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Establishing your brand’s global authority


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We spotlight your expertise for those who matter

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and create a dialogue around what matters now

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big data integration and its impact on the construction industry

software interoperability standards and practices

concerning the data exchange of construction projects

Customer success stories using CRE-related software

Estimating software that speaks to the needs of construction and real estate industries concerned about

bid-to-win ratios

Mobile technology growth and use out in the field

Cloud Computing to streamline

construction processes

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using our strong relationships within the industry

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to build your brand’s thought leadership

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securing interviews with media and inserting you into the industry-wide mobile technology conversation

Establishing third-party credibility by placing customer stories in publications

Positioning you as a thought leader on new and developing technology affecting the construction industry

gaining exposure for your brand’s unique offering by providing insight on concerns affecting the industry via byline articles

drafting articles with your executives on trending topics and placing articles in national media

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here’s what we did for sage Construction and real Estate

Although a leader in the industry, Sage Construction and Real Estate did not have a presence in industry media. Paired with the downturn in the economy and the massive hit the construction industry took as a whole, Sage Construction and Real Estate needed to reach new and existing customers who were in the process of rebuilding and streamlining. LFPR was tasked with demonstrating how the latest technology could keep construction owners in the black while shaping the way the construction industry does business as it moves toward a more digital and social media focused environment.

the Challenge

the goals

1) Increase exposure for Sage CRE by targeting industry media to reach key demographics

2) Develop Sage CRE executives as thought leaders in an industry where many construction businesses are still recovering from a down economy

3) Educate industry press about the important role of technology in the construction business

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our strategy our results (for Fy2014)

33Article placements

2,067,278Total circulation of media

LFPR made use of the vast Sage North America customer base by interviewing several Sage customers and creating case studies that reflected the types of concerns and struggles similar construction businesses were experiencing.

Survey questions were created that concentrated on the current use—or lack—of technology-based tools within their businesses. Sage executives were developed into thought leaders by offering industry insights focused on current inefficiencies and the use of investments and streamlining of work processes to increase productivity in support of recovery.

This campaign created a unique perspective on how business is handled in the industry, which opened doors for Sage at many media outlets, ultimately leading to coverage in Constructech, Building, Retrofit, Grading & Excavation Contractor, Compact Equipment, Contractor, Professional Remodeler, and Construction Executive.

350,007Ad placement value

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a sample of global Exposure for sage CrE

Jared LayPort, Senior AnalystForemost global media analysis firm CARMAInternational, Inc.

CARMA observed a dynamic thought leadership program (by LFPR) of depth and breadth that was

among the best we have encountered. ”“

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a sample of global Exposure for sage CrE

“Leveraging Big Data for Insight-Driven Decision Making”

“Mobile Technology Improves Technology”

“Software Set for Take Off”

“The Keys to a Solid IT Infrastructure” “10 Tips for Planning Your IT Investment”

“Cloud From the Ground Up”

“The Importance of Spot-On Estimates”

“Building a Mobile Infrastructure for a New Generation in the Construction Industry”

“Streamlining the Masonry Industry”

“Technology is Still Not a Priority for Most Construction Firms”

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since 2008, lFPr has been providing award-winning Pr and social Media expertise to promote

CrE technology to a global audience.

We’re looking for the next awesome CrE brand that’s ready for their turn in the spotlight.

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if that’s you, let’s talk.

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brandon buttreyBusiness Development

Lucid Fusion | LFPR

p: 949.502.7750 ext 206e: [email protected]

Irvine | New York | London



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