
Training Manual

Life & Dignity Sunday

Catholic Legislative Network


The Catholic Legislative NetworkA Voice for Life and Dignity in California

Our Catholic faith calls us to participate in the life of our communities.  From conception to natural death, we are called to protect life and to promote dignity and respect for all human beings. 

In Faithful Citizenship, the U.S. Bishops write these challenging words. “In the Catholic Tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue; participation in the political process is a moral obligation.” (Page 4, par. 13) 

In response, the bishops of California established a state-wide legislative network to help Catholics become more engaged in the political process. On the weekend of June 27/28 every parish In the Diocese of Sacramento will hold Life & Dignity Sunday. During each Mass, the Network will be explained and parishioners will be encouraged to register. Completed registration cards will be sent to the California Catholic Conference for inclusion in the statewide data base.

Several years ago, most of the dioceses in the state held similar Life & Dignity Sundays. The response from parishioners was tremendous and for years those who signed up during the first event have been speaking out for life and dignity to our elected officials.

The Catholic Legislative Network enables members to become well informed and to act on important issues in our state. Through a brief, weekly e-newsletter called Public Policy Insights, members learn about issues and actions being taken on certain priority issues. In addition, periodic Action Alerts are sent to members asking them to send an e-mail, a letter, or to make a phone call to their Senator or Assembly member. Participation is entirely voluntary and it is always up to the network member whether to send an email to officials or not.

There could not be a more important time for this network to emerge. California is in crisis morally and economically. Staggering budget deficits after the 2008 recession shredded the safety net that once protected vulnerable children and aging adults, unemployment still runs high and the state has some of the highest poverty rates in the nation.

But while funding for life-giving programs was eliminated, financial resources for abortion clinics have not been similarly reduced, and each year proposals to allow doctors to assist their patients in committing suicide gain momentum in the legislature. As Catholics we care deeply about all these “life and dignity” issues. The state needs a strong, clear, moral voice for life and dignity now! 

Your willingness to participate within this network will help you become a powerful Voice for Life and Dignity in California.

Join now at

Roles and Responsibilities

· Diocesan Bishop:

· Provides overall leadership for the Life & Dignity Sunday effort.

· Appoints staff person to be key organizer and contact person.

· Creates diocesan leadership team.

· Writes letter to all priests explaining effort and asking for participation.

· Prepares article for Catholic newspaper about Life & Dignity Sunday.

· Insures that names of persons who register are kept confidential.

· Diocesan Staff Person:

· Oversees development of the Diocesan Leadership Team.

· Assigns responsibilities and tasks to staff and volunteer assistors.

· Advertises, organizes and chairs meetings of the leadership team.

· Serves as key liaison among bishop, CCC Staff, and local efforts.

· Develops (with the leadership team) the diocesan plan for Life & Dignity Sunday.

· Establishes places and times for Parish Champion training sessions.

· Speaks on behalf of bishop and effort with the press and media.

· Provides reports to bishop as to the progress and difficulties.

· Diocesan Leadership Team: (Members Appointed by Bishop)

· Seeks understanding of goals and objectives of the Catholic Legislative Network (CLN) and Life & Dignity Sunday.

· Develops specific plans for carrying out a successful Life & Dignity Sunday effort.

· Works with the pastor of each parish in the identification, recruitment, and training of effective Parish Champion.

· Serves as liaison(s) to diocesan (and parish) organizations that can help.

· Provides direct assistance to parishes that are not able to find their own Parish Champions.

· Participates in as many of the planning meetings as possible.

· Evaluates the effort after it is complete.

· Continues to serve as planning team for further development of the CLN in Diocese.

· Assists other dioceses with their planning by sharing best practices, successes, and disappointments.

· California Catholic Conference Staff (CCC)

· Provides guidance to bishop and/or his staff for decisions relating to development of the CLN and Life & Dignity Sunday.

· Prepares drafts of all materials needed for Life & Dignity Sunday including training materials, vision statement, registration cards, letters, homily helps, and any other documents that may be needed.

· Conducts training sessions for parish champions and provides whatever assistance needed to local leaders for carrying out these sessions.

· Insures that all names from each diocese are returned to the bishop for his own use on public policy issues.

· Provides support to diocesan leadership team and attends meetings whenever possible and/or needed.

· Shares best practices and experiences among dioceses in California.

· Pastor/Priests/Celebrant

· Approves holding Life & Dignity Sunday in the parish and provides overall leadership to the parish event.

