi the bodyond ore olso copobe of greol movement

\lewed from the fronl, the c ovlc e oppooBos a slro ghi line, butwhen seen fiom obo\€,os I s in lhs drowng, ils S shope cun€ is

It is inleiesiing io observe in such on unnnshed drcwng os this one which c€os

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1 i i - r ' i -

':helongeo decided lo work on frsi ond_,, Those oreos thol projecl lorvr'ord ihe

-:n ihe shoulders ond ihe righlorm ore: moslde\eoped The heod, howe\,et hos:_ yei been refrnedi evdenly lhe odisi._ied ilsl lo e$oblsh the symmelry of ihe

:_:- der gndle-e poston oJ lhe siernlm scn impodont

-:-.r when drow ng lhe fib coge n o djllicultr,rrcn. Ve\{ed from lhe fronl, ihe slernum:.:ecrs os o vertcol line, bLrl from ihe slde

: .!ru€ of lh s bone con be cleary ob-.- .e. . Here Micheofgeo hos drown lh-.

stefnum (E) n a way thot c eof y defines thed rection of the r b coge lorbord ihrLr$jngond l led downrard loword lhe righi n ihisdrowlng lhe siernum oppeors much shorter

Coler up ihe siernum wiTh lhe Tjp of yourlngerond see howlhe d recijon oJlhe orgermoss, lhe lono, is weokened. Such smo elforrns os c ovc es, breosfs, or lile sternum, fdrowncorreciy nperspeclile,w lgreoilyen-honce the ilusion ol lorger mosses sironglypilched JoMord or bock in spoce

Page 63: Lessons from Michelangelo

Ihe Forms of ile Chest


LI ere is o mognifcenl drowing oJ the torco.fl the b€osi muscles, lhe iuo greot pec-loroh, peclorclis mojor (A ond B), exiend our-wqrd from ihe sides of the slernum ond thelnlernol holf of ihe lo^r'er border of the clovcle to inserl Into ihe orm under the shouldermuscle, or deltoid (c). lhe fibers lwist os lheYneor lhe insertion poinl, Ihe two greol pectorol muscles ote sjmlLor ln shope lo llotbloclc, whjch wrdp oround the fronl upperholf of ihe ib cgge, givlng lt o somewhoiffojlened oppeoronce inthe upper €gion, oricp shelf, of ihe chesi. The gredt pecicTol m!s-cles cover the front of lho b coge frorn lheclovicles 10 the le\el of the fftth or sMh rlb Thelowet borders of these lwg mlscles ole ropre'sented by h\lc llne6 (D ond E), wh ch cln€oulurord ond downv/qld liom the slernum

Mcholongelo hos Indlcoled o smoll bLltimportonl detoll of lhls oreo lho frbers of lhepectorol muscle neol the orm oro pusneofoMord bV ihe delicld muscle, c€otlng osmolleggllke bulge (D obole lhe breoot neofihe armplt.

A !€rtlcol groo\e (Gl s the rqsull of theploirudon of ihe peclorol muscles oway ftomlhe sides of lhe sialnum.

the liefnLrm is shop€d \ery mlch lke osmolll?omon sword whlch poinil downv lrd llls composed of lh€e pods iho hondle, ofmonubrllmj ihe body or blode (lometlrnegcoLled th6 Olodlolus), whlch lsthe longesl pof-ioni ond the xlphoid process, whLch replo'senls the iip of the sword, The uppq exlromilyot the siernum itms thleo noicheslthe cen-ier noich forms lhe plt of lhe lnrooi (H) lhelnnerend of ooch clovlc e rests inthe notchegon eliher sde of lhh ceniro noich thg pltof the stomoch 0 l5 formed bv the xlphoid


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overlopping Forms of the To|so


Ll e'e , /ef onothe' qrond drowng of theI l rqurelhol tuns!rpossed n 15 represenioiion of o soid iorm n spoce, M cheongelo\.!€nted lhe igure3 lefi shoulder ond orm Toodvonce ond lhe righi kfee to od',cnce. Topu some of lhe body fo^4ord whilepushing olhers bock, ihe ori sl i rsi cor€clydrowstheforms nspoce Herehedrewlherbcoge mcss cs o rounded bock, whch i isfonir'crd al lhe lop ond irock ot lhe boiiomThe efl orm is o bock ke cy nder lhe iowerend prolrudes fcrlher forv/ord lhon does Thelop Nexl, the orlsi fnds i helpfu lo cnot"elhe overopp ng oi lorms f yolr ook ol lhefguret leltshou der, you con see lhollhe deilo cl musce (4 ond upper orm ore ceoryposilioned n fronl of lhe etl pecloro smojormusce ond covice; ihe peclorolond ccvicle ore n fronl of lhe groo\e oi the sternumoncllhe cy ndershapedneck Theseiorms en fronioiThe iigureS righi pectoro, wh ch s nlroni oi his rghT arm Ths i lsiol] s occomp shed by overopp ng nes lhol e.ho overopping foims ot The bod\r

Noice loo ThoT on lhose oreos ol lhe bodyihoi prolecl toru4.ird rirere ara sirong volLreconirosis The olh,-r lorms n the.ircwng orcol5o rendcred n ghiand shocle, buTthe cofnosT is not nearly $ sirong os on ihe proleci

I t s niereningio nolce how Mcheorigeohas choriged the shop,6 of ihe pecToro s mojor musce (8) ftom lhoi ri the prccedlnodrowng n thcrlvr'orkih s musc eoppeorsas ofol . bock ke mossr nihsclrowngiTisspherico The ocl ion orfunclon of lh s musce sTodrow ihe orm to lhe lroni ollhe bocly

The serroturs mognus anlsce s mode Lrp oin ne i fger kedglalonslhoiore ocoleclonihe s cles oJ lhe r b coge bul are lorgey h cl-den by the peclorols molor The d giloiionsorgnole from ihe upper eghl rbs, and exlend lo\4ard lhe back oi ihe r b coge, wrrerelhey converge ond poss underihe scopu o 10ierm nole ol h nner border The two serroTlsmognus mlsc es pu the iwo scopu oe oporlor ioword lhe fronl of lhe iorso The upper sxdgiloions o€ covered bylhe pecioro s mo-lort ihe ower lhre,o ore vsibe on lhe surioceoi lhe body ol C bei"veen peclorolis mclorondolorgebockrnusclecoledlhe otssmLrsdors (D), o smo !poriofwhch is vsjbLe in Thspose.The dig loi oris ore somel mesconiusedwih the r bs, bui I bs ore poro el To one on-olher, whereos th s nruscLe ions oul on lhesides ol ihe r b coge resling on iop of lhe ribs



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Ao-a:iUoY fOR THE NUDF AT EFTABOVE PERS|AN S Byt, T6d ond whl€ cho/k 1Atu r 71/! !2699 \ 19OScht

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The Reclus Abdominus Muscle


Or0r .

l l rhenihe orm is ro sed,the oeciorols mott lor musce (Al lckes on o i ionqucr

shope The lbefs ol lhe musce exlend frornthe r b coge ond inseri nto lhe lpper ormunder the deioid muscle (B) the moss ol thepeciora s mojor o so consl iuies ihe troniilopor ihe ho ow oi ihe ormplt or ox lo (C) Theieres mojor, o sma muscle on ihe scopuio,iogeiher wlih o sma pori on of ihe loiiss musdors, forms a mass (Dl, which mokes !p ihebock flop of lhe oxi o holow The losi lhreed gitotions (E, t G) of the serratus nrognusmusce cre eegonly drown Their posl ionbehveen lhe pecloro smolorond oissmusdorsi musc es sceoryvsible

The pectoro region ol lhe lorso s sepo-rcled from lhe ob'domino regiof bylhethorocc orch of the rb coge. Ths s o orgepo nted orch formed bythe cortioges ofihef bs ocoied be ow the siernum.The obdom -no musce, or reclus obdomins (Hl, f s lhisorch ond e\:lends irorn lhe ower rbs qndJhex phod process ol lhe slernum to ihe pubicbones orfio povs, nofiow ng os lrlescends

Ihe neo olbo ( wh le ne l is o slrong ien'.lon lhoiextends down lhe csnler ol lhe reclus ob.lonr n s, cliv.l ng lhis rfusc e iri ho f \r'erlco y The musce s furlher dlvcled by lhreehorzonlol. or lransverse, iendons One ien-don crosses the abdomen otihe leve oflhenove ; onother rilersecls the bollom ol lhe ribcogei.rnd ihe Jh rd occLrrs beh,/een the bol-lorn oflheslernum ondlhe bollom of the rbcoge f lhemusce swe deveoped.asi l s inih s drow ng, lhe lndviduol sections of themuscle cTe vsbe. Excepl ior o smo i!'ongulor-shopecl musc e, pyro m dols, wh ch slocoled obo\,e the pubic bones, rectus obdom n s is the only musce on lhe froni ol lheobdom no regon. F\rronrida s s coverecl byJony tssue, wh ch protecls the pub c bones.The reciLrs obdom nisworks ogoinsiihe slrongmusc es of the bock to ho d ihe r bcoge in onuprghi posion, coLrnieroclng the force olgrav ]y Thh muscle couses the lorso lo bendfo^rordr I o so forms lhe wol on lhe fronl oflhe pelv c bosin, wh ch proleclslhe orgons ofdigeslion Eoch ndviduoLsecJon of lhe rec-lLrs obdominus muscle h lke o porlion of inshope ond con be dm orlyshoded nlhs pose lhe rb coge s lilled forwsrd os lhepevic moss s plched bcck ihe obdom nolmusce sfoded on hefolo eve iLrsl obove



1511 rcd cholk avet bldck cholk pepobtiahs131/ t 9fd', (33.66 / 23.31 cn)Dohoged


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The Exlernoloblique

T his s o most inJeresl ng drowing ot lhe fig-I ure ln whch you con obserue o rib coge

lhcrl ls dlsiinclly lipped to one side. The 116shymoss ofJhe exlerno oblique musc e, or obliq,uus externus obdom nus (4, exlends frcm lhelosl eighl rlbs of lhe b coge ond inserh lniclhe iop of lhe pelvis, or ilioc cresl the shapeof lhe exlerno obllque ook like o leordrcpfrom mony ong es, n ihis pose, hore\€t lheefrernol oblique oppeors os o roundedblock, When lho lwo obique musc es simul-toneously coniroct, they wo in concerl wiihlhe recius obdomlnis io bend lhe body forv,,ord. When only one contrcc,ls,lhe rib cogeis rotoigd, of pulled,lo one sde, Ihese m!s-cles olso prelent o ddewsys clllqpse of lhedb coge.Ihe pelvlc moss ls bound by lhe llloccrest (B), by ihe abdomen (C), whlch slopesdownvrord bei\re€n lhe lh ghs, ond by thebuttocks (D).

The odhi olJghtto know not only the formsof the bodtl the mLJscleg on the surfoce, bLJiolso lhe chonges ln ihEshopesofihese formsln the dlffefenl mowments. A muscle moybecome thlcker ond $oder ln d sloie of con-lrcclion, or ll moy be €loxed and reloilvelyffotlened. Obsefwtion osw€ll os under,siond-ng lhe oc,lion or funciion of q mlscle wlllenoble you to drow lhe foms wlth iruth. li lsoffonsl\€ io see o drowlng of o llgure in gr6oloctlonwhlle ollihe mlsclesore portro'€d osIn o 16 oxed stote, oro €clinlng fgure wlih olllhe foms coniroclod qnd buging In on oul-lond sh monneri The onci€nt Gr6ek odlsh, ob-seryng tho nlde oth eles ot ihe gymnoglum,bscome mosieA ot porifoylng the exdcfonolomy oflhg body In mo\€ment.


'16" x 10h [40.44 t 26.01\n]

o gif:the losl eighl rbs

(lhe libe6 nterd 9 ioiew1h lhe d qltot ons of

lhe lo{er senotus mosnut

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onieror n ie or locspne

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Voriofions of Form: Mole ond Femole

Th6ls o ne drowing of ihe lemo e iorso c.I which lhe bosic forms ol lhe figLJre hc €

been coreful y ind coled, Figurgs ole olvcEmore interesl ng when ihe moss€s oflhe boo,ore onanged in opposing direciions, h rsdrowinglhe modelsweighl is on her right l€gIherefore ihe pelv s h pushed 'rp\dqrd on tEighis de of her body lhe r b coge,which l|16downwqrd ond fo\dord lhe I ghl sid€ of ilEbody, counterbalonces tho iil of ihe pelvdlhe ib coge s olso iurned slghlly lowsrd ltEmodels lefl side, whereos lhe pelvic o€cfoces fondsrd loword lhe vie\det

lhe moss (A) represenls lhe exlernoobllque musce ll ls ony sllghty seporolecfrcm lhe moss below ii, ihe g uleus medi-6muscle (Bl, becouse ihese i^lt forms appectos one lorge mqss on monyfemo e models l^generol, ihe muscles of lhe obdom nol 'eglon ofthe femole figuleole much more sub-ile ond ess dlstlnguished from one onolherihon ore cofiesponding musces ofthe molelgu€. The llne epfesenilng ihe lod of l'negro n (C) ls nol os cleory defned os ll vr'oubbe in o mole fg!€, The forms oi D ond E cbnol €p€seni musc ei ihey are coused by thefatry llssue of the th ghs.

