Page 1: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct

District 201v3


Lions Clubs International

From DG Shirley

As I write this 12th Newsletter message to you in late May, I am thinking of what happened in the last 12 months. This time last year Col was in a wheelchair after his Motorbike accident and we were preparing for the International Convention in Sydney. Club Officers had just had their Incoming Officers Training and you were all planning your Club Changeovers. We were very excited at the thought of a new Li-ons year, the challenges and possibilities ahead of us all and the goals we wanted to set. Now 12 months later…. Col soon got back on his feet; we have been to International, National, District, V6 & V2 conven-tions, visited all of our Lions & Lionesses, attended numerous meetings, had 4 Cabinet Meetings, toured the Victorian Flood areas and attended many Club and District activities. I have represented you and Lions Club International at Council Meetings in Sydney and Launceston and have taken part in the decisions that will take Australian Lions into the future with the organisational changes that came from your response to the National Lions Survey. I thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this process and also the decision process around the Global Membership Team & Global Leadership Team structure in Australia. Col & I also thank you for your hospitality and for sharing your stories with us, your concerns and your successes. We feel we have made so many new friends and enjoyed spending time with our old friends. We hope you enjoyed our visits, that we helped you and made a difference to your club in our Governor year. You have a made a difference to us and we will always remember you and this experience. I have encouraged you all year to Celebrate Your Success and we have had so many suc-cesses this year in V3. On top of your regular fundraising and service activities you have re-sponded magnificently to the many Disasters we have experienced in Australia and overseas. Your support of your District Project ‘Need For Feed’

PP336372/00003 June 2011

New Website address:

and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct to clubs has enabled so much to be done for those affected. You have advanced medical research with your support of YAMS, Ride for Sight, Spinal Cord Foundation, Prostate Cancer, Children’s Cancer and many other areas of research. Our reputation as event and project managers has grown throughout your communities; Balls, Expos, Children of Courage, Festivals, Field Days, Coins for Kids, Peace Poster, Youth of the Year, Youth Exchange , Environment Projects and our many Australia Day Celebrations. The Newsletter is not large enough for me to list all you do. The nomi-nations that have come in for the DG’s ‘Hands On Awards’ have been outstanding but I know you all have outstanding projects. I now know the breath of service V3 Clubs do in their communities and you have every reason to celebrate as you come to-gether at your Changeovers. Remember to take this opportunity to thank your members and give recognition of their commitment to their club and community. You have responded so well to the challenge to increase your club visitations and I hope you will continue to grow your visitation programs. There is no doubt visitations are a great fun way to see what other Clubs are doing. Your District Officers have worked hard this year to support you when requested and I thanked them on your behalf at the last Cabinet Meeting. As your Governor, I have been well supported by my Executive, Cab Sec Peter McShane, Cab Treas-urer Peter Glanz and C&BL Terry Hayler and I know they have been in close contact with all of you throughout the year. Also, Admin Officer Diane Glanz who has worked so hard with clubs to help you with your WMMR and Activity Reports to Inter-national.

Last week, Incoming Club and District Officers

(Continued on page 2)

Page 2: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct


CABINET SECRETARY’S RAMBLINGS The year is almost finished and you should be preparing to hand over to your successor. I hope that you have enjoyed the experience and in-creased your knowledge of Lions. If you have any problems or questions, please call me. DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S CLUB VISIT PROGRAM District Governor Shirley’s visit schedule is now complete but she is still meeting some commitments that go with her position. I hope that by the time you read this I will have met a number of you again at the training day at Monash University at Churchill and again enjoyed your company and enthusiasm. Thank you for your assistance to me, and to Kay during my spells in hospital, it is nice to work with nice people. I thank you all once again for your good wishes when I was ill, they really did help to lift my spirits. I hope that we have assisted you in some way and that this may have helped to make your task a little easier. MY THOUGHTS FOR THIS EDITION – three because it is my last edition! Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, Because then you won't have a leg to stand on. And lastly - Remember to keep smiling because it makes them wonder what you know that they don’t.

Lion Peter McShane

had their Training Day and what a great day it was. This day gets better every year. I thank and congratu-late Lions Development Chairman Neil Wingrave and his team of trainers. It is unfortunate that more club officers don’t attend. Only 120 Lions out of a possible 268 attended. This training is not optional; it is some-thing you have to do as part of the role. Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Membership Chairmen should all attend so they know what is required of them by their clubs. The things they learn on the day will make their year and the club’s year more enjoy-able and more effective. Vice Presidents would also gain by attending. And please note: this is the time to look at your Club’s Succession Plan. Do you know who is going to be on your executive 2012 – 2013? If you know now you can start helping them prepare so they are ready. It makes it difficult if you have to learn as you go.

DGE Ken is leaving soon for Seattle to attend the In-ternational Convention where he will be installed as your next District Governor and we wish DGE Ken and Lion Sheryl all the best. Ken has been working very hard preparing for his year. He has attended training, completed on line courses, developed his goals and plans for V3 and put his Cabinet in place. They deserve the holiday they are having before the Convention begins.

