








C R E A T I V I T Y , W E L L - B E I N G & S U S T A I N A B L E L I V I N G July/Aug 2014


About Malvern Hillistic How to Advertise

Welcome to the 14th issue of Malvern Hillistic

Malvern Hillisticis an alternative guide to

Malvern and local area.

Malvern Hillistic is a free bi-monthly guide to workshops, talks,

events, complementary health, creative, nature, sustainable living and more.

2000 copies are currently distributed to

cafes, shops, various venues, therapy centres and households surrounding the

hills. Subscribe to Malvern Hillistic £12 per year

Email [email protected]

Printed by Aspect Design Malvern

Deadline for Sept/Oct Hillistic is

Monday 11th


To place an advert or an article please contacts Tina on...

Mob: 07788 632441 [email protected]

Advertising ¼ page £25 or (£66 for 3 issues)

63mm x 92.5mm ½ page £45 or (£125 for 3 issues)

130mm x 92.5mm Full A5 page £85 or (£240 for 3 issues)



Pick up your copy of Malvern Hillistic from the following


Malvern Library

Green Link Belle Vue Café

Blue Bird Tea Room Great Malvern Delicatessen

Aquarius The Bran Tub

Cooperative Book Shop The Wheel of Life Centre

Apothecary (Ledbury) Handley Organics (Ledbury) Ethos Fair-trade (Ledbury)

The Fold Café (Bransford) &

The Fold Natural Therapy Centre More stockist’s online


Recently I have had the joy of taking care of 2 horses as shown on the front cover of this latest issue.


Although my favorite pastime is to be in nature, nature becomes even more special to be on a farm amongst the horses and other farm animals. The horses greet me twice daily, lively and excited ready for their feed…but in a moment they will also stand silently with me not wishing to hurry or be hurried. Such elegant beings, strong legs pulsating, pounding rhythms upon the earth. Within the stillness I blessed with more magic on the land as the rabbits nibble on the lush grasses, a sparrow enjoys a dust bath while the swallows are busy feeding their young in the nearby stables and an inquisitive lamb has escaped a nearby field to checkout his/her neighbours. Have a great summer in nature.



Transition Malvern Hills (TMH)


4 Transitions Malvern Hills 6 Workshop/Events 8 Train in Thai Yoga Massage 10 Easy Summer Eating 12 The Cube 2 years on 14 Facial Acupuncture 16 Day of a Massage Therapist 18 Sounding Bowls 21 Delicious Juicing 22 Weekly Classes 24 Grow Herbs This Season 26 Directory 28 Astrological Forcast 29 Lammas 30 Pick-Your-Own



Transition Malvern Hills (TMH)

In a previous article we introduced the idea community

vegetable plots and our growing project at the Malvern Cube with 10 raised beds. Community growing makes it lighter work, shares knowledge well and handles gluts as many people can benefit from the produce.

At the moment TMH, the Quakers, the Malvern Cube and Malvern Hills Food Alliance are collaborating, together with several individuals who have joined us. We had 2 meetings one to decide what to plant and agree how we would set things up for the year and a second one to finalise all the arrangements apart from that it is all comes together around the beds and with a few emails and telephone calls. This year June Baguley is coordinating our efforts and TMH have put up a small fund to help, several people are starting seedlings at home and bringing them for planting. The more groups or individuals that join the less work there is and the more learning is spread and good food eaten.

About 80% of the preparation and planting is now complete and in the next few weeks the plants will al be growing well with harvesting starting progressively. The new and very attractive “Cake Tin” café at the Cube will also be using some of the produce.

We are currently designing, making and erecting signs so that people can understand what is growing where and what is ready to harvest. Come along and harvest a meal or two, get interested and maybe you will join us for an hour or 2 for next years preparation or some watering this year and tell your friends about it.

As interest increases we hope more public spaces can be found to create raised beds in another

parts of Malvern for residents to share in this delightful healthy endeavour. Let us know if you spot a potential site or have generated some interest in your area. TMH have several other food based initiatives and are also partners with the Malvern Hills Food Alliance. Food growing and preparation have enormous potential for not only lowering our Carbon Footprint but improving our health, fitness and wellbeing. There are an increasing number of studies that show the benefits to health and wellbeing from both gardening and being in Nature, most of us have experienced this but it seems to take studies for us to believe it.

Are you interested or even excited about these new and very important ventures? if yes, contact at for TMH Food initiatives.

& for the Community Vegetable Growing at the Malvern Cube June Baguley on 01684568192 or [email protected].






2nd The Emerging New Feminine in You. 7.30pm The Fold, Bransford, Ffi: 07794 507076 Cassandra

4th-6th Meditive canal retreat, Weekend,

Oxford Canal, nr Oxford. , Ffi: Float by boat 07806 818973

5th Thai Yoga Massage workshop, 10-4pm,

Venue TBC, Ffi: Barbara 07990 501498

5th Spiritual Law of Attraction, 10-1pm,

Leigh Sinton, Malvern, Ffi: Dawn 07708 883942

6th Share With M.E. 1pm-2.30pm The Cart

House, The Fold, Bransford. Ffi: Sally 07504 280486

9TH Emerging New woman in you

7.30pm, Therapy Centre, The Fold, WR 6 5JB Ffi Cassandra 07794 507076

12th & 13th Introduction to Massage- 2

day course. The Cart House, The Fold,

Bransford, Ffi: Sarah 01386 861931

12th Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869

19TH Malvern Farmers Market 9 – 2pm

26th Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869

27TH Covered Market @ The Fold Bransford.