Ihe shope of ihe deio d muscle (F) ls dif.fefeni ln men ihon ln women,lvlen3 shou delsore brooder ond more block lke n shope,whereos o womon's delto d lssphercqloiihetopi flbers slope groduolly downvlard cleol_lng increoslng tullness oi ihe botlom of ihe

n drowLngsofTnole fgures,ihe n pp e hiuslobo\,e the ow€l border ond s ghily lo theside of the peclorol musce. n drowngs offemole figu€s, howe\€t the breasls resl direcily on ihe peclorol muscles, onihe mlddlelhkd of ihe rlb coger ihe I b coge oreo obolelhe breosis is equo lo ihe rib coge areo be_ow lhem Of course lhese are closscal pro_portions, ond e\€ry mode is different, butgenero y breosis ore p oced c oser to lheheod ond shouiders thon lo ihe obdomenVlewed irom ihe fronl, npples appeor iopoint oulvirrd iowqrd the sldes ol the bodyne\€r siro ghi io^dord.




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Page 76: Lessons from Michelangelo

Simplifying the Forms of the Bock

A s hos been shown, Micfrelongeo hod onAeiiroord nory obi ly to see comp er tormsci ihe body n lerms of lery simpe mosses,\oie ihe hvo orge egglike mosses thot orecreoled by the rlb coge. The heod of iheliy ng i gure s merely ndicoled ol lhis sfage ofthe drowlng. Miche onge o obvious y \,!'oniedio eslobish the symmelry cnd moss of theiorso withoul the inJerrupton of lhe smolleriorm of Jhe heod The musces orcund lheback ond side of the rib coge ore olso drownos smol, egg ke shopes, wh ch ore porlio yembedded no orger moss

The sublle ilgure ol ihe uppef tett corner ofiil s drow ng suggesis o iorso seen from lhesde lhe ouler line (4 represents the orge,dominonl moss oi lhe r b coge, The defn lvenes ond tones of ihe fin shed drowng are

cbsent here, olowng )oU 1o obsene the m-codonl inilio nes ol o mosler drawing

Do you lhnk ivichelongeto osked ihe

mode lo ioke thh lnusual pose so lhol hecould coreful y copy it? ll s un/ikely He had onextensi/e underslond ng of the forms of ihelrody lhol o lo\red him io drow the hLrrnonfigurefrom oulofh s heod,wthoulo modet, inonyposlon n spocethof hewished. Drowinglrom liie is \€ry mpodoni, o greot iesi oi onoarists obiliv but i s no1 ihe onty exerctsenecessory n leorning how io drow ltre fgLrre

Fgure drowng is noi coprying from omode Sfudy lhe musces so ihoi yo! knowwrrere eoch one comes fuorn, ond where igoes to, os well os ls aclon. \\,b ore oble jodrcw ines onty by knowing ihe origin ondinserton of the forms Drowing of the forms ofihe bodyccn come onlyfTom onewho hos ocomp eie underslanding of construcion ondonoiomy ProcJice dfowing ihe ngure from outof your heod, without o modet. Th is s on excel-enT V/oy io see f you really know Jhe ngure.

Page 77: Lessons from Michelangelo

Deep Muscles of the Bock



n rowing lhe bocI is o gfeol cholenge be-lrcouse lhree olefs of mLJscles influence ihoppeoronce. The deep€sl loler consisls oflhe ereclor spinoe muscet which orlginoteai the socrum ond lhe bock of the pelv s, orllium, extend up the bockbone, io inseri nlothe ower lorlebroe of lhe neck region, Erec-tor sp noe muscles buLge on etherside ofthe\eriebro spnes cousng o furrow (4 downthe m ddle of the bock, ond exlend ouiw,ordlo lhe oreo ol which the ribs lurn ond bendlowcrd the onlerior of the boq/,

Ereclor spinog o€ lhlckest in lhe oreo oflhe lo\der bock or umbor reglon lB). ihey oreconsequently mosi vlsible lhere, whee theyc€ol6 iwo cy nderlike masses on ihe surfoceof lhe body Thgy oppeor rother floi in lhe r bcoge oreo becouse they don't hove rnuchflnclion lhefe. Their funciion is lo exiend, orpull bockv,r'ord, ihe lrunk of ihe bodyof b ng iibock oflet it hos been flexed, oI benl fondord.They oso hove ihe imporicni ftrncllon ofhelp nOto keepihewhole body hiheupr ghi

Ariists oflen €fer io ihe deep muscleg ol ihespne os the shong cords of lhe bock be-couse of lhe cylndedlke mosses lhey mokeon the su oce of the ow€r back (umboiregon, Mlchelongelo lked to ploy up thosemusces ln h s drowlngs becouse oftholr!€ryhuman funclon ol holdlng us In ihe g€clposliion. When drowlng In lghi and shode,the odist th nl<s of ihe \ir ues on fuo greoiropes or columns, these mosses become wrypfomlneni when the mode 19 corrying qheoq/ object.


IN lHE CREAIION 6F ADAIVI151 1, ed dnd btockbhotk

11q." \ 7/a" [29.s3 \ 19.69 cn)

/ :



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t :.4

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Page 79: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Scopulo ond lts Muscles


' ' | 3 h " ( 2 3 5 3 t 2 r . 2 7 c m l

Tlre rhombodeus muscles whch resl onI ihe deep erec tor sp noemlsc es, form Nvo

prom neni mosses {A ond B) be /een ihe 1r,voscop! oe The orig n of ihese musces s lhese\€nlh, or lcsf, neckveriebro and thel rsl fveihorocc \€debroe The fibers of ihe rnusclesTrove downword ond ouhlcrd lo olioch toihe nner, orverlebrol, border ofihe scapuloe(C) Ihe fiombodeus musces pu ihescopuoe logelher, thal s,lo$ard lhe bockbone. f o mode! sho! ders cre lhus pu edbock,lhe moss of the homboicleus muscesoppeorc grecty conirocled The fiombodmoss s mode up of fu/o seclons rhonr-boideus rninor o nd rhombodeus mojor -'buiThe orisilhinks oflhem os one moss

Thesccpua hasmusceslhotrestontopof1 t is o foi,lrionguar bone thol is crosse.J

dogonoly in ls uppef podon by o bonyrdge, or spne (D) Thh bony rdge expondsnlo lhe ocrom on process ot ihe summl ofthe shou der (El

The suprospinclus musce (F) s ocoiedobove the bony rclge of lhe scopuo ondTefm noies ol lhe bock ol lhe upper orm oilhe humerus undef lhe deloid nruscle Thenfrosp nolus musce ond teres rnnor bolhfoTm o rnoss (G) ocoled beow lhe bonyriclge. They nsert nio lhe upper orm besdelhe suprosp notus. The funclion ofihese threemLrsces s to pu ihe orms bock\rsrd ond loroioie ihern oufilard, oway from ihe fronl oi

Theteresmolor muscle (Hl s occied beownirosp nolus and leres m nor I orginales oiihe ower porion of the scopulo oncl nserlsnlo the lronl of the upper orm beneoth thedeTol:lmuscle The ieres molor \dorks wlh theteres minor. ihe infrospnoius, ond lhe s!prospinolus io pLrll lhe orms bock Bli i aciso one io roiole the orms inwcr.l,lowrrcl lhelronl or lhe The leres filld (rnd o otheflorms creole.l by lhc rnus.les of lhe scqpucoppear os smo I, cgg kci shopes, which orepcriia y cmbedde.l ln the arger massolihe

n ilr s clrowing the lighi oga n comes fromobo\4: ofi iyou.lisreoard a thesmollformslor o momeni, you con visua lze ihe enllrebcick os o orge f olTened ovolr there is o ctec Iprogresson ol clorkefing ione from left Tcrighl The lighl crreo (ll, the ho lfone. or groyoreo, beh,leen lqhi ancl shocie ond lheshodow i uslrole ih sprogresson,lnmode n-cndividuol smolL lorms )ou shoucl keep irminclihs movernenl of ght fto dofk.

i s importani nol oniy lo know ihe exocrshopes of the scopuoe bul olso preciserthowond where lo p oce these bones re olvelo lhe rb coge The scopuoe occupy iheupper holf of the rlb coge, ond ihe d sioncebelween ihem is equoliolhe lengih oi one o.

g€ol movemeni. When ihe shoLrlders oncarms ore ihrown foMord, the scopuloe drauowsy lrom eoch olhe| when lhe sho! defsore pulled bock,lhe scopuoe ore drown icword eoch oiher When ihe orm is roisechigherlhon ihe sho! det ihe scopu o rolote:lronr a \,eriico to a horizonio pos ton on iheb coge The key lo delerm n ng lhe pos i or

oflhe sccpLrlo when drow ng o f gurewlh cform ro sed obove ihe shoulder is lo ook ot ihedireclion olthe orm:1he scopulo cnd orm w

. . . '





Page 80: Lessons from Michelangelo



c rnree ol lhese musces

luberosity ol lhe hlmefls



Page 81: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Ttopezius Muscie

T o . - o . - - e o o - .I - : e e , P ' - . o - , . r _ 5:: : ' ! : an t .e back of ihe neck, shouder

ncns vory occord ng lo lhe parlofihe nLrsc:liol s ocivcied f bolh shouders ore i!e:the ibers ocoEd lhere wi pul ihe he::back, b,LJi f ony one sde is oclivolec -..

heodwi be pLr ed down io il-r cl sho! cler --

lowerf bres olTheia of iheiraoez u3clrcn --:

shoi rdeTs oown The mddle fbes oe . :The scop! ae drowihe shou ce6lowara : _ =onot | rer f lhe heocl s fxed, i i re fbers o ' '_ :Trapezus i r i l re neck oncl sho!c ler ree:-

'lb.lfow lhe mLrsc es ollhe back lo g !e _.:

e i fedof a lhree d mens onc igure,yo! - ! :

fo conTfo Thc \,1] !$ ori the m|rscles D€i :=wh c i r lorms or ,a r ] ihe ighT.which c le r . : :

Torre. or l l wi rch ore n shodo\r Skekrh . " :url{res ol ihe orgcsl nrosses lr5t Then so:.the edllc bolw.iexr lhe I and rir::To rouril oli The lorms Ony geonr€ :sli.rpes s|rch .rs lr .Lrbc lrov.r $urp ec! :wfoG on,- profe nrccls.xjoTfr(j

:_: -33er back regon lls nner borcler ex-' :_ : . n :n ' i re bock of lhe s lu l to the os i or- . .eJ: ro ver iebro lC) Tne t ropezr . rs hasren.l noLrs slreeioreos on l, wh ch oppeorass ght depressons on ihe s!fface oithe bodyTne erlent oi These depressons depends onThe erTenT oi muscu/or deveopment ol theiro.le One afeo of ten.lon sheei s locciedorouridiha lwelflh lhorac cverl,.bro oTlhe I pof the ia oiiheTropezus musce (C) Anolr]eroreo s ocaie. l o l thespine of i l re scap ra onThe sLrmmi of the sho! cer (D), on.] ihe lhrr.l.ireo nrrr() lhe promirn|l 5ev,ariih cerv (! !erT,-br.r on llE b(r.rk oi the r--ck (L). I hrsosT arco i . rar |ond shopo. l or . l s Ionslby th. trrfi:r rErg ns ol iho ltupezus ni!s. --

8.rtrrLr,a tlre iropcriLrs r|Lr5c e 5 ior!1,- on.lriints nio s.rvcr.rl.rrrrrs otth,o bock, ts nrnc/ : t 1D ' i t1 r 3 / . , .6 / .n l

lri ,


Page 82: Lessons from Michelangelo

9 ) Ulal

n t:i!'|h.



orqstra^ (lreLr)tD, ̂r€tr qlt

+u€uDo t l.€!

orqafe qr q1zi eL{ ol€uoq r4ao.o €tri

! brO


ltcsnDt sn zlnvu JHl

Page 83: Lessons from Michelangelo

lotissimus Dorsi


org n:

/f, nother superfrcio muscle ot lhe bocL stillhe loiiss mus dorsi.Alonq wilh lhe bock oilhe shoulders ond a srnoll lrlongulor o€a ofihe muscles oflhe scopuo region, ihe iormsthat rnoke up the surfoce of lhe back oreiiropeziL$ ond the lwo holves of afssimusdors[A and B). ihis huge, symmeir col musc]e originales oi lhe pe vis and socrum, exiends upward over jhe lurnbof region, lhe lower sixpoirs of rbs, ond the lo^,€r portion of thesccpulo os it exlends ollwqrd io lhe ompl,lhere loiisslmls dorsi nseris, olong wiih theleres mojot into the fronl of lhe hlmerus,lustbelow ls heod The lower port on of this rnus-cle, allhe socrum, pelvis, ond lo\der bock, isjust o lhln lendnous sheei. Beneoih this ihlnsh6ef,lhe underlyng e€clor spinoe muscles(C)show cleorly on the surfoce ofthe figlle lnths drawlng,

Short, holched lnes (D) ndicoiewhereihemuscle fberc'of loiisslmus dorslor se frorn ihelendon sheei n the lo\rer bock These linetexlend lrom the highesl po nl of the pe vls,LJp\rgrd ond lnv,'ord toMr'ord the bockbone,The upper boderoflhis mlscle {E),whlch runshorizontally over lhe deeper icrms of ihebock oi,the le\€l of lhe s xth r b veriebro of ihebockbone, posses o!€r iho lowEr pofllon ofthe scopu a ond ihus holds ll down on ihe rlbcoge The lroni bofder of the otsslmus dorsl(D extends downv,ord fforn lh6 ormpll ondclrves oround io the bock of lhe rb coge,creoilng o beouiiful Ine on ihe fgufe,

Lqtssimus do|si mokeg ll possible to ow€rlhe rclsed orm ond pu it back wlh fofce. Ishows hef cleody in such movemenls osployng gol swmrning, choppng wood, ofp! lingono rope. lenob es lhe enllre body lobe puled upvr'ord ond fonr/ord wh-cr) iheorms ore in o flxed poslllon, Aciions thal porlcularly depend on ths muscle ore ropeclimbing ond work on a hor zonlol bor

The hoh€s of the oiissimus dors ond ihe-nderlyng rio coge s-ggesl'he shopes ot


lMr'o lorge \^icferme ons, To ploce lighl andshode on such dominoniforms in Wlr drow-ing,llls helpfuliovlsuolize, or elen ic indicoieon ihe paper on orror showing ihe direciioniromwhich lhe lighiiscom ng. Thoiwllleslob-I sh ihe diect on of lhe mo\€menl of lighi lodork ocross ihe flgue. ll will olso pe\€nt theighl from jumping to hil forms from dlfferenldireclions, lhus lending to destroy ihe I unit Inrendering mojorforms il solso helptu io run oI ne down ihe forms to seporoJe the light oleofiom the shodoworea. The holtlpne oreo fo lsalong lhol line.


