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  • 7/28/2019 Lexicon of Acronyms


  • 7/28/2019 Lexicon of Acronyms



    A/A Air to AirAFIS Aerodrome Flight Information


    AACC Area Approach AFIL Flight notification:

    Control Centre - filed in the air, or

    Deviation - indicating the

    AAIS Automatic Aerodrome position at which ATSInformation Service services will first be

    AAL Above Aerodrome required.

    Level AFM Yes, Affirm,

    ABI Advance Boundary Affirmative, that is

    Information correct

    ABM Abeam AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service

    ABN Aerodrome Beacon AFT After

    ABT About AFTN Aeronautical Fixed

    ABV Above ... Telecommunication

    AC Altocumulus Network

    ACARS Aircraft AFU Aviation Forecast Unit

    Communication A/G Air-to-GroundAddressing and AGA Aerodromes, Air

    Reporting System Routes and Ground

    (pronounced Aids

    "AY-CARS') AGL Above Ground Level

    ACAS Airborne Collision AH After Hours

    Avoidance System AIC Aeronautical

    ACC Area Control Centre Information Circular

    ACD Airways Clearance AIP Aeronautical

    Delivery Information

    ACFT Aircraft Publication

    ACK Acknowledge AIRAC Aeronautical

    ACN Aircraft Classification Information

    Number Regulation and control

    ACP Acceptance Messages AIREP Air-ReportACPT Accept, Accepted, AIRMET Information in plainACT Active, Activated, language concerning

    Activity weather significant to

    AD Aerodrome light aircraft

    ADC Aerodrome Chart Operations

    ADF Automatic Direction at or below 10,000 FT

    Finding Equipment AIS Aeronautical

    ADIZ Air Defence Information Service

    Identification Zone AL Approach LightsADJ Adjacent ALERFA Alert phase

    ADR Advisory Route ALR Alerting Message

    ADS Automatic Dependent ALS Approach Lighting

    Surveillance System

    AEP Aerodrome Emergency ALT Altitude

    Plan ALTN Alternate (aerodrome)

    AERIS Automatic En Route ALTN Alternate, Alternating

  • 7/28/2019 Lexicon of Acronyms


    Information Service (light alternates in colour)

    AM Ampiltude Moduation ASDA Accelerate-Stop

    AMD Amend, Amended Distance Available

    AMDT Amendment (AIP Amendment) ASDE Airfield Surface Detection

    AMIS Aeronautical Information servcice Equipment

    AMSL Above Mean Sea Level ASE Altimetry System ErrorANC Aeronautical Chart ASI Air Speed IndicatorOA Angle of attack ASL Above Sea Level

    1:500,00 followed by name/title) ASPH Asphalt

    AOC Air Operators ASR Area Surveillance

    Certificate Radar

    AOC Aerodrome ATA Actual Time of Arrival

    Obstacle Chart ATAS Air Traffic Advisory service(name/title) ATC Air Traffic Control (in

    AOI Airways Operational instructions general)AP Airport ATD Actual Time of DepartureAPAPI Abbreviated Precision ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management

    Approach Path ATIS Automatic TerminalAPC Approach Control Information ServiceAPCH Approach ATN AeronauticalAPDC Aircraft Telecommunications

    Parking/Docking Chart Network(followed by Name/title) ATS Air Traffic Services

    APN Apron ATTN AttentionAPP Approach Control AT-VASIS Abbreviated "T" VisualAPR April Approach SlopeAPRX Approximate, Indicator SystemAPSG After Passing (pronouncedAQZ Area QNH Zone AY-TEE-VASIS)

    ARFL Aeroplane Reference, ATZ Aerodrome Traffic ZoneField Length AUG August

    ARNG Arrange AUTH Authorised,ARP Aerodrome AUW All Up Weight

    Reference Point AUX AuxiliaryARP Air-Report (message AVBL Available

    type designator) AVG Average

    ARR Arrive, rrival AVGAS Aviation Gasoline

    ARS Special Air-Report AWIB Aerodrome Weather(message type designator) Information Broadcast

