Page 1: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember

May 2020

Hang in There!

Have you been seeing the funnies floating around about how February had 29 days, March had 300 days and April had 5 years. After this long in quarantine it is truly starting to feel that way. Currently, it is so hard to make plans because guidelines change almost daily and in Extension we in no way want to rush back into anything that would put our clientele at risk. That being said, we are advised that we can have no in person meetings until at least May 31 and that stands to change at any time. I encourage you to begin to embrace technology and join in on some of the fun we are having with Zoom lessons. If you do not have an e-mail account, a Facebook account, or don’t understand how to use Zoom, please let me know. I would be glad to help you set up any of these things and can talk you through it by phone. If you have a smart phone, tablet (Samsung or iPad or others), or a computer, then we can get you connected with other friends and Homemakers. While this is most definitely a complicated and difficult way for me to do my job, I am so glad we live in an age where I can still be connected with you even if I can’t see you for a while longer. Please reach out if you need anything! -Angie E-mail: [email protected] Office Phone: 270-388-2341 Cell Phone: 270-703-0057

If you call either number, please leave a message and I will get back to you ASAP.

Homemaker Gone But Not


It is with great sadness I share the passing of Lyon County Homemaker, Helen Pratt. She succumbed to the Corona virus on April 6, 2020. She will be missed.

Photo copied from Helen Pratt Facebook Page

Schedule Changes

Most of our fun is still lingering in the wind as we wait to find out what we will be able to offer this year and what could potentially be too dangerous. Here are some updates that I have so far.


Extension Service

Lyon County

231 Main Street, P.O. Box 36

Eddyville, KY 42038

(270) 388-2341

Fax: (270) 388-4627

[email protected]

Lyon County Extension Homemaker Newsletter

Page 2: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember


Homemaker State Meeting Please see the note below from Homemaker State President, Karen Hill. A final decision has not yet been made on whether to cancel the state meeting at the time of printing. The KEHA Executive Committee continues to

stay abreast of the changing guidance regarding

COVID-19. We are in contact with the hotels

and Convention Center in Owensboro and are

considering alternate dates in late summer. This

will take us beyond our current fiscal year-end

and the end date for terms of officers set to rotate

out this year. Fortunately, our bylaws allow for

our current state officers and state chairmen to

continue in their positions until successors are

elected and all have agreed to do so.

Please remember that all decisions are made to

keep your safety and health a priority. Please

stay in touch with your fellow members via

phone, text, chat, social media and whatever

remote means you have available. Social

distancing is very important right now, but it

certainly does not mean we can't communicate

and support each other during this challenging


Updates will be provided as we have them.


Karen Hill, KEHA President

Homemaker International Day Homemaker International Day will have to be postponed. I will work with International Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember the Irish like to eat beef, cabbage, potatoes, and bread pudding. See what else you can find and be ready to share as soon as we can safely start programming again.

Cheekwood to see the Chihuly

The trip to Cheekwood has been cancelled.

County Annual Day Update: County Annual Day 2020 will be postponed. More information will be forthcoming in the next newsletter.

Homemaker Summer Trip

Update: The Homemaker summer trip to The Bowling Green area has been postponed until summer 2021.

Area Annual Day 2020

It’s Christian County’s turn to host Area Annual Day. Save the date, October 22, 2020, and make plans to attend the event that will be held at the Christian County Extension Office in Hopkinsville, KY. Details will be released for the event in August.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability. University of Kentucky, Kentucky State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Kentucky Counties, Cooperating.


Angie York County Extension Agent for Family & Consumer Sciences

Page 3: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember


Calendar of Events

All Classes through May 31 are

cancelled. Please watch for

updates as we know more

about when we can resume

normal programming.

Quilts of Valor: A Homemaker 2020 Project Update: All 5 quilt tops have been completed and the quilting of those 5 is underway. I can’t thank those of you enough who reached out and took on this project. As we learn more about guidelines for resuming normal activity we will work to put together a time line for entering the names, choosing the recipients, and planning the ceremony for the recipients. Stay tuned!

