
Macromolecular organisation of recombinant Yersinia pestisF1 antigen and the e¡ect of structure on immunogenicity

Julie Miller a;*, E. Diane Williamson a, Jeremy H. Lakey b, Martin J. Pearce a,Steven M. Jones a, Richard W. Titball a

a Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, CBD Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 0JQ, UKb The Medical School, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle NE2 4HH, UK

Received 9 April 1998; revised 21 May 1998; accepted 27 May 1998


Yersinia pestis, the causative organism of plague, produces a capsular protein (fraction 1 or F1 antigen) that is one of themajor virulence factors of the bacterium. We report here the production, structural and immunological characterisation of arecombinant F1 antigen (rF1). The rF1 was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by FPLC Superose gelfiltration chromatography. Using FPLC gel filtration chromatography and capillary electrophoresis, we have demonstratedthat rF1 antigen exists as a multimer of high molecular mass. This multimer dissociates after heating in the presence of SDSand reassociation occurs upon the removal of SDS. Using circular dichroism, we have monitored the reassociation ofmonomeric rF1 into a multimeric form. Mice immunised with monomeric or multimeric rF1 develop similar immuneresponses, but mice immunised with monomeric rF1 were significantly less well protected against a challenge of 1U106 cfu ofY. pestis than mice immunised with multimeric rF1 (1/7 compared with 5/7). The significance of this result in terms of thestructure and the function of rF1 is discussed. z 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published byElsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Yersinia pestis ; F1 antigen; Polypeptide capsule

1. Introduction

Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague, adisease which is associated with a high level of mor-tality in man [1]. Although the bacterium no longercauses pandemics of disease, the WHO estimates thatthere are approximately 3000 cases of plague annu-ally world-wide, mainly in N. America, S.E. Asiaand Africa [2]. The fraction 1 (F1) antigen is a major

component of the surface of Y. pestis [1] and forms acapsule-like structure which is visible after negativestaining of bacteria [3]. Production of the 15.5-kDaF1 subunit is encoded by the caf1 gene [4], and thecaf1M [5] and caf1A [6] genes that encode, respec-tively, a chaperone which allows export of the F1antigen subunit to the surface and a protein whichanchors the F1 antigen into the outer membrane.The F1 subunit is thought to be assembled on thesurface of the bacterium to form the capsule. Theproduction of F1 antigen is temperature regulatedby the product of the caf1R gene [7], and the induc-

0928-8244 / 98 / $19.00 ß 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 9 2 8 - 8 2 4 4 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 6 3 - 7

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* Corresponding author. Tel. : +44 (1980) 613000;Fax: +44 (1980) 613284.

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tion of expression at 37³C is thought to be related toits role in protecting the bacterium from killing byhost phagocytic cells [8], possibly by preventing com-plement-mediated opsonisation or by disruptingphagocytic cell membranes [9]. The caf1, caf1R,caf1M and caf1A genes are organised into the cafoperon which has previously been cloned and ex-pressed in Escherichia coli resulting in encapsulatedbacteria [3].

Intramuscular immunisation with rF1, puri¢edfrom E. coli has previously been shown to induce aprotective immune response against Y. pestis [10,11]and a subunit vaccine composed of Y. pestis F1 anti-gen and recombinant V antigen (a secreted Y. pestisprotein) shows potential as a replacement for thecurrent killed whole cell vaccine [12,13]. Althoughthe killed whole cell vaccine contains signi¢cant lev-els of F1 antigen, it is less e¡ective as a vaccine thanpuri¢ed F1 antigen, leading to the suggestion thatthe partial denaturation of the F1 antigen results inchanges to the antigenic structure [11].

A hypothetical model for the macromolecular or-ganisation of F1 antigen from Y. pestis has beenreported which suggested that the multimeric F1antigen is composed from dimers of F1 antigenjoined in a single plane [14]. The purpose of thisstudy was: to evaluate the physical state of rF1; toinvestigate the in vitro assembly of rF1 monomers;and to examine whether assembly of the rF1 a¡ectedthe degree of protection a¡orded after immunisationwith rF1.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Bacterial strains and fermentation

E. coli JM101 containing plasmid pAH34L, en-coding the caf operon from Y. pestis strain GB [3],was cultured in L-broth containing 50 Wg ml31 ka-namycin [15]. Cultures were incubated with shaking(170 rpm) at 37³C for 19 h.

