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LNG CARGO SURVEY Report Generator


LNG Tanker Ships

Compumarine Software House Kostas Zacharopoulos

Copywrite (C) 1995 - 2014 e-mail : [email protected]

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All progamme material and data contained in the

programmes as well as the accompanying manual are supplied without reprresentation or warranty

of any kind. Both programme material and manual are free of errors to the best of the author’s

knowledge. Should the programme material and data, contained in the programmes, prove defective the

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The author SHALL NOT BE LIABLE for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use or perfomance of the programme material or

part thereof.

All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form or by any means,

without the prior permission of the author.

Kostas Zacharopoulos

Phone Office : (+30) 210 51.37.93

e-mail : [email protected]

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Program for Windows

The LNG CARGO SURVEY REPORT GENERATOR is a fourth generation Integrated software package for the Cargo calculation of a LNG Tanker Ship. The package is a menu driven and does not require any previous experience on the use of computers. The LNG CARGO SURVEY REPORT GENERATOR has been designed and is ideally suited to assist ship’s officers for the Cargo calculation of a LNG Tanker Ship. The examples that will be shown and described are hypothetical and do NOT correspont to the ship’s tank Sound and Volumes from the Tank Ullage Tables. The example bellow is refered to a Demo LNG Vessel

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Π Ε Ρ Ι Ε Χ Ο Μ Ε Ν Α Σελις

1 START 5 2 GENERAL RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS 6 Screens 6 MAIN MENU Screen 7 Window Menu Selection 7 Screen Message Window 7 Warning Messages 8 Exit from the Program 8 New Calculation / Initialize Calculation 8 MAIN MENU ( Toolbar ) 9 Starting Screen 11 Program Execution Procedure 12 4 LNG CALCULATION GENERAL INFORMATIONS LNG MAIN MENU 13 LNG JOB INFO 14 Tanker Ship Data Info 15 LNG Calc. Info (Cargo Components Define Cargo Molar Fractions ) 16 5 LNG CALCULATION MAIN FORM 20 Edit Survey Before Load / Discharge Input 21 Edit Survey After Load / Discharge Input 24 Print / View Delivered / Received Report 25 6 TOOLS 26 Επιλογή ASTM INTRACONV/Tables 27 Eπιλογή UNIT CONVERSION 30 7 LOAD / SAVE FILES Save Calculation File 31 Save Calculation File with different File name 32 Load Ship’s Data 33 Load a Stored Calculation File 34 EXPORT Calculation File to Desktop 35 Delete a Stored Calculation File 37 8 Calculator 38 9 Tool Bar Color 38

10 About 39 11 CHANGE FORM’s TITLE NAMES 40

12 SAVE CALCULATION as EXCEL 41 13 UNLOCK EXCEL ( Unlock LIQ-LPG Survey Calculation exported Excel file ) 42 14 VOLUME INTERPOLATION 43

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Each time you switch on your computer and when the WINDOWS are loaded .Follow the procedure described below in order to execute the LNG Calculation program. From the Desktop find the icon shown below then,

1. Double click this icon in the case NO icon displayed then follow the procedure described below

2. Click at the Start button where the Start Window Menu will be displayed.

2. Click the Programs where the following Window will appear

3. At the title XpZakosLngSurveys move the mouse pointer until you see the title Lng Surveys then press the ENTER key or click with mouse in order to start the program.

XpZakosLngSurveys Lng Surveys

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6 GENERAL RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS: Before proceeding to the instructions necessary to each screen the following basic functions are considered important and should be memorised. The Cursor key movements and Function keys:

Key Result Up Arrow Moves One Line Up Dn Arrow Moves One Line Down Right Arrow Moves cursor to Right Left Arrow Moves cursor to Left PgUp Moves Screen Up PgDn Moves Screen Down Home Moves cursor to the Beginning of Line End Moves cursor to the End of Line Backspace Errases a character to the left of the cursor

CLICK : Press and release the left mouse button. A click is used to select an item on the screen. ENTRIES: Input screens are designed so that the user is free to move the cursor to any position using the arrows and make an entry. Mistakes: Illegal entries are not accepted by your system rejection is followed by a characteristic beeper alarm. SCREENS: The user communicates with the system through a number of screens. According to the functions they perform screen are divided in the following 3 categories: A. Control Screen is: the MAIN MENU Using the mouse the user may select the desired system function. Click the mouse to execute the selected function.

