Page 1: List of Japanese and English Verbs


Japanese verb English verb

ageru to give

akeru 開ける to open

aku 開く to open, become vacant

aogu to gaze, stare

arau 洗う to wash

aru 有る to have, exist

aruku 歩く to walk

asobu 遊ぶ to play

atatamaru 暖まる to get warm, warm up

atsumaru 集める to gather, assemble

atsumeru to gather, collect

au 会う to meet

awateru to panic

butsukaru ぶつかる to hit, collide with, clash

butsukeru ぶつける to hit against, throw at

chigau 違う to be different, wrong

chiru 散る to fall, scatter

daku 抱く to embrace, hug

damaru 黙る to stop talking

damasu 騙す to trick

dasu 出す to extract, take out

dekakeru 出かける to go out, leave home

dekiru 出来る to be able

deru 出る to go out

erabu 撰ぶ to choose, select

eru 得る to get

fueru to increase

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Japanese verb English verb

fuku to blow, wipe

fumu 踏む to step on

fureru 触れる to touch

furu 降る to fall from the sky

fuseru to lie down

fuseru to lay face down

futoru 脂る to get fat, put on weight

ganbaru 頑張る to stand firm, try your best

hagemasu to encourage

hagemu to strive, make every effort

hairu 入る to enter

hajimaru 始まる to begin

hajimeru to begin

hakaru to measure, plan, plot

hakobu to carry

hakuto put on, wear (on feet or legs - trousers/shoes etc)

hanareru to separate from, leave

hanasu 話 to speak

harau 払う to pay

hareru to clear up, tidy up

haru to stick, paste

hasamu to catch, hold (between two things)

hashiru 走 to run

hataraku 仕 to work

hayaru to become popular

hazureru to come off, go wide

hazusu to remove, unfasten

herasu to reduce, decrease

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Japanese verb English verb

heru 減る to decrease, reduce

heru to pass through, go by

hikaru to shine, glitter

hikiukeru to take charge of

hiku 引く to pull

hineru to bend, twist

hiraku to open, hold (an event, party etc)

hiromaru to spread, become popular

hiromeru to spread, make popular

hirou to pick up, find

hiyakasu to tease, make fun of

hiyasu to cool, refridgerate

hodokeru to come untied, loose

hodoku to untie

homeru to praise

honomekasu to hint

horeru to fall in love

horobiru to perish

horobosu to destroy, ruin

horu to dig

hosigaru to want, desire

hosu to dry, air

ibaru to boast

iiarawasu to describe

iidasu to suggest, start talking

iifurasu to spread a rumour/story

iikaesu to talk back, retort

iitsukeru to command

ijimeru to torment, bully

ikiru to be alive

ikiru to touch, play around with

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Japanese verb English verb

iku 行く to go

imashimeru to tell off, caution

inoaru to adopt a threating attitude

inoru to pray, wish for

ireru to put in, let in

iru 要る to need

iru 居る to be

isogu 急ぐ to hurry

itamu to become hurt, damaged

itsuwaru to deceive, lie

iu 言う to say

iwau to celebrate, congratulate

iyagaru to dislike, hate

jukusu to mature, ripen

kabau to protect, look after

kaburu to wear (on your head), put on

kaeru to change

kaeru 帰る to return

kaesu to give back, return (something to someone)

kagayaku to shine, sparkle

kagiru to limit

kajiru to gnaw, nibble

kakaeru to hold (in your arms), have

kakageru to raise (a flag), hold up

kakaru to take, begin, be hanging

kakawaru to take part in, affect

kakeru to hang, sit, telephone, risk

kakomu to surround, enclose

kaku 書く to write

kakureru to hide (oneself)

