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  Zainuddeen Al- Maqdûm Al-Ma’bari

Translation by

 Muhammad Muneeb

¢UIJ¾ÙG ~dÄe




An Abridged Version

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Copyright ©  2014 by Muhammad Muneeb

All rights reserved. Except for brief quotation in a review,

this publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,

electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, without the prior written permission of the

copyright owner.

This edition published 2014 by the

The Maqdum Foundation

70 Kimbereley Avenue,

East Ham, London

United Kingdom, E6 3BG



Zainuddeen Al- Maqdûm Al-Ma’bari

Translation by Muhammad Muneeb

Cover design


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Lay out

Abdul Majeed Busthani

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All praise is to Allah alone, the Lord of the Worlds. And may

He shower His benedictions upon the Chosen One(SAW), his

Kin and his Companions and grant them peace.

¼ÇM™dG ¿»M™dG ¸dG ¼¡•H

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Author Biography:

Shaykh Zainuddeen Ibn Ali Ibn Ahmad Al-Ma’bari Al-

Shafi’i was born in the Islamic calendar year 872 after

Hijrah, 1476 CE in Kochi, Kerala, located in the region of 

southern India. He was a polymath, a great scholar,

spiritual shaykh, jurist, prolific writer, commited poet,

dedicated warrior, conservative follower of the Usuli

school of Islamic interpretation, and the founding fatherof the traditional Dars-I-Nizami system in Kerala. His

family trace their origin back to the descendants of the

first caliph of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing

of Allah be upon him, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may Allah be

pleased with him. On the 6th year of Hijra year, he and his

family left their native country of Yemen, and came toIndia for the sole purpose of propagating Islam.

 Shaykh Zainuddeen Maqdûm first completed his formal

education with his uncle, shaykh Zainuddeen Ibraheem

al-Ma’bari. He studied fiqh, Islamic jurisprudence at Calicut 

under the auspices of the great Shaykh and well known

jurist, Faqruddeen Abu Bakr Ibn Al-Qadi Ramadan al-Shaliyathi. Shaykh Maqdûm then studied the sacred

science of hadith, Prophetic traditions, in Egypt under

Qadi Abdur Rahman Al-Misri for five years. He was

officially granted an îjaza, the authority to transmit the

Islamic knowledge of hadith, and likewise the authority to

transmit tafsîr , Quranic exegesis and received furtherexemplerary qualifications in fiqh. He studied under other


1. Author Biography

2. Translator’s Prface

3. Introduction

4. Hadith Translation

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Translator’s Preface

  It was my desire to translate the Manqûs Mawlid

(The Nativity of the Holy Prophet: an abridged version)

into English. Throughout southern India, with Kerala in

particular, there has always been a blessed connection

with wonderfully exceptional living Prophetic and

scholarly tradition. The Companions of the Holy Prophet,

may Allah be pleased with them, arrived in this state

during the Prophet’s lifetime, may Allah’s peace andblessings be upon him, with the sole intention of 

propagating Islam. Islam spread in peace and in a

relatively short span of time. When those companions

arrived in this state, long before Islam was spread in the

northern regions of India, Hindus hosted and welcomed

them. The Hindu communities were attracted to their

immaculate character, and wholeheartedly embraced the

religion of Islam.

  The mosques they built fourteen centuries ago in

Kerala, still play key roles for the spiritual enlightenment 

of local people. It was the part of the tradition of the

people in the state to recite different Mawlids at theirhomes. The Mawlid is a mixture of prose and poetry in

praise of the Holy Prophet, may the peace and blessings

of Allah be upon him, each with particular meter, rhyme

and rhythm. Occasionally they would have choruses to

perform beautiful renditions. This particular custom is

not too common in English speaking Islamic world. I

sincerely hope this translation will help the Muslims living

§ Shu’ab Al-Iman, The Branches of Faith

§ Shams Al-Huda, The Sun of Guidance

§ Kifayat Al-Fara’id, A Sufficient Guide For The

Rulings On Inheritance

§ Qasas al-Anbiya, Stories Of The Prophets

§ Tahreedh, Motivation, amongst many other such


  Mira’at Al-Mishkat, Nellikkuth Ismail Musliar-Volume-1

(Nellikuth Book Stall Manjery)

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extend my gratitude to M A Yosuf Ali Sir for his generous

support and splendid inspiration.I also must thank my

best friend and colleague, Mubaroque Shah who has

kindly edited this whole work with his constructivesuggestions and meticulous corrections. I must also show

my gratitude to my colleagues, Zubair Noorani, Abdal

Rahman Noorani, Ismail Noorani and Abdal Azeez EV for

their relentless efforts to make this project real. Above

all, I owe much to my parents, Muhammad Fizy and Ummu

Kulsoom for their sacrifice, constant motivation andpatience. May Allah grant all who have been mentioned

here and us, his mercy and make us among those who

benefit from this work. Where I have succeeded it is by

the absolute mercy of Allah, and where I faltered it is from

my own mistakes.

in the English speaking world to be exposed to a long

established tradition and become familiar with it. There

are plenty of popular Mawlids to be found in Kerala, but I

selected this mawlid in particular for translation, becausethis is perhaps the most popular mawlid  locally among

people in Kerala. This was also written by a great shaykh

of spirituality, who figures among the early pioneers for

the tradition of Islamic scholarship in this beautiful state.

This Mawlid is named Al-Manqûs, which literally means,

the concise one, because this mawlid is considered to bea concise version of the Mawlid Subhana, written by one

of the greatest Muslim theologians who ever lived, Imam

Al-Ghazzali, may Allah be pleased with him, and benefit 

us with the knowledge he imparted.

