Page 1: Magazine Analysis - Sean Wayne

Soap Opera Genre –

Ancillary Product Analysis

Name: Sean WayneCandidate Number: 1254Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

OCR Media Studies – A2 Level

Unit G324: Advanced Portfolio

Page 2: Magazine Analysis - Sean Wayne

Masthead – The connotations of the title of the Masthead is that this magazine is going to tell you exactly what's on TV and at what time. Underneath this Masthead is the magazine web address (cross-media convergence), giving the magazine a way to promote its website. This will also appeal to a younger audience a it gives them a means of looking at the latest stories in the comfort of their own home.

Main Headline – The bold font that's white with a pink outline is able to draw in the attention of potential readers, resulting in them becoming aware of the soap opera and have an interest in picking up the magazine.

Use of punctuation – The use of exclamation marks is able to give the audience the impression that the stories they are covering are exciting and thrilling

Puff Promotion – Is able to make the information, such as ‘The Final’, ‘NEW’ and ‘Izzy’s Agony’, pop out of the page, grabbing the readers attention. It also ‘informs’ (Katz) the reader of the topics the magazine is covering.

The verbal codes of ‘Kills’, ‘Dies’, ‘Stolen’ and ‘Slept’ are all verbs that have powerful or controversial meanings that will be able to attract the stereotypical audience of a soap opera. It is also able to give the audience an insight on what is happening in each soap opera, and what each article is about.

The connotation of the verbal code ‘92 pages of TV you love’ is able to appeal to the target audience as it is can ensure that the readers know that there are many different stories and other content the reader will be able to read within the magazine

Cover line – These secondary stories are able to attract the target audience as it is able to give the audience an insight of the different events that are happening in the different soaps (different gossip). This connotes that two people in EastEnders have committed adultery , which is likely to cause a lot of tension between the different characters in the show.

Social Networking Links –These links are able to give the audience a method to find out more about the soap, ask any questions or comment about what they thought of the show

Page 3: Magazine Analysis - Sean Wayne

Masthead – The connotation of this mast head is that the magazine is going to show the reader the different meanings and events that have occurred within different soaps.

Strapline – The verbal code of the strapline ‘Every Story! Every Secret! Every Week!’ is able to connote that the magazine aims to include every story and secret included in a soap in the last week. Also the verbal code ‘Secret’ is able to appeal to the target audience as gives them the impression that there is gossip or a scandal that the magazine is covering, peaking their interest.

Banner – This banner, through use of the language ‘New Hell!’, ‘Desperate’ and ‘Secret’, the magazine is able to inform the reader that there is something terrible brewing within these soap operas. This is able to appeal to the target audience as it is able to give them the thrill of finding out what is going to happen, satisfying their desire for gossip.

Cover lines– These are secondary stories that attract the target audience due to the magazine informing the readers of the different stories that are going on within the different soap operas (gossip).

The verbal codes of ‘Horror’, ‘Terror’, ‘Steals’ and ‘Killing’ Are all able to describe the emotions or actions of the characters within the soap opera. This is able to appeal to the target audience as it helps the audience to understand the different characters as well as have an interest in the controversial meanings of these words

Use of punctuation – The use of exclamation marks is able to give the audience the impression that the stories they are covering are exciting and thrilling, making the target audience more likely to look at and pick up the magazine

Page 4: Magazine Analysis - Sean Wayne

‘Repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980) I intend to use and ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale - 1980) many different techniques denoted and deployed in these two soap publications. For example I intend to ‘repeat’ the type of language used in these two magazine covers. This language is able to successfully attract the main target audience as a result of their controversial meanings and ability to stir up the idea of gossip. Also I intend to ‘repeat’ the type of Masthead style shown in the first magazine, ‘What’s On TV’, using similar language and similar colours and logo style. As well as that I would like to ‘repeat’ the colours and fonts used in the title on the first of the two magazines. The bold text and the bright pink outline is able to easily make the title stand out and attract readers. Also, because the target audience of soap operas are primarily women, the colour pink will especially appeal to them. On top of that, finally, I intend to ‘repeat’ The style of puff promotion used in both of the magazine, in order to make certain facts or information I want the reader to know, pop out of the page. I would also like to ‘repeat’ the use of the strapline in the second magazine page. This needs to be something simple and memorable that is able to quickly tell the audience the type of stories or genres the magazine will be covering. This could also include a target that the magazine wants to fulfill (for example to give the audiences the latest, most exciting gossip of the last week)

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