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Page 84: Lessons from Michelangelo

lu. tZ LZ x t6 tZJ "%9 r, r r rloqr reDlq puo per'rtg, lOnN dol Sl onls

" ...t .:



u ̂tur



-lod !


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'e6oapuo I

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eqltoeL l(


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tdurlaL{ t(

-6fosrop I

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Page 85: Lessons from Michelangelo

Modeling lhe Bock with Lighl qnd Shode

T..i$r. orqe superfic Lol muscles lhoi coverI m.J cf ihe bock lolissimus dors ond lro

Deziis. ore relotively lhin folher ike ocookei ond o€ therefore infuenced bylie torms of lhe deeper Lrnderlyjng musclesLn ltr sdrowingihe moss ofihe bock (AJ obo\€ihe spine ol ihe scopulo is forrned by ihelropezius ond lhe underying suprospinolus.The 1r^o mosses betweenthescopu oe (B ondC) ore lomed by lhe rhomboideus ond lra-pezius musces A smollrnoss belowlhe splneof lhe scoplo (D) is caused by th-. n-frosp notus musc e.liis mosiimporlonlio noiethot ihe infrospnofus inler ocks wilh, or tresposses onto,lhe moss of lhe deltoid musce(E). The ow€r end of ihe scopulo ond theor€rly ng leres mojor form o smoll eggshoped moss (F) The ie€s major is locoiedd recly on the iop border of lhe lolssmusdorsi (GJ The greol coumng of lhe ereclorsplnoe [H) ore v]sible ihrough the lenclon

sheet oi ihe lalissimLrs dorsi The moss be-tu€en ihe bo1lom of lhe rbcoge ondlhelopof lhe pevh is represenled by lhe externoloblique (ll.

As lhey ore shown on onoiomlcol chodrs,ihee o€ no lines ona modelS bock seporot,ing muscle mosses. The forms oi the bock ino finshed drowing ore dep cied by smolmosses in lghtond shode, wh ch ore padollyembedded n lhe greol moss of lhe bocklse I l€rnemberlhotdark nlhe ghl oi\4oysoppeor dorkerlhon they reollyorc. The someopplies for relecied lighl ln shodow lhelghls ov/oys oppeor ghterihon they ore.lfl1cu fo low o simp e ru e,lhe vo ues ),ou use ioshode lhe bock w be more dynom c andoccurole When modeling lhe ight oreos oltour flgurc, moke the dorks Lghter ihon theyoppeor lo you, ond when working n theshodow oreos, moke lhe ighls dorker lhonmey oppeor rc you7!. t 101/t [19.69 \ 25 72 cn)







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eql ul



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. !'.

)cv€ tHl tQ sltcsfl,\

Page 87: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Pelvic Gidle: Boloncing lhe Body


Thee ore tuvo sf,eelo grdles on lhe body,I ihe shou der qifdle ond lhe pevic girdle

The funct on of ihe shoulder g rdle s mob lilYOnly s ghlly ollached lo lhe rest of ihe ske'eion, 1 olfords lhe upper lmbs lreedom oi

The funclion ol ihe pelv c g rd e s stob lilyas wellos ocomoion oflhe owerlimbs Thelwo orge ho\es of the pelvs (meonng''basinl ole limly olloched n bock to thesocrum, ond in l|onllhe hvo pub c bones orefrmly connected lo eoch other The pelvs,which €sts on iop of lhe heods ol lhe luolhghbones. or l6murs, hods up The bock-

The only porls of lhe pevis lhot o€ vsibleon the bock ore ihe pevic, or ilac, cresl (4ond lhe sacrum (B). The os socrum Csocredbonel, os t wos somelimes co ed, \dos lhebone oflered up lo the gods n socriice byearly rnon ll i5 ociuoly fve !€rtebroe iholho\,€ osslied, or iused logeiher io iorm onelfiongu or-shoped bone,The socrum is nollotbut cufi€s ouhv]rd (con\€x) from iop lo boltom. On is bose ond nd coiing ls widlh orethe posierior pevic, or ilcc, spines (C ond Dl,which oppeor on ihe surfcce of the body osandmork d mpes. These londmorks ole fatther qpcrrton women lhan on men becalsethe femole socrum ond pe vis ore widerthonihose ofihe mo e. These iv/o po nls,logeiherwlh lhe po ntlhatind coles lhe bofiom of ihesocrum (E), form o usefu conslruci on lr onglefor clor lying the posilion of ihe pelv s ln onyg\€n pose. A line TLrnning ihrough po nis (Cond D) would ind cofe ihe iill of lhe pevis.

Eelow lhe socrum ore lhe four very smolbones thoi represeni o ihoi remoins of lheveriebroe ihotform lhe humon toi, or cocc\,l.The coccll s nol reo y of nteresl lo orlstsbecoLrse li cur\€s lnder ond betuv€€n ihelv/o bullocks and does nol oppeor on lhesurfoce of ihe fgure.

lhe posilion of the pevh delermines lheo\r'ero I pose of the figure Lf ihe model is rcsl_ng herwelghlon one eg, lhe rghi eg jnlhisdrowing,lhe pelvs is plshed Lrp on lhe rghisdeond drops ower on the opposile side Alhe smoller forms rnust be correspgfldingyliled To mointain ihe modelis boonceogoinslthepu ofgroviv,lhe shou den coLrnlerocl lhe d reci on ol lhe pelvis by tilt ng nlhe opposile dlreclonj thot s, ii ihe pevis sh gher on the rght s de,lhe shoulder w llehgher on ihe eft side


101h , 71h 125.72 t. 19.45 ml

Page 88: Lessons from Michelangelo


'Oat 6utroq pu q

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Page 89: Lessons from Michelangelo

Gluteus Moximus

':, ir'

The qutelrs mo/mus [A] ihe orgesl ondI th clesl musc e of lhe bodv formsihe bul

lock ll ariseslrom the bockfourlh oflhe i accresl ihe sccru m, ond the cocc)r( Soflre of ilsfberslerminole n sheeis off bers, orfoscio,onlhe th gh; oihers nsed nio lhe bock of theshofi oi ihe femur lusi beow The greoTertrochanier (Bl, o orge, squore projecTion oflhe femur ocoied jlsi beow is heod ondneck Depend ng on ihe conirocion of ex-ponson ollhe g Lrleo musces oround ii, ihegrealer lrcchoni-.r o ppeors on lhe sudoce oflhe b,ody as a c ndmc rk depress on or pfoiec-lon.Whenlhe mode slonds pedecl y stro ghlwth weghi equa y dslrbuted on bolh egs,ihe greaier lrochonlers ore eve Howe\€rwhen the weghi is ploced on one eg, ihegrcoter trocho nier of the sloncl nO eg slhru$oui ond oppeors as o proieclon on lhe surloce Thelrochonleroflhe reloxecl eg on Theopposle sde appeors os o depresson

The gluieLrs mox mus s bock ke in shope,bll the foi ihol occurs orj Ts ower lhe shape lhere and creoles the g u1eo loLd (C) Nollce how MicheLongeo hqsman p'r olecl lne n lhs oreo of lhe drow nOio nclcaie lhe uncler pane of lhe q uleLrsmox mls ol ils lunclure wTh the Thigh

The g {rleus nrox r'n!s exiencls lhe f execl, orbent, thsh, thot s, pu s I bdck r lo ne wihthe lrlnk More rnporlonl, ii monlons lhebody, whose rrlnk wo!d olherwise ir forvlqrd ol lhe hip jo nl, n on Lrprght posionLong belore Dorw f\ lheory of evolufon, Ar siolle coled ihe giuleus rnoxinus lhe mosidhi lngLrsh ng mlscleofmon Dur ngihe evo(rionory process ils s ze ncreosecl, ond iwosui rnoleLy responsrbe for ihe roiolon of ihepevs irom a horzonio io o veriico posiion

Here lV chelongelo hos ceory inclcoiedihe lbers ol the gllieLrs mcximus inserlngbehreen lhe homstr ng moss (Dlatlhe bockofihelhlgh ondlhevoslus exTurnus musc e lEl

NUOF1534 ond | 545, blaak cholk

9t r 7./t 12.1.13 | fi.42cn)Domo9ed

. : , ' l : : ' . t ,

CLJTEUS'.1l.i r,,'lLls l\'luscLE


tt ,


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s.ll u

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VARIOUS SI!D FS FOR INE 5 SJNE CEII NGlhklltl" , 74'(236 t 194 cn)

Page 94: Lessons from Michelangelo

]U Olou 6!e

sro0uuaqt ]o luo4 ut s puoq aql lo poq eLl{ lDL.llpuo'puoq eqt ]o ̂poq sLll lo luo4 ul sllslreq+ +o'. ',$ r/vl eql ro luorl u s LUroeroJ eq] pqll oqs 6u Morp qq+ ul seu oql leL]touo lo luo4!t LUro] euo ]o !ot+$od ow oul+ocrpul)o] €3^ep +uetacxe uD st ourddDfe o leqpuo sdol

Je o eu] euo !€|o r^oq eclloN llrlol peuslroLlsarol il^orp oflnculrp sl|]lJo iLLlolDuo eqlsessodxa ,^foelc eull]o esn 9oe6uo|el]crn'| lo puoLl eql lo uolsod eu€4xe eL.llOulruesqo q peuroel eq ol qcnur sr aieql

uolllsod ploi on uDo+ Lrrjod eqlJo uo$olorro'uollou dnsJo uollcoeq1 ur elor o sIDd oqo e csnur sll.ll pueqol ^ oqF eql sesnor qcLl/r\'LrllD reoon eulp)o,i^ol Lur oaroj eql 'pueq rc 'xe j ol sl soes qeq Jo Uollco e|11 snrpor eql 'LlroercJ eu] ioseuoqeq+Jo euop sapululrol puo r^oq e eqllo fd e! olu sdp ueql sdeclq eql Dnoocs€1.{ }o ^l^oc poueto eL.ll }o dol eql L!or}ses rD pD€Ll 6110 eql DLndocs e(]ljo +l.rorj eqluo*ra6uu +uaq o s€ qLr]oser l.lclqa ssocordo-ss€3ord pocoloJ e+ uorl seslrD pDeq

foqs eql olndocs eql LlorJ s€sllo Lpapoeq-oi {. sloeL! eu]Du sIJ elcsnu soeoq eL.lI

sdocrl eW puo sd€cp eql lo sessoLu eqlueer^leq serr (H) ocsnur plo{ep eql lo xedoo(]l (e) sdeq4 aql PUD '(l) sdoqq eql'ElrolouJ s loro+ced 6|.l+ 'M sn zed 04 eql ero plol

lep eq+ punorr ns pql sLlJlol e csnul eql $ep- noqs eql lo 6 o eql o+ qn urro eq+ eslDr o1s uotlcunl s{ snraurnq oll lo uoqs eq+ }o 6pls"+no eql u/r\op io vlDq roqo lu oo D lo ]les-ul puo qulod aseql LUo4 pro^u/v\op puelxep ol6p eq+ jo s6q I eq1 o ndocs eql ]o eu dsaq] Jo urolloq 6ql puo 'sseoolo uo!!ol3Doql'at.^Dlc eql lo pr Lll rero Lr.lolloq aqlp sepulolo ]t a6uD4 u,^^op-ep6dn !D olodoq6 ul .ro uJls sl e csnur plol ep ar$ue eql

pro \roJ peqsnd ueoq soq +oql Lrrol oJouoFn leqlolsppo 6u !apo!! Buorls ql edDLlslocueqds qp olpp et]l lol sluno3ro qc q^\ leplnoqs eql lo lu olF)lros puo- Dq eql sre ocpuo punoro sdo} pro+op aq+ ,o uopodFddn 6ql C p pepclpu alD ecsnur eL-ll]o $equ ra,!\oteql rpeppour Alnllnoaq sl t3Jepsnur p ol|epeqlJopDd reddn pedDqs lDqeql reptnoqs eql Jo I LrJurns eq+ lo lrourpuolpoloclp! irDac D q ondocs eql lo ssec-ord uotworco eql L-ll[v\ [€J elc ̂op eq1 ]o pueralno or+ ]o 6uleeL! eql l3plnoqs puD faeueqt ua€/'veq o qte^ s )cDq eql ]o lvj o csnLUsn ?edo4 a6rol eql Jo uolJoo llou-rs v pelDln-curo tpu+s p eio uro pLJo rop noLls lceu Ieql 1o suJ,|oj eql 6ut'^olp eu-rospuoq slq+ u I


uuv Fddn oql p selcsnw oql

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Page 97: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Relotionship of the Foms of fhe Am to fie scopulo

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15/ \ ? 140.41 \ 22.36chl

Ll ere s onother mogntfcer]t siudy or theI I fe ofonsh/p behtu€en the musc es on lhebock oi the orm ond on the scopLrlo lhesmoll egg ke moss on the ower end of ihescopuo is ihe teres major muscte (Al. Thernoss obove I oi B s rnode up of ihe in-lrospnolug muscle ond the ieres minor mus-cle. Secouse ofthe bockvcrd posiiion of theorm, you con notce lhoi ihese fofms of theupper bockore bulglng n o sioie of conlrociion. Resi ng over lhe lop of the shou der ondreceiv ng o lot oi ght is the lropezius muscle{Cl. The separotion of the tropez us and ihedelio d muscle is indlcoied by o chonge inThe direciion of lhe line ol D Doub e curves (Eand D deine lhe shape of lhe deto d

In ih s beni posiiion of lhe orm lhe forms onThe bockond lnsideofihe orm oreVtsib e,Theexiernol heod [G], ihe nterno heod (H), ondthe ong heod of ihe lriceps (t)ore a tcteorlyseporoTed from lhe lower border of ihe de -lold. the common iendon (J ties above thepoini ofihe elbow (l() lo lhe lnside ofthe pointof lhe elbow is the inner ower end, or condyle, of lhe humerus (L), wh ch forms o promnem iondmark

lhe abil ly of the scopu oe lo mo!€ on jherb coge ]s extensive. Thus lhe shopes of muscles in lhis o€o wllllory greolly occordln'g loihe pose oi ihe modet.

