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Candidate Name: Thomas McEnaney Candidate Number: 4096 Center: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media

Unit 14: UK Media Publishing

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Photography Equipment

HardwareCamera x2 One for each of the photographs

my magazine will be starting with each camera costs £279.99

Tripod x2One for each of the photographers these are

priced at £69.99 each


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Photography Equipment

HardwareOffice Desk x2 so Images can Be edited and made tofit the magazine

Office Chair x2 For photography editors to work on at their desk.


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Photography Equipment

Apple Macbook prox2=£2398


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Photography Equipment

SoftwareAdobe Photoshop x2 for one Year £1272

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The importance of creating and following a production schedule for any magazine is crucial. To make sure that I complete my work on time and to the schedule I first had to create an in depth schedule with deadlines with the time and day.

Following on to make sure that the layout of the magazine is fit for purpose before the articles and images are inserted a flat plan has been created so that the advertisements can also be inserted to understand and speed up the process of creating the final magazine copy. The benefit of following the pre production plans is that it means that myself and the team are ale to easily insert articles images and competitions to the magazine. I have created graphic layouts for my front cover and double page spread so that when all of the materials have been captured and made I can then easily follow and create the front cover and DPS following the graphic layout.

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Test Photography

As part of my test Photography before I met the artist I wasn’t too sure on what location to use so I tested out the locations to see which one was fit for purpose I found that these images (Test Photography) would not suit the style of the magazine and interview which I was going to carry out.

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Photo Manipulation

To get this final image I had to use a lot of tools on Photoshop and stages to reach this. The first step was to upload the image into a new blank Photoshop document where I could then edit the image to make it appeal to the target audience with a professional finish. After importing the image I then used the quick selection tool to outline the image and remove any unwanted background I did not want. When quick selecting an image there will black and white dots which shows the areas that are selected and what will be deleted from the background. I then made the image black

and white by selecting the properties menu and changing the contrast of the colour. To colour of the magazine Image tab on the menu and from their I used the image adjustment selection/Hue saturation and changed it to 0 so that there are no rgb present in the picture

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Pre-Production Material

1. Location 2. Time 3. Date 4. Why?

1. White room2. 12:30pm3. 8/12/144. This is when myself and the artist are

available together for the images to be taken

1. Friends back garden 2. 4pm3. 8/11/144. The artist is free at the same time

so that the photographs can be taken

1. Picture needed/required

2. Shot type3. Props/Equipment 4. Lighting 5. Costume6. Person/people 7. Why?

1. Looking down the camera side on looking over the shoulder

2. Medium close-up 3. Camera4. Middle key lighting 5. Jacket and white t-shirt 6. Me 7. It shows how serious the artist is about

the award he has one and trying to show how serious he is to grow as an artist.

1. Leaning on the side of the wall 2. Medium shot 3. Camera 4. Middle key lighting 5. Jacket and white t-shirt 6. Me 7. Because I need to prove the real

emotions upon the reader from the picture which relates to the content in the interview to prove that it is casual and goes with the flow.

Permission neededContact needed to be made

I need to make sure that I get permission for this image this is from Mr Mitchell the head teacher to get his authorisation.(See next slide)

I need to make sure that I get permission for this image this is from Mr Mitchell the head teacher to get his authorisation.(See next slide)

Potential Hazards/Risks Location specific Why?

Loose electrics from sockets which could potentially be live and if the floor has been cleaned it could be wet and potentially fall over

Loose electrics from sockets which could potentially be live and if the floor has been cleaned it could be wet and potentially fall over

Here is the photography plan that I created in LO1 for my front cover and DPS.You can see that I have followed this plan very carefully because the images on my front cover and double page spread match the description of the location type of shot and the outfit they are wearing.