    ARR Arrive, arrival AWK Aerial Work

    AS Altostratus AWS Automatic Weather Station

    ASAP As Soon as Possible AWY Airway

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    B Blue BLDG Building

    BASARNAS Badan SAR Nasional BLO Below Clouds

    BASE Cloud Base BO Beacon Outbound

    BCFG Fog Patches BLW Below

    BCN Beacon (aeronautical BOMB Bombing

    ground light) BR MistBCST Broadcast BRF Short (used to indicate

    BDRY Boundary type of approach)

    BECMG Becoming BRG Bearing

    BFR Before BRKG Braking

    BKN Broken (cloud Descriptor) BS Broadcasting Station(Commercial)

    BL Blowing (followed by BT Base turn

    DU=dust, SA=sand or BTL Between Layers

    SN=snow) BTN Between

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    C Degrees Celsius CNL- Cancel

    (Centigrade) CNL Flight plan

    C Centre (Runway) cancellation message

    CAS Calibrated Air Speed CNS Communications,

    CAT Category Navigation

    CAT Clear Air Turbulence SurveillanceCAVOK Visibility, cloud and COM Communications

    present weather better than CONC Concrete

    prescribed values or Conditions COND ConditionCB Cumulonimbus CONS Continuous

    CC Cirrocumulus CONST Construction,

    CCTS Circuits Constructed

    CDN Co-ordination Message CONT Continue(s),

    CEN En Route and Area Continued

    ATC Unit COOR Coordinate,

    CET Clearance Expiry Time Coordinated

    CF Change Frequency to COORD Coordinates

    CFL Cleared Flight Level COR Correct, Corrected,CFM Confirm, 1 confirm COP Change Over Point

    CH Channel COS Conical Surface

    CHG Modification Messages COT At the Coast, Coastal

    CK Check COV Cover, Covered,

    CL Centre Line Covering

    CLA Clear type of ice CPDLC Controller-Pilot

    formation Data Link Communication

    CHTR Charter CPL Current Flight Plan Messages

    Ci Cirrus CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

    CLBR Calibration CRZ Cruise

    CLD Cloud CS Call-sign

    CLG Calling Cs CirrostratusCLIAS Climbing Indicated CTA Control Area

    Airspeed CTC Contact

    CLR Clear, Cleared to CTL Control

    Clearance CTN Caution

    CLSD Closed, Close, CTR Control Zone

    Closing CTZ Control Zone

    Cm Centimeter Cu Cumulus

    CMB Climb to or Climbing to CUF Cumuliform

    CMPL Completion, CUST Customs

    Completed, or Complete CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder

    CMSD Commissioned CWY Clearway

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    D Danger Area DISP Displaced(followed by identification) DIST Distance

    D Deleted DIV Diversion, Divert,DA Decision Altitude DivertingDALR Dry Adiabatic Laspe rate DLA Delay, Delayed

    DAP Departure and DLIC Data Link InitiationApproach Procedures Capability

    D-ATIS Data Link Automatic DLY Daily

    Terminal Information DME Distance Measuring EquipmenT

    Service (pronounced DMEN DME (international)

    "DEE-ATIS") DMEP DME (International Precision

    DCMSD Decommissioned - used in Conjunction with MLS)

    DCPC Direct Controller-Pilot DNG Danger, Dangerous

    Communications DOC Documents

    DCKG Docking DOM Domestic

    DCT Direct (in relation to DP Dew Point Temperature

    flight plan clearances DPT Depth

    and type of approach) DR Dead ReckoningDEC December DR Low drifting (followed

    DEG Degrees by DU=dust, SA=sand

    DEP Depart, Departure, or SN=snow)

    Departed, Departing , DRG During

    Departure Message DS Duststorm

    DER Departure End of DTAM Descend to And MaintainRunway Departure DTG Date-Time GroupEnd of the Runway DTHR Displaced Runway Threshold

    DES Descending to DTRT Deteriorate, Deteriorating

    DEST Destination DU DustDETRESF

    A Distress Phase DUR DurationDEV Deviation, Deviating DUC Dense Upper Cloud

    DF Direction Finder/Finding D-VOLMET Data Link VOLMET

    DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder DVOR Doppler VOR

    DH Decision Height DZ Drizzle

    DIF Diffuse

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    E East, East Longitude EOBT Estimated off Blocks Time

    EAS Equalivent Air Speed EP Electronic Position

    EAT Expected Approach Time EPIRB Indicating Radio Beacon (marine

    EDD Electronic Data Display Term.)

