
Lists of Candidates running in the 24th

Knesset Elections


Candidate Lists Running in the 124th Knesset Election ................................................................................. 3

Mifleget Am Shalem, headed by Rav Haim Amsalem ............................................................................... 3

“Anahnu,” headed by Adv. Mush Huja ..................................................................................................... 4

Ani V’Ata – Mifleget HaAm HaYisraelit ..................................................................................................... 5

Atzmeinu Atzmaim V’Liberalim................................................................................................................. 6

The Bible Bloc Party (Mifleget HaGush HaTanachi) .................................................................................. 7

Blue and White (Kahol Lavan), headed by Benny Gantz ........................................................................... 7

Brit HaShutafut L’Ihud Leumi, led by Captain B. Shlain ............................................................................ 9

Daam – Calcala Yeruka Medina Ahat ........................................................................................................ 9

HaCalcalit HaHadasha, headed by Professor Yaron Zelekha .................................................................. 10

HaLev HaYehudi, headed by Eli Yosef ..................................................................................................... 11

HaMapatz HaHevrati - Gimlaim .............................................................................................................. 11

HaTikva LeShinui ..................................................................................................................................... 11

HaYisraelim ............................................................................................................................................. 12

HaZionut HaDatit, headed by Bezalel Smotrich ...................................................................................... 12

Heitz ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

Joint List (HaReshima HaMeshutefet - Hadash, Taal, Balaad) ................................................................ 13

KAMA – Kidum Maamad HaPrat ............................................................................................................. 17

Kvod HaAdam, headed by Adv. Arkadi Pogech ....................................................................................... 17

Israel Labor (HaAvoda), headed by Merav Michaeli ............................................................................... 18

Likud, led by Binyamin Netanyahu for Prime Minister ........................................................................... 21

Maan – Yahad L’Idan Hadash .................................................................................................................. 25

Manhigut Hevratit ................................................................................................................................... 27

Meretz – HaSmol Shel Yisrael ................................................................................................................. 27

Mishpat Tzedek, headed by Dr. Larissa Amir Trimbobler ....................................................................... 31

Noam Kolman, Liron Ofri and Suli Woolf - Habilti Efshari, Efshari.......................................................... 31

Olam Hadash, headed by Yoram Edri ..................................................................................................... 31

Rafa – Rak Briyut, headed by Doctor Aryeh Avni .................................................................................... 33

Seder Hadash L’Shinui Shitat Habehirot V’HaMimshal B’Yisrael, headed by Adv. Avital Ofek .............. 34

Shas (Hitahdut HaSefaradim Shomrei Torah v’Tnuato shel Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef, OBM) ............ 34

The Shema Party (Mifleget Shema), headed by Naftali Goldman .......................................................... 38

The Pirate Party (HaPiratim) ................................................................................................................... 38

New Hope (Tikva Hadasha), led by Gidon Saar for Prime Minister ........................................................ 39

Tzomet – Atzamaim, Haklaim, Kfarim ..................................................................................................... 41

United Arab List (HaReshima HaAravit HaMeuhedet) ............................................................................ 42

United Torah Judaism (Yahadut HaTorah V’haShabbat) – Agudat Yisrael – Degel HaTorah .................. 46

Yemina, headed by Naftali Bennett ........................................................................................................ 50

Yesh Atid, headed by Yair Lapid .............................................................................................................. 51

Yisrael Beiteinu, headed by Avigdor Leiberman ..................................................................................... 55

Candidate Lists Submitted to the Committee, but are not Running in the 24th Knesset Elections ............ 57

Democratit – Heirut, Shivyon, v’Arvut Hadadit ...................................................................................... 57

Candidate Lists Running in the 124th Knesset Election

Mifleget Am Shalem, headed by Rav Haim Amsalem

1. Haim Amsalem

2. Hila Hassan Lefkowitz

3. Dov Halbertal

4. Yaacov Avi Ohayon

5. Moshe Tourgeman

6. Gedalya Ben-Yosef

“Anahnu,” headed by Adv. Mush Huja

1. Mush Huja

2. David Barak

3. Omer Aloni

4. Idan Dror

5. Moshe Hika

Ani V’Ata – Mifleget HaAm HaYisraelit

1. Alon Giladi

2. Margalit David Hatzor

3. Amnon Vilner

4. Idit hajbi

5. Jeffrey Michael Menzer

6. Yehuda Sharabi

7. Reuven Meshumar Adani

Atzmeinu Atzmaim V’Liberalim

1. Tamir Tratman

2. Haggai Berkowitz


• On March 21/21, Dotan Sofer, Gilad Alfer, Nir Yoptero, Guy Golan, and Yoav Levi (who held

positions 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7, respectively) resigned in the presence of the CEC Chairman, Justice Uzi


The Bible Bloc Party (Mifleget HaGush HaTanachi)

1. Dennis Lipkin

2. Michael Yaacov Bar-Nadar

3. David Friedman

4. Klaus Becker

5. Maxim Rivkin

6. Rachel Lipkin

7. Binyamin David Friedman

Blue and White (Kahol Lavan), headed by Benny Gantz

1. Benjamin Gantz

2. Penina Tamanu

3. Yechiel Troper

4. Michael Mordechai Bitton

5. Orit Farkash-HaCohen

6. Alon Natan Schuster

7. Eitan Ginzburg

8. Yael Ron Ben-Moshe

9. Mofid Marai

10. Ruth Wasserman Lande

11. Alon Yisrael Tal

12. Malka Yehudit Uliel

13. Ilham Hazaan

14. Shai Zoldan

15. Shai David

16. Hizki Haim Yehezkel Sibak

17. Monica Yael Lev-Cohen

18. Arbel Yager Yellin

19. Keren Gonen

20. Or Shalev

21. Sharona Amar

22. Amir Shoshani

23. Amir Eliezer

24. Raz Friedman

25. Kobi Figaro

26. Tamar Shavit

27. Daniel Shmuel Avigdor

28. Yosef Mazor

29. Michal Moskowitz

30. Noa Mantber

31. Boaz Hanani

32. Michal Sara Dor

33. Dan Ben Yehuda

34. Assaf Namani

35. Yossi Cohen

36. Yonatan Yosef Damari

37. Anat Shadmi

38. Yosef-Yossi Toubor

39. Aviv Moses

40. Meirav Ziv Silverberg

41. Nofar Abuharon

42. Michael Yisraelov

43. Itamar Yehuda

44. Zvi Avissar

45. Batya Oren

46. Avri Steiner

47. Idan Lazar

48. Gavriel Oren

49. Pinhas Cohen

50. Uzi Yonah

51. Shimon Sasi

52. Ilan Shabtai Factor

53. David Assayag

54. Pierre Barnes

55. Hillel Hillman

Brit HaShutafut L’Ihud Leumi, led by Captain B. Shlain

1. Bashara Shlain

2. Irina Levin

3. Rami Abu Rajab

4. Steven John Badjar

5. Zvi Gal-ed

6. Aadal Skhade

7. Nikolai Savtzov

8. Biniyamin Shkhade

9. Guy Azar

10. Jonathan-Emil Badjar

11. Wail Mabarichi

Daam – Calcala Yeruka Medina Ahat

1. Tamir Yaov Gal

2. Hanan Zoabi

3. Michal Schwartz Ben-Efrat

4. Samia Nasar

5. Erez Wagner

6. Wafa Taiara

7. Daniel Ben Simhon

8. Tzippora Fania Friedman

9. Orit Soudri

10. Tomer Lahav

11. Hadas Lahav Adiv

12. Roni Ben Efrat

13. Assaf Adiv

14. Yaacov Yosef Ben Efrat

HaCalcalit HaHadasha, headed by Professor Yaron Zelekha

1. Yaron Zelekha

2. Osnat Akirav

3. Elian El Krinaoi

4. Yitzhak Turgeman

5. Nadav Avner Assael

6. Sara Zippora Manhimmer

7. Wahil Karaim

8. Elias Inbram

9. Einat Kaufman Rogovski

10. Itamar Glasser

11. Yehuda Avraham Messinger

12. Uri Shemesh

13. Orly Herman

14. Refael Barzilai

15. Sharon Yaron

16. Yael Dayan-Pikez

17. Eyal Sharbi

18. Gil Avimelech

19. Amit Schneider

20. Michael Roda


• Yoram Yovel (who had been #3 on this list) resigned on March 15/21, in the presence of the CEC

chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

HaLev HaYehudi, headed by Eli Yosef

1. Eli Yosef

2. Yifat Livne Refaeli

3. Ivri Shlomo Sharvit

4. Nitzan Haim Kappel

5. Hava Tor

HaMapatz HaHevrati - Gimlaim

1. Zion Wahab

2. Betzalel Levi

3. Nahman Mazaki

4. Yehuda Draiman

HaTikva LeShinui

1. Abbed Al Kareem Abukaf

2. Maazen Kaak

3. Osama Rajbi

4. Daoud Karinaoui


1. Yaron Shimon Regev

2. Michal Berman Regev

3. Yoav Biderman

4. Sarit Meir

5. Alexander Mordechai Kreintzin

6. Ben Hershkowitz

HaZionut HaDatit, headed by Bezalel Smotrich

1. Bezalel Yoel Smotrich

2. Michal Miriam Waldiger

3. Itamar Ben Gvir

4. Simcha Dan Rothman

5. Orit Malka Struk

6. Avigdor Maoz

7. Rachel Zinkin

8. Ayanu Uriel Sanbato

9. Eliyahu Attia

10. Yitzhak Shimon Wasserlauf

11. Eldad Yeshayahu Rabinovich

12. Naama Zerbib

13. Pinhas Yaacov Meyuhas

14. Moshe Peretz

15. Elkana Bavad

16. Hamutal Shapira

17. Yehezkel Yaacov Hasson

18. Eva Fanash

19. Haim Yehuda Goldman

20. Ido Meushar

21. Ilan Michael Rott


1. Lior Shapira

2. Ophira Yohana Walk

3. Revital Peretz Ben-Asher

4. Gal Florsheim

5. Dan Walk

6. Yigal Shapira

Joint List (HaReshima HaMeshutefet - Hadash, Taal,


1. Aiman Odeh (Hadash)

2. Ahmed Tibi (Taal)

3. Samy Abu Shahadeh (Balaad)

4. Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash)