Page 98: Lessons from Michelangelo

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Page 99: Lessons from Michelangelo
Page 100: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles of lhe Roised Arm



/l n e\ce ent way to obsetue lhe r! ll of onFlort sl is in lire dfowinq oflhe fo sed orm. nth s areo ihere ofe ihree muscles thoi orig,noTe lrom ihe corocoid process of ihescopulo. The ftrsl rs lhe peclorolis mino[ osmallmusc e lhot s covered by the pecloro smojorond genefoly does foloppeoron lhesurfoce oi ihe body lhe second s ihe shoriheod ol lhe biceps. lhe third is the coFocobrocholis muscle, which oppeors on lhenside ofthe ormwhen lhe orm sroisedtiihos

lhereiore been coled ihe brucfixon muscle" Smo I and siender il s visibe oiA. lt ex-lends upuord from lhe ormptond nserh inioThe upper orm oboui hal6,\oy up the shafi oflhe humerus beiween lhe bceps (B)ondtheong heod of lhe lrlceps (C) The cor-ocobrochio s musce is on adduclor of theorm;tholh, il pu s ihe arm lo\rsrd the sde of

Aso visbe ln ths drowng s the ntefnoheod of ihe triceps (D),lhe lnner condye oflhe humerus (E), the smoll moss of ihe ieresmojor (F), oncllhe moss ollhe loiissimus dorsi(G). The leres mojor ond ihe oissimus dorslexlend from the bockoflhe figureand pcss nfroni of ihe long heod of the fceps io iermi,nate n ihe froni 01lhe shofi of ih€ humerus.The olssimus dorcifofrns the back iop oi theormpt wh e the peciorols molor (H) formslhe ffonl ilop.

Mlcheangelo mode mony siudies of ihefoised orm, Hedd so as o way of knowing theforms lr1 this oreo and how ihey chongeshope ns ght y ditferent posilions. The orig nsond insgriions of ihe muscles inlol\ed in iheroised orm moy present o chollenge at frsl,bui wiih sludylou should be oble lo drowthiscomplicoied oreo of lhe fgure wilhoul onydificu 1y ol o/1.

Page 101: Lessons from Michelangelo
Page 102: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles ond Bones of the Foleotm



Thes!eleton orlhe foreofm sdrown here nI lhe posilion of dernipronoJion lhoi s, wrlh

lhe pa m of lhe hand iurned holtutqy be-h{een pronoton, or ioc ng downwcrd, ondsupinolon, or foc ng upwsrd, When ihe honds in supinolon, the hvo bones ofthe foreormond lhe musc es oi ihe foreorm lie nexl lo oneonolhet BLrlin pronoiion,lhe rodius rololes, orcrosses, o\€r 1h6 ulna, and lhe mlscles o socross The foreorm then chonges frcm a flotbockke moss to become cylindricol inshope In dempronolion, lhe lv!4, boneslhe rodus (L), on lhe thumb sde of lhe fore-orm, ond lhe ulna (lvll, on ihe liiileJngers de ond lhe foreorrn musc es ore in o posTon where they ore beginn ng lo cross lhem

bll lls


At ihe elbow ihe iop of lhe u no jo ns ihebollom of lhe humerus (N) os o hinge jotntwhich perm ls flexlon (bending) ond exlen-s on (stroighlen ng)oflheforeorm on iheorm.The top or heod, ol the rodlus lol s shopedlike o horzonlold sc, whlch s hollo\red oulonlop This holowed-oui disc fis up ogo nsl obo l-like shope,ihe copilu urn, on lhe boltomof ihe humerus, on wh ch tsp ns Thespinnlngmoton oflhe d sc couses the rodiusto roioleoround lhe u natlhe polm oflhe hond is thuslurned downv/ord ond upv/ord throughmo!€menis of pronolon ond supernol on

The project on of bone oi P represenh iheponl oflhe elbow or olecronon. The pfolec-lon of bone on lhe rodius below lhe heod oiQ is ihe b cipiial iuberos i\/1 1o which ihe i-^n-don ofihe bceps s olloched

There ore e ghlbones nihewrisi(R) liis noinecessory io drow a I eighl wfhl or carpus,bones when you dfowthe orm, butii is mpor,toni lo indicole the moss or shope lhot lheycreole betu/een ihe fofeorm ond lhe hond

From the iop of ih-. om lo the ilngers ihesections of lhe orm become progressve yshorler ond nofiower. The foreorm s iheenglh of lhe upper orm ess one-fifih. Thehond equos ihe lenglh of lhe foreorm lessone lfth The mass oilhewrisi siwce aswideos t is ong, ond lhe meioco.pol bones (S),whichfomlhe bodyof ihe hond,oreirce oslong as lhe wlsi. The line of the knuckles (Tlmoks lhe meeling ofihe melacorpolbonesond ihe lirsl of lhree sections of phoonges,Jhe bones of lhe ingels. Thh mporlontjunciure is m dv/oy betuveen lhe lop oJ thewrslandihe ends oflhe fngers. The lengih oflhefngers ole rough y equollo lhe w si ond

On the onoiomcol orm on lhe lefi o ffol

Page 103: Lessons from Michelangelo

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I'sn por eql lo puo rarol oLll !r sepurLr.rol puo,^ oqle eql e oqo u,Lort pro\\u^\op splelxe t3Jepsnur )olou dng Ouol aql ) lo elq s sr Du naql ro UoL-ls eql ID srouln droc rosualxe roF!,r eqf lo rosuqxe routn eql puo rlHj Lunrol- 6lp rcsuaye ro'$eOuU eql Jo rosue])(e uolrl-uroc eql l[e] s orq s[Dlpo] drDa rosuolxa ro'puoq puD+slr,r a{]llo losuelxa lolpor loqs eqi:g)sn6uolslo por d]oorosuelxe ro'puoq puD+sr,^^ eq+ ]o rosuaFe tDpor Olot eql ero sac-snur rnol eql puoq puo lslr^\ or.ll olul suopueloulpues pro/qur op spuelxe puo snreLunLleqt Jo (ll a ,4puoc toure.Fe eL+ p se+ou 6|lo

ureql ]o qcol sepsnu] rnoj Jo on epour ssorllrosuale eq+ st uoaro, aql ro )poq eq+ uo

'LUro eq+ Jo eps-ro oql uo eqFl ero sreproq lorelol qlnq'soocrq o|c]roons aL.ll /\q pere oc sr olcsnLUstql Jo asoJrns +uo4 aq_L'LUrD iedd n eql prcvnoluroerot eql xeu ol soastq aq+ qll^ !3ruocu qror apsnL! sLll ssecoid plouoioc eqllo dol eql lD Du n oql Jo luo-U eq.l lo se.lou urelpuo snraurnL] eql Jo jlor.l laro luor] eL.ll losepu 6fo slo qco4 eqt (C) sdec 4 eq+ puDM sdoctq eql uea teq etqBr\ s (€) srotqcorqeql sD u/qoui ulrD oLll Jo luo4 aq] uo elcsnul

Page 104: Lessons from Michelangelo

Ihe Muscles 0f the Foleorm ond Thumb

: ' , '


ARM SIUDIES FOR IHF IORDAND SILIO]ES FOR ANGETSIN IHE CREAT ON OF ADAM1511, tud ohd blo.k chdlkeqd x 11' (21,27 t 27.94 q)

Ll ere ore o seres of siudles of ihe orm lnI ldiihrofl posilions ond direciofs inspoce The orm o1A s seporaied frcm ihebockg.ound by a bold line, which defnes ilsform There ore some fu/enly muscles n thoforeorm, bulin frgure drowing lhese iorms oremossed ntolhreegroups lhe llexor musclesas one group The erensor mlscles os onolhet ond lhe long sup nolor os o lhkd mossof lhe foreorm Arnosl olof lhese musceso glnole from lhe condyles ol the humerusond ofioch io the bones ol ihe wrhl ondhond. Becouse lhe muscies become tend-inous obout hoif\4oy down lhe foreorm, iheconlour ol the am chonges. The egglkeshape of the lpper holf of lhe foleam hcoused by lhe fieshytbersofthe musc esi lheblockl ke shope of lhe lo\irer holf s formed bythe iendons ond ihe fu/o bones lhe rodusond u no of ihe foreorm.

lhe fexor muscles (B), on the fronl of lheforeorm, orginoie lrom ihe inner condye ofthehumerusondconslsiof fourrnuscles lhe

plonolor lerest the ieror of ihe wrsl on iherodius, or fexor corp rod olisi ihe pomorsongus; ond the llexor of ihe wdsi on'ihe ulno,or fexor corpl ulnors The pronolor teres,which ierm noles ho fi\oy down ihe ouiefbords of the rodius, is one ol the muscesrespons ble for the roioiionol mo\,emeni oflhe foreorm, wrlsl ond hond li controcls, roloing (cfossngl lhe rodlus o\er lhe uno,wh ch ploceslhe hond po m down[srd (pronoion) The olher three supericlol fexo6,whlch inserl inlo lhe under sde of the wrlstond hond, ole responsible for bending lflexngl the wrsl ond hond fotu'ord, iowqrd ihefronl ol the foearm.

Beneoth these four supedcio flexols lsodeeper flexor musc e,lhe llexor digtorum su-pefiiciols I s vsible ony where is lendonsoppeor on the wflst behdeen lhetendons oflhe mo€ superfic ol iexors. Deepor sii ondnot visibe on the surfoce s the llexor dg-iorum profundus,d recly underihe flexdid g-iiorum superf ciol s, the powerfL{l lendons of

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'ssour Joxeu eql puo ouln eql Jo luo4u!Fu/\ puo sfltpor eql lo uolltsod aq{ aluopl!o6p puo r9rllooo eoo dole o H +o seuleql snpor aql qo€urepun ssod (g) ssoul,oxag gJo ouln eql alq,{ 'prol iol pe lnd elog) ssoui rosu€Ua puo snlpor eql uollouold,o uqJs@ a]l s/\ oqs I p aood aql Jo ielueca{ u puor] puo uxo erll ,ro 6! /v\olp eql

'qurnq+ oL.ll e^oqo Lljo€rolor.1.l ,ro poe raeol aql uo ssoLlt [ou]s o !ulo,cr't! tsq eq ,o qrod re '\ot or.{ rq 'sopsnulrosueua loouadns eioLu eq+ Iq pere/\o3 slqFuet rteql lo tsol^ sr^erq qqtod rcsuetxe roqurnq el+Jo rcsuaFe loqs eql puo isn6uolstcltod ropnpqo rc 'qu]nql eql Jo lopnpqo6uol eq+ 3n6uol slcr od losueye to 'qLUnL+eqlp losuetxe 6uote(+:qlunqt eql epredoloql sepsnui earql eL+ /q pa+Dac s ssDLU'uroe,ioJ eql Jo )icDq eql uo soiou 6uo rlc|.]/t\'(C) ssour llorlJs o q hopoJ opqno Etqceloqcrq^\ 'Luroerot eql Jo pjtql la\ ol €r+ uo

'+eu outn plo snlpor eq+ jo uol+lsodeql ozllonsl^ o1 ogo eq q sl ̂+5eroc ootoqql 6ut/' orp ol lot eql,Lr.uo reddn eLtl ̂'o+ LUDero] oql xau sdec q eql dteq os|o t/r\+t {uo[ou]dns) pior\dn 6ucql urtod eql q+l^puoq eql sulfl rlcrql 'ouln eql ol |ellorod uo +-lsod o ol )cDq sn por eql 6ulplo,r rolDuoldeql$uto6D qrorroloutdns eql sntpot aql ]opue le/' olaqloN s]losllpuo snFulnq et+pelipLro3 louratx€ eq1e oqo sosrD L.lctq^ (31etcsnur sllorpDro qJo)q rc iolouldns 6uo aql q peurol sl LurDarol eql lo ssour p1q.l aql

.ploqcoq pLroq puols|r\\ eq1 pueq rc pueue /€q_L snr€urnq eqlJO OlipUOC OUlelXe eq+ urort osuD 'Llloeloleql ro fcoq eLll uo selcsnL! rcsueue eql

lrroercJ eq+ psessoL! eorot eqt lo s6u ,^ o)p u pe p^ut louerD Aeql oeep ero sepsnur oql aseql asnoc-e€ srebuu puo puoq oql to outdsoro lo 6ul-xeJ eqlelqFsod oullour 'sra6uu eql Jo seuoqeql ol prol u/r op pueye sqcsnuJ olv eset+


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Page 108: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles of the Hond


I,J. **!:J-. Y.

