Page 1: M l& lair S iii Satai, - · B' ^SK. BXPttKBH.. Wo Badenig-sd wig . B*pr»»fron> A«tmrj Oc8^GssjTii;tpL 'uw.isw HmsMt Bid(ti9»C(aB{>^m

V o L . 'f e s .

— -------------- . . , —------.---------- i -- ' . • - v.i "* . — ----------—i... ........ —t;

“ASBUKY PARK, N. J., SAr - I *)AY. OCTOBER 7, 1876.7 ~ - tv&vste-' - ,:# : 4or

■ B U SIN E SS- g A g g g . ___B A.NE BXPRKiK- -Tlio aajtarMgnsd will run asi

Esprs*«f from jbnty'Pt «iit 0«a*» Gror* to ttie Long Brmooh I ta k li i Owplmy, eyry .Mpndaj

'TlinnttS»r';.Fjwstoutea <Mit4i — *or ,35 cent*.* T.r B. WOOLLBY.

B' ^SK. BXPttKBH.. Wo Badenig-sd wig . B*pr»»fron> A«tmrj Oc8^GssjTii;tpL

'uw .isw HmsMt Bid(ti9»C(aB{>^m<raJiM§v<


Gaining & RALgumiium*.(Mi ipbkob KT. TABOE WAY, •Next doc* to the Howland House. OCEAN GROVE


BiOUDEN BHOa,Dealers in




VETO., Kto. ,, " :All orders for Sawing attended to with proinptneas and

dispatch.W. FLETCHER, ^ a

BEWALIi AVENUE, HeasrtheRalirotM.



Paints; Oils, Gifts* and PuUv for sale. Agent for N. Y. SLATE & ROOKING OO;, Limited.

RUBBER ROOFING, ENAMEL PAINT, 'ready foruse and warranted superior to all similar articles ^

, in quality and cost. Teated 23 years. "j'rCOOKMAN A V f J 8 T . , Abbpby Pabk, N.1J.


Horses, Hacks and Light Carriages always ready atpalL

Passengers arriving at the Depot will be conveyed to any part of the grounds.

My ’Bosaes meet all trains. Freight and baggage delivered at the shortest possible notice.

All freight or baggage sent to my care will be de­livered or properly cared for.

O. W. ROGERS, Prop.

OBERT TAYLOR,“Importer and Dealer iuR

C H I N A ,


■ Between Sth and 6th. andMarket aod Areh 8fc». r " PHIEAtJECPKIA.

ASBURY parr meat market',O A M B B U i St ATJMOOH, P ro p rie to rs ,

All kSniisof Freab Meat* constantly on hand.• Park Row, near Park Halt.


INSURANCE AGENCY.Mist* at Aabnry Park, Ooettn flroveand noinity,

p,"®dit‘ PIR8T-CLA88 COMPANIES,at as low rates as are consistent with safktt.

New York State and City,New Jersey, Philadelphia, and other COMPANIES

repreaented. C>' D. WARNER,K«o Biioc, N. J

FRANKL B. WARNER,Aububt Pabk abb Oosujc Oboyb, S . J-

OMce i Steinbaoh's BnMog, Mata Slr«i, Cor. Lake Avenue, front room in second noor,.Asbnry Park, K. J ' P. O. Address, Asbnry ParlcrN* J. . • -:________


H S. KINMONTH, M. D.. Phyalcinn and Snrgeoji. . Office at Asbnry Park Drag Store, Main street,

AsbtfryPark Nitf;

B EEKMAN * MURPHY, Counselors and Attor­neys at Law, Free Hold, N. J.

, £ . :• J .. . :... . :______/..Cpwiselor at Law, Freehold,

& LYNCH, Counselors at Law, 10 Wall Street, New Yorlt, ♦


A T T O R N E Y -A T T L A W ,Solicitor, Master and Exstntnir in Chimccry, Freehold. N. J.

M O. SLOCUM,- i D 3 3 ^ T X X S T ,

Asbury Park, N. J ., two doora from Dr. Klntnoutli’s D rugstore. 1 *■


Tbar*d*y», «t Ptrk H»H, Atburjr P*rk- 8QUAN VlLLAOK, N. J.


SOLICITOR AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. Office, 2d story Post Offlce Bnilding, Freehold, N. J


Notary Pnblio and Comtouwioncr of Deeds for New York. . E*tontown, N. J.


Solicitor and Master in Chancery, and Notary Pahlic, EATONTOWN, N J.

F II. KENNEDY a 80N, Civil Enginee^ and • Sorveyors, Real Eatuto Agents aud Convey-

Hucers. I,C .K B N >E D Y ,Master in Chancery, und Notary Public.

Office in Park Hall, ASIWUY PARK, N. J.


Will give particular attention to all of the varions bruncnes of bis profession during the coming season.O ffice , Co r . o f Mattiboh Av. and EWory St .,

Asburv Park. N. J.

J . A * B O R D E N ,

M l & l a i r S i i i Satai,MAIN AVENUE,

Next door to Park Hall, A ihnry P a rk , N. J .


Cor. Lawrence Avenue, near Main Entrance,O C E A N G R O V E , N . J,

Plain and Ornamental €otiage%Buildings raised and moved with care and

promptness.Rbfkbs TO: Asbnry Fountain, Esq., Wm. Spader,

Esq., Matawinj Rev. H. B. Beegle, D. H. Wyckoff, Esq.,Ocean Grove; George EvanA Esq., Philad'a.

W A SH IN G TO N .The debt statement, which was issued Monday,

shows arednotioa daring tho.laat month of 885. . ‘ I

Daring the present ?sek mm fit A haiidroii n-y:-:. moot dorks will gst to Ohio and laiixm .to; vote on Tuesday next. . . . i- ^' Secretary Morrill Ib advised that the rabefirip^ tiona reoefved by the syndioato for the four one-half per centnm bonds exceed fifty milHoa doUars, and that there ia a steadtf and'growing de­mand. *. , %

The Society of the Army of the Tennessee la making extensive preparations for the reunion on' Oct. 19; A great many promihent pem'ins oon- neoted with army Ufe ontaide of the Army of the Tennessee will be invited.

The Tpeastlry has received information that the- Oolleotor of the Port of Savannah has been stricken down by yellow faver, and two clerks, who were respectfully authorized to act temporarily as col­lector, have also succumbed to the same disease.

The jury in the case of General O. E. Babcock Saturday afternoon r6turned a verdict of “ Not guilty.” The verdiot was reo^ved with enthusi­asm. General Baboock was moet heartily congrat­ulated by his friends and the members of-the jtuyv

The vessels of the North Atlantio Station are be­ginning to assomblp in Hampton Roads. Va., in accordance with recent orders of the department, for inspection and drill by Rear Admiral Trench- ard, commanding, preparatory to their distribu­tion ambng the West Indies for -the winter cruise. The vessels will remain in the roads nniiLthe dis­appearance of the yellow fever on the Boathem coast, and meantime the crews will be daily exer­cised inGnaval drilj.

The quarterly report of the Chief of the Bareau of Statistics for the three monthe ending Jane 80, 1876, just issued, contains statistics of the immi­gration into the United States for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1878. The total namber of im­migrants arriving during the year, was 168,986, of whom 111,786 were males and 58,200 females. Of this number 27,875 were under 15 years of age, 121,784 fifteen, and under 45 years of age tod upward. Died on voyage, 98. Bom at sea, 23. The arrivals at the port of New York were 87,829 ; Huroij, Mich., 81/83&; San Francisco, 24,080; Boston, 9,711; Philadelphia7 7,812; and Balti­more, 6,098. -i. ■


E. E 4 T. B, MEWfLAN,

BricMayen, Plain uni Ornamental Plasterers,^ a ta q r Park<fc «teesn B e ae t, » . ! • '

MANTEiftAND RANGES SET.Ocbah Bsacii, N. J., November IBili, 1B74.

Thia ia to certify tlmlE 3. Nowman A Bro. >bv« plastered a number of buildings at Ocean Beach, and m all cases havtf£given entire latlsisfaction. I tak^Sleaaure hi recommending them to any wanting labor

on. in their line. ^ " ^ ‘^^ITNKa, Sa,,t.

TO WHOM IT MAY GONCEKN.' PuracitTOM, N. J.j Norember 12th, 187:

, Thia la to rafrtifs? ibat 15. H. Newman & Bro. have plastered several honses for me at Ocean Beach, N. J.. during the ttaat two years, and have given me good* satisfaction. - I believe them to be good and square men* very indditriotu; and wttl do aa they agree. And.

F R A lfK ; B . W A R N E R , ■

i n s u r a n c e a g e n t

- ' • ' •A S B U R T P A R K .N .V . ,O ver $80,000,000 c»plt«l Rgproaontod.

OPEN; 1st, 187)8.' \ l“ troa*aM t i hia 'SEHOVA.L Stem the

.. ASBDEY PAJtK, M.’.J,,When ha-will eoBttado'WiJo 1 •

‘v)Lom;% M v x iaW toidintrA N D ■ ■ 3 B tu tie r a n d 3 te a » a S p e r t a H w . ■

' T&mkfol for'past favors, and soliciting a ah are of your tradeinthefulure,Iremain,',;i '^ i i'>'

_&■ r\ Yooratroly^nM :! - -• ■

T7 R I A .H W H I T E ,TUB


MAIN 8TREET, ASBURY PARK, N. J.Iron and 'Brass Force and'Lift Pumps, Iron Sinks,

Drain Pipe, Wooden Pumps, ete., etc. Together with an assortment of Plumbers' and Gas Fit­

ters' Ware. w. * Satisfaction givep or no charge made. Alt work

subject to special contract.Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has become

the BOLE AGENT for the AMERICAN DRIVEN WELL. I WiU fmrnish for 'all weHs put in hereafter a LICEN8E .RECEIPT from tbe owners of the patent.


Tho Minister of Justice has abolished acts of tor­ture in the Courts or Japan. '

Iiico last montffj"destitjying’entiro plantations and wrecking three American vessels.

The Williams & Guion steamship Idaho, which left Liverpool Sept. 27, and Queenstown Sept. 28, for New York, haB.returned to Liverpool with her machinery disabted.

A ferry-boat was swamped on Saturday evening in Youghal harbor, near Cork, Ireland, and four­teen persons were drowned, almost all of them

Asbury Park, N. J., June 1,1876.. . /. iLJ . o . D O W N S

B R I G K X i ATT I Iff GPlain k Ornamental Plastering,I . O.M&rnu, ii'bnry P u 'i , H. 7.

Refers by permission to J u . A. Bradley, Esq.


of Milk. Daily from the Best rhood.

Receives hi# bui Puirl e in thia helghl

All orden diwftmi to OliOHGE THU AX, PABK HALL, will taeqVwith prompt attention.^; .



J E W E L R Y AND F A N C Y GOODS,B e p i i r i n g D o h a ’a t * S h o r t N o tice .

QIVE ME A CALL.Parties wishing to purchase Fine Jewelry or Watches

inNewYojk wiU do well to leave tbeir orders with me, as I have ^iad^largQ experience in this business.b o o k m a n A v e n u e , nesur P a r k -H all,


JAM ES Mi IIAGEtyM AN,......Carpenter and Builder,JOSBINS ?E0l4PTLr AW&TDSB fO.

JtMUtase. la t Av*uear INiifff,4vi| w a r Ik* 5s<lr*si2 3 Tms

f . P A R K . ISf. J .experience ‘tn the tine

mid Ocean Grove, ___________ can build cottages of everystyle to suit purchasers, at the lowest prices. Orders executed at w* shortesir hotios. ;

W" Havibg Bad a* Ioi building ,iu A ‘

*' »&« *’

A London dispatch from Madrid says'that it ifl asserted that all differences between Spain and the United Stutea have been arranged, and that a friendly feeling now prevails between the two gov­ernments. “

General Campoe is likely to xeplace General Jovellar as Captain General of Cuba. The Lopez line undertakes to transport 17,000 men, 1,900 cavalry, and a number'of heavy guns to Cuba be­fore tie middle of November.

The new tnnnel being built under the Thames ja intended chiefly for the use of ^bont-8,000 w/>rk- men who have to cross at tbat point, and who are often detained by fog that stop the boats. I t will be an iron tube nine feet in diameter, lighted wi&, gas, thoroughly ventilated, and only for pedes­trians. ' ;

I t is reported in St. Peteraburgh, that Russia and the United States oonoluded a treaty in Au- gust^undef which Russia oedes the part of Ok­hotsk, in Siberia, and the adjaoent territory on shore to the United States, in exchange for iron, clods worth sixteen million roubles.

The internal disorders in China are increasing; insurrections in numerous provinces and x^urder- o u b assaulte upon Christian natives are reported from all quarters, r The northern . district is s Ill desolated by famine.. The circulation of money is restricted in consequence ol the apprehensions of foreign and domestic disturbances.

The illness ot the Pope is repqjted from Rome. The intelligence creates considerable excitement, from the feet that reoently Piu^ IX- haa,been en­joying excellent health. Cardinal Antonelli is also reported in a dangerous""condition. He has been seriously ill for several weeks, and it is feared that the present turn iii, his disease will prove fatal

A Very Serious Charge*At a meeting of the Republicans held at Long

Branoh last week, among Qj&erresolattons passed, as reported in the Long Branoh -Neicay was the fol- ldwm£:

Resolved, That we, the people, hold thb majority of the Township Committee reiponsibla and censurrfBte

i S A ^ ' lT E M S . r .............ttotmty potato-(‘{qp la sbort, ow-

*>ng., •ieaiscsi by the Into atorm In Salem county

u •*» Wet $500,000.'cqttnbr shipped thia year over 68,000

of pe&dieci at fair pnoes.teVifttlt against the bondsmen of Treasurer

b«en postponed until October X8. tegt'ttnhim Sykes has been nominatodTor

the Assembly by the Iftrst digtrfot, Burlington- -gtepe which leads to his carpenter shop, on the oonntv.Democrats. . . . 7 . _________ J


From the Monmouth Inquirer.' r ' Daring the recent gale> a large, chestnut tree on.

the farm of Harris AUen, in Hiilstonb, was blown down. On measuring the truqk, it was foun^ to be 82 feet in circumference. I t waa thought to be the largest tree in the county, if not in the State.' A few days a^o the little child o^ Mr. Alonzo' Brewer fell fromlihia

county, Democrats,Th6 insuranoe on the New Jersey Rnbbei: Works

having been a jastdd, the works in New Bruns- wic)c will be rebuilt

•The cdrpet mills in New Brunswick are dosed in consequence of a disagreement between em­ployers and employed.

I t & now reported that in oonseqnenoe of a fail­ure Jto obtain orders, the Grant Looomotive Works at Paterson will soon be closed. ^

The Central Bailroad Company last week carped T.,7^9,661 tons of coalman increase of 88,789 over the corresponding weet of 1875.

The Central New Jersey Baptist Association will hold their annual meeting Tuesday of next week, in the. Remsen Avenue Baptist Church, New Brunswick.

Rev. Dr. Terhune, of the First Reformed Church of Newark, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday in tho presence of a very large congre­gation. '

On Monday night, a little four-year old son of Mrl U.. Underhill, of Yorkst., JerBey-City, set flre to the-moeqnito netting of hla bed with a match, and was almoet burned to death.

The Tax Commissioners have considerably re­duced the valuations of Paterson taxable property this year j and next year they anticipate making still greater reductions. , . 7 \

Mr. Henry Bailey, of. New Vernon, has sent to the Morris JcrMynuin a full peach basket contain­ing only twenty-four apples. They are fine and perfect, and a rare sight to behold.

The New York Dispatch says a mass meeting of New Jersey turkeys has been called for the 19th instant, at Trenton, to take reference to the approaching Thanksgiving dayr ~ '“

The Presbytery of New Brunswick, organized in 1788, intend to observe this Centennial year by a historical discourse and other exercises. The celebration will be held at Lawrenceville.

Mss Lydia H. Price, of Elizabeth, who died there oi^Sunday, at the age of 85, was one of the three sisters who have lived all their lives in that locality, and all single, the oldest being 88 years.

A number of laborers employed at the.Central Railroad coal docks at Bayonne, struok work Mon­day in consequence of a change in the method of paying wages. Heretofore they have been paid by the hour, and a change to payment by the ton caused the strike.

The Chancellor, on Monday, filed in the Chan- oery Clerk’s office ao-OTder refusing the injunction torastraiftv^^^ew ^ra^p.cnt^R ^o^L C om .-. pahy fifom- seflmgv-negbfciating, or otherwise dis­posing of any of the 5,000 bonds mentioned in a bill filed by Obed H. Andoroonr - -

A legal contest between the Delaware, Lacka­wanna and Western Railroad Company and the own­ers of property on both sides of their traok, in Jer­sey City, is imminent, on account of the compa­ny’s new bridges across the street being only nine and a half insfcead^of[twelve feet hich. ^...............

A second trial of A. A. Hopper, on a charge of bribery, waa oommenced Monday in the Passaic County Court. Hopper ii accused of having brib­ed the Tax Commissioners of Paterson, and thus secured a redaction in the taxes of the Whitney Manufacturing Company, of which he was Secre­tary. This ia one of the numerous tax fraud cases, and James Hand, the conviotedTax Commissioner, was brought from the 8tate Prison to be a witness against the defendant.

Rev. Mr. McAllister, the rector of the Trinity Church in. Elizabeth, N. J., has commenced a re­vival among tbe tramps. On Monday night he went to an old barn near the1 Evergreen Cemetery, Whioh has long been a resort for the* fraternity, an<T, finding about thirty of them thfffe, held re­ligious services and preached a sermon. Hia strange congregation expressed pleasure at hla ooming, and earnestly requested him to come again, which he promised to do.

corner of South and Mechanic street, but fortu­nately the little, one was not seriously injnred.

At the Freehold Poef-Oflloe there are letters re­maining dead for the want'of proper directions, as follows:

“Mrs. Martha Dolling, can of James Gripping, No. 7 Quarry Alley, N. J.”

A postal card addressed to ,lD. R. Stevens, Mon­mouth,” and signed by 4*C. E. A. Stevens.”

A foreign letter addressed to i“Mr. Pat’k Carroll, Thomaatown, Monmouth ootiMy, State ol New Jer- sey.”

A letter postmarked **New York,” addressed to “Mrs. Patterson, in care of Hr. .Bui, MCUmonth county. New Jersey.”