Infos Survey Before Load / Discharge Survey After Load / Discharge LNG Report

Tools για ASTM Tables

All the input screens have the following characteristics: - They have a standard format. - Arrows may be used to select required position (full screen editing). - Each entry is validated and accepted or rejected accordingly. - Guiding messages always appear at the screen's Message Window. B. Screen of Loading / Saving Calculation the File Note: Only in Input fields with the light blue color you will be able to type.

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7 LNG CALCULATION ( MAIN MENU ) On the top of the screen appears the ( Main Menu ) with the five (4) horizontal selections and 12 icons as shown in the following illustration:

Main Menu Toolbar To select a menu title or an icon move the mouse so the tip of the mouse pointer usually an arrow is on the name of a Menu title or an icon you want to select. Quickly press and release the left mouse button. WINDOW MENU SELECTION: A Window Menu will display a list of selections as shown in the following illustration:

To select a menu title move the mouse so the tip of the mouse pointer usually an arrow is on the name of a Menu title you want to select. Quickly press and release the left mouse button. WARNING MESSAGES: Those messages will appear in a window form displaying the message and will cover part of the screen and will be removed by clicking the OK button. A such message is shown in the following illustration:

Click OK to continue

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8 WARNING MESSAGE WITH SELECTION: Those messages will appear in a window form displaying the message with buttons selection and will cover part of the screen and will be removed after a selection is made.A such message is shown in the following illustration:

EXIT FROM THE PROGRAM: From then ( Main Menu ) point the mouse on the ( Exit icon) selection, and click the mouse the following message will appear.

click to return to Windows click to cancel and stay in the program NEW LNG CALCULATION : From then ( Main Menu ) point the mouse on the ( File ) selection, and click the mouse the following message will appear.

click to New To make the ( New LNG Calculation ) select from the list the selection New use the same procedure described in the GENERAL RULES & INSTRUCTIONS in page 6 Wait Window while processing Data

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9 ( MAIN MENU TOOLBAR ) On the top of the screen appears the ( Main Menu ) with the five (4) horizontal selections and 12 icons as shown in the following illustration:

Main Menu Toolbar Exit to windows Toolbar : The Toolbar appears with 12 icons as shown in the following illustration: File Forms Exit LNG TOOLBAR

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Start a new calculation 2. Open a stored calculation 3. Stored calculation Table 4. Typying Calc informations 5. Main Program for all calculation forms and reports 6. Volume Interpolation Table 7. Calculate Astm Table Factors 8. Various Unit Conversions 9. Calculator 10. Change Toolbar color in ( Blue, Silver, Olive ) 11. About Survey program 12. End program and exit to Windows

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10 FILE MENU : From the ( Main Menu ) point the mouse on the ( File ) selection, and click the mouse the following Window will appear. The File menu selections are :

Infos: Type various calc informations from the following selections : Job Infos, Ship Data, Calc Infos, Cargo Components Infos, Molar Fractions Remarks : You must type all the calc. informations required at ( Infos ) in order to proceed

Forms : Type Tank input informations from the following selections Survey Before Load / Discharge Input, Survey After Load / Discharge , LNG Report When the above selection are completed the computer automatically will calculate the cargo for each tank . Tools: Various calculation Tools from the following selections

1. Factor calculation for ASTM Tables 2. Average calculation for Api, Density, Temp 3. Various Unit Conversions

Save Calculation

Save Calculation with different name

Delete an existing file calculation

Load Previous Ship Data

End program and exit to Windows

Start a New Calculation

Export a stored Calculation to Desktop

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11 MAIN SCREEN: The following screen will appear when the program starts.