2.2. Protein assay

Protein concentration was determined using theBCA protein assay method [16]. The protein levelsin column eluates were monitored at 280 nm.

2.3. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

The rF1 preparations were analysed by SDS-PAGE or native PAGE (20% or 8^25% gradientgels ; PhastSystem, Pharmacia, St. Albans, UK) fol-lowed by Coomassie blue staining. Gels werescanned using an LKB Bromma ultrascan Xl laserdensitometer. For Western blotting, the proteinswere transferred onto polyvinylidenedi£uoride(PVDF) membrane and detected using anti-F1monoclonal antibody (F138G-1; American TypeCulture Collection, USA) followed by detection ofbound antibody using goat anti-mouse IgA^horse-radish peroxidase conjugate (Sigma, Poole UK).Bound antibody was detected using 3,3P-diaminoben-zidine tetrahydrochloride substrate.

2.4. Puri¢cation of rF1

All bu¡ers contained 0.5 mM phenylmethanesul-fonyl £uoride (PMSF; Sigma, Poole, UK) addedfrom a 0.1 M stock solution in propan-2-ol andwere pre-¢ltered (0.2 Wm ¢lter) and degassed beforeuse. Water used in chromatographic procedures wasof Milli-Q standard.

E. coli JM101/pAH 34L was cultured in 3U1 lmedia, as described above. The cultures were centri-fuged at 14 000Ug for 45 min at 4³C and the cellpellet and £occulant layer resuspended in 200 mlphosphate-bu¡ered saline (PBS), pH 7.2 and incu-bated with gentle rolling at room temperature for30 min. The resuspension was centrifuged at14 000Ug for 30 min and the supernatant was ad-justed to 50% ammonium sulfate saturation. Afterstirring for 1 h, the fractionate was centrifuged at14 000Ug for 30 min at 4³C. The ammonium sulfatepellet was resuspended in PBS and dialysed against4U2 l of the same bu¡er, overnight. The dialysedcrude extract was centrifuged at 27 000Ug to removeinsoluble material, followed by ¢lter sterilisation us-ing a 0.22-Wm disposable ¢lter (Amicon, Stonehouse,UK).

Aliquots of 200 Wl of the dialysed extract wereapplied to an FPLC Superose 12 HR 10/30 columnthat had been previously equilibrated with PBS. TherF1 was eluted with the same bu¡er at a £ow rate of0.5 ml min31. Peak fractions were collected and an-alysed for rF1 by SDS-PAGE, Native PAGE and

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Western blotting (using a monoclonal antibodyraised to F1). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-say was performed to determine the concentration ofrF1 antigen produced, using puri¢ed F1 antigenfrom Y. pestis as a standard [12].

2.5. Structural characterisation of rF1

2.5.1. FPLC analysisPuri¢ed rF1 was heated for 10 min at 100³C. At

0, 2 and 24 h post-cooling on ice, 200-Wl aliquotswere loaded onto an FPLC Superose HR 10/30 gel¢ltration column in PBS at a £ow rate of 0.5 mlmin31 and the elution pro¢le at 280 nm was re-corded. The procedure was repeated in the presenceof 0.1% (w/v) SDS. Molecular weight markers wereloaded to determine the approximate molecularweight of the treated rF1 samples. These includedribonuclease (13 kDa), chymotrypsinogen (25 kDa),ovalbumin (43 kDa) and BSA (67 kDa) (Pharmacia,St. Albans, UK). The void volume of the columnwas determined using Blue dextran.

2.5.2. Capillary electrophoresisSDS dynamic sieving capillary electrophoresis was

employed to determine the molecular weight of SDS-treated rF1. Separations were performed using a Bio-Focus 3000 capillary electrophoresis system (Bio-Rad Laboratories). Puri¢ed rF1 and standard pro-teins (lysozyme, 14.4 kDa; carbonic anhydrase,31 kDa; ovalbumin, 45 kDa; serum albumin,66.2 kDa; phosphorylase B, 97 kDa; L-galactosi-dase, 116 kDa; and myosin, 200 kDa), were loadedat 100 psi onto a 24 cmU50 Wm uncoated fusedcapillary containing SDS dynamic sieving separationmedium, separations were performed at 15 kV withdetection by UV absorbance at 220 nm.

