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GOD into

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Message from Pastor Aaron

Journey Into God

S elf obsession can be a quiet yet dangerous tyrant in the life a

Christian. It is very easy to be self obsessed in your pursuit of

God without even realising. Our pursuit of God can easily

become a means of feeding our self indulgent nature as

opposed to a means by which we bring God glory and praise. It seems

the more the Lord blesses us the more we become self obsessed.

It seems the more we are made comfortable the more we become


It seems the only time we have cause to address God is when we bring a

complaint; o how far the favoured have fallen. I cast my mind back to

days of old when the patriarchs walked days on end in unforgiving

terrain to be in the presence of the only true God. The discomfort of the

stony ground never deterred them from kneeling in triumphant praise

to the God of majesty. The endless days and nights spent in hunger

never quenched their thirst for the Holy and righteous God; is it any

wonder that this great God will answer them by fire?

O how devoid of passion and determination our pursuit of the Holy

One has become; how devoid of reverence and fear our prayers have

become; how devoid of honour and sincerity our praise of Him has

become. No wonder the shaking of prison doors and loosening of chains

that bind are only things read about in the life of the contemporary

Christian. We have desired a mount Horeb experience though we have

never dared climb the mount of meeting with God.

When I offer our modern day worship up for comparison with that of

the ancient followers of this Ancient of days, I am saddened because I

realise that our journey, though it started well has stalled.

Like Terah we have started off from Ur of the Chaldeans on the way to

Canaan but have settled in Haran and dwelt there far too long. Our

lives have become comfortable, seduced by the riches of this world and

we have allowed the infinite riches of being with the Benefactor elude


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“O wake me up God of Abraham” must be our hearts cry; “lead me to

the promise land and reveal Yourself to me on the way O Great I Am”

must be the resounding echo of our spirits. “Like a butterfly my lost

soul flaps aimlessly, stretch forth Your Divine hand that I may settle on

it and take me on a journey I have longed for all my life. By Your

mercies lead me to Your throne that I may bow in humble adoration.”

Many things may please the human soul but to be called a friend of God

tops them all. “May the very things You gave for our enjoyment never

have dominion over us O Lord” must be the cry of every contemporary

Christian. The desire of earthly riches must never be allowed to enter

the deep recesses of our lives; a place reserved for the One who crafted it

with His Divine hands.

Insidious is the way of this world; like a deciduous tree, the lust of the

flesh can creep into every arena of our cleansed lives. Though it may

shed its leaves the roots often remain, ready to rear its head at the

opportune time. With fear and trembling work out this wonderful

inheritance won for you on Calvary cross, never allowing the enemy of

your soul a window of opportunity. For a morsel of bread Esau sold his

earthly birth right, never with ease sell your spiritual birth right for a

short lived, earth given, hollow comfort.

It is time to pack our bags for a journey of no return; unlike Lot's wife

we have no cause to look back. 2014 is over and we are embarking on a

journey filled with promise and potential in 2015. I pray that this

journey leads us to a land flowing with living water, a land where the

shekinah glory of the Great I Am dwells, a land where the glory of The

Lord is found. Let your eyes be focused on seeing The Lord one day

and never allow any pit stop to be comfortable enough for you to

unpack your bags. I pray that this year will be a year when your

promise and potential is fulfilled, a year that the Lord empowers you to

fulfil your God given mandate.

Our theme for the year is Empowered For Success May 2015 be your best year yet.

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T he conditions that face

the unemployed in

our community

leading to financial

hardships for many including

children and young people

growing up in low-income

neighbourhoods with no real

extended family support, calls for

Christians in our community to

contribute to solutions to these


Media reports suggest that the

number of children on free school

meals is increasing and food banks

are constantly making emergency

requests for more donations.

There are those with serious debt

issues - the homeless, youth,

unemployed, children beyond

parental control (who are known

to the local specialist children

social services), parental drug and

alcohol abuse victims and children

growing up in those families.

