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ABOUT MEHello there! My name is Eunice, hailing from Hong Kong. Growing up in a crowded city filled with skyscrapers and tall, overgrown apartment buildings, I have developed a taste for simple and/or clean designs, a strange mix of classical, Japanese architecture, and minimalism (amongst a smatter of other styles), perhaps as a getaway from the busyness that is Hong Kong (not to say I don’t appreciate the skyscrapers!)

I have always been a bit of an artist, scribbling illegible creatures ever since I could pick up a pencil. I also like any kind of craft work, and a growing interest in photography and animation. I have continued these interests of mine up to the present day, and I still love it, though I have branched out from drawing

with traditional media to include digital paintings; which during this period I became familiarized with Photoshop. During secondary school, I began taking Design and Technology classes as an elective, and I found it incredibly fascinating. I could draw anything, and turn that drawing into an object, well of course the drawing had to be viable. I loved being able to have the opportunity to work with wood, plastics and textiles. Since then I’ve included designing (from graphics to objects) into my growing list of hobbies, and have also recently dabbled with InDesign and Illustrator. I didn’t really have to turn my designs into reality, I just needed to get the ideas out of my head. This constant urge to draw, experiment and create is what I thrive on.

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A.1 DESIGN FUTURINGLand Art Generator Initiative

Blossomings is an origami inspired interactive land art. The design resembles a flower, with movable ‘petals’ that opens during the day and closes during the night, not unlike a flower bud. It is designed to have minimal environmental impact, it can harvest both solar and wind energy via the folding panels. The generated electricity will go to the power grid, whilst users can also tap into it using personal devices, such as computers, tablets and phones via charging points. The panels also provide shading underneath. During the night, the LED lights installed in the ‘stem’ will emit a faint glow to indicate the walkway; the lights will react to nearby people by emitting a

brighter light to provide ample illumination in the dark.

This design stood out to me in that it is a single unit being repeated over the entire site, unlike most of the other entries which are one whole massive structure. The idea is simple but effective, it takes the form of a flower, and literally translates the opening and closing of the flower bud into the design, which I found interesting. I would visit the site just to see these designs in action. It is also an overall aesthetically pleasing design, I like the origami approach, as well as how the installations resemble a field of flowers.

B L O S S O M I N G SArtists Team: Inki Hong, Solim Choi, Walter Studio (Architecture i.S)Artist Location: Union City, USA

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1 Hong, I, Choi, S, Sueldo, W, 2012, Blossomings, digital renderings, Land Art Generator Initiative 2012, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.

1 Blossomings concept art


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The compact wind acceleration turbine, also known as a diffuser augmented wind turbine (DAWT) or ducted turbine, is a horizontal axis, wind based renewable energy source. It has a conversion efficiency of 56% - 90% depending on wind speed. Ducted wind turbines can be approximately two times more efficient than non-ducted turbines, this makes them desirable as a source of clean and renewable energy, as they are more efficient than other types of traditional turbines.

The design utilizes cones to compress the wind onto the turbine blades at a high velocity, spinning the

rotor. In theory, the idea is very appealing, however the cost of extra materials to build the cones has to be factored. Until recently, the idea lacked funding, the design required more fine tuning to make it economically viable. Hence the CWAT did not garner much attention in the market of green energy. Several companies have now started research on furthering the design, focusing on strong yet cheap alternative materials, to overcome structural implications.


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1 Ferry, R, 2014, Compact Wind Accelerator Turbine, Land Art Generator Initiative, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.2 FloDesign Wind Turbine, 2009, 3D render, FloDesign Wind Turbine Corp., viewed 9 March 2014, <>.3 Windlens, 2011, 3D render, Kyushu University, Japan, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.1 CWAT statistics2 Bottom left page: 3D render of CWAT on site3 Top: 3D render of Windlens


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Design computation affects the design process from schematics to development, it excels in being able to generate many forms and solutions quickly with existing parameters. The impact of computational design on the range of conceivable and achievable geometries is that it greatly expanded the possibilities, and being able to generate forms that would previously be impossible to achieve by traditional methods. It is able to generate many results, then letting designers sift through the outcomes and choose the most pleasing result. Intricate intertwining designs, and computer calculated

panels that slot together in perfect harmony are just some of the examples. The changes this process made in the design and construction industries are that the process is now more transparent to all parties involved, changes can be made quickly, and overall uniting the two industries closer. In terms of evidence and performance oriented designing, the digital method can generate different solutions to performance problems quickly, and testing of these forms can be done quickly using programs, such as BIM (building information modelling).