A letter dropped in the Freehold Post Offiod bears the following inscription : “lliahardson R. LaytoA, 'No. 180 LaFayette street, Monmouth county-”

From the Monmouth Democrat.The First National l$ank of Freehold ,Jook

possession of their new quarters on Tuesday.Mr. Roes, the father of little Charlie Roes, was

in Freehold on Friday lastOn Tuesday the large trees in front of the Dr.

Conover property, adjoining the Freehold National Bank, were removed, preparatory to commencing building operations by J. B. Rue, Esq; The dwel- lin&SPll be converted into two fine stores and two large officea

From the Matawan Journal.The Matawan Canning Factory are, about com­

mencing to can apples.The wife of the son of the inventor of the “ War­

ner ” car was some, years ago a school-girl in Mat­awan.

No flagman has yet been put on at the crossing of tbe railroad, where Mr. Jeremiah Rose was killed two or three weeks since.

We understand the freight by rail to Now York has been very much reduced in price, and farm produce is now delivered as low as by tho boats.


• O ctober V erm , >- . .Before Judge Scudder, presiding, and Aasociate y-v :

Judges, McLean,, Shinn, Sickles and Herbert, ’*The long term of the Monmouth Catmty ^CoUrta J> opened at the county aea<j[OirTnegdfty last.' ‘T h e i ^ : V was.tho usual iarge-attendance the firstdayr -^heU - K , \ i ■>: wA rebofimized'manv renrAtontatiW 'd f ^ n i 'e f o i t f ^ ^ ^ j

K 'iS eK . ’ •rese&tatlvtf men, women andvcM ^n^f^evCTj^' •nationality, and doubtless of about ove*y oreed. - .and doctriue, seeking ent^anoe, before that amgast' tribunal where each has his opportunity of pre-. ferring complaints for grievances, consisting of almost, all grades and deqreea of ttanagreasion.The number of eager applicants was unusually large, as during the.summer months more oppqr* ' tunities are given man and women to violate the^ law and render themselves liable to criminal proai eoutjon. ~

Soon after the onival^f the morning train hia-. 7Honor Judge Scudder appeared in the court room (in his usual suave and courteous manner. Proclam­ation was made and Court opened Bhortly after ten-o’olock.

The following gentlemen were called to, per- '-r*'*' form the onerous duties of

a RAND jubobs}1. James H. Patterson. 13. John N.-Conover.

f o r h a v i n g n e g l e c t e d t o n e r f o r m t h e i r , f l u t y i n a c c o r d • W W .w i th t h a d e m a n d o f . ,U ie la w T and f o r h a v i n g »1- lo w o d a c i t i r e n , w i t h o u t h a v i n g g iv e x ^ a i ^ p l e s e c u r i t y f o r t h e p e o p l e d m o n e y , t o c o l l e c t t h e t a x e s f r o m t h e p e C p le o f O c e a n t o w n s h i p . < - /

As the resolution waa passed at a political meet­ing, some may say it is only an .electioneering dodge, but it was. presided ovef by a respectable Citizen, who ia not ox^'a larg? property holder, p!‘ but President of the Long Branch B&pkjjqg Com- A' pany;, and, we understand, voted for th» reaola- tiatt _We hope the Township Committee wiU be ableJ>o sho,w the above is mistake, or explain itin some way to Ihe B&tis oUon of their constitu­ents. •

1 IS — *Tf - -' G E N E R A L NEW S.

loe was formed at Omaha, Neb. r on Monday night.

Tweed will probably arrive in New York about the fifteenth of this month.

The daily average of visitors to the Centennial runs from 80,000 to 110,000. „__ The wholesale dealers of Chicago report a grati­

fying improvement in trade.J&mefl Liclc,one of San Fran cisco'a oldest and

Wealthiest inhabitants, died last Sunday.Yellow fever, ^vhich yras thought to be abating in

SaVannah, h&s:broken out afresh.Tbe Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company has

resumed work at all its oollieriea with a mil force at fall time.

The Milbarn Wagon Works at Toledo, Ohio, were burned on Saturday. Loss, $850,000 to $400,000.

E. A. Woodward, one of Tweed’s accomplices in the New York Ring frauds, was arrested iu Chica­go on .Wedne^d^y.

The election in Colorado on Tuesday resulted in the electfonef^Jojin T. Routt, the Republican eandld^t^ for Governor.

The S t Louis Exposition attracts immense crowds. President Grant and some of his fine stock pre expected at the fair.

Moody and Sankey commenced their work in Chicago last Sunday. In the evening ten thous­and persons were outsrde the building, unable to gain admission.Sergeant Boston Corbett, who shot John Wilkes

Booth, and who is oondaoting a revival zpf etipg in Camden, has been appointed au under Jumtor in-

i Main Exhibition Building,' ai a salary of a dol- and a half A day.

A horrible accident occurred Saturday neaj Ply- month, lndiana, which resulted in' the'death of five persons. The aocident was caused by the ex-

of. the. boiler of ^n engine oonneoted with ._„_iii&Haii£hiu«. ' 7

"v ’r ‘ .\H ia understood that efforts are being nmde td

arrange matters so that the Centennial Lxhibition can be kept open until tho end of November. This, resta principally with the exhibitors, who are under heavy expense, but' many' of them have already consented to4 the extension oi time.

c ' " r ? f

From the Ocean Grove Record.There is a strict watch kept over all tbe proper­

ty in Ocean Grove by the watchmen appointed un­der the auspices of the Association.

By comparison of views it is thought the num ber of visitors at Ooean Grove the present yearhaa reached one hundred thousand.. _______ .

Sixtjrptoorrs^Hav0*"&lft ady ap pTTed-for and ot&r. tained permission to remain in their cottages or in ronted buildings in Ooean Grove daring the win­ter.

Among thelaat official and ministerial acts ofthe lamented Bishop Janes was his grand sermon at Ocean Grove, and the dedication of S t Paul’s.ghwchtbflre»,..~. . . . ______ _____

But two serious cases were brought before our police justice during the entire season, and they oppear to be so completely scared that they intend

. to do so no more.The Presbyterian publishes a letter acknowledg­

ing the generosity of Mr. James A. Bradley, of Asbury Park, in the donotion'of a splendid bnild- Inpj lot for a Presbyterian Churoh in that popularlocality. --------.....................

Mrs. Foster, occupying Central Cottage, Main avenue east of Beach, has oonoluded to remain during the winter, and can accommodate boarders in the best manner. Her house is quite comforta­ble, well furnished, und well located. «

At Elim Cottage, during the season, forty-eight ministero, embracing several denominations, have been accommodated with board at reduced rates. Twelve ministers’ wives have also been guests of Mrs. Hanly, all of whom will remember her kind attentidna.

F r o m th e R e d B a n k S ta n d a r d . ^

The picking of cranberries haa oommenoed.The recent severe winds have shaken the apples

off the trees in the orchards, and the farmers are selling them at fifty cents per barrel as they lie upon the ground. (•

Blind luck and Btupidity oftentimes does more- for a man than industry and genius. This solid chunk of glittering truth ia tbe result of long years of observation and philosophical reflection,

*2, Thbmaa J . Bedle.3. Collin B Moira.4. Daniel Schenck.5. CyreniuB V. Golden.6. John R , Lorigatreet.7. Robert W. Hance.8. John E . Tilton.

*9. Joseph D. Hoff.10. O. S. RobllUrd.11. John Van Moter.12. Richard V. Warton.

14. L*afnyetl15. 0 buries


16. Jacob MqClane.17. Homtio Ely.18. AuHtin IL Patterson.19. Taylor Cook.20. Jonn A. Forman.2J. Saranel C. Stoat.,22. John Horce,23. John J. Thompson* -24. Wm. H. Bailey...

1 Absent.

From the Long Branch Xeict,The Sea Side Chapel is receiving a coat of paint,

which will improve ita appearance very.much.A break-water ia-in- course of erection in front

of the Howland Hotel, for the preservation of the bluff The work is progressing finely, and will probably be completed this week.

Mr R. ^. Dobbins owns several acres of land on Ocean avenue, near the Metropolitan Hotel property, upon whioh he contemplates erecting twelve cottages to lejt during the summer months.' It wjll no doubt be a good investment,' there ia an increasing'demand for cottages near the sea.

These gentlemen being duly sworn according to law, Judge Scudder bnetiv charged as follows: (Jentlemen o f the G rand Ju ry :—

The Court are not informed of any special mat­ters to bring to your attention at thia time. Gen-' erallv speaking, you aro aware of the duties de­volving upon Grand Jurors. The large influx of strangers into* your midst during the past summer mouths has caused the -eommlBBido of various ♦mnsgreasions, which it will be your duty carefully to consider.. You must discriminate between mere casual offences aud others of a very serioua nature. Another matter requiring my notice is, the Court are informed that tne Grand Jury room is not secure against persons who hang about the door, seeking toprv into tho secrets or that body.I Bhal] give directions to the Bheriff to see that yoa are properly secure against such intruders as at­tempt to violate the law in this respect. Reoollect, moreover, gentlemen, tho solemnity of your oath, not to divulge any ot your Bee rota. We, the Court, desire to bring nil guilty parties tp answer for tbeir transgressions before the bar of jrablio just­ice, and ii your secrets ore disclosed, j t may frustrate the very end of justice itBelf. You may now select your officers and retire to the Grand. Jury room.

The list of causea-waa. then called and responses made by.counsel^ according-to-the-statua x>f- eachv ' case. „

The case ef Emma S. 8tauley and others vs. John F. Chamberlin; m- vfhioh case iaaue was joined October 7th 1878* the case going off from term to term ever since, was reached and respond-r ed to by Mr. Lyon, of Jersey City, first on behalf of the plaintiff, who moved to have the case set down for some day certain, as many witnesses were in New York and Ohio. >

General Haight, on behalf of tfie defendant, re­sisted the motion, first on aocount Of the delays of the plaintiff from time to time, and moreover, as a struck jury had been called to try the case, he understood the rule well settled that a struck jury case should take precedence over all other cases on the calendar,' whether ou the Supreme or Circuit list . .. "*■* *

Judge Scudder, thought ample time' had been allowed in whioh to secure the presence of witnesses, especially as at the last term of Court the counsel were informed that the case must not be' delayed beyond tha;.eUauing term, but must be ready for trial at this term’, on the first day. Moreover, the rule was well established that struck" jury capes should take precedence over all others. . He thought counsel had better be rejidy at the open­ing of Court in the afternoon.

AFTERNOON:At 2 P. M. Court reassembled, when Mr. Lyon,

on behalf of tbe plaintiff, renewed his motion to have a short time granted in whioh to secure their witnesses’ attendance froin other States. - He asked for no further delay than till Wednesday morning, when they would certainly proofed to open their case. His client was ready to bear tbe expense incurred by the delay.

Mr. Vredenbnrg^k also appeared in behalf of the plaintiff, insisting that counselors differed as to whether a struck jury case should take prcedenoe over all causes on the Supreme or Circuit calendar.

Mr. Lyon was a d v i s e d by B e v e r a l la^yeira that such cases did not take, precedence OVer cases in the Supreme Court list

Jndge Scudder said the rule waa well settled to tho contrary, as he had already said* but if there was a misunderstanding on the pa^t of the 00UU* eel for the plaintiff in this ca^e. He had no desire to force them into trying the case without. tiheir witnesses. He then decided that the counsel must be ready by WednegsMff. morning. ■' 5 >■-*■* -* -

The following-named gentlemen were then ohos-r- en from the Jist of Btruok jurors, to try the 8tan-' ley-Chamberlain case:1. Richard Crawford.2. Daniel R. V$n Moter.3. Samuel C. Bowne.4. Charles Haviland.5. Jamea Bedle.6. Davic A. Walling.

7. Jamea T. Burtia.8. Jonathan Bardie.

* 9. WUHJim H: Sickles. 10 JaUmrB. Shearman.11. ElihnB. Bedle.12. Alfred B. Storey.

Applications for tavern licenses in Ooean town­ship, at the October Term of Court, 18761

Thomas McKedna, Lo.Pg Branch—refused. Oliver R. Lewis, v “ —withdrawn,

v Jane Gilliflelder, “ u ‘ 'Edw. H. Emmons, 41 -r-grap^L

Demooratio M&&$ Meetinir at Fx^eehold.A large Demooratio meeting was held at Shinn’s

Hall, on Tuesday night. It was addressed by seV- eral eloquent speaker not the least of whom was Judge Beckman, of Freehold.' Thia gentleman’s speech,has been spoken of in Umi highest t rms.

The Assembly ( last Saturday, imaitimouifly no1 I H. Bennett, of Long Branoh.

>ld at Ma iwan1 Mr. William

The other atniok jurors were then discharged for the Term.

The Cqurt here adjourned till Wednesday mom- . ta» - - - ‘ ' ■Wednesday, Oct. 4.

Margaret MoGonSgal presented an application to keep a hotel at Matawan, which was granted, n objections appearing.

itr. Wm. IL Vredenburgh asked pennlaaion of the Court to have Messrs. J. Albert Engleh|irt Md John D» To^isend, of New York city, associated as oounsel for the pUuntiff in the case of Xmina ,B. Stanley and others va. John F. Chamberlin. yf

The application admitting the above-named gentlemen as associate counsel wa^graiited. *-

Mr. ’Vredenburg then moved to hare toe case ■farther postponed for one day? omng to the una­voidable absenoe of material witnfiSsea. ‘ . 7 , .. . ' . .

An . argument hare ensued ' between counsel, GenrHaight, °n behalf of the defendant, resisting the motion. i „

tiie Court JaaUy da*W U pcet^me flia ^ — -OB Tnesday -flsst, onqn Ht* t ta t th iBfad0<ur'n» ocais of tie Jar,.and tOdwit - r *5Sowing t o maariilltj'of tt? t W r r ”?.:*dne cUlfesiiaphtiCbMm.«&#&&&*»otuf*theirattendanoa. .. j .< • • •, ri ■'■- it

Tho case of1 Ojrenins HwMndbon •.W. 'Brown v a 3 « p ra m H MrfeontSnnsait&S&g ' 11t o dajr. . . . v . ... . .j. .

Page 2: M l& lair S iii Satai, - · B' ^SK. BXPttKBH.. Wo Badenig-sd wig . B*pr»»fron> A«tmrj Oc8^GssjTii;tpL 'uw.isw HmsMt Bid(ti9»C(aB{>^m

i'2- a s b u r y1-. if.

t I e

Tycar, In adranoo....6 m o n th s , in a d v a n c e 3 m o n th s , In a d v a n c e .

p l f I m r ia tb , in a d v a n c o . , . .


^ ifib ' me.eting~'*(J\1 oViTe and n om inated ] l- jl^ rr^ te Jo u b u rg f f&r chairm an. A fte r a fow

11 tii»oi].rem atk8, tho .-chairm an introduced . J o h n Y . F o s te r, .a s ono o f tho Bpcakora.


P A R R ■ . ..

JO U R N A L ,


- 7 3 * " .. • •1 moatti, In advance. , . . . . . . . . . r... ,...*i*«• • • *Stngio o o p l e s .............................. - n . •'•$£$••

-t- - - ~ I !. 1 ■ ?#£ J v -^ 1• The A sm ) n r P a r k JouriW A h <* a wee* iupap&iWi*Ulh$tit',

■ Asbury i*art. tf. J- ft it printed oil’ M dew\*r ' containing the cvrretit \tewt of evetits tto^ptafy cdkm,0lot* a summary qf general news, rut scterititm* tm? rniLte tolth . , i - core, although it <s composed principally of original matter^' ‘ !?*%$ u a good family paper, and desire to extent! inAi; 'Wnbulallon. We thsrtfcre ask our friends amf present sub- scribers to recommend U io their neighbor*. The price is one doUar,.atut fifty pent* per year, pottage included; half year,

eig h ty cen ts. y, -

TO COnnKSPONDHNTS,‘ Wethaliieplad to receive items of netos and communication*

on t’UbjecUoj interest to this community.r t n u n it in g a rtic le t inieiulstl j o r pubUCalioji, Q u r ft ie n d s w lll

~ p le a tsb fU * 4 n m in d tha t a sheet w ritten u pon both tidenhnt» to■ ■ M copied before going to press—a Iqbor toe can not undertake.-a-.-. ■AnwM hA aecamaanied by tha fu ll nan-V w.^P*wov«m 1/VI«« .U J., ........ ....... ..... ........ communications should be accompanied by th*s fu ll name-

■■ ana address p i the writer, not necessarily fo r publication, but as a guarantee rtf good faith, Anonymous letters will ttxn be'^W peanjtoi return rejected communication* but will hold hem £ora]lmUedt{mr •+—

A i i 'W a r * intended f o r th e ed itoria l o r neu& departm ent $Aotitd be addressed to th e

,J ' . . Editor o f thtJournat, . .t A tb u r v P ark* JHeu> Jersey*

- S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 7, 1876.~ ■ : . * ' .

T H E T R U E P R I N C I P L E O F S U C C E S S I N L I F E .

W o aro over w illing to adm it th a t know! odgo ia pow er, and th a t ideas ru le tliu w orld ; bu t, a t tho sam e timo, wo should -boar in m ind th a t th o more possession o f those p roperties is no ftvidonao of one 's com petency to use thoiu. T he pow or is n o t in th e wonpon, b u t in th e man th a t w ields i t . . T lio tru th of this is too often dem onstra ted b y tho incapacity o f p e r­sona w ho havo been blosflcd- w ith all the ad v an tag es o f a lib e ra l educations

41 Honor and sbume from no tradition rim’ ,Act well your part, thoro all tho honor lica."

M any a m an has sunk under tho w eigh t o f '•h is ow n a rm o r; and tho lives o f all g re a t m en . seem to dem onstra te th a t success in lifo does

no t depend so m uch upon tho acquisition o f know ledge, aa i t does upon th e 'p ro p e r cu lti­vation o f those faculties w ith w hich wo h ave been endow ed by nature . H is to ry has show n repeatodly^ by tjiO evidence o f exam ple, th a t n e ith e r a scientific hom e, a classical and m a th ­em atical education, no r tho possession o f pocuniary independence is abso lu te ly req u i­site for tho p roper use o f o u r ey es and thoughts. I t ia a notablo fact th a t G eorge W ash in g to n and A braham Lincoln could, n e ith e r o f them , oonvo/se m nrryjo th e r lan- guago th an th e ir own, and y e t th ey w ere unquestionably g re a t men.