27th The Healing Code, Malvern, Ffi: Anne

01684 439397


9th Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869 23RD Malvern Farmers Market 9 – 2pm

23rd Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869

29th Natural Parenting Group, 90, Belmont

Rd, Malvern, Ffi Kelda 07841 344691

31ST Covered Market @ The Fold Bransford.


Workshops /Events




6th Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869

12th – 14th Finding Strength, The Fold

Bransford, Ffi: Will 07798 676796

20th Drop in Sewing Club, Malvern Library,

10.00-12.00pm, Ffi Catherine 07854 486869

Workshops & Events


Listen to the wind it talks

Listen to the silence it speaks Listen to your heart it knows!


Train to be a Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner

What is Thai Yoga Massage? Thai Yoga Massage is a form of bodywork that blends elements of acupressure, Yoga, reflexology, physiotherapy, meditation, energy healing and Ayurveda. It has been an integral part of traditional Thai medicine for thousands of years, evolving into a unique and magical combination of deep stretching, rhythmic compression, soft-tissue manipulation, gentle rocking, energy balancing and acupressure.


How does it work? Thai Massage works on an energy line system (the Ten Sen) through which the body's natural life force flows. Hands, feet and elbows are used to apply pressure to important points along these lines. This pressure, along with gentle stretching and applied Hatha yoga, releases blocked energy and frees the body's own natural healing potential to increase flexibility and help restore balance, health and harmony. Thai Yoga Massage brings benefits to skeleto-muscular, nervous, metabolic and other systems of our body, mind and soul. It is also a truly wonderful experience for both giver and receiver as energy blockages are released, boundaries dissolve and deep healing occurs in a space of presence in which giver and receiver both meet in the meditative state of mind and both experience being connected

What happens during a massage session? A Thai Yoga Massage session is conducted on a thick cushion on the floor, throughout which the client is fully dressed in loose, comfortable clothing and is taken through dynamic combinations of techniques that move, stretch and twist them while they are positioned on their back, side, front and in a sitting position on the floor. Performed at a gentle, relaxing pace, all treatments take approximately 2 hours. This will include initial consultation, treatment and some feedback discussion.

Sounds good, how do I become a Practitioner? Barbara Wall is pleased to offer a Diploma Course at Paadena Studio in rural Worcestershire for those wishing to become practitioners of this unique and powerful healing art. The Diploma Course comprises practical and theoretical training in the art of Thai Yoga Massage Therapy and upon successful completion of the course students will have a good knowledge of how to give a full body Thai Massage treatment to practitioner standard. This course also includes training in Anatomy & Physiology to give a full understanding of the skeletal and musculature structure and their relation to the ancient sen lines. Each course consists of 12 lessons. Each lesson begins with a lecture and demonstration, followed by supervised practice. After completing the course, the student will be asked to practice 30 full body massages before returning for a final practical examination and a short answer theory test. You are also required to submit an essay (circa 1500 words) and complete a recognised first aid course.





Can I try it before committing to a course? Of course! Barbara also runs occasional one-day Introductory Workshops. Each workshop is designed to give a taste of traditional Thai Yoga Massage Therapy and is an ideal introduction for anyone planning on doing the full diploma course or those just looking for an insight into the art. The day will start with a brief talk covering the history, background and theoretical foundation of Thai Yoga Massage Therapy, followed by a practical demonstration. Students will then learn a full foot massage, some leg stretches, massage on the back and shoulders and some arm and neck stretches. There is an hour lunch break half way through the day. Tell me about Paadena Paadena is a Sanskrit phrase that loosely translates to "on one's feet”. Barbara qualified as a Yoga teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga and is also an experienced chiropodist; a skill that greatly influences her classes and the importance of the feet. Where can I find out more?

Simply contact Barbara on 07979915063, send an email to

[email protected] or visit her website


It’s Summer! Easy healthy eating

Salads If salad for you is a little lettuce, cucumber and half a tomato, it is no wonder you might think salads are a bit boring! At Handley Organics the salad bags are an explosion of taste. There is lettuce, but also volcan leaf, mizuma, claytonia, lamb's cress and rocket; the selection changes through the season. Cucumber and tomatoes are fine but, sweet romano pepper adds more colour and flavour. Avocados provide healthy essential fats and help you to feel full after a salad; its oil also assists in the assimilation of lycopene and beta carotene, helping absorb all the goodness of tomatoes or raw carrot in your salad. Raw baby vegetables can also add taste, texture and variety. Try spinach leaves and watercress for an iron fix, whilst peas, mangetout and carrots will add a sweet counterpoint.

Even if it is still raining, it’s warmer now and the

days are longer. Summer makes it so easy for us to eat healthily. Juicy, fresh-tasting and probably picked less than 24 hours ago, summer foods are super-good for us and if eaten raw, none of the goodness is lost.