Ken & Sheryl will return in time for the District Changeover at Warragul and I hope you will be there to welcome them home and help celebrate the year that was!

Col & I thank everyone for making this year so special for us. Please, continue to do what you do so well and remember to Celebrate Your Success!

Keep Celebrating Our SuccessKeep Celebrating Our SuccessKeep Celebrating Our SuccessKeep Celebrating Our Success Yours in Lions, DG ShirleyYours in Lions, DG ShirleyYours in Lions, DG ShirleyYours in Lions, DG Shirley

(Continued from page 1)

More Convention Photos of V3 Lions on webpage

Page 3: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct


Lions Club 5th L/L Sheila Johnson Trafalgar Lion Wendy Keogh Pakenham 6th Lion Loris Hearn Mt Martha 9th Lion Kevin Morgan Wellington Latrobe 11th Lion Barbara Owen Wellington Latrobe 12th Lion Lyn Stuart McCrae 15th L/L Beth Johnson Mt Martha Lion Jonty Reason Mt Marha 17th Lion Doug Cumming Mt Martha 20th Lion Colin Gardner Wellington Latrobe 23rd Lion Mike Ferey Narre Warren 24th Lion Harry Thomas McCrae 30th Lion Gregor Bressor Mt Martha May you have a very Happy Birthday

On the Sick List Lions Club L/L Pam Dale Rosebud L/L Frances Nolan Rosebud L/L Von Trounce Rosebud L/L Lynn Auld Rosebud Lion Matt Edwards Stratford Lion Ian Marshall Stratford Lion Max Boxshall Longwarry PCC Lion Allan Vickery Traralgon Lion Fred Sandall Traralgon Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Wedding Anniversaries for June Lions Club 2nd DGE Lion Ken and Lion Sheryl Blay Koo Wee Rup & Dist 24th PDG Jim and Lion Sue Johnson Willow Grove Congratulations to PDG Jim and Lion Sue Johnson who will be celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversary. May you enjoy your special day with family and friends. Best wishes from District Governor Shirley and the Lions family of District 201V3 Best wishes to all celebrating a special occasion

Lion Kay McShane District Member Welfare Chairman

Phone: 5122 1745 Mobile: 0411 483 566

Email: [email protected]

16 Roughead Street


Phone: 5662 3284, Fax: 5662 3851

Email: [email protected]

For all your transport needs

Gee Transport, Swan Road,

Morwell Phone: 5134 1616

As this is my last newsletter, thank you for your assistance in keeping me informed of the welfare of our Lions Family. After the 8th of July could you please direct all Member Welfare matters to Lion Joyce Radford on H/F 5155 1991 or 0412 018 617 [email protected]

Sincere condolences are also offered to the following members who have had a bereavement in their family. Lions Club Lion Ross Norman Father Churchill Lion Sue Kellen Father Korumburra Lion John Seehusen Brother Korumburra Lion Robin McKinnon Father Strzelecki

District Governor Shirley and the Lions family of Dis-trict 201V3 offer their sincere condolences to the families and Lions Clubs of the following members who have recently suffered a loss of a loved one. Lions Club Lion Ian Beasley L/L Eula Beasley Traralgon

"The Mount Eliza Fire Brigade recently celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the

establishment of their unit. Officer Mike Waixel contacted Mount Eliza Lions

Club (MELC) President Jim Dunlop asking if they could assist in managing the

Sausage Sizzle for the day. MELC Members were committed to other projects so in the spirit of resource sharing

between Clubs, Mount Martha LC were asked if they could help. President Richard Johnson "stepped up to the

plate" and came along to help out. Both Presidents were kept busy matching the hungry demands of some 400 cus-

tomers, half of whom were children with insatiable appetites. A great day was enjoyed by all who attended and a

good relationship was established with a like-minded group interested in providing service to our local community."

Photo shows L to R President Richard Johnson, Brigade Captain Richard Hume and President Jim Dunlop.

Page 4: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct


This award was designed to encourage clubs to

"Shine A Light On Service" and criteria are:

1. The Lions project may have a fundraising com-

ponent but the activity needs to be about service.

2. Lions work alongside other community members,

groups, young people or schools etc.

3. The most important thing is Lions celebrate their

success with the community enabling the

club a greater profile in the community.

There will be 6 winners, 1 in each region (2 Zones)

announced at District Changeover in July.

Three nominations were accepted from each region

and they are:

Region 1 – Zones 1 & 2

Lindenow Lions Club – 25th Anniversary East Gipp-

sland Field Days

Bruthen Lions Club – Delivery of donated

furniture to flood affected families.

Metung Lions Club – Medi-Trak Project.

Region 2 – Zones 3 & 4

Loch Sport Lions Club – Produced a Community


Stratford Lions Club – Australia Day BBQ and

presentation of Lions Citizen of the Year Award

Heyfield Lions Club – Provision of a Community

Bus Service (Bus, drivers and fuel)

Region 3 – Zones 5 & 6

Traralgon Lions Club – Family Fun Day for over

6000 thousand community members.