D o no t le t i t be supposed, how ever, t\ia t in a rg u in g thus w e a re im plying th a t education is unim portant. W h a t wo wislr" to ttiik e c lear is, th a t resu lts are not a lw ays p ropo r­tionate to appliances, a3 m any people seem to think, bu t to th e force for the doe operation o f w hich ce rta in - appliances a re n ecessa ry ; and th a t know ledge is. pow er, only so Tar as

:: .the. person’possessing it: is J?apaWe o fu a in g .it .I t bears the sam e re la tion to th e m ind th a t m ach inery does to th e hand ; th a t is, i t fu r ­thers tho aim s o f th o u g h t by pressing into its service the ideas accum ulated from th e study o f n a tu re and h e r laws, ju s t as m achinery fur-

'’thers tho aim s o f labor, by p ressing ii|to its serv ice th e p ro p erties o f m atte r.

I t is a h a p p y circum stance .(.liat m ankind has, a t a ll tim es, been able to re fer to th e low ly born, the irregu larly educated , and the poor, as sonic o f tho g re a te s t benefactors o f the world. I t would bo easy fo namo m any in th e p resen t day, a t home aud abroad, upon whom, in this respcct, w e feel assured tlie ecom ium o f posterity will he bestow ed. I t is only necessary to cu ltiva te a sp irit o f th o u g h t fill observation for tb e hum blest of us to do m any w onders y e t. T h is m ust be a faith ; and as assuredly aa it becom es such, so m ust i t be productive o f good results. T h e re a re thousands o f tilings y e t concealed from view, thousands o f law s y e t undiscoveredj and g rea tly m any m ore thousands o f applications o f these litws, and the com bination o f facts, know n and unknow n, still capable o f invention A s tho R ov. Sam uel M artin e loquen tly ex- pressud it, “ T h e ro is an ocean before us, and

* w e aro even now b u t looking a t th e shells and pebbles on th e shore. T h ero is a m ountain above us, qnd we h a v e c lim bofl~but-its base, T hero is on a b y s a S our feet, and we havo ex

_ - amiifbd b u t its m outh. Im m ense fields sur ronnd u s and w e havo crosaod th em b u t in

- . com paratively few pa ths.” T h e re is, indeed ■no lack o f m ateria l for aa to w ork upon. On

_ th e con tra ry , thero^ is so m uch to be discov­ered, so m any iliscoveries to be utilized, and so m any-useful th ings to be im proved upon

thofr'w c aro a p t to become bew ildered a t the. greatj m ass th a t is spread before us. L e t us

s e le t t & c erta in portion, how ever, and devo te ourflolves exclusively to it, have definite

, p lana a n d c a r ry them out. I f wo allow ’ o u rse lv es to becom e confused wo shall never

. accom plish a n y th in g ; and on tho o th e r hand i f w e a tte m p t to m aste r everyth ing, wo shall’

: 3 ,. jn c e t’ witfy n o b e t te r re su lt. T w o jackasse? ? '. . '- .o n ’o® w e r t ' c o m p le te ly snrrounded by bay,

-C )io/>aitan )m n h n M n/il

ikers bssor

Coni andueneL^.

o s te r co?iciiuiSl his'Vspocch, w as timo for us to rotiro. W o 'h a v o know n4-

m in isters do th e sam e unw ise th in g th a t M r. F o s te r d id ; on sbm’6 occasion w hen the exor­c is ts w ore to occupy an hou r and a half, and w ith five o r s t i w ell know n c lorgynion inv it- ed to assist in tho oxercisesj'-Jono spoaks th ree q u arte rs o f an h o u r or m ore, to tho annoyance o f th e listeners. W e conversed a t tho A m cri- can H o te l tab le abou t tho R epublican m eeting , tho following m orning , w hen j i D em ocratic stum p speaker to ld us a good sto ry o f a well- know n D em ocratio o rato r, who, o n ono occa- sion,_prccedcd bin} a t a m eeting i# .^ o y p o r t . Beforo ho b e g an h e said, “ Gonovor, g o t

jfe n d y p fo r I am sick and can ’t ta lk long to ­n ig h t;1’ so lean ing on h is s ta f f th e sick man began h is little speech w hich lasted from e ig h t o’clock u n til t e n ; v e ry good for a tick m an 1 W e p rin t this item, w hilo the speech' m akers aro fired w ith political, ardor, in tho hope th a t w hen th e y como oijr w ay duriijg tho p residen­tial cam paign, th e y will havo all the ir spcecbos short, to the point,, and to lling . >

P E O P L E W W ^ L O P . "

A rtqm us W ard , a noted A m erican hum or; ist, on a certa in occasion w hen describ ing the

' d i e ^ o f s ta rv a tio n because ho coald n o t ■■•.t .r'r m a k e u p s l |is m in d tfs to w h a t portion he

.f irs t; tho o th e r a ttem p te d to de tW .v o a s.w h o le m ass a t onco an d diud i

"it? (iir- - 1' r... -Tho roo ral c f this l^ a g n if io a n o e — -w liatover w e do,

w & ii’i A__. R M E E T I N G A T

O C I i ^ L G K Q .V E . all tha ho jgfajtfe o loae i

all the rage.FlowcStf^aTi^snro Wftlj their'bi 3 K Vi5 ^ Js fW Hng.IThin^TurtKffidJh?

^O ii'ttegots' eol' U r. BM pbtnt '

m w mkrai

I !flio

A prayer ariao^.ioi^iporo lighk on^lhia aido o f th^, Xiak4;‘ On dark nigtafe it in aovoral Bliadea 14 darker^than Egypt.n ' ........... ............... ........ ’-.X *

Tharo is aomo cariosity rffanlfoatod to see tha t pony, mentioned ( in last week’s Jovbhas, ib {€*cai

Captain Lewis Rqine{Kr thq popular foreman, la •ff to tho pentennial this week. lie , ia folly en^- tle<j to u gopd vacation after hia arduQti^ labojc ^orr, ing the lato b ^ y aeaaon. . ^ ' VjT

Wo have heard ranch favorable ( cojnioent .OPLthe aarnaqn preaohed by Rev. W. B; O a b o f p e ,.^ ^ . Paul’s oh arch, laat Sabbath- dveUing- AU agZGK - thafj i t yriintp much good. ... .. -. ..$y .'

C. 0 . Bownc, Esq., ol Proehdld^haa sold hltf cottage on the corner o f-M l. Henooi|;;Way«Sfe New Jersey aYcnne. Rev. Oeorge Hoghos is to oconpy i t during tho coming winter. •

The Association has passed a ;rnle, prohibit! their employees fropj smoking daring wprJang hoars. They also reqaestcd con traotors ^nd baild- ers <o forbid their workmen smoking in bnildinge which aro in process of construction, v

The fishermen are looking moroi cheerful, as‘j they aro having hotter look, and oocawonaDy mako a good “ liaol.” We Wonld anggest to them , that their enstomere would look more cheorfal, and be moro apt to buy, if they would be a littlo more reasonable in thoir charges. ^ *

><■ * -V" r: r .Jayne.—-W hen 'fiachjgenU ^ujn as Mr. 9. P.

Jayne, real e s te te ^ B tf j f c ^ i^ ^ p s f e ^3d a t., New York, wlth.hffl aamm or aioong^ns, wo^Aro p l^ o i |^ & e p in ^ ? i^ a p io d t i e oottage* ............. m a | t o ; k r ] J ured Reacll^of


h H # " ■ • •'d VQro-^fi^^.BTirprl^pdi one ttf-

fke, .g f T ^ n t ^ . ; W ith herfrogM o n t jo ^ iU i

ir^^T pe^o^minftiiho ^ ip in hotjrk; Mia.. QiprHe^is the?motiier of Mr./Jamo^s 'Olarko, a t tbo firm of Clarko « Sondder, TrfantO i, At lKthno of - lifo whoi^iuORt womon eftok for rest,Mrs. Clarke is as active as man, ysaTa fonnger. She oorri6s bn ahdbp^iae^a Juu^jjxfxwntod horJ^PKtyiaitiQg Aa­bury Park thifl snmmor, so , aho jojreates hero a few days in fclio rpu. * The unflAgglngienorgy of Mrs. Olarko ia_worthy of emulation. I)aring her stag she intends to improjro her eottige gronnds.

K . o f P .At a meeting held Sept. 80, a few members of.

Mon month Lodge, No. 107,' K. of P., formed an insim nce company under the titlo of •* The K. t * liifptlnsnranco Company of Monmcmth county,

JJ'i After fhe Adoption of the constitution and by-laws, the following offlcers were elected for tho'] ensni^jg form': Isaao Cole,, President ,• J2d.. H. Walker, S e o ro ^ ^ ’ Lowis Rainear, Treasurer; iTohn p . PattjerS^m, Ii. M. Worthington, I). M. ^Jprtop, W. H. kesbit, L. 0. Barmore, \V. H. fo^ry, Ii. E. Watson, Gran din Hampton, and James Ellison, Directors.

charac te r o f W ash ing ton , said ho never Blopped,” I t w as a v e ry hom ely, y e t sig­

n ificant ex p re ss io n E v e ry b o d y is acquain ted w ith th e w ord, w h ich haa como to be o f v e ry general application. I s th e re a m erchan t iu A ab u ry P a rk wljo sells goods to ,an o th e r m er­chant, b u t whose bookB aro kep t in such a carolosb w ay, th a t ho settles the account ac­cord ing to t)ie books o f th e m an to -whom ho sells the goods— th a t,m erch a n t ' ‘ s lo p s” a l i t­tle, and by-and-l>y ho m ay cAll a f meeting- o f h is creditors. I s th e re a m erchan t in th is neighborhood w ho solicits tlie p a tro n ag e of tlie people, and g e ts it, who, because he can g e t som e m echanical w ork done ju s t a trifle less, by b ring ing w orkm en from a distance, doos so

th a t m an “ s lo p s" too, bewinse h is econom y lam e. I s th o re a m an in th is lo ca lity

w hose co ttage cost one thousand dollar**, for w hich he is in clpbt s ix hundred , who ru n s in d e b t again to m ake h is house larger, although he n e v er before lived in, one so large, or la rger than the ono w hich cost a thousand dollars— th a t m an “ s lo p s ;" and if th e sheriff doos n o t call on him , i t w ill be his good luck ratherU Juin h is £ood m anagem ent. Ib th e re a m an in this neighborhood who, w hile lie has

jr jo n ey in hfs pocket, telfe1-4!! Is-Creditors t e call again, and goes JthT' sfpends ’ thrtt m'On^y and .runs m ore deeply iij'd eb t, so th a t a fte r awhile'' he does not reghn l th e “ duns ” o f any m ore conserpiencc th an th e buzzing o f so m any flics—th a t man “ s lo p s /1 and will soon, he looked upon w itli suspicion,‘V b ile dealers will be unw illing to sell him any tiling. Is th e re

stage d riv e r o r hackm nn iff this,.yi<yjnity, w ho, because th e s tra n g e r is ignorant, o f tiie usual charges for d riv ing , “ socks it on ,” as

ack m en ex p ress i t— th a t hack d riv e r “ slops;” and his, upfair conduct once exposed, he will lose m any a good d ay 's w ork thereby . * A sto ry is to ld o f a l iv e ry m an a t F reehold , a t a tim e w hen tho N ew Je rse y S ou thern R a i l­road track was w ashed aw ay. T h e people o f L o n g B ranch w ere , obliged1, to go lo - ;N ew Y o rk and re tu rn b y w ay o f F reeh o ld . O ne

ig h t the tra in from N e w Y o rk a rriv ed a t rechold too la te to m ake the usual connec­

tion, a n d 'th e passengers w ere ob liged to hif6’ conveyances to L o n g llranch , o r rem ain in F reeh o ld a ll n igh t. Som e w ere business m en

nd could no t conven ien tly rem ain. So ono called a t a c erta in s tab le a n d asked th e cost

a carriage to go to L ong B ranch. F iv e dollars, was the rep ly . AU r ig h t„ s a id tlie traveler; I will be hero a fter supper. H e had scarccly gone w hen a n o th e r called on the 8an}0 e trand . T h e sam e charge w as m a d e ; and 8Q011 a fter th ree o thers called ,jw illi th e sam e result, each one supposing Jic w as to be th e only passenger. T h e cunn ing hackm an 8aidfyo would tak e tbo m oney tb bind the bargain , so each paid th e am ount charged. W h o n th ey all m e t a t tho appo in ted tim e they rem onstra ted w ith tho ex to rtioner, b u t lie in­sisted th a t he had only d riven an honest b a rg a in ; b u t he w as m uch m istaken— he “ slopped **) trem endously , for his chagrined custom ers re la ted the circum staaco to th e ir friends, w ho h ave-avoW ed th a t s tab le ever since as care fully a s if it weife a sm all-pox hoB* pitaJ, and th e m'an has lo s t m uch m ore b y h is cuteneas than he m ade. Thegp a re n o t the onlyclfisaefl o f people w h o “ slop ,” b y a n y m eans, bu t perhaps w e h av e said sufficient to indicate a com m on failing; and b rin g abou t a reform in th e m atte r.

L O N G B R A N C H .

Mr. nnd Mrs. A. T . Van Derveer are spending a week at the Centennial. V,

The ladies of the Centonnary M, ft. Church have badva new roof p a t on the parsonage.

Maps & SJooum are furnishing lum ber and ma­terial for tbe now oottage of Mr. Van Rensselaer, of New York. Tho oottage is sitaated a t Sea Bright, and will be a very handsome edifice. It will coat about $ 10,000.

A Borious diBtatbaijoo ocQorted late on Saturday n ight in a £oaso on C lark street. One of tho participants, a negro, was badly cu t with a razor. A num ber o f arrests wore made. O a Tuesday m orning a small caravan wonded ite way toward Freehold.

A u t u m n .S&dly sweot, like 4 vision of bereaved, loveliness,

tho mellow autum n js upon ns. Like a beautiful g ifV who has dropped her molasses candy in the sand, ew4noaa tempers the boanfty. T he chilly m ornings, tho paler sun^ tho cool north-west winds and the ' im portuning of tho coal-dealers, all re ­m ind ub tb a t w inter is approaching. Tho very air, with its surpassing deam eas, whispora through tho trees a long, drawn-opt farew ell; and v?o feel, a« when of yore we ‘ * played hooky " from school,

T is too sweet to. last." Tho making of tho mornftig fires is becom ing burdensome; but their hexiH& g ra te fu l; tho therm om eter has lost its am- b it io n ; the linen duster has been “ shot.” Bless­ed is tho m erchant whose stove is in rtfnningor- d o r ; his store is filled with—loafers.

A J e w e l e r ’s W h o le S to c k S to l e n .

Daring tbe past week we received a le tte r from a journalist of .Now York, who has charge of one of the m6s t im portant departments of a leading daily paper of tbat oity. W* appreciate its closing par­ag raph and are1 enedafagefrt^ tho^rateisiAl com mendaiion o fo n r ooorso.

Allow mo to congratulate you on yonr war against, rum- You have my heartiest Go4 speed n in ytfur work. I havo known some o f its torWhle.eauaefflienoeri among,men of my own pro­fession. Morality-ancLxaligion has no • greater foe

id .w ith, tfrdfiy, thau the, liquorin terest, - t t t in f i ’a .lju u t the Jianu or Ihe peri'ibat will strike a blow a*

, m p Hi lit ,^ c an n o t fruJ-^to’ recoiv& tho Sanctioh and the I t w a s w ell n t te n d c a . ' JudgO ' S h in n | IjIoshiub of Clod."

OCEAN CJ3ACII.The season of '7G, which has been fTproBporbus

ono for Ocean Beach, i s about closed. All of the boarding-houses, several of which have~been en­larged to doublo thoir capacity of last year, havo beon quite full, and in many cases applicants wero turned away for lack of accommodations.

Since tho three publio sales things have bright* ened up considerably; thefo. have Been two cot­tages built and occupied since the first public Ralo, and five moro iuro now under way and n o t fhr from completion.

T H E - A L L E G E D G A M B L I N G A T - C H A M B E R L A I t y ’S ,C L U B . ,v

v H O U S E . - , ’ - -

W e called in a t B eckm an and M urphy 'sliny, office in F reeh o ld th is w eek, and learned th a t Jo h n C h am b erla in ,'o f L ong B ranch, had bycn in th e ir office th a t m orning, nnd spoke com plain ingly abou t an artic le w hich appeared in the J o u » n a i . o f last w eek, concerning a g am bling easo alleged to liave taken place in his h o u s e ,^ H e 's ta t e d th a t tho artic les in a N ow Y o rk S u n d ay paper, and the artic le in tlio N ew Y o rk D aily l^-ibune^ w hich la tte r we* copied, w ere incited b y ^ r t a i n parties wbo a re jo ined in a conspiracy ag a in t him. W e took th e trouble - to call at- P p lice S u p crin ten d e tit .W alling’s office in N ew Y ork , subsequently , and w as informed th a t M r. W a llin g only had a rem ote know ledge o f tho affair. W e saw, how ­ever, ol gen tlem an iu th e office, w ho assured us th a t tho case w as as reported in th e T ribune ; he also volunteered to accom pany us to a gen tle ­m an w ho could su b stan tia te th e sto ry , ^ ’hia w e had no t tim e then to do, and A^r. C ham ­berla in m ust take th e exp lanation as w e g ive it. T h e last four lines jn , th e article, aa tbe. ty p e showed, w ero ou r own, and g av e w h a t is tlie im pression w e h ave received o f the house from w hat we h ave g leaned from co n ­versation w ith lead ing citizen? o f l^lonm oath coun ty ' i ; ' . V, » -*

fPor the Journal. JNo License.

Oh, mother 1 dear mother, rejoice witli me,This must ho tbo year of juhileo; — —The tavern is closed, tho windows’barred,And tho landlord’s faoejooks oold and h^rd.

And, mother, I heard t£c people Bay The landlord^ license was taken away,And ho would have to labqr now And Barn his bread by the sweat of hia brow.Dear mother, ho. scemod'ia a terrible Tago,I thought of tho tiger we saw in a cage ;Hesayo thero'BHome men ai^d women to blame That ought to hido thoir faoes in shame !

Oh, aiother/ dear mother, Ifaq l Vfirtr glaa? r» Wlion father went thpie you alwa^^ lool^pu sad;I think ti-nighVwb will aoo haiL c^mp home,Ho’ll nob stay there long with the la n d e d a|^no.

