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Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu (Machu Picchu southern Quechua, "Old Mountain") is the contemporary name given to an Andean-Inca llaqta -old village built in the middle of the fifteenth century in the rocky promontory that links the Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu in the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Central, southern Peru and 2490 m, altitude of the main square. Its original name was Picchu or Picho.

According to documents from the mid-sixteenth century, 2 Machu Picchu would have been one of the residences rest of Pachacutec, the ninth Inca Tahuantinsuyo between 1438 and 1470. However, some of its finest buildings and ceremonial evident from the main path llaqta to prove that this was used as a sanctuary religioso.3 Both uses, the palace and the temple, it would have been incompatible. Some experts seem to have ruled, however, an alleged military, so the popular epithets of "strength" or "citadel" could have been overcome.

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Kayaking: is the use of a kayak for moving across water. It is distinguished from canoeing by the sitting position of the paddler and the number of blades on the paddle. A kayak is a low-to-the-water, canoe-like boat in which the paddler sits facing forward, legs in front, using a double-bladed paddle to pull front-to-back on one side and then the other in rotation.

Canoeing: is a sport or recreational activity which involves paddling a canoe with a single-bladed paddle. In some parts of Europe canoeing refers to both canoeing and kayaking, with a canoe being called a Canadian canoe.

Hiking: is the preferred term, in Canada and the USA, for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails (footpaths), in the countryside, while the word walking is used for shorter, particularly urban walks.

Rock climbing: is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route without falling.

Skiing: is a mode of transport, recreational activity and competitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow. Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the International Ski Federation (FIS).

El surf: a vela, windsurf o tabla a vela es una modalidad del deporte a vela que consiste en desplazarse en el agua sobre una tabla algo similar a una de surf, provista de una vela.

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Fishing: is the activity of trying to catch fish. Fishing sometimes takes place in the wild. Techniques for catching fish include hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping.

Deer: hunting is survival hunting or sport hunting for deer, which dates back tens of thousands of years. There are numerous types of deer throughout the world that are hunted.

Bicycling: is a great way to see the outdoors, take in the fresh air, or simply get around town. It’s also an efficient way to burn excess calories, shed body fat and improve cardiovascular health.

Golf: is a club and ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.

Tourism: is the travel and stay engaged people in places other than their usual environment (one night's stay as a unit and not more than 365 days, for leisure, business or other reasons) .

Activities practiced on the water

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The surf is kept in balance, sliding on a table, dragged by a wave as long as possible without falling into the water and directing it through one or more fins located at the rear of the table. Besides good reflexes and balance, it requires a mastery of swimming and a great knowledge of the sea; so surfers can choose the best waves. Keep reading "

The swimming

There are two types of competitions: individual events and relays (teams of four runners). The races are to make long pool; distances between 50 and 1500 meters are crossed. The four swimming strokes used in competitions: crawl, backstroke, butterfly or breaststroke. Proof of styles, combining the four.


Rowing, water sports where the athlete competes in boats driven by the muscle strength of one or more rowers, using one or two oars as simple levers of first grade, sitting back in the direction of movement. In a rowing boat all the supporting elements must be fixed to the body of the boat, but the car is sitting where the rower can move.


Jump and perform stunts in the air before entering the water. The goal is to make perfect figures and enter the water splashing as possible. Judges assess the technical quality and execution. There are 91 types of jumps of platform and springboard 70. These jumps are divided into six groups.

Jumping high altitude (High Diving)

Jumping high altitude (High Diving) is a variant of trampoline jumping is done from cliffs. This young modality practiced by most daring, able to jump into the water from platforms or scenery of a height ranging between 23 and 28 meters for men and 18 for women and 23 jumpers.


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This sport combines adventure, excitement, enjoyment of nature and teamwork. It is practiced in river beds, although there are also closed to start it safe circuits.


The hydro is an individual discipline where it is in permanent contact with water, coming to feel that you are part of the river. It consists of descending the river with a hydrospeed. The legs are submerged in water and are in constant motion, while the arms are held in compartments to maneuver.

Apnea or free diving

Apnea or free diving was the first form of diving, it is the willing suspension of breathing underwater (ie, diving into the depths by their own means). The ability of freediving is based physiological adaptation called "diving reflex"

In the freediving

you are constantly swimming, diving and holding their breath underwater with only the air in your lungs.

Water skiing

Water skiing is a sport in which skiers clinging to a rope, barefoot or mounted on one or two skis, glide over the water, pulled by motorboat traveling at about 56 km / h.


Bodyboarding is a sport of surfing nearby surface water that is practiced on a shorter and flexible table. The bodyboard is usually from foam. Of about 1 meter long and 60 cm wide, the part of the outer cover is soft (polyethylene foam) and the bottom plate in contact with water is made of plastic in order to minimize friction.