I would welcome any advice and thoughtful

suggestion to improve this translation. This cannot beconsidered a literal translation since the English language

cannot contain the richness of the Arabic language, it was

a hard task for me to access some flavour of the poetry

in translation. I sincerely apologise to the entire

readership for that failing. I am very grateful to many

people who have helped me to prepare this project, andI am truly unable to mention them all. I owe my great 

debt to my teachers who have given me the indescribable

taste of Islamic scholarship, the faculties of Madeenathu

nnoor College of Islamic Science,Markaz Garden, Poonoor

including Shaykh Dr Abdal Hakeem Al Azhary, Shaykh

Ali Al-Ahsani, Shaykh Muhyuddin Al-Saqafi, Shaykh

Muhyuddin Al-Saqafi Kavanoor and so on. I should deeply

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It is necessary for the improvement of Western societies

to reassess current destructive paradigms and return to

a balance of tradition and spirituality. Otherwise, it will

end up spiritually destitute before it even realises the

consequences. Islamic traditions do not simply critique

modernity, rather it deconstructs dangerous arguments

that are entirely secular and neglect spirituality. The

reason is that an artificial world of delusion takes us away

from a complimentary natural world. Our natural

disposition only recognises that natural element and

struggles to cope with overridingly perverse influences.

The artifice of inhumane force veils the human spirit, andas a result we would be forever deluded. Everyone,

regardless of their background must seek to return to

their spiritual source for the survival of our humanity.

We will then accomplish all our responsibilities towards

every future generation.

modernity’, an idea in which he reminds us “to reassess

sociology as a science of the present (moving beyond

the early 20th century. conceptual framework); and to

provide a counterbalance to the postmodernist paradigmoffering a re-constructive view alongside deconstruction .

“7 The main reason behind this is that secular modernity

currently has the same features and manifestations Karl

Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber had proposed.

The major transformative force which shaped secular

modernity to Karl Marx was capitalism. Both Durkheim

and Weber traced the nature of modernity to the globalimpact of industrialism. It clearly goes without saying that 

the dominant factor which shaped the current worldview

is both capitalism and industrialism8.

The West is relentlessly searching for her lost spiritual

identity and essence in the ocean of this rampant 

secularism; Emily Dickinson reflects in her poems on her

experience for this well centred understanding.“The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea

Forgets her own locality

As I toward Thee

She knows herself an incense small

Yet small she sighs if All is All

How larger be?

The Ocean smiles at her Conceit 

But she, forgetting Amphitrite

Pleads “Me”?”9

7 rReflexive Modernisation’

primary documents/vol2/54060Theology

reinholdmiebuhr.pdf(Accessed 25 Jun 2013)3 Anthony Giddens and Christopher Pierson,

Conversation with Anthony Giddens, Making sense of Modernity 

9 Emily Dickinson,The works of Emily Dickinson

(Wordsworth Edition Ltd: Hertfordshire 1994),p7

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 oÂq ¸dGnOGn QnGƒs »n d¾Y ¸dG È¡VQ pp Qnƒ„r MnÕG o…r ©n cin hn Q

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 ƒs »`````n dn h s ™```````n ²n ˆr ¡SG p~n b ‡n ¾p eBG p¿r ``£n H Åp a p ™``````````n ¡žn „r dG o~```qp Çn ¡S Å``````n dEG pÂq ¸dG p~r „n Y r¿``p e ÷ m~s »`````````n ‘o e ƒn ¾qp Çp „n f o QÄo f n¹n ²n ˆr fG nOGn Rn hGk Qƒn ¡žr „p ˆr ¡SGn h ƒk Hn ™``n `W o¢Tr ™n ``©r dG s ›```n ˆr gpG0 ‡n ```¾p eBG p¿r £n HGk QGn Ä```fnG pŠGn Ä```n »s ¡dGp‰``€n ```¸```n ˆr eGn h0Gk Qƒn bn hn h k‡n „r Çn g tÈp ¡Sr ™o µr dG0Gk Qƒn ¯r ¬````````p ˆr ¡SGn h kî`````````Çp ¸r ```Án J o‡n ``µ````````p Fî````n »r dG p‰```````````s Ž``n ¡``Vn hÅ````````p a o “Ä`o ¸n JoQGn Är fCÕGn h n‡``n ¸```r Çs ¸dG n¶r ¸```p J o‡n ```¾p eBGr‰n `‘n „r ¡UCƒn a ±p hƒ```n ”n »r dG n¿``p e pÂp H r‰````n ¾p eCGn h0p‡n ````¾`n »n JrD Äo »r dG ƒ``n Á`````p ˆn Ár „n L

0oŠƒn jBÕrG pÃp QÄ````````````o fpºƒn ²```````p ˆr fEÕ pŠn ™n ````Án ```Xn h ‡```````````n ¾p eƒ````n µr dG

May the blessing of Allah be on the Prophet, may the peace of 

Allah be on the Messenger,

He is the intercessor to Allah from the land of Makkah, he is

the beloved of Allah, from the land of the Arabs.

 You rise amongst us just as full moons overshadow the stars,

Nay, you are far greater than this, O my master, the best of all


Were you my father or my mother! I have never seen in

either of them,

Accompanying a virtue such as yours , O my master, the best 

of all prophets.

Tomorrow, your sincere intercession will save us,

We have none such as yours, O my master, the best of all


Today I possess so many sins, weighty and countless,

To you, I direct my pain, O my master, the best of all prophets.

We thirst for a cup from your river in Heaven,

On that day of reckoning, O my master, the best of all


Generously on that day, give us your intercession,

All is lost if we lose that gift, O my master, the best of all


May the blessing of Allah be upon the Prophet, forever more,

With all the stars bright in the sky, O my master, the best of all prophets.

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The sky borne angels, professed rapturously,

The beloved is born and his similitude will never be found.

His community is blessed by the sight of him,

That is the bountiful honour bestowed upon us.

Born circumcised, eyes coloured with antimony,

chronicled in the sound chains of Tradition.

O flag of guidance! May Allah shower his blessing on you,

With all the song birds in the branches, singing His praise.