Mother, dear mother, it soemed very queer,When father uaod to drink brandy ana beer,1 could ao£ but gaw.with fear and aurprise,A t tho blood-phot look in hia oqpe> bfight oyeft,.And, mother, dear mother, one ooTdbhfllj night, When tho firo had gone out, nnd we had no light, You know how we nnrried away to Hr-*Not half enough covered and poorly1

Well, mother, that nightX-thongbfc-I- would pr»yr ] That the landlord might Iobo hia license some day;

b M k d iiv o f ' R epfib licanp, <w»nten<l witli liaaoiin Shinn’s, ^ the Wror_ffi?peri that will stSko aMowa*

As the Wfnd and tho r _I thought tho right way'at last f t

rannmd.1 r fouod.

Our father in heaven heard me* I know,F p r toe, before w inter b r in g ^ ,t^ n p ^ t^ n d snow,

_Tho tovorn is closed—the windows barred , . And tho landlord’s face lookaioaldiudd haid:

w-’ —Omvia.

Those colored brethren w}* dors of smart sayings they‘»a1

Here is one. of dar& choeojkie -complex-1

eraoraot'VO'Wui twgtu « / u ip i '^ u y « n u (v ^ —. ,,— t de text does not moan, nud in de ;Becond pliioe, i f Bo^pose ^051^0 ; and I -wdht ydk mOGoy de, tipio bo sufllcttent, -and i f wo don’t forgetctwe-1New Zealandera---ibo men whoso land ii/nwj\l *' a ------------ T”t —coiuddernm w h a td e toxtdoo*mean*-

o f h e r sox twenty |n Trenton,

:y o f nor Unfanto

waving banners as h e re ; nearly every h^uao <m the Btroots has arranged, for % in g a wig from tljo front w in d o v S ^ a d yop would almdsf'.latigbvfifc fcho,

m y bi vWalls a fte r,,

Stripes, which is^the^fl^ m ost honored ; b n t yon may see, also, Upon the streets, the banpor of every nation of the OlvilizOd ^ond],^boA(binib^ I J form a gay, holiday dress for the-OontenBiil/mty?

Somo peoplo seem to th ink i t impossible th a t tho groat Exhibition* "^pon ithO Arapgemen^ o t whioh so m uch core and labqrhavO beenhestowodjt c&n rea lly 'c lose on November lOib. • “ Why, surely,” say they, “ I t m u st.r^n a in ^hrpng^ the^

But as we 16ok over tho grounds theso chilly' mornings, aind tiry to imagine boV i t will sooin when old Jaok F rost has bitten off tbo leaves, and killed all the flowers, and tangled the water-wheels with ice down in the little brooktJn 'th o glen, and I stopped tbe play of the fountains, Wb anako o&y\ heads and say, “ I t cannot bo as charming thofi 4b now ;” and when wo look through the latgb bhfld- ings oind see no provision fo r warming them, and that all was so evidently arranged only for summor Weather, from th e airy aoooriimodations a t the “ Quaker Dairy,H to tho tbfn walls of tho main building itself, we feel only t66 sure th a t when November arrives, tho oxhibitOta wilf pack their rich and wonderful wares awoy; and even thq ,cari­ous JaonnBSb will depart for tho t,;Laod of th i Rising Sun.” ’ - - ' '

B a t ono m onth remains in which wo mav see the nations of tho efcrth nnd study their ways on our own soil. L e t us improve the grand op­portunity while tho October sunshine still lingarrf and mako the m ost of on r unusual advantages. '

Come, children, up and away,,

A llen I t . C ook a n d I*. <7. B a r m o re Io*< th e ir W atches.

A very successful burglary was perpetrated Sun c ay afternoon at the joweliy store of F ranklin Hor­ton, a t No. 42 Fulton street, New York, resulting in the disappearance of tho whole-stock, with the exooption of somo plated ware, and. tho contents of a largo safe, tha, w^ole amounting to $18,000 or .$20,000 In value. At 10 o’clock in thk evening a private watcbinan discovered tho safe in this store to be open. He pnmediatoly gavo tho alarm to th e : officer on duty, wbo.causod the door to bo forped opon. Immediately a largo holo was dis­covered in tho paneling leading next door, and upon search it was found that every article of val­ue in the storo, with the exception of some docks and other articles too bulky to be removed, had been’ tojeen awoy. Adjoining Mr. H orton’s Btoro is*a staircase, a t .tho top of which another hole was found tfirough a 'th ick brick wall leading into tbo next building. The two holes are tbe only clews tiegfce found to show how tho robbers entered or left tho building. A num ber of em pty boxes and jewelry cases were found up stairs, b a t tbe disor­der seemod-thati o f : cwelessness . ra ther, than of digh£. . Nothing oifio was loft HehinTl, "except‘ the' auger S a v in g s and tb e ::fragrDenta 'pf "brWlrrwalJ, to indicate tho presence of burglars. Tho boy who works in tho store reports that ho visited it a t noon and found everything aa-it should be. As tho discovery o f the robbery was not made until 10 P. &t.> 6bo burglars had am^le lifoe in v(pich to remove everything, and the indications aro that they employed their tim e to good advantago. Tho police report that they did not leave a tin g or a pin behind them that waa worthy of removal. It is supposed that tho aioro-boy waa watched and tbo robbery committed immediately after bo left tho store. As far os oould be learned he is faith­ful and industrious, and no doubt is attached to his statem ent that he visited the store in accptd- anco with his duty. — Tribune.

Last week Allen It. Cook, superintendent o f Ab- bury P ark , sent h is gold watch to Mr. H orton to h o repaired. Mr. L . C. BarmOre, foreman in th o Park',- also Bent his-eilvor watch to be overhauled. They were in tho safe, whon tho robl>ery took place. Whefo they now are is a question these gentlem en would like to have answered. They were no t the only victim s, aa Mr. H orton did a large business in repairing w atches; and on Mon day m orning scores of sorrowful faces were seen gathering about tho place to make inquiries con corning th e ir watches. Tha robbery, will involve Mr. H orton in ' financial ru ip , unless tho stolen property shall bo recovered, j

“ Tem pering ” W atches.T hat m ost dBlicate, intrloato and beautiful o f all

a rts—watchmaking, is full of cunning processes and manipulations that.som etim es border on thd marvelous. A, friend, who is jnn occasional visitor to Ocean &rov», recently described to us ono of tho many processes that a ' chronometer has lo undergo beforo i t finally leaves the hands of the

•maker. After the most tedious labor, requiring tho highest degree o f skill, tho ** movement put. together so' that each m inute bearing-ia abso­lutely perfect, and each wheel and pinion works w ith th e least degree o f f r ic tio n ; i t Is found that a variation of th o tomporfitnr©, will affect ite run ning—it runs fastor in cold wepthor than in hot-*, and to correct this, “ tem pering * is resorted to.

A. num ber of watohes are placed suspended in refrigerator apd tho tem peratarq reduce^ to 2Q c SO degrees below zoro, ^nd(, a fle r-^ inafn ing length Of tii^o. irtxffloient foT th e '^old to thoi^trtfh. ly penetrate, they are quiakly rem ovod'to a t ovoil where the thorm ometej naaiks X Q to 200 degrees abovo, W hen they hayiL. become boated th ont thev ojro agaiu^eonsignod to th e .JT ^ "and the prooess repeated. A t first? this __ __work with “their r^ n lf ig , each snocosaive 'ohaEgrhafi^ l§sp offeo^ xmlfil fir^oJ\y i t has none a t aU; and the watch keeps* its uniform gait whothor in tho refrigerator o r a th e oven. Bi as muoh as "six weeks Are^eonsanSOd Ijefbre the watch ia perfectly frompofed. After passm glhrough this ordeal, unlike ns mortals, it nevor loses its tem per. .. . : \

Abo jit'One’s.Nolglibor.A, m inister was soliciting aid for foreig

sfons, and a^pU od'to a him , with tho reply, M*I missions. I want what I g r boroi” • *■ Well,” rojoined* the minister^ r‘ whom

i r neighbors / k\ W hy thoso

. ttlo pbuo Uarqi„/th e e^tth th a t ono-^ur own homo

For brave hearts darcd in tho dust to Uo, « ,That th» 8tare and-Slripee wnighfc-floa» (m b^trr- -\I t was boj-----’ 41,1 1,1 1 ”'Till now In tho

^ f ^ I C A T l O N S . .

to reooivo the past week, ia atiop^to the children, three

aU o f whom are now ' ositi'on. Two of-them are

S^r,"X<. Q. Gillespie, of NeW e^flre soascm tit the Goleman . 1 and have been now throo

Tho othor io from tho Thpijias, of N otrY brk, who

mmoij liomo, in tbei !tark, to lition... Obildron always love

n obildron, and wb, too, whoch(ldron bf* a larger growth, ConfoBfl th a t such p roduction^w ith genuine interest,

b u t simpTy soy, th a t i f any b ig peoplo do not care to read them, they need,not feel obliged to d 6 ao.

^ - - _________w & rYob, children, yon surely never saw so many

Como to tho great Exhibition wifcL__And greatly delighted ypn aurely will bo.

Come, and we’ll sopQjbirgo t, t

The world is awake and ga^.

>’11 sopuJLir^ot T liat wo ever could aigHoF fretWe’ll iook a t piotures rarjj,And the wonders of a rt com^aVe \ - _

' We*J! viow fair Italy’s amnny skies ‘ *'I’ill tbe merry snhshfcne comeat^eur oyes.-

VVe’ll list to Egypt’s birda.And talk in loving words.

Wo’U look at the Cbines9 flower And think of our Father, God,

Wbo briugoth with wondrous powor,Bloom from tho hoathon’o Bod.

Como, darlings, .up and away,'l'he world ih awalio and gay,Tho great Exhibition inhere,JJut the end is vory netir.

Como, while lingora tho thi^ga-that pleaae.The beautiful lawna and Bliadfc treefi,With pleuty of tru it for tho unildruit to eat,Apd Uowory paths for their littlp feet, j ,

In tho little tipao ^ t remains -for n s to-day, lot as Visit Japiih an cl see so io ||h iug of '^ipc chil­dren.’ ‘ ' • ’ .

TUB JAI’jiNESiE. .We havo been accustomed to think of these far­

away people aa a raoe of iauorant heathen; but. on visiting the ir woudorfal. bazaar, wo Ift^n tha t their'enrponfcera aro-vOry skiilftjl workmoni ' They build a bouao-with ^a mueh^oare as oiir own. beet cab^riet-makera construct a moo pioeO o f fhrhiirtre. They can p u t up a large houso w ithout th e use .of nails or screws, ju s t aa mechanical puzzleB aro pu t together. Tho join ts of the frame are epliced in tbo moat ingenious manner, and tho various parts fit together with great aecufpoyranft Qrmne

Tho Japanese section of thO main building wo must surely see, for i t is a constant soUrco df won­der and delight. Hero are articles ,tho moat curi- onp and grotesque, and, af the samo th*10* of tho most delicate and intricate yorkm ansbip. The articles in bronze a re especially wonderful,, and the am ouut of labor and akill thoy display almost exceeds ottr belief. The Japanese gontlennm i: charge estim ates fee 'wferk oh onaf' o f *t!ib lotgfc va­ses to equal 2,250 days steady labor fo r one man.

Tbe dark, nervous JittJpm on.ip business svpts, V hose mfld, sincere fto< _ a t every tu rru ape thp iddL^ of t^ ^ h ib i tT o n , and there is usually a gapin^jurowd, fjjou t the railings of their, office, wondering"to see the Vheathen " acting ju s t like hum an be ings Now lot ga, to tbo educational exhibits and see what this peoplo are doing for fcliop children.

- THE JAPAKXSK afllLDBSS IK SCHOOL. ,T heir whole school system, and.the training of

tbe if quick-witted children, is here moro fully d is­played .than th a t of any o ther nation, except Swe­den. All is here, from the code of rules whioh governs the Mombuabo, or supreme Bureau of Ed­ucation, down to the brilliant colored prim ers for the babies With the printedL.WQrd.QQH, ftnd the realbrmdlo bonid^it, ■ j . , , i X J L .... . . . J 2

Upon tho wall I found a largo, map of tne entire

publio schoolsschools o r gmaUeii ophegea/ iUso*a schooltor wom en‘afc'Tdlfid; Odd 1ht$b'f^<mrtaS Snetruc. tion in foreign languages,. A solid squaro a t the baok of the deportment,

over whioh floated the purple flag of tho em pire,

I t was as if ’ a door w ^ c p e n e d in to one of the aotnol, schools. liows upon rows of books .into which i t is of not the legist use fpr $ s to DOop Wo m ust tako- th c 'lo n g lines o f flfcrange-tboBlng char­acters on trust,'believing what~tbO commissioner tells us is true, that- tho best- known systems of

iv£ p^ep to the have many btmutii tl things.,that it wouldtake a very long time to tell yon about tjbem.

Then we teard tiro coloieS nx^p ,1% ^ were.,smoothing out tohsopo lbaves fo,r cigars, and singl ­ing as they worked, ftnd thero was a great .orowdto ^ W thom. *

Building, aqgl. uy yqrycan- aoaroely; aoe the end-.oh ____________Bevoral cases.of beautiful dolls ana I wanted mamma to bay me opo, bnt mamma lhoughl‘1 hod enlougb t at home. One day we went to Memorial llcfllt * and wo saw some beatitifal'j tiost one of all to Wab i

f but tho‘ pret- ’nllngfeall^d

“ Early Affliction.” , I t was n littfe orphan girl w ithout any home, and all she had in the world tied in a handkerchief upon her arm. There wore m any others wbieh I have n o t timfc to toll you of. I f you like I will write you again about somo othor thiDgs that I saw. . -• ■ f

JO SIE GtLLEBPIE, /• . ' ‘ aged iO^years.

fYea, write again, Jo d e .—-En.j

W lm t M innie Sa\y.PmtiAOKLrniA, flopt 27 .. ,

Dear Mr, Editor:— j :I havo been to the -Exhibition fire, times, and

have been in five buildings, and they aro all very largo, Trtit tho Mein Bunding is the> largest of ell. I havo boen in M achinery Hall, dhd i t iq. vory

for k .noisy tbbro, running a t and blaojc.i of plaoes.

i f .

thoro lire a grcatnna^y machines e timo. J sa,w them weaving carpets,,and ihe’ey wore

beautifulmaking candy in lo ts ii dolly dreasod liko

tLittle Bed RidJng Hood, and she had such a swo< face, sho almost looked roady to speak to tho grei wolf that stood in front of hof. Ho had boon a real livo wolf, ionly ho was staffed. Wo went up to tho top of tho main building in an elevator, and it was so high wo could see all over tho city. Saturday we went in all the rain to Agricultural Hall, and we saw a live eagle called 44 Old Abe " (Mamma sold it was named Cor Abrahatn Lincoln), and thoy told us ho had been three years in the war. Ho waa not Ip a cage, but was on a perch whore -everbody conld soo him. Birdie (little sister} said sho was nidt, tired a bit, and Louis (p little brother) thought tho ships ho saw were big enough to sail on the .ooean. f am tired now, so good byo. '

MINNIE GILLESPIE,aged 9 years.

[Two very interesting and well written letters. -‘-Eo.J ■

C a rr ie a t ,<Jie C e n je p n ln l.. ” , ^ Sflp t 27, 187(1.

Dear Mr. $ d i t o r 7 ^ , :tThinking, perhaps, you would Uko to know what

a littlo girl-saw-a^ the Centennial Exhibition, I takapleasuroin.writing.yoa this Jotters _ Itjwaa on. TnoBday morning when momma, with somo frionds and toys&f, kartell r to see; ,this WouJcbsTrtl, ahnw. I t aoomefl to mo that we would never get there. But at last we camo In sight 6f tpO hundreds of flags aad in a few minutes of those immense build­ings, of which I bad seen so many pictures. Mamma first-took mo iu tho Main Building; My first thought was of the fairy lands 1 read of: b t Grimm's Fairy Tales. -There were snob crowds of pdttplo,

end of tho building. It-was so large. I~dUf not know which way to turn. I said, Oh 1 mamrpa, where shall wo go first ? tibe told mo that we Were then ia the United titates silk department,>and on looking around I saw ao many ca^es of heautiful silks. Oh t fhey were lovely. I never before saw so many beautiful colon? together. I told mamma I should liko a dross of oaoh color. Thon, I saw tho silk-worms;., they lookdd, liko caterpillars. Manama tola me that the butterflies laid the eggs which hateful tutja jMfaa,&nd3rhen large chough

from which all oOr silk 'ves inside, and

?and out eomos a Now, I know" I have been telling you

\ of which yon know a great deal morobutterfly, somothing than I.m o , _ w ^that mamma would -punch mo with ber nmbrolla to litOv c o n h d 'bob som 0 thing el b . But If you will

wo,oH. I will tell yon of somo more that

But ft was all now and very wonderful to and I would atop so'Tong before every cas^

[Wo will pleasure. E li]

7 M b . t .publish littlo Carrie’s letter with much dom e^don’* forget to send another.—

do you _ Monnd.-mo!

V o ao » n f" 44AbcraVflto In tiCKsa.'' ■■■'“

(it th« bottom.

re is 'a (jvfntifiiiinm,

Tommy, rankad low in gBogrexihy and was weak in annljtipal lomo; bnt fliot s^ lq .m s «oo(),.and narration oicollent. Thero ale some littlo. cowpo- eitionB, too, \Ritt«n by tyiqBij1 ohildren.1and one may read how th6^ little $1865,,in Tokioing the languagel&Ve written in Iingtisn, am___dod queeV little childish ’stbriis* 6bout themselves To make them: still moro-real to us, there are pio-

flat QOfB and yellow gowns going tiupngb

if 1 (^0 too ^fliwrtmwA, ^io ooj^m^fllonor dotoina us Ur soy, . " tha t five years ogo the goT-

c,:iv'o a (all odaeationi now it is no longer neoossa- ry ; iJapbn has aobwola olUw higheit gride^qnal I thoso of any',otBirttoiiiltiyf*Bnt£' llio nowupape: aro^uit inllnonojn^ tjiy ,lo«<»r;qlas^qp, to, profit bj

„ ajftin, fc . . .ipg.Tery hopcfaKto; tbo fnturq of Uitia Lpkupdo and hia snarlut-oapped pla^nmtaa... . .

. toving^f ours," ' V "1 - , .' . . i t 8j SU6IB.

A W o rd o f B nco iim go tnon t.EiromowK, Sept. 29, 1876.