5. Osama Saadi (Taal)

6. Ofer Cassif (Hadash)

7. Hiba Yazbek (Balaad)

8. Yousef Jabareen (Hadash)

9. Jamaa Azbarageh (Balaad)

10. Sonados Salah (Taal)

11. Jaber Asakla (Hadash)

12. Yousef Ataouneh (Hadash)

13. Aiad Rabi (Balaad)

14. Jassan Abdallah (Taal)

15. Noa Levi (Hadash)

16. Mahasan Kis (Balaad)

17. Feeda Abu-Dbai-Nara (Hadash)

18. Haitam Zakhalakeh (Taal)

19. Marweh Abed (Balaad)

20. Shawiri Shadi Zidan (Hadash)

21. Samir Ben Said (Taal)

22. Safouat Abu Ria (Hadash)

23. Orly Noi (Balaad)

24. Said Issa (Taal)

25. Darwish Raabi (Hadash)

26. Raid Gataas (Balaad)

27. Mouanes Abed Al Halim(Taal)

28. Efraim Davidi (Hadash)

29. Nahala Tanus (Balaad)

30. Ahmed Dalasheh (Taal)

31. Omar Wakad (Hadash)

32. Walid Kaaden (Balaad)

33. Kassem Sallem (Hadash)

34. Zohir Yousefiyeh (Taal)

35. Monir Hamoudeh (Hadash)

36. Saliman Al Athaika (Balaad)

37. Abid Abidd (Taal)

38. Mor Shoshan Stoller (Hadash)

39. Salim Huri (Hadash)

40. Silaan Dalal (Balaad)

41. Wafi Abu Ahmed (Taal)

42. Bosina Dabit (Hadash)

43. Muhamad Agbariyeh (Balaad)

44. Oren David Peled (Hadash)

45. Shadi Basal Abaas (Taal)

46. Arin Harika (Hadash)

47. Lulu Taha (Balaad)

48. Ffatima Abu Ardat (Taal)

49. Itai Aknin (Hadash)

50. Kassem Bakri (Balaad)

51. Omar Saksak (Hadash)

52. Maaher Husseim (Taal)

53. Tamar Mareh (Hadash)

54. Halled Abu Sakut (Balaad)

55. Hussin Htib (Hadash)

56. Ziad Awida (Taal)

57. Mustafa Washahi (Hadash)

58. Attia Darawsha (Balaad)

59. Masaab Duhan (Hadash)

60. Muhamad Bakri (Hadash)

61. Albaier Andria (Balaad)

62. Noha Bader (Hadash)

63. Mouanes Shalabi (Hadash)

64. Isa Nikkola (Hadash)

65. Muhamad Sobah (Balaad)

66. Eitan Klinsky (Hadash)

67. Ziad Muhara (Taal)

68. Balal Hamarshi (Hadash)

69. Jasser Tagrir Jabarin (Balaad)

70. Samah Iraqi (Hadash)

71. Nasser Mansour (Taal)

72. Huria Nasra (Hadash)

73. Mahmoud Souwed (Balaad)

74. Assaad Knanneh (Hadash)

75. Roni Felsen (Taal)

76. Moria Shlomot (Hadash)

77. Halled Titi (Balaad)

78. Zohir Karkabi (Hadash)

79. Assad Hasan (Taal)

80. Nabila Espanioli (Hadash)

81. Hassan Alnsasreh (Balaad)

82. Najiba Gataas (Hadash)

83. Liana Huri (Hadash)

84. Samy Yassin (Hadash)

85. Az Aladin Badraan (Balaad)

86. Hanna Zand-Zelshich (Hadash)

87. Izhar Zabidaath (Taal)

88. Amir Badraan Sliman (Hadash)

89. Salah Diraouwi (Taal)

90. Binyamin Gonen (Hadash)

91. Fathi Dakkeh (Balaad)

92. Touwafik Knaani (Hadash)

93. Munir Abbed Al Halim (Taal)

94. Abbed Alrahim Forkeh (Balaad)

95. Naif Hajazi (Taal)

96. Fouz Abidd (Hadash)

97. Leah Zemmel Warshawsky (Balaad)

98. Salin Sali Ismail (Taal)

99. Ali Saruji (Taal)

100. Arafat Badarneh (Hadash)

101. Abdallah Abu Maarof (Hadash)

102. Tatour Doua Hosh (Balaad)

103. Ramez Jaraisi (Hadash)

104. Mai Gabar (Taal)

105. Tamar Gozansky (Hadash)

106. Riad Mahamid (Balaad)

107. Asaad Mahul (Hadash)

108. Muhamad Wathed (Taal)

109. Hanin Zoabi (Balaad)

110. Mansoour Dahamsha (Hadash)

111. Adal Aamar (Hadash)

112. Nasir Faour (Taal)

113. Wasal Taha (Balaad)

114. Naif Sakran (Taal)

115. Dov-Boris Henin (Hadash)

116. Intanis Shahadeh (Balaad)

117. Afou Ajbariyeh (Hadash)

118. Aly Hidar (Taal)

119. Jamal Zakhalakeh (Balaad)

120. Muhamad Nafaa (Hadash)

KAMA – Kidum Maamad HaPrat

1. Dorit Liat Bern

2. Yehudit Elisha

3. Ilana Ambash

4. Noa Bar

Kvod HaAdam, headed by Adv. Arkadi Pogech

1. Arkadi Pogech

2. Rahmin Niazov

3. Gavriel Amirov

4. Shlomo Lodayiv

5. Dimitri Chenkov

6. David Siginor

7. Viktoria Soha

8. Ludmilla Dochenko

9. Younon Manhimov

10. Tatiana Niazov

11. Piotr Kolsnichenko


• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the CEC

checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to Sections 5a-7a

of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined Version) 5729-1969

(hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-2010 and Chapter 5 of the

Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following these probes, the candidates

Naftali Minsberg and Mordechai Holtzman, who had been #2 and 12, respectively, on this list, were

not included in the candidate list authorized by the Central Elections Committee plenum of February

21/21, in accordance with Section 63 of the Election Law.

Israel Labor (HaAvoda), headed by Merav Michaeli

1. Merav Michaeli

2. Yisrael Bar Lev Amar

3. Emily Chaya Mouati

4. Gilad Kariv

5. Efrat Reitan Marom

6. Ram Shefa

7. Ibtisam Mara’ana

8. Shai Nahman

9. Naama Lasimi

10. Gil Beilin

11. Eran Hermoni

12. Nissim Lasri

13. Alice-Florentina Goldman

14. Maya Nuri Shaked

15. Amir Hanifes

16. Vladimir Sverdlov

17. Yael Aran

18. Yael Fisher

19. Nofar Drukman

20. Haim Har-Zahav

21. Orit Taya Yagarado

22. Gavri Bar Gil

23. Bracha Klimstein Levi

24. Yitzhak Taim

25. Sari Yerushalmi-Ram

26. Abie Avraham Binyamin

27. Orit Tovim

28. Farahan Abu Riash

29. Oded Fried

30. Kinneret Ifrah

31. Moshe Ben Attar

32. Hadas Shaharvani Seidon

33. Efraim Eliezer Bolmash

34. Naava Katz

35. Mulham Malham Daar

36. Noga Ratz

37. Shlomi Weiser

38. Idit Frianti

39. Shalom Daksal

40. Nurit Shem Tov

41. Mark Sarvia

42. Nira Stufiya Schwartz

43. Nir Yitzhak Breitman

44. Dan Bikler

45. Yaron Gadot Zerchensky

46. Yuval Shapira

47. Theodore Neuwirth

48. Yonatan Naji Tzadik

49. Daniel Azoulai

50. Itamar Ilan Wagner

51. Fabian Svir

52. Gal Reich

53. Nir Rosen

54. Yehonatan Regev

55. Tal Yehezkel Alovich

56. Yaacov Mizrahi

57. Noa Golani

58. Or Ziv

59. Ofer Kornfeld

60. Ofer Rimon

61. Simon Elfassi

62. Masha Lubelsky

63. Ofer Pines-Paz

64. Amram Mitzna

65. Edna Soloder

66. Uzi Bar Am

67. Avraham Baiga Shohat

68. Shimon Shitrit

69. Raanan Cohen

70. Moshe Shahal

71. Aharon Yedlin


• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the CEC

checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to Sections 5a-7a

of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined Version) 5729-1969

(hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-2010 and Chapter 5 of the

Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following these probes, the candidate Rachel

Sheli Elkayam, who had been 43 on this list, was not included in the candidate list authorized by the

Central Elections Committee plenum of February 21/21, in accordance with Section 63 of the

Election Law.

• On February 8/21, Shlomo Hillel, who had been in position 69 in the list, and was previously a

minister and Speaker of the Knesset, passed away.