If you like a crunch in your salad beansprouts and celery will give it bite, but nuts and seeds such as linseeds, poppy, sesame, sunflower, pumpkin and hemp are great toasted or raw sprinkled on top. Handley Organics sell a great omega seed blend to bring flavour with the health benefits of omega oils. Balsamic vinegar has a fine flavour but fermented vinegars such as red wine or apple cider can also support gut health. If you need to add a little carbohydrate, try mixing fresh salad ingredients with herbs and cous-cous, rices, grains or pasta. It doesn’t have to be wheat; it doesn’t have to have gluten. There are many more choices today.

Salad dressing doesn’t have to be an oily drench on fresh ingredients; choose the right oils and the dressing can be healthy. Olive oil is well known, but why not try avocado, flax, pumpkin, walnut or hazelnut for a change.





Dessert in summer is a fabulously confusing array of fresh fruits. June and July will give us cherries, strawberries, raspberries, fresh currants, blueberries and more. These will be joined in August by plums, gages, early apples and figs. Remember when you are eating raw foods it is important to choose organic and locally sourced wherever possible to maximise the health benefits of fresh food and reduce unhealthy pesticides. Always wash produce before eating. Stop press: Handley Organics are moving to new larger premises right in the centre of Ledbury, with many new product ranges. Further details in the next issue of Hillistic.

Handley Organics 82 The Homend, Ledbury HR8 1BX

01531 632889 [email protected]





The 50 year old building, which until then was a dedicated youth centre, had been earmarked, by the Worcestershire County Council, for demolition to make way for a new housing development. Local residents, in the form of Malvern Community Collective, fought a battle to save the centre and won. The Campaign group Malvern Community Collective evolved into Malvern Youth and Community Trust who have been overseeing the centres development over the last two years. Now Malvern Cube, two years on, has become a much relied on community facility for many of the residents in and around Malvern.

Malvern Cube houses a variety of rooms that include an art room, meeting room, theatre and rehearsal space, offices, and lounge area. The centre is well used by the Malvern U3A groups, examples of these are Latin, Play reading, Geology and Bridge, it also hosts various fitness classes from Boot camp to Yummy Tummy Mummy. One of the smaller rooms creates a calm and relaxed space for the Pilates and yoga classes that run 2 and 3 times a week. The inclusive ethos of the Cube is also demonstrated by disabled persons group sessions, that include theatre, art and sport activities. It also provides individual access support services, discussion groups, dance, film club, the Repair Cafe, Perfect Circle (young peoples drama group), with music recording space and much more.

Malvern Youth and Community Trust is made up entirely of volunteers who oversee

the management of the building, the fund-raising that supports its continuing

operation, and the future sustainability of the building for the benefit of all groups

and individuals who access and enjoy the facility. To ensure that the Malvern Cube

has a really positive future, and to build on all of the work that has been undertaken

in the last two years, the Trustees would very much welcome some new input.

Anyone interested in volunteering as a Trustee, or indeed volunteering in any

capacity, should contact

Jon White at the Centre, on 01684 575363 or e-mail

[email protected].

Two Year’s On…

Today, you can walk into The Malvern Cube, on Albert Road North, to find a thriving Youth and Community centre, with a wide range of intergenerational activities taking place. Two years ago the building was handed over by the County Council, for a peppercorn rent, to Malvern Youth and Community Trust.

The main aim of the campaign was to retain the building for the youth of Malvern after the decommissioning of the youth work by County Council. Out of these ashes, Tribe youth club grew and now have successfully retained the youth services for Malvern with an ever increasing number of young people using centre from all over the area.


Transition Malvern Hills

The connectedness here would be both in ourselves and between us as communities and the limits would be those and future generations.

I was delighted to be asked by Teena to write a few words

about Transition Malvern Hills (TMH). I am aware that the ways of viewing our Health Holistically, as an intrinsically connected system of Mind, Body, Emotional and Spiritual being, consciously living within appropriate limits to avoid self abuse and the abuse of others is the same basic philosophy that we are also wanting to achieve at the level of Gaia.

that allow the planet to sustain us



“I wish I had started Yoga years ago!”





For further information, to make an appointment with Jennie or purchase a Gift Voucher for a that special MAN or WOMAN please contact Jennie at The WHEEL OF LIFE CENTRE, MALVERN