To tht Editor o ft/ig Journal :—Tho regular and wooklyaniTalof yonr JounHil,

promptft m eitp aoknowledge how welcome ia tho Tiaitw. ■ Flooded as,I am.with papers.and poriodi- cals. wriaa from tUw<!>S r d iS cjarrdireotly to ■By^hreod-iinil. lJtillflr, I am comwllea to Sight somo ana neglect others-—b u t . the Journal*seem s to domand now a weekly review. Ita tidy and freah appearance, .job w all'as its fcarloss utteranoee fo r the n g h ti commend themselves to all w ho feair Odd and would honor and bless mankind. I t is

f ^ r ^ a ^ f lendJSWSK!U m i

as it will undoubted!

g paragraph nl0WWdB,A>a1’own life, others, and we can sin-

coroly trust “ Yowr arm may be. ne*vod‘ fron).above." — . *"* - fv- • . *

. . . iLost fB«tj)iyl(iy iuQ jTjiqn fn fr tt f i l f*tad in

B rookim ^r.^hsalngt^,nnterf^V ton,rimtt aifrer plfloea-.i.YttWi woostod,, b m w a f r by his dog. Whon qnoatloned lirtmnt hl^ lr^iataildd^'too


8W3UvS.s<1 twas driven frdm the" ati^tf-hbttiw and'followod by tho police,,who .watdieddMaHng tho whole after-

... . ' . 1 alloys, uiitil the offltfors ware compIeiS^ jiicr- zlod and abandoned'the'quest. The-dog finally

a s a f to n ^ « in » le ld n .’bonAdsi v£'. ttU njltqW hilthirdflow- •»«!found all the mnohinoryu«biah-,tbe old man bad used in making tha oohntorfeiKmonoy.’ Thb ttoor rttK ^npY rjijg telia tayedito miuter.

Page 3: M l& lair S iii Satai, - · B' ^SK. BXPttKBH.. Wo Badenig-sd wig . B*pr»»fron> A«tmrj Oc8^GssjTii;tpL 'uw.isw HmsMt Bid(ti9»C(aB{>^m


' i ; i i tx . . ■ > v . . : > ! \ ■ t . k .

* * * . '* . • ■ ' : J \ ' <■ * B S U R V : R A i R B L j < JO JJ -B JK iA lu ; , 3 ^ T ^ ® $ > - A i X , ' O C T b ] B E R , 7 ,

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a ^ i u u tf8 8


RATES OF A D ^ I lS J H g ^

8PA0E. n * ■ i-,.vJ ,a ; ■: a . , 1' h'ftVi Inch a i*0 “4 «M ool.. s X “ .;.l “ .

I.7B 1.20 MB 8. SOaoo0.000.00




ia.2&B.OOi7.008.00 ,10.00 W.00


$4.00; w360,00

98,00■mla.o°Mi m


illA airunt rA hitB oi^D 'bV oouldi^idN snk.pJam fw A.firad*

l^ P r w ld o n t ; Pattenon a . Snw^kar, Jo im A, Qltbenii, Uriah

NOH-HBStnHKT OoMMi8fl:o)nBBa.^Aiphn J . Kjfiott,lB*ao L. Martin, John-fcangforl, PMbuJgjphla; l8M^Kpno«dV.Cl«fc.

> A a b n r y p o s t o m p e . - • 'UnllB will clow a t Ashm? P ark i^ » t Offlce (axooptSandnya)

RV o ^ l ^ Vofk iitul Philadelphia. atO.M a.m, „ , _____Por Now York. Philadelphia, nnd In termed la to Rlatlonn on

Ountralllnllroiulof Now Jew er,a t± 0 0 p tm .t■• : . ....■ Uffloo open from 7 a.m. to Bp.m., ojtccptilurinfc dUttllmUon qr’: ,m jahB b-K m rP ,................... '-r — ......-w - i>ophtgy.M»

F a r o f l r o i^ i a b t t i r ' r a r k S t i i l o n to ; f o l n t a o n N e w t o r k » i a 4 ^ o n s B r a n c l i D j v l i l o hC. l l . a .O f N. j . '' ' ,- .•■ ■ ' \

■ ; i >K*d. -BW Now.VorfcT^Vvi •!!»;

H u t m \ l gTromloy...rib.?.•;. } • > « woodbftdffffeiPerth < » f-fSouth Amboy*.*.. V ,g} ■ J

' , , IlRQ. flXCHataW A tt^.,iic 'l$ohs>l $1 g >

Uodlianlc... 45 75Shrewsbury/./*&. ,* ®h 65B rantftport;.>i* . . . . 85 ;s 60i O S S ^ v S t s IOccah l)e*Qh....i. 10. 20Soarialfa,.'. \ 15' »0gg5gg;h':::::::; S - S

OOM»fDtATfOfl^9W^»—AimOfir 1*AHX TO NBW,Yoflftit Month ....i,...«23 00 i 5M o n th fs r . .......^ 0 03 M onths... « M <• - . 9 0 m6* 00 I Y M r.;H ,’. ^ . . .S » . i , . i n oo

. .. /goo — ‘

irmv, CrcmSSL*iMMpl>«“ *» A » m iry ^ r fc ,1 T U ytjifaaylTaiUa B f A f

Singletrip ticket)..'. ...........................................v * ‘ ^ 0Bxotrinltin*ticicotVjJouil'anUl'qotolK^SU‘‘ * 4 0035 trip family ticket*............... 7*........7..<........... *................. *g «[12 trip (Indvidnal) * . . . .« ................. ........................ ...

' Annaal(individual»....... . . . ........ ......♦ • • •••/■;*• *• *Hoa»on (individual), Rood (tam ^nuo Irt U> Ortobor l« t... 60 00

~~— -------- — -------------- - uviA1 .■ “ ■■* "•— rsF are fro m P liO td e lp h la abniY P a rk ,

v ia N ew Jo rao y S o n l l ^ ^ ft.. J l rBingloTicket ............ .................................. I J ®0KxcursUm Tickct,lRood for the itcnaon)................. 4 W23 Trip Ticket, (kocS to t fam ily)....,.................................... ^Hoarton Ticket,(forono peraon) ......... w w*~r ■ ' ' i& . . V '" ^

E K ellfS lona Service*. +Q iiakd Ay. HBFOnMKUGHUltOll.7 -Serrlc*BCondnctcd bjrh«*

P. P. Wilson,will bo heW althe chnrch.comer otQrand »mt Bew­ail avenuod .during next woek, iw fol^w ": ^ h h w on Bun- ilay a t 10:15 A .aL .-aadl/T . M. Hr\bbttth School a t iWO p. u .

, PrwichlnKon Pridky

liad ^ l l . Sundny-Bcluwlab# A. U. IW o rh ^ c tin g o n W<^o»- Uky nt H I*. M. Claw ini*i«ncnV Sumlayf m o r n (P -^ »•Huedcker, leader. Monday evimini, O. & llowtoad, Tnctulay «Vealnff, 0 .0 . prmenxl, lpi>dor. Pn<lay. •whing, O. u llowliuul. iewlcr. . -

S o c i e t y I t e e t l o ^ a .8MA-8 IHR T/IDOB, 1.4>j o r a . T & t o . ® l, moet every Tijnn-

day oveninR, »t M»»»nio Hall, Akbtinr L*ark. Offlcem : W.C. L.U. Harmoro I wTv. anyMlwHTP^Ufiraoii; W. m<:., W. I*. At klnion ; W. Asat. Sea, Mias Kinmonth :W . P. S., Mrs I.mJloFar-lla : W. “ -------P. Biirniuiu;P . C. T.. V r.'I .'MeParl In.

M onm outh IxjooA N o.ioJ.k : o r P-mocfcovory Wcdneadny evening, Matioiito Hall Aatmnr Park. Omocni : A. I>. McCalw, P . C .: L.'C. nnrmor^, C. C. ? \Y . N. P*rry, V. U./, Bilwnnt Wal-............................ ........ mi)ton. Atof P. I Lcwi» ii«in-

* ■ John Bmith, P n jio t:

*' D a v id C ftiy ton w as fa ta lly i n ju r e d b y b e in g s t r u c k w ith a fly w hgel in W flliam P r io k e t 's m il l , a t L o w e r S q a a n k o m , T u e s d a y , S e p t , 23 . H o leave ii a w ife ’a n d Boven o b i ld r o ir r M r. P r ic k e t ia

\ i JJ ) ro th o t- in - law t b M r. U riah . W h ite , o f o n r to w n .

.T h o p r in te r m ad e a s l ig h t m is ta k e laa t w eek . H e m o d e u s say tb a t th e w ife o f B o v . M r. L a ru e* f a f l n e f p a s to r o f tb e o h u rc h In ' t h i s n e ig h b o o rb o o d , W aS ibu itd ing a c o tta g o a t O c e a n P a r k . I t s h o u ld b a v ^ b e e n th e b r o th e r of M r. L a ru o , in s te a d o f h is Wife.

W e a re g la d t o le a rn t h a t M r . M ilto n Holm eB , t h o b a k e r , o f G ra n d a v e n u e , d id a v a ry f in e b u s in e s s d u r in g th e p a s t R fugroer. A t a ll tb e h o te ls w h ich w e»e s e rv o d b y l jh n , h ia b r e a d is sp o k e n o t i h t h e h ig h e s t te r m s o f p ra ise . H o c o n te m p la te s e re c t ­i n g a n ice -h o n so o n h is p re m ise s .

A Hob. OCO., AllOTJVJIIUIKUlil , JTreta & s s y K & f t .LWezf.Vf.D.

1 U n- Jonn W.

3 llail Ajtmrt Par_________ ____W L a o . r . w . n .ker, K. of It. nnd 8. tfOnarloa J/am i oar, M. uf K.; Jame».HUv80fi;r M.£»j A,C. R. Parry. I. O .j LoVteLlmlnK.O. Q.

A«Ui)iiYl^>l>aB,No. I l l A* P.flnfl A. M. H ^iarcom m unica- tluriK. (1 rut and thm l W to a v n o f each 'moiiUi, In Wbttc’a Ilall onio-rn: T.B.WooHey, W .M .: Jerolulah BennetUS. W.; J . A. Olttjenji, B. W.i O. C.Otipfrod, Train.: W. L. Atkinson. Boo.; J . M. lingermaiijr8 . P , 1 Herbert, i m W ,:*>i » . ;('haplaln t A. IU Cook andVrtnhvWhite, Btowarda^P. 0 .«n«fi- k«r and O. if- Drown. of 0.5 J . L. l«y Italnoar. P. U. HnwUkur, ** "

_ wwui Ufl. I . v». onrau-, I f f of O.; J . L. L y u » i) ,p « r ; 1x*wIh ■, 1)-W; Bcxton. Plnanoo Uoi^mittoo.

JHIfoell a n c o m .TUB ABB0RT PABK MO,lTAItT 60MPANT, meet In Ormerod’a

BulliliiiK. (iniceraTBS^HflWeanCftpt.; C.B.Woolley |»i ^leut ; O. O. onnrrud,Shi Lieut.: ltoi»«rtOrowell, l rttk ay t. 5 Jcrmnlah lien nett, 2d Bf rK»r. 5 J. M. Bt-Otfie, 3«l Bt^ift.; Wm. Kipp, 4th Bergt.;. O. A. Aumock, 5th SeT)|V > . - ~


YOUNO MXN'KOldtn nluun. Ofllccin: Cl*a*«, lw. Vico-Prca.; O. H. Brown HorburtHurley, Treaa. ..Kr Jiw. A. Iiradloy. Willbiford

.Lyman,John won Taylor.^

,,CIATioH«nitet 00 Jtrlday evo- ... Jmf, Pren.; Bu-nhen I) Woolley. 2d Vicc Preart l¥Ji Walker. Beca; tivn Commltio*: C. K. llowlund, jr y *hSVW® W;=a -BORpr«, J;

AHiniiiY pakk nuii.nit*o ano 1a>ak ashooiatioh, mo«eat . Anbury Park ItcadlnK Boom, on tlio first Priduy in each mouth. Utflrora: U. II. Wyok«)IT, Pro*.; C*i*t. W. T. Btmit, Vioo-l’rea.; ■J. D.'JJockIu.Boo.; A. IU Cook, Trwuw DlnHitom: W.C. Bhnf- to, A*o>ur* Park: l>r. IL 8. tKiamoiitb, Adamr Park; yR,v.il1 WiilllDR, Ooean m fch; T. 8. W4oaJy,lABbyr+ lSirkt jHfcfr Mc- Parlin, Anlmry Patk; W. Hattnrtray. D00P: Law la llabJear. Ocoan (irorti; John M. Dey, ()o»*»i»Urovo ; iHnaoU, Kennitdy, ohvitor. _______ ___

(■ onirB ^uiclv lp in lU m c*/^-,^OX^AAKcjvnnr Jer*tTi ■ 1 f

DopadluoUcittiUM il ibe h i i i i i f t t i t im k t MOctutu Orovo, Ooean Beach, Spnng Lake Qeaob, and Bea u lrt;

lt»‘fertjnoea: Uavid 11. Brown, Tmunirer, Ocean (Jrovo Awv>- cia tbm ; Jamea A.BradJey, Aabnry P a ra ; A-llltnvr, K«|.,tiStun Jloach ; llov. 11. B. Beegle, OOertn Grove.

W eclllf s i a r k e s . t t t< Mar.

WuMtoro, f l e l o c t o f , . . i i i iji .33O—Now York Htato, fancy ,............................... 12 (9 -*3

Bt. Loul*.,........................... 5.50 W7 00Minneaota, ex tra ................................................... A75

U y k — ...........; t „ . i .............................. f v T if ^ . .8 8M K A b-com .,..,. j . . . , .................. ,vv , ._ O ftt......^ .____*................................... ?............ .2.550?’ffUCKWUIfiAT PUOUli—Hew York.............................

No. 3 . . , . ......... l,< ... . . . . . . 4. . . .s iMixed................ 30Co UN—Weatorn *h tfd .„ .v 58Wcwtem yellow ..................... ........................... .WiiKvr—Milwaukee No. 3 ............... ..........................No 3 . . . . . . . ................ .Winter, nil*....................

B bank— Marrow............. :....White k idney....:..........Lima ..............

- 4 M m r3.J S,Wfefc:;..JP.....U .».<.**........... « 9 13POTATOKH—In bulk........................................... ^- Karly rose,(rohblebead .-2.2ft

Peach blow, In bulk....................... .......................Peaehblow, doubleroad..........

onionh— ........................... i .mTu UKKVrt—Dreaaed................................................... . .18UlllCJCXNS— ** ' ......... 17QniGK-Ptldv;.............. ..............................................

»\? .Oku K N T^feyan a ‘ .VAV.V.V.V: .*.*.* ^.7. V.*".*u t iW M : : ^ ’. ''y.'r1 *<l i m ..................... .


A n c ik o ir S alea* '. Aabury Pa^k haa already became ihetpi dUtWct. Aa a plaoo.of.Nue It offers snpc fnoilltaM aaloa and accommodate tho auba tho Jowm a/, the publisher oSera tnd freo uaoof the oommodloua otoopfor auction anlca of ovory kina, UvelpiunK. cattle, hdrsca, Wntfona, real estabS, Qta Deak room la a l« placed a t tho disposal of Tmyorand aeller. 'The street la otnrhnndrbd feot wl»lo,and t ho office Is leia than throe htmUred feet from tho depot.

N nlaaaeea,' The Sanitary Committee of th a Board of Oomtntsjdcxif'fa of

Anbury Park request that, any nyVwyfl o*Uting,ln too I’urk.—1 --*-*—J ------------------ *' inay be removed,andnhouldbo oompbi

the public health prot

i . i m T O T f r i ; - )L leh tn lns :., '.rivitiur nml

UiW kI v€ , w»i

& a>

4tfjoq*tE» M l 'U« otft.ti& kive

° rIPAen tloet itnhlriing pat» from tht clouds to thee a A

When .the dondsaM in a poedflva ” state of

Why ia, in autu ‘


hiiaw fiTiir



oirtaSTw:ll4 i J CC® SS^Sf

hjdina has an ^ a q f twenty sohol-

' ' CbbJcmin ^VJnno 4ia5 been ootnpleted to the

foi tradp as well as residence.: l ' \ u --------

has an aver- sesaed within tho. ^isWct/Ocitu ry p ^ k ) , flbc^tliD ^i rijg^on4 bonds will be issued of tne denomination and ^ 0 0 0 —principal pay^bl^ j j^jOOj^oc^ ( nd overy year for ton yeara, arid $ t jOOO payable each and ovferjr yoar fox five years, atyer ten voara ha* has oxpirod. All bids thust be addriaMed to the undersignod, and ondorsed 11 Proposals fbr School Bonds.” , .. ’ ' i D. H. Wyosopf,

^smnjr Pauk> Sopt 4th, 187 6. Dift-Cjkrk.

Theodore Woottoy has Cftnittctod to 'b.uild a oot- tagb for Jo in Cooper^ the book-edllsr of Rahway, daHntt SttMniWfteld avenuo and femory street.

A large Tilded and Hendricks fanner has been flung to th^ breeze in Farmingdalo. Are not the Park Democrats a little behind their neighbors ?

-rA. . .Don’t fail to look at the new timo-tobie of the

Kew Jorsey Central, New Jersey Southern, and PennBylvaniai railroads. On tbo OontraJ it wiU be noticed that the noon train .has been disoontin-

. . . .....

Mr. Kobert DMwiddie, J r ., of Now York, has enriohed tho Museum with a collection of curiosi­ties embracing a variety ot ^rt^cles. Mrfl, Hawes has also presented to thff Library a lot of very in- terpstin^ o^diustrijcfiyp books. .

A new cross-walk has been placpd between tbe Joubnal offico and sS ^ I#<fc Hathaway’s new. store. f t vrtlk fJiiH (b6fcH laldj.ln front of the Jjake View HCtel fo r clean crossing in wet weather. Githoga,fshould l}aVe one leaditfg aoross to bis- 8 ^ 0 .; .

On a recent occasion, justice Bonnett was obliged7to uae bia family Bible in the court-room, since wl^en he haA been unable to find it. As it contains tfie family r^cordj it ia of great value to him, alid ho woi^d bo pleased to hav^ it rehirned.

In tho list of tax sales advertised in the'Long Branch JVm*, we notice the following:

Tn.r. Cost.B o n d , Joseph W . ..............- ..................... *44 80 $4 Q0llJowcrs, <lcorge..........................................M0 00 i 13 76SLoraythe, (George..*-..............,...f ...... IU 88 8 08Green, Lewis C ................. M 40 8 35l’rico, llulda M ....................... 9 60 2 25

WeAhave^received ono of the cleanest, clearest out-photograps of Park Hall that it has ever been our good fortune to see. J tr ia 12x16 inches, and Bhows the buiUing from curbstone to belfry. The likenesses of the porsons on tho front platform and sidewalk aro remarkable. Hilly of Elizabeth, ia tbe artist.