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1 Archiable 2011, ICD & ITKE, Stuttgart, viewed 19 March 2014, <>2 Oxman, R and Oxman, R, (ed) 2014, Theories of the Digital in Architecture, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1–103 Kudless, A 2012, Seed P_Ball, photograph, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

3 3D printed concrete MATSYS seed ball

Computer programs also aid in visualizing on site conditions, being able to generate a site perfectly so that the design can adjust accordingly without much mechanical input. The opportunities that computation design present are numerous, it speeds up the entire process of design and testing, allowing more precious time devoted to perfecting design, and innovation wise, offers a completely new range of geometries to be experimented with. In relation to preceding architectural theory, previous methods of architectural design are more directly related to precedents, history and environment. But this new

method allows for a more abstract interpretation of ideas and data. In a way, it is a refreshing break from traditional methods, but we shouldn’t forget that computers are only ever a tool for design, an extension of our hands and minds.

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The Hang Zhou Olympic Sports Centre is situated at Hang Zhou’s new Central Business District, occupying a 400,000 square metre site. It is designed by NBBJ in collaboration with China Construction Design International (CCDI), famous for the competition winning design of the Beijing National Aquatics Centre, also known as the Water Cube. The sports centre is currently in construction, and is set to finish in 2014-2015.

At first glance, the Hang Zhou stadium reminded me of the Beijing ‘Bird’s Nest’ National Stadium. However instead of metal sticks sticking together haphazardly, this design is obviously more controlled and less chaotic. Consisting of 56 overlapping steel framed flower petals forming the sport centre’s shell, it uses

considerably less steel and material compared to the Bird’s Nest. Computational design tools were utilized to reduce materials, cost, whilst also attempting to maximise the user’s experience. The computational design approach was quite successful, in that it reduced steel usage by 67%. This particular case is quite unique, in the sense that computational design was used to save cost and materials, instead of using it for form development.

The Hang Zhou stadium provides some inspiration for the LAGI project brief, by providing another factor to consider, focusing on saving materials instead of form. Experimentation will go into simplifying form whilst maintaining structural integrity.

Hang Zhou Olympic Sports Centre Hang Zhou, China NBBJ, CCDI collaboration

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1 Hang Zhou Olympic Sports Centre, 2010, 3D render, NBBJ, China, viewed 19 March 2014, <>2 NBBJ 2010, NBBJ, Hang Zhou, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

1 3D render of the Hang Zhou Olympic Sports Centre2 Statistics according to NBBJ

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The research pavilion is a temporary wooden structure situated in Stuttgart, Germany. It is a joint project between the Institte for Computational Design (ICD), the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE), and students from the University of Stuttgart. The form of the structure was inspired by the exoskeleton of marine animals such as sea urchins and sand dollars. The sand dollar was chosen by the architects as its external plating shows high load bearing capacity due to the geometric arrangement of the polygonal plates. The plywood structure was an experiment to investigate organic, modular designs, and how best to fabricate the joints between each module so that its structural integrity remains.

I found this research pavilion interesting, as it is completely comprised of modular units made of wood, resulting in a light weight structure. In terms of the LAGI brief, a similar approach could be taken, the hollow units could have components inside that can harvest wind energy, the wind can be focused to the wind wind turbine via the side openings, not unlike ducted turbines.

ICD | ITKE Research Pavilion Stuttgart, Germany ICD, ITKE collaboration

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1 2 3 4 5 Research Pavilion, 2011, photograph and computer renders, ICD & ITKE, University of Stuttgart, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

1 Left page: Interior of the Research pavilion2 Top left: Research pavilion during the day3 Bottom left: 3D model of pavilion showing areas in tension4 Top right: Pavilion modules5 Bottom right: Module detail

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Computation design is revolutionizing the design process, fabrication and construction. It has become part of the design, instead of just being part of the design process. The shift from using digital programs from composition to generation is hard to miss. In most architectural firms, computation designers are separated from the design teams, and the two will communicate as needed. However there are more and more firms with a more integrated design flow of both, and what is emerging are designers with an expertise in both as a software engineer and an architect. Resulting in a holistic design process.