 ÷ oÂr ˆn ``````©n ¡Vn h nò``````p M rŠCGn Q n‡n ¾`````p eBG sÀnG nÉp ho Qn h

  p¢VrQnG r¿pein™r¡ŸoHoQÄo¡Ÿob oÂnd nAnƒ¡VnG GkQÄof oÂ`````o ˆ`r ©n ¡Vn hsƒ``»n d r‰n dnƒb n‡n ````¾`p eBG sÀnG nÉp ho Qn h p½ƒs ¡ždG  s¼`oK0oÃnQnG r¼n `na Ép~ndnh n™o¦rfnÕp Åp¾rÇnY tŠOn~ne lÀÄo gr~n elºÄo ‘r µn e n Äo gn h p«n~r ``”p »r dG Åp aoÂt J~n Ln h

  p±Ä````````````t ¡ŸdG n¿oqp ```e m†r Än ‹p H l±Ä`o r ne lÀÄ```o ˆr”n e o…Çqp £dG o “Äo ¯n j0p ™jp ™n ‘r dG n¿p e n¿n Çr dnG p¢Ên Ç``r HnÕrG  mOnƒ¾o eGnPpGnh pÂ```````` ``rÇndpGo™o¦r fnGo‰r ``````n ©nŽna pÂpHnƒ¾nLr¿peƒn »n a r‰n dƒn b0p¢Sƒ`s ¾dG p¿````o Çr YnG r¿n Y oÃÄo ¯r NnGipOnƒ¾o jƒs »n dn h0p ™n ¡Ÿn „r dG’r »n ¸n c sÕpEG oÃo QÄo ¡Êo Mn hoÂo ˆn „r Çn Z nÀƒn c

  o~`````````n jr RnÕrG o¼``Ç`p `¦n ©r dG oÃn ``Žr dG n Ä````o g Gn n g

  nƒ```»`````n `c kÕÄ````````o ‘`r µn en h kƒ`fÄ``o ˆr ”n e oÂr `Jn~n dn h  o~n ``¾`r ¡•o »r `dGp’Çp ‘s ¡ŸdG p ™n „n ”r dGÅp anAnƒL r~n b  in~`````o Á`r dG n¼n ¸n Y nƒj oÂq ¸dG n¶```r Çn ¸nY Å`s ¸n ¡U

  oOqp ™n ``¬o ``j pÀÄ`o ¡```Ÿ`o ¬``r dGÅp a l ™r Çn W n “nƒf nƒ``eO my Lord, may your blessing be upon Prophet Muhammad,

Saviour of mankind from the fire of Hell on that day of 


The beloved, the master, the righteous was born,

From his blessed cheeks, did light emanate.

The angelJibrîl announcing his beauty, did say,

Here is the beauty of the worlds, prophesied as the praised


Here is the chosen one, coloured with antimony,

Here is the one of finest description, here is the master.

His is the finest figure, pleasing to Allah,

His face the most handsome, unparalleled is he.

He is the one dressed in the most radiant clothes,

Truly he is a peerless entity.

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I looked upon him when a caller cried out to hide the child from

the masses such that his appearances amongst the people were

only for the shortest moments. I remained in that fearful state

until three angels came to accompany me, their faces like thefull moon. One carried a silver pitcher, another carried a basin

made out of peridot, and the third angel unfolded a whitened

silk. He took out the Seal of Prophethood that flashed the eyes

of its observers with its intense light. He carried my child and

handed him over to the angel with a basin. He washed the blessed

infant seven times. The second angel spoke to his companion,

“Place the Seal of Prophethood between the shoulders of thechild.” He is the last and final messenger

0nò`p©n»r LnG p¢Vr QnÕrGnh pŠGnhnƒ»s ¡dGp¹``r gnG o~qpÇn ¡Snh  o Qnƒf n‡n ¸r Çs dG n¶r ¸qp J Šn~n »n N ÷n~pdo h sƒ»```n d n¹Çpbnh

  rŠn~n»nN r¿oµnJ r¼ndnh 0p½Gn™qp¡ÊdG n~r©nH n¢SpQnƒain ™r ¡p c oÀGn ÄjpEG s n Jr QGn h m½ƒn Y prÈn ¯r dnƒp H n¶p dnP n¹``r ``„``n b ‡n ``````ar ™`````o ¡T nIn ™``````n ¡ž````````n Y nªn Hr QnG oÂ``r ``¾````p e r‰n £```n ²```n ¡Sn h

 o½nƒ¾r ¡UnG rr‰n ‘n „r ¡UnGn h 0nIn hnƒ¡S oIn ™``r Çn ‘o H r‰``n ¡Vƒn Zn h oòp WnƒÇs ¡ždG p‰n Çp eo Qn h k‡`n ¡`SÄo µ````r ¾n e nƒÁt ¸o c nƒÇr ```````ft~dGnn ``n„rfGnh 0p…bGnÄs‹dG p…oÁt¡ždpƒH pABƒ»s¡dG n¿pe0m†pPƒn c t¹o coÂo ¸`n »r ©n j nÀƒn cnƒe n¹n £n Hn h qp³n ‘r dG o’r `„o ¡U

The Noble Prophet’s Birth:

It is reported that when Amina gave birth to the Noble

Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, she saw such a

light that the palaces of Syria were illuminated by it. It is alsoreported that Amina, may Allah be pleased with her, said, “I

wished to rest my eyes on my son, but when I could not see

him, I gazed upon him in the cradle, anointed, circumcised and

gently wrapped within a woolen mantle softer than silk, which

released the sweetest fragrance.

  m ™`````````n ¯n fp‡n Knîn ‹p H GkPpEG n¶p dnP r¿`p e kIn ™```qp Çn ‘n ˆo e o‰r ¾o c Åp an h l Qnƒ````»``r bCG r¼o Án gÄo Lo h sÀnƒn c sÈn ¸n Y GÄo ¸n ````NsO~n bp  nª``````n en h0p‡````s ¡Êp ¯r dG n¿p e l³jp ™r ``````HpEG r¼```````p gp~n MnG p~n j