01684 565586 07850 064684


11 12

Revolving around an Holistic approach to beauty & wellbeing Acupuncturist, Reflexologist, Former Nurse & Midwife, Jennie Sheringham now offers an Acupuncture ‘Facelift’ treatment and Pamper session. Focusing on key Acupuncture points & using the Organic skincare products from Neals Yard Remedies, Jennie commences the consultation by taking notes on your overall condition and anything problematic to you, she then feels your pulse which will give her a good indication of your overall health & wellbeing. Jennie will offer you acupuncture needles in other parts of your body or a mini reflexology treatment while the facial needles are working to encourage a good energy flow around the body & ensure maximum overall benefits. WHAT IS COSMETIC FACIAL ACUPUNCTURE? Encouraging facial muscles to relax, facial acupuncture promotes healing through skin rejuvenation & by stimulating collagen production therefore encouraging the process of anti-ageing. Blood circulation is improved by unblocking stagnated energy in the channels and this helps the body to remove toxins and leave skin looking glowing, healthy & radiant. “The ageing process will happen, I can’t stop that” says Jennie “but a combination of Acupuncture, good diet and an improved feeling of wellbeing, fine lines & wrinkles, the tell-tale signs of ageing will slow down & the skin will have a healthy glow.” THE TREATMENT After assessing what treatment you need Jennie will insert needles into your arms or legs to encourage flow & balance. She will then cleanse & prepare your face for the insertion of very fine needles in specific points on the face, you may feel a sensation but should not be in pain (remember this is a pamper session !!) after 20 mins the needles are removed, facial rollers & facial moxa warmer follows and the treatment comes to an end with a wonderful facial massage leaving you energized but relaxed. Following a first treatment a Worcs news reporter printed the following statement “As well as a completely indulgent and relaxing experience I left feeling fully energized & ready to face the rest of the day. My skin felt wonderfully smooth, my cheeks felt plumped up & there was a definite reduction in the fine lines and wrinkles, particularly the creases between my eyebrows. Although a course of treatments is recommended I was surprised with just how effective one session proved to be”



11 12


Life in the day of

Client at 1130am: Elbows gently probing a

hip that aches and limps and cracks and

creaks. His hip was damaged in a car accident

and the pain comes and goes. We ease the

tension and move and hold so that his hip can

release: if it wants.

An ideal day for me is a five client diary with lots of

breaks and time for tea in between. Lucky for me I now have a dedicated therapy room in my home with plenty of room and no noisy neighbours: it’s a heaven to work in. But it’s taken me three years to get here.


11 12

Client at 10am: My client can’t sleep. She’s a busy woman. Her mind is

constantly buzzing and at work. I massage her back, her tense shoulders but

the release happens at her neck and head. Something switches off in her

mind and she is still: just for a while. She marvels “what was that!”

Becoming a massage therapist is an evolution that starts on day 1 of the professional training course and, as far as my experience goes, it is a never ending process! I’ve come to appreciate my profession, my vocation as a series of circles or spirals. It’s my heart profession so it’s never completely static. It opens and closes, expands and contracts: movement is a constant. And that is the joy of it for me. Having spent my twenties in the most linear, rigid profession I can imagine (the military), entering the world of complementary therapy has been, what’s the word, a total revolution!

Actually it wasn’t as dramatic as that. The professional course I did was so gentle, progressive, accepting and allowing that there was nothing forced about my own personal development. Opportunities were abundant. To experience new ideas. To view my body differently. To accept others as they are without judgement and with compassion. I was ripe for everything the course offered me. Little seeds were planted: some bloomed, some didn’t. It has all been my choice. The chance for authentic growth within the context of learning a hands-on therapy was vast.



11 12

a massage therapist… Client at 2pm: Forearms sweeping up a broad, strong back that takes the weight of all his family. He works hard, he’s happy, he has loads of kids. Sometimes, though, his body just gives up on him and he comes to me for respite. A restorative hour.

Recently I exchanged massage with a student on the course that I’m now assisting with. I thought of this and that to feedback, technical tips maybe. But all I really wanted to express was: that was beautiful and that was you. She gave the massage that only she could give. And the simplicity of that moved me deeply.

Client at 330pm: Hands massaging hands that are constantly caring for others.

The pregnant mother with her hands full. And I get to massage her bump!

As BCMB graduates we like to say that we give person-centred massage - which is absolutely true. The client’s needs are king. As trainees, we learn to respect each client as a unique individual and each massage as a unique creation. It follows then that we as massage therapists are also individual, unique and different from each other. At the end of the course, we all call ourselves massage therapists. But we haven’t been moulded, formed. We are ourselves: creating massage for clients who are as unique and individual as we are.

Client at 5pm: Deep work on a well-toned body. The dancer wants it all. The deep,

gentle, flowing dance of massage with awareness.

There’s a magic in the course, as Sarah Cohen, the course leader, likes to say. There is grounded, hard core learning and skills to be acquired and boxes to be ticked as with any professional qualification. But also, if you want it, if you’re ready for it, there are depths to be plunged, possibilities to be explored. And on your terms and at your own pace, there is potential for personal growth, for opening, for embracing, for marvelling, for fun, for excitement, for the simple joy of touch. And like any real, authentic training, the learning comes, and can only come, from within you.

BCMB Worcester, [email protected], 01386 861 931,

Tara Kane, [email protected], 07931 150 507,


Sounding Bowls

Two notes can be used to explore the “space between” from which all manifest reality flows, or three notes can be used to explore the relationships of the trinity or of the white, the red and the black aspects of the goddess. Whether the healing flows from the fact that a great deal of meditative love and care has gone into each instrument, or whether it flows from the wood itself, given a chance to resound without joint or glue bond or whether it flows from the harmonised contrast of the hand carved texture of the underside, the smooth sanded inside and the soft curves with the taut straight line, I do not know but many, many testaments to the healing and uplifting effect of Sounding Bowls do come back to me.