Likud, led by Binyamin Netanyahu for Prime Minister

1. Binyamin Netanyahu

1. Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

2. Yisrael Katz

3. Miriam Regev

4. Yariv Gidon Levin

5. Yoav Gallant

6. Nir Barkat

7. Gila Gamliel Damari

8. Avraham Moshe Dicter

9. Galit Distall

10. Haim Katz

11. Eliyahu Cohen

12. Tzahi Hanegbi

13. Ofir Akunis

14. Yuval Steinitz

15. David Amsalem

16. Dasata Ivarkan

17. Amir Ohana

18. Ofir Katz

19. Hava Atia

20. Yoav Kish

21. David Bitan

22. Keren Barak

23. Shlomo Karhi

24. Machluf Zohar

25. Orly Levi-Abekasis

26. Kathrin Keti Shitrit

27. Ofir Sofer

28. Patin Mula

29. Flora Mai Badra Golan

30. Tali Ploskov

31. Uzi Dayan

32. Ariel Kallner

33. Osnat Hila Mark

34. Amit Halevi

35. Yair Zev Gabbai

36. Nissim Vaturi

37. Shevach Stern

38. Nail Zouabi

39. Boris Aplichuk

40. Ayoub Kara

41. Matti Yogev

42. Yehuda Glick

43. Nurit Koren

44. Zev Fleischman

45. Avi Dicter

46. Anat Berko

47. Rob Nir Hirschman

48. Yaron Mazouz

49. Avraham Nagosa

50. Nava Boker

51. Heidi Moses

52. Elad Malka

53. Yaacov Ben Sidon

54. Shalom Danino

55. Ayala Shtegman

56. Yosef Noam Mualem

57. Noam Ariel Sela

58. Dima Taaia

59. Elad Yona

60. Ata Farakhat

61. Zofia Nahun

62. Michael Lobobikov

63. Osama Nawouani

64. Yaacov Vider

65. Gumaa Azbarga

66. Hila Mazouz

67. Hinda Friedlman

68. Gilad Maharat

69. Jackie Pinto

70. Rafaa Halabi

71. Grigori Ilgiev

72. Fernand Cohen-Tanuji

73. Shoshana Halevi

74. Yosef-Eyal Ben Pinhas

75. Shimon Assael

76. Dov Gilboa

77. Ze’ev Ben Yosef

78. Gavriel Gabi Alouche

79. Yohai Shitrit

80. Yehexkel Eini

81. Amnon Hever

82. Lihoi Eli Biton

83. Juliet Lasker Marciano

84. Roi Kashi

85. Baruch Natah

86. Yosef Kister

87. Zion Lankri

88. Rafi Boker

89. Michael Reif

90. Yaacov Bar Gil

91. Shabtai Katsch

92. Yitzhak Danieli

93. Ifrah Matana

94. Marius Lazarovich

95. Yitzhak Simhon

96. Gal Hirsch

97. Miriam Masari

98. Miriam Miki Mazar

99. Tova Maoz

100. Naftali Naor

101. Akiva Neferstak Nof

102. David Mutii

103. Tzippora Finberg

104. Esther Timor

105. Yael Shamargad

106. Ariel Buchnik

107. Elhanan Vinitsky

108. Ziva Ben Dror

109. Batsheva Hahermoni

110. Michael Kleiner

111. Dalia Igler

112. Zvi Igler

113. Yosf Dov Ahimeir

114. Chedva Spiegel

115. Kochava Matityahu

116. Chaya Shamir

117. Naomi Blumenthal

118. Miriam Glasser

119. Moshe Binyamin Nissim

Maan – Yahad L’Idan Hadash

1. Muhamad Darawsha

2. Ilmalik Iman Gareh

3. Ali Alhouzil

4. Jiris Matar

5. Zidan Badraan

6. Alaa naim

7. Rivka Alsheikh

8. Adi Balderman Michaelis

9. Anaan Hamaam

10. Eliyahu Meshulam

11. Muhamad Faraj

12. Nimar Gaanam

13. George Hawa

14. Taamr Darawsha

15. Nail Marjiyeh

16. George Matar

17. Faiz Salameh

18. Nojud Athamleh

19. Iman Shalbi

20. Youssef Abu Abid

21. Hidar Kabha

22. Kamal Abi Sadreh

23. Jacquelin Matar

24. Alaa Marina

25. Halil Alathaika

26. Sahar Abu Arar

27. Salimann Al Athaika

28. Shahed Badraan

29. Raouf Salameh

30. Amir Alhouzeil

31. Nabhan Alathaika

32. Ashraf Salameh

33. Faras Abu Abid

34. Abdul Mahmid Gareh

35. Christine Fraraja

36. Naif Abu Arar

37. Mahmad Alsanneh

38. Roslyn Abu Ayoub

39. Evelyn Hadid

40. Islam Salameh

41. Diana Marina

42. Nazmi Darabashi

43. Hanaan Mouwasi

44. Naim Goamsi-Hajuj

45. Kis Mouwasi

46. Ahmed Darabashi

47. Iad Mouwasi

48. Dima Mouwasi


• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the

CEC checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to

Sections 5a-7a of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined

Version) 5729-1969 (hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-

2010 and Chapter 5 of the Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following

these probes, the candidates Salameh Mahmoud, Mouasi Abdalljalaal and Abdul Belaal, who

had been #25, 33 and 45, respectively, on this list, were not included in the candidate list

authorized by the Central Elections Committee plenum of February 21/21, in accordance with

Section 63 of the Election Law.

• On February 21/21Sizar Abu Saalem, who had been in position 15 on this list, resigned in the

presence of CEC Chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

Manhigut Hevratit

1. Ilan Mashiha yar-Zanbar

2. Shaked Kahlon

3. Talia Rotenberg

4. Ehud Berkovich

5. Elyosef Yehuda Pessah

Meretz – HaSmol Shel Yisrael

1. Nitzan Horowitz

2. Tamar Zandberg

3. Yair Golan

4. Jida Rinai-Zouabi

5. Isawi Farij

6. Mosi Raz

7. Michal Rozin

8. Gavriel Laski Shotz

9. Ali Salalhe

10. Morag Keit Piasezky

11. Anat Nir

12. Laura Warton

13. Nissim Dov Hayoun

14. Hanadin Ilai Hargor

15. Eyal Reiz

16. Mahmud Swed

17. Tomer Resnick

18. Elias Matanes

19. Shaana Orlik

20. Shai Egozi

21. Gilad Bihari

22. Eliran Alan Bikhovsky

23. Giora Baram

24. Talila Goren

25. Sarit Gorfinkel

26. Emily Grinzweig

27. Dania Dobson

28. Tom Hakim Dromi

29. Ofer Zwebner

30. Rakefet Zohar

31. Uri Zvi Zakkai

32. David Gavriel Teitelbaum

33. Eyal Luria Pardes

34. Nili Marder

35. Yifat Solel

36. Waleed Wathad

37. Fouad Saliman

38. Einat Ovadia

39. Shosh Arar

40. Adva Maller

41. Yael Hanna Kriger

42. Shahar Keren

43. Michael Regev

44. Simi Rokach Ohayoun

45. Uri Shmilevitz

46. Omima Hamad

47. Ori Eldar

48. Esther Levanon Morduch

49. Omer Schechter

50. Tavor Shmuel Lahat

51. Eden Mizrahi

52. Aiid Badir

53. Hassan Alhazail

54. Sal Avshalom Zohar

55. Tal Hakim Dromi

56. Yael Eisner

57. Dror Shafir

58. Haim Reuven Zahavi

59. Dagan Levin

60. Pliah Katner

61. Ofer Pereg

62. Ahmed Abu Saalok

63. Yosef Allalu

64. Noam Kashri

65. Lirit Shemesh

66. Meir Liran Menddelowitz

67. Moran Ben Koren

68. Michal Shammai

69. Daniel Zarfati

70. Omri Shlomo Saal

71. Sara Starkevsky Shilon

72. Mordechai Har Even

73. Rina Keren

74. Naama Aviran

75. Tal Goldman

76. Haim Partouche

77. Amihai Giller

78. Hagit Salem

79. Monica Cohen

80. Yinon Givli

81. Reuven Dan Miodovnick

82. Halil Alukabu

83. Refael Moshe Zana

84. Souwed Shahadeh

85. Morris Shahadeh

86. Muhamad Abed Al Ftah

87. Lamaan Nash

88. Lilian Strogeno

89. Veronica Vigdorchik

90. Alice Hildegard Shalvi

91. Ilanit Harouche

92. Idit Diamant

93. Yaron Yaacovi

94. Hanan Erez

95. Suzanne Emmi Silverman

96. Aexander Libak

97. Avner De Schalit

98. Nili Oz

99. Ruth Hedva Resnick

100. Dror Ish Shalom Morag

101. Tzali Reshef

102. Zvia Walden

103. Refael Walden

104. Naomi Zion

105. Slalahe Salah

106. Colette Avital

107. Aryeh Dokarkar

108. Anat Maor

109. Dan Shavit

110. Yosef Morziano

111. Avshalom Villen

112. Hussein Faras

113. Ilan Gil On

114. Amira Sartani

115. Hussneia Gabara

116. Ran Cohen

117. Sara Naomi Hazan

118. Yosef Beilin

119. Zahava Galon

120. Haim Oron

Mishpat Tzedek, headed by Dr. Larissa Amir Trimbobler

1. Renana Larissa Amir

2. Michael Elyosef Litvick

3. Yelizibeta Yudin

4. Nehama Milson

5. Shaul Peretz

6. Geula Amir

7. Chava Shmulevitz

Noam Kolman, Liron Ofri and Suli Woolf - Habilti

Efshari, Efshari

1. Noam Kolman

2. Liron Ofri

Olam Hadash, headed by Yoram Edri

1. Yoram Edri

2. Yair Yaish Peretz

3. Valerie Pinhasov

4. Michael Mordison

5. Yelena Frichislov

6. Itzik Yitzhak Benisti

7. Yaacov Oshri

8. Yisrael Imnilov

9. Michal Shoshana Yosef

10. Tal Eldar

11. Natalia Erenburg

12. Rambum Hanukiev

13. Emil Binyaminov

14. Marianna Yashiav

15. Emil Binyamin

16. Ivkin Yigal Nativ

17. Roi Rejuan

18. Yulia Gorski

19. Niv Cohen

20. Ami Reuven

21. Yomi Hazan

22. Daniel Tzimat

23. Shoshana Shabtai

24. Adi Korkos

25. Tzippora Oshri

26. Yaacov Salitan

27. Hanna Zahav

28. Aviv Shabtai

29. Yehuda Kalo

30. Amram Siman Tov

31. Elazar Leiberman

32. Naama Schwartz

33. Yitzhak Shabtai

34. Nativ Kalo

35. Yosef Oshri

36. Sharon Bar Zohar

37. Gali Gold

38. David Zahav

39. Yitzhak Ziv


• Samuel Kaladas (who had been #33 on this list) resigned on February 21/21, in the presence of

the CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• Yom Tov Babai (who had been #5 on this list) resigned on March 17/21, in the presence of the

CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• In the period between the candidates submitting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the

CEC checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to

Sections 5a-7a of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (combined

version) 5729-1969 (hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel law, 5779-

2010 and chapter 5 of the amendments to the Knesset Election law, 5733-1973. Following these

probes, the following candidates were not included in the candidate list authorized by the

Central Elections Committee plenum of February 21/21, in accordance with Section 63 of the

Election Law: Natan Nati Strauss, Gal Lifschitz, Shira Iris Elkayam Katz, Ruhama Pasha, Amalia

Mali Zarfati Gold, Moshe Oshri, Shari Barak Kalu, Miryam Oshri and Ronen Ben Yitzhak, who had

been in positions 20, 27, 31, 35, 38, 46, 39, 48 and 49, respectively.

Rafa – Rak Briyut, headed by Doctor Aryeh Avni

1. Aryeh Avni

2. Shmuel Boris Levitt

3. Amnon Levav

4. Haggai Yedidya

5. Shirli Bublil

6. Nurit Urbiyatu-Kanfu

7. Amit Adler

8. Revital Pitus

9. Zvi Yosef Grunberg

10. Yitzhak Gur

11. Ilana Rachel Daniel

• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the CEC

checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to Sections 5a-7a

of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined Version) 5729-1969

(hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-2010 and Chapter 5 of the

Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following these probes, the candidate Yaffa

Ron, who had been #12 on this list, was not included in the candidate list authorized by the Central

Elections Committee plenum of February 21/21, in accordance with Section 63 of the Election Law.

Seder Hadash L’Shinui Shitat Habehirot V’HaMimshal B’Yisrael, headed by Adv.

Avital Ofek

1. Avital Hai Ofek

2. Ye’ela Deganit Harouche

3. Avner Omri

4. David Gavriel Landau

5. Maria Driavin

6. Limor Noa Koutai

7. Paula Quinn

Shas (Hitahdut HaSefaradim Shomrei Torah v’Tnuato

shel Maran HaRav Ovadia Yosef, OBM)

1. Aryeh Machluf Deri

2. Yaacov Mergi

3. Yoav Ben Tzur

4. Michael Moshe Michaeli

5. Haim Biton

6. Moshe Arbel

7. Yinon Azoulai

8. Moshe Abutbul

9. Uriel Menahem Bouso

10. Yossef Taib

11. Avraham Benayahu Betzalel

12. Netanel Efraim Hiak

13. Erez Malul

14. Simion Mosheshvili

15. Yonatan Misherki

16. Yaacov Yisrael Zedaka

17. Gavriel Yisraelov

18. Lior Shaer

19. Tal Matityahu

20. Moshe Kaikov

21. Boaz David Biton

22. Yehuda Obeidi

23. Yehuda Butbul

24. Haim Sabarli

25. Avner Marcel Amar

26. Yaacov Maalmi

27. Salomon Azran

28. Haggai Haddad

29. Yehiel Vaknin

30. Eli Ankonina

31. Ofer Kardi

32. Nehorai Lahiani

33. Yosef Tourgeman

34. Yosef Roash

35. Kfir Ovadia

36. Yisrael Ben Sassoon

37. Betzalel Natan

38. Hanan GabiZigdon

39. Yaacov Admoni

40. Avi Ben Avraham

41. Eliyahu Karhi

42. Netanel Nahum

43. Yisrael Azri Ramati

44. Avraham Biton

45. Netanel Elfallas

46. Moshe Shimon Avitan

47. David Kamos

48. Mordechai Nir Karaif

49. Meir David Barnes

50. Yisrael Ifergan

51. Eli Gabbai

52. Yitzhak Haddad

53. Eyal Reuven

54. Yaniv Buzaglo

55. Shlomo Netanel Peretz

56. David-Moshe Azoulai

57. Moshe Balhasan

58. Moshe Cohen

59. Yosef Niazof

60. Moshe Kalfon

61. Binyamin Ariel Asher

62. David Suissa

63. Yaniv Amar

64. Meir Malka

65. Avraham Avital

66. Oshri Eliyahu Lankri

67. Yisrael Shneor

68. Yaacov Danino

69. Meir Gabbai

70. Avi Deri

71. Eliyahu Yisrael Shoshan

72. Maor Haim Laori

73. Rahamim Hugi

74. Meir Amar

75. Ariel Yekutiel Golan

76. Yonatan Shmuel Kashtan Blaustein

77. Moshe shalom Levi

78. Ogrgad Yaacov Cohen

79. Yehuda Menahem Harari Raful

80. Yosef Salton

81. Yoram Sabag

82. Otniel Gigi

83. Meir Dahan

84. Ezra Hemmed

85. Nissim Ezra

86. Haim Ben Avraham

87. Nissim Abuhatzeira

88. Rihani Binyamin Cohen

89. Avishai Hanina

90. Shmuel Yonatan Dadon

91. Shmuel Zer

92. Eliyahu Pinhasi

93. Avraham Yeshayahu Harari Raful

94. Gil Binabayev

95. Netanel Mor Yosef

96. Ariel Harari

97. Zvi Assoulin

98. Aharon Cohen Zada

99. Aryeh Armon

100. Yosef Haim Shaked

101. Ben Zion Prigan

102. Ariel Hayoun

103. Yehuda Assraf

104. Ovadya Yosef Mazor

105. Yosef David Buscaglia

106. Yosef Yisrael

107. Yitzhak Malki

108. Levi Yitzhak Zer

109. Shmuel Shammai

110. Moshe Maimon Tuitto

111. David Shmuel Ouzan

112. Yisrael Haggai Mor Yosef

113. Hananel Harouche

114. Orel Dayan

115. Oshri Asher Gabbai

116. Itamar Dahan

117. Moshe Yisrael Siboni

118. Yair Menahem Hamou

119. Yosef Haim Shabtai

120. Haim Aharaon Baadani

The Shema Party (Mifleget Shema), headed by Naftali Goldman

1. Naftali Baruch Goldman

2. Nissim Moyal

3. Netanel Yaacov

4. Yosef Ben Shoshan

The Pirate Party (HaPiratim)