.p™n¡ÊrNnÕrG p~nLnr™nHs›dG n¿````qpe l‰r¡žnW p™``nNBÕrG l‡```s jp Är £```n e oAƒ¡`n Êr Çn H lIn ™```jp ™``n M pŒp dsƒ‹dG p~``n j Åp an h  n¿o`ÇrYnG o™qpÇn‘oj l¼``nJnƒN ÈpgGkPpEƒna.nƒgn™n¡žn¾na  Åp¾rHpG n¹``n»nM0pÃpQÄof pIs~p ¡T r¿pe n¿jp™p``Xƒs¾dG0pÂÇndpGo™o¦rfnG nƒfnGnh p‰r¡žs£dGp…pMnƒ¡Ÿpd oÂndnhnƒfnh  p³jp ™`r HpÕrGÅ`a ip s dG pAnƒ`»r dGn¶p dnP r¿e oÂn ¸n ¡n ¬n a r¼p `ˆr NpGpÂp „p Mnƒ¡````````Ÿp d nºƒn b s¼```o K0 mŠGs ™``````````n e nª`````r „`n ¡S

 nò`qp Çp „s ¾dGo¼p JnƒN n Äo Án a pIs Äo „t ¾dG ¼n Jnƒ”p H pÂr Çn ¯p ˆn c n¿```r Çn H

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Episodes after the Prophetic Birth:

It is reported from Yahya Ibn Urwah, a delegation from the

tribe of Quraish used to engage in celebrations on a particular

day to please their idols. As usual, they would gather and

slaughter many animals on that day, eating lavishly, drinking

heavily and engaging in idle entertainment. As soon as they

had finished their festivities, they found their idols had fallen to

the ground on their faces. Whenever they attempted to restore

them to their upright state, they would fall again disgracefully.

When this was repeated for the third time, the polytheists

became distressed and heartbroken. Thus, their day of 

celebration was spoiled by their misplaced grief and pain.

  o¿rH oÀnƒ»```r‹o`Y nºnƒ``²n``a kƒ»nJrƒnepÂÇpa GÄofƒncGn ``n g sÀpG n¢```t µn ¾s ˆdG n ™n ‹r cnG r~n b oÂn d nƒe p•p ™r jn Äo ‘r dG.p Qsƒ¾dpƒH Ån ¸r ¡Ÿn j oÂo„r n bn h n~```n ¡`ž```r fnGn h n•n~n M m ™r eCÕUsman Ibna- Huwayrith expressed his extreme angriness

concerning the behavior of his idol. He began to sing while his

heart was burning with anger.

m‡``````s Çp ```````‘n J Ån ```cr RnGn h l¼````Çp ¸r ¡n Jn h lInî```n ¡Up‡s jp ™`n „r dG p ™r Çn N p Qnƒˆr ”o »r dGÅn ¯n £r ¡Ÿo »r dG Ån ¸n Y

 m†r ™o `b r¿````p `en h m~Çp ©n H m~r an h r¿pe o~``jpOƒn `¾n ¡U oÂ``n d r Än M s°n ¡Uip s dG p~Çp ©r dG n¼n ¾n ¡U nƒjnG

and the master of the people of the heavens and the earths.

The rise of Truth, the fall of Falsehood:

It is reported that at the birth of the Prophet, may peace andblessings be upon him, the fire that has been worshipped by

Zoroastrians in Persia, unextinguished for thousands of years,

was put out that night. The Iwan palace of Khosrau, Emperor

of Persia, trembled, and fourteen of its towers fell. The Lake

Sawah, worshipped by disbelievers had dried out, every idol

fell in disgrace, and the devils were stricken with falling stars in

the sky. The truth has been revealed and falsehood has vanished.

  r¿peGk™n nf sÀnG nInhrQoY p¿rH nÈr‘nj r¿nY nÉphoQnh~n b r¼pÁp enƒ¾r¡UnG r¿pe m¼``n ¾n ¡U n~r¾p YGÄofƒn c m¢žr jn ™o b

 0r¼```````p Áp ``````esƒjnG r¿p e Gk~``Ç``p Y n½r Ä```n Çr dG n¶p dnP Gho n ”s JGp  nÀÄoHn™r ¡žn jnh nÀÄo ¸o cCƒn jn h n Qho ›n Žr dGpÂÇp a nÀho ™n ‘r ¾n j  nÀoÄ`„n©r njnh nÀÄo¡VÄo”nj pÂ``rÇ``n nYGÄ``o nµnY r~nbnh  Ån nY kƒHÄ`o„rµne oÃho~nLnÄn`a pÂrÇn nYGÄo` nNn~na

  oÃhtOnQnh pÂrÇn nY n¶pdnP n~¾pY Gho™nµrfnƒna 0pÂpÁrLnhGÄo ¸n ©n ¯n a m ™p Znƒ¡U n†nî`p ²``r fG n…``¸`n ²r fƒ`n a pÂp dƒn M Å`n dpG  n¶p dnP r hnGn Q sƒ`»`n ¸n a o¼Çp ²n ˆr ¡n jnÕ n Äo gn h kƒKnîn K n¶p dnP

 Ép sdG o~`Çp©rdG n’n„r¡UnGnh0kƒ»tdCƒnJnhkƒfr›oMGrhn~HnG

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O idol of celebration, surrounded by foolhardy people from

near and far,

Why did you fall on your face?

Our grief has run our caravan aground,

Is it because of our sins you have fallen? Now shall we regret 

and swear to leave those sins.

Has someone overpowered you and had defeated you?

Then surely, you are not the lord and protector of our idols.

The idol has fallen because a child is born,

He illuminated every path on earth, each struck with

inextinguishable awe.

Each adored fire of the Persians was extinguished,

Troubling the Shah of Persia, sadly aggrieved.