2.5.3. Circular dichroismCD spectra were recorded from 20 accumulative

scans at 20³C using a Jobin-Yvon CD6 spectrometer(Longjumeau, France). Mean residue delta epsilonvalues (vO) were calculated using concentrations de-rived from absorption measurements at 280 nm on aCary 4E absorption spectrometer. Samples of rF1 in25 mM phosphate bu¡er, pH 7.0, were used at aconcentration of 1.2 mg ml31. Boiled samples wereheated in 1.5 ml plastic reaction tubes in a heated

block at 95^100³C for 10 min, followed by cooling.CD spectra was recorded immediately and at 20 hpost-boiling. The procedure was repeated in the pres-ence of 2% (w/v) SDS.

2.6. Immunisation with SDS-treated and untreatedrF1 and challenge of immunised mice

Puri¢ed rF1 (1 mg ml31) was diluted in PBS andemulsi¢ed with an equal volume of incompleteFreund's adjuvant (IFA) to a ¢nal concentration of100 Wg ml31. Six- to eight-week-old female BALB/cmice, raised under speci¢c-pathogen-free conditions(Charles River Laboratories, UK) were used in thisstudy. Mice in group 1 (n = 22) each received intra-muscularly (i.m.) 100 Wl of SDS treated rF1 (10 Wg).A second group of 22 mice, each received i.m. 100 Wlof untreated rF1 (10 Wg). Mice were boosted onday 21. On day 64, 13 mice were challenged sub-cutaneously with 100 Wl aliquots containing 105 or106 colony-forming units (cfu) of Y. pestis strain GB(the LD50 dose of strain GB is approximately 1 cfuper mouse [17]. The remaining mice in each immu-nisation group were anaesthetised intraperitoneallywith a 100-Wl cocktail of Domitor (Norden Labora-tories, SmithKline Beecham, Surrey) (6 mg dose31)and Ketalar (Parke-Davis) (27 Wg dose31) ; bloodwas then removed by cardiac puncture. A controlgroup of age-matched mice were not immunisedwith rF1.

2.7. Measurement of serum antibody titres

Serum antibody titre was measured by a modi¢edELISA [12]. Microtitre plates were coated with eitherSDS-treated rF1 (5 Wg/ml in PBS containing 0.1%(w/v) SDS) or untreated rF1 (5 Wg ml31 in PBS).Test sera were serially diluted, in duplicate, acrossthe plate. Bound antibody was detected with perox-idase labelled conjugates of anti-mouse polyvalentimmunoglobulin. Pooled sera from each groupwere tested for the titre of total IgG and isotypesIgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3. The titre of speci¢cantibody was estimated as the maximum dilutionof serum giving an absorbance reading at 414 nmof greater than 0.1, after subtraction of the absorb-ance due to non-speci¢c binding detected in the con-trol sera.

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2.8. Statistical analysis

A Student's t-test was applied to determine thesigni¢cance of the di¡erence between treatmentgroup means.

3. Results

3.1. Puri¢cation of rF1

The centrifugation of E. coli JM101/pAH34L cul-tures resulted in the sedimentation of bacterial cellsabove which a layer of £occulated material was visi-ble. In preliminary experiments, this £occulated ma-terial was shown to be mainly rF1. Additional rF1could be removed from the surface of the bacterialcells by gentle washing in PBS. The rF1 was puri¢edby ammonium sulfate fractionation followed byFPLC Superose gel ¢ltration chromatography, yield-ing approximately 50 mg of rF1 per litre of culture.Based on scanning densitometry of SDS-PAGE gels,the puri¢ed rF1 antigen was judged to be at least95% pure and the puri¢ed protein reacted with amonoclonal antibody against the Y. pestis F1 antigen(Fig. 1). Native PAGE showed that rF1 existed as a

high molecular weight form, too large to enter thegel (data not shown). During FPLC Superose gel¢ltration chromatography, rF1 eluted in the voidvolume (6 ml) of the gel ¢ltration column, indicatinga molecular weight which was higher than themolecular weight predicted from the deduced aminoacid sequence of the caf1 gene (15.5 kDa). The

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Fig. 2. Molecular weight determination of rF1 by SDS dynamic sieving capillary electrophoresis. Puri¢ed rF1, with benzoic acid as an in-ternal reference was heated for 10 min at 100³C in the presence of 0.1% (w/v) SDS and then loaded onto a 24 cmU50 Wm fused silicacapillary and separated at 15 kV.