“When architects have a sufficient understanding of algorithmic concepts, when we no longer need to discuss the digital as something different, then computation can become a true method of design for architecture.”

Computation design has become essential to the design process, partly because of the increasingly complex forms that are being experimented with, and also the limited time available from planning to construction. Parametric design has certainly shortened the amount of time needed to achieve the final product. By entering an algorithm into the computer, designers can adjust detail on a complex design with few simple steps, instead of redoing every detail by hand. As sharing of these tools became a common practice. Online platforms have sprung up hosting a multitude of different customized scripts. This sharing of codes, software, tools etc. in computer design is a collectively known as building of algorithmic thought. Algorithmic thinking offers designers easy access to the newest innovation of a program or script. And not just designers, anyone can download these scripts and design tools and become familiar with them if given enough time and dedication, allowing the involvement of the general public. The shared algorithmic thought

is an opportunity for designers to experiment with more and more, becoming increasingly comfortable with computational design. This has resulted with computation design already moving on from composition, to developing more methods of generation.

The focus now on generation, there is a boom in scripting culture. Designers familiar with their programs are writing their own scripts and streamlining their digital design process. This has led to the development of tools written by architects for architects.

Generation despite being able in areas such as creating many ideas and saving time, it has its drawbacks. In the architectural design process, yes it does create many ideas and is able to incorporate data into designs in a way traditional methods cannot, but what it creates can be quite repetitive, and the results it generates must be sifted through carefully. The speed with which these programs create also can be degenerative in the long term, creating architectural discourse. This accelerated speed that new things are created are quickly phasing out ‘old’ methods, movements, style and language. Leading to loss of identity and history.

In general, architectural literature has become more and more accepting of computational design as it has become such an integral part of the process. Yet we are still discovering the possibilities it offers, as designers and software engineers continue creating and adding to their algorithmic thought. But we must remember that over reliance on computation design or any method for that matter, can become crippling for the process, as each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

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1 Peters, B 2013, ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 08-15.2 Foster + Partners, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, 2007

1 Computation in Architectural Practice2 Roof generated using computational design method

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1 Foster + Partners, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan, 20101 Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre lit on the inside during the night20

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Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre Astana, Kazakhstan Fosters + Partners

The Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre was generated using parametric modelling to develop the enclosure form. Brady Peters wrote the program that simulated the forces the cable structure would undergo and used that to further develop the form. The program allowed Peters to make changes quickly and efficiently, it can generate many different forms whilst taking into account the structural load each form would exert. This ensured the forms were feasible, and that the cable network would be

lightweight and cost saving.

In this instance, Brady Peters used the generative approach as means to create possibilities and for rapid prototyping using 3D printing. In normal circumstances, prototypes of models this complex would take a lot of time, whilst Peters can send the 2 to 3 models to print overnight and use them in presentations the next day.

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1 2 3 4 Foster + Partners, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan, 20105 Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Brady Peters, 2006

1 Left: Khan Section detail drawing2 Top Right: Generated forms3 Top Left: Site axes4 Bottom: Plan detail drawing of level 25 Brady Peters - Khan Shatyr process


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1 Hansmeyer, M 2010, Subdivided Columns, 3D renders, viewed 24 March 2014, <>.

1 Architectural column forms generated using computational and generative methods


Subdivided Columns - A New Order Michael Hansmeyer

These columns were achieved by using different algorithms and computational methods as generative tools. The doric columns were generated using topographical and topological data, which characterized how the column’s shaft, capital, base and fluting details were emulated. The using of data in the generative process here has

achieved interesting results. The columns are different to what we would normally see, and traditional methods would be hard-pressed to achieve such intricately detailed forms such as these. Though the figure below shows some resemblance to Cambodian and Indian temple detailing.

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A.4 CONCLUSIONPart A is an exploration of the techniques and methods of computational design. A considerably new method of designing, it has yet to become fully integrated into the process. It is not a new method but it is gaining attention as a useful tool to generate form that can be easily altered. The programs are incredibly useful a

The intended design approach to the brief would be to generate forms according to a set of data that would be meaningful to the

project and work from there. I feel it is a more significant approach as there is an abstract integration of the form with its surroundings. As the LAGI challenge places emphasis on the landscape, so a generative approach coupled with parametric design methods would drive the process.