1. Ohad Yaacov Shem Tov

2. Dan Biron

3. Lilach Rubin

4. Keith Lawrence Goldstein

5. Meital Rom

6. Guy David Briller

7. Michelle Tova Levine

8. Arin Yosevshvili

9. Ro’I Avraham Kleitman

10. Yisrael Haim Ehrlanger

11. Ofir Yani

12. Almog Orpaz

13. Noam Kuzar Weisgerber

New Hope (Tikva Hadasha), led by Gidon Saar for Prime Minister

1. Gidon Moshe Saar

2. Yifat Shasha-Biton

3. Zev Elkin

4. Yoaz Hendel

5. Sharren Miriam Haskel

6. Binyamin Zev Begin

7. Meir Yitzhak Halevi

8. Zvi Hauser

9. Michal Shir Segman

10. Hila Shai Vzan

11. Daniel Dayan

12. Michelle Buscaglia

13. Zvi Ofer Berkovich

14. Avraham Ganon

15. Michal Diamant

16. Sahar Pinto

17. Sahar Ismail

18. Alon Kaisar

19. Orna Davidai

20. Dovrat Weiser

21. Netanel Isak

22. Begashao David Ababa

23. Avi Kalma

24. Refael Ben Shitrit

25. Sofia Ron Moria

26. Hassan Haiiab

27. Victor Tal

28. Zilla Tamir

29. Yitzhak Dickstein

30. Malka Mali Levi

31. Adiel Illouz

32. Nadav Douani

33. Yaacov Shimon Mazza

34. Simi Buhbout

35. Shahar Mi-On

36. Shavit Mass

37. Uri Akiva Heitner

38. Zohar Tal

39. Sinai Shaul Kehat

40. Sigalit Handshar Farkash

41. Yonatan Peter Yaavur

42. Lilach Haiibi Menahem

43. Shimi Eliel

44. Yaacov Muzganuv

45. Batsheva Shtrauchler

46. Moshe Har Zion

47. Gilad Samama

48. Yohai Yurik Tahor

49. Mordechai Lanciano

50. Moshe Shlomo Glick

51. Zev Sonenson

52. Uri Davidovich

53. Niriamm Zibenberg

54. Zemah Nissim Katz Cohen

55. Meirav Bender Safadia

56. Guy Kanfu

57. Rami Rahamim Gani

58. Amir Yelenik

59. Immanuel Navon

60. Rina Grinberg

61. Shimshon Shoshani


• Yaacov Ben Haim (who had been #31 on this list) resigned on February 8/21, in the presence of

the CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• Shlomo Barak (who had been #50 on this list) resigned on March 10/21, in the presence of the

CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the

CEC checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to

Sections 5a-7a of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined

Version) 5729-1969 (hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-

2010 and Chapter 5 of the Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following

these probes, the candidate Ilsbabha Joumaeh, who had been #47 on this list, was not included

in the candidate list authorized by the Central Elections Committee plenum of February 21/21,

in accordance with Section 63 of the Election Law.

Tzomet – Atzamaim, Haklaim, Kfarim

1. Moshe Green

2. Harel Mastai

3. Yosef Meir Levinkopf

4. Moshe Saba

5. Oded Harlov

6. Guy Reif

7. Binyamin Unger

8. Sagi Nissim Gallem

9. Eli Halivni


• Salim Ibn Beri (who had been #3 on this list) resigned on February 21/21, in the presence of the

CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• Yair Farjun (who had been #2 on this list) resigned on March 10/21, in the presence of the CEC

chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

United Arab List (HaReshima HaAravit HaMeuhedet)

1. Mansour Abbas

2. Maazen Ganiim

3. Waleed Taha

4. Said Alharoumi

5. Yassin Iman Htib

6. Ale Aladin Jabareen

7. Ata Abu Madim

8. Yassir Hujirat

9. Ibrahim Abu Labban

10. Amir Marii

11. Sallem Qudasi

12. Muhamad Sued

13. Said Ahmed Isa

14. Mahmud Kiel

15. Raazi Isa

16. Taamer Aazi

17. Sahar Aasi

18. Abdul Rahman Ibn Bari

19. Qaamel Abu Qush

20. Ahmed Hussin

21. Muhamad Assi

22. Yazid Gaabar

23. Hissam Isdi

24. Attia Alaasem

25. Hassan Aarbas

26. Razak Hamza

27. Yousef Harob

28. Muhamad Shimla

29. Ali Katnani

30. Samar Samara

31. Ahmed Hussin

32. Hitam Mansour

33. Mahmoud Nasar

34. Ahmed Abu Ajaj

35. Ahsraf Hajazi

36. Muhamad Kumeia

37. Ibrahim Sakhafi

38. Muhamad Mahmid

39. Ahsaan Haniyeh

40. Muhamad Sital

41. Ali Minouwi

42. Zalah Al Din Karaim

43. Amir Haj Yihyeh

44. Abed Al Karim Al Itrash

45. Faras Al Abreh

46. Ramadan Shini

47. Raani Haj Yihyeh

48. Mahmed Al Huwatra

49. Atlalal Iljamal

50. Yousef Elqaram

51. Raaniyeh Alhouwatreh

52. Jameel Mazarwa

53. Ayoub Aamur

54. Ashra Badir

55. Muhanad Taha

56. Raafat Ganaim

57. Zafut Farij

58. Musa Alubareh

59. Nabil Hamadan

60. Muhamar Gadir

61. Mimoneh Qurabi

62. Omar Omar

63. Faiz Abu Zahaban

64. Jamal Abu Rai

65. Qutibeh Gazail

66. Halil Abuqush

67. Halel Alamur

68. Hassan Abu Haani

69. Ibrahim Raian

70. Youssef Shinei

71. Ibrahim Al Touri

72. Salaman Al Zaana

73. Sami Ishwi

74. Yihyeh Dahamsha

75. Ahmed Habiballah

76. Salim Abu Kaf

77. Shadi Taha

78. Muhamad Darawsha

79. Qis Dalasheh

80. Basssem Darawsha

81. Wisam Ganaim

82. Daoud Afaan

83. Halled Al Ubareh

84. Jouad Sahnini

85. Hamzeh Hajmuhamad

86. Abed Al Kareem Azzam

87. Muhamad Zabideth

88. Labaid Abu Afaash

89. Muhamad Dahamsha

90. Waseem Jabaareh

91. Bashir Alsaudi

92. Samir Abu Arir

93. Muhamad Hayib

94. Hassan Dahaleh

95. Nimar Hussin

96. Halled Afaan

97. Sameer Abu Qwidar

98. Hanaan Hamudeh

99. Inhaar Hajazi

100. Abbed Ilwahab Habasheh

101. Jihad Isadi

102. Jumaeh Abu Arair

103. Muzlah Al Azazmeh

104. Ismail Hassan

105. Siaf Abbed Rabalrassu Abu Riash

106. Muhamad Yassin

107. Omar Shalabi

108. Ihab Gazamawi

109. Faadi Ajbariyeh

110. Zaahar Issa

111. Sohad Taha

112. Abbed Al Aziz Abu Jwiad

113. Masud Ganaim

114. Talleb Abu Arair

115. Kammal Riain

116. Abbed Elmalek Dahamsha


• Abdalla Huri, who had been in position 9 on this list, resigned on February 8/21, in the presence of

CEC Chairman, Just Uzi Vogelman.

• In the period between the candidates presenting their lists and the authorization of the lists, the CEC

checks each person on each list to ensure that they may run for Knesset according to Sections 5a-7a

of Basic Law: The Knesset, Chapter 6 of the Knesset Election law (Combined Version) 5729-1969

(hereafter: The Election Law), Section 11 off the Bank of Israel Law, 5779-2010 and Chapter 5 of the

Amendments to the Knesset Election Law, 5733-1973. Following these probes, the candidates Awed

Fareed and Osama Abu Haamed, who had been #41 and 106, respectively, on this list, was not

included in the candidate list authorized by the Central Elections Committee plenum of February

21/21, in accordance with Section 63 of the Election Law.