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12 PROGRAM EXECUTION PROCEDURE: The following procedure should be kept for the correct program execution: A: from INFOS : Type various calc informations This is the most important part of the LNG Calculation Β: from FORMS : Type Tank input informations from the following selections: Survey Before Load / Discharge Input Survey After Load / Discharge Input LNG Report When the above procedures (A) and (B) are completed the computer automatically will calculate the cargo Loaded / Discharged. The folowing example will help to understand he correct program execution. COMPONENTS CHEMICAL MOLAR NAME Formula Fraction Methane CH4 90.24 Ethane C2H4 5.95 Propane C3H8 2.24 iso-Butane i-C4H10 0.69 n- Butane n-C4H10 0.58 iso-Pentane i-C5H12 0.02 n- Pentane n-C5H12 0.00 n- Hexane n-C6H14 0.00 Nitrogen N2 0.28 Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.00 Oxygen O2 0.00 Remarks : For your first calculation you must check and type the correct names for Surveyor / Form’s Titles in table SET TITLE NAMES. see page 40 The examples that will be shown and described are hypothetical and do NOT correspont to the ship’s tank ullage and tank ullage volumes from the Tank Ullage Tables.

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13 LNG SURVEY MENU : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

then click the mouse and the following Window will appear.

The above Table contains all the Forms and Reports of the LNG Calculation.To select the the Report which you intend to type or view then move the mouse pointer at the title button then click to make the selection. When exit from the selection you had made then you will return to this screen. click at the ( Close ) button to return to MAIN SCREEN When the ( Calc Infos ) Table completed follow the below program execution. Note : When calculation completed you will be able to save current calculation as an Excel report.

1. from Toolbar OR from LNG MAIN MENU Use this button to type various calc informations. If these calc informations NOT completed correctly then you will not be able to continue and the following window message will appear. JOB INFO NOT Completed !! Therefore Reports are Locked.

2. Use this button to type Ship’s Cargo Tanks data

3. Use this button to type various Calc informations Below we describe each procedure.

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14 1. LNG JOB INFO :

from the TOOLBAR OR from LNG MAIN MENU Table then click the mouse and the following Window will appear.

Type Job Year e.g. 2010 Type Job No from ( 0001 to 9999 ) e.g. 384 Type Job letter ( A – Z ) in case you have to save with the same Ref.No. Type Ship’s name Type the no. of Ship’s Cargo tanks ( How many Tanks ) Type Ship’s L.B.P.

Changing the Νο. of Cargo Tanks will initialize all the LNG Tables & Reports

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15 2. EDIT SHIP INFOS : From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) point the mouse on the icon below

then click the mouse and the following Window will appear.

Tank Data Input Procedure: Entering this table for first time all input column fields will be empty. For each Cargo Tank enter at the appropriate column the folowing inputs which have been obtained from Ullage / Sounding TankTables. Only columns with the Very Light Blue color can be typed. Type Cargo Tank name e.g. TANK 1 ( 1 to 6 characters allowed ) Type for each Cargo Tank Min. / Max. for Ullage/Sound & Volume ) e.g. ULLAGE ( Min= 0, Max= 27.000 ), VOLUME ( Min= 0, Max= 27,000.000 ) By typying those Cargo Tank Data you will avoid to retype the tank data in case you will work With the same vessel. Just you have to load the ship’s data as described in page 33 The procedure described above will be carried out so many times as the number of the calculating tanks. When all entries have been completed then return to LNG MAIN MENU then continue to the next page

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16 3. EDIT CALC INFOS : From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) point the mouse on the icon below

then click the mouse and the following Window will appear.

Click to UnLock Message Window Click to return to LNG MAIN MENU To open and select the LNG Calc Infos click on the button or hold down the left Alt key and press the underline letter e.g. ( L ). To open and select the Cargo Molar Components Infos click on the button or hold down the left Alt key and press the underline letter e.g. ( M ) This procedure will be carried out for the 2 buttons for the Calc. Infos.

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17 LNG CALC INFOS : Type the required field information with Very Light Blue color

Ckick Operation MODE to select Loading / Discharge / Lightering Calculation

select MODE from the table

Type the above required informations For the Date type the date e.g. 08/11/2010 as follows ( 08112010 ) 8 numbers

The Surveyor’s name can be changed as described in page 40

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18 CARGO MOLAR COMPONENTS INFOS : To open the Tab selection Cargo Molar Components Infos click on the button where the following screen will appear.

DEFINE MolarFraction :

Type Molar Fraction Must type all Component Molar Fractions even zero values and the Total Sum Must equal = 100.00 Otherwise Report will NOT be Calculated.