It is well known that people facing

severe financial hardships tend to

be exposed to higher levels of

stress, economic uncertainty and

unhealthy conditions.

Unemployment has a great

influence on issues of domestic

abuse/violence, substance misuse,

depression or physical illness.


1) What can churches do to help

promote and meet the physical,

emotional and spiritual needs of

these groups?

2) Are these issues at the heart of

every Christian in our


- Let us not love with

words but actions (1 John 3 v 18).

How clearly do our actions say we

really love others around us?


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- In Jesus words, ‘I was

hungry, you gave me something to

eat, I was a stranger and you invited

me in’ (Mathew 25v35). It is easier

to love in theory than in reality

especially when it comes to

people who are difficult or


- God has already set the

Standard; If anyone has material

possessions and sees his brother

in real and genuine need but has

no pity on him, how can the love

of God be in him? The teachings

of James and Paul are not at odds.

I am of the view that true faith

results in a changed life and good


- Jesus has a special interest in the

welfare of those at the lowest end

of the social ladder and those who

are disadvantaged in the society

(Jeremiah 7v5-7).



1. Churches can help to pray for

these various groups and offer

consistent and accessible long

term spiritual support.

2. Christians can reach out to

different vulnerable groups- the

lonely, the homeless and prisoners

etc. to understand their felt needs

and share the love and good news

of Jesus Christ with them.

3. Christians can host outreach

events in the community. Invite

non-Christians and professionals

from different fields to share

information, offer advice and

support on issues facing our

community today.

4. Christians can be intentional

about giving aid to those in real

need as giving out of love truly

glorifies God (1 Corinthians

16v2). There is no doubt that

Christians can make a difference

in our community and in the lives

of others in need as we love God

‘with all our hearts and love our

neighbours …’.

Mrs Tina Onuchukwu


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The Hub is our city centre base

intended to be a place of blessing

for those in the church as well as a

resource and platform from which

we can serve and impact our City

and local community.

Strategically located at Unit 15b,

Roper Close, the building is within

easy access to the high street,

Canterbury West train station and

along a main bus route serving the

heart of the city. As well as using

the space for much needed ministry

within the church, we hope to

introduce bespoke programs that

will help the church spread the

gospel to our community.

Scripture reminds us that “the

Harvest is plentiful but the labourers

are few.” I therefore ask that you

pray for the Lord of the Harvest to

send in more labourers. I also ask

that you all step forward and offer

your service in the Lord’s harvest

field and in helping us minister

God’s love and Grace to our city .

Here are some of the programs

that will be running from The Hub; I

hope you will take full advantage

of them and where possible

volunteer to help run them.

Café Church

Every 2nd Sunday of the month.

Cre8ive Youth Night

Every 4th Friday of the month

Daughters of Destiny (Women’s

ministry) – Dates to be announced

Ignite (18-25 evening service) Every 2nd Thursday of the month

(term time only)

Inspire Dance Academy (Dance classes for under 18s) – T.B.C

(volunteers needed)

Men of Integrity (Men’s ministry)

Dates to be announced

Prayer and Praise Service

Every 3rd Sunday of the month

Relate or the Married/Engaged Couples Gathering

Every last Sunday of the month

Family Brunch hosted by Praisers.

Every 2nd Saturday of the month

Firm Foundations Discipleship Programme - Seven week course every Monday. October - November, February to March and

June - July.

Pastor Aaron

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Youth & Sunday School meet every Sunday morning and all our workers

are DBS checked.

Every third Sunday of the month .

Join us for an extended time of prayer,

thanksgiving, praise and intercession.

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Mums and Wives Breakfast: 10:30am, Sat 17th Jan @ The Hub.

Corporate Fast: Tuesday 20th—Friday 30th Jan.

Key Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:3, 2 Corinthians 9:8 and Isaiah 45:1-3

Prayer points: For the church to fulfil its mandate in 2015 and that its members will accomplish all that God has purposed and empowered them to accomplish.

Youth Night: 6:30pm, Friday23rd Jan @ The Hub. An evening of socializing, fun, games and inspiration for 11-18’s.