    EET Estimated Elapsed EQPT Equipment

    Time ERC En Route ChartEHF Extremely High Frequency ESE East South-East

    (30 000 to300 000 MHZ) EST Estimate or estimated

    ELEV Elevation or estimate (message

    ELR Extra Long Range type designator)

    ELR Enviromental Lapse Rate ETA Estimated Time of

    ELT Emergency Locator Arrival, Estimating Arrival

    Transmitter ETB Esimated time at the Boundary

    EM Emission ETD Estimated Time of Departure

    EM Electromagnetic Radiation Estimating Departure

    EMBD Embedded in a Layer ETO Estimated Time Over

    (to indicate Cumulonimbus significant point

    embedded in layers of other EV Every

    clouds) EXC Except

    EMERG Emergency EXER Exercises,

    EMG Emergency Exercising, to exercise

    ENDCE Endurance EXP Expect, Expected, Expecting

    ENE East North-East EXTD Extend, Extending, Extended

    ENG Engine

    ENR En Route

    ENRC En Route Chart

    (followed by name/title)

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    F Fixed (chart symbol) FLT Flight

    FA Final Approach Flight Check

    FAC Facility, Facilities FLTCK Fluctuating,

    FAF Final Approach Fix FLUC Fluctuation,

    FAL Facilitation of International Airport Fluctuated

    FANS Future Air Navigation System FLW Follow(s), FollowingFAP Final Approach Point FLY Fly, FlyingFATO Final Approach and FM From (followed by time weather

    Take- Off Area change is forecast to begin)

    FAWP Final Approach FM Frequency Modulation

    Way-point FMS Flight Management

    FAX Facsimile System

    Transmission FMU Flow Management Unit

    FBL Light (used to indicate the intensity FOD Foreign Object Damage

    of WX phenomena, interference FPD Flight Plan Designator

    or static reports, eg FBI- RA FPL Filed Flight Plan

    light rain) Message

    FC Funnel Cloud FPM Feet per Minute(tornado or water spout) FPR Flight Plan Route

    FCST Forecast FPS Feet per Second

    FDL Fixed Distance Lighting FR Fuel Remaining

    FDPS Flight Data Processing system FRI Friday

    FEB February FREQ Frequency

    FEW Few (cloud FRNG Firingdescriptor) FRQ Frequent

    FFR Flood, Fire Relief FS Flight Service (in general)

    FG Fog FSL- Full Stop Landing

    FIC Flight Information Centre FST First

    FIO Flight Information Office FT Feet

    FIR Flight Information Region FU SmokeFIS Flight Information Service FXD Fixed

    FISS Flight Information Service Station FZ Freezing

    FL Flight Level FZW Freezing Drizzle

    FLD Field FZFG Freezing Fog

    FLG Flashing FZL Freezing Level

    FLR Flares FZRA Freezing Rain

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    G Green GNSSGlobal Navigation SatelliteSystem

    GCA Ground Controlled GP Glide Path

    Approach GP FLG Group Flashing (number)

    GEN General (used in conjunction with

    GEO Geographic, true aerodrome lighting)GES Ground Earth Station GPS Global Positioning System

    GFY Glider Flying GPI Glide Path Intercept

    GHz Gigahertz GR Hail

    GLD Glider GRAD Minimum Required climb gradient

    GLONASS Global Orbiting Navigation GRADU A Gradual Change

    Satellite System GRASS Grass Landing Area

    (pronounced GLO-NAS) GRVL Gravel

    GMC Ground Movement GS Groundspeed

    Chart (followed by name/title) GS Small Hail andlor

    GND Ground Snow Pellets

    GNDCK Ground Check GUND Geoid Undulation

    GNS Global Navigation System


    H24 Continuous day and HO Service available to meet

    night service operational Requirements

    HAT Height Above HOSP Hospital AircraftAerodrome HPA Hectopascal

    Height Above HR Hours

    Threshold HS Service available during hours

    HBN Hazard Beacon of scheduled operationsHDG Heading HIS Hortizonal Situation Indicator