May Leader Lesson

With your newsletter this month you are receiving information about meal kits. Along with the publication I am putting a link to a video recorded by Mercer County FCS agent Luci Hockersmith who gives you more in-depth information about the ins and outs of ordering through a meal kit service. For those of you who gave me your e-mail addresses on this year’s forms, I will e-mail you the link to this video as well. If you open your e-mail from me and click on the link provided it will take you straight to the video. If you do not have e-mail, but you have access to the internet, then type the following link information directly in your web browser and hit enter. It will take you to the video. If you have questions please let me know.

June Leader Lesson

Because of the hands-on nature of the original June lesson, Jewelry Rejuvenation, the Pennyrile agents decided it would be better to change to a different topic for this June. It was my turn to teach so I will be offering a lesson on holiday preparation. It might feel a little too early, but we have extra time at home. This is a great opportunity to start making plans for upcoming holiday events. The paperwork for the June lesson will be included in your June newsletter. I will also be teaching this lesson through Zoom. For those of you who gave me your e-mail addresses on this year’s forms, I will e-mail you the link to the Zoom call. If you open your e-mail from me and click on the link provided it will take you Zoom on your computer, or you will need to download the Zoom app on your smart phone or tablet. Hi there, Angie York is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Homemaker June Leader Lesson: Holiday Expenses Time: Jun 2, 2020 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, or mobile device: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): 13017158592,93231748209# or 13126266799,93231748209# Or Telephone: Dial: +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll) +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll) +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)

Page 4: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember


+1 253 215 8782 (US Toll) +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll) +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 932 3174 8209 International numbers available:

The date for the Zoom leader lesson is June 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM. Hope to see you on there!

KEHA Spirit Week

Team KEHA Spirit Week Join us in celebrating a special Spirit Week to honor you, the Lyon County Extension Homemaker Members! Each day from May 18 to May 22, we invite you to share a response for the daily theme. Daily Themes Make It Monday – Share a photo of a creative project you have started or finished while #HealthyAtHome. This could include sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, painting, scrapbooking, etc. Think about the KEHA Cultural Arts categories! Turn the Page Tuesday – Post a photo of a book you are currently reading or finished reading while #HealthyAtHome. Wellness Wednesday – What are you doing to maintain your wellness while staying #HealthyAtHome? Share a comment or photo of how you are staying physically active, reducing stress, practicing mindfulness or any other wellness activity. Tasty Thursday – Share a photo of one new food or recipe you have tried while being #HealthyAtHome. Feel Good Friday – What makes you smile or feel happy? Share a comment or photo of something that has made you feel good while being #HealthyAtHome. Share Your Response As a comment to our daily post on the Lyon County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Facebook page.

By sending an email to [email protected] with photos attached. By texting photos to 270-703-0057. Join us as we celebrate KEHA – A Winning Team!


Who doesn’t love a good game of BINGO, and what better way to use your time while we stay #healthyathome than to think back to some of the Homemaker lessons and activities that we have had over the last year. To play this version of Homemaker BINGO, I need you to put a check mark on each box that you completed or attended. After marking your BINGO card, please return to me by: sending an email to [email protected] with photos attached, by texting photos to 270-703-0057, or by mailing to Angie York, PO Box 36, Eddyville, KY 42038. All agents in the Pennyrile Area need this information as evaluation data for our programs. Please take a minute to complete your BINGO card and send it back to me. The BINGO cards need to be returned to me by May 20, 2020 and don’t forget to put your name on your card because those who return your cards will see a surprise coming their way soon.

Homemaker Well-being


Staying at home can be hard for most of us who are used to being active. The FCS specialists on campus have created a great tool for you to use in the month of May to help you get focused and get active as we navigate through this pandemic. I will be following the calendar and I hope you will too. STAY IN AND STAY WELL!

Page 5: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember


Page 6: Lyon County Extension · Chairman, Kristy Dunn, and with speaker, Nancye Daniel, to find another date. Now is a good time to be browsing the internet for your lunch ideas. Remember


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