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Japanese verb English verb

kakusu to hide (something)

kamaeru to stand prepared

kamau to care about, mind

kamu to bite

kanashimu to be sad, grieve

kanau to suit, conform to

kangaeru to think

kanjiru to feel, sense

karakau to make fun of, play jokes on

kareru to wither

kariru to borrow, rent

kasanaru to be piled up, overlap

kasaneru to pile up, repeat

kasegu to make money, earn a living

kasu to lend

kasumu to become blurred, hazy

katamaru to become hard, bunch up

katameru to strengthen, harden

katamuku to lean towards, tilt

katazukeru to finish, tidy up

katsu 勝つ to win

katsugu to carry on one's shoulders

kau 買う to buy

kawaigaru to love, be affectionate, tender

kawakasu to dry

kawaku to become dry

kawaru to change

kayou to commute

kazaru to decorate, display

kazoeru to count

keru to kick

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Japanese verb English verb

kesu to erase

kieru to vanish, go out, be extinguished

kikaeru to get changed

kikoeru to be audible, able to hear

kiku 聞く to listen

kimaru to be decided, agreed upon

kimeru to decide, choose

kinjiru to ban, prohibit

kireru to break, cut off, expire

kiru 切る to cut

kiru 着る to wear

kizukau to worry about, consider

kizuku to sense, realize, notice

kizutsukeru to wound, damage, harm

koboreru to spill, overflow

kobosu to spill

koeru to get fat, grow fertile / cross over, exceed

kogeru to be burned, charred

kokorozasu to aspire to

komaru to be troubled

komu to become crowded

konomu to like

korasu to concentrate

korobu to fall down

korosu to kill

koshikakeru to sit in (western style)

koshiraeru to make manufacture

kosu to cross, pass, move ahed

kotaeru 答える to answer

kotonaru to be different from

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Japanese verb English verb

kotowaru to refuse, decline

kowagaru to fear

kowareru to break

kowasu to smash

kudaku to crush, smash

kudoku to persuade, make advances (to a woman)

kuichigau to clash, disagree

kumoru to get cloudy

kumu to unite, put together

kuraberu to compare

kuramu to be blinded, get dizzy

kurasu to live

kurikaesu to repeat

kuru 来る to come

kurushimeru to inflict pain, torment

kurushimu to suffer

kuruu to go mad, be out of order

kusaru to decay, go bad, be depressed

kuwadateru to plan, scheme

kuwaeru to add to, include

kuzureru to collapse, cave in

kuzusu to destroy, break down

machigaeru 間違える to make a mistake

machigau to be mistaken, make a mistake

magaru 曲げる to turn, bend

mageru to bend, twist

majiru to be mixed, get mingled with, join

makasu to defeat

makeru to be defeated, lose a game

mamoru to protect

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Japanese verb English verb

manabu to learn, study

maneku to invite, beckon to

matsu to wait

matsuru to worship

mayou to be puzzled

mazeru to mix

medatsu to attract attention, stand out

mieru to be visible, able to see

migaku to polish

miharu to stand guard, keep lookout

minasu to look upon, consider

minogasu to overlook, let pass

minoru to ripen, bear fruit

miru 見る to look

miseru 見せる to show

mitomeru to admit, recognize

mitsukaru to be found

mitsukeru to find

modoru to return, go back

modosu to return, put back, vomit

mokaru to be profitable, make money

mokeru to profit, make money

morasu to leak, disclose

morau to receive

moreru to leak, escape

moteru to be popular

motomeru to request, seek, buy, ask

motozuku to be based on

motsu to hold

mukaeru to greet, meet, welcome

mukau to face, turn/head toward

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Japanese verb English verb

musubu to tie, knot, make a contract

nagameru to watch, view

nagareru to flow, be called off

nagasu to pour, let flow

nageru to throw

naguru to punch, hit

nagusameru to comfort, console

najimu to get used to, adapt to

naku 泣く to cry

nakunaru to be missing, vanish

nakusu to lose, remove

namakeru to be lazy

nameru to lick

naoru to recover, be fixed

naoru to recover from illness, be fixed

naosu to repair, cure

naraberu to line up, list, arrange in order

narabu to form a line, equal

narau to learn

nareru to get used to, become familiar with

naru to become

nemuru to fall asleep

neru 寝る to sleep

nigeru to run away, escape

nigiru to grasp

niramu to glare at, keep an eye on

niru to resemble, be similar to

nobasu to postpone, extend

noboru to climb

nokoru to left over, remain

nokosu to leave behind, save

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Japanese verb English verb

nomu 飲む to drink

noru 乗る to board, ride on

noseru to put on top off, put on board

nugu to remove

nugu to take off, remove (shoes, clothes)