    HEL Helicopter HSL Hold Short Lights

    HF High Frequency HURCN Hurricane

    (3000 to 30,000 KHZ) HVY Heavy

    HGT Height, Height Above HVY Heavy (used to indicate the

    HIALHigh Intensity ApproachLighting, intensity of WX phenomena,

    HIOL High Intensity Obstacle Lights, eg HVY RA = heavy rain)

    HIRL High Intensity Runway Lighting HX No specific working Hours

    HJ Sunrise to Sunset HYR Higher

    HLDG Holding HZ Haze

    HLS Helicopter Landing HZ Hertz

    Site HZS Horizontal Surface

    HN Sunset to Sunrise

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    IAL Instrument Approach INCERFA Uncertainty Phase

    and Landing Chart INFO Information

    IAS Indicated Air Speed INOP Inoperative

    lAWP Initial Approach Way-point INS Inertial Navigation

    IBN Identification Beacon System

    ICAO International Civil INSTIL Install, Installed,Aviation Organisation Installation

    IC Ice Crystals (MET code) INSTR Instrument

    ICE Icing, Ice INT Intersection

    ID Identifier, identify INTER Intermittent,

    IDENT Identification Conditions IntermittentlyIF Intermediate Approach Fix International

    IFF Identification Friend/Foe INTL Interrogator

    IFR Instrument Flight Rules INTRG Interrupt, Interruption,

    ILS Instrument Landing System INTSF Intensify, Intensifying

    IM Inner Marker INTST Intensity

    IMC Instrument Meteorological ISA InternationalConditions Standard

    IMG Immigration Atmosphere

    IMPR Improve, Improving, ISB Independent

    Improvement Sideband

    IMT Immediate, ISOL Isolated

    Immediately ITCZ Inter Tropical Convergence Zone

    INBD Inbound IWI Illuminated Wind Indicator

    INC In Cloud IWP Intermediate Way-point


    JAN January JTST Jet Stream

    J-BAR Jet Barrier JUL July

    JF Saturday, Sunday and PH JUN June

    JO Monday to Friday except PH


    KG Kilograms KPA Kilopascals

    KHZ Kilohertz KT Knots

    KM Kilometers KW Kilowatts

    KMH Kilometers per Hour

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    L Left (runway identification) sLLNLow Level Navigation(by theMIL)

    L Locator (see LM, LO) LLOLow Level Operations(by theMIL)


    Local Acknowledgement

    Message LL Lower LimitsLAT Latitude LLZ Localizer

    LDA Landing Distance LM Locator (middle)

    Available LMT Local mean time

    LDG Landing LPL Local Flight Plan

    LDI Landing Direction LO Locator (outer)

    Indicator LOC Locally, Location,

    LEN Length Located, Local

    LF Low Frequency (30 to300 KHZ) LOE Lane of Entry

    LONG Longitude

    LGT Light, Lighting LRG Long Range

    LGTD Lighted LSALT Lowest Safe Altitude

    LIH Light Intensity High LTD LimitedLIL Light Intensity Low LUL Lowest Usable Level

    LIM Light Intensity LUT Local User Terminal

    Medium LV Light and Variable

    LIOL Low Intensity LVE Leave, Leaving

    Obstacle Lights LVL Level

    LIRL Low Intensity Runway Lights LYR Layer, Layered

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    N North, North Latitude NMI Normal

    NAP Noise Abatement NNE North North-East

    Procedures NNW North North-West

    NAT NAVAID Training NOF International NOTAM OfficeNAV Navigation NOSIG No Significant Change

    NAVAID Navigation Aid NOTAM Notice to Airmen

    NB Northbound NOV November

    NBFR Not Before NOZ Normal Operating Zone

    NC No Change NRT No Reported Traffic

    NDB Non Directional Radio Beacon Ns Nimbostratus

    NE North-East NSC Nil Significant Cloud

    NEG Negative, No, NTA No TAF Amendment

    permission not granted, or, NTL National

    that is not correct NTZ No Transgression Zone

    NGT Night NW North-West

    NIL None NXT NextNM Nautical Miles


    OBS Omni Bearing Selector OPMET OperationalOBS Observe, Observed, Meteorological

    Observation OPN Operational Notification Message

    OBSC Obscure, Obscured, (message type designator)