A.5 LEARNING OUTCOMESIn the process of reading and researching about computational design, I have learnt a lot. I discovered that the possibilities that could be created by computation design are much more than I could have imagined, and that there can be an infinite number of factors incorporated into the result. With this new knowledge I hope to experiment with these new possibilities and find out more about how to integrate them into the design.

In regards to past designs, I realized that if I had known what I learnt these past weeks, I would have saved a lot of time in adjusting for the many minute details that I happened to not fancy. Allowing for more time with experimenting with form.

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REFERENCEHong, I, Choi, S, Sueldo, W, 2012, Blossomings, digital renderings, Land Art Generator Initiative 2012, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.

Ferry, R, 2014, Compact Wind Accelerator Turbine, Land Art Generator Initiative, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.

FloDesign Wind Turbine, 2009, 3D render, FloDesign Wind Turbine Corp., viewed 9 March 2014, <>.

Windlens, 2011, 3D render, Kyushu University, Japan, viewed 9 March 2014, <>.

Archiable 2011, ICD & ITKE, Stuttgart, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

Oxman, R and Oxman, R, (ed) 2014, Theories of the Digital in Architecture, Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1–10

Kudless, A 2012, Seed P_Ball, photograph, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

Hang Zhou Olympic Sports Centre, 2010, 3D render, NBBJ, China, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

NBBJ 2010, NBBJ, Hang Zhou, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

Research Pavilion, 2011, photograph and computer renders, ICD & ITKE, University of Stuttgart, viewed 19 March 2014, <>

Foster + Partners, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2010

Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Brady Peters, 2006

Foster + Partners, Khan Shatyr Entertainment Centre, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2010

Peters, B 2013, ‘Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 08-15.

Foster + Partners, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, 2007

Hansmeyer, M 2010, Subdivided Columns, 3D renders, viewed 24 March 2014, <>.

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GREEN VOID SYDNEY, AUSTRALIALava Architects / Chris Bosse, Tobias Wallisser, Alexander Rieck

The Green Void is a light weight, hollow installation that sits between the building space, suspended using stainless steel cables to the glass walls, ceiling.

The sculpture, inspired by evolving systems in nature, was created using the 3D program, Mak Max, and refined using computer controlled (CNC) material cutting and mechanical seaming with aid from sail-making programs.

By utilizing computerized designing, a high level of efficiency was achieved in the material usage, construction weight, fabrication and installation time. The lightweight structure can be recycled and used elsewhere.

The iterations on the following pages are based on the Green Void model, with changes to the exoskeleton component, definition to the initial mesh, and changing the geometry with exoskeleton component.

1 Green Void / Lava 2008, Arch Daily, viewed May 1, < >1 Green Void

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changing definition of initial mesh

changing geometry


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changing geometry

changing definition of initial mesh

changing definition of initial mesh

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The design of the Allianz Arena was driven by the concept of an illuminated body that can change the appearance of the design.

The arena has an outer facade of diamond shaped ETFT cushions that can be backlit in white, blue or red. The colours representing the two home football teams. The design was successful in achieving an ever changing appearance, creating visual

interest and can also draw in visitors even if they are not fans of football.

The reverse engineer was created by 1. draw base curve 2. create parameters for the width, height size, shape of structure, size and shape of panels etc. 3. merge and loft 4. create the 3D panels 5. loft

1 MIMOA 2014, viewed 10 April 2014, <>1 MrCormick Tribune Campus Centre

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Allianz Arena during the day

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The Allianz Arena was reverse engineered by

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I thought the above iterations the most interesting, though it would likely not perform very well as a football stadium. I find the shapes and convoluted curves, and the differences between the tightly and sparsely panelled interesting.

Considering it from the LAGI brief point of view, I would be interesting to see it fitted with mirrors along the curves, which will angle and pivot to follow the sun and

direct the sunlight towards the centre point where a solar power tower will stand. Forming a thermal concentrated system (CSP).

However such a large scaled system would not function well in the urban location, it would take up most of the space in the allocated lot, and leave little area for visitors.

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SITE ANALYSIS Refshaleøen, Copenhagen

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Factors taken into consideration for Predicted Circulation Path - Views available (harbour, direction of mermaid sculpture, opposite skyline), water taxi station location, warehouse location, entrance to site (East side).

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Sun path diagramLight predominantly hits south side of site

Sun rise, sun set, dawn, dusk graphMinimum sunlight from January to end of March (average 10 hours), and late October to December (average 9 hours). Sunlight hours peaks from May to July (average 17 hours).