Tobias Kaye is the originator and sole maker of Sounding Bowls, Worldwide. Visit Tel: 01364 642837

…are a unique modern instrument used in

healing across the world. Within a Sounding Bowl are stretched bronze wound strings whose notes resound from spiral section curves to enfold the player in a unique intimacy.


11 12

My passion as a woodturner is to transform the beauty of trees so that the forms I bring as a human artist harmonise with their intrinsic nature. After years of searching for a harmonious balance in this creative act audible harmony began to resound from within the bowl. One night, while meditating an image of a bowl stretching a tuned string within it appeared. This is the true origin of Sounding Bowls. Fitting the first string to a wooden bowl was like seeing life being breathed into it. Music, like flame is a mystery. One minute I had the smoke of a rich tonal echo, the next it burst into song.

The circle has always contained magic for human beings. From stone circles through round temples to crop circles, and from goddess cauldrons through circle dancing to the holy grail images of circle magic go beyond our comprehension through history. In a Sounding Bowl the taut string gives a contrast to this circle that brings harmony.

Harmonising our inner life with the demands of daily life is about finding the true genius within, whose musical flame can weave together the apparently disparate so that our life becomes a creative gift in place of a dualist battle. Sounding Bowls are often used as a tool for meditation allowing the resounding note to connect us with the source of our innate harmony.



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11 12


Delicious Juicing

2 sticks of celery 1/2inch ginger

1 beetroot ½ apple

Ingredients makes ½ pint

of juice

Juicing is a great start to the day providing us with sooo much goodness at a time of year when fresh organic seasonal fruit and vegetables are available to us.

This recipe is called Beetjuice

due to it’s fabulous colour. Purchase organic ingredients

for optimum health

Preperation time 30 mins to drink and clear up.

3 medium sized carrots


medium sized fennel 2 inch wedge of cucumber

2 cabbage leaves

Ensure you wash all your fruit and vegetables before you prepare them. Peel, and chop to appropriate size to fit in the neck of your juicer. Starting with the softer materials feed all ingredients through your juicer allowing your fresh juice to flow into a jug. Your fresh juice is best consumed immediately however if you wish to save a little for later ensure you cover the juice and place it in the fridge.



11 12


Cont… Tuesday

Mindfulness Meditation, The Cube,

Malvern,1:30-2:30pm ffi: Kaspa 01684 572 444

Hatha Yoga, Wyche Institute, Lower Wyche

Road, 6.45 - 8.15pm ffi Hilly 07828 032643 ,

Tai Chi including Kai Men Tao Yin. 7pm -

8.30pm Quaker Friends Meeting Hall, Malvern. Ffi: David Clyant 07983 336704

Psychic Development Circle. 1, Guarlford Rd,

Malvern. 7-9pm ffi Anne 01684 439397

HeartlandTai Chi for Living Well - Beginners'

Class Fort Royal School, Wyld’s Lane, Worcester WR5 1DR 6.45pm to 7.45pm ffi: Alan 01905 764848

The Gift of Being Woman, The Wheel of Life

Centre. ffi: Cassandra 07794 507076

Mindfulness Course. Wheel of Life, Malvern.

7.30pm.. Ffi: Kaspa 07946 715730

Malvern Women’s Harmony Singing Group.

Fortnightly, 8th July only.7:30-9:30 Beacon Clinic. Ffi: Sunnara 01684 891261

Mindfulness Meditation, Malvern Vale

Community Centre, 7:45-8:45pm ffi: Kaspa 01684 572 444

Mat Based Rehabilitation Pilates, Malvern Vale

Community Centre. 7.45–8.45pm. ffi Paula 07985 211 555

EFT ‘Tapping’ Circles for Physical and Emotional

Issues 8.20 – 9.50pm Trafford House, Jamaica Road, Malvern, ffi: Craig 07912 089231

Wednesday General Yoga, Inner Place, Ledbury. 9.30-11am.

ffi: Jo 07976 882252

Yoga suitable for beginners, Malvern Vale

Community Centre, 10 – 11.30. ffi: Hilly 07828 032643

Heartland Tai Chi for Living Well - Beginners'

Class St George’s Magdalene Room, St George’s Square,Worcester WR1 1HX 10am to 11am ffi: Alan Smith: 01905 764848

Yoga for Back Care, Inner Place, Ledbury. 11.15-

12.30. ffi: Jo 07976 882252

Meridian Yoga @ The Wheel Of Life Centre. 10-

11.40am, ffi: Alix 07816 147501


Gental Yoga, Inner Place, Ledbury. 9.30-11am.

ffi: Jo 07976 882252

Meridian Yoga @ The Wheel Of Life Centre10-

11.40, ffi: Alix 07816 147501

Redemial Yoga, Link Top, Malvern. 2.45-4pm.

ffi: Jo 07976 882252

General Yoga, Link Top, Malvern. 4.15-5.30pm

10/09-10/12 ffi: Jo 07976 882252

Samatha Meditation beginners, Friends

Meeting House Malvern, at 7pm, Fortnightly ffi Pam 01684 899117

Chi Kung/Qi Qong 7pm, Friends meeting house.