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n n lhe su'foce otlhe polm ofe 1l!o mLrscle\rqfoups. The moss undef the thumb, thethenormoss (4 n M che onge ot drowing ofthe hand olihetop ofihe poge, is mode upofthe musc es ofthe lhumb There ore four ofthem an odductor or adductor po icisi anobductot or obductor po lic s brev s; o shortfexot or flexor pol cis brevs; ond o musc e,opponens po icis, which rfakes lhe thumbwork ln opposilion lo lhe fngers, Under lhelllle finger ore the hypolhenor muscles (B),which controi the lillle linger

On the fronl of the foreorm, where the hondmeehihe w sf, orelhe c€oses, orwr nkes, ofthe skin co ed w sl brocelels, C in the drcw-ng to the r ght They ore mosiv slble whgn ihehond ond wrisi ore pulled toward ihe frontoflhe foreom. The oreo on the po m of thehond, befiveen ihe ihenar ond hypolhenormosses, (D) n the top drowing, s formed bylhe podding, which pfolecis lhe hond, As theskln on lhe hond folds over lhe Jo nls, w nkesore formed on ihe po m these nes ofe oc-cenilaled by ariisis lo express form,

Crossing the bockofthe hond, in lhe r ghl-hand drowng, ond extend ng loward lheihumb, is lhe tendon of ihe ong extensor ofihe thLrmb (E). On lho ouhlde border of ihewdsiore the lv"o tendon9 of tho shorloxiensorond ihe ong abduclor of tho ihumb. on ihesurloc€ ihese forms oppeor osone lorge ien-don (F) Belween these lost lv/o iendons andlhe iefdon ot the long exlensor o depfesslon(Gl called ihe "onatomcal snutlbox" is ap-poreni wheri the lhumb s pulled bocku/,ord.At one tme, men sn ffed lobocco ffom thls

The key lo drowing honds we s o comp ele understond ng of lhe skeleio structureond oi ihe n-oshy forms ihol fi t oul. You neednol leorn e\,ery smoll muscle bul only ihemuscie groups,

lhe shopeslhoiorcos ol lhe orm ossume nforeshorlened posilions ore cleody depicledn ihe lowef drowing The seclions of lhe ormshould b-. visuoized os cylinders poced nfronl ol one onolher The coniour ne used forthe rightorm ot H s ocluo lyo serles ofsmo ,cun€d, o\erloppng nes thot indicote thoilhe deioid moss {l s in fronloflhe upperormmoss (Jl ond lhollhe upper crm is in fronl ofthe foreorm (K

The lell orrn n lhe lower drowlng ot L isexlremely forcshorlened, The seclions of lheorm oppeoros o\l3 s oregglike foms p ocodone in frcnt of onolher



ono opposoo e mLrsc es

Page 109: Lessons from Michelangelo





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STUDIES AND SKETCHESFOR ITE LAST J]JOGEMENI1534.35, block chalk11' t 161/.i 127.94 ' 4191 ch)

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Page 113: Lessons from Michelangelo

lueulLuord erolu qcnur eLuoceqrnuro, oql lo pue rei o eq+ p seipuoc eqlpuo 'no peL-lcla4s ao s€psnlu eql uot+lsodstL+ urieeq oql lo dol eql tD sedoLts tculstpieql jo ouos esol sdor|ponb eL.+ 'tueq sSJoeqaqlueq^ d q eqlploql lurolpuoceso sessorc ll puo sned eq+ uo dn sr ur6rosf esnooeq ̂poq eq1 to lun4 eul ot q6 L.ll eql6uxeu Jo uotpury tolo$tppo eq+ soq qrourqsnpaj eL.ll '6e le,4 o eql Jo loFlelxe eLllsltll]led q3q/n',{uoleeq eql uedo q6tqi eqllo luorl eqt uo sepsnui eqll6q+e6o{ buLlcv

q0lqleq+ lo gdec|ll or. so ecoJlns eq+ uo rDeoooop pql sqcsnLrj eorq aql 01 relel uego qspoi\luenbesuo3 slslD lo] eco]rns eql uo Llrolrolour o lou $ { arcJeleql puD e csnL! snureyesnlso^ eql q+Deujepun deep sl 'snlpeurulel-ul sruso dnor6 qql ]o elcsnu q+rnol eqloelo eeu)l eql oNt Atonporo se^rnc qqq,r'snureye snFo eql Jo €ul lno+uoc le+no elllseop uoql |e e )a\ol o +o puo ilploq eror,!eeq eql lo do+ eq+ o+lJl er'Jnc ol sloeddosnurelul snlsD o!116u[uese]der eul rnoluocleuulel']l'NoUeq+ uorl pd\el^ ueqrlA olFlooplro uopue+ uourLuoc eql to o6pe 16!!leqiolutsl]6sulpuo rnuJsl e|']lro lloqs eqlro epsreulleq+ uoI sestro E) snure{u sqso^ eql

q6lql eql ro )icoqeq+ LJo e csnur +sr ] eqi qeour ll 6laqj!\ )cDqeq+ ol prJo SllouJq sn+cer eq+ ol lolDroo slJnlI ereq/v\'oet eql ro.luot eLl{o{ punoro spue86I UOpUel UOLT.TLUOC eql 'O O6pe le+no eql o+ulEiosll puD leNor]corl le+Der6 6ql lo Luolloqeql rDou 1nL!e, eql Jo uoqs aq+ p loo leq-dn eq+ uot sostro I qO ql eql ]o ep s+no eq+uo papco sl tcj epsnLu snulelxe snFo^ aq_LlJ) o q$ eqt ]o atcreqnlro'tupd oltFaq eq+olut pesul ol lJlol eaui aql ouFsora lueuots |ollepd eq so pro. u,rop senu&oc uopue+!o!!L!oc 6ql aeq eq+ lo luorl oql s+colordtr '€colns xe^uoJ o q+r ron6uol4^qonod'uopuel qql ut pepp€qure q 'otlalod ro'(gl doca€Di eqt dnoro str{ p sepsnlu eql oo] uouruloc s Llcll/r sloluel soecrrpono eq+lo uopuel uoururoc orll lo ool eql o+ul eeLiloql e oqo eclolqp o selouur,|el puos|^ed oqljo eups30 llle^ oleq+ uroj uopuel6uo4s D sD selDulolo I ssour eql p uol+rodelppllu eql saldncco M s roLirej snlcer €ql

'snlpeLUrapl sqso eL.ll pLro SnureNlsrusD eql'snure+xa snFo^ aL.ll'slroual srucereql sepsnu rnol lo dn epoLu sl I sroure,sdel ponb oL+ pelloJ se Jsnur rosualanlo ssolu e6rot o sr L.t6rql oll Jo tuo4 eql ulli'




s|wo!\ll sdtc u1 ro sdtc uqvnolHl



q6tql oql P luotl otll

Page 114: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles Thot Move the Thigh

nnlhe nsideof iheuppef porlof lhelh ghry s o lfionqulof-shoped moss [A]. The od-duclor moss o g nates al the pelvs ond ter-minotes in the inner sde of the shoft ol lhefemur lhe ower porlion of lhis moss s covered by lhe quodr ceps femors mlscles Theodductor moss s bound from obove by lheiold oflhe groin ond lhe obdominolmuscleThe odduclors pu I lhe lh gh bock lo\4ord lhebody from o poslon of obduclon, n whichthe ihigh s oMr'oy from the body.

l^r'o olher importontsma Ier muscles onthelh gh ore lhe lensor foscioe loloe ond lhesarlorus. The tensor foscioe lqtoe (C), whjchorig noles principollyoiihe pelv c po ni (Bl, oronleror supeToT ioc spne, oppears as osmol mass jusi in fronl of lhe greoierirochanier ol ihe femur Jusl below ihegreoler lrochoniet lhe musce exlends inlothe oiib ol bond (D), o long bond ol f bers onlhe oulside ollheth gh ca led ihe toscio alaTh s band posses over and holds down thevosius externus. Crossng the outsde of theknee loint, the bond lerminoles oi lhe ouiercondye of the libo Generolly lhe iolblolbond s noivslble on lhe oLriside ofthelh gh,bul when ihe lensor muscle conlrocls, thei oiibol bond couses o s ghi ridge on iheouiside of lhe knee ond o \€ry shoilow Oroovgon ihe wsius exiernus muscle

The sodorus muscle (9 o so orig naies oithe anlerior superior oc spne. ll exlendsdown\tord ocfoss ihe ins de ofihelhigh ondsweeps orcund lo ihe nner sde otthe knee,where iiierminates nearthe upper parioflheinnef surfoce of ihe ibo,lhe sorlo us s onlyobouf /o fingers wde, but ii h lhe longestmusce ofihe body tspiroh down the nsld-.of ihe ihgh n o beauiful c!r\,€ lhoi seporai,,.s lhe quodr ceps on lhe lronl ol lhe lhighffom lhe odducior moss on the insde of iheihgh. The sodorius s known os the 'io or'smuscle" becouse in the posi lallors soicrcssegged on top of Iorg€ \dork tab6s. Inthat pos tion the sortorius is cloory con-

The sortorils musc e ond th6tensor foscioolotoe work ogoinsi eoch other ihetefsor ro-loles ih-o eg nwsrd, toword lhe body {medio y), ond lhe sododus rololes itoLrluord, o\royfrom the body (latero y).When boih musclesacJtogether ihey help lilithe thigh Lrp\eord,








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Page 116: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Homstring Muscles

T\^/O SIUDIES OF A SIRA GHT IEGfAOM THE NSIDE ANO TNE 8,ACK11 ' 3 [ 21C4 ' 20 .32 ch )

n the bock of the th gh s the homsfingmoss, or posleror femorol musces, A n

' . \ I

ihe right-hond draw ng, wh ch is mode up ofthree muscles the biceps lemors, the semtendinosus, ond lhe sem membronosus Thsrnoss of flexor musc es orig naies on the bockof lhe pevs, or ihe heel of lhe sch um, be'neolh the g uleus moximus (B) The nro ten'dons of ihe homslrng musces bronch oulocross lhe bock ot the knee The nnerhomstrns tendon (c) crcsses the knee ondnseris nto ihe nside edge of lhe lbia juslbeow lhe knee The olier homslaing lendon(D) crosses the outsde of the knee joni ondnserls niolhe heod oflhe fbLrlo. n ls enl relythe homslr ng moss is shcped very much likeo foolbo ts funct on is lo bencl lhe knee, ihlsfex ng the ower eg on lhe thigh.

The drow ng on lhe efl provdes on excelenl opporlunly io observe the sp ro quo tof the sortodus musce (E). lt olso shows thesroc is (Fl, on oddlcior muscle ocoled direct y beh nd the sorior us. The groc ls (meon'ns sendef' ln tatinl orses from ihe owerporlof lhe peLvs, ola point neorihe meelngof ihe lvlo plbc bones Th s musce, wh chclelines The nside conlour ot ihe ihgh, ex-lends downlvordr olonO with thesoriorius ondihe nner hamslrins lendon t nserts nto theinner surloce ofihe tbia ot o po ntltrst be owthe knee The tendons ofiheselhree mLrsclessweep oroLrnd the insde oJ the kne6, whoreihey{orm lhespirc moss known osihe goosefoor tcl

Becouse lhe homstrng tendons ore !€ryshorl, I is dffcul io lfl the thgh when iheknee s unbenJ. I the knee bends, thehomst ng tendons ore releosed ond iththeneosy io ro se the thigh toword the trunk. Try itl

n these onotom co drowngs of the leg,M che ongelo co refu ly del neoied ihe formsWhen dfowng frorn fe, howe\€r, he dld nolsee or drow mony of the musc es ndivduc ylnsleod he d€w them os mosses ln o iledrowng, ihe hamstring moss would oppeoron lhe back ofihe ihigh not os three musc esbli os one moss n the rshl-hond drowngnol ce the line (H) runn ng \€ri co y down ihecenleroflhe homsft ngs,This seporolion doesnol exlsl on mosi modes lJ /o or more mus-ces ho\,e lhe some function, the sepcrotionbehleen lhe muscesw noibe ndicoled olc in o drowng or wi be ndicoted onyslghiy by nes or shodng. li i\ro or moremuscles hove diffe€nt Junctons,lhe seporoI on betu/een them w / be ind caled by strongines or shod ng,






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Page 118: Lessons from Michelangelo

Ihe Relofionship ol lhe lhigh to the Pelvis

I rr this drowing you con cleory obse^€ theI reoiionsh p ol lhe muscLes of lhe lhigh tolhe musc es ol lhe pelvc oreos. The extenl oflho lensor foscioe loloe (Al from ihe pelvcpo nl (B) downwsrd ond boclolqrd to lhe oui-side oftho lhlgh s c eorlyvisib e.Ihe exiernooblique musc e (Cl resis on the cresl of ihepe vis obo\,e the gLuleus medius musc e (Dl