· Assigns or approves a “Parish Champion” to organize the event in the parish.

· Assures that the Parish Champion attends one of the training sessions.

· Receives report from Parish Champion about the specifics of how the program is designed to work at the parish level.

· Recommends that parishioners register and participate in the CLN.

· Provides directions to parishioners as to how to register after the homily.

· Parish CLN Champion

· Accepts role as the Champion of the Catholic Legislative Network in his/her parish.

· Attends one of several training sessions to better understand exactly what being a parish champion means.

· Registers for the CLN to get deeper first hand knowledge of the network and how it functions.

· Meets with pastor to go over all plans and assumes responsibility for carrying out what is agreed to.

· Invites other parishioners to assist in the process.

· Assures that bulletin announcements are included in bulletins

· Makes sure that parish has enough registration cards.

· Finds volunteers to assure pens and cards in all pews before each Mass.

· Determines how the cards will be collected after each Mass.

· Places all cards in envelopes sent for that purpose and has them sent to the California Catholic Conference via UPS envelope within three days of the event.

· With other volunteers evaluates how the registration went and makes suggestions in writing to diocesan leadership team as to ways to improve the process.

· E-mail or call Diocesan Champion to report the number of cards collected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why have the bishops of California established a Catholic Legislative Network (CLN)?

A. Our bishops see that our state faces many challenges -- fiscally, ethically, and morally. They believe that a strong, well organized and educated, state-wide network made up of parishioners, speaking together on important issues, could become a force for good, responsible decisions from our state legislators. They also believe that part of being a good Catholic is to be an active citizen.

Q.If I am already a member to I have to sign-up again? What happened during the first registration drive?

A.If you are already a member and regularly receiving emails thank you for your participation. You do not have to sign up again. Tens of thousands signed up in almost every arch/diocese in the state. However, the event was held during only one Sunday and many missed the opportunity. Many changed email addresses and forgot to re-register. So after several years, it is time to renew the call.

Q.Why are they calling this a Life and Dignity network?

A.Life & Dignity are words that summarize our whole Catholic social teaching and approach to state and federal legislation. It is who we are and what we represent. We are taught that life is precious from conception to natural death. Threats to life and dignity, be they abortion, hunger, war, poverty, or lack of access to health care, are to be confronted directly by Catholics. We stand for those whose lives are threatened, and we stand with those who are in need of food, clothing and health care. This mission, we believe, comes from the words and actions of Jesus.

Q.Isn’t there suppose to be a separation between religion and politics?

A. Not really. The founders of our constitution wanted to keep the government out of the business of the Church and took care not to establish or promote any one religion. It is both the right and the duty of people of faith to carry their values and teachings into the public arena. While we must respect the values and teachings of others, we must do our best to share our own and hope that they will be reflected in the laws and policies of the state.

Q. If I sign up for the CLN what will be expected of me? Will I get 75 e-mails a day asking me to do this and that?

A.No, your time will be respected. A newsletter (Public Policy Insights) is mailed every Friday that the legislature is in session. It is kept brief to respect your time but has many links to find out more about a particular topic. Action Alerts provide some basic and brief background information and then ask you to send a message to your senators or assembly members. Simply click the Take Action button to e-mail your elected representatives. You choose which Alerts to respond to.

Q.Who will have access to my name and e-mail address?

A.All registrants will be entered into the statewide Catholic Legislative Network data base. The bishop of every diocese has agreed to use the information ONLY for public policy issues, no fundraising or other purpose. The statewide data base will be controlled by the California Catholic Conference of Bishops and the names will never be loaned or sold to any other organization or cause.

Q.Can I join the CLN if I do not have an e-mail address?

A.Unfortunately, no. While you could technically “join” the network, you would have no way to receive the alerts and other CLN communications. Many parishes post the information or use it in their bulletins. Some even print out emails in letter form for parishioners to use.

Q.Is the “Parish Champions” job done after Life & Dignity Sunday?

A.Yes, unless they choose to do more. There is much that can be done with a strong local CLN team. For example, if you wanted to, the Parish Champion could organize a follow-up meeting with those who have registered from the parish to share information or to invite state Senator or Assembly Member to meet with you. The CLN members from your parish could work on a local issue of concern and interest to your people.

Q.How can I get my other questions answered as they arise?