Moe Lions Club - Construction & upkeep of

the All Purpose playground in Lions Park at Moe.

Yinnar & District Lions - Beautification, construction

and upkeep of the Stock Route Reserve.


Family Fun



Region 4 – Zones 7 & 8

Yarram Lions Club – Rock N Roll Festival

Yarram Lions Club - Lions Race Course

Inverloch Lions Club – Billy Cart Derby

Region 5 – Zones 9 & 10

Mt Martha Lions Club – Australia Day Celebration

Mt Eliza Lions Club – Community Newsletter

Mt Eliza Lions Club – Major house renovations for

young man with a disability.

Region 6 – Zones 11 & 12

Westernport Lions Club – School Quiz Project

Pakenham Lions Club – Driving Force Defensive

Driving Course for young drivers.

Cranbourne Lions Club – Cranbourne Lions Con-

cert Band.



Page 5: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct


District 201V3


17th July

12noon for 12.30pm start

Downtowner Function Room The Warragul Club 55 Victoria Street


$30 - three course luncheon

Help us to make this a great occasion to thank District Governor Shirley and Lion Colin for their wonderful 2010-11 year and to welcome District Governor Ken and Lion Sheryl back to the district from the International Convention. Book by contacting: Lion Dianne Glanz P O Box 23 Cranbourne 3977 [email protected] 5996 6162 0417 610 611

Club Excellence Process

In the last 6 months the District Futures Commit-tee and Leadership Team have been working towards implementing the new Global Member-ship and Global Leadership Teams in the District in 2011-2012. The coordinators of these teams are Lion Ron Payne (Membership) and Lion Neil Wingrave (Leadership). Part of this new plan is the Club Excellence Process.

The Membership situation in the District is worry-ing, instead of meeting my goal this year of a net increase in membership of 40 new Lions, we had a net loss of 40 Lions.

Across the District, for every Lion we inducted we lost a Lion and then we lost another 40.

This was not helped by the closure of two clubs, Lynbrook and Cowarr Toongabbie.

For the first time in my memory the District has dropped below 1400 Lions.

In response to this I decided to start the Club Ex-cellence Process in my year. With Lion Ron Payne as Facilitator we have run CEP workshops in 3 clubs. Morwell, Pakenham and Cranbourne.

The workshops were held during the club meet-ings with all members participating.

We believe this process will assist clubs to strengthen and grow. We know this process will assist clubs to become more relevant to their communities and their members.

Lion Development Chairman Neil Wingrave is recruiting Facilitators to run the workshops. If you are interested please contact Lion Neil.

Club Development Chairman Ron Payne is tak-ing bookings from clubs for workshops. Please contact him with an expression of interest and he will discuss dates.

We need to be proactive about our clubs, not reactive. If you care about your club and your community don’t leave it till it’s too late. Con-tact us now!

DG Shirley

Coolroom BBQ Trailer Very good condition, Gas certification Enquiries: Joe 0409 059 459 Ken 0429 905 120


Page 6: Lions Clubs International District 201v3 Newsletter · PP336372/00003 June 2011 New Website address: and the donations made to LCIF, ALF and V3 Dis-trict Disaster Funds and direct


"Closure date for information to be printed in the JULY

Newsletter is the 8th June. Entries will need to be for-

warded to Lion Andrew McMahon at

[email protected] before that date. This is a one

off circumstance for the JULY Newsletter only." This has

come about due to the incoming DG and Cabinet Secretary

Designate being overseas during parts of June and July.

This will be my final newsletter and I hope you have enjoyed my efforts during the past year. Andrew McMahon will be taking over the role of District Newsletter Editor and I wish him every success and enjoyment in his task. Many thanks for your support and help

Tricia Kelly District Newsletter Editor 2010/2011

Trafalgar Lions Club member Robyn Collins is so keen for members to be able to purchase a range of Lions merchan-dise that she sets up a trading table at each club meeting. Among the goods Robyn ordered was an “International Pub-lication for Tail Twisters” and a stuffed Lion which she passed on to resident clown and tail twister Glenn Rodda. Always looking for a way to extract a dollar from members, Lion Glenn tried one of the ideas in the book at the next meeting, auctioning the stuffed Lion. While he expected to make $5 and hoped for $10, he was pleasantly surprised when Lion ’Gomer’ Pye bid $15 for the Lion, because he ac-tually doesn’t get to keep the Lion. He retains it for a month, during which he is exempt from fines during the tail twisting session, but must take it to meetings and must never lose it, or suffer a hefty fine until it is found. The stuffed Lion, which is yet to be named, will be auctioned each month and will be a regular feature at Trafalgar Lions Club meetings.


Tail Twister Glenn Rodda (right) hands over the stuffed Lion to winning bidder ‘Gomer’ Pye

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