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  • 8/2/2019 MAI Article Energy


    Where Energy To train Comes From


    For most of our training life we simply do it without thinking about the science, or concerned

    concerned with how any human physical activity is fueled. However, if we want to get the best

    out of our physical capabilities we should spend some time getting to understand the

    mechanics of what fuels our activity.

    Essentially, we are talking about the production of energy and the first thing to know is that

    this is time and intensity related. It is obvious to state that, say, running at very high intensity,

    as in sprinting, means an athlete can operate effectively for only a very short period. Running

    at a low intensity, as in gentle jogging, means that an athlete can sustain activity for a long


    Training introduces another variable, and the sprinter who uses sound training principles is

    able to run at a high intensity for longer periods. Similarly, the endurance athlete who uses

    sound training methods can sustain higher intensities during a set period. There is also a

    relationship between the exercise intensity and the energy source.

    Central to the study of exercise physiology is energy. Exercise physiologists are interested in;

    Where we get our energy to exercise from.

    How we optimise our energy usage during exercise

    How we recover our energy stores following exercise

    This unit will look at how the body converts energy from food into energy for muscularcontractions which enable us to carry out physical exercise. This knowledge allows us to better

    coach ourselves, and others in the martial arts, to maximum performance.

    Energy exists, as we know, in a number of different forms - electrical, light, heat and we must

    first understand that energy is never lost; it is constantly recycled, often from one form to

    another. Boiling a kettle transfers electrical energy to heat. Similarly, energy found in the

    chemical bonds of food fuels that we eat are transformed into mechanical energy, enabling us

    to move. It is the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical and heat energy that this unit

    is about.

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    Sources of Energy in the Body

    For movement to occur, chemical energy must be transferred into mechanical energy and the

    chemical energy is stored in an easy-access, energy rich compound called adenosine

    triphosphate(ATP). ATP exists in all cells and consists of a number of atoms held together

    by high energy bonds. It is through breaking down these bonds that energy is released. ATP is

    the energy currency of cells and is the only direct source of energy for all energy-requiring

    processes in the body.

    When energy is required, the enzyme ATPase is released which initiates the breakdown of

    ATP. It is the outermost bond of ATP that attracts ATPase as it is that bond that stores most

    energy. Through the breakdown of ATP, energy is released leavingadenosine diphosphate


    )and an inorganic phosphate

    (Pi). This process also gives o

    ffheat and is termed

    exothermic. Through the breakdown of ATP, energy is released to help the heart beat,

    muscles to contract and the brain to fire electrical impulses.

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    There is, however, only a limited supply of ATP within the muscle cell, probably only enough

    to perform maximal exertion for two to three seconds, such as amaximal weight lift or a sprint

    start. If we had to carry an unlimited supply of ATP we would have to carry the bodys

    equivalent weight around with us so, more practically, the body has adapted to becoming an

    ATP recycling machine.

    This recycling or resynthesising of ATP itself requires energy and this comes from the food we

    eat. The fuels for ATP resynthesis are derived from the following sources;

    Phosphocreatine (PCr)- a high-energy compound which exists in the muscles alongside

    ATP and provides the energy for ATP resynthesis during high-intensity exercise. PCr is used in

    the first 10 seconds of intense exercise and the close proximity of PCr to ATP in the muscle

    helps this immediate synthesis, but, like ATP PCr stores are limited.

    Glycogen(stored carbohydrate)- the form of carbohydrate stored in the muscles (350g)

    and liver (100g), which is first converted into glucose before being broken down to release the

    energy for ATP resynthesis. It is important to know that during high-intensity exercise,

    glycogen can be used without the presence of oxygen (anaerobic metabolism). However, much

    more energy can be released from glycogen during aerobic metabolism (when oxygen is


    Triglycerides(muscular stores of fat)- at rest, up to two-thirds of our energy requirement

    is met through the breakdown of fatty acids (the component of fat used for energy

    production). This is because fat can provide more energy per gram than glycogen (1g of fat

    provides 9.1 kcal of energy compared to 4.1 kcal of energy for every 1g of glycogen). The

    downside is that fat requires 15 per cent more oxygen than glycogen to metabolise, but it

    remains the favoured fuel source at rest and during endurance (long/slow) based activity. One

    molecule (mole) of fatty acid typically yields around 130 moles of ATP.

    Fats, as an energy source, need a plentiful supply of oxygen and the transport of fatty acids in

    the blood is poor (slow) due to their insolubility, requiring the necessity for glycogen to be

    present so as to provide supplementary energy for muscle contractions.

    Proteins- the least favoured source of energy, only containing 5 to 10 percent of total energy

    yield. In the presence of oxygen protein can be used as an energy provider if, say, glycogenstores are low. Protein facilitates growth and repair of the bodys cells, such as muscle tissue

    and are its primary functions.