O tribe of Qusayy, return from your estrangement,

And make Islam your habour, a most comfortable abode.

  o½rÄnÇrdG nÀƒnc sƒ»nd n nƒ‘```r¡SpG o¿rHG nºƒn``b n½nƒbn h0p…p ¸s £o »r dGno~r ``„```n Y oÃt~n `LoÂr ``¾n Y nn’n HnP oªp Hƒs ¡dGnh kƒ¡`žr`jn™ob Å``nYnOnh o…``pŽnj nƒ`»nc pÃp™``renƒpH GÄo ``dƒn b Go Ä¸``n cnG sƒ»`n ¸n a 0 r¼o Án en ™r cnGn hr¼````o Á``````n `»n ``©``r WnG

  nºnƒb¶n¾rHG n‰``rÇs»```n¡Snƒe p…`p s£o»`rdG n~```r„nYnƒj


  nƒ``¾``s d ¹`o b n·GnPnƒ»n a kƒHo Ä¸r ²n e n‰r ¡s µn ¾n J  …r ‘```t ¡dpƒH o ñ```p ©r dG pŠn QsO~n b nƒ¾p fr ›o M r¿p »n a  ƒ``n ¾```````s f pEƒn a nƒ¾r Çn JnG m…r fnP r¿p e n‰r ¾oc rÀpEƒn ap…````````r fs dG p¿``````````n Y ip Ä```r ¸n fn h m QGn ™````r bpƒp H oAÄo „n f

  Gk ™`p Znƒ``¡U n‰``r ¡qp µo fn hkƒHo Ä¸r ¬n e n‰r ¾o c rÀpEGn h qp†s ™````dGp~`````qp Çs ¡dpƒH pÀnƒKr hnÕrGÅp a n‰```r fnG nƒ»n a  pÃp QÄ`````o ¾``p ``H rrŠnAnƒ``¡VnG mOÄo d r Än »p d isOn ™``n J

p…` rYt ™dGn¿ekƒar Än N p¢Vr QCÕrG•nƒŽp a pªÇp »n L  oÂn ``drŠ n~p »n N r~n b p¢Sr ™o ¯r dG pªÇp »n Lo Qnƒfnhp†r ™n µr dGp¼n ¦r YnGÅp a ¢Sr ™o ¯r dG oáT nŠnƒHr~n bn h

…```r Ms ™dGpºp ›r ¾n »r dGn h p½nî``r ¡SpÕrG Ån dpG GÄ`t „o gn h

 r¼µ`p dnî`````n ¡V r¿n YGÄo ©p Lr QpG qqmÈn ¡Ÿo ²n dnƒÇn aMay peace, blessings, and the purest greetings go to the the

guided one,

the chosen one, best of all creation.

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42 43

p ````````n LnÕrGn h p Qsƒ`````¾dG p…``Ç``p Ás d r¿`p e

 nƒ`¾``o `©n ¾````r »n Çn d È```p ```Mnƒe nƒ¾``````o „`````r fnP  p ```n Ž``n ©r dGn h pª`r es~`dG p±ho QoP r¿``e  l Ä`````r ‘n ``e nƒ¾``````p „r ¸n b Å`p a r¼```````o µ`t „o M

p n ™``n `‘r dGn h p…r fs dG pò`p Fs Q r¿```````p e r…p ``````”n j r¼n d pÂ````¸q dGn h r¼o µ``````t „n ¡`````U  p `````n Á```````n „`r dGn h p¿`r ¡````o ‘r dG pºnƒ`»n ````µp d  nƒ``¾`p `©```````````p aƒ````````n `¡žp d GÄ`o `Lr ™n f nƒ¾s fpGp ````n Á`````s ¾dG n h p¿`````````jqp~dG p “nî```n ¡Ÿp d  in Ä`````````r ¸n „r dG n¿p `e nƒfƒ`````s `Žn f n Äo gn hp n QnÕrG p¼```````n dnƒ```©`r dG Å```p a oÂ```````o „Çp W

 oÂ```````````````````````n Jn Qnƒ``````jp R nƒ¾`````````````r bo Rr QGn h qp†n Qp n ™`n ```”r dGn h p “ht ™dG p¢`Ê`r „n b n¹r ````„`n b

ÉpOnƒ````````````Á`r dG Ån `¸n Y qp†n Q nƒj qp¹``````n ¡U

  pn ™`````````n ¯``r dGn h qp³`````n ‘`r dG pp¹Ç````p „```n ¡``p d

due to the advent of the Noble Prophet, may peace and blessings

be upon him.

 Ån ¸`n ``Y ò`p `»`n dƒ`n ©`r `dG s†n Q u¹n ¡Up o ™```t ¡```dG n h pò`n f r Ä`````n µ`r dG p~``qp Ç`n ¡S  oÂ```o ¾``p ```cƒ```n ¡```S n‰``r fnG kƒ``ˆ````````r ÇH sÀpEG

  o ™``t ¡``dG Å``n dpEG kƒ`Lnƒ`ˆ`r ‘`o e n¢r Ç``n d  nƒ¾````o ˆs `Žo M o “ƒ```````s ¡Vn Är dG n¶`o Ár Ln h

  `n Žo ```‘r dpƒH o¢````Ssƒ¾dG Åp JCƒn ``j n½r Än j  oÃo ™``p ````FGn R n‰`````````r fnG ƒ`¡```k `Ê`jp ™```````n en h

  pn ™```````n ¯````````r dpƒH oÂ`¸`q dG oÃnƒ```````JnG r~````n b  oÂ````````n ˆ`n Çr ¬p H n‰r ¾o c r~n ``````b r¿n `e n Rnƒa pn Qs~````dG pª``n ar QnG È```````p a nƒ`````````n ¡Sn h

  oÂ````````````n ˆn Žr Áo e qp…o ‘r dG Åp `a kÕppPnƒH  p ```````````n Á````o `»r dGn h p “ht ™dpƒH kkƒ‘````p enƒ`S

  oÂ```````n `ˆn `MGn Q pOÄ````````````o Ž`r dG nè™n cnƒj  p ```n Ž`````t ¸dGn h n ™r ````‘`n „r dG n‰```r Ç`n ¯n µ``n a

  pp n ™````n ‘r dG n¿``````p e nƒ¾Çp Žr ¾o e n‰r fnG

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By Allah, the love for you betrays no one,

Due to your perfect beauty and grace.

Our hope is with our intercessor of all creation,

To rectify our lives and ways.

It is he who saved us from all afflictions,

It is his fragrance spread far in the Universe.

O Lord, bless upon us with his visits,

Before you take our souls.

O Lord, bless the prophet who guided us,

To the path of reality and true grandeur.