Mr. M^QO» of Plainfield, who i» building a cot- tage-herer has concluded to use slate on bis roof,

'although his first plan oallod for shingles. Ho is' wise in-making tho change. Wo havo no doubt the insurance mon will one day doclino ^nsks on shioglo roofe, or ohargo so high for premiums that tbo ownors will w*i*toe.

Wo presumo onf old ^iend David Walling, of Ocean KqmW’toaiy^ftpmotnnftsv Mvo calls for char­ity from able, bqdied paen. ' David, before you as­sist them,’ let them have a grubbing hoe and tako out tho stumps in tho road that runs along Shark* river on^the ,8puth; sjde. Won’t somebody over thero get up a working “ bee ” and mako that road a littlo more passable'? ^

mMSn& W m *I S S 1

oiootrfoity. '•* A .V-1 *t * VI VWhat a meant by tht cloud* .being in a podtivi

ttautfffttlHimf.. 7W ic i ice.iSouili popjbil* tn«*e

- thoy g an o iily d s '.M 9y.**e Bald to,.he In a “ poai-tivfe awte of deotriclw.f* . .....

What hmeant'l^fihe eUntdt being in a “ neqatCit

W&etl im ft iA Said llumthoj R I du , tp hq.fp. “ a ioga- tim w k p |O f,^W -< S -.. i i : . i 'r» ■■

W. H. Weir, the fruit dealer under Borden Bros’, stove store, has made arrangements to keep the N. Y. ndorniug. papers. Thia will be a groat accom­modation, as all othor paper dealera here suspend business ip Winter. Woir, without doubt, possesses tho ’requisite quaKflcatiops for a good bnsinesgy man, and with a little more attention paid to ex­ternal Jhaifejrf l)* wpuld mjike a No. 1' tradosnpn.

Our friend, M^jor Boyd, clerk of the Coleman Hojise^desires o return his thanks for two letters received from some* nnknowA friend! in Ocean 0r&v6, whi> expressed beet wisnes for Ihe welfare of the Major. He-wishes us to say that the reli­gions suggestions are appreciated, and . the little book, “ Passing over Jordan,” has been read with much profit. Mr. ppyd would deem i t^ great pleasure to become acquainted with tho unknown writer. — “■*“ 1

v •: r r r ^ ~v ■Last Sabbath’s punsfiine brought joy to the dam-

spirits:o^ pnrjTQffldentB. -1 Q ueh^ d^y we b?1-

m t o t o w m M )#hot—a magnincent autumn day. Hundreds en­joyed them Bel voa roaming through the woods or wandexingfapimd doivn .tho beach. .\Jhe.ghaence of tho crowdp cnly added, to the oomfort of tljose that remain. The churches were well, attended, aifd'fe loTgw nurrfbfirof people'came in from neigh* boring places.

We. learn from tija Oooan Grove Record that man^ of our cottages ate liable to be entered this winter, not by burglars, we »re~bappy to say, but by Mr. WjUiaforc Day. wbq.$ulwtjeea to t^ke caro of cot tagV,vand‘visir’them rtoibo h wbek^to soo if doors, windows and shutters are always in proper condition; --We know of ono cottago in Asbury

very IlarritinQ duty oither.

T -i N o tice .jtfembers of Ooi I, MoSnight Rifles, aro earn­

estly requested to attend a speolal meotiug, to bo hold at OnAerofl'd MiBtar^ Hall, h i Monday even­ing Octi, 9, at 7:80. UusineBs of importance is to be brought^^fq^e ^be meetfng^ . , .. . ..... ■

f » : - * • / ? { T o ‘GnpftaliBt».Proposals wiU ’be reoeived ajt the offloo of tho

subscriber until Saturday, 2lBt fust., at 12 o’clock, noon, for o | 8flhppi.<?0«P0“ Bonds,interest payablo setai-annuallyf at sevon pOLgent. ^or annum.' T^ese ipncls, by virtue bt a ^ W te of :the 3M o,<bpQbme,a,0rpt jiqt} on property as-

, ■ I '■

<f?■ S tf |*i»nf'n«RV; s L c H H r c V ^ ®

There wasa^lorRc attendance at this ehnrchlaAt Sabbath, the day being eicbplionahly fino. Ih the morping ih<f paslttjtVijeV. W. T ; Abbott, prowb«d an eloquent'WerWiOn from MflttWeW,'' kivi ,’-27^: “ Be of good chehr, it is I , bo nqt nfraid.” .‘Among those preseni were Hbv. Dr. Stokes, and. R^vBJ1 Stockton, McBride and Osborne. In tho evening Itov. W.' B. Oabpftjtf 'preached to ail equally l^g e congregation, from L Peter, ii., 21. I t wa$ a pow- ful discourse, and made a deep irqpression on the minds oi.his hearers. Service to-morrow os usual.

O M N I B O S S E S .


Asbury Park , N. J .

During tho winter of 1870- 7, Omnibus, building will bo mailo n Bpociulty in our busiiicBO.


Tuesday, October 17, 1876.Ail persons hitVing Articles’ of itny kind whielutheyi

wian* to xliBimBo of will plc'Tleo Cnninmniento w ith tho SuhBcriber for prtrticulftr« and tertnn.

A list of articles to boaold w ^ published by the 10th duy of October.

This w ill bo a good chnnco to' get clonrof nil Surplus Stock.

Lot every body help to make it a ancceHH. :D. II. WYCKOFF.

Asiuiby P ab k , Sept. M, 1876. , - ^

A. J. BROWN,A r c h i t e c t a n d B u i l d e r .

Pinna and Hpeciflcnliona draw n at tbo nhorteat notice. A Iho cottages to rent. * * . ,

R e s id e n c e , 4 2 6 A sb u ry A ve.9a s b u e t . p a r k ; n . j .

I r e fo r to m y p a t r o n s , for> w h o a i I h a v e b u i l t In t l io p n a i l iv e y e a r* n t O c o a n O ro v o a n d A H b u ry .P a rk , a b o u t F i f t y l^ouaoa.

3 . M . D E Y ,A R C H ITECT and B U IL D E R ,

Car. Benson safi. JSoiii km.OOEA2T 5B0VE.K. J,


DB1LBR8 IN ’D E Y GOODS, . . . ■


H A iD # A f iE ,TIH WAKE, -


, " • ‘ N“ Q ^ S S V ^ I .. FURNITURE, CARPJ2TB,

OIL CEOTiks, WD9D0W SHAl'SS,..Etp. Mechanics’ Tools, Window Qlaw & Putty.

t r u r x a s e a a a b a p a h & t s . Farming Implements, ifteld and Garden


P R A T T S A S T R A L , O I L ,AND

Hme.. Demore*t'a Reliable Pattern p.j . a . M ouyoun. • a . t . v a t pBav^iitty

T. F-. AEPtHS.Y,Whol^s^lo and jRet^il pealty in ,


C O R. O F D E R « n A F I R S T AVEIVCKBGoods delivered to any, part of tho .Park, or Grove

without extra chUr^o. llontna takeri noi UVeryi

H U R L E Y & B E N N E T T ,

M a s o n s a n d B uilders,s A S H U R Y P A J E K , N. J>. ‘

.A S B U R Y P A R K ,N E W J E R S E Y

ASBURY PARK 1» a village on the Atlantio ooa^t, forty-fivo milea from Now York City. It has already obtained notoriety o s A aumpior resort.. Onr e n te red President, 9eup«dGrant,

l^dorsefl tlio appUb&tlotffor a '^ s t ^ ^ o o ^ g ^ lo w s :“ Aabi^ry Park is, a thriving youn^ summer resort,

only two or three .yeara old, some mx or seven miles from Long Branph village, I t hfiH~now sopie^l25 hottaBSj fun the number is rapi(Uy iuoreaeing. I do^hot ace‘wUy:tKo reqa'eat for a/Post Offico should w doriied.

August 4, 1874. U. S. GBANl?.'—Tho piooo haa doubled Itt siao nine© th£ri, and is

tho original proprietor of the Park .oVttB a large tract •lying west of tho old turnpike,, three-quarters of a mile fronf tho aoa, ho desires ta'flHlt-fciAfattenitnn of M anufaotnrora, either in a' small way or on a large edalo, to tho fact that we havo m\pn|ployod labor hero in the full, win!5p»nu spring, ybich would bobeno- fited-bytho estabiiahmont of some permanent work, whilo^aMha same tirao Manufacturers 'ivonld bo bene­fited themflolvew, as landa lying immediate’y adong the Contral Uailr6ul trade sold a t aconiinal prico to ManufaotprerB. / Pflafe ofdtfnd t4 bo graded aooordiiiB tQ>llho imrubfllr ot.hands emplojpld.

We have three Ohurohes ; a Day Bohool, with a ,daily at ton dan ca of bbe * hnndred ^cho^rfl j.. a" lire Weekly Nowspapor—A sbuu t.P ark JounijAL; Publio Hall, Beadmg Room, Majfonlo Society, Iiodge of. Good Templar a, Lodro h£i Knights bf ^ y th iA , wobfatldg Club.1 BUck*n4tba |U \d[^ee ls^h t^^hop*« 4Limber Yards, -Steam >£UwrT?llJ, Tetppera^^o I^qWKsaIo of liquors prohibited), Drug Store, ^Physicians, , Dry' Goods Stores,. Bajarifa, bpsid^a eto^^^ o | < ^ f io u s other kinds. . - " i.

If the abovo ^Ijonld ihtofost any of tfie Readers of thia iiapoivpleaae addrosa ALLEN R. COOK, Super

AibhiJj'PtokJM oitoouthpdnnty, N. J . .

R ' pte Sichanie

DIEEiO pen> i[t t h e in t h e♦ E v e n ln ic u n t i l ; 9 I p , i i t f . , I n t h e O o u r t -

‘ room , o r e r & e ' f te sd in j^ ro iiiiij Asbnry: P a r k , N. J .

'■**.£ *;-5- r •Wo give below a short desoription of pome of

Ifab’pTop^rty for, tfftlo. Porsons wiahihg moro full ih^rrtallon will be atiswefed promptly*!)/ pnwat or by mail, to overy application. - .i It Five aoros of land at Ooean Park, on Cook Bt:r will 1)6 sold low: half cash.„ O n ^ o t in 4*bury Park, 6n Fourth avenue, be­tween Kingsley ihd Bergh avonues.

House and lot, Asbury Park, corner Bond si. and pWgfs jay f ^ i Ur With goqd siss d, ba rn ; price, $3^200. ,'«6 ii‘ f * J 9 * *-'

One housp and.Jarge lot, 110x80-feet, Oceah Groye, on Asbury avenuo, near Pilgrim’s Pathway; prioejJ$l,700., Terms easy.

One lot, ac^joining the ^nbdvo, 30x60 feet, $G00 ; or thp t^Oi. properUefl Wpl be sold together for. ^ajOpp^ifsold poon.

Two’ lots, Ooean Gi'ove,’ c6mer Asbury avenue and Wesley place, near Prosident Sloke’s cottago, each JlOiOO fee t; Will be sold together for $800, or separat^ if ep|red.- , .

.drie loi iii Ocean Qrovo, fronting on the ooean, north of Ooean Pathway, full sizo, $1,000.

Four lots, t^eth^r, in Ocean .Grove, fronting on the ocean ^he highest bluff in the limits of the Grote. The most desirable location,' unoccupied, near the .b^thin^ 'h o u ^ s; will be sold low and oh easy t£rms.

House and lot, corner Sewall avenuo and Enipry street, Asbury Parkj^seven large rooms, all com-, pleto; all the necessary oohvonionces to make it ftrsfc-cla^a price $2,900. Title perfect.

House apd lot oq; Sew^ avenue ; price $^,200. Housd atod lot on Asbury avenuo, 'Asbury Park ;

the highest and diyest land in the neighborhood ; large house, large lot, everything complete. The most desirable property ever offered for Hale in tho town; prico $5,000. This stteet is 100 feet wide and commands a fine v io^of tho ocean.

Iloufce and lot in Ocean Grovo, Mt. Carmel Way ; ten roopas, all plastered ; ^rico $1,900.

Hous^' apd lot, ABbury avenue, below Ileeik Rtreet; price $2,000.

Tlouse and lot in Ocoan Grove; ono of tbo best localities in the whole towp ; price only $950.

Houso and lot on Cookman avenuo; price $2.500___

Honse. nnd lot on Cookman avenuo, Asburv Park ; a splendid looation, largo and showy, slate roef nil modem conveniences; an opportunity seldom mot with. Will bo sold for $2,500 if sold within ono month.

Larjje ootjrfgq and large lot on OooaiTTMhway, Oceai^Grovtf'f $5,500. , ,

H o l la n d lot at Ooean Park ; Idzo of lot, 40 by 84 feet; on Cook streot, noar turnpike ; prico $450.

Nono of the abovo aro fancy prices; nearly all of the ownors wish to sell in ordor to build larger, i. ; ■ -*x- - •

Five lots between Third and (Fourth avenues, Aabury Park; will bo sold togother for $1,000 casli,^ Jl'hese lots will be worth double tbo price asked in loss than two yoors. *’ ‘ 1 lot on Third avepue. near Borgh avenue; price $650.

1 lot on Fourth avonuo, noar tho ocean ; price $700.

2 lots on Fourth avonue, hojjr Bond Rtreet; prico $500. {‘

One of tho best locations in Asbnry Park for a boarding-house; oonvonient to both tho Lake and ocoan, not far ftfom^ihe comp-meeting grounds. Largo lot on Cookman aventro, 77 feet front, with rear on Sowall avenue; .67 fee t; .will be sold with cottago for $2,100, or without, for $1,800; or will rent untU I£ay lBt, 1877, for $7 per month.

<£bose lots are all well located and of large size!, being 50x150 foet, and are well adapted for: either summer or permanent residences ; streets 100 feet wide.


The most deslratile location for business purpo­ses in Asbury P^rl?, directly adjoining the Steam Saw and Planing Mills, will bo leased for the term of ten, with Ujo privilego of twopty yoars.' To any person wishing*, to engago in a manufacturing business in a Jive town, this is-a first-class oppor­tunity. The lot, is; .large, 100 feot^ront or turn pi^ce, 240 feet deopj with 200 feet front on the railroad, whore thofa is a switch and side traok 600 feet long. Take it pil in all there is no'other plaoe which offers the samo advantages, aud thero never can bo. This will be lot choap to any re- spontdblo/ljvo buafnceD pirty i^ho is nP to tho

, times. I

O J J H V A R I E T Y S A L E> \tj i< ,V‘ \

Will take plaoe on the 17th' inst. , in fronfeqf Park nail, if the weatherjs fair; if stormy, in tbo Cor. poratjon Yard, commonoing at 10 A. M.

FromTevyry<indication, at present,, a large and ^general assortment will bp offerod. We already havo horsos, wagons, honsebo!fi and kitchen furni­ture, books, and «• thousand rinmdess articles to sell on that occasion. T o all who wish to bring nrtiotarf%o sell we say again, let us hoar from ydu before the lOfh nst.

T H B .O L D is f , E 3 T A P W 8 H B II

GENERAL FUHNISHlWWfifeI ’A l f , A M W O U IT .tJE iS ltE l^ .; ■

J . A. GITIHW|S wlahes to inforur hia friends and HrTuIhr prepared

the beat ^ f fine GKOCEKIBS, including tbo beatpared to fdrnifrh them withp a trons tliat*1Tti IrTuII^

the beat <*“ ~brands o f •

F A M IL Y FL O U B , • “ T e a s , s t i v e r * J a v a ■ O o f f e e ,

a n d

ORANGE COUNTY B U T T E DAlao on band a large'and complete, utook of

B U I L D E R S ’ H A R D W A R E ,which haa been purchased for caeh, and will bo sold .fit

• BOTTpM PRICES.Also, tho largest and beet assorted etock of

C O TTA G E FU B H X T U R Eever brought to^tbin neighborhood.

Western Onion Tolograph Offloo Is the Store.

John A. Githens, * ‘COR. MAIN ST. & RAILROAD AV.,

A s b n r y P a r k , N . J . *

W A S T K I * , -

1 A buiKUr^1 on theiwe^Ojj,, A.ny pcrtiou, having ®rsofc a, location will flm. a oasis cuttomot, at a fair price, by addrengsaB- an above. *


COTTAGE OWNE1RS should bo as particular to havo all broken lights of glass repl&oed by wholo ones, aa thoy should be to look their doors. A broken gla/is may result in damaging a hundred dollars’ worth

of furniture. Tho undcnugned is prepared to attend

to glazing in any part of the Park or Grovo a t tho

Bhortest no tioe, and on the most reasonable terms.

All kinds of painting done in a neat manner, and as

cheaply aa tho price of good material will allow.

Oflico, opposite Ooean Orovo Gates, or P. O. Box 93, Ocoan Grove, N. J . '



‘„0 ~

Trains leave foot' of Liberty street, North River^fdr Long Br»«c>, Grove, or.Asbnry Pflrk.Ocean Beach and Seri ulrt, 8.15, 11.45 £ m. , 4.45 p. Mj Amv- fngat Owan GrttVe, 10.‘j2 a.m., d51 p.^i. ^“Leave Lon^ Branch, for Oqenn (irovo, or Asbilty^

Park^ Oj»an Beach, and Boa Girt 7.05,-10,07 At M/, - 3.20,6.37 p. Mi -Returning, leave Sea Girt M3,, J0*4iiA. - -«» - • • - - •11

Trams leava^Ocoan Orovo, or Anbury Park Stationvf0y ^Jatn V / \ »*V« ti /I nil !n tAM.iAj(n4. n. tt IVki

i.:Leuvo Long Branch for Now York, 7.05, 1L45,

A.‘ m., 4.30 i». m. Clooo coiinoctions for Elizabeth, and NeWark. > ■ • ’ • • •

k. M.« 3.58, .5,® ?p: m., arriving-at Ocean Orove J 1 00 a. lk., 4.14,(j, 15 P.M.Tram s IcavaXJcoan Orovo, or Anbury P ark 8ti\tioniu

)V New Yorklind* all interuiedlnto poinfa n t 6.4U,-11.0(11 . u .x 4il4 iv A r n ' New York 8.K1 a . W ,,, ,35, H.20 r . l i. " " ■ • ;* •;

BW-JER8EY SOlrrnEHN n - B.Timo^ Septembor 19,1876.