Dates Fortnightly, Ffi: Max 07976 239855

Duo Tai Chi – Ta Lu & Pushing Hands, 8-9pm,

Fort Royal School, Worcester, Ffi: Alan 01905 764848

Duo Tai Chi – Ta Lu & Pushing Hands, Heartland

Tai Chi School. Grove Primary School, Pickersleigh Gr, 7 - 8pm ffi Alan 07722 765009

Improvers Yoga Class. The Fold Bransford. 7.45-

9.15pm ffi: Jo 07976 882252


Tai Chi & Taoist Yoga. Malvern College Sports

Complex. Open to all. 9.30-10.30 ffi: Lyn Clarke 01684 566890

Mindfulness Meditation, Kaspa’s House,

Malvern. 10am-11am ffi: Kaspa 01684 572 444

Hatha Yoga, 10-11.30 The Cube, Ffi: Hilly 07828


Heartland Tai Chi for Living Well, Beginners.

Holy Trinity School, Link Top. 12.30-1.30. ffi: Alan 01905 764848

Heartland Tai Chi School Tai Chi Short Form,

Holy Trinity Hall, Link Top, 1.30-2.30 ffi: Alan 01905 764848

Reiki Share, 4/03 18/03, Centre of Well Being &

3/04 & 17/04 @ The Beacon Clinic. Ffi Mary 07929 961280

Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW) St

Mary’s Church hall, 3.30 -4.30 pm. ffi Linda 01684 569677

Weekly Classes Weekly Classes


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Weekly Classes

Cont…. Wednesday

Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW)

Welland Parish Hall, 2-3pm. ffi Linda 01684

Yoga, 18.45-20.30pm Paadena Studio, Suckley.

Ffi: Barbara 07990 501498

Reiki Share, Private address, 7pm, ,

Ffi: Mary 07929 961280 Buddhist Service. @ Wheel of life 7.30pm.

Weekly. ffi: Kaspa 07946 715730

Circle Dance, Malvern Holy Trinity Hall, 2nd July

only. 8-10pm ffi: Sunnara 01684 891261


Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW) The

Wheel of Life. 9.4 –10.45 ffi Linda 01684569677

Heartland Tai Chi School, Birlingham Village

Hall, Near Pershore. WR10 3AB 10-11am Ffi: Alan 01905 764848

StepStone Challenge (aim to lose a stone and

get fitter in 13 weeks) Hill Centre, Milestone Road, Upton on Severn. 10am -12pm. Term time only. Ffi: 01684 591048

Tai Ji (Chi) and Qigong. The Cart House, The Fold

Bransford. Ffi Catherine 07887 907331

Tai Ji ( Tai Chi) Worcester. Horizon Hall

Worcester. 18.30-20.15 Ffi 07510 653435

Heartland Tai Chi: Short Form. 6.45-8.15pm Fort

Royal School, Worcester.Ffi: Alan 07722 765009

Meridian Yoga @ The Wheel Of Life Centre 7-

8.40pm ffi: Alix 07816 147501

Hatha Yoga – Advanced The Friends' Meeting

Hs, Malvern.7.-8.30pm ffi: Hilly 07828032643

Heartland Tai Chi: Long Form. 8.30-10pm Fort

Royal School, Worcester.Ffi: Alan 07722 765009

Joyful Voices Harmony Singing Group. 7.30-

9.30pm. 3rd July only. Fortnightly. West Malvern Village Hall. Sunnara 01684 891261 Friday

Mat Based Mixed Abilities Pilates, at Malvern

Cube, 9.15 – 10.15am. ffi; Paula 07985 211 555

Meridian Yoga @ The Wheel Of Life Centre 10-

11.40am, ffi: Alix 07816 147501

Mat Based Mixed Abilities Pilates, at Malvern

Cube, 11. – ffi; Paula 07985 211 555

Weekly Classes

Cont… Friday

Moon Woman Gathering. Malvern. 7.30pm The

Wheel of Life. Ffi Cassandra 07794 507076

Restorative Yoga, 6.30-8.30pm, 9/05, 23/05,

20/06, 4/07, 18/07.Friends Meeting Hs, Malvern. Ffi: Hilly 07828 032643 5 Rhythms Dance, Friends meeting house. 7.30-

9.30pm.. Confirm with Neil on 07761 856154

Circle Dance Live Music. Monthly Friday’s 8-

10pm. 18th July only. Wellington Heath Sunnara 01684 891261


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Please note that most classes will be unavailable during August…but you

may wish to keep this timetable when planning the new term.



Why not grow herbs this season?

Cultivation, although like any other plant, each herb has its own particular preferences as

to soil site. They will generally grow reasonably well under the usual average conditions of any. A well drained soil in open ground is generally preferred or a pot with a good compost. It is a nice idea to have a bed of culinary herbs near the kitchen door, if possible. Herbs are best used fresh, but if left to go to seed will encourage the bees and butterflies. Herbs can be dried and stored out of season and used throughout the year. Lavender is good for well being. If you want to dry them, they should be gathered just as the plant is coming into flower.