  Ån dƒn ©n J oÂn ¸q dG oÂn»p MnQ m~r jnR o¿r H tÈp nY nºƒn bp ™r Án¡T Åp a o‰r¾o cn hwÈqp epP l¹o Ln Q Èp „p fƒn L Ån dpG nÀƒn ck~pdrÄne o¹n»rYnGnh nAGn™n²o rdG ÄoYrOnG pºshnÕrG pªÇpHnQ

 o¹n ``©r ¯n J n¼p d tÈqp ep dG n¶p dnP Åp d nºnƒ²n a÷ qpÈ`p „``s ¾¸p dGƒMn™na o‰r ¸````o²```n a pÃp™``rÇnZ nÀhoO pp™rÁs ¡ždG Gn n g Åpa  Å```p a n~p do h oÂ```s fnÕp÷ pÂn ¸q dG pºÄ``````````o ¡Sn Q p~p dr Än `»p H  sÈn nY s›n©na ÈpH oDhn›rÁnj ¹n©nŽna p™rÁs¡ždGGn `ng

0kƒ``»````Çp¦nYGk™`renG n¶`pdnP r¿pe tŠ~`nLnhnh n¶pdnPn

O Lord of the whole Universe,

bless the master of Your creation and the sage of all spiritual


The home you sheltered within,

Was never in need of illumination.

Your clear countenance may prove us saved,

On that day when proofs are brought forth.

The poorly ill have you visited,

Allah gave them comfort from the trouble they were in.

If you are their goal, then they are saved,

They are elevated from the state they were in.

For their love for you, they have submitted,

Sacrificing their soul and body for the love they fell in.

Their lives have you generously sheltered,

And dominated the sea and the waves in your giving .

From the blazing Fire you have rescued,

from burning in Hell and boiling therein.

O the one who can repeal our sins, our sins prevent us

from shedding tears and weeping.

Our love for you is being effaced,

By the marks of our sins, our negligence.

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48 49

, “I am the Mercy to the entire Universe, master to all genera-

tions, I am Muhammad ,the Seal of Prophethood and the Mes-

senger of the Lord of the Worlds.” I professed his faith and de-

clared the shahada in front of him. He opened his two hands

and embraced me saying this is the palace in Paradise Allah has

prepared for you.

 Gk~n Z nŠÄ````o »n J rÀnG nºƒn ``b n¶p dnP o‡n enîn Ynƒe o‰r ¸`o ²n aGnPpGnh Èp¾oKqp~n‘ojnÄog p‡njƒnµp‘rdG o…pMƒn¡U nºƒnb

.oºÄo ²n j l¹p Fnƒbn h o n ™r £````o j p†nƒ`„`r dpƒHI asked him for a heavenly sign and he said to me “I would pass

away the next day.”

  nƒ²`¸`pq dƒp H kƒer Än j n‰Çp ¦n Mn‰r fnG n‰r ¾`o c rÀpG

ƒ``²```¡s ždG nºGn R r~n ```bn h sƒ¾n Y nƒ¯n Žr dG nºGn RIf you are blessed with a precious vision of the

Prophet one day,

Then all our spiritual stagnation and faults will fade away.

  Åp ˆnLr hnR nºƒnb pAnÕoDÄn``g r¿ne oÂn d o‰r```````¸o²n a  nÂndpG nÕ pÀnÕÄo ²nJnƒ»ognh ƒ`n `n nNn~n a nºnƒb.Èp n ¾rHGnhƒ»oÁnd nºnƒ²na pÂn qdG noºÄo¡SsQ l~s»n‘oeoÂq dG sÕpEG  nÉrGn Q n‰`r jnGn Q nƒ»n c oÃnƒ``¾r jnGn Q nƒˆn dƒn bnƒ»o µo fnƒçpG n°r Çn cnƒfn~nYnh r~n²nam™r¡Ÿn²pH n·n~nYnh nÀƒnc rÀpGnh.m¿rÇnY

0o ñp ¾o »r dGo Qr~n „r dGGn n g oºÄo ²n J nªn ¸n W GnPpEG p³p £r ¾n »r dG n

nƒe o ™n „``r ¾`n ©r dGn h o¶``r ¡p »r dG oÂ``r ¾p `e o “Äo ¯n j Ån ž`n e GnPpEGn hrÀnG tŠOn Qnƒn a oÂn ˆn ‘p FGn Q n…n Çr WnG nƒ`en h oÂ`n Ár Ln hn¿n ¡`r MnGp ™r Çn Z Ån ¸n Y n‰r fnGn h Ép~`n j¹qp „n ²o JnGºnƒb pÂr jn~`````n j n¹qp „n boGsÈn nY o qdGs¿`neip sdG n‰`rfnG r¿ne o‰r o²na.Åp¾jpO

rò````p »n dƒn ©r ¸p d k‡```n »r Mn Qo‰r ¸p ¡Sr QoGip s dGnƒfnGnnºƒn b ?n¶p HnƒfnGnh nn¿``jp™pNBÕGnh nòpdshCÕG o~`pqÇn¡Snƒ``fnGnhq†nQ oºÄo¡SnQnhnò``pqÇ`p„s¾dG o¼```pJnƒN l~`s»`n‘oe

  o~s»n‘oe oÂq dG sÕpEG nÂndpG nÕo‰r o²na ròp»ndnƒ©rdG  s¼````oK Èp¾n²nfnƒYnh pÂjn~nj n’n n napÂq dG oºÄ````````o¡SnQ0n¶nd o™r¡Ÿn²rdG nn·GnPnh o‡`s¾nŽrdG pÃp ``ng nºnƒbhe saw in his dream, a man with a handsome face, perfumed

with a beautiful fragrance, possessing a majestic aura, fine

eyebrows and silken cheeks. When he spoke, he spoke in the

most splendid manner. When he was silent, he was stately and

composed. His speech was such sweetness and you would say

this man rivals the beauty of the full moon. When he walked,

the fragrant aroma of musk would spread around him. The

beauty of his face was impeccable! He was truly gifted with an

unforgettable perfurme! I attempted to kiss his hands, but he

stopped me and said “How can I let you to kiss my hands when

you hold prejudice towards my religion?” I asked him “Who

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  l ™``p F ƒn ¡žn H p°jp ™`s `¡ždG pÃp~`p dr Än »p d rŠ nAnƒLp ~```p `dr Än ``e n‡n ```¸```r Çn d pŠGnOnƒ``©r dG o p QGn Ä``n `````Nn h