    Obscuring OPN Open, Opening,

    OBST Obstacle Opened

    OBSTR Obstruction OPR Operator, Operate,

    OCA Oceanic Control Area, Operative, Operating,

    OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude Operational

    OCC Occulting (light) OPS Operations

    OCH Obstacle Clearance Height O/R On Request

    OCNL Occasional, OT Other Times

    Occasionally OTLK Outlook (used in SIGMETOCT October messages for volcanic ash

    OCTA Outside Control Area and tropical cyclones)

    OCTR Outside Control Zone OTCMaintain Own Terrian CleanceVisually

    OFISOperational Flight InformationSystem OTP On Top

    OFZ Obstacle Free Zone OUBD Outboard

    OHD Overhead OVC Overcast

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    OLDI On Line Data Interchange OW Over Water

    OM Outer Marker


    P. Prohibited Area PO Dust Devils

    (followed by identification) POB Persons on BoardPAL Pilot Activated Lighting POH Pilot Operating Handbook

    PANS Procedures for Air POSS Possible

    Navigation Services PPI Plan Position

    PAPIPrecision Approach PathIndicator Indicator

    PAR Precision Approach Radar PPR Prior Permission

    PARL Parallel Required

    PATCPrecision Approach TerrainChart PPSN Present Position

    (followed by name/title) PRD Prohibited, Restricted

    PAX Passengers and Danger Areas

    PCD Proceed, Proceeding PRFG Aerodrome PartiallyPCL Pilot Controlled Lighting Covered by Fog (MET code)

    PCN Pavement PRA Precision Approach Radar

    PDC Pre-Departure Clearance PRI Primary

    PEC Pressure Error Correction PRI Pulse Recurrence Interval

    PERM Permanent PRKG Parking

    PFR Preferred Route PRM Precision Runway Monitoring

    PH Public Holiday PROB Probable, Probability

    PIB Pre-flight Information PROC Procedure

    Bulletin PROV Provisional

    PILS Practice ILS PS Plus

    PJE Parachute Jumping PSG Passing

    Exercise PSN PositionPL Ice Pellets PSR Primary Surveillance Radar

    Pl Pulse Lenght PSYS Pressure System(s)

    PLN Flight Plan PTBL Portable

    PM Polar Martime PTN Procedure Turn

    PN Prior Notice Required PVT Private

    PNR Point of No Return PWR Power


    QFE Atmospheric Pressure at QNE Internation Standard

    aerodrome Elevation Atmospheric Pressure

    QFFAtmospheric Pressure Reducedto QUAD Quadrant

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    QNH Altimeter subscale setting to

    obtain elevation or altitude

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    R Red RH Radio Height

    R Restricted Area RIF Re clearance Inflight Clearance

    (followed by number) RL Report Leaving

    R Right (runway system RLA Relay to

    identification) RLLS Runway Lead-in Lighting

    RA Rain RMI Radi Magnetic IndicatorRA Resolution Advisory RMK Remark(s)

    RAC Rules of the Air and RNA Radia Navigation Aids

    Air Traffic Services RNAV Area Navigation

    RAD Radius RNP Required Navigation

    RAG Ragged Performance

    RAG Runway Arresting Gear ROC Rate of Climb

    RAS Runway Alignment Indicator ROD Rate of Descent

    RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity ROFOR Route Forecast (in aeronautical

    Monitoring meteorological code)

    RAS Radar Advisory Service ROC Rate of Climb

    RCA Reach Cruising Altitude, RPI Runway Point of Intercept

    RCC Rescue Coordination Centre RPI Radar Position Indicator

    RCF Radio Communication Failure RPL Repetitive Flight Plan

    RCH Reach, Reaching RPM Revolutions Per Minute

    RCL Runway Centre Line RPQ Request Flight Plan

    RCLL Runway Centre Line Lights RPS Radar Position Symbol

    RCLM Runway Centre Line Marking RPT Regular Public Transport

    RDL Radial RQ Require(d)