A. Call or e-mail the California Catholic Conference at 916-313-4000 or [email protected].

Bulletin Announcements

Feel free to adjust these announcements as fits your individual parish situation:

Two weeks before:

Life & Dignity Sunday Set for ___date____

At the request of Archbishop/Bishop _________________, all parishes in the Archdiocese/Diocese _______ will be focusing attention on our civic responsibilities by inviting interested parishioners to register for a newly created Catholic Legislative Network. It has been described as a “Voice for Life and Dignity in California.” Next weekend there will be a one-page explanation of the Network and Life & Dignity Sunday in our parish bulletin. Please read it and then carefully and prayerfully consider registering for the Catholic Legislative Network on ______________________.

Week before (and include the insert:)

Life & Dignity Sunday Next Weekend

The bishops of California have established the Catholic Legislative Network (CLN) to develop a strong, clear, moral voice for life and justice in our state during a very difficult time. Next weekend during Life & Dignity Sunday, all parishioners will have an opportunity to register for the Network. You will find a one-page description of the newly created advocacy network in this week’s bulletin. Please read it, pray about it (and for it), and come prepared next week to register for this important new effort.

The weekend of....

Today is Life & Dignity Sunday

Today is Life & Dignity Sunday in the Archdiocese/Diocese _______. It is a day that the Archbishop/Bishop has designated for us to focus on the Catholic responsibility to be good and engaged citizens. You have been invited and had the opportunity to register for a state-wide Catholic Legislative Network, which is to be a strong, clear, moral voice for life and justice in our state. We thank you for registering, if you did; and for your patience and forbearance if you did not. If you did register, we hope that you will be faithful in responding to the Action Alerts that will come asking for your assistance on important issues. If you missed signing up today, you can still register on line at If you are already a member - thank you. You do not have to re-register today.

The weekend after, congratulate and thanks:

Life & Dignity Sunday Report

Last Sunday approximately _____ parishioners from our parish registered for the Catholic Legislative Network. We thank you for agreeing to participate and we will be praying that the network will be successful in creating public policy in our state that is more caring, respectful of life, and just for all. We received word yesterday that over _________people throughout the diocese signed up for the CLN last weekend. WOW!!! If you did not fill out a card last week -- not to worry. You can sign up online at

Pulpit Announcements

For all Masses on the weekend before Life & Dignity Sunday:

Next Sunday has been designated Life & Dignity Sunday here in the Archdiocese/Diocese of _________. At the special request of Archbishop/Bishop ______________, we will be inviting and encouraging all of you to register for the new statewide Catholic Legislative Network. In this weekend’s bulletin there is a very useful, one-page description of what the Catholic Legislative Network is all about. We encourage you to read it carefully and pray for God’s guidance. Next week, there will be cards in the pews and you will be encouraged to become and active member of the network.

Talking Points for Homilist (or other presenter) on weekend of registration:

For several weeks now, we have been sharing with you that today is Life & Dignity Sunday here in the Archdiocese/Diocese. To be a good Catholic one must be a good citizen; and good citizenship demands participation. Our Church teaches that we are to “participate” in the decisions that affect our lives and the lives of our communities.

The bishops of California have decided to make that easier for all of us through the use of new technology that allows us to communicate more effectively with our elected representatives. They have created a state-wide legislative network and are inviting Catholics from around the state to register and become a part of the Network. The Archbishops and Bishops of the state encourage everyone to participate.

Several years ago, most of the dioceses in the state held similar Life & Dignity Sundays. The response of the faithful was tremendous and for years those who signed up during the first event have been speaking out for life and dignity to our elected officials.

Please find one of the registration cards in the pews, and if you have so decided, take a minute to complete the card. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY. YOUR REGISTRATION IS USELESS IF THE E-MAIL ADDRESS CANNOT BE READ. When you are finished, please send the card down the row to the end so it can be retrieved by the ushers.

If by chance there are not enough cards for you to register, you can go on line and accomplish the very same thing. You will find the website in today’s bulletin!

Thank you all very much!


Sample Script for CLN Champions (or other speakers)

Note: This “sample script” was developed for parishes where the pastor, priest, or homilist does not want to say anything about the CLN during his homily, but instead prefers having a lay-leader talk for a few moments after the regular homily…and then walk people through the registration process.

Good morning, my name is __________and I would like to thank Father ___________ for giving me these few moments to quickly explain the Catholic Legislative Network and then to walk you through the process of registration.