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19 Remarks : If the following message appear

You will NOT be able to type. All cells will be locked.

To Unlock do as follows Click at this button

Click at this button to return to LNG MAIN MENU

Click at this button to Initialize all fields Remarks : The following messages will appear in the ( Infos ) table

In case you have NOT typed the Cargo Molar Fractions value(s) then the following message will appear.

Refer to page 18 and repeat the procedure DEFINE Molar Fractions by re-typying the Fraction value(s) If all informations have been completed correctly then move to the next step selecting the ( Forms ) icon from the Main Menu.

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20 LNG CALCULATION MAIN FORM : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

then click the mouse and the following window will appear.

The above Table contains all the Forms and Reports of the LNG Calculation.To select the Report which you intend to type or view then move the mouse pointer at the title button then click to make the selection. When exit from the selection you had made then you will return to this screen. Click at the ( Close ) button to return to MAIN SCREEN When the ( Calc Infos ) Table completed follow the below program execution. Note : When calculation completed you will be able to save current calculation as an Excel report.

Clicking this button a message will appear ( see page 41 ) or to ( Export Calc File ) see page 35 Then move to the next step selecting the appropriate ( button ) from LNG MAIN MENU

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From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) move the mouse pointer at the Button then click where the following Window Screen will appear.

Click to Clear Table Message Window Click for Calculator Click to Print Click for Vol.Interpolation Click to return LNG MAIN MENU Tank Data Input Procedure: Entering the table for first time for new inputs all columns will display zero values. For each Cargo Tank enter at the appropriate column the folowing inputs which have been obtained during tank measurament. The columns with the Very Light Blue color can be typed. Before you start you must type first the Drafts / List / Date / Time before typying Tank Data Input. If NO Drafts typed then a message will be displayed in the Message Window. Also, those Drafts / Heel will be displayed in the Ullage Report In this Example : FWD : type 11.45 AFT : type 11.50 HEEL : type -0.34 for ( Heel to port use the minus sign e.g. -0.5 ) DATE : TIME :

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22 Tank Data Input Procedure: For each Cargo Tank enter at the appropriate column the folowing inputs which have been obtained during tank measurament. The columns with the Very Light Blue color can be typed and message will be displayed in the Message Window The Table is devided into the folowing sections :


1. Gauge Height Readings : Type the Observed Height Readings which have been obtained during tank measurament In this example the 1st Reading found to be 0.069 m for TANK 1 Type : 0.069 Type all required corrections for ( Shrink / Density / Temp / Trim / List ) in order the Correct Gauge Height be calculated. 2. Temperature Readings : Type the Observed Temperatures which have been obtained during tank measurament In this example the Temp Probe 1 found to be : -122.00°C Vapour. Type : -122.00 Type : V Must assign ( V ) for vapour OR ( L ) for Liquid Temperature in order to calculate the Vapour/Liquid Average Temperature for each tank 3. Pressure Readings : Type the Pressure for each tank which have been obtained during tank measurament In this example the Tank 1 Pressure found to be : 1069.0 mbar Type : 1069.0 4. Tank Volume : Type the ( Tank Volume ) which have been obtained from the Tank Ullage Table In this example the Volume found to be : 47.856 m3 for Tank 1 Type : 47.856

The procedure described above will be carried out for Loading / Discharging Operation and so many times as the number of the calculating tanks. When all entries have been completed the system automatically will calculate the Total Cargo Quantity Received / Delivered as shown in page

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23 The following Screen is the second part of the Survey Load / Discharge Table

Note :

1. Click this button to return to LNG MAIN MENU. 2. Must type all informations for each tank. 3. Incomplete entries will cause an error message to be displayed on a Window.στο Message 4. To correct an entry value do as follows : Using the button arrows (Up/Dn/Left/Right) move the cursor to that field and type the new value.

click this button to < Initialize > to initialize all data in the table

click this button to Print the LNG Report

click this button to display the Volume Interpolation Table. See example in page 44 The following Screen will be displayed when entries of the Survey After Load is completed.

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From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) move the mouse pointer at the Button then click where the following Window Screen will appear.

The following Screen is the second part of the above Table

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From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) move the mouse pointer at the Button then click where the following Window Screen will appear.