United Torah Judaism (Yahadut HaTorah V’haShabbat) – Agudat Yisrael – Degel


1. Moshe Refael Gafni (Degel HaTorah)

2. Yakov Litzman (Agudat Yisrael)

3. Yisrael Meir Uri Makleb (Degel HaTorah)

4. Meir Porush (Agudat Yisrael)

5. Yakov Asher Degel HaTorah)

6. Yisrael Yitzchak Eichler (Agudat Yisrael)

7. Yitzchak Ze’ev Pindrus (Degel HaTorah)

8. Yoel Yakov Tessler (Agudat Yisrael)

9. Eliyahu Baruchi (Degel HaTorah)

10. Moshe Roth (Agudat Yisrael)

11. David Ohana (Degel HaTorah)

12. Binyamin Hershler (Agudat Yisrael)

13. Yitzchak Reich (Degel HaTorah)

14. Yosef Baham (Agudat Yisrael)

15. Aryeh Zvi Boimel (Degel HaTorah)

16. Yossi Deitch (Agudat Yisrael)

17. Avraham Rubinstein (Degel HaTorah)

18. Yechiel Aryeh Weingarten (Agudat Yisrael)

19. Yakov Asher Gutterman (Degel HaTorah)

20. Peretz Abramovitz (Agudat Yisrael)

21. Yitzchak Ravitz (Degel HaTorah)

22. Haim Meir Wiesel (Agudat Yisrael)

23. Menachem Mendel Shapira (Degel HaTorah)

24. Reuven Breish (Agudat Yisrael)

25. Moshe David Morgenstern (Degel HaTorah)

26. Zvi Roshgold (Agudat Yisrael)

27. Shlomo Yehuda Goldenthal (Degel HaTorah)

28. Aharon Pinhas Eliyahu Donath (Agudat Yisrael)

29. Eliezer Zvi Rochberger (Degel HaTorah)

30. Dov Asher (Agudat Yisrael)

31. Avraham Ben Zion Dietch (Degel HaTorah)

32. Efraim Webber (Agudat Yisrael)

33. Mordechai Michael Alfer (Degel HaTorah)

34. Avraham Alexander Bressler (Agudat Yisrael)

35. Shimon Yisrael Kellerman (Degel HaTorah)

36. David Yehuda Greenwald (Agudat Yisrael)

37. Yisrael Yitzchak Golomb (Degel HaTorah)

38. Shmuel Yehuda Gottesman (Agudat Yisrael)

39. Yisrael Moshe Friedman (Degel HaTorah)

40. Mordechai Brisk (Agudat Yisrael)

41. Pinchas Shalom Badosh (Degel HaTorah)

42. Menachem Klein (Agudat Yisrael)

43. Yehuda Yabrov (Degel HaTorah)

44. Shlomo Zecharia Kostelitz (Agudat Yisrael)

45. Mordechai Ze’ev Blau (Degel HaTorah)

46. Shlomo Dietch (Agudat Yisrael)

47. Shabtai Markovich (Degel HaTorah)

48. Aharon Tirhaus (Agudat Yisrael)

49. Pinchas David Siroka (Degel HaTorah)

50. Hillel Rubinstein (Agudat Yisrael)

51. Yitzchak Dov Brenner (Degel HaTorah)

52. Shimon Goldberg (Agudat Yisrael)

53. David Salz (Degel HaTorah)

54. Shmuel Shmelke Tirer (Agudat Yisrael)

55. Michael Melamed (Degel HaTorah)

56. Yitzchak Aharon Klein (Agudat Yisrael)

57. Meir Yaffe (Degel HaTorah)

58. Akiva Ovitz (Agudat Yisrael)

59. Yisrael Meir Sverdlov (Degel HaTorah)

60. Efraim Fishel Wiesel (Agudat Yisrael)

61. Avraham Pinchas Stern (Degel HaTorah)

62. Meir Ringel (Agudat Yisrael)

63. Slomo Efraim Falk (Degel HaTorah)

64. David Nahman Rothner (Agudat Yisrael)

65. Mordechai Goldberg (Degel HaTorah)

66. Michael Dov Gerlitz (Agudat Yisrael)

67. Yoef Shaul Shitrit (Degel HaTorah)

68. Shmuel Shok (Agudat Yisrael)

69. Yisrael Mordechai Silverstein (Degel HaTorah)

70. Shimon Kroizer (Agudat Yisrael)

71. Liyahu Yosef Brunner (Degel HaTorah)

72. Chaim Baruch Wichleder (Agudat Yisrael)

73. Chaim Yitzchak Epstein (Degel HaTorah)

74. Yechezkel Shraga Beckenrot (Agudat Yisrael)

75. Shlomo Huminer (Degel HaTorah)

76. Yisrael Chaim Cohen (Agudat Yisrael)

77. Ofer Elkayam (Degel HaTorah)

78. Yisrael Miller (Agudat Yisrael)

79. Yehuda Aryeh Falk (Degel HaTorah)

80. David Spitzer (Agudat Yisrael)

81. Binyamin Tuvia Lowenstein (Degel HaTorah)

82. Eliyah Schechter (Agudat Yisrael)

83. Shlomo Zvi Montag (Degel HaTorah)

84. Yekutiel Zalman Neuman (Agudat Yisrael)

85. Ofer Ezra (Degel HaTorah)

86. Gedalyahu Sheinin (Agudat Yisrael)

87. Nissan Lavi (Degel HaTorah)

88. Eliezer David Rubinstein (Agudat Yisrael)

89. Aryeh Yehuda Zisman (Degel HaTorah)

90. Yehoshua Weinberger (Agudat Yisrael)

91. Elchanan Fromer (Degel HaTorah)

92. Yakov Yoef Ganz (Agudat Yisrael)

93. David Miller (Degel HaTorah)

94. Yisrael Lazer (Agudat Yisrael)

95. Efraim Weiss (Degel HaTorah)

96. Yakov Chaim Zorgar (Agudat Yisrael)

97. Natan Weiss (Degel HaTorah)

98. Yisrael Frankel (Agudat Yisrael)

99. Shlomo Stern (Degel HaTorah)

100. Moshe Labrun (Agudat Yisrael)

101. Yona Moskowitz (Degel HaTorah)

102. Yeshayahu Asher Zelig Hanun (Agudat Yisrael)

103. Moshe Frank (Degel HaTorah)

104. Yitzchak Horowitz (Agudat Yisrael)

105. Elhanan Ehrentreu (Degel HaTorah)

106. Menachem Shimon Shlomo Bernstein (Agudat Yisrael)

107. Moshe Mann (Degel HaTorah)

108. Menachem Klugman (Agudat Yisrael)

109. Avraham Yitzhak Mishkowsky (Degel HaTorah)

110. Eliyahu Gafni (Agudat Yisrael)

111. Menachem Schwartz (Degel HaTorah)

112. Yechezkel Shaul Landau (Agudat Yisrael)

113. Yakov Vizbinsky (Degel HaTorah)

114. Yehuda Roth (Agudat Yisrael)

115. Shimon Haddad (Degel HaTorah)

116. Chaim Meir Katz (Agudat Yisrael)

117. Eliyahu Mordechai Korelitz (Degel HaTorah)

118. Avraham Schwartz (Agudat Yisrael)

119. Eliezer Sorotzkin (Degel HaTorah)

120. Hanoch Zeibert (Agudat Yisrael)

Yemina, headed by Naftali Bennett

1. Naftali Bennett

2. Ayelet Shaked

3. Alon Davidi

4. Matan Kahana

5. Amihai Shikli

6. Nir Orbach

7. Abir (Avraham) Kara

8. Idit Silman

9. Shirli Pinto Kadosh

10. Shai Yitzhak Maimon

11. Yom Tov Hai Kalfon

12. Stella Shenkal Weinstein

13. Roni Sasover

14. Orna Starkman

15. Asher Cohen

16. Jeremy Saltan

17. Yosef Speizer

18. Naama Zidkiyahu

19. Noy Rosenfeld

20. Ohad Ouzan

21. Yaacov Suissa

22. Ilana Dror

23. Ilan Natan Zvili

24. Efrat Gantak

25. Yael Yahav

26. Daniel-Shimon Avital

27. Avia Sasi

28. Nir Herman

29. Eti Attias

30. Yosef Mendelovich

31. Nitzan Aviran

32. Leah Farhi Lotan

33. Erez Asher Louzon

34. Shai Blumenthal

35. Shmuel Grady

36. Mordechai Magar

37. Yisrael Nadivi

38. Moshe Peled


• Ofer Ogash, who had been #33 in this list, resigned on February

8/21, in the presence of CEC Chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• Amir Peleg, who had been #34 in this list, resigned on February