Ihe grooler lrochonter (El oflhe lemur ondthe forms thoi sLrfiound it ore olso c eoly de-ined; ihe tensor fosc ae loloe musce (Alloms on egglike moss in front of ihe greolertrochonlei lhe sphericoly shoped gluieusrnedius (Dl is obo\,e il, ond the g lTeus moxmus lFl forms lhe rounded, blocklike rnossbehind t. The wstus exlernus musce (G) isseporoied from lhe homslring moss (Hl by oseres of short Ines 0. Remember lhol lhhcearly rendered defniiion oflorms indicoiosihotlhese musces ho\€ seporole funclions

The ine represenling lhe fronl of ihe lhghond knee beouilulLy expo ns ihe anolomylnoie ihe rectus femoris (.J), ihe \l]sius externus10, the common iendon (Ll, ond lhe potelo(M)


15u, pen ovet bbckchdtk10.4" t 6rA [26.U \ 71.44 cn]

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Page 120: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Bones of the Knee

The knee is one of the oreos of lhe bodyI whele the bone is c ose to the surfoce ond

si'ong y infl uences ih form, Allhough the kneehos mony componenls, ihey ol moke sensein iems of lh funclion os o compound joinllhe lower end of ihe femur widens inb n{oprcjeclions of boner lhe inner condyle (4ond lhe outer condyle (B). these condles l€slon the lop or ploifom, of the tbio (g lhepoiella, or kneecop (Dl, hos okeody beendescribed os o smoll roughylriong! or bonewlh o con\,ex surfoce embedded lnio lheorge commori tendon of ihe quodriceps,which crosses the iiont of the knee The po-telo les ln ffonl of the lo\der end of lhe femurond forms o projeciion on the flont of lhekneej the ower border of ths prdecfion isle\€l wlth ihe poni of seporollon beiweenlhe femw ond ihe lbio. The ligomenl of lhepdte lo (EJ terninotes ot the kneellng polnl, orjhe iubercle ofthe iiblo (0 ]heiuberc e oftheiiblo ls on unmstakoble andmark whlchmorkslhe lowef boderofthekneej it19c eo yvslblewhen the eg is viewed ln prolle.

fhis diogrom af lhe benl kn6ashows lhe rckrlbnshiq af the tiblaond tenut ta tha pate a



Page 121: Lessons from Michelangelo


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Page 122: Lessons from Michelangelo


The Forms of the Knee

\ -I, flecouse lhe l,nee is wder in bocl,lhon inl, front. someforms of the boci. of the [neeore opporenl in this drowing oflhe frcntvewThe ouler homslring lendon (Al is visibe onihe oulside of the knee lhis lendon insefsintothe heod of the libu o (B). The spko mosslol,which smodeupof ihemed ol homstringiendon ond the tendons oflhe sortorius ondgroc is muscLes, su€eps oround lhe ins de oflhe knee, where il lerminoies on ihe shofl ollhe lib o Th s spiro moss of lendons cu^,€sdown loword lhe f.oni of lhe eg, wh e lheouter homsfing €ndon exlends slro ghtdowa nlo the heod of the nbulo on lhe oulerside of ih6leg Abo\e ond be ow lhe pofeloon the front of the knge ore lhe lol mosses (Dond E) whlch ore esponsibe for lhe greoivorioions lhol orlisls encounljgr when drow-lng the knee. Eyeryoneb knees ore ditferenlond ihe fot masses oround ihe polelio conshow !p os smoll project ng foms moskingihe rest ofthe onoiomy oflhe kriee. They o€,howe\€t not o greal ilcior on th€ benl knee


oLrier homsiing iendon

lo ilblo bond

pote lo goment

r^\ os l-e) €c€oe nlo o hollow c eoled bv 'he

\ oo-or ol l_e fecr. 'o"o'^e op ol l re ' lbo

Page 123: Lessons from Michelangelo

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Page 124: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Bones qnd Muscles of lhe Leg

STUD ESFORTNE CRUC]F FD HAMA\1511,edcha lk16 t 31 , \ UA& t 2A96cn)

. . , ; I u+ c5lhere ore tao bone. n lhe roreorm,t, rhere ore tuo bone5 n ihe o^er leq lheorger i b a, ocoied on ihe nsdeoi ihe eg,ondlhesmoler f b ! o, ocaied on ihe ouTs deThe nner s ! r foce of l fe shaf lc f lhe tb o ondlhe shorp anlerlor cresl cre enirey on ihesurfoce. The cutue ofihe ibo from ihe boiiol.n oflhe knee lA)down loihe proiecion onlhe nsde of lhe cnke knovr 'n cs the n iernona eo us (Bl scearyvsble Theprojec lonon the o l tsde of the onke. lhe ex lernc .na

fbu o iThe worcl rio eo us comes irom theLain ior "hanrmel 'or "malet : l The h--ad ofTlre ibLr.r rs ocoied on lheo{rts.le s!rfoce olThe knee Ofy ihc uppor and ower exlrem tes of th-a l b! r ore v s b e on irre surfacc. The shofi Lrn.ler es tlre m|rsc es oT lire.q

io lhe o lhr1! - ' . r f lh . - - ibo s ihc i r r r . ' sanT--ror (Dl . d lexor t r r ( rs . r - - lha i or l l i rxr lcs. l l lhcLrpp--r hvo th ( ls o l l t ie I b r r Tt t l .J i ! lor i o f l l r \nr rn:u pdj l rs I iur l o l ih l i c f kc. r f . ld sopi l r r f , o f l t t r rnu 5! . o l lho lool . wherc Ipa$.s L rdint.rlh .rf.l rnscrls inTo llrc rtlr rfch rxlir l)ornr oi lic ltrc.rl lo.. llrcl .5 l r fc lNlornrL Th j j i l . l ( ) f JVcrv orgc onci s!i be wheie t cr.rsses lhe troft (n llre ()w.:r,o ! cn. l . rnke isnrnclon s lo b, - .d ( l - - r l theiooi nrv]l.l The eq, wheri ih,- t.rot D n ihitposi .D. i i ie Tc l ] . lor .or be mod c, -ary

D re.J y lo ih,- o!lt|.ie ofih,- Ub o sornerrris The .,nq ollcnsor ol The To,4s. or ,Frl,Fns.]. l . l lor lnr or . lLs (E) l l is m| ]sce oso ors, -sf ronr lh- . L4) t ) , - r lw() l t i ( l : r . ) l ih{ r i t r t r on. i por lof Tlre f bLr o lhe T.nclon oTTh s ri|]sc e crossesire nonT ollhe.rnke, wh,-r,a i div cl,qs into l.rLrrsflro erTenclons llr.rTlon outon iir-- T.rp back,or .lors|]m ol The fool fhese imo er len.lo15nsen nto lhe ost pha onges of the secondlhrough ih. r f i th ioes As ls nome imp es. l l reong erlensor oi llre ioes exlends (uncurslthese ioes ancl heLFs fex the fooi Boih iboisanleror oncl ihe ong exTensor c1re nrcrssedlnto one lorm or the froni ofihe eg

The ghl n ih s dravr'ing is ironr the efiironiof ihe fgure Youf ab ly to clrow n ghl ondslrade greoiy mproveswhen yoLr reo zeilrolghl os i oppeors on o lgLrre n noiure s noi

necessorly lhe besl ol-tl lor drowng Ari$susuoly devse o s ng e ighlsource,snce ghlhlifg ihe igure lrom d ilerenl clreclonsiends lo breok up the lorms oflhe igure, cre-

ongelo dd nol copy iohlng os l ex$ed nnanrre but creoted h6 own

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Page 126: Lessons from Michelangelo

. , i l , r f ilwo peroneo mlsc es ar ,e f rom lhe f bL oI on ihe ouhde or ihe eq The rorcl PeF

oneo means per lo ns io i l " re fbuof Ceor lyvs b e on ihe ouls de of ihe eg s Tl-te ongperonecr mLrsc e, or percneus ongus,A nfher ight-honcldrow ng.wh ch ar sesi rom ihe upper two ih rds o i ihe ibuo Theiendon oT Th smlsce posses oro lno lhe ouiet moleousand exlenos Lrnder ond across ihe fool loierm nole n ihe base olihe meloiorso oiThegreai loe ls moln funclon s loeNTend lhelool;howevei beccLJse of lhe poih of is ienclon across the soe of lhe fooT, ihrs 'nuscleoso s responsib e ioriLrrn rrg ihe so e ouiwrr.l

leverirfg tl The short peroneo nLsce. olp-.roneus brevis [B], orses fforn ifre ovr'er twoth of lhe lbLr o. The ferr.lon oi Th 5 nusceoho posses oroln.l ihe exlerno molLeoLrs,blrl 1 rserTs inTolhe bdsc ofTlre nrekrt.rrso ofThe l!e lol]. or ifih rrrer ol.rrso The mnld oibre5 of lh s m!s.e ore covejed rry The tentuf ol ihe of.l fr:]rofeo Toge l'.J wilr Theorq peri]nl:].l1. The pe(/re!s brevs ext--n.]5The l.rn by tflnq The hee wh .r pLrslr rg th€l

Ther tAofca mLr5c-as olc rorey s,oeri or.lrowr oj n.lvil|ro nrrj.l.rsr on-.1 on(lslcnder They t--f(l io nrosi log--lh.J formrnqih--llcncra cy n.lri.rr shopcolThe ow.rr cg.Vhef. lrowcver. the eg s I o iT.rie ot llcolo.Ji{)f ior nn.rncc. wh-^n llic --ni re weighj.rt Th,- b(rly s on The l.r--5 lfrcse musc,-51'|row up os sep.lruie fttffis onTh,- lor9-^r nr.'ssof th-- eq M che onqe ( ) t ) l l .n . iecoroTe. i lhe

oLrls cl,- ol ih.- fooT wlh no.rrlons oflhelendons ol the nto p.'roneol n|]sc es \,vropp nqoro!fil ihc bcrck ol lhe exicrfol nro eourr

r ths dfowng lh,- smo nioss of Th,- shortel1ero oi ihe loes, of --xiensor dSLTorlnlbrevs (Cl , s c leory v isbe Th. ne rLrnnnl lclown lhefronioi lhe eg r,-prer-6n ls ihe I blo sonler o| the te r.)on oth s m(rsc,- lDlcreoieso hondsorne curye on ihe fronl of ilre onke.Remember thot the eg oLuays lo.s ihe foolos o cLrrve ALso noje ihai lhe eg shoLrd r]oloppeor io enler o l lhe iop o i t re crch or lhefooi; ihe aciuo meellnQ po ni s allhe bock



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Page 128: Lessons from Michelangelo

Ihe Muscles of the Coff


The colf of lhe leg is rnode up of hi/o mue-I cLes. The gostrocnemius (4 (the nome

meons trog3 be ly'l h a bulging muscle vsi-ble on lhe surfoce of lhe leg, lt hos lwo heods,wh ch orig nole frcm ihe bock of the condyles of the €mur, ond it inserls nlo lhelop ofthe pchilles lendon, on lhe bock of lhe legThepoinlotwhichihefibers ofthe musc ejo nthol l,endon (B) \cr es from person lo personbui usuolly occurs obout holf vi/,oy down lhebock of lhe leg lf ihe gostrocnemius is we Ide\€loped or In o slote of controclion, thejuncfure of the mlsc e fibers ond lendon wllbe cleorly denned,lhe inner holfoflhe gos-trocnemlus ls on o lo\der le\€lthdn s the olierholfj lhe Inner holf thefefore Inserls lnto theAchiles tendon on o le\€lslghily owerthonthe lnsertlon pont of the ollier hoi The in-lefno moleolus, how€\,€f, ls on ihe higherle\el lhon lhol of the exiernol moleolus ondshoud be so epTesenled ln o drcwlng,

The soleus lC) (lhe none meons'floifsh') lso llot nluscle ihoi es dlecily under the gos-lrccnemlus,ll or glnotes oi lhe upper podlonof the bock of the tblo ond fbu o ond Inseftinto the Achilles tjendon well beow ihe go!'lrocnem us. Except for ilsriower fbers, the 5ol-els s covorod by tho moIe superfcioL gos-

lheAchilles tendon (D) ls wlde oi lh upperbofderj lilaperc touord lhe backollho onkeand ihen wldens ogoln os t nseds into lheheel bone, or calconeug (E)

The pow€rlul colf mlscles o€ lhe extengormuscles ofihe fooi. Theyenoble o person loput the enl re welghtofthe body on lhe toes.