The following Screen is the second part of the above Table

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26 2. TOOLS : From the Main Menu move the mouse pointer at the ( Tools ) selection then click

Μετα το κλικ θα παρουσιάζεται η παρακάτω οθόνη: where the following Window Screen will appear:

Where, from the Main Tool Bar Menu move the mouse pointer over one icon and click

Below we describe the program execution for the 3 ( Tools ).

Click at the icon for the ASTM Tables

Click at the icon for the Unit Conversion

Click at the icon for the Calculator

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27 ASTM TABLES : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

EXAMPLE 1 : For Crude Oil. given : API @ 60F° = 30.25 Temp = 78.3 F° Volume = 25,500 Bbls F.W. = 20 Bbls

Select ASTM table by clicking with the mouse Type API 60F = 30.25 Type Temp F = 78.3 Type Volume = 25,500 Type FW = 20 Click button [ Calc Volume ] Read Calculated Results from the right side Table as shown above.

Click for Factors calculation

Click to calculate volume for GOV, VCF, GSV, WCF, MT in air

Click to clear the calculation

Click to terminate the program and exit to Windows

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28 Note : The following ASTM Tables are included : 5AB, 6AB, 23AB, 24AB, 53AB, 54AB & D For Tables 5AB, 6AB use API 60F for Gravity, °F for Temp., Bbls for Volume For Tables 23AB, 24AB use R.D 60F for Gravity, °F for Temp., Bbls for Volume For Tables 53AB, 54AB use DENS 15C for Gravity, °C for Temp., m3 for Volume EXAMPLE 2 : For Bunker F.O. given : Density @ 20C° = 0.9737 Temp = 45.0 C° Volume = 416.173 m3 As we have to convert Density @ 20C° to Density @ 15C° we proceed as folows : Step 1 :

Select ASTM table by clicking with the mouse Type Density = 0.9737 Type Temp = 20 Click button [ Calc Factors ] Read Density @ 15C° = 0.9770 from the right side Table as shown below.

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29 Step 2 : As we have to calculate Volume for Density @ 15C° we proceed as folows :

Select ASTM table by clicking with the mouse Type Density = 0.9770 Type Temp = 45 Type Volume = 416.173 Type FW = 0 Click button [ Calc Volume ] Read Calculated Results from the right side Table as shown below.

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30 UNIT CONVERSION : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Unit Conversion Procedure : Select Conversion Mode one of the 6 selection of the Select Conversions clicking the appropriate button e.g. in this example we selected Length. Start typying the Unit value in the column METERS Input . Moving the cursor at that cell column METERS Input with a Very Light Blue color and start typying the Unit value. Then, move the cursor to another cell in order the Results will be displayed. The procedure described above will be carried out so many times as you wish.

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31 SAVE CALCULATION FILE : The system automaticaly saves the current calculation after typying any new or changing data. This will occur when we create a new calculation and when the procedure JOB Infos see page 9 is completed and exit the following Window Screen will appear:

type the file name you wish to save then ( Click the button Save ) Remarks : DO NOT Type the following characters when typying the File Name ( . / \ ) or space If for any reason a File with the same name exists e.g. ( LNJOB-2009-0001 ) type (LNJOB-2009-0001A ) DO NOT Change the ( LNJOB-xxxx – xxxx ) as LNJOB = LNG Calculation Job xxxx = Job Year xxxx = Job Number Pay attention that the program assigns automatically the Extension of the File (*.Lng ). Therefore DO NOT type this File Extension otherwise you will NOT be able to Load this File. If for any reason you wish to abort the operation then, just click the Cancel button.

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SAVING A FILE WITH DIFFERENT NAME : Clicking at the File the following Window Screen will appear:

Click the Save As then follow the procedure described in page 31

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33 LOADING a STORED FILE : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below LOAD FILE :

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Click to enter Table (for Loading ONLY Ship Data from previous Calculation )

Move the mouse pointer at File Name row you wish to Load the stored file then click the OK button.

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34 LOADING a STORED FILE From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Move the mouse pointer at File Name row you wish to Load the stored file then click the Open button.

If for any reason you wish to abort the operation then, just click the Cancel button.