21/21, in the presence of CEC Chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

Yesh Atid, headed by Yair Lapid 1. Yair Lapid

1. Orna Barbivay

2. Meir Cohen

3. Karin Elharrar

4. Meirav Cohen

5. Yoel Razvozov

6. Elazar Stern

7. Mickey Levy

8. Meirav Ben Ari

9. Ram Ben Barak

10. Yoav Segalovitz

11. Boaz Toporovsky

12. Idan Roll

13. Yoray Lahav Hertzanu

14. Vladimir Beliak

15. Ron Katz

16. Nira Spak

17. Tania Mazarsky

18. Yasmin Friedman

19. Inbar Bazak

20. Moshe Yehuda Tur-Paz

21. Simon Davidson

22. Ronit Ehrenfreund

23. Zohar Zigbard Bloom

24. Yifat Sharon Ben Shoshan

25. Ibrahim Kassem

26. Oz Haim

27. Tomer Wiener

28. Michal salvani kabibah

29. Yaron Amos Levi

30. Lydia Zuckerman Hatuel

31. Tal Bashan Netzer

32. Sagit Abu

33. Devora Biton

34. Yael De Langi

35. Hadar Schweitzer

36. Peleg Reshef

37. Roni Irish Malchai

38. Tal Magara

39. Sarit HAndknopf

40. Amir Cohe

41. Shiran Abekasis

42. Dalit Gur Cohen

43. Shaked Benafshi

44. Ro’I Daid

45. Zahava Landman

46. Yardena Oakman

47. Michal Albu

48. Pavel Kagan

49. Doron Pedah Tzur

50. Esther Cohen

51. Shimri Lotan

52. Shlomit Pribar

53. Ronen Wasserman

54. Ronit Yuval

55. Orit Shani

56. Michael Gorin

57. Carmela Garbiner

58. Nurit Topaz

59. Demoz Gobeza

60. Limor Gazit

61. Alon Yehuda Merhav

62. Zohar Gvili

63. Moshe Baz

64. Flori Sterling

65. Lior Zivan

66. Sara Shira Levi

67. Dov Rosen

68. Ayelet Segal

69. Eyal Pinhas Donsky

70. Vered Amir

71. Ziv Warhaftig

72. Tamar Bar Meir

73. Tal Mati Keller

74. Tami Ben Gidon

75. Yoram Shimon Shefer

76. Yobeb Gonikman

77. Boris Yampolsky

78. Andrea Wein

79. Yoseef Yardeni

80. Hen Meir Skarlasky

81. Pinhas Yaron

82. Arnina Shargal

83. Moshe Sdeh Sharon

84. Bracha Mizrahi

85. Meir Michel Ben Chimol

86. Alisa Dalia Coleman

87. Orly Kubrinsky-Ben Zvi

88. Gavriel Menashe Ushpiz

89. Aviva Kogus

90. Avraham Uri Zanko

91. Ilan Appelbaum

92. Netanel Liad Mishan

93. Eran Davidowitz

94. Ellis Heishrik

95. Tomer Harel

96. Yeara Yamit Chana Di Sagni

97. Amit Yisrael Ovadia

98. Limor Pokar Kobrinsky

99. Hadar Segal

100. Yotam Ram

101. Linoi Ben Dayan

102. Dekel Habbi

103. Dalit Sevrinsky

104. Mei Gal Avinoam Efrati

105. Tomer Aronovsky

106. Rachel Geva

107. Meir Malka

108. Ayala Pri-Saada

109. Lotan Yaniv Weissberg

110. Sharona Rodoi

111. Tal Heuger

112. Batya Bleiberg

113. Yali Karlich

114. Shulamit Blokovstein

115. Aliza Ripal

116. Naomi Porati

117. Chana Gol

118. Daniel Kroani

119. Roni Somek

Yisrael Beiteinu, headed by Avigdor Leiberman

1. Avigdor Leiberman

2. Oded Forer

3. Evgeny Sova

4. Eli Avidar

5. Yulia Malinovsky

6. Hamad Amar

7. Alexander Kushnir

8. Yosef Shein

9. Limor Magen Telem

10. Alina Bardach-Yalov

11. Sharon Esther Rofe Ofir

12. Batya Kahana-Freier-Dror

13. Dor Davidian

14. Shahar Alon

15. Stav Boango

16. Hila Iris Yadid-Barzilai

17. Diana Balvich Losav

18. Aviv-haim Cohen

19. Michal oron-Azani

20. David Sandler

21. Anna Gurevich

22. Lior Shapira

23. Zev Bronshvig

Candidate Lists Submitted to the Committee, but are not Running in

the 24th Knesset Elections

Democratit – Heirut, Shivyon, v’Arvut Hadadit

*** Due to the lawful resignation of all candidates on this list,

Democratit – Heirut, Shivyon, v’Arvut Hadadit is not running in the

24th Knesset elections.


• Emma Magen Korn (who had been #5 on this list) resigned on March 13/21, in the presence of

the CEC chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• On March 14/21, the following candidates resigned, in the presence of the CEC chairman, Justice

Uzi Vogelman: Keren Tamari, Sadi Ben Shitrit, Avi Ofer, Orly Rafman, Naomi Bentzar, Sigal Avivi

Kook, Varda Saada Gargas, Haim Barak Cohen, Eran Etzion, Avshalom Coresh Elitzur (who had

held positions 13, 3, 19, 17, 29, 11, 4, 1, 22 and 14, respectively).

• On March 14/21, the following candidates resigned, in the presence of the CEC chairman, Justice

Uzi Vogelman: Tal Miriam Kabin Cohen, Liel Shalom Magen, Tamar Yavin, Rafi Rotem, Sigalit

Shalev, Orit Sulchi Brosh, Arnon Harel, Yigal Rambam, Hilik Lederberg, Yonatan Gan Mor, Koren

Rotner, Nir Avishai Cohen, Haim Shadmi (who had held positions 23, 36, 15, 10, 35, 31, 37, 6, 34,

24, 33, 12 and 16, respectively).

• On March 16/21, the following candidates resigned, in the presence of the CEC chairman, Justice

Uzi Vogelman: Tal Gilboa, Matan Zigron, Clair Schabafi, Aiad Nassar, Eili Brook, and Gal Tamar

Narkis (who had held positions 18, 32, 27, 20, 28 and 30, respectively).

• Gila Zamir (who had been #25 on this list) resigned on March 17/21, in the presence of the CEC

chairman, Justice Uzi Vogelman.

• Hanaan Alsana, Yeela Livnat Raanan, and David Mizrahi (who had been in positions 2, 26 and 7

respectively), resigned on March 18/21, in the presence of the CEC chairman, Justice Uzi


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