
Lewis Kerroll (1832-1898) nom de plume of the English writer,

mathematician and logician of Charlza Lyutvidzha Dodzhsona.

Author of popular stories for children «Alice in wonderland»

(1865) and «In Zazerkal'e» (1871). The advanced studies of

Kerrolla were anticipated by some ideas of mathematical logic.

Lewis Kerroll gave birth on January, 27, 1832 in Darsberi, a

county Cheshir, England in the having many children

monogynopaedium of anglican priest. Finishing with a

difference the college of Church Dominical (Christ Church

College) the Oxford university on mathematics and classic

languages and getting a master's (Master of House) degree,

Dodzhson accepted junior spiritual dignity of Diakon (in clerical

Oxford acceptance of dignity was the necessary condition of

electing in the members of college) and «donom» became by

the member of college of Church Dominical, which

The publisher of magazines and writer Edmund Yets advised

Dodzhsonu to think of a pseudonym, and in «Dnevnikakh»

Dodzhsona a record appears from February, 11 1865: «Wrote

Mr. to Yates, offering to him at choice pseudonyms: 1) Edgar

Katvellis [the name of Edgar Cuthwellis turns out at

transposition of letters from Charles Lutwidge]; 2) Edgard U.

Ch. vestkhill [method of receipt of pseudonym what in the

previous case]; 3) Louis Kerroll [Louis from Lyutvidzh —

Lyudvik is Louis, Kerroll from Charlza]; 4) Lewis Kerrol [on that


Mathematical works of Dodzhsona did not leave any noticeable

track in history of mathematics.. Told and essentially complete

isolation of Dodzhsona from the scientific world: not counting

of short duration visits to London, Bat and to the sisters,

Dodzhson all time conducted in Oxford, and only in 1867 the

usual way of his life was broken a journey to distant Russia

(from this journey of Dodzhson expounded the impressions in

the famous «Russian diary»).

Unique originality of his style is conditioned

triuneness of his literary gift of thought of

mathematician and acute logic. Despite widespread

opinion of that, as though Kerroll along with

Edvardom Lirom can be considered the founder of

«poetry of nonsenses» («nonsense poetry»), Lewis

Kerroll created other genre of «paradoxical

literature in actual fact»: his heroes do not violate

logic, and vice versa, follow it, taking logic to


The most considerable literary

works of Kerrolla of Lewis are

legally consider two fairy-tales

about Alice is «Alice in

Wonderland» (1865) and

«Through Mirror and that Alice»

(1871) saw there, usually for

short urgent «Alice in


Lines of unique style distinctly

oschutimy and in other works of

Kerrolla: «Sil'vi and Bruno»,

«Hunt on Snarka», «Midnight

tasks», «History with knots»,

«That a tortoise said Akhillu»,

«Allen Braun and Karr», «Euclid

and his modern competitors»,

letters to the children.

In Russia Kerroll uses a wide fame

from the end of the last century.

Fairy-tales about Alice were

repeatedly translated and retold into

Russian language, in particular, by

Vladimir by Vladimir Nabokovym. But

one of the best translations carried

out Boris Vladimir Zakhoder.

Histories, thought of Kerrolom, not

only children but also adults love

Lewis Kerroll died on January, 14, 1898,

in Gilforde, a county Surrey, England

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