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Today at 7:49 PM White Blood Cells:

When the white blood cell count is very low, it may be the signal of a number of various essential medical circumstances that includes live disease, lupus, deficiency in the minerals like copper and zinc, spleen disease and vitamin deficiency.

Thus when the count of the white blood cell in the body is reduced, the body will not be in a position to fight the infections very quickly as it can be done under the normal stages.

The first symptom of infection will generally be fever and will turn the person to become ill very frequently. Some of the other generally symptoms are canker sores, urination issues, cramps in the stomach and also excessive bleeding. When a person experiences headache or sore throat together with sneezing, then these may be the indications of infections in the lung or sinus. Correct treatment consulted on right time will pave a good way to get rid of infections.

Some of the most famous aggravators of the situation that develop out of low white blood cell count or the low immunity that includes stress, complete lifestyle and the dietary practice. It is also quite natural that the aging factor that cannot be avoided will also play a role in the white blood cell count. The food that is consumed will affect harmfully or contribute positively to the quantity of impact the position has on the daily life.

The food items that contain more zinc like pumpkin, oysters and dark meat turkey are very advantageous to increase the white blood cells production in the body. The food that has got more level of cholesterol or fat should be avoided. Regular intake of fatty items will lead to more infections on the body. It is better to increase the consumption of fish. A good and hygiene life style will help to ensure to have minimum infections in spite of the low potential of the immune system. It is also suggested to avoid going to places that are really crowd as more people present will prone to contraction of more infection of bacteria.

The Natural Remedies for Low PlateletsA simple breakthrough method that will not only restore your low platelets to normal but will do so without any invasive surgery or prescription drugs. There is a 100 percent all natural alternative to steroids, huge hospital bills or worse...a complete splenectomy. You can now increase the platelets in blood naturally in a very short time. The less expensive home remedies that help increase platelets, decrease their destruction and greatly boost the chances of survival of platelets in the blood manifold. You can learn more on treating low platelets and increasing their count by visiting the guide on

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natural remedies for low platelets here.

Natural Treatments for Leukopenia

Generally considered an autoimmune disorder, Leukopenia requires targeted treatment to prevent further complication. While professional treatment is sometimes necessary, many individuals respond well to natural treatment methods. Taking supplements such as beta glucan, lithium orotate, vitamin A, garlic, ginseng, and Echinacea can stimulate the body’s natural white blood cell production and boost immunity. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle complete with proper diet and nutrition as well as regular exercise is also effective for decreasing the body’s susceptibility to infection. Regular cold showers have also been touted as part of an effective health regimen.


(NaturalNews) Low white blood cell counts are indicative of a suppressed immune system and can have many causes. Emotional state and stress, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, and nutritional intake can all cause lower immune system response and low white blood cell counts. Low immunity can also be caused by a number of health conditions, by surgical or medical treatments and by the natural aging process. Whatever the cause, low immunity and low white blood cell counts prevent the body from being able to have an optimum response to infections and illness. Here are some things which can help prevent low immunity and keep white blood cell counts high:

- Avoid sugar and keep sweet stuff to a minimum. Sugar prevents white blood cells from being their strongest- Eliminate unhealthy fats. Polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oil are deterrents to a healthy immune system.- If you are overweight, lose a few pounds. Being overweight is very detrimental to your immune system and studies have shown that overweight people are less able to fight off infection.- Drink plenty of water to boost the immune system as well as flush out toxins- Exercise is a proven immune system booster. Exercise is best in moderation, however, since too much exercise may wear the body down and create immune system problems.- Avoid stress and try to relax. Stress is rightly called the silent killer and too much stress invariably leads to a lowered immune system.

Many food items help boost immune function and white blood cell counts. For example:

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Carrots and other red, yellow, orange, and dark-green leafy vegetables contain beta carotene which helps protect the immune system, especially the thymus gland. Beta carotene and other carotenes also strengthen white blood cell production, and foods rich in beta-carotene help the body better fight off infection.

Yogurt can be very beneficial for the immune system. It helps the body produce antibodies and strengthens white blood cells.

A cup of kale will give you your daily requirement of vitamin A. This is an antioxidant that helps your body fight cancer cells and is essential in the formation of white blood cells. Vitamin A also increases the ability of antibodies to respond to invaders.

People who eat more garlic have more natural killer white blood cells.

Other helpful foods include chicken, kale, almonds, guava, crab, dark grapes and navy beans.

Supplements can play a big role in boosting immune function and white blood cell counts. Some examples:

- Oleander extract in herbal supplement form. One herbal oleander based supplement was 100% effective in a clinical trial of raising white blood cell counts in HIV/AIDS patients with extremely compromised immune systems.