In lhis drowing the iendon of lho tbiolsonterlor (0 ls cleorlyvis ble on lhe lroni oi iheonkLe.lhe dorsum ofihe fooi s dol ned by lheiendon of lhe extensor of ihe greoi toe (O).

o r g n

Org n:underneoih the soslrocnemllrs,rfom ihe upper podonoi ihe bock ot the libio

nsedion:cM€r thon gaslrccnem us,

Page 129: Lessons from Michelangelo

i\uauaa ut eiD saat aql puD

uqsueaa 0 sr pal eqt NbL etl ualaBue!\e u seot eq! pua uaxau

la ato$ o ut s! laal atl llat eqt ua

Lu. r9aa | 960r) lrte t "/tgt itDq. )t.otq tz.oagl

AVC lO glt tl3t dol s]otus

Page 130: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Fool: The Bony Arch

Voucon leorno greoi deol o bout lhe onol-I om/ of lhe fool from studying Miche-

ange 03 drowngs The forms of ihe fool o€determined more by ske elal slruclure lhonby o ny other focior On ihe dorsum ol lhe foolihere s only one sma musce, the shori extensor of the loes, ond the lendons of lhe ongexiensor of the toes ond olher musces thatore ocoled on ihe front of lhe eg. The onkle,lhe orch, ond lhe heeloflhe loot ore formedby lhe se\,en lorso bones lhe coconeus,lhe oslaogalus, the ncviculor bone, ihreecuneiform bones, ond the cubod bone. The

co con-auslorms the hee (4, os noled eorlierAbole i the oslrogolus rests n the covtformed by lhe lower ends oflhe iibo (B) ondlhe f ibu o (CJ nlhiscovt lacls keahngejoinf, wh ch o ows ihe fool lo mo\,€ up (flexionl or down (exiens onl lhe novcu or bone,lhree cuneforms, ond lhe cubod bone formlhe arch ofthe loot ol D

Beyond lhe lorso bones ore ihe i\e meiolcrso bones, wh ch form lhe body ofihe fool,connecing lhe lorsus 10 lhe loes Eoch loehos three pho onges, exceplf of ihe greolloe,which, ike the thumb, hos ony 1wo



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Page 132: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Muscles of the Foot


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The fool h remorf oby s mibr io ihe hond.I lhere ore dfferences, however; ihe greol

loe is nol os mobib os lhe lhumb. Aso, unlikelhethumb,whose posilion onthe hond dlffercfrom tholofihe f ngers, the greoJloe's pos lionon ihe fool is not \,ery d fferenl from lhol of lheother toes. When lhe g€ct loe h lified, o len'don-runnlng stroight down lhe center of lheloe-is cleory vsible on ihe dorsum of lhefool. Th s h ihe lendon (4 of lhe exlensor oflhe greol loe, whch orises from oboul holf-woy up lhe shofl of lhe fibulo ond lerm noigsinihe osi(dsto) phoanxof lhegreoi loe.onihe fronl oflhe leg,this muscle h complefelyco\ered by the more supernc ai rruscles ondso h noivis b e,lislendon ls imporlontioorlslsbecouse il morks the hlgh poinl, or rldge, onthe dorsum of lhe fooi. n this drawing noiicethol, ffom lh s fidge, N4lchelongelo hos modeonep oneof lhe foolseemloslope groduolydownvr'ord ond oulvr'ord iowrrd ihe litl e ioe,whiLe ihe pdne ot the insde ol the fooi op"peofs lo drop down obrupty The funcilon oflhe exiensof of the greol toe h lo extend thegreoi ioe by llfilng t up io\dord lhe fronl of theleg

The on y muscleon ihedorsum oflhe fool islhe sho exiensorofthetoeg, os foisd eor loiwhch orig nales otihe h6elbone ond lormso smo Iegg-shoped mass onlhe oLtler s deofihe fool (B), direcily n fronl ol ihe externomolleoLus, Fouf lendons extend ffom il ondinsed inio the pho ongos of the ffrslfour ioesThese iendons poss under lhe fendons of thelong exiensor of ihe toes ond iherefore arefololy visibe on the foot

The skeleto orch on the inner side of ihefootlsflled oulond sofiened byihe abdLrclorof the greoi toe, or obduciof hol uc s (c) oniheforiher (dlsfal)end of ihe metolarsc bon€of ihe g€oitoe s o proleciion (D) ihoi s anmporlonl ondmokforihe odlsl The ouisideconlour oJ ihe fool is deflned byihe obduclorof ihe tlle ioe, or obduclor djgiti minim (Eland by o second londmork prcleclion (D,which is coused bytheenlorged c oser (prcx-imo I end oi ihe meiolorsol bone of the tt etoe ln ihh drowng, l\/lche ongelo empho-sized lhe powertullendon of lhe tbio ls onie-rior musc e (G) os l crosses lho onke loinl loi,.rm nole n ihe nside border of the fool,


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OFADAM HEAD OF THE NUDE1511, ed chdlkdet blo& cholk prepbollo*

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Page 134: Lessons from Michelangelo

Mqn: Ihe Uprighf Animql

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nfowinglhe egs olthe hlmon flgure snoil, thol d tierenl from drow ng lhe orms.lheiriceps mass on lhe froni oflhe lh gh resemblesfhe l ceps on lhe bock ollhe orm. Onemuscle grolp openslhe e bow ond slroighl-ens lhe foreorm lo olgn wllh lhe lpperormjond the olher group of muscles opens lheknee lo slro ghlen lhe lo\der leg ond olgn ilwlh lhe ihigh

The f bers of lhe voslus exlernus muscle {4connect lo the common tendon (B) In thedrowing lhe muscle forms o projeclion whilethe iendon h porlrot€d os o llol oreo Ihet ceps muscles on lhe fionl ofthe thigh ho\€o common furlc'lont lherefore Mcheon-gelot lines Ind coiing ndiv duoL musc es aresubilyond ghtydrown t is impodonllo ren_deriheth gh aso lofge,cyllndel lke moss ondihe l ceps musces os deloih portolly em-bedded n ond wropping around thelorgelmoss

one of ihe g€dldifferences bet$€en monond ihe ofhercnimos isthotmon slonds up"rghi l is evdent n M cheiangelo3 drowingsihoi he knew vre I thot mony of the muscleshove ihe funclon ol hodng lhe body upogolnsl ihe force of glovljy. por exomp e, iherbcoge moss ls held up by r€cius obdom nuson the lloni ol ihe torso, elec'lor splnoe iromb€hind, ond iho exiernol obl qLJe muscles onlhe sldegi ond gLuieus max mus pfewnh lhepelvls from foling foMald. And, os con bes6en In the deto ol lotl, ihe knee lolnt hsupported by lhe irlceps muscle ol the thlgh(C) ond ihe homslrlng moss (D)


1504, btlck cholk15q3', \ 14', [39.69 , 25.40 .n]

Befara o.iding lhe deloils ol musci€ mosses ond prcilberonc€s olbane, lhe lhlgh shautd fnn beconceved as a long

Page 135: Lessons from Michelangelo


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leqln qr6r l !.lil 6doq9aqt ot surollo. uai4c ,'adoro

'ornol 3qtlo esod aqt uo DuLpLradep 'Drcls ro'lrrr\ T^! oqD Aolr.r 11 'slol lDrepur aqi ry aro qlrod lloddnt asellal3q^\

srap suo. tsrlFfo aqllloodnsJo slLJ oo urolldorp 13ql rit ̂or0lo,^ q eql ol Llrrollloc sp olarnoll OULI rapun e\11 ]o )iLJLL-]1 s^D ̂ V slsor I\13 Lta Lro uioleLttlo edoqs eLlls€)ioltuadorciradDrp ot s€rKldo oqD- o|€p lnoqo 6ulirro,r erolaq ssouJ qs qoFe slo,^^lo-ern61eql 6uL^\orp ueq^ e lesqo no^ enl aulosaqL lsrLt su-lrol ra6ro aLll ./sorp puo s Dlapaqt puoiaq loot po]ire o r'doc ̂qs^os oltuossaceu lou s l lradDrp 6u.'v\Drp ueqM

sarn6, €l.]1 ]o sluro]ronasnur'6uorls €r+ {no oulq pLro e5uoqLr€ ol arsllfuedDrp sasn oeouoeqc r\ san

-6,€qt punorDi quozrrotl dor^ loql (VJsnuq6nop io srrpLr tAtr bur^rn) a4 Llf,nur A.ra^ I

aro 6u aorp s r+ urtu€dorp rqtlo spor aqI

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Page 142: Lessons from Michelangelo

The Geslure or Rhylhm of Fobric

Cince dropery resls on o f gure thot hos olrgesiue or oclon he fobric too musfho\€ o rhyihm, or geslure The lines of theiods olA spiro down the nside of lhe lhighmuch ke ihe sorlor us musc e underneofh,

n o study of the work oi Mlcheongelo, iis nol olwoys ceor whch drowings wereocluo ly mode by him ond whlch drowngsho!€ been lnoccuroley oliributed lo hm,N4ichelongoo schoors oflen disagree, mysellh nk thollhls s nol one of Nliche onge obdrowings despile ils ollribulion to him Thenes do nol hove lhe sureness ond spon

ianeiy ot hk oiherworks. Nor do lhey deflnelhe underlyng onotomy n lhe unheslolngv"qy lhol ho\,e come lo expecl in hisskelches, Also ihe honds, heods, ond feel orerolher weoky porlroled


14th \ 10 t3).8 | 25 cn)

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COMAAI Of HORSEMENAND FOOT SOTD]ERS15A4,peh7 r 97h {1773 t 25.03 cfr)

ash nal N n M u seu n, Ana I d.

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Page 146: Lessons from Michelangelo

GTOSSARYIhe ljollow;ng h o ris'ot terrrs leqLe1ty e^coJnlered in he sfudy ofo.rolomv,

qt duc'ljor o muscle lhol pulls tiM/lry from the mid Ine of the body

oclduclor o muscle thof pu ls lowqrd ihe midline of lhe body

condyle o orge bump on o bone

cr€sl o rldge on o bone

od€nsor c muscle thol couses some port of the body to slrolghlen out

llexor o muscle ihof couses some port of the body to bend

ins€rllon lhe end poln' of Tusc e ottochrren'

o gln the flxed polnt of muscle ottochhent

pondlor a rnusc e thdt lurns the polm of lhe hond downword

proluberonce or lube|o6ily o smollbump on o bone ,

splne o shofp rldge of bone

suplnolor o muscle thot ilrng ihe polm of lhe hond lpword

lemor o muscle lhoi pedorms o ughlenlnq flnctlon


Page 147: Lessons from Michelangelo

'901-r0t td :€ouaoH 'EUJfl

' &t-gzt' tzriz|ezr-ar' 9 t -'r tl'e0'-z0t 't0r-00t '66-s6 '16-96 'e6-u'9ffi9'rg-fln' 6L-A L'e L-ZL'9W9'69-8 '99-29 '9t dd :urauoDH'ulnssnn rede_L

',rr-or, 'Lor-fit'tt-g€'LZ '92-ra 'OZ 'dd :rosput/\ tuorqtl to^cu

',EL-Ow'6242 Edre+uolutpodoS lc €louopDN oesiy\l sepoN

'gLNL'dd 4q{ aeN '+,IV lo€sny\l uDllpdo4er!

'qcupua) tuuaH puoqclpuol s eaooe s \eqdeu slq lq uopc'e tur.raH p /lJouen ur uta gzr-vzl'89 a9od rpuote eo !v lo LLrnesny\l puote elc

'601-80t dd rprotxo 'rtcrnq3 $ur.]c'0t dd recuaroll 1|orDuonS oso3

'eer-zer'6rr-s 't6-06 18-98'es-28 'troL '69-89 ',19-99 ',99-t9 ',t9-09 ',8t't -w 'Ev-zv '68-ge'Qe-ze 'Le-oe 'et-zr',r-ot, 'E-z ', ad ruopuol 'Llnesnll qq$€

' 6er-Set Let -gel,E r-z , '68-88 ',t9-99 'SV-VV '98 iE'eZ ZZ 'gL tt do rprolxo 'urnesnn uDeloLurlsv'lt,L-9i|dd racuaoH'[orouon€ ot^tr]crv

'96-96 11-9L E A9 00

'9t vzr'rz, ozl

r$uc,wo ecnporoer 01 uolsqlLreoroJ suo[ce]loc puo 'seLrorqll 'surnesnu 6ul4\ol- o' eqf o+ epDL! I luauropel/v\ouico njelDie

sn, ,,


Page 148: Lessons from Michelangelo

Abdominol musc es,62

ingers, '1041oal,126

Aceiobu um of hip loinl6TAchi es fendon, 122Acromion process, 17, 18, 75, 77

Adduclor moss ofthlgh,108 109

grocl lh, 110-111thigh, 108 109lhumb, 99

Anolom col drcw n9, 16, 71, 100Anotom col soltbox, 46Analom col snutfbox, 102Ankte.17,21,124 125Anler of supeior iliac sP ne,19,66Ani he x, 34Antirogus, 34Nch,124 125ArnT pit, 62, 95Ar $oie, 84Arm-bone, see HumerusArms,88-105

bones ot 17, 89, 96-97exiension ond flex on, 96exiensors, 97-99

loreom, 89, 96-97, '100-101, 104loiissimus dorsi ond, 78length of, 96movement of, 74, 78, 96, 99musces,89-97

scopu o ond,92-93lendons,98, 100t ceps, 90-91upper 89

Axilo, 62, 95

Bock10,72 19,8A-81toms ol 70modelng, 80 81musc es of, 72 79

Bockbone, 50Bo once, 82-83Biceps, 89, 90,94 95

orig n ond nsettion,89short heod,95

Bic p tal groo\,€, 58, /5, 78Bic piol1rrberosiv 96Brcch olis, 97Breoslbone, see SlernLrmBreosls, 68

plocemenl mole/femole, 68Buuocks, 84 85

Colconeus, 18, 19, 122'125

Coli muscles,122 123Coninus, 41Copilulum, 96Coracoid process, 89Corpus,17,96

Cost shodows, 36Cheekbone, 17,4'lChesl,58 59Ch n $rop 32C avtcle, '12, 17 , 18, 21, 46, 52, 56, 58Cacc\x, 18, 19, 82, 8AColarbone,see ClovicleCommonlendon,21, 92 93, 115Composlon, 24Concha, 34Condy e ol humerus, 92-93, 98-99Condy es of bmur 122Contour drow ng, 11Corccobrochio s, 94-95Coroco d process of scopuc, 17Corcn od process, 42-43