Fig. 1. Analysis of puri¢ed rF1 antigen by SDS-PAGE. Molecu-lar mass marker proteins (track 1, molecular mass U103 kDa ar-rowed) and puri¢ed rF1 antigen (track 2) were separated through20% homogenous gels and stained with Coomassie blue R250. Insome experiments, the gels were Western blotted using anti-F1monoclonal antibody (track 3).

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nature of the high molecular weight form of rF1 wasinvestigated using a variety of techniques.

3.2. Structural characterisation

3.2.1. Analysis of multimeric and monomeric forms ofrF1

When rF1 was heated to 100³C in the presence of0.1% w/v SDS and then analysed using Superose gel¢ltration chromatography, the rF1 eluted at a vol-ume of 12 ml indicating a lower molecular weightthan the untreated rF1. The low molecular weightform of rF1 antigen was maintained for at least 24h after cooling to 0³C. When the SDS-treated rF1antigen was dialysed against PBS, a return to thehigh molecular weight form of rF1 antigen was ob-served. SDS dynamic sieving capillary electrophore-sis, showed that the molecular weight of the SDS-treated rF1 was 20 kDa (Fig. 2).

3.2.2. Reassociation of rF1Interconversion of the low and high molecular

weight forms of rF1 could also be achieved byheating rF1 in the absence of SDS. When a solutionof the puri¢ed rF1 antigen, which had been heatedto 100³C and then cooled, was applied to theFPLC Superose column it eluted at a positionwhich, on comparison with standard proteins, indi-cated a molecular weight of 20 kDa (Fig. 3A). Afterfurther incubation at 0³C, the rF1 antigen elutedfrom the FPLC Superose column at positions whichindicated multimerisation; after 2 h the rF1 antigeneluted as a peak corresponding to the momomericform of F1 antigen and also a peak with an apparentmolecular size of 40 kDa (Fig. 3B). After 24 h, abroad peak was observed which would encompassmultimers in the size range 80^200 000 kDa (Fig.3C).

3.2.3. Circular dichroismSecondary structure determination of rF1, using

Far-UV-CD, gave a signal that is not characteristicof any of the three common forms of secondarystructure, and, in fact, was almost a mirror imageof that expected for random coil. Often, unusualCD spectra are due to a strong aromatic residuecontribution [18]. However, rF1 has a low aromaticresidue content (containing four tyrosine and no

tryptophan residues), which gives an estimated molarextinction coe¤cient of 5120 M31 cm31. The spectralmaximum at 200 nm, normally exists in type II L-turns, anti-parallel L-sheet and even short helices

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Fig. 3. Conversion of rF1 from low to high molecular weightforms. Puri¢ed rF1 (0.5 mg ml31) was heated to 100³C for 10min, cooled on ice and samples applied to a Superose 12 columnat 0 h (A), 2 h (B) or 24 h (C) post-cooling.

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[18,19]; however, the corresponding characteristicminima do not appear in rF1. The spectrum ob-served for rF1 could result from L-structure, super-imposed on a random coil signal.

After heating in the presence of 25 mM sodiumphosphate bu¡er, pH 7.0, the protein exhibited apure random coil spectrum which returned partiallyto the original signal after 20 h (Fig. 4). When heatedin SDS the protein adopted a pure K-helical confor-mation, which was stable.

3.3. Measurement of serum antibody titres

Preliminary studies were undertaken with rF1 (1mg ml31), which had been heated for 10 min at100³C in the presence of 10% (w/v) SDS, cooledand then diluted with PBS and emulsi¢ed withIFA, to a ¢nal concentration of 100 Wg ml31 rF1,0.2% (w/v) SDS. After incubation at 22³C, samplesremoved and analysed by SDS-PAGE showed thatthe rF1 mixed with adjuvant remained in the mono-meric form for at least 24 h. For immunisation stud-ies, either rF1 (untreated rF1) or rF1 which had beenboiled in 10% SDS and then mixed with adjuvant asdescribed above (SDS-treated rF1) were used.