NEW YOUK.I»ivvo N York (I‘ier 8, foot o f R rctor pt,), for 1^)1 V,

Brunch tind O«jau^.ur6vo at 9.45 A r tf^ 'a n a 4 ^ J ^ d r * 5,00 r ; M. A rriving ht Long.JBranc.h a t i l 35, A. M.# and 5.46, 6.56p. m. i ■- • ' ” 1

Leave Long Branch for;;N cw Yqrk at'B.OO,-1 1 ^ v. . a. m., nnd 5.00 p .m . A rriving ifi N ew York a t 9.35 a . M., and 1.35, 6.45.P, M,

PHILADELPHIA.Leave Pbilndelphln (foot o f M arket fit.),’for Long

Branch, at 8.30 a . m. , and 1.15 p. Arriving in Longlininch at I L52 a. M., and 5.00 p. m .

Ixsave Long Branch for Philadelphia a t 7.20. 11.35 a m . ,5 .5 0 p . m . A rrivingin PhilhdefpbiaatlO .35A. if ., and 3.05, 9.20 r ; w.

PENNSYLVANIA'RAILROAD.Philpdelphia nnd Trenton to Ocean Grovo at)4 Astury

Park tlireot.On and ufter Jieptember 18, 1876, and until farther

notice, trains will ran na follows:(For Now York timo add 5 minntes.)

L e a v e Eastward.

! 7 ■. S te in b a c h B r o s .,

K n o t L o n g R r a n c h n n d A sbury P ark .

Fall & Winter AnnouncementIjnrtfOHt and bt*Bt aaflortc<) stock of uny hoafli; iu Mon­

mouth County.


READY MADE OLOTHINS.A largo »tock of lino Dreaa SuitH, selling at 38.00,

|!i00, $12.00,1 11 00, |I8.00, and upward*.

A choice selection of

H o a v y O v e r c o a t s ,All of our own uianufacturo, for $7.00, nml upwards.

BOYS’ CLOTHING I2T G 2E A T V A S IE T Y .Suita mado to order nt abort notice. Fino Pants made

to order for $1.00, $5.00, and tip wards. SnitH, of hand­some mate rial, for $15 00, iflH.00, and upwardH.


f r i o r g o o d s .In thm tfeimrnrtoiit, by buying our goods by thocaaej-

wo aro etinhkd l*r»«dl tJrinti A nHlina, 'Litietm, Towel- iiifrx, etc.-, ebfjiper tbmnu^j^Monj-iii Ctitf fThnt}'.< «p4»cial nttentiou'to <>qr pew ossortment of Fall am|‘ Winter Diokh COods, at 12 and 15 cents. Fino Hf«u:k* Alpnnt. »lt 25 cenlH, nod upwards. Jffack ( ’anliinen-H,- tlm lii-Ht Inr tin* at 75 rcolrt'iuid $1 110 jmr yard. Navy HI lift, llrown and Slate Colored OutdnocrvH of the latent Hlmden, at 35 cents per yard.

TABLE LIZSTEJSfS.A full lino df White Linen Table Cloths, Tow Ming,

Napkins, etc.Hed 8[*remls and Quilte, Nico Blankets for $2.50,

and upwards. A largo-jinsortnient of Felt Skirts.White Klannclrt of all kindn, including an annort-

ment of Colton Flannel*. Good Cotton FlannelH fur 12j^centa. .1

Hosiery and Ladies’ Underwear,Including all grades of^Plain nnd Fancy IIoso for Iiiidi'cH aud Children^ Ladies' Uudor Vepts at 50 eonta, and.upwurdfl. ‘ -

FANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS.Itibbona, Lace, Hamburg Edgings, Veilings, Toilet

Articles, Olovea of all kinds.'

Gents Furnishing Goods,Including tho latest style Fall, Hats nnd Capn; a line line of White'and Colored Shirts, Co I lara, Neck­ties, Hoaiery. llluo Flannel Sliirta ; also a full hue of Gloves. *'

A large aasortment of Mon’8 and Hoys’ Under wear. "

B o o t s a n d S h o e s .A fntl lino of LadicaV, Misfles', Children’s and Gents’

wear, including tho celebrated lln r t’ make. Rien's Heavy Hoots, at $2.50, and upwards; tho bea^that can bo procured for tbo money. '

sfsnr a . rr i o m e o . y .A lartfo stock of Fancy Lettet1 Paper, Foojscap,

Commercial Note, etc. ■We hnvo constantly on hahd, Tranks, Satchels,

Shawls, Slrapa, UnibroJlas, etc. Patrons, on examining our Fall and Winter Stock, will find tbut wo are selling at very Low Prices.

STEINBACH BROS..East Long Branch & Asbnry 4Park,

(Centennial .Dopot........A, M. P. M. P. M. 7 15.— i is .. . _____ 3 00

Weal Philadelphia.. .. .

as ti-g ___ . . . 1 40... 11)

Trentoh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 3 25... ---- 5 10Freehold................^... . D 4X. ........... 5 02... ......... 6 45K quai)....;............. .10 ;m.............. 5 4C...Sen G i r t . . . . ................. i i 1:1.............. 7 23... . . . . . .Spring L a k e ...; . . . . . . .11 17. ............“7 26... .........Oeean Heacli............... .11 22.............. 7 31.. . . . . . .Ocean Grove............. . H 21).............. 7 37.;, . . . . ‘ ‘ .Deal............................. .11 33.............. 7 41...Arr. Lome Brancli...... 11 13.............. 7 50...

- (Leave Wkstwarii. '( A. M. A. K. P. M.

Long Branch...............Deal........... .................

. 0 00,, . v . __ ......... 1 37

. 6 Oil. ....... .1 40Ocean G ro v o . .. . . . . . . . 6 M.............. ......... 1 51( leeati Beach . 6 ID.............. ......... t 58-Spriiig Lako 't ............... fi t i . 1.......... ..........2 03Sea G irt.................. ► « 27. . . . . . . . ......... 2 07Squan.... ...................... . 7 37. ................. __ _......... 3 52Freehold...................... . 8 25.............. 6 25.’.; ......... 4 40Trenton....................... .10 05. ........... 7 53...___ *.6 18Arr. West Phila......... 12 05. ......... 0 20. . . ........7 35“ Centen’l Depot... 12 15. ........... 1015... ........7 50

("838 Cliestnnt Street.TICKET OFFICES: 1 S. K1. Cor. Broad &. Chestnut.

( 1 l(i Market Street,Depots, Thirty-second A M arket sta., and Centennial


(lateral Manager, Gen'I Passenger Agent.


T h is D ay OIioobo Y e S la ta o r S h in g le s


D - A V I D C A R T W R I G H T ,

PlaMfl Oruamental Slate RooftFaA SBU EY ?A B K & OCEAN G B O fB , N , J ,


' Having had Q5 years experience hi the Slat^ Roofing bnainesa I am propared to givo the public satisfaction with the best material in the umrket, at reasonable rates.

-All work warranted buow , and. .water tight. Mate- rial nlWiiy.B on buna. Jobbing promptly.attended to.

All prdora recei^od .by:mail, .andloft at Park Hall, will receivo prompt attention.



Nnreerics and Gi^en bonsoB at Itnm son,2U miles from both S^m Hhightt Station, oil tho N. ,1.

Bout hern It. R .,and 8hrQWHbury Station, on tho N. Y. <fc L o n g B ra u c liI t .lt .

T r e e s , P l a n t s ,

Hsral Depot at Long Erauoh during Snmmoi

B O U Q U E T S, B A S K E T S ,W rc a th n , C ro sses, C ro w n s .

The following Catalogues aro published for gratuitous distribution, v is:

N o . 1.Descriptive Cataloguo or Tree», Shrubs, Viuca, litc. ’N o . a .

D en crlp tlv e C a ta lo g n e o f P la n ta ,

No. 3- W h o le sa le T r a d e L la t.

J^gTTlnnB given for Bubnrban und villa gronnds groundfl generally, with lista of ornamental leaved flowering plants, ornamental and aliade trees, hrubs otc., boat ndupte<l to tho aoil and sea air.

I t . W . W O R T H I N G T O N ,

C arp ea te r & B uilder.All kinds of carpenter work dfine w ith neatness an

dispatch. BUILDINGS RAISED & MOVED. Jbb - hing promptly attended to . '

Hesidoeoo, 3. E, Oo;. Sewall At . & Emory S t.v A SB O B V » A U K , S . J .

W M . H . W A R W IC K ,.PRACTICAL ^ , ^

P l a i n & O r n a m e a i a l

SLATE EOOFEE. ' ■'* s» . •i“ .

A I I V w o r K ' ’" W n r r n n t e a ”

To Give SatiBfaction,

A ll L e a k y ( ! h lm n o y * R e p a i r e d n n d W a r - ranted Water tlghl,

~?FKfist Lonjj; I ir i in c h n n d A e lm ry P a rk .

•P. ,0, Box llfl, East Long RrnnrbiO rders by Mail Promptly Attended to.


M I N E R A L W A S | S ,

S o d a W a t e r ^ W r ^ ir ii .

c* i n m jb b• ■* * ■. r '• ' 4 •

* LONG B B A N C n ,.N ^ ‘ b

Page 4: M l& lair S iii Satai, - · B' ^SK. BXPttKBH.. Wo Badenig-sd wig . B*pr»»fron> A«tmrj Oc8^GssjTii;tpL 'uw.isw HmsMt Bid(ti9»C(aB{>^m


A S S ^ f t Y P A t t f t S A r f '^ O A V , p C T d B E R %? i&i&.

. « Thef E e n n y T a M ean t to GI*©.”,Theite’aa ftmny tjdf of asttngy man

V _Who w u nonp tbo good, but might havoIxjen worse, -Whoutywitjto.his ohulfoh on a.8unday night, t J Arid ttlvnllod slohghie weU-filled pnrsc.

When the sexton came with hia \ _The church waa hat dim with the candle s light;

' The stingy man fumbled alliiirongh hia parse,- And ohoSo a coin by touch and not sight.

It’s an odd thing now that guineas should be So lflcd unto pennies In shape and sl*e,

“ TU give a p en n y ,” th e stingy m an said I ;‘ u The poor must riot gifts of ponAios despise

* The penny fell doWiT a clatter and;rintf!.And hack,In iilJnBoat leaned the stingy man.

• “ The worldis ao fuILof the poor,” he thought,• o a n 't help th e m a ll—'1 g ive whaK * 0&h*”

Ha, ha i how the sqxton smilod, to bo aure,To see the gold guinea fall .in hia plate J

Ha,- ha I how the stingy man’s heart was wrung, Pereeiving hia blonder, but juat .too late !

" No matter,” he aaid ; ** in tho lord’s acouunt That gained of gold fs «et down to me.

Theylend to Him who givo to tty* poor ;I i wUl n b t bo bad a n in v es tm e n t be,

«t'3 n a f i ^ t t ? ’ e ^ n o ld id a !BextonTnried out;' .«ThpLordisnaoheated—fie kons thee wpU;

He knew it was only by aooidont' *.-; ; • That out of thy hngers the guinea fell !

■ • J • ■He keep* an aocount, na doubt, for tho pair;

" “ But in that account He’ll set down to thee Na'mair o’ that golden guinea, my mon, .

Than the ono baro penny ye meant to gi e !

There’s comfort, too, in. the little tale—:’j- -Jl Berioqb tide' as well as a joke;

‘A comfort for all the generous poor,the.pomical words the sexton spoke.

A comfort to think that tho,good Lord knows HttW generous we reidly desire to be,

And will give us credit in his account ^For all the pennies Wo long to v‘ gi’e. ”

P r a i s e Y o u r W ile .

tbe small rewkrtf of praise fbr aRthe loving interest she ta d mhptfoote^ daifo jw ii i doubt of hia Jove bad entered her soul and tttade the light all orojmd her thiok' darjmesa No wondor,, rtbat*her face grow ciouded, it or what he oonaidored moodiabness and Ul-iriiitare itook possosajon of her spirit.

“ You are-good and tru e ,5 Maty, my own dear •wife j I . am prond of yoo^r-I. love, you, find my first rle^re is fo ry pur happiness. OJi, if I always see yonr fate iii ‘satmjiine, hoiAef Would be thedearest plaoe on .earth."

“ How prfidous to me ore- your words of love aad'^r&iflo, Androw,” wild Mra. Lee, dmtthig ap through her tears into hia face. “ With them in my ears my heart oan never lie in shadow,’! •

How easy had been the work fqr Andrew X»ee. He had swept his hand across tlje olo'ady horizon, and now tbo bright sunshine was streaming and Hooding that home with joy and beauty, ^


Andrew Lee had oome from his sliop, where he had worked all day, tired and out of spints, came

■ r hoine to his wife, who was also out of spirits.“ A smiling wife and. a cheerful homo—a para­

dise it would be! " said Andrew to himself, as ho tamed his eyes from, the clouded face of Mrs. Lee and Bat down with knitted brow and moody

, word waS -spdken by either ” Mrs. Leowas getting supper, and she moved about with a weary step.

44 Come*-’ she said at last, with a side glance at her husband.'

There was invitation in the word only; none in ’ thevoiqe of Mrs. Lee.

Andrew arose and went td the table. He was tempted to spetik an angry word but controlled himself apd kept silent llo oould find no fault "with the ohop. and the home-made bread, nor the fragrant tea. They would have cheered his in-

. ward man, if there had been enly a gleam of tfun- shine on the face of his wife. He noticed tfrat she did not eat. (

“ Are you not well, Mary ? ” 'fjie words wero on his lips, but be did not ntter them, for tho face of his wife looked so repellant that be leared an irritating reply. And_so, in moody silonce, tbe twain sat together until Androw had finished hjs supper.

‘"Thisis purgatory ! " said Lee to himself, as he commenced walking the floor of their break­fast room, with his hands thrust in bin trousers’ pockets and his chin almost touched his breast.

After removing all the dishes and taking them into tiie kitchen, Mrs. Lef» spread a green cover on the table and, placing a frefch trimmed lump thereon, went out and shut the d«>or after, her, and leaving her husband alone with his-unpleasant feelings. lie took a long deep breath fts she d i d

so, paused in his walk, B l o o d still for some moments, and thon drawing a paper from his pocket, sat down by the table, opened the sheet, and commenced reading. Singularly enough tbo words apon whioh his eyes Tested were, “ Praise yoar wife.” ^hoy rather tended the disturbance of mind from whioh he was suffering.

“ I should like to finfl some oc^Spion 'for praia-■ • - .ingynine.’1 '“How.quickly his thoughts expressed

that ill natnrod sentiment. ,But his eyes were onthe page before him, and he read on. ..........

“ Praise your wife, man; for pity’s sake give ~ ' her alittlG oricottrageinent-^it wont hurt her;!’ ~

Andrew Lee raised his eyes from the paper and muttered : Oh, yes; that's all vory well. Praise is cheap enopgh ; bat praise her for what ? For being sullen, and making ybar home the most dis­agreeable plaoe in the world V ” His eyes fell nggin fcft the paper. .

“ ^he has made yoar home ctfmfortable, your heait fright and shining, your food agreeable j for piiyB Sake tell her you thank her, if nothing more ;.Bhe dpnVexpect it-; it will mako her eyes open wid^r thaij they have for ten years; but it will db her good for all that, and yoij.too."

It seemoti to Andrew as if this sentence was written for him, and just for the occasion. It was a complete answer to his qaostiou, “ Praise hor toi1 what ? ” and he felt it al«o as a rebuke, ile rtad no farllier, for thought came too busy and iu a new direction. Memory was convicting him of injustice to his wife; ahe had always, mado his

s home as comfortable as her hands could make it, and fiad he offered the light retnrn of praiHt) or commendation ? Had he ever told her of tbo sat­ had known of the comfort be bad ex- pefienrtefl j* He was not aby to1 recall the time or occasion; as he thought thus* Mrs. Leo came in from the kitchen, «nd taking her work basket from the closet, placed it on the table, and sitting down without speaking, began to bow. Mr. Leo glanced almost stealthily at tbe work in her hnnds and saw that it was the bosom of a shirt which she was stitching neatly. He knew that it was for him that she was at work.

f “ Praise your wife,” The words were before the eyes of his mind and. he eoujd not look away from them j bnt be was not ready for this yet. He still felt moody and unforgiving. The expres­sion on his wife’s face he interpreted to mean ill- nature, and. with ill-natore he had no patience. His ejres fell upon the newspaper that lay spread ont. before him ahd he read the sentence ;

/ “ A kin^, cheerfal word spoken in u gloomy* house, is the little rift in the cloud that lets the sunshine- through.” » .

Lee struggled with'himself a while longer ; his own ill-natuie had to be conquered first; his moody, accusing spirit had to bo subdued. lie thought .of. many things to say, yet be feared to say them -lest hia wife should meet his advances with a cold rebuff.. At last, lpahihtf' toward • her aud taking hold of the linen bosom upon which she was at 'jvork, he said, in a voico carofully modulated with Jdndnomx tl You are doing this, work very beauti- .fufly, Mary.”

Mrs. Lee mado fio roply; but hor husband did not fail to observe that Rhe lost almost instantly that rigid erectness with which- she had been sit­

ed*! <■ ., **My shirts are belter made arid whiter than

V 'those o£ any otter man in the shop,'' said Lee, encouraged t6~go on.

“ Are th e y ? ’’. Mrs. Lee’s voice was low, and • hftdJh it,*, slight huskiness;-she did not turn ber

'face, bat her bnaband sa4w ^ a t she leaned a little toward hiha. He had broken the ice of reserve

* and all waa easy now. His hand was among the r clquds’kndrifc few Tefeble rays w^ro already strug-

gUnft'€b»oagh the rift it .had made. ^ ;• - ^'-7— ** Vfw, he &C£8W‘ered, softlyx “ and l ”vo

1 ■*. heard it said more-^than once what a gocki wifoAndrew Lee must have.”