Victory Praise & Testimony Evening: 6:30pm , Sunday 25th Jan, Woolf Lecture Theatre


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Mums and Wives Breakfast: 10:30am, Sat 17th Jan @ The Hub.

Corporate Fast: Tuesday 20th—Friday 30th Jan.

Key Scriptures: 2 Peter 1:3, 2 Corinthians 9:8 and Isaiah 45:1-3

Prayer points: For the church to fulfil its mandate in 2015 and that its members will accomplish all that God has purposed and empowered them to accomplish.

Youth Night: 6:30pm, Friday23rd Jan @ The Hub. An evening of socializing, fun, games and inspiration for 11-18’s.

Victory Praise & Testimony Evening: 6:30pm , Sunday 25th Jan, Woolf Lecture Theatre


Envision Sunday: 10:30am, Sunday 1st Feb .

Firm Foundations Discipleship Programme: 7pm—8:30pm every Monday from 2nd - 16th February @ The Hub

‘CHERISH’ A Celebration Of Love & Friendship: 7pm, Saturday 7th Feb @ The Hub

INSPIRE Leadership Gathering: 7pm, Fri 20th February @ The Hub


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There are several ways to serve and

participate in the life of the Church on a

regular basis. Contact any of the ministry

leaders below to see how you can get


Admin & Comms: Caroline Agoi

[email protected]

CONNECT Groups: Joanna Addison

[email protected]

Men’s Ministry: Ps Shadreck Chikomba

[email protected]

Missions & Outreach: Nicholas Stephenson

[email protected]

Multimedia: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

New Life Choir: Josh Sebu

[email protected]

New Life Drama: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]

Prayer Ministry: Ronke Adeyanju

[email protected]

Sunday School: Judith Stephenson

[email protected]

Welcome/Hospitality: Akua Berko

[email protected]

Women’s Ministry: Violet Chikomba

[email protected]

Worship team: Pastor Will White

[email protected]

Youth: Lanre Kassim

[email protected]

These are a GREAT place for developing meaningful relationships as you

CONNECT with GOD, with OTHERS and with the VISION for the Church. We

encourage everyone to take part, grow and reach out as a blessing so CONNECT

today! Groups launch mid October and will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at

different locations across the city led by the

following leaders:

Amanda Naude & Rebecca Odunaike

Caroline Agoi

Daniel Acheampong & Sheyi Kuyinu

David Kasule & Jennifer Amani

Francis Darko & Christine Ofosu-Ampadu

Jed Nkansah-Yeboah & Aaron Thompson


Joshua Sebu & Bukunmi Taiwo

Justice & Joanna Addison

Linda Mathe & Andrew Bonsu

Nii Noi & Kafui Osuteye

Shelly Anne-Fung & Abigail King

Email [email protected] or

contact [email protected] for more

information on joining a group


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Money Talk

D id Jesus Have A

Credit Card?

The simple and

obvious answer to

that is “no” and that is not because

Visa or Mastercard were not around

at the time or that plastic had yet to

be invented, or that cash points had

not yet been rolled out across the

Roman Empire. Jesus just believed in

a very simple philosophy of “living

within your means”.

He was never having endless

meetings with debt collectors to talk

about his financial situation and that

is probably because he was never

seen buying the latest Emperor

Armani suit, or the newest Sport

Utility Chariot with leather seats

and all the mode cons.

No, Jesus was normally seen walking

with his twelve disciples from town

to town and from memory there was

only one occasion where he hired a

donkey to enter Jerusalem while

being hailed as the King. If we put

that into modern context it is a bit

like George Clooney rocking up to

receive an Oscar in a clapped out

Toyota pickup. It doesn’t compute.

But Jesus “chose” the mild and meek

donkey and I cannot but think about

the imagery he was trying to

portray. Donkeys are renowned for

two things, their strength and their

stubbornness or some would say

their determination. Jesus was

showing the world who “He” was.