The induction of antibodies to rF1 antigen in miceinoculated i.m. with either SDS-treated rF1 or un-treated rF1 in IFA was examined on day 64 post-immunisation. The antibody titres in sera from miceimmunised with rF1 or SDS-treated rF1 were similarwhen tested using ELISA plates coated with rF1 orSDS-treated rF1 (Table 1). The distribution of anti-body across the IgG subclasses was investigated. Thepro¢le from mice immunised with rF1 or SDS-treated rF1 was similar to that previously reportedafter immunisation with F1 puri¢ed from Y. pestis[13], with an IgG1 response predominating and lowerlevels of IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3.

3.4. Protection of immunised mice against challengewith a virulent strain of plague

To compare the protective e¤cacy of immunisa-tion with SDS-treated rF1 and untreated rF1, micewere challenged with Y. pestis GB strain in the doserange 1U105^1U106 cfu per mouse, by subcutane-ous injection. All of the mice in the untreated controlgroup died following injection with 1U105 cfu (Ta-ble 2). There were no mortalities in either immunisedgroup at this challenge dose. At a challenge dose of1U106 cfu, only 1 of 7 of the mice immunised withSDS-treated rF1 survived, compared with 5 of 7mice given untreated rF1 (14.29% compared with71.42%).

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Fig. 4. CD analysis of treated and untreated rF1. Each curverepresents the average of 20 accumulated spectra measured at aconcentration of 1.2 mg ml31 rF1 (0.2 mm pathlength cell). Thesample contained 25 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0 with andwithout 2% w/v SDS. 999, rF1 untreated; WWWW, rF1, 100³C for 5min; ^WW^, rF1 100³C for 5 min followed by incubation at RT for20 h; (3 3 3) rF1, 100³C for 5 min in the presence of 2% w/vSDS. Each spectrum was corrected by subtraction of a compara-ble blank. The abscissa is in units of vO (M31 cm31) where M isthe molar concentration of amino acid residues.

Table 2Protection of mice immunised with rF1 or SDS treated rF1(SDS-rF1) against challenge with Y. pestis

Group Challenge dose Number of survivors

Control 105 cfu 0/6rF1 105 cfu 6/6rF1 106 cfu 5/7SDS-rF1 105 cfu 6/6SDS-rF1 106 cfu 1/7

Table 1IgG titres in mice immunised with SDS treated or untreated rF1

Immunisation group IgG titres (log10) when tested usingplates coated with

rF1 SDS-rF1

rF1 5.43 þ 0.15 5.44 þ 0.28SDS-rF1 5.09 þ 0.32 5.23 þ 0.44

Figures shown are mean values from groups of 6 mice þ S.E.M.

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4. Discussion

We have previously reported the cloning and ex-pression of the caf operon in E. coli. The rF1 antigenproduced by this bacterium has been used in a num-ber of studies to evaluate this protein as a compo-nent of an improved vaccine against plague. Themethod reported here for the puri¢cation of therF1 antigen yielded a protein which was homogene-ous when analysed by SDS-PAGE. The expressionof the caf operon, rather than only the caf1 gene, inE. coli, resulted in the export of the rF1 antigen ontothe surface of the bacterium and avoided the disrup-tion of bacterial cells to isolate the protein. The rF1antigen appeared to be only loosely bound to thesurface of the bacterium and could be removed bygentle washing of the cells. Whereas Andrews et al.[11] reported that puri¢ed rF1 was in a low molec-ular mass form, we have found that rF1, which weisolated from cells, was in a high molecular massform. It is possible that the more complex puri¢ca-tion procedure described by Andrews et al. [11],which included treatment of bacterial cells with ace-tone and toluene, resulted in the monomerisation ofrF1.