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35 EXPORT CALC FILE : To Export a callculated file From the Main Menu move the mouse pointer at the ( File ) selection then click where the following Window Screen will appear:

Click at Export Calc File where the following Window Screen will appear:

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36 Click to Export Calc File Click to Export a saved Excel File

Select Export File ( Calc File ) or ( Excel File ) clicking appropriate icon then Select file by hit ( ENTER ) or ( Double click ) with the mouse where the following Window will appear :

Click [ OK ] button to Export or click [ NO ] to cancel

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37 DELETE A STORED FILE : Clicking at the Files point the mouse on the icon below:

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Click to return to Main Menu Clicking the button Delete the the following Window Message will appear

Click to return to abort Delete operation Click the button Yes to Delete File

1- Click File selection (Calc or Excel ) In order to enter the Table

2- Select the File which you intend to Delete

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38 CALCULATOR : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Calculator Procedure : Click each button number you wish e.g. 12029.182 m3 Click button numbers 1, 2, 0, 2, 9, ., 1, 8, 2 then click the button m3/Bbls and the result will be displayed. The procedure described above will be carried out so many times as you wish. BAR MENU COLOR :

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

COLOR SELECTION : Click with the mouse and selectect color e.g. XPSilver So, next time the Toolbar will have the color selected.

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39 From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

ABOUT : Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

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40 CHANGE FORM’s TITLE NAMES From the Main Menu move the mouse pointer over the icon shown below.

Clicking at this icon the following Window Screen will appear:

Click to UnLock Click to return to Main Screen Procedure : They are two options with this table A. In case you require NOT displaying your Company’s Logo then start typying the required fields as seen in this table. When finished click ( Yes ) to accept and apply rhe changes and the Forms will display the two ( 2 ) typed titles. Also, Only in this table you are able to change abd the Surveyor’s name B. To display your Company’s Logo again click ( No, I will keep the Logo default titles )

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41 SAVE CALCULATION as EXCEL : From the ( LNG MAIN MENU ) point the mouse on the icon below

then click the mouse and the following window will appear.

Click to send the Excel file to Desktop then click the OK button The same file is saved at the root directory as seen below C:\Program Files\XpZakosLngSurveys\Excel

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42 UNLOCK EXCEL : In order to unlock the calculated ( Excel ) spreadsheet do as follows :

1. Click at Tools 2. Click at Protection 3. Click at Unprotect Sheet ..

As shown below:

Use your Logo to attach into the Excel’s exported calculation in order to be displayed.

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43 VOLUME INTERPOLATION : From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon below

From the ( TOOLBAR ) point the mouse on the icon

Calculation Units Selection :

Select Unit by clicking Select Volume Decimals ( 0 – 3 ) by clicking M.cms & Ft.inch : Cells will be formated with 3 Decimals Cms & Inch : Cells will be formated with 1 Decimals Volume Interpolation Procedure : Select Mode one of the 5 selection of the Interpolation Mode clicking the appropriate button e.g. in this example we selected Ullage then select Units for Ullage & Draft and Volume decimals Moving the cursor at that cell column Input with a Very Light Blue color and start typying the values. The procedure described above will be carried out so many times as you wish. 1. SINGLE INTERPOLATION ( Ullage ) : Example Tank Ullage Volume No m m3 1C 3.100 25641.5 Val 1 3.150 25248.9 Val 3 Obs.Ullage : 3.120 m. Find the correct Volume Start typying values at the appropriate cells Ullages / Volumes Input when typying is completed then Click the button Calc for Volume Interpolation as shown at the above window example.

Select Interpolation Mode

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2. DOUBLE INTERPOLATION ( Trim & Ullage ) : Example : Tank Slop (S) Ullage ------- Trim by Stern --------- m 1m 2m 3.200 180.8 Val 1 180.6 Val 2 3.250 183.8 Val 3 183.7 Val 4 Obs. Ullage : 3.220 m. Trim = 1.80 by Stern Decimals = 3. Find the correct Volume Select Units for Ullage & Draft and Volume decimals Start typying values at the appropriate cells Ullages / Volumes Input when typying is completed then Click the button Calc for Volume Interpolation as shown at the above window example. Note : The above examples which we have described you may use the same procedure from the LNG Survey Load / Discharge Table Input by clicking the button shown below.

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