- Astragalus root helps stimulate white blood cells and protects against invading organisms. It also enhances production of the important natural compound interferon to fight against viruses.

- Zinc is necessary for white blood cell function and it acts as a catalyst in the immune system's killer response to foreign bodies.

- Vitamin C is an immune enhancer that helps white blood cells perform at their peak and quickens the immune system response.

- The trace mineral selenium is vital to the development and movement of white blood cells.

- Both Siberian ginseng (eleuthero) and Asian ginseng provide support for the immune system.

- Echinacea helps stimulate the immune system in a variety of ways, including increased white blood cell production.

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- Green Tea also stimulates production of white blood cells.

Some other potent immune boosters are pau d arco, suma, medicinal mushrooms, beta glucans and aloe vera.

In medical terms, having immunity means that you have resistance to infection or a specified disease. So if you have low immunity, it means your immune system isn't up to par and that you have a greater chance of getting the germ-du-jour. There are many factors that affect your body's response to a foreign invader, including how you're feeling at the moment you're introduced to a suspect germ. But if you consistently end up with the latest flu bug or stomach virus, your immune system may be running on empty.Imagine your immune system as the front line in your body's war against foreign invaders. The vast network of glands, tissues, and cells are all soldiers working together to get rid of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and anything that invades their turf. The major troops in this war are the lymphatic system, made of the lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, and tonsils; white blood cells; and other specialized cells such as macrophages and mast cells. Each of these troops has a specialized job in enhancing the body's ability to fight off infection.Lymph nodes are responsible for filtering out waste products from tissues throughout the body. Under the lymph nodes' command are cells that overtake bacteria and other potentially harmful foreign bodies and crush them like ants. That's why your lymph nodes swell up like golf balls when you are actively fighting off an infection.The thymus is your immune system's stealth warfare command center. You may not have heard of the thymus, but without it you would be one sick puppy. The thymus is a gland that produces many of those disease-fighting foot soldiers -- the white blood cells that come to your defense against many types of infections. And the thymus produces hormones that enhance your immune function overall. So if your thymus isn't working as it should, your body may have trouble fighting off infection.The spleen is vital to your immune defense. It produces white blood cells, kills bacteria, and enhances the immune system overall. White blood cells are your body's main defense in the battle against infection. White blood cells with names such as neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells, are all part of the vast army of disease assaulters.When the Enemy StrikesWhen something enters your body that is viewed by the immune system as harmful, your body goes into a state of heightened alert. When your immune system is healthy and all systems are go, these foreign invaders, or antigens, are typically met by a barrage of antibodies, which are produced by white blood cells. These antibodies latch on to antigens and set into action all the events that lead to the invader's eventual demise.

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If things in your immune system are not working properly, you become less able to fight off those foreign invaders. Eventually they set up shop in your body and you get sick. An impaired immune system can make you more susceptible to colds and other merely frustrating illnesses, but it can also make you more at risk for developing cancer.Science is proving that getting enough of the right nutrients can help you build your immune system. Scientific studies are discovering that avoiding something as simple as a cold or something as life threatening as cancer may all be affected by what you stock in your kitchen. In the next section, learn some of the home remedies that will help you fend off sickness.

Leukopenia is an abnormal decrease in the number of white blood cells, often reducing immune system function.  Leukopenia can be caused by a number of drugs or other health disorders.

Leukopenia is an autoimmune disorder - so we strongly recommend that you read the protocol outlined in the article Factors Involved In Auto-Immune Disorders And Effective, Natural Treatment Protocols

The natural remedies suggested are nutritionally balanced solutions that tend to raise overall health. They contain enzymes and many other naturally occurring phyto-nutrients shown to help reverse and prevent disease generally by optimizing the immune and hormonal systems. We particularly recommend the addition of Plant Sterols and Sterolins to the diet.

The specific remedies we recommend for Leukopenia are contained in the Auto-Immune Protocol described above.  These are Zell Oxygen - a vital supplement in any healing regime,  Ionic minerals which contain over 84 minerals & trace elements and help to integrate all other remedies and Barley Grass Juice Powder a source of food state minerals, trace elements, enzymes, vitamins, essential fatty acids, it provides a full spectrum of nutrients including potent anti-oxidants that can enter into the cells.

In addition, the broad spectrum remedies - Pollen and Reishi Mushroom would be useful.  Reishi in particular was shown to be useful as a natural remedy for Leukopenia in clinical studies (Tamura et al.1987).