The F1 antigen is known to form a capsule-likestructure on the surface of Y. pestis and the autoas-sembly of the F1 antigen has been suggested, but thisis the ¢rst detailed study of this process. The geneproducts of the caf operon include the F1 antigen;the Caf1M protein which is thought to act as a chap-erone for the F1 antigen; the Caf1A protein which isthought to anchor the F1 antigen into the outermembrane of the bacterium and the Caf1R proteinwhich regulates gene expression. Our ¢ndings sug-gest that in vitro, the F1 antigen is able to assembleinto a high molecular weight form and this mightindicate the mechanism by which the antigen onthe surface of the bacterium assembles into high mo-lecular weight ¢mbrial-like structures. The primaryamino acid sequence of the F1 antigen does not re-veal the presence of cysteine residues which mightform disul¢de bridges. Our ¢nding that the oligo-meric rF1 could be converted to the monomericform by heating to 100³C, and that SDS preventedreassociation into the multimeric form suggests thathydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions play akey role in the oligomerisation of rF1 antigen.

In addition, analysis by circular dichroism showsthat rF1 antigen contains L-structure, supporting theproposal by Galyov et al. [4], that F1 antigen had atleast 50% L-sheet structure. More recently molecularmodelling of the structure of F1 antigen has sug-gested that the protein adopts mainly a L-sheet struc-ture [20]. In our studies, heating rF1 for 5 min at100³C caused loss of all native secondary structure,with a return to a conformation similar to, but notidentical to the original, after incubation for 20 h.Heating rF1 in the presence of SDS resulted in theformation of an K-helical rich structure. This is dueto the amphiphilic environment of the SDS micelle,causing K-helix formation in sequences that do notadopt this formation normally.

Previous workers have shown that oral immunisa-tion with Salmonella typhimurium expressing the cafoperon induced a higher level of protection againstplague than oral immunisation with S. typhimuriumexpressing only the caf1 gene [3,21]. It was suggestedthat this might be due to di¡erences in the protectivee¤cacy of monomeric or multimeric forms of the F1antigen [3]. In this study, the treatment of rF1 withSDS, which was shown to monomerise the rF1, didnot a¡ect the immunogenicity of the F1 antigen. Inaddition, we were unable to detect a signi¢cant dif-ference in the level of antibody when rF1 or SDS-treated F1 were used to coat ELISA plates. This¢nding might indicate that the SDS-treated rF1 anti-gen re-folded when introduced into animals, andwhilst we cannot discount this possibility, it is clearthat SDS-treated rF1, although equally immunogen-ic, was less e¡ective in inducing protection againstplague. Previous studies with the killed whole cellvaccine or puri¢ed F1 antigen vaccine have shownthat antibody titres to F1 antigen were higher inmice immunised with the killed whole cell vaccineyet the mice immunised with F1 antigen were betterprotected against plague [11]. These ¢ndings sug-gested that the F1 antigen in the killed whole cellvaccine had been denatured [11] and the breakdownof F1-antigen in this vaccine has been reported [22].These ¢ndings are similar to those reported for theVi capsular antigen of Salmonella typhi, where highmolecular weight forms are reported to induce betterprotection than low molecular weight forms of theantigen [23].

The peptide 75TSQDGNNHQ83 has been identi-

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¢ed as the main B-cell epitope, and on the basis ofmolecular modelling it has been suggested that thisepitope is located on a hydrophilic loop which isaccessible in monomeric or multimeric forms of F1antigen [20]. It is possible that either another regionof multimeric rF1 is responsible for a protective im-mune response or that the a¤nity of antibodies gen-erated against the SDS-treated F1 antigen was lowerthan those generated against rF1 antigen.

It has previously been reported that F1 antigenpuri¢ed from Y. pestis will be a component of animproved subunit vaccine against Y. pestis and 4/5mice immunised with Y. pestis F1 were protectedagainst 2U105 cfu of Y. pestis given by the s.c. route[12]. The rF1 we have prepared protected 6/6 miceagainst challenge with 105 cfu of Y. pestis. Theseresults also extend the ¢ndings of Andrews et al.[11] who showed that immunisation with rF1 antigenprovided protection against 100 LD50 doses of Y.pestis. The method we have described for puri¢ca-tion of a highly protective form of F1 antigen willfacilitate the development of an improved subunitvaccine against Y. pestis. In addition, the results ofthis study provide insight into the mechanisms ofassembly of bacterial polypeptide capsules. Our ¢nd-ings will now permit further studies to investigate thedetailed structure of the Y. pestis F1 antigen usingrecombinant F1 antigen.


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