Solar energy and surface meteorologyExtremely low insolation from September throughout to March.Average insolation during April and August.High insolation from May to July.

Sun Path Diagram

Solar Energy and Surface Meteorology

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491 GAISMA 2002, viewed 20 April 2014, < >1 Denmark sun diagrams for the whole year

Solar Energy and Surface Meteorology

Sun Rise, Sun Set, Dawn, Dusk

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POLYCRYSTALLINE SOLAR PANELSPHOTOVOLTAICSPolycrystalline solar panels uses silicon as a semiconductor in a wafer form. Polycrystalline panels unlike monocrystalline panels, are cheaper to produce and can be cut into squares. Crystalline panels are easy to install, requires less surface area than its Amorphous thin film counterpart. It is also the one of the more efficient solar panel types available.

Polycrystalline performs better than monocrystalline panels in the LAGI site Refshaleøen’s average insolation conditions. The site itself does not have any high rise buildings around it, reducing shade, making it an ideal site for harvesting solar energy.

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LED TUBE LIGHTSLIGHTINGLEDs (light emitting diodes) are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional light bulbs. It uses energy much more efficiently, reducing the amount of energy lost to heat. LEDs are also cost saving in the long run. LEDs have an efficacy of 60-140Lm/W, and a lifespan of approximately 40,000 hours, which is 2.6 times longer than a compact fluorescent (CFLs), and 13.3 times more than an incandescent or halogen bulbs.

The interior of the pavilion are partially lit by LED tube lights, as well as sunlight during the day. LED tube lights were chosen, as it suits commercial or large scaled structures. It is a low maintenance lighting, saving cost on cleaning and changing. The cost of both which are expensive due to the high ceiling from which the LEDs will be installed.

1 Ferry, R, 2014, Lagi Field Guide Renewable Energy, Land Art Generator Initiative, viewed 20 April 2014, <>2 Thin Film vs. Mono/Polycrystalline Panels 2012, Energy Matters, viewed 20 April 2014, <>3 Land Learn NSW 2010, Polycrystalline Solar Cells, photograph, viewed 20 April 2014, <>4 LED Watt Conversion Table & Light Replacement Guide 2014, Stateline eco Electric, viewed 27 April 2014, <>5 Energy Efficient Lighting 2012, Earth Easy, viewed April 30 2014, <>

1 Photovoltaics, Crystalline Silicon Wafer2 Thin Film vs. Mono/Polycrystalline Panels3 Polycrystalline Solar Cells4 LED Watt Conversion Table5 Energy Efficient Lighting

Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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Case Study & Concept Art


The Porsche Pavilion takes inspiration from its namesake, the Porsche automobile, resembling the hood of the car. It has an organic shape with smooth curves forming a dynamic shape.

Taking into consideration of our chosen renewable energy source, we decided that large smooth surfaces would be most beneficial and efficient in collecting the power. Small units of solar panels repeated over the site was another consideration, however we felt that approach would be less dynamic and interesting to users. Also more material and hence cost would be

wasted in creating these individual units. Hence we chose the Porsche Pavilion as a case study.

In the concept art, we decided to use the pavilion to lead visitors to the water taxi station that is next to the site. The pavilion will have projections to direct users to the area. The solar panelled roof will also provide a shaded area for users to spend leisure time, creating a public friendly space.

1 Bustler 2012, viewed 27 April 2014, <>1 The Porsche Pavilion at the Autostadt in Wolfsburg, Germany

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Porsche Pavilion

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Using Rhino and the Grasshopper plug-in, undulating curved surfaces were created. Different shapes were placed on the surface to achieve a patterned organic shape. These are initial sketches, the main aim was to experiment with the effect of different patterning options on a curve.

Our approach to the LAGI brief is with solar power, in reviewing the sketches shown, we realized we are not fully utilizing the

surface of the designs, assuming that the solar panels will be installed on top of each extruding module. Our design will also require a large surface area to maximise the efficiency of the solar panels.