Removal of Blocks to Health, Healing and Wellness

We have defined the major blocks to health improvement which should be considered the number one priority for resolution before one goes on to a more specific healing regimen such as that detailed in the programme above. By removing these blocks one will feel stronger and more prepared for a specific programme and will achieve far greater success with it. Please read this essential article here

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The Core Regime

Not all of the remedies listed here will neccessarily be needed. We strive to bring you the most effective remedies to resolve your health problems in the simplest supplemental regime possible. We aim to treat the actual root causes of health problems holistically rather than supply remedies that will give temporary or partial relief from only the symptoms. This has been our mission since the founding of Regenerative Nutrition in 1994. As we uncover more fundamental truths about the causes, and therefore the relief, of diseases and health problems we update and revise our product range and recommendations.

Above, we detail targeted remedy recommendations for Leukopenia, but we further suggest that you view the core regime article and supplement pages by clicking here

To achieve overall good health and long term resolution of this health problem the remedies selected here should be combined with core regime remedies for the best results.

It may well be that there is some overlap and that many of the remedies in the core regime are listed here also.

If you need any assistance in selecting the most suitable remedies, or have any questions, please Contact Us

Sources included:

Today at 7:28 PM

Boost Low White Blood Cell Count and Immune Function Naturally

Page 7: Low White Blood Cells

By Tony Isaacs

(NaturalNews) Low white blood cell counts are indicative of a suppressed immune system and can have many causes. Emotional state and stress, an unhealthy diet and lifestyle, and nutritional intake can all cause lower immune system response and low white blood cell counts. Low immunity can also be caused by a number of health conditions, by surgical or medical treatments and by the natural aging process. Whatever the cause, low immunity and low white blood cell counts prevent the body from being able to have an optimum response to infections and illness. Here are some things which can help prevent low immunity and keep white blood cell counts high:

- Avoid sugar and keep sweet stuff to a minimum. Sugar prevents white blood cells from being their strongest- Eliminate unhealthy fats. Polyunsaturated fats in vegetable oils such as corn, safflower, and sunflower oil are deterrents to a healthy immune system.- If you are overweight, lose a few pounds. Being overweight is very detrimental to your immune system and studies have shown that overweight people are less able to fight off infection.- Drink plenty of water to boost the immune system as well as flush out toxins- Exercise is a proven immune system booster. Exercise is best in moderation, however, since too much exercise may wear the body down and create immune system problems.- Avoid stress and try to relax. Stress is rightly called the silent killer and too much stress invariably leads to a lowered immune system.

Many food items help boost immune function and white blood cell counts. For example:

Carrots and other red, yellow, orange, and dark-green leafy vegetables contain beta carotene which helps protect the immune system, especially the thymus gland. Beta carotene

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and other carotenes also strengthen white blood cell production, and foods rich in beta-carotene help the body better fight off infection.

Yogurt can be very beneficial for the immune system. It helps the body produce antibodies and strengthens white blood cells.

A cup of kale will give you your daily requirement of vitamin A. This is an antioxidant that helps your body fight cancer cells and is essential in the formation of white blood cells. Vitamin A also increases the ability of antibodies to respond to invaders.

People who eat more garlic have more natural killer white blood cells.

Other helpful foods include chicken, kale, almonds, guava, crab, dark grapes and navy beans.

Supplements can play a big role in boosting immune function and white blood cell counts. Some examples:

- Oleander extract in herbal supplement form. One herbal oleander based supplement was 100% effective in a clinical trial of raising white blood cell counts in HIV/AIDS patients with extremely compromised immune systems.

- Astragalus root helps stimulate white blood cells and protects against invading organisms. It also enhances production of the important natural compound interferon to fight against viruses.

- Zinc is necessary for white blood cell function and it acts as a catalyst in the immune system's killer response to foreign bodies.

- Vitamin C is an immune enhancer that helps white blood cells perform at their peak and quickens the immune system response.

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- The trace mineral selenium is vital to the development and movement of white blood cells.

- Both Siberian ginseng (eleuthero) and Asian ginseng provide support for the immune system.

- Echinacea helps stimulate the immune system in a variety of ways, including increased white blood cell production.

- Green Tea also stimulates production of white blood cells.

Some other potent immune boosters are pau d arco, suma, medicinal mushrooms, beta glucans and aloe vera.

Sources included:

About the authorTony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for those who wish to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer's Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published later this year. He is also a contributing author for the worldwide advocacy group "S.A N.E.Vax. Inc" which endeavors to uncover the truth about HPV vaccine dangers.Mr. Isaacs is currently residing in scenic East Texas and frequently commutes to the even more scenic Texas hill country near Austin and San Antonio to give lectures and health seminars. He also hosts the CureZone "Ask Tony Isaacs -

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featuring Luella May" forum as well as the Yahoo Health Group "Oleander Soup" and he serves as a consultant to the "Utopia Silver Supplement Company".

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