  lIn ñ`````````p ‹````n `c oŠGn ›p ``Ž``````r ©`o »r `dGn h oÂ`o J nƒ```jnG p~```s ¡o ‘r dG oºÄo ²o Y nƒÁp ˆs ‘p ¡Ÿp H rŠn~p Án ¡T

 rPpGo¢``r »`s ¡ž`dGn h pÃp ™r `e nƒp H s³`o ¡T oQr~n `„r dnG

pO tOn ™`````n J p ™````r Ç`n ¬`````p H rŠsOo Q oÂ``n d r‰`n Ho ™n Z  oÂn d rŠn~n Žs ¡S~`n bo Qnƒ`Ž`r ¡TnÕrGn h o¢žr Mn Är `dG p~`t Á````n ¡ž`n J n~``r ©`n H n¿`r »s ¸`s ¡S~n `b pÂr Çn ¸`n Yn h  oÂ`n ¡žr Çn L n¼`n ©r WnGn h Ån ²n ¡Sp ñ`p ¡n Çr dG n¿`p en h

  p~`n `¯r ````¾`n j r¼`n d oÃo ñp ¡`n j s hGÄn ¯``n ˆ`r cGÅs ˆn M  Å`n ¸``o ©`r dGn ho‡n ¸Ç```p ¡Ên ¯`r dGn h o‡`n ¸Çp ¡Sn Är dG oÂn dn h p~```````p Yr Ä» r dG n½r Ä`n j oOÄo »‘n »r dG oÂo eƒn ²en h

  nƒ`g oOGn~r ©`n `J Èp `Á```n ˆ`r ¾``n j nƒ`e oÂ`o a nƒ`````¡Ur hnG

 ~n ¡Ÿ`r ²`n »`r dG p®Äo ¸o H r¿n Yo ™o ¡Ÿr ²n j o “r~n »r dƒn a  Gk~``¡`p U ƒ`n b n¶o ˆr €p L pŠGnOƒ`s ¡dG n~`qp Ç`n ¡S nƒj

 ip~`n ¡Ÿ`r ²`n er…`qp Çn ”o J nîn a n·nƒ»p MÄo Lr QnG  inPnÕrGn¿`p e n‰r »p ¸n Yr~b nƒeÈ``p H s¹n `Mr~n `b

 p~p ©`r ¡Snƒ`n a p~jp~s ¡ždGp°r ©t ¡ÊdGn h p¼r ¸t ¦dGn h

 Å``` `a o¹oLs™dG nŠnƒ``` ``»na nºƒn` ` ` `b0p¿jn™r¡` ` ` `Ÿn ²p H

 Å` ` ` ` `pan h oÂo ˆ`n`¾r HpG r‰`` ` ` ` `nJnƒe p~n ¬rdG Åp anhp‰r`bnÄr dGo qdG oÂn »`pMnQ oÂo n Lr hnR r‰nJnƒe pŒp ````dsƒ‹dG p½rÄ`nÇrdG  Ép sdG pÂs ¸p d o~r »n ‘r dnG r¼o ```Án ``©`n e nƒ¾n »pMn QnhÅn dƒn ```©```n JoÃn™ncnP ƒ»s oc÷ m~s»n‘oe p‡seoG r¿pe nƒ¾n n©nL

0nÀÄo ¸p anƒ¬r dGpÃp ™r cpP r¿n Y n¹n ¯n Zn h nÀho ™p cGs dGDuring my conversation with him the door was knocked again.

When it was opened, his wife and daughter entered, declaring

their faith in Islam. They also spoke of their experiences with

the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him. They spoke

of the same promise of palaces belonging to both of them. The

man then passed away at that very moment. His daughter

passed away on the second day and the wife on the next day as

they were all promised, may Allah have mercy upon them. All

praises be to Allah who has blessed us to be part of the Ummah

of the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, and may

Allah perpetually send his blessing upon him during every state

of mankind, both in its Godly remembrance and its shameful


  m~s »`n ‘o e uÈ````````````„q ¾dGÅn ¸``n Y u¹n `````¡U u†n Q ƒ``````n `j  .m~n Z Èp a n¼s ¾n Án L r¿p e p³p Fîn ”r dGÅp Žr ¾o e  p~p dr Än »r dGo ™r `Á`n ¡T p…r ¸`n ²`r dG oª`Çp Hn Q nÈr MnG  p~n `»````r MnG p~p dr Ä`````n e p ™r cp `p H p½nƒfnÕrG s¹`o c

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Even in the minds of his jealous enemies, they testified.

The full moon was split on his command

while the sun was setting,

and it was turned back by his indication

when no one was in any doubt.

The wild animals and the trees prostrated for his esteem,

Greeting him after their truthful testimony.

He fed and nourished with little food, all his companions,

Until each was satisfied, while the blessed food did not 


To him belongs the right of intercession, the bounty of 

nobility and great stature,

And that praised station closest to Allah, on that promised


His virtues are endless and innumerable,

We are unable to praise as we intended.

O master of masters, I came to you intending your presence

I seek your protection, please don’t leave me alone.

You are aware of the troubles I came across,

My utter weakness, my injustice, so accept my plea.