Mint, is better cut when wet, this should be gathered just after rain. Don’t dry your herbs in the sun. To retain the flavour dry quickly in shade or darkness, perhaps dry in a warm attic, or in paper bags hung in the kitchen. Alternatively spread out on muslin or paper in an airing cupboard or cool oven. Ventilation is important to draw off the moisture.

When crisp and dry, usually after one to four weeks, rub through a sieve, remove stalks and bottle the result. Keep the bottles well corked in a dark dry place until needed. Thymes and Marjoram dry quickly, Sage with a thick flt fleshy leaf, takes longer Mint loses colour easily it should be dried particularly quickly. Parsley being full of moisture is difficult to dry well. Mint can also be frozen and then once frozen it will crumble, use straight from the freezer. This a good time of year to source plants, as Garden Centres do not generally generally stock them in winter time or very early Spring. Expect to find quantity deals available. Staunton Garden Centre currently has a good range and the quality is excellent.

While you are visiting us take a moment to see our Giant Geraniums!

We all know how colourful a geranium can be. Every colour available from a luminous purple to shocking pink or deep red or subtle pink. Any vagrant idea of colour is catered for and also available in upright or trailing form. No wonder we use these plants to enrich our gardens every year. The character of geraniums is that they flower profusely. Constant flower throughout the summer, in fact it takes a deep frost (-2C) to kill them off. So depending on the winter it is still possible to have them for Christmas! So what is a Giant Geranium ? This is what is known in the trade as a Parent Plant. It’s the Mums and Dads of the smaller geraniums you buy every year. Well it used to be.


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Due to ever increasing fuel costs most production in the UK has gone abroad, too sunnier climes. The Southern European production methods are different. So a parent plant in, say Spain is a totally different plant to a U.k. version, and unsuitable for planting out. U.K. production traditionally involved carefully selecting a strong healthy plant, and taking cuttings to produce baby pants. So the parent plant would be continually grazed for cuttings.

After a suitable time the parent plants would be “released” and replaced with new ones. This left a mature plant bursting with energy to get going. Buit they are very hard to find now. Some pass-off the “American” geranium as Giant, but it is not the real deal. The U.K. parent is usually a PAC variety (created in Germany) which have many more colours, and are more vigorous

So typically, if you planted out or put in a pot one of these pLants , depending on the summer (dry and hot please) you could finish with a monster four feet across. There is the point, just one plant in a large pot, and you have a terrific bedding display, or planted out you eilluse only a few plants to create dramatic displays

These plants are only available at Staunton Garden Centre. Tel 01452 840612



ACUPUNCTURE Jennie Sheringham Acupuncture Wheel of Life Centre, North Malvern Rd WR14 4LT Tel: 01684 565586 [email protected]

ASTROLOGY Cassandra Eve Astrological consultations & mentoring [email protected] Tel: 07794 507076

AROMATHERAPY Paula Trafford Organic Aromatherapy Massage Rehabilitation and Mixed Abilities Pilates. Trafford House, Malvern WR14 1TX [email protected] Tel: 01684 566 076

BOWEN Julia Foster Not only for back discomfort! NTC @ The Fold, Bransford, WR6 5JB. Also Droitwich Tel: 07964 298 337 [email protected]

COUNSELLING Sue Akehurst Person Centered Counselling Supervision & Mindfulness training Beacon Clinic, Malvern, WR14 2TA [email protected] Mob: 07944 394245

FAIR TRADE Ethos Fair Trade & ethical gifts, clothing, and accessories shop Tudor House, 17c High Street, Ledbury, HFDS HR8 1DS [email protected] Tel: 01531 634636

HOMEOPATHY Kelda White Homeopathy, Hair Analysis, Reiki [email protected] Tel: 01684 575516

LIFE COACHING Dawn Ryder Holistic Therapies and Life Coaching Malvern Spiritual and Therapy Centre, Leigh Sinton, Malvern [email protected]

Emma Mary Gathergood Transforming Lives Coaching Service & Holistic Life Coaching [email protected] Tel: 01684 577867


BCMB in Worcestershire Massage Training The Natural Therapy Centre, The Fold, Bransford, WR6 5JB [email protected] TEL: 01386 861931

Sarah Cohen Massage and Bodywork The Natural Therapy Centre, The Fold, Bransford, WR6 5JB [email protected] 01386 861931


Sue Akehurst Zero Balancing, a unique, non-invasive bodywork treatment for well-being. Beacon Clinic, Malvern WR14 2TA [email protected] Tel: 07944 394245


The Apothecary Shop Natural remedies for health and wellbeing 31 The Homend, Ledbury HR8 1BP [email protected] 01531 633448

Jennie Sheringham Independent Consultant. Neals Yard Remedies Natural, Safe, Ethical, Organic Skin Care & Beauty Supplements for Health & Wellness. Tel: 07850064684


Handley Organics Fresh organic produce and groceries 82 The Homend, Ledbury HR8 1BX [email protected] Tel: 01531 632889


Anne & Jack Stewart Psychic Development, Healing Therapy and Wellness 1, Guarlford Road, Malvern, WR14 3QW. Tel: 01684 439397 [email protected], [email protected]