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    The Three Pathways

    The conversion, therefore, of these fuels into energy which can be used to resynthesise ATP

    occurs through one of the pathways, or energy systems. Remember, it is the intensity and

    duration of the exercise which dictates whether oxygen is present and, ultimately, which

    system predominates. The three energy systems are;

    1. ATP-PC or alactic system

    2. The lactic acid system

    3. The aerobic (oxidative) process

    The more intense the exercise, the more the performer will rely on the production of energy

    from anaerobic pathways such as the ATP-PC system, or lactic acid system. Heavy, stressful

    and dynamic martial arts drills are fueled by these systems. If we separate the initial ATP

    breakdown that ignites us for the first 2/3 seconds we have four pathways.

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    1. The ATP-PCr (alactic)system

    As we now know, ATP stores are depleted after about three seconds, so for high intensity effort

    to continue, the immediate recycling of ATP is necessary, but without oxygen available (oxygen

    deficit) during high intensity work, the body relies on PCr. Without getting too technical, this

    breakdown takes place in the sarcoplasm(fluid that surrounds the muscle). PCr is broken

    down by an enzyme, creatine kinase which will have been stimulated by the increase of

    ADP and inorganic phosphate (both products of ATP breakdown as described above).

    The initial ATP utilisation will be over before these athletes reach the first hurdle.

    The issue to remember is that the breakdown of PCr is not used for muscle contractions, but

    instead used to recycle ATP so that it can again be broken down. This reaction is known as

    Endothermic. The ATP-PC system is of particular use to athletes who compete at high

    intensity for about 10 seconds- such as 100m sprinters, or a martial artist performing an

    intense combination of kicks and punches.

    Advantages of the ATP-PC System

    The resynthesis of ATP by PCr happens rapidly.

    PCr stores are recovered very quickly, within 2-3 minutes of stopping exercise.

    It is an anaerobic process so doesnt need to wait for three minutes for sufficient oxygen to

    be present.

    There are no fatiguing by-products which could delay recovery.

    Creatine supplementation has been shown to extend the time usage

    Drawbacks are that PCr can only be restored when oxygen is present, say, during rest and

    its usage is only about the 10 sec mark. So, for a 100m sprint, ATP will initially split to enable

    the athlete to drive away from the blocks, with PCr breaking down to maintain a constant

    supply of energy for the rest of the race.

    2. The Lactic Acid (lactate anaerobic) System

    The word threshold is used to describe the point where one energy system is exhausted and

    another takes over as the predominant one and for most activity that lasts longer than the 10

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    second threshold of ATP-PC, the body switches to glycogen as the next fuel source to

    resynthesise ATP. Stored in the liver and muscle, glycogen is first broken down into glucose

    6-phosphate, before it is broken down into pyruvate(pyruvic acid) by another enzyme in

    a process known as glycolysis. The glycolysis also takes place in the sarcoplasm to facilitate

    ATP resynthesis. This energy process will fuel an athlete for some 1 3 minutes and a 400m

    runner is an obvious example of an athlete for whom this process is the ideal energy system.

    Advantages of the Lactic Acid System

    Because there are few chemical reactions, ATP can be resynthesised relatively quickly for

    bouts of exercise that take place between 10 secs 3 mins.

    It is an anaerobic system and therefore doesnt need to wait 3 minutes for sufficient oxygen.

    Any lactic acid produced as a by-product can be converted back into liver glycogen.

    Even during long aerobic activities, i.e. 10k run, the lactic acid system can be called upon

    to produce an extra burst of energy, for example, a sprint finish.

    Drawbacks of the lactic system are first, the accumulation of lactic acid which make glycotic

    enzymes acidic, causing them to lose their catalytic ability, inhibiting further energy

    production by glycolysis. Activity, therefore, has to be reduced or stopped; only a small amount

    of energy is locked in a glycogen molecule (approx. 5%), that can be released in the absence of

    oxygen (the remaining 95% can only be released in the presence of oxygen).

    3.The Aerobic System

    During resting conditions, or where demands for energy is low, oxygen is readily available

    (hence the name aerobic system) to release stored energy from glycogen, fats and proteins.

    The aerobic system is the bodys preferred energy pathway, as it is, by far, the most effective in

    terms of ATP resynthesis the yield from aerobic metabolism is some 18 times greater than

    anaerobic processes.

    As outlined above, under anaerobic conditions, pyruvic acid(pyruvate) is converted into a

    fatigue-inducing lactic acid. However, when oxygen is present, pyruvic acid is instead

    converted into acetylcoenzyme-A by combination with an enzyme with an even longername! This reaction now moves, from taking place in the sarcoplasm, to the mitochondria.

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    Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell, being specialised structures within all

    cells that are the site of ATP production under aerobic conditions. Mitochondria are the

    ultimate destination of the oxygen that we breathe in. It is inside these factories that all our

    aerobic energy is produced. The more fit we are the more and larger mitochondria we possess.