Cron um, 19,29,40relol onsh p to foce, 29

C.ico d cori loge, 44

Dol lvn, Chor es,84De lold muscles, 58, 62, 68, 89, 92-93,

94 95oclion oti 89on lomo e,68orig n ond lnsedon, 89roised orm, 94-95

Dep€ssof obi inferor s,41D giloiions, 60, 62, 64DofsoLspnes of lhoracic lertebloe, 78Da'srm,122, 124,'126Dropery 130-137

gesture of, 136slmp ting, 132support po nts,'131, 132, 134

Dtaw)ng,'t2, 110, 128, 139drapery 130-137wiih line, 12

Eor 34Eorobe,34Egypton propodons, 21El G€co, 23ELbow'17,89,96, 100

point of, 96Ereclor sp noe, 72Enendorl 96, 123, 124Extensor d gitorum longus,1'18 119,126Extensor oJ lhe greot loe, 126 127Extensors, 96 97,98 99

at.r'96 97,104fnger '104laat, 118-119, 122, 124, '126]egs, 147 , 118-119, 126thumb, 99

Externol molleolus, 19, 118Exlernol obique muscle, 64, 66, 68Eyes, 34, 32, 4a-41

eyes, 30, 32, 40 4llghl ond shode on, 34,36mouih, 38mlscles ol40-41nose, 38pocemento132,38prcporlionol syslem, 32

Fdscio, 84Femo e/tvlole lor oiions,68,82

pe vis, 82socrum, 82iorso,68

Femur 17, '18, 19r bato, 17 , 18, 19, 118-119, 124-121

heod of, '19

muscles of, 120-121Fingers, 17, 96, 100, 104-105Flexian, 96, 123, 124Flexor rnuscles, 98-99,'110-111

bock of €9,110-11' lloreorm, 98-99lower eg, '118-119

Fold of lhe groln,66-67Focn, 124, 124-127

bony arch,124-125leg le olonshlp 120muscles of, 126-127

Foreshofen ng, 52,56-57, 89, 102Form,'10 27,38

bock,70des gn ng, 24 25fofeorm, 100

lne ond,12-13moe/lbmoe voriaiions, 68overlopping, 60, 89p ones ond,54shopes ond, 14 15slmplfuing,26 30,52,131skeLelol slrlclure ond, 16 19under drapery 131undeiy ng structure, 10,16-27, 131

Go$rocnemius, 122 123Geomelr c forms, 52, 60Gesfxe, '11, 16, 24, 136








GlobeLo, 38Glodio us, 58

Page 149: Lessons from Michelangelo

0€ 'e3oos ur poaq16 96 urrD to uorrouorc LUep


8Zr'rLtblrdng8 z8 'puo sr^leo

g8 z8 1o ecuotDq00t'eg z8 '9r 'rL 'asod

99',rq',s3uodz0 urnrutqd

gZt-VaL 6tt Ll saolvot L6 96 Lt e6r!

lL re6uotoqdtzt-02, 3e csn!! to€uorod



t8 z8 sLrolloro e oLriel/ololue8-28 'puo ecuDtoq

1t 9t sntei99 '61, 'lu od cL^tei

6t +serc c ̂ledt6 1OU[_r_] S[Orol3oi

t6 '68 ',29'09 '89 lotolu slDroped9tt-9t, 10 lueuroo I9w ,fi'6t'L',a eIDa

9t seuoq oleroi

zot '68 'se! | ouddotro o68 '09 sLrrot ouddotre c)

[ +qo|,t sl)o slDlnc qlo

0t 'lnco slrolnc qro96 68 ',8t uouol3ao

,t '0t 3 toluo4-olo 3co8r'elroq toldtcao

t9 snurLLropqo sn!re$e snnbrqo

z! Jo lueLlecoLdt9 lo se csnL!

tP '8e 'ze '00 '3soN

89 ',e OlrJate ou luauJaaooseldd N

6' 1O €OrqAlrO^91',9t',tt to sa csnu

,f/ 'lo sLr.rrolt't '9e )1ceN

l|seuoq tosoN

|,t 0t 'uoBserdxa lo sa csnf\uoFeE puo uorsuelxl os/o e6s

tt 0t 'uorsserdxe loIL aL V9 lr luewe/ou-r

89',suo prro^ etoLu/etDura]a6 rg ,L'vg lo ual.Dltra.


ze 1o luaurecop,t 1o sa 3snur

l,r '8e 'ze '09 '!+nou\

t8 o8 ')poq eq+ 6u spol^,zt,,6tt 8 .,tt s osrololen

96',tt sLodrocotan

tt lt'D[xDl,\9t'gt'sse:)od plolsol

et Lt'epsnur ral€ssol,\t€t epoqs puD lqon quzet t€t ^reoorp r€pun

0q '3oD3 qr6t 'puo paurasqd

89',02',s]^ed89 ',eloure] uo

!€-og'puo ou lspoLut 9t zt 6z poeu

l,0' 001''urrDsroJt8 09 2coq '0urssol

89'6V',92',L V' Zl ssoN89 urnqnuol\

tt'lt'etq puon6t ,sn oellon

suoloug\ eton/elo!!ele€s'suolorD etourel/eton

lL rqDn

6L ',sorqeua roqurnl8l'slsorneuodo roqLLlnl

rolouldns ees lolourdns buot6tt-8r|, 5€ol eqllo rosueyo buol

90 'te 'puo onto00,'t9 puD seuo o

t8-08 )lcoq eqlouLtepour8ll 'q,o oouoteqcln

90 't8 $elnpel olcqger,r€, tuedorp

00,'8l ',tl '9€ 'rz 'tt ,, epoqs puD ltlo l

z9 'DqLO O€ll l9g 'puo en o

99'puo selodZO, 68 '6! ddotra o

6€t gL'29 ,t et-Z, pro UJlottg 'po rnc

6tt'z|t'?t lnoluoc6€l '99 ',Zq ',lt 'eull

tet '8 '|, ',82 ',tl '89 ',90 ',92 ',rZ ',acrnos rL.]6|1|,t 'Fo! anbaoo srotrsdns rqotrotMet

tt 'qrotradns rqotrop ettt s roln6uo ro+o at

60t-90!',qbqt8',llai o

tt! otl 36urlsLloL]tzt zzt'aar'prD +oa!€zt zz,'saf,snur JtDr


96 t6 'L!rD pes or8l 'uofesu puD ! olo

81 1o uoll.D96 V6 '18-08 ',81 ',29 ',09',srop snll]rss[o]

9Zt'rt,'a6 69'r8',28 tz rlalJ-rpual

tz ,61, ,lutod 6u eeu)Dta+Dd aes dmeeu)

,z ',Lo suo looorolrL-9r, 10 sLUro,L

9tr-tlt'1o seuoqt^ 9w 9t, vt|z aeuyL


8rr'6t'snpe Dur Durelus ouDlDlsn €es aqsu

86 26',t8 08',91 tl sr4DutosDrjuzL L9 &t1ll

9tt'60|, Sot puoq to quo I8r lOLe$Od

6L loUeOnS loleluo6t'8t,'lt'eutds co tl

vg 8t'v9 Lt lsel..aI

z0r 3sour roueqlod^Htt euoq po H

€6 Z6 p etlploc16-96 9t',99',tZ',6t',ll,snreurnH

,zr laot96 ̂^oqF

96',1t'tuole6uH98 'qq6tq6 H

ttxoHsneuoc 03 eos euoq |eoH

te lDuoc oufoaH88 ',91 ',9t t0 '0e p 1$

9t 'lo uotlDlor6Z ',a3ol o+ otqsuolo ar

oe 'ecDds u uo!+Fod9l'p!o )perJ

z8 '62 '6u ssDul8e'te'20 serruoei opoJ

lt 1o saloqzv-6z poeL]'

t0,'z0t suopuelq0, t0,'6utA[dL].rst0r'zot:lo sopsnul

96 'L_t16uo

96 10 sauoqq0r 20l, '96'puoH

9,|/ ',t[ 0tt 'tg ]o sepsnul0[ Jo uoll3o

9r!',r[-0tr'r8'ssoLu 6uL4surDH

89 elourq uo99',19-991o p ol',u or9

tz 'suolodod rcere06 4 soleqq reloorS

tg 6r'8, Fluoqcot reloe€ttt qat, N^da,Lt 0[ s]tcDr3

tr, 0tt looJ ssooe98 89 ,sn peur snertS

98 t8',SnUJlxOU_r Snqnte68',8' it^Dc p|oueo

Page 150: Lessons from Michelangelo

prof e of lorso, 86pronolion oi hond,99rb coge n spoce,52

Posleror femorh, see HomsTr ng mossPosler or iLoc sp ne.18Pouporls lgoment 66 67Pre n'r nory skelches, 12, 23

locio feollres, 32knee 1o body 21ol lgr'e.2o 23Reno ssonce, 22 23syslems ot 20 23,32


Quodiceps,21,84,107 108ociion ol 107-108common tendon,107org n ond inserl on, 107-108

Rodus, 17, 18, 19, 89, 96-97movemenl of, 96-97

Recius obdominus,62Reclus femoris, 107, 115 '116

Reno ssonce proporions, 22-23Rhombodeus, 74-75, 80-81Rhyrhm, 24-25Rib coge, 21

mosslng of, 50, 52poslon ng in sPoce,52, 56 57t pped, 64

Ribs, 18, 19, 50, 58, 60, 62corl i loge o150,58, 62

Rim ot eat see Helix

socrum,18,19, 72,82 84mole/femole vraotons, 82 83orio n ol ereclor sp noe, 72orign of g uleus moximus, 34orig n oi lol ss mus dors, 78

Soriorius, 108 109, 110 111oclon ol 108ofig n ond nserlion, '108 109

Sco ene musc es,44ScopLr a. 17, 18,21,56

musces oi 60,74 75, 78p ocemenl ol 74 75rcohonsh p io orms,92 93splne ol l8

Serfo'tus onier ot 95Serrotus rrognJs,60,64Shodows, 36

Shope,oi dropery 131,132ol fornrs, 14 '15

oulside,14, 134smp fuing, 132

Shinbone, see TbioShorl exlensor of lhe loes,126-127Shou der blodes, see Scopu oShou der gird e,46,56 57Shou der jo nl , 17Shou der muscle, 58Shouders,82 83Skeletol fromework 16-19Skul, 40Saetrs,122 123Spoce,lorms n, 30, 52, 56 57,60Sp ne of ihe scopuo, 18,75Slond ng, 128 129Sternoc e domostoid, 46Sternomoslod,34Stefnum, 17, 21, 46, 50, 58

Ports ol, 58Sup nolor 97 99Suprosp noius, 74-75Symphyss pubis, 19, 66-67

Torsq bones,124-125Torsus,17,21

Ternpora is, 41 43Tencion sheeh, 76, 78Tensor fosc e oioe,108-109Teres major 62, 74-75,80-81,92 93,

94 95inseriion, 75

Teres minoi 74 75, 80-81,92-95Thenor mass,102Thigh, 107 113

ironi ot '107homsir ngs ond, 1'10-111movemenl ol 108 109reloiionsh p lo pelvis,l'12-113

Thlghbone, see FemurThrool46,56,58Thoroc c orch, 62Thumb,99, 104 105

mLrscles of,99,104re olionship 1o fingers,104-105

Throid codioge,44\bia, 17 , 18, 19 , 21, 118-119

lLrberc e ol '19, 21Tbioh onter ior 118 119,126lt t,

ol heod, 30, 34,46, 76, 83of pelvis for boonce,82 83

Torso, 48 86onlerior of, 48 69bones ol 17, 58

iorms ol chesl53-59

overlopping forms ol 6l

po$eior ot 70 87prof e ot 86rb coge,50 52shouldef gkd e, 56 57

Trogus, 34Tropez us, 46, 56, 76 77,8o 81,89

orig n ond nserlion, T6-77Tro\,erse lendons, 62Tr ceps, 89, 90, 92-95

ociion ol 90externo heod ol92-93nlerno heod ol 92 93,94ong heod of, 92 93orlg n ond inserlon, 90

Ir ceps femoralis, see Quodr cepsIuberce of lhe l ib o,19,21

Uha, 17, 18, 19, 89,96-97, 100 101moss ng, 100-101mo\emeni of, 96 97

Upr ght pose, 128

\(rue, 34, 36, 38, 80-81, 134mode ng ihe back, 80-81

\tstus exlernus, 107-108, 115, 116or gin ond inserton, 107-108

\bslus lniermedlus, 107\hsiLrs iniernus, ,l07, 115, 116\brlebrae,'18, 19

ceNical, 19,14-15, 76eeclor spinoe musces ond, 72latssimus dorsi ond, 78trmbat.19,72,78scalene musc es ond,44scopu oe ond, 74 75lrapezius ond, 76thotaclc,19, 50,7 4 75,78

vtetgfi , 68, 84, 86, 124, 02on egs, 84, 86, 120a.t laes,122plocemeni ol 68

Whiie ne,62Wist, 17,96, 100 101

Wist broceleis, 102

Xipho d process, 17, 21, 58, 62

Zygomol c orch,40 43Zygomotcls molor 41 /gomotcus m not 41

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t gtlz'ntzl 0-N6sr


. puD \.oq 1uo4 et4 0n4rsrol 6ql lo s6Lo/d 66r!/ aqi! autuiatep al saq4eltLLULuudd sD auap atah s1uladp atduts asaql

0, tro ,4\eN )iro ^ eN'ic,!\poor€ qtgt 'sNotlv3 t€nd ]t ldn9 Noslv,4/\roolop3 ee4 ro, e#/U

Iu. Srra/ t,lrl,,/t6| tn t,tDt]. ,.Dtq puo tltt u^dq u.d aagl q6rt

9NtNNnd ldn9B ltvw tcnN

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