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REFLEXOLOGY Jennie Sheringham Reflexology Wheel Of Life Centre 6 North Malvern Road WR14 4LT [email protected] Tel: 01684 565586

Jill Peer Topnots and Treatments IHand Reflexology & Indian Head Massage. Near the centre of Malvern [email protected] Te:07754 950939


Catherine Howie re|fashion Sewing classes, alterations, dressmaking Studio 3, The Fold, WR6 5JB [email protected] Tel: 07854 486869

Jill Peer Topnot Maker Hats and accessories to match your outfit Pickersleigh Road Malvern [email protected] Tel: 07754950939

TAI CHI Alan Smith Heartland Tai Chi School Teaching Tai Chi, Chi Kung & meditation Grove Primary School, Holy Trinity hall & Malvern Vale Community Centre [email protected] Tel: 01905 764848

Linda Edwards Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing (TMW) Wheel of Life Centre, Malvern & others. [email protected] Tel: 01684 569677


Astrological Forecast Being the Creative Self

As we move into the warm days of summer,

astrologically we enter the time of Leo, the regal lion of the zodiac. Leo’s natural arena of life is play, creativity, children and romance –

This year’s Leo journey is a powerful one with aspects that highlight both new levels of individual creative power and/or egoic needs for specialness and seeking the spotlight. The in-balance Leo energy is warmth, generosity, heart-centred expression, the queen or king shining on their stage of life, a role model and leader for creative self-expression. The out-of-balance Leo energy expresses as egotism, arrogance, seeking the spotlight, the drama queen or king.

The next year is a big one for the growth of creative self-expression in us all. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, grace and opportunity, is opening doors for a new manifestation of individuality. The life arena for that change will vary from person to person, according to their birth-chart. The opportunities are there nonetheless. With Black Moon Lilith also in Leo, signifying the potential for issues of self-rejection, abasement or aggrandizement, it’s a dynamic shift. Black Moon entered Leo in early March, so you may already see these themes occurring.

all areas of life through which we extend our self and our hearts. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the planet representing the essence of individualism. On the Leo stage we proclaim our uniqueness, with the purpose of growing and knowing our individuality. Just like the Sun is the creative power that drives and sustains our universe, our individuality determines our purpose and reason for being. No matter what your zodiac sun sign, Leo is playing somewhere in your birth chart and in your life. It’s all about the journey of fully living, passionate heart-centred self-expression.

It’s all about the power to be truly oneself and all the places we feel we can’t, through feelings of ‘less than’, hidden shame, rejections and humiliations. Black Moon Lilith travels through Leo until late November.

Dates to watch: 16 July Jupiter enters Leo – focus of growth & expansion moves from family matters, home & emotional security to individuality & creative self-expression - until August 2015. 26 July: New Moon in Leo – Reinvent your self! Put powerful energies to positive use. 31 July: Black Moon Lilith in Leo trine Uranus in Aries, square Saturn in Scorpio – Power your way through fears, limitations or blocks to your new self –expression. 10 August: Full Moon in Leo: Actualize the new you! Live it fully. Don’t let fear stop you. 24 August: New Moon in Virgo, with Mars/Saturn conjunct in Scorpio – Confusion or black moods cast a shadow over the new self. Take heart and keep moving. 28 August: Venus conjunct Black Moon Lilith in Leo – awakening the power of authentic loving in intimate relationships. Potential for fights, sudden break-ups or fateful meetings. Stay centred in heart truthfulness.

Cassandra Eve


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Lughnasa or Lammas This festival celebrated the beginning of harvest-time (1

st August) or the

day of the ‘first fruits’. Now is the time to begin

reaping what we have sown, and gathering up the first harvests of grain and wheat, oats and more. As an assurance that the sun would retain its power until the harvest was complete, the Celts

celebrated a ritual marriage on this day between Lugh – the Sun, and Eire – the earth. This cosmic mating was vital to the maintenance of harmony and abundance. Lugh, the Ciltic god of Light, would bury his foster mother Tailltiu beneath the great mound in Ireland at Lammas/Lughnass,

so that she would take care of the falling seeds and make sure they germinated well in winter. This day would be marked with a gathering often taking place beside a lake, a holy well or at the top of a sacred hill or mountain. Green turns to gold at this time; it is nature’s peak that we celebrate, knowing it is almost over.


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PYO… Pick-Your- Own For Freshness & Quality

PYO fields sprang up everywhere. For farmers, they were a low-cost way into selling direct which led – in many cases - to farm shops, farm butcheries and on-farm cafés today. For customers, PYO was just about the only way to buy the fresh strawberries they loved. Supermarkets were increasing in number but they had not yet perfected the storage and distribution of highly perishable crops. At the same time, growing numbers of people were moving into homes without gardens. PYO saved the day, making gorgeous fruit available just a short drive away.

PYO started in the UK in the late 1960’s,

arriving as an idea from the USA (where it is known as U-Pick) and, through the social and economic turmoil of the 1970’s and 80’s,


Handley Organics, Ledbury Clive's Fruit Farm, Upton Pixley Court, Nr Ledbury

Wayside Farm Shop, Evesham




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Hillistic View


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