    If we remember the work on the previous Unit on muscle types, it is interesting to note that

    slow twitch muscle fibres house many more mitochondria than fast twitch fibres and, hence,

    are more suited to aerobic activity, such as marathon running.

    Two Stages of the Aerobic System

    Without going into the complicated mechanisms of these two systems, we should know that

    these are;

    1.The Krebs Cycle

    2.The Electron Transport System

    As mentioned, earlier, it is not only glycogen that can be utilised in the aerobic energy system

    and long, endurance exercise will use a mixture of both glycogen and fats and also, reluctantly,

    protein. By preference, the body will look to fats for its greatest energy return, thereby sparing

    glycogen for later in the event, when intensity may increase. Water and carbon dioxide are by-

    products of these processes.

    Advantages of the Aerobic System

    Significantly more ATP can be resynthesised under aerobic conditions than anaerobic (36

    ATP aerobically to 2 ATP anaerobically from one mole of glycogen).

    The body has substantial stores of muscle glycogen and triglycerides to enable exercise to

    last for hours.

    Oxidation of glycogen and fatty acids do not produce any fatiguing by-products.

    Drawbacks of the system are that from a resting state to exercise, it takes a while for

    sufficient oxygen to become available to meet demands; although fatty acids are the fuel during

    endurance events, fatty acid transport is slow and requires 15% more oxygen than required to

    break down the same amount of glycogen; glycogen is required alongside fatty acids, but if it

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    becomes depleted and the body attempts to metabolise fatty acids as a sole source of fuel,

    muscle spasms may result commonly known as hitting the wall.

    Energy Profiling

    This term is used to describe the importance of each energy system to a particular activity. Inreality, the 3 energy systems work alongside each other, each contributing different amounts of

    energy to resynthesise ATP. We can think of the relationship to fuel states and specific sports

    in 3 blocks;

    A T P - P C LA C T I C A C I D A E R O B I C

    35% 35% 30%

    This block diagram illustrates the energy profile of a squash player who will, largely, use

    anaerobic systems during each point. However, the aerobic system will be called upon between

    points and games to ensure swift recovery.

    By contrast, if we thought about the energy profile of a traditional karate competitor, he or she

    will spend by far the majority of his or her time utilisingthe ATP and ATPPC for an attack

    or defence with if the exchange continues for more than 3 seconds - rarely are exchanges longer

    than 10 seconds.

    Whilst waiting to attack or defend the aerobic system may have come into play, but not if the

    fight is over quickly. What should take place, prior to the fight, is a warm-up period, so as to

    bring the aerobic system into play, which will then continue to function between the high

    energy activity.

    Improving Efciency

    Whatever our particular training needs, we should try to improve the efficiency of our energy-

    producing systems. There are a number of support systems that can be brought into play;

    1.Glycogen Loading - favoured by endurance athletes, seeks to deplete the bodys

    glycogen levels seven days prior to the event, through endurance based training and

    carbohydrate avoidance and then, with three days to go, consuming a diet rich in

    carbohydrates with little or no exercise.

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    2.Creatine Supplementation- used to extend the threshold of the ATP-PC system by

    ingesting creatine monohydrate, although some people may experience stomach


    3.Soda Loading - is a method of neutralising the negative effects of lactic acid by

    ingesting bicarbonate of soda, thereby increasing the bloods pH buffering it against

    the effects. Again, stomach problems are likely.

    4.Training - various training regimes can be used to improve the efficiency of each of the

    three energy pathways. The following highlights those that have a direct impact on

    ATP resynthesis, as we know that many other adaptations also occur with all


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    Some Training Regimes to Improve Efciency

    E N E R G YS Y S T E M

    D U R A T I O NO F

    A C T I V I T Y

    E X A M P L E SO F

    A C T I V I T Y

    T R A I N I N GM E T H O D

    A D A P T A T IO N

    F O L L O W I NGT R A I N I N G

    ATP-PC 3 to 10


    100m sprint

    Gym Vault










    stores of ATP

    and PC


    activity of

    ATPase and


    Lactic Acid


    10 seconds to

    3 minutes

    400m run

    100m swim

    Squash rally











    stores of




    number of





    Over 3 mins Marathon



    during events









    glycogen and


    Increasednumber of



    One way to think about energy pathways is that they are time duration restricted although

    there is some disagreement about the actual threshold points, but the key issue is exercise

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    intensity. We havent dealt with food types in this unit and it is up to students to make their

    own links between food types and energy sources.

    In later units we will look at combat training and fitness routines and the factors that

    contribute to successful performance, irrespective of its nature. We may be coaching full

    contact competitors, police officers, members of the public with little, or no physical activity

    history, or particularly fit individuals, but who are not fit specific for high intensity combat

    oriented drills.

    Peter Consterdine can be contacted at the British Combat Association and also

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