I have only my love to reach you, my only way,

  l‡n `¸`Çp ¡Sn h n¶r jp~n d È``u „o M in Ä¡S Èp dƒe m~n ``©`r ``¡SCG n·pOÄo L p¹¡Ên ¯p H sÈn ¸n Y r¿o ¾r eƒn a

nƒj n¶r j n~`n d o¹`jp ›`s ¾`dGn h n¶`o `¸jp ›n f È`qp fpG  p~``n ```ˆ`r ``¬`n j m ™r Ç``n N qp¹``o ``µp H p½nƒf nÕrG n ™``r Ç``n N  kƒ``»``p `FGnO m‰`r bn h s¹`o c sƒ`¾``p e n¶`r Çn ¸````n ©`n ``a

p~n `er ™s ¡dG p½nî`s ¡dG nª`n e pInîs ¡ŸdGÅn cr RnGr¼Áp `©`Çp »n L p½Gn ™p µr dG n¶p ˆ`n H ƒn ‘``n ¡U Ån ¸`n Yn h p~n `Á```r Lƒ````n a m ™````r Ç`n ”`p H r¼`o Á`n d nòp ©``p H ƒs ˆdGn h

 p‡```````s Çp ‘`n J Åcr RnGn h l¼```Çp ¸``r ¡n `Jn h lIÄ`n ``¸n ``¡U GÄo »``qp `¸`n ¡Sn h pÂr Çn ¸n YGÄt ¸n ¡U Ån ¯n £r ¡Ÿo »r dGÅn ¸`n YAllah is my lord, Allah is my master, best of all masters,

O mankind! Send your blessings upon the Prophet 


The month of Prophet’s birth revives spring in the hearts,

Of every noble creature by praising the birth of Ahmad.

His noble birth brought the gospels

and miracles on the eve of the Mawlid.

His bounties and his signs are boundless,

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 n¶r Çn dpEG no¹``s ¡Sn Ä```n ˆ`n fsƒfpG s¼o `````Á`q ¸dnG0pŠnƒ»n »r dG n~r ©`n Hn h p0pèp ™n µr dG n¶qp Çp „n f ppÃn Žp Hn h0p¼Çp ¦n ©r dG n¶p `»``¡Sƒp H0n†Äoft dG sƒ¾nYn™qp nµoJ rÀnG r¼Çp¦n©rdG¶qpÇpdnhnh0n nîrNnÕrGn¿qp¡n‘oJnh n†ÄoÇo©rdGn™o r¡nJ nnh0n½nƒ²r¡SnÕrG nÈp r¡žnJnh0n GnRrQnÕrG nªqp¡SnÄoJnh

 p¹r gnGr¿n Yn h sƒ¾n Y nªn ar~n J rÀnGn h0n½nÕBÕrG nÈp aƒn ©`o Jn h  nAGs~dGn h0nª`p bsƒ¾dG s¼t ¡dnG Gn n g nƒ¾p ˆr Çn Hn hnƒfp~````n ¸n H  l…`Ç`pŽ`o en¶sfpEG 0nªpWnƒ²rdGnAnƒHnÄr dGn h nª`penƒ²rdG  nÀÄoYƒs£dG sƒ¾`nY n±p™r`¡ŸnJ rÀnGnh0rªpenƒ¡S

  n·p™rÁnb pºGn›rfpG r¿pe nƒ¾n»p¡Ÿr©nJnh0nAnîn„rdGnh  qp™n¡T r¿pe n·pQÄo¾pH nƒ¾n„oŽr‘nJh 0nAnƒHnÄrdGnh  qp™n¡T r¿```penh 0 pÀÄo©r n»rdG qp™¡nTnhnƒfqpho`~nY  nƒfr `pNGnDÄoJnÕs¼oÁ qdnG0pÀÄoYƒs£dGnh pAnƒHnÄrdG

  nƒfnƒjnƒ£n”pH nƒ¾rµp rÁoJnÕnh nƒ¾pdnƒ©ranG pAÄo¡pH p†Gn `n Y r¿p enƒfn~```Çp `©````o J rÀnG n¶o dnƒr ¡n f sƒfpG s¼o Áq ¸dnG0™n„rcnÕrG p«n›n rdG n¿pe nƒ¾n¾perDÄoJnh0p™r„n²rdG  ƒn¾n¾pµr¡oJnh p0pQGnÄn„rdGpQGnO r¿`Ynƒ¾n`ÇpŽr¾oJnh

  nƒfp~`qpÇn¡S qp³n‘pH pQGn™n²rdG pQGnO r¿pe n¢SrhnOr ™p rdG

So bless me with your utmost generosity, that I may obtain

your sanctuary.

I am your guest, I am at your threshold,

He who dines with you, feasts with royalty O best of all


May perpetual blessing be upon you from us,

Virtuous eulogies with eternal blessings,

And upon all your noble companions,

And those who follow them, so do we strive to be one among



pºBG Ån ¸n Yn h m~s »`n ‘o e nƒfp~qp `Çn ¡S Å`n ¸n Y qp¹n `¡U s¼o Á¸q dnGr¿pe nƒÁpHnƒ¾ÇpŽr¾oJkInî`n¡U0m~s»`n‘oe nƒfp~qpÇn¡S  nƒÁpHnƒ¾o»qp n¡oJnh0pŠƒsÇp n„rdGnh pºGnnÄrgnÕrGpªÇp»nLpƒfo™qpÁn£oJnh0pŠnƒaBÕrGnh p½nƒ²r¡SnÕrGªÇp»nL r¿pe

nƒÁpH ƒn¾ndo™p r¬nJnh.pŠCƒqpÇs¡dG pªÇp»nL r¿penƒÁpH nnƒÁpH nƒ¾ndÈ¡Êr²nJnh0pŠnƒ€Çp£n”rdGpªÇp»nL r¿pe  n·n~r¾pY nƒÁpHƒ¾o©nar™nJnh0pŠnƒLƒn‘rdG nªÇp»nLÅn¡`ŸrbnG nƒÁpH nƒ¾o¬qp n„oJ ŠnƒLnQs~dGÅn rYnG

 pInƒÇ`n ‘r dGÅa pŠGn ™r Ç`n ”r dGpª``Çp »n Lr¿p e pŠnƒjƒ```n ¬r dG

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Ån nY o qdG Ås n¡Unh pQGn™rHnÕrGpÂpdBGnh÷m~s»n‘oe

 nò`p` `©` `n »``r LnG pÂ`pdBG Å`nnYnh m~````s »n‘`oe nƒfp~``qpÇn¡S  .ròp eBG nòp »p MGs ™dG n¼n Mr QnG nƒj

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