Not a man of this world obsessed

with its money, sex and power, but a

God-Man bent on showing the

world that you are here to live for

God and for others (love the Lord

your God and Love your neighbour

as yourself).

“You are here to

live for God and

for others…”

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Don’t get me wrong, Credit Cards

used well can be a blessing, as can

mortgages, loans and all sorts of

other financial instruments. But,

what is the context in which you use

them and what is your focus in doing

so? Are you trying to outdo your

neighbour by showing off your

material wealth, or are you loving

your neighbour. In fact Jesus “was”

having daily meetings with debt

collectors to talk to them about

himself. But this was the royal him

the great “I am”. He had little

interest in the money they had

accumulated or the trappings money

could buy. Likewise, He wants our

focus to be on him first and foremost.

So the next time you see something

in the shop and you find yourself

debating whether or not you can

afford it, ask yourself the simple

question. “What is my motivation

for buying this?” The music, the

colours, the smells, the personnel,

the branding, the scene, everything

will be tailored to scream at you that

you need to BUY IT NOW….but

try and stop for just a minute and

think; God has put you on this planet

to be a custodian of the wealth he has

given you, whether that is of much

or of little. When your time comes

and you arrive at your judgement

day, will you be able to stand

confidently before God and say that

you used the wealth given to you

wisely to affect change for good in

this world? Or will you need to give

account for the one million vanilla

flavoured semi-skimmed lattes you

bought and the untold designer

landfill you helped create ?

Whatever your wealth, use it wisely

for his Glory - Jon White

…” will you be able to

stand confidently before

God and say that you used

the wealth given to you

wisely to affect change for

good in this world? …”

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Finding Peace In This Chaotic World

R ecession, strikes, wars

against rebels or

extremist groups, plane

crashes, missing planes,

terrorist attacks, hunger, Ebola epidemic,

boys being raped in Pakistan (Watch

‘Pakistan’s Hidden Shame’ on 4oD to

watch the heart breaking secrets of

Pakistani men and children). Women

being raped in India, Nigerian girls being

abducted. The list is endless. All this

chaos exists because of the sinfulness of


Seeing and hearing all this chaos and

atrocities going on around the world just

gets me overwhelmed. It seems we’ve all

run out of ideas to help solve these issues.

Even our world leaders do not know what

to do to end these problems. These

problems exist because we as a human

race have failed to seek God.

However, the great news is that amidst

everything that is going wrong left, right

and centre, we can still find peace whilst

we continue to live in this world. This

kind of peace that gives us calmness in

the midst of chaos can only be found in

Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 (ESV) says

that: “And the peace of God, which surpasses

all understanding, will guard your hearts and

your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Jesus Christ is the solution for the world

but because the world is blinded by

darkness, they cannot see that he is what

they’re looking for: “In their case the god of

this world has blinded the minds of the

unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light

of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the

image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV) .

Thanks be to God for giving us sight to

see His love, grace and righteousness

leading us to repentance and faith in Him

and through which we have received the

peace of God.

Brethren, let’s not be selfish by keeping

this peace we have found in Christ in this

chaotic world to ourselves. Reach out to

others with the gospel so that they may

receive salvation and also enjoy this

peace. - Emmanuel Amponsah

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On Sunday mornings we come together in a

big two hour celebration service to worship

God and hear dynamic teaching. We want

Jesus to be at the centre of everything we

do and we believe every service should be

a life changing experience for all those who

attend. You are very welcome to join us;

refreshments are served from 10am.

Woolf College, The Pavilion, Giles

Lane. University of Kent.

Canterbury.KENT.CT2 7BQ 01227

827524 [email protected]

We run a minibus service all year so feel free

to hop on board if you would like a lift to

and from service on Sundays

9:45 am: Parham Road

9:50 am: Dominos car park

10:10am: Canterbury East Station

The return journey leaves campus at

12:50pm every Sunday. Please be at the

pick up points at least five minutes before

time to avoid delays.


We are here

KEEP INFORMED - KEEP IN TOUCH l @NLCCanterbury l /NLCcanterbury


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