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chennai’s reckoning from rebirth to reinvention


Presentation Notes
Please go through the notes on each slide to understand that innovation better.
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innovation #1

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the chopping board

Presentation Notes
The problem that drove this innovation, was that fellows/volunteers kept turning up late for meetings and accountability was difficult to enforce. So we decided to come up with a deterant – The chopping board.
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what is the chopping board?

the chopping board is a point system for volunteers,

similar to wedoist.

Presentation Notes
It’s a volunteer based point system that we are constantly tweaking and improving. The idea is simple.
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what is the chopping board?

good deeds 1. help old lady cross street 2. feed a homeless man … 10. help a chai walla wash glasses for 60 minutes bad deeds 11. sniff half a tea spoon of pepper 12. water balloon target practice – you’re the target ... 20. lick cow dung

Presentation Notes
The chopping board, specifically, is a list of 20 deeds. Half are good deeds. The other half are bad. Each deed, from 1-20, becomes progressively harder. We keep scores of each volunteer/fellow. For example: Every time a fellow/volunteer is late for a meeting, he gets one point, if he doesn’t show up (after confirming), he gets 2. Each point moves you along the chopping board. After you’ve scored 10 points – you are deemed “Too bad to be good” and therefore you start doing bad deeds.
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innovation #2

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paper/waste management

Presentation Notes
The problem: Our recruitments/training/everything consume too much paper/electricity/plastic, etc. We’re going to bring that down to near 0.
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we spend an average of A1000-2000 per event on prints and other


Presentation Notes
Most of what we print is eventually thrown after use. And the usage doesn’t justify the cost incurred, nor the means. From now on, when an English Trainer asks for 500 sheets worth of prints, or the Recruitment Manager asks us to print 300 registration forms, Chennai will refuse, and seek alternatives instead. We’re going to start experimenting with soft forms, interactive PDFs, and build our own recruitment software that will help us speed up our processes, and reduce our wastage. We will avoid projectors and other costly investments, unless absolutely necessary. Presentations that are reused over and over, will be printed on large-format flash cards instead, for crowds of upto 100 strong and reused until its expiry. Projectors will only be used if the audience exceeds 100 people.
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how do we manage waste?

find cheaper/eco-friendly alternatives.

+ consult with environmental organisations like paperman

Presentation Notes
We’re going to start experimenting with soft forms, interactive PDFs, and build our own recruitment software that will help us speed up our processes, and reduce our wastage. We will avoid projectors and other costly investments, unless absolutely necessary. Presentations that are reused over and over, will be printed on large-format flash cards instead, for crowds of upto 100 strong and reused until its expiry. Projectors will only be used if the audience exceeds 100 people. We will co-ordinate with the FOM team and Paperman to turn our waste into money that can sustain our chapter and work out ways of reducing our usage further.
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mad ocr-ready/interactive soft form:

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innovation #3

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tribal warfare

Presentation Notes
Friends are tight, but enemies are tighter.
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our primary need is to improve communication in the organisaiton

and divide the chapter into smaller self sufficient teams that are centre independent

Presentation Notes
It was becoming increasingly difficult for us to manage our ever growing team. So we decided to break them up into tribes. Each tribe has a leader and the HR fellow is the Messiah/Shahman of all tribes. All tribes are sworn enemies of one another and they display their anger at every CCT with a tribal war song as well as an insatiable need to swear and put the other tribes down. The idea is based on simple psychology. “Enemies are closer than friends.” We want everyone to know everything about everyone else, because that’s what tribes do. When information needs to be passed down, tribal leaders are tipped off by the Messiah, and each one informs the other, until the entire tribe is wiser. We play war games at every CCT, just to flash tribal ego and win bragging rights. Tribal warfare keeps spirits up, encourages competition and keeps up morale.
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the end

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