First, all of us know that this is a time of great change for the State of California. We have only recently emerged from a fiscal crisis that affected every one of us with economic insecurity. Many are still not participating in the “recovery”. State budget reductions led to extreme cut backs in services for the most vulnerable elderly, children, and poor families…even while funding for abortion services remain stable.

We are in an environmental crisis that must balance the water needs of farmers with the human needs of California residents.

We are in also in a moral crisis which challenges the traditional values of life and dignity as society contends with emerging life-styles and new family structures.

In response to these challenges, the bishops of California have established a state-wide Catholic Legislative Network. Every parish in every diocese in the state will be encouraging people like you and me to join the network…and become, together, a strong, clear VOICE FOR LIFE AND DIGNITY IN CALIFORNIA.

The bishops believe that numbers matter and that if thousands of us are engaged, writing e-mails and letters, making phone calls to our elected officials, that we will make a difference.

Joining the network simply means that you will receive a weekly information bulletin called Public Policy Insights that will help you understand what is happening in our state, and periodic Action Alerts during the legislative session that ask you to participate by sending an e-mail to your elected officials. It is all made very simple for you and with a few click on your computer, you will have communicated your thoughts on important issues.

Here’s what to do. In your pew this morning are registration cards and pencils. Please fill out the card printing very carefully the information that is requested. It is extremely important that your e-mail address be printed legibly so that we don’t get it wrong. (Please repeat the request for a clear e-mail address.) If you are already a member of the Catholic Legislative Network, there is no need to re-register.

Please fill out the cards right now and send them down to the end of the aisle where the ushers will pick them up. It will take a few weeks to get all the names in the data base, so please don’t expect to hear something immediately.


Thank you for your openness to the Network and for becoming a voice for life and dignity in California.

If there are not enough cards, do not panic. You can also register on line at

Once again, I want to thank Father______________ for making it possible for us to carry out this important campaign here at ____________________parish.

Guidelines for Handling Registration Cards

1) Prior to Life & Dignity Sunday

a) Cards will be mailed to parishes approximately three weeks prior to Life & Dignity Sunday.

b) If you have not received your cards ten days prior to the event or you think you may need additional cards, contact your diocesan champion or contact the California Catholic Conference at 916-313-4000.

c) In your package will be a self-addressed envelope in which to return the cards after Life & Dignity Sunday.

2) Before and during Mass on Life & Dignity Sunday

a) Make sure a sufficient number of cards and pencils/pens are in every pew prior to each Mass. Ushers, hospitality ministers or others can be helpful.

b) Arrange for fellow parishioners to help you collect the cards after the homily. Some parishes may prefer to have cards placed in the collection basket. Do whatever is standard for your parish.

c) Parishioners that miss the event can mail cards in at any time to: California Catholic Conference, 1119 K Street, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814. They can also register online at

3) Returning the Cards

a) Assemble all the cards and place them in the return envelope provided. The envelope is prepaid and self-addressed. They can be returned at any UPS Office. For a list visit Be sure to count the number or registrants before you send the package. You will want to report the number back to the parish on the following weekend.

b) If it is more convenient, the return package can be returned to your Diocesan Champion.

c) In either case, please call your Diocesan Champion to let him or her know you have mailed the package and the number of registrants.

Useful Links

Official Catholic Sites

California Catholic Conference,

The official voice of the Catholic community in California's public policy arena represents the bishops of California on legislation and social issues. It is the primary source for Catholic Legislative Network information as well as news and analysis of policy issues in California, the status of major and significant legislation, and a variety of advocacy tools. Look for the Links menu item which contains links to all arch/dioceses in the state, many of the sites listed below, and all the California missions.

US Conference of Catholic Bishops,

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops supports the ministry of bishops with an emphasis on evangelization, by which the bishops exercise in a communal and collegial manner certain pastoral functions entrusted to them by the Lord Jesus of sanctifying, teaching, and governing. To purchase materials, books and other items visit


The official web site of the Holy See contains archives of all Church documents and official news, as well as full text of encyclicals and other documents.

Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

This searchable summary of the social teaching of the Church is more easily accessed via the Vatican site.

Instructions for Linking to the Catholic Legislative Network

1. Simply link to the website,, the home page of the California Catholic Conference. The site will guide visitors to the Network pages.

2. Insert the following code onto your webpage…

It will produce an image and a direct link that looks like this:

3. You can also contact [email protected] for more information and assistance.

Weekly Newsletter

Registration Card

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