    RDPS Radar Data Processing System RQMT Requirements

    RDO Radio RQS Request Supplementary Flight

    RDR Radar Plan Message

    RE Recent (used to qualify weather RR Report Reaching

    phenomena, eg RERA = recent RSC Rescue Sub-Centre

    rain) RSP Responder Beacon

    REC Receive, Receiver, RSR En route Surveillance Radar

    Received RTE Route

    REDL Runway Edge Lights RTF Radio Telephone

    REF Reference to , Refer RTIL Runway Threshold

    REG Registration Identification Lights

    RENIL Runway End Lights RTHL Runway Threshold

    REP Report, Reported, Light(s)

    Centre Reporting RTN Return, Returned,

    Reporting Point Returning

    REQ Request, Requested RTS Return to Service

    RERTE Re Route RTZL Runway Touchdown Zone Light(s)

    RES Reserve Fuel RVR Runway Visual Range

    RESA Runway End Safety Area RVSM Reduced Vertical

    RESTR Restrictions Separation Minimum

    REV Review RWY Runway

    RFFRescue and Fire FightingServices RX Reciever

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    S South, South Latitude SMC Surface Movement Control

    SA Sand SMR Surface Movement Radar

    SAL Supplementary Airline Licence SOC Start of Climb

    SALR Saturated Adiabatic Lapse rate SOT Start of TORA(take-off)


    Simple Approach Lighting

    System SP Single PilotSAR Search and Rescue SPA Sport Aviation

    SARPS Standards and Recommended SPAR Special Aerodrome Report

    Practices (ICAO) SPECI Aviation Special Weather in

    SARSAT SAR Satellite Assisted Trackingaeronautical meteorologicalcode

    SARTIME Time search action required SPFIB Specific Preflight

    SAT Saturday Information BulletinSATCOM Satellite Communication satellite SPI Special Position Indicator

    SATNAVGlobal Navigation SatelliteSystem SPL Supplementary Flight Plan

    SB Southbound SPOT Spotwind (met term)

    Sc Stratocumulus SPN Standard Flight Plan

    SCT Scattered SQ Squall

    SCWD Supercooled Water Droplets SR Sunrise

    SDBY Standby SRD Standard Radar Departure

    SDC Standard Departure Clearance SRG Short Range

    SRR Search and Rescue Region

    SE South East SRY Secondary

    SEA Sea (used in connection with SS Sandstormsea-surface temperature andstate SS Sunset

    of the sea) SSB Single Sideband

    SEC Seconds SSE South South-East

    SECN Section SSR SecondarySECT Sector Surveillance Radar

    SEL SELCAL Code SST Supersonic Transport

    SELCAL Selective Calling System SSW South South-WestSEP September St StratusSER Service, Servicing, Served STA Straight in ApproachSEV Severe (used eg to qualify icing STAR Standard Arrival Route

    and turbulence report) STD Standard

    SFC Surface STF Stratiform

    SFL Sequenced Flashing Lights STN Station

    SH Showers (followed by STNR Stationary

    RA=rain, SN=snow, STODA Supplementary Take-offDistancePL=ice pellets, GR=hail,GS=small STOL Short Take-off and Landing

    hail and/or snow pellets or STS Status

    combinations thereof, STWL Stopway Light(s)

    SHF Super High Frequency SUBJ Subject to

    (3,000 to30,000 MHZ) SUN Sunday

    SID Standard Instrument Departure SUP Supplement (AIP Supplement)

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    SIF Selective Identification SUPPS Regional Supplementary