nureru to become wet

nuru to smear on

nuru to paint

nusumu to steal

oboeru to remember, learn

ochiru to fall, fail, go down

odoroku to be suprised, amazed

odoru 踊る to dance

okiru to get up

okoru to get angry

oku to put, place

okureru to be late, lag behind

okuru to send, see off

omou 思う to think

oreru to be broken, snap

oriru to get off, go down

osaeru to restrain, control

oshieru 教える to teach, show

oshimu to regret, be reluctant

osoreru to fear, be in awe of

osou to attack

osu to push, press

otoru to be worse than, inferior to

otosu to lose, drop

ou to chase, drive away

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Japanese verb English verb

owaru 終わる to end

oyobu to reach, extend to

oyogu 泳ぐ to swim

sadameru to decide, establish

sagaru to fall, drop, hang

sagasu to search for

sageru to lower, hang

sakeru to avoid, dodge

saku to bloom

samatageru to hinder, obstruct

sasaeru to support

sasou to invite, tempt

sasu to point out, sting, stab

sawagu to make a noise, be rowdy

sawaru to touch or feel (with hands)

shaberu to chatter

shibaru to tie up, bind

shikaru to scold, tell off

shiku to spread out, lay

shimaru to be closed, be shut

shimau to put away

shimeru 閉める to shut

shimesu to indicate, point out

shinjiru to believe, trust

shinu to die

shiraberu to check, investigate

shiru 知る to know

shizumaru to grow quiet

shizumu to feel depressed, sink

sodateru to bring up a child, train

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Japanese verb English verb

sodatsu to grow up, be raised

suberu to slip

sugiru to pass, exceed

sugureru to excel, be excellent, be superior

suku to become empty, uncrowded

sukuu to rescue, save

sumu to live

suru to do, make

susumu to go forward, advance

suteru to throw away

suu to inhale, sip, smoke

suwaru 座る to sit

taberu 食べる to eat

takuramu to plot, scheme

takuwaeru to save money, put aside, store

tamaru to be saved, accumulated

tameru to save, store, accumulate

tamesu to test, try, taste

tanomu to request, order, ask favour

tanoshimu to enjoy, have fun

taoreru to fall down, collapse

taosu to overthrow, knock down

tariru to be enough, suffient

tasu to add

tasukeru to help

tatakau to fight against, struggle against

tatamu to fold

tateru to build

tatsu 立つ to stand up

tayoru to depend on

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Japanese verb English verb

tetsudau to help

tobu to jump, fly

tokeru to melt, dissolve, come untied

toku to solve, untie

tomaru to stop

tomeru to stop, fasten

toreru to come off

torikaeru to exchange

toru to take, steal

tsugu to be next

tsukamu to grasp, grab

tsukareru to get tired

tsukau to use, operate

tsukeru to turn on, light

tsuku 着く to arrive

tsukuru 作る to make, build, create

tsumoru to pile up, accumulate

tsunagu to connect, fasten

tsutomeru to work for

tsutsumu to wrap

tsuyomaru to become stronger

tsuyomeru to strengthen

tsuzukeru to continue, proceed

tsuzuku to continue, follow

ueru to plant

ugokasu to move, operate

ugoku to move

ukabu to float, come to mind

uketoru to receive, accept

umu to produce, give birth, lay eggs

uramu to bear a grudge

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Japanese verb English verb

uru 売る to sell

utagau to doubt, suspect

utau 歌う to sing

utsu to hit, shoot

utsusu to photograph, copy, reflect

uwamawaru to top, exceed

wakareru to part, separate from, be divided, divorced

wakaru to understand

wakeru to divide, separate

warau to laugh

waru to divide, break

wasureru to forget

wataru to cross

watasu to hand over

yabureru to break, lose, be beaten

yaburu to tear, break, defeat

yakeru to burn, be grilled, baked, toasted

yaku to burn, set fire

yameru to stop, give up, resign

yaru to do, give

yaseru to lose weight, get thin

yasumu to rest, sleep

yatou to hire, employ

yobu to call

yomu 読む to read

yorokobu to be glad, pleased

yoru to depend on, be based on

you to get drunk, sea sick

yurusu to forgive, allow, approve

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