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Photography plan

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Production Process

For my production process I had to create a front cover and DPS for my magazine SHUTTERS following the flat plans, hand drawn drafts and graphic layouts that I had made in my pre production material so I found it easy to follow the flat plans and layout. I created all of this content on Adobe Photoshop CS5.1. I used this Photoshop because I believe that it has a very professional look to the finish and final pages that I had created like my market leaders such as NME & Q magazines. However before I input all of the news articles and interviews into my pages I had to create interview and proof read all of the work so that there were no grammatical mistakes or false information given to customers which is against the Ethical and Legal issues in association with IPSO. However I must make sure that he information within the magazine is interesting and attracting the reader to purchase future copies so research and having good interviews is what I must do so that the readership grows and brand popularity is ever expanding and after year one of sales I am looking into getting the copies of the magazine into Scotland.

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Post Production

Following on from my production process I had further looks at the work that had been produced with many people again proof reading the work so that there are no mistakes. However there were mistakes with my double page spread there were some i instead of I. This was any easy change to make so that it was not much work that had to be done sending it off to the printing company for the issues to printed ready for sale with no mistakes.

Please see next slide to see a mistake that I had made without realising until proof reading the work

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Proof Reading

Following on from the previous improvement I have also adjusted another of my Even Better If changes to proof read all work fully with no mistakes on my competitors slide I accidently had an ‘i’ instead of I. See amendment below.

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Evidence of Following the Production Process

Here is one of my sub editors proof reading and assisting with the editing of the draft interview that I had created.

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Operating Desktop Publishing Tools

To create a magazine front cover and Double Page Spread I firstly need to create a blank canvas in which all of the text images and colour will be. To create new Photoshop document click file-New then a pop up box will appear where you are able to customise the size of the page.

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Operating Desktop Publishing Tools

Once you have created the size of the magazine then select save pre-set as this enables you to use the same size canvas without having to follow the steps every time a new document is created.

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Operating Desktop Publishing Tools

The way in which you can insert an image into Photoshop. The first way is to select File-Place and then a pop up box will appear with the documents from there you can search for the specific image and then upload.

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Inspiration of Photo Manipulation

The inspiration that I got to create my front cover is by reading and looking at my magazine of inspiration (NME) This is because my magazine is of a similar genre of music so I used the repeat style of Steve Neale 1980. Here are some front covers of NME that are similar to mine below.

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Inspiration of Photo Manipulation

Furthermore I have also used the Steve Neale Repeat 1980 style of image for my double page spread from NME magazine with examples below.

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Step by Step

Here is my first step on making my front cover this is the background colour I will be using for my front cover of the magazineThen I made a red box which I added my masthead to I selected the lemon milk text for my masthead and used the ruler tool to correctly position sure the text and images

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Step by Step

Here is the original version of my front cover image without being edited. To remove the background I had to use the quick selection tool. To use the quick selection tool on the left hand tool bar I clicked on the quick selection tool and dragged it over the image removing the background I did not want to have on my front cover. To do this I had to got to select-inverse and then deleted the background and after that I could add the image to my front cover template

Then selected the Image tab on the menu and from their I used the image adjustment selection/Hue saturation and changed it to 0 so that there are no RGB present in the picture

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Step by Step

Once I had edited the image saturation I then used the spot healing brush tool to make the face look as clear as possible and add light to the image and can follow the gradient at the top of the page.

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Step By Step

Then I added the image to the front cover with it being black and white I had to change it as well as using the magic wand tool to remove the background. Also I changed the lighting to the image so it stood out on the page more and attracted the potential readerUsing the shape tool to create the circle I then added a puff promotion with free tickets attract the reader.Then I put a puff promotion from the interview below the main headline as this Is what my magazine of inspiration done (NME)

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Step By Step

The next stage was to add the barcode and social media sites I use for my magazine as part of social media synergy

• The next stage for my front cover page was to add the main headline along side the other cover lines to add so that it grabs the potential customers attention

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Step by Step

The next stage was to include my strapline blow the masthead and a competition to win tickets to a gig