    SIG Significant Procedures

    SIGMET Information concerning en route SVBL Serviceable

    SIMUL Simultaneous, or Simultaneously SVY Survey Operations

    SKC Sky Clear SVFR Special VFRSKED Schedule, Scheduled SW South-West

    SLP Speed Limiting Point SWS Soft Wet Surface

    SLW Slow, Slowly SWY Stopway


    ... T Bearing (true TMA Terminal Control Area

    T Temperature TMG Track Made Good

    TA Transition Altitude TNA Turn Altitude

    TAC Terminal Area Chart TNS Transitional Surface

    TACAN Tactical Air Navigation Aid TOC Top of Climb

    TAF Aerodrome Forecast TOD Top of Descent

    TAIL Tailwind TODA Take-off Distance AvailableTAR Terminal Area TOP Cloud Top

    TAS True Airspeed TORA Take-off RunAvailable

    TAX Taxiing, Taxi TP Turning Point

    TBA To be advised TR Track

    TC Tropical Cyclone TR Transmit/Recieve

    TC Tropical Continental Air TRA Temporary Reserved Airspace

    TCAS (tee-kas) Traffic Alert TRAN Transition

    and Collision Avoidance System TRANS Transmits,

    TCH Threshold Crossing Height Transmitter

    TCTA Trans-continental Control Area TRL Transition Level

    TCU Towering Cumulus TROP Tropopause

    TDO Tornado TTF Trend Type ForecastTDZ Touchdown Zone TTL Trend Type Landing Forecast

    TEL Telephone TUE Tuesday

    TEMPO Temporary, TURB Turbulence

    Temporarily T-VASIS T Visual Approach

    TFC Traffic Slope Indicator System

    TGL Touch and Go Landing (pronounced TEE-VASIS)

    TGS Taxiing Guidance System TWR Aerodrome Control Tower

    THR Threshold Aerodrome Control

    THRU Through TWT Travelling Wave Tube

    THU Thursday TWY TaxiwayTIBA Traffic Information TWYL Taxiway Link

    Broadcasts by Aircraft TX TransmitterTIL Until TYP Type of Aircraft

    TIP Until Past (place) TYPH Typhoon

    TKOF Take-off

    TM Tropical Martime

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    UAB Until Advised By UNAP Unable to Approve

    UDF UHF Direction Finding Stations UNL Unlimited

    UFN Until Further Notice UNLC Unlicensed

    UHF Ultra High Frequency UNREL Unreliable

    (300 to 3,000 MHZ) U/S Unserviceable

    UIR Upper Flight Information Region UTA Upper Control AreaUL Upper Limits UTC Coordinated Universal Time

    UNA Unable


    VA Volcanic Ash VIA By way of

    VA Visual Approach VIP Very Important Person

    VAC Visual Approach Chart VIS Visibility

    (followed by name/title) VLF Very Low FrequencyVAL In Valleys (3 to 30 KHZ)

    VAR Magnetic Variation VLR Very Long Range

    VASIS Visual Approach VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions

    Slope Indicator System VOLMET Meteorological Information for

    VCD Vertical Coverage Diagram Aircraft in Flight

    VCY Vicinity VOR VHF Omni-directional

    VD Visual Departure Radio Range (OMNI)

    VDF VHF Direction Finding Station VORTAC VOR and TACAN (co-located)

    VER Vertical VRB Variable

    VFR Visual Flight Rules VSI Vertical speed Indicator

    VHF Very High Frequency VSP Variable System parametres

    (30 to 300 MHZ) VTC Visual Terminal ChartVHF NAV VHF Navigation receiver for VOR VTOL Vertical Take Off/Landing Aircraft

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    W West, West Longitude WIND Wind (used in Connection with

    W White Direction and speed)

    WAC World Aeronautical WINTEM Forecast upper wind and

    Chart - ICAO1:11,000,000 temperature at Specified points

    (followed by name/title) (in Aeronautical met code)

    WAFC World Area Forecast Centre WIP Work in ProgressWB Westbound WKN Weaken, Weakening

    WDI Wind Direction WNW West North-West

    Indicator WO Without

    WDSPR Widespread WPT Way-point

    WED Wednesday WRNG Warning

    WEF With Effect From , WS Wind Shear

    Effective From WSW West South-West

    WGS-84 World Geodetic System - 1984 WT Weight

    WI Within WTSPT Water Spout

    WIE With Immediate Effect WWW World Wide Web

    Effective Immediately Wx Weather

    WILCO Will Comply

    X Y

    X Cross Y Yellow

    XBAR Crossbar(of approach lighting YR Your/s


    XNG Crossing Z

    XS Atmospherics Z Coordinated Zone Universal Time

    (in meteorological messages)

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