MrSr^Iiee turned her face toward bor husband. 'Tfliere was a light m it and a Jight in her eye ;i buttheicj WfcS fjotoething the expression of the

i ootfnfaiflnW that Ahttle^pnzaled him.0 Dq you think so ^ s h e af*Jc£?1, quite soberly.

u What a qaestion ! n ejeonjated Andrew, 'stan^ Ijjflr nr^ and going round to. the side of the table ' - -—i”“’ Uftttttjgr ** Whp^ a question, Mary ? **

before h^tv.J t t was oil she said. '^*iV ’

_ w w his warmly spoken answer,r to458^B $$$Sf^t>W a>and kissed her. “ Howi;:, strange thatjyon 0h o u la s k pie such a question? ”f yfm would Ohlv tell nae so now and then,

it^irodldjaotoe good.W -M " DM anwMtod hat&oe JWjSfcst t ie

... Rreist'bf ber fcssssS ttdoi oUd wdpt " " ' V b t s Strang lightlihilce la op°n tho mind of

Um'MI ***«*•' given'K s ^ fe «ven


W i l l i s f o r d D e y , M E W m M1SU8ANCE BROKER,

Ocoan Grove and Asbnry Park,


A SplenSii Chance, for, Inveslment.


R i v e r v i e w P a r k ,CONTAINING ABOUT 112 ACUI5R,-

Delightfully situated nn -tlw-north shore of Shark Rivor, one and a half miles south.of Ocean <Srovc, Now Jersey. This property is already laid out in loM, and the streets are now being gradtd. A largo Hotel building iij also nearly completed. -• Will be sold as a whole, Or tit parcels, W very easy terms.

To any person having a small amount of capital and some energy, this at fords an^asy road to fortune.' For full particulars apply to —

D. H . WYOKOFF’8Real Kstate Exchange, ,

Arrury P a k k ,Monmouth Co., New Jersey.

F O R S A X E .


This h«iwe,>o popular with the summer visitors of Asliury Pnrk, has a roinnmudiug view of the ocean and ttiirroiindiiiKS, and is convenient to t he Hathing Orounds; Ih w^ll built, and nicely furnished throughout. Will accommodate about sixty .guests. Also, a Carriage House and Stables, and Hatbing House on the beach.

Will sell Furniture and Crockery with the hou^e if desired. Possession given immediately.

Applv to »ALLKN K. COOK, *

Or, I. C. KENNEDY,Asbury Park, N. J.

s a s M f c i

L a k e V i a w H o te l,> ASBUBY P ARK, , N. J.MXI

“A. R . TO LA N P,F* ro p r I U.: — — ’ ’’

O p e n a l l

t ’he ^resefit proprietor having pnrchBBC^^^P prop." erty, hub partially rehoilt the hoiue and vpholly ren­ovate^ It. The rooms are rainuto'tllOnB ana e itia fair? nished with^prhig mattresses.. • x *

This House iB now open for gne*U; It if deairably sit uated at the, head of W esley Lake, commanding a Hne view of tlie Lake nnd Ocean. It is abont }£;mUe from the Oceaq fqiftpOQ y^rda from Jhe C. R. R. depot 1 \

A; E. TGtilKD,



sMock& bughanon.' Cor. of N4I& ani Mury AVS.',,

. , ■ • ■■ • J)T- ,

A S B X J R Y P A R K , N . J . -

dealers in all kirfds ol

Honsp, the IIret establislied, a t Ooeai&rlQrove, en greatly enlarged, improved,’abdiharijabmely

Thishim been 0__________ r_______repainted. Each room1 him a door and window opening t<> verandas, Which extend all around the fcuilcfing bt each stery. The roomB are all newly plasteredand, neatly fumishedr^Jt-is oonveniently loc .ted>,in thfl' Qrove, on Mt. Carrtiel Way, within a few, yards'ofTthe Congrejmtion Qrounds, Post OfflCe, Tolegrapb>jOffloo, etc. It is well k«pt, and now-open for visitors.# Every eflort will he made to give satisfaction in'all respects. ‘

C . L . H Q W L A N f i , OT.



F O X S . ' & J S u X a Z S .

Situated near the Ocean, a t the head of'Wesley Lake; has eleven rooms, lo t90x100 feet.


S " W I S S - C O ^ T A G J E L - -

?To sit nation better;’fft i t ' ImA the advantage of-Luke and Ocean frontage. Will sell with or without Furni­ture. (July small amount of the purclmse moypy wanted, the balance on long time. Apply to

I. C. KENNEDY, Anbury Park, N. J .Or, GEO. A. Ul'MSEV, Salem, N. J.

O C E A N V I E W H O U S E ,

I S T O W O P E NFor the reception of guests

Pleasant Rooms! Terms Reasonable!W M . C. SH A FTO , Prop.

Formerly of Xake Viow'HouBe.

s i a A - S l f t E B O A R D I N G ,» The Year Round, With Private Family, at


T fill $18, $9 per Week, or $ t . SO per Day, . TABLE BOARD, $6 per. Week, from July 1st to

September 1st.From Septembor un til July, 55 to 17 par Week.

Our House ia unsurpassed for . location, having an open view, and beingffear Wesley Lake and the Ocean.

DIRECTIONS.—FoUow Cookman Avonuo from the Depot, ur Park Hall, to Snmmertield Avenue, near th^ Lake, turn to the right and oars ijr the first house On tho South side of Summprfield. Please see "Ign, “Park Cottaoh.” M. D. PRITCHBTT.N. B.—1rmnHlent Boarders nt all RoaAonttreoeiTQ proper attention.

O. 1ST. M ille r & San;Proilacers of and Dealers In all kinds of

V E G E T A B L E S .

• / / ;r , ^ f -AND . / , . ,

BUILDING ' MATERIAL,l i i c l , t i i f i , Lath, Plaster. Oeient, Hair, &&

H A H S f t B T O J J S B S ' H A E B W A B .E ,' A 8|»oialty,

AU kind* of Ltamber.ooastanHy In the yard.

Illck o rv , S pruce i l te . ne T im ber.

' s o o z n e s i .a t e

O? tfie fSK of'feoritrnctB-’taken’ far m fc *. , ‘ complete. .■

Every article in our line delivered With dispatch, a t the lo west'possible prices: ( — ....

$ Parties desiring to erect Cottages will not do them-„ 'seWhs justice unless4hey give us a call.


R O S E A U B R O W N ,• D ea lq rin all k inds of


AND • IA T X O N E I B . V ,


WM. DQLTON & CO., W h o l e s a l e G r o c e r s ,

. D O L T O N ’S &L.OCK.T B E S T O S i X. J.


B R A D L E Y & S M I T HjUftimfactun.»r8$j>d Importers of

B R U S H E S ,





1 0CQ

N 15 A I t F U L T O N S T R E E T .

H h a i h .k t &'• S m ith a tv th i- lu r^ i 's t B riis li M a n - HfurTirrrn-irr-thr (hH—fjf-Nfnv-^^^rk. ---------- ....

A l l O r d e rs l e f t a t C a m p b H l a n tI A u m o c k ’H M e a t M a r k e t w i l l b e p r o m p t ­l y A t t e n d e d to* ______

D . W . S E X T O N ,

Carpenter and Builder,Corner Bangs Av. and Emory St.,

— A B B U R Y P A l i K r 3V* J fc ,T

KftKNC tea.'- -TievrG. W :' Treat, of-Rahway j W .' S Pettet, New Brunswick; Rev. J . W. Young

Elizabeth, N. J . -----

Shrewsbury Oysters & Clams.H v B . - W E S T ,

j r - _Of Lsko Branch, N. J.,Would beg leave to inform the residents oSOoean Grdve and Anhfiry Park, that he will run a wugbn three times a week with Oysters and Clams fresh from the Sbrews- hurv river.

1/ofels and Families Supplied.Orders left at Park Hull; Ashury Park, will be prompt­

ly tilled.

J . t l . SE5JtrJ7 0 I¥,GAB I N E T M A K E R , U P H O LSTE R E R ,


CasketBi CoffiuB, Shroads, Crapes. Clolli,, .tt., on hand or furnished to order.'^Funerals personally con­ducted to point of destination.’

MAIJST STREET,A obury P a rk , N .J .

Thry did uat. diBftlfarge or mUicc tfie salary' of a single employee in their Warehouse or Factory during tbe lftte depresRion in busincBs.

HyAtoj/BY & Bmitii were, the first in the Bnifih 'I’ratle Alo Ishuc an Illustrated Ontalogiie, which they furnish on application.

Macliinc & Factory, f o r t done at Short M ice .. J±. W. L E W IS, ,

Successor to Cuowkij, Bhos. ' “

Law Breafl, Hm C®, Pie,ING CRACKER BAKERY,

Cor, CooknfoB Avenue and Bond Street,A8BUI£Y.PARK, J*. J . • _ .J - -

- Kefresl\nientB for Weddings, Parties, P?c-nics, and Entertionments furnished at the- shortest notice and at the most reajwhaole rates. Icing and Ornamenting.

Cottage residents in the Grove or~Pafk served - at their doors. - __) •

W m , JDeverean,STEW BKA1VCH, W* J . , ;

• —DEALElt IN— ' ■“Dry C o o d f, C rooerles,

F ine T eas,Coffees. S pices, S u g ars ,

B oots and Shoes,FLOUR & F E S n , CropkeVy, e to .


F B E K O F C Q A B 6 E .

C H E A P I C H E A P ! % ^


d / a . WALKING’S STOEE,O C E A N B E A C H , N . J . >i'_ -

Where will^he fonnd an extensive assortment' of all kinds of .. L

M E R C i p r O l S ' ^Consisting of

D R Y S O Q D 8 , v ^ SOOTS A N D S H O ES , H A R D W A R E,

G r o c e r i e s , J& tc.Also Dealors is I^U gh & VU leulram Oos£

No better assortment gan ^e foqndjn any other dmilair “ be sold at 's t o r e , r fh d t l ^ i g d i ___

L O W . P R IC E S .t y A n invitation is extended to a l ! , '^ and riM&i to

examine this stock. ' * "-v \. Q^Ooods delivered to any part of Ocean and vicinity.

E s ta b lis l ie d 1858 ,, , AT < . '■

L O N G B R A N C H .; N . J .r—


G eo . W . H o u g h to s ,LONG BMICH, RORMQUTH COUNTY, ?J. J.

Baskets, Bouquets and Cat Flowers “for Wed­dings and Parik‘8. Crosses, Wreaths, OrownB, AnchorStjmd other designs for Funerals. Cab- bagtv- Tomatoes^ Egg, P.epRem» ;Letiuce.and Celery Plantrfin their proper season.

eos s ■ ■ umA S B U B Y P X H K , N . J -

STOUT & HATHAWAYdesire to info» n their friends, apd the public geherally,

they will constantly havfe on hand all klndt of fur- ‘ dishing goods suitable fo r Cottages, at the V ^

lowest prices. Also,

Carpets, itlatjtliig, Rugs, oil tiotfas, M ATTE288EB, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS,


T IN , WOOD a n d W ILL O W ^ A R E . B U IL D ER S’ Sc CA R RIA G E H A R D W A R E ,

A G R ICU LTU RA L IM PLEM EN TS, etc.- LAWN a n d GARDEN s e e d s .

PA IN TS, OILS, V A R N ISH ES, e tc ., etc.

Parties wishing to famisji Hotels or Cottages please send for Circoltr.

Goods delivered free of charge.

D A N I E L D e C O S T A i

. C A . T E R E R ,Bailroad Av^AsbnryTark, N. J.

Having lind many years experience as a CATERER ------- * 1— S*”T Mr. AnNEn A 14.1m

lerstand justTvliatlson'niy pwri account, beaideB aprvin^ Mr. AnNEn A14XU in Snififiier time, I think I can nndeieqnirvdI would respectfully refer to Ashury L^dge Free

Masons, X odge of Hood ^emplurS, and "Mr. Jamos'H. Bradley, for wbom I have gotten Up Supners., pr* Calls from any part of Monmouth County will^mptl^^ttendea to. /

BitA.PTCH YARD,’* ' ■> *OF TFIE —

& & £ & & & & & & '

t ;M&nafacturenl and Dealers fn

Oak, P in e & H em lock Timber,B oards, ■■

P U m le , •Sidittff,

L a th . - 'Shinalt?*,

P o s tH , * Jtluils,

. m :

, re p •« . OHLKBp TBD', jj

j t e s ^ r e m w i^ C W aslaj- ' u ' ''

a m r te ttA i! i ^ * i^ <e o ^ A«S!-A,l!--»i" ~

l o s t m , ’" S S ~w" J&E& ’iBi i i 1 r. .. V- ‘^ r. - ,. *

, . . . NOTB F»OM BmHOfcafatPBOSi,, >, .■ f-\ t . •. > i“ It gives me great pleasure $0 state that 1. haye v 1 b itW ^^^anjW jof'the Ocean OrovfjJCamp-meeting

Association, and.tmnk- them admirably adapted for i^rnlBbin^C^itlati.TOteilleti tt'eea^Mde resort ih this midst

— , . *. Onr esteemed President, General Grant, whorrtsldes in snmtner ffpur. mile# fr^m.A^^T/PMr^tiun^eiltatinuly

endorsed the application for a post-offl ce, as follows t ' .im .j aU i v i j - J *■‘‘Asbury Park U a thriving, yotltig Summer resort, only two or three years old, somesut or peven milea- J

from Long Branoh Village. It has now some "125 houses, andthe hntnbe* tt rapidly increasing.’ I'do not see why v the request for a Post Gfflcefsttould be depled. AtiWrt 4tfe; 1874? 0 , g; GRANT.**

*It haa now nearly 250 hodties. 1 * r. r<; * ■ ;

Over six hundred cottages have been built at Asbury Park and Ooean (3roW within iouiri® ^, costing over One Million Dollars. y, , * * • \ • 1. '

Asbury Park fronts directly on. % he ocean. It, does pot front on a hay, or sound, or river, bnt on the broadAtlantic, stretchingaway for thousands of miles. ,

Asbury Park waa as£es&4d ih.lB6!) at $15,000; tbe asses»uent for 18^5 Wfm $250,000. *8treets running at right angles to the sea are from one to two hundred fei wldfc -an advantage possessed r no other sea-side resort. ------ ’ .

time fVonj New York to-Asbuiy. two hocfrs, and flcomPhiladelphia to Ashury Park, two hotfw.tod thiity-llvo tniuutes. For price of lots, addres** • . :j ’ .*•' ‘ >JAMES A, BRADLEY,or ISAAC BKALK, . . ALLEN R.C0QK, . ...r. . - 4,‘ «; T f t t e OYES,

v 25l^PewVstreet*Ni'Y. . . . Asbnry Park,'N. d?iiori • « ( ^ Third 6trtor,. ... ■

!, m d h m m m

- C entennral visitors can o to or- return* frbniJ P h i 1 a del phla, alotfg th e 6cea n frO il t, by taki ng~rou t< i i n <1 i f l *• »l 1 cars from Philadelphia run direct to Asbnry Park. _______


O rnam ip jita l P la s te re r ,IS and 21 Laffiferloa St., TREiTQN, N. I.

AND *■*


Anbury Park, AT. J.Capita Is, Trussses, 'Brackets, Centres, Corni.ce,

Trimmings, etc., of various styles and ’new design*. Also public pr private buildings finished from architec­tural drawings, in a workmaplike manner, on reaeona hie terms. Modeling from designs, ete. Jobbing promptly attended to.


w . W . MCCHESNEYManufacturer of

ICE CREAM,Main 8 t, Opposite Railroad f ark.

J O S . T . IM L A Y & C O .,Dealers in

E ^ ’Boiek Muiuta fasa


Carriage W ork In a ll :it» bnnche*.


Refers as to workmanship to _

William Hathaway, Esq., ' J^mes A. Bradley, Esq. O.’* U, Millrr. Ew

, . .. ...1 ... — ■KINMQNTH & 0 0 „

Dealersm1 '. .. .V V ’ . ..

. (Lehigh,-H azeltpn, B ilo k M ountain.)

B rio tt, iL lm e, L a t h .a n d H a ir , B o n e D f is t , £ h' * • f:»>ndrette, G a s

-> (■ Iro n rfc la^ P a to ti.E jto . ~

HBU mnA Tm otarr, P r i^ a p to ^ , | f ,Jfoar Patronage B«pe<nfallf SoiltSed.

‘ ED W A R D M. F IE L D E R , M an’gr.

'• .1.

E tq .

M A IN STREET,*~ " ' " T C M m i BrtiHBiCH'fljiMi*( •• {

* - . . » • I .. T.J.,..;:A SB U R Y P A R K ' N , J (

_____ ■ ■• = ■! ^ -.iu U___.A U S T IN H . P A 'T te R ^ O N ,1.-' . : ; '

A.rohite<it (and* 'B u ild e r ,Contrioir for C y t t i g n p f o ^ r f t y u f , -

tUATOfe,IV' C B IK C E S ^-- '/'' “

Offl«c, oorqer rf Main apd Pennsjivaala Arentie,o c sa k a n o r s ,p . j ,

w K M H R i v m t m -C r o c k e r y , e i6 .,

Co;. Bond Et and Cookman Avenue,

AS B U R Y PARK , N. J.G o o d s I> eU vere« l i n G r o ’s e a n d P a r k .

LOKERSON BROTHERS, C a r r ia g e M ak ers

A n d WKeeltvrigkto,CoitKKii of S kwam. and M ain A v a . ..

(^ J o b b in g Promptly Attended to.

O R M E R O D & K I P P ,C A R PE N T E R S, . -



At the bead of Wesley Lake.

Having associated ourselves together as partnersf and befng thoroughly acquainted with cottage building it aU tabfitoches, we-are prepared to t*ke>Dld of sny contract in this section. -We Ah all also Continue the |ioat Building and. furnishing, ,in. “UJ'J.nds of styles which mOT be reqnfrpL

All kinos of jobbing in our line attended to with dispatch. ...' v •

For references as to character and workmanship we . name. - ? .. v-B. D. Priced Architect,' f 018 Afch St., Philadelphia.A. H. Mead; 13 Decatur St., , / — -O. Parker, Otcaq Grove, N. J . ,•C A. Aumock, Asbuty rark, N. J . /

• JWWM A- Bradley. _______ *" v - ■ - »


O U X O S I I ' "8, A . Principal,- \ ]H k lT A W A X r t f1 <r. Ar

Fall.^rm opensjFemiesday, SopUynber 13,1876.

jabtto^not n o w ^ o if * |iu t^^i#aidx3i,.‘*0 s,; ; .Extensive PhlloBopb cal knd^ GhetnleftK'appara^ui. ""

P tw nal.a t ten tion to, jivcty dcpartwenk .Competent ^achfcrt.^MnSrtj a Specialty.'-. ^ .. ■

To our boardfirs, we wy to mal e the Institute a home.Jjits grounds are beaut if oily “y arie^;v A ;:•;** r — •

.For circulars, etc,, ai^fesa the Prineiptlj or. Chtfi,W. Fouttaln, B»q,, Beietwy of Boahl of TrntUss,

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