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These sketches are the beginning of our solar power prototype. A smooth surface was chosen for the roof, this is to allow maximum exposure to sunlight. The top of the roof will be fitted with solar panels. To give the structure strength and also providing an aesthetic value, we chose to incorporate triangular patterning into the interior structure of the pavilion, forming a structural lattice. The secondary curve under the roof acts as

both a structural feature and as a point of interest. In earlier concepts, the roof was meant to be supported only on side, however the size of it meant it would result in an unstable structure. Hence the pavilion has ‘arms’ extending towards the ground to act as support. The materials of the design would be primarily constructed out of ETFT (as seen in the Allianz Arena) and steel structure.


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PREDICTED SOLAR POWER OUTPUTThe approximate surface area of the roof of the design is 23409.8 sqm, of which half are transparent panels or angled North. Leaving 11704.9 sqm to be fitted with solar panels. If the entire available surface were to be fitted with approximately 1000x1000mm polycrystalline panels with an efficiency of 14%, in Denmark’s average insolation and air quality condition. The approximate amount of energy generated would be 1076166 kWh.

Which is more than enough to power the LED tube lights operating at 8 hours per day, 7 days a week, which with around 100 lights would use approximately 6426kWh.

The additional excess can be directed to the grid.

However, fitting 11704.9 sqm of solar panels would be unrealistic, as it would be costly, and there are many factors such as dust, shade, weather, and insolation that can result in large variations in the energy production. Therefore savings in energy might not take effect until many years later. It would probably be best to not fit the entire 11704.9 sqm with solar panels. Also better solar panel models might be introduced in the future, and replacing the old panels due to lack of space would be very costly.

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1 Solar Power Calculator 2014, MatthewB, viewed 1 May 2014, <>2 Savings Calculator 2014, Spectrum Lighting, viewed 1 May 2014, <>

1 Solar Power Calculator2 LED Lights Comparison

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This series of images of images are the edited version of the previous prototype. The triangular patterning is more pronounced in the design. The irregular panelling creates an effect of dappled lights in its shadow. After reviewing the previous model, we concluded that the secondary curve is too thin to support the weight of the roof, hence the support was thickened to allow for better stability. The inner curve would also act as a storage room for the solar batteries.

The design of the pavilion takes inspiration from the harbour it is located on, taking on an organic shape resembling a wave. In reference to the LAGI brief, the design was modeled with the intent of harvesting

solar energy in mind. The roof panelling of the pavilion will consist of light weight solar panels. The design also aims to become a piece of ‘Land Art’, encouraging users to visit and socialize within the precinct. In doing so, it becomes a public space open for any visitors to enjoy. Expanding on the idea of a public space, we have also included educational and recreational spaces within the design. The smaller curved tunnel structure of the prototype serves not only as the solar power store, but also to provide learning spaces geared towards educating about sustainability.


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65Site Mock Up

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West Elevation

South Elevation

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East Elevation

Aerial View

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West Elevation Detail

South-East Perspective

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East Elevation Detail

Archway to Water Taxi Station

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In the interim review, we were told that the solar panels were poorly integrated into the design, in regards to placement. We have settled with the placement being on the South of the pavilion roof, where the sun will be the strongest.We also lacked a model as well, though we have since made one, it showed that the pavilion’s structural issues and we able to remedy that with additional inner columns. We did consider the scale of our model, which is enormous, however considering the LAGI brief, it asked for a way to provide

utility-scaled clean energy to the grid. The scale of our structure meant that it might be possible to achieve this scale of energy generation, supplying the grid on top of powering the pavilion lights.

However we still have many more things to improve, our structure was too simple to demonstrate the use of the grasshopper plug-in, and so we aim to further our design.


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REFERENCEBustler 2012, viewed 27 April 2014, <>

Energy Efficient Lighting 2012, Earth Easy, viewed April 30 2014, <>

Ferry, R, 2014, Lagi Field Guide Renewable Energy, Land Art Generator Initiative, viewed 20 April 2014, <>

GAISMA 2002, viewed 20 April 2014, < >

Green Void / Lava 2008, Arch Daily, viewed May 1, < >

Land Learn NSW 2010, Polycrystalline Solar Cells, photograph, viewed 20 April 2014, <>

LED Watt Conversion Table & Light Replacement Guide 2014, Stateline eco Electric, viewed 27 April 2014, <>

Thin Film vs. Mono/Polycrystalline Panels 2012, Energy Matters, viewed 20 April 2014, <>

Savings Calculator 2014, Spectrum Lighting, viewed 1 May 2014, <>

Solar Power Calculator 2014, MatthewB, viewed 1 May 2014, <>

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