Looking at my page I felt the dead space in the top right corner was too noticeable and to follow my magazine of inspiration I included two images

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First Draft Front Cover

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Final Front cover

Main ImageAs well as the masthead the main image is just as powerful as it stand out the most on the front cover. By using the most recognised celebrity/musician as the main image means that it gives the readers and new readers the star appeal to purchase the magazine in my magazine I have used `The Killers’ for this star appeal

MastheadThe bright colours and large text size makes the masthead very noticeable and recognisable which helps the magazines brand name stand out. This is often what attracts the reader to a magazine or not so it was crucial that I made sure that my masthead was fit for the genre of my magazine.

DateThe date is a very important for a magazine and is always essential due to keeping readers on track of which monthly issue the magazine is.

Headline This is the seconds largest piece of text on the front cover behind the masthead this is because they want it to be noticeable and stand out to the potential reader looking for a magazine and the monthly subscribers. It is also a similar colour to the masthead to use the house style throughout the magazine

Cover LinesThese are articles and interviews that persuade the reader to purchase the magazine more. These cover lines promote an exclusive to their magazine with George Ezra

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Step By Step Double page spread

As I decided to not have a background colour I started off using the ruler tool to place where everything will go following my graphic layout plan I created during my pre production stage

Then I inserted the main headline to my page using the Myriad Pro font style and this was done by click on the text tool on the bar on the left hand side and typing and making the text size bigger and bold by using the options in the top bar.

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Step By Step Double page spread

Then I placed the image on one page using the quick selection tool again to remove the background from the image and added a watermark effect to my page by double clicking on the image layer and changing the opacity in which I change it to 17%.

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Step By Step Double page spread

After I added the watermarked image to my page I then had to insert and edit the main image. I started by changing the image to 0 saturation by selecting the layer on the right hand side and then went to image/adjustments/hue & saturation to get rid of any colour which was on the picture

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Step By Step Double page spread

After editing the saturation of the image I then used the spot healing tool to add brightness to the image as well as making his skin have much smoother effect on the page.

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Step By Step

Following on I then added the drop capital to start my interview and then carefully used the pen tool to craft the interview around the main image

I used the pen tool to manipulate the path of the text so that it can wrap around the picture so it does not overlap and has a professional image. To use the pen tool you have to select the pen tool in the right hand side column and create the path by clicking every time you need to change the direction of the text outline guide

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Step By Step Double page spread

To make sure that the whole double page was covered I include the killers logo to kill some dead space I had from the interview by adding the logo of the band it also gives the reader the star appeal. I had to import this image and change the size of the image by clicking on the edge while holding the shift key so that the resolution of the image did not change place.

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First Draft Double page spread

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Final Double Page Spread

Drop CapitalThey are used to grab the readers attention because they can add visual attraction to the page and make a difference between the other pages in the magazine Pull QuotePull quotes are used to attract the reader with an interesting quote or statement the interviewee could have said. They are also used to break up long blocks of text to maintain the readers attention.

Synergy with social mediaI have used synergy with my social media channels because it allows the reader to follow the magazine on social media so they can keep up to date every day as well as purchasing the magazine once a month.

Date an Issue no.This is important because it keeps readers up to date with the month and issue they are reading and what other issues are available

Main imageThis image is showing that the Killers are looking from where they have been and where they are now after winning an award moments before interviewing them for the DPS interview. The reason the image is in the middle of the page is because he takes centre stage when performing

Headline Text ColourThe text colour that I have chosen is red because this matches the house style of my front cover and clearly establishes what is the question and what the answer is

This is a very simple headline just stating who the interview is with and has enough star appeal to make the reader follow the whole interview.

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I feel that I was able to produce materials that were high quality for the print media including my front cover and DPS which I am especially pleased with following the graphic layout that I had created in LO2.

In addition by carrying out test photography before I had a full shoot with the artist I was able to work out that the locations I was going to use were not fit for purpose and had to create a new photography plan for my images.

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