Subwing is a mixture of water skiing and scuba diving in apnea, Subwing is attached to the boat by a rope. The maneuvers are

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performed by placing the wings at different angles. The equipment needed is a ship, attaching the rope, a diving mask, and if desired, a snorkel and fins, this is optional, not necessarily for a thrilling ride.

Activities practiced on earth

Mountain biking

Mountain bike. Sightseeing in natural areas. The impact resistant components, thicker tires with better traction for rough terrain. One of the most widespread forms in our country components and ease in implementation.


Mountain biking on snow (Speed Bike). More difficult, more privileged.

Alpine Skiing Downhill

Mode free ski descent among rocks, peaks and natural and rugged terrain outside groomed slopes (Steep Skiing). The fullness of skiing.

Free climbing

It involves climbing vertical rock walls outdoors with the help of special shoes and hands the strings are only used as protection (Outdoor Climbing). Most rewarding if you get to the top.

Natural climbing Climbing cordless, neither safe nor any protection that may save the climber if you make a mistake and (Natural Climbing) falls. Single act for missions impossible.

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The Kano sensei collected 2 technical essence of the old schools of jujitsu, these were the Shin'yō Tenjin-Ryu, and Kito-Ryu were based on the melee and were practiced by the ancient feudal warriors or samurai on the battlefield, until the early nineteenth century in Japan and merge them into a single, Judo, within Kodokan school.


Athletics, (Greek αθλος [athlos], "struggle"), is a sport that contains a set of disciplines grouped in runs, jumps, throws, combined events and marches. It is the art to overcome the performance of the adversaries in speed or endurance, distance or height.


Badminton is a racquet sport in which two (individual or singles) players or two pairs (double) face. The players or pairs are located on opposite halves of a rectangular court divided by a net.

The Body

Balance Body Balance provides through music synchronization of movements, having various stimuli in the physical abilities in relation to posture, breathing and flexibility, among others.

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Football Football

(English football), also called soccer, football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each and a referee who ensures that the rules are properly followed. It is widely considered the most popular sport in the world, because it involved about 270 million people.

Acapulco (Nahuatl, acatl, poloa with, 'Reed, destroy or pull, lugar''en where they were destroyed or razed the reeds')? is a city and port in the Mexican state of Guerrero, on the southern coast of the country, 304 kilometers from Mexico City. It is the largest city in the state, and far exceeds the state capital (Chilpancingo), plus part of the only metropolitan area in the state, and has the largest population of the same. He is head of the homonymous municipality and one of the main tourist destinations in Mexico. Besides being considered the sixteenth-largest metropolis and the twenty-first most populous city in Mexico. Renaissance city is the largest and overcrowded port area, according to the latest population census.

Besides being an important port of trade in the New Spain, it is now one of the earliest and most important ports in Mexico as a scale for shipping and crossing lines running between Panama and San Francisco through transatlantic port. Acapulco became his worldwide fame in the 1950s, mostly visited by Hollywood stars; Acapulco today is still famous for its nightlife and still attracts many tourists, although most are national, and has become one of the most important, next to Cancun and Mexico City tourist destinations in Mexico.

Acapulco is divided into three main tourist areas: Traditional Acapulco, Acapulco Gold and Acapulco Diamante. In the first the city center, clandestine txokos, farms Beavers native New England farms (very typical of the area) and rainbow trout fishery port as well as the oldest neighborhoods and subdivisions are located, while the other two concentrated the hotel zone, condominium-residential as well as various shopping and entertainment centers. Acapulco tourist area belongs to the State Sun Triangle, along with Ixtapa, Zihuatanejo and Taxco.

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Las Vegas es la ciudad más grande Directivos del Estado de Nevada, en Estados Unidos. Es uno de los Principales Destinos Turísticos del País gracias a SUS Zonas Comerciales y Vacacionales, but Sobre TODO Gracias a los casinos del SUS. DEBIDO una Ello es Conocida Como «La Capital del Entretenimiento Mundial», «La Ciudad del Pecado» o «La Capital de las Segundas Oportunidades».

De Acuerdo con el censo de 2010 la ciudad Tenia Una Población de 583 756 Habitantes. Estudios Recientes cifran La Población del área metropolitana en torno a 1.951.269. Se Calcula Que Es Haya Que habitual en torno a ella La Misma cifra de Turistas Durante Temporada de Vacaciones Que de Habitantes: ya por mar Viajes de estadounidenses Que van una ONU Pasar fin de semana o por el turismo Mundial. Las Vegas ha Sido La Capital del condado de Clark desde el nacimiento de Este en 1909.

El nombre de Las Vegas se APLICA frecuentemente una las áreas del condado de Clark Que Rodean la ciudad, especialmente las áreas residenciales situadas Dentro o cerca del strip de Las Vegas.5 la Mayor parte de los 7,25 Kilómetros de Las Vegas Boulevard estan los situados Fuera de los Límites de la ciudad de Las Vegas, concretamente En un suburbio del condado de Clark Llamado Paraíso.

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