Page 1: March 22, 2015 From Pastor’s desk: Fifth Sunday of Lent ... · 3/22/2015  · del árbol de arce de primavera, para que podamos estar dispuesto a dar de nosotros mismos por el bien

From Pastor’s desk: Fifth Sunday of Lent Reflection: Jeremiah 31, 31- 34: I will make a new cov-enant and remember their sin no more Hebrews 5, 7-9: Christ learned obedience and became the source of eternal salvation. John 12, 20-33: If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it produces much fruit.

Our readings today all invite us to be rather introspective. Jeremiah tells us that God’s law will be so written on our hearts that we will have no need to tell others how to know the Lord, it will be so evident. Saint Paul tells us about Jesus’ cries and sup-plications to the Father, some of which we hear in today’s gospel. Indeed, Philip does what we all are to do: he brings others to Jesus. So let us listen for God’s message to us today even we hear of God’s message to Jesus. As Lent moves into its final days, our celebration today gives us an opportunity to reflect on how our Lenten practices have brought us closer to God. Where were you when Lent started? How do things stand now? What can yet be done? Like the grain of wheat in today’s gospel, maple syrup is a natural parable as to what it means to allow ourselves to change, to be re-created in the love of God. In letting our self-centeredness be boiled away, we can transform our lives in the grace and peace of God. In moving beyond anger and dis-appointments, our fears and skepticism, we can make this a season of healing and hope for ourselves and those we love. Learn the lesson of the grain of wheat, that we may die to ourselves in order to realize the fruit of God’s harvest of justice and for-giveness. Embrace the faith of the spring maple tree, that we may willing to give of ourselves for the sake of others as Christ gave himself up for us, allowing ourselves to be transformed in the life and love of the Easter Christ.

Christ our redeemer, may we embrace the faith of the grain of wheat: that we may

willingly die to our own wants, needs, and fears in order to experience the life of your

resurrection in our families, homes, schools and communities. May we take up own

our crosses in your spirit of selflessness and compassion, that we may transform our

lives in the complete joy of Easter. Amen

Saturday, March 21, 2015 7:30am: John & Jenny Ann Crouthin by: Katherine Sherlack 5:00pm: Hanno Schwab by: Theresa, Larry & Paul Sunday, March 22, 2015 8:00am: Karyna Esquivel 10:00am: Benita L. Martinez & Gilberto H. Martinez by: Their Children 12:00pm: Holy Family Parishioners Monday, March 23, 2015 7:30am: Rosa Gonzales by: Leal & Renteria Family Tuesday, March 24, 2015 7:30am: Juan A. Moreno by: Wife & Family Wednesday, March 25, 2015 7:30am: Francisco Javier Lopez by: Rosario Lopez Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:30am: Armando Renteria by: Tony & Bertha Renteria Friday, March 27, 2015 7:30am: Sacred Heart of Jesus & Virgin de Guadalupe Healing of Linda & Rosa R. Bustos by: Rosa Bustos Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:30am: John Sherlock by: A Good friend 5:00pm: Holy Family Parishioners For all the Music Ministries in the Parish

Del escritorio del Pastor: Reflexión: Jeremías 31, 31- 34: Voy a hacer un nuevo pacto y no me acordaré más de sus pecado. Hebreos 5, 7-9: Cristo aprendió a obedecer y se convirtió en causa de salva-ción eterna. Juan 12, 20-33: Si el grano de trigo cae en tierra y muere, da mucho fruto. Nuestra lecturas de hoy nos invitan a todos ser bastante intros-pectivo. Jeremías nos dice que la ley de Dios será lo escrito en nuestros corazones que no tendermos necesidad de necesidad de decirle a otros cómo conocer al Señor, es tan evidente. San Pablo nos habla de la lameta-ción y súplicas de Jesús al Padre, algunos de los cuales vamos a escuchar en el evangelio de hoy. De hecho, Philip hace lo que todos debemos de ha-cer: él trae a otros a Jesús. Así que hoy vamos a escuchar el mensaje de Dios para nosotros , incluyendo el mensaje de Dios a Jesús. Como la Cua-resma esta en sus sus últimos días, nuestra celebración de hoy nos da la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre cómo nuestra prática cuaresmal nos a acer-cado a Dios. ¿Dónde estabas cuando empezaste la Cuaresma? ¿Cómo están las cosas ahora? Qué se puede hacer¿ Como el grano de trigo en el evangelio de hoy el jarabe de arce es una parábola natural, en cuanto a lo que significa dejarnos cambiar, para ser re-creado en el amor de Dios. En dejar que nuestro egocentrismo ser evaporado podemos transformar nuestra vida en la gracia y la paz de Dios. Al avanzar más allá de ira y decepciones, nuestros miedos y escepticismo, podemos hacer de esto una temporada de sanidad y esperanza para nosotros y para nuestros seres queridos. Apren-den la lección del grano de trigo, para que mueren dispuesto con el fin de realizar el fruto de la cosecha de la justicia y el perdón de Dios. Abraza la fe del árbol de arce de primavera, para que podamos estar dispuesto a dar de nosotros mismos por el bien de los demás como Cristo se entregó a sí mis-mo por nosotros, dejándonos ser transformados en la vida y el amor del Cris-to de Pascua. Cristo nuestro redentor, que podamos abrazar la fe del grano de trigo: para que muramos voluntariamente por nuestros propios deseos, necesidades y temores con el fin de experimentar la vida de tu resurrección en nuestras familias, hogares, escuelas y comunidades. Que podemos tomar nuestras propias cruces en tu espíritu de abnegación y compasión, para que podamos transformar nuestras vidas en la alegría completa de Pascua. Amén

Illness? Enfermedad? Surgery? Cirugia? Grief and Loss?


Annie Ybarra, Amaro Castillo, Lolly Lopez, Margie Aleman, Rebecca Delgado, Sarah Humpfrey, Julio Villarreal, Gloria Medrano, Maria Medrano, Gloria Monceballes, Floyd Kocher, Robert Herrera, Martin Delgado, Angelino Menchaca, Irma Camarillo, Rosalinda Zuniga, Deacon Raymond

Names of individuals or families will be posted on a weekly basis. Let the office know by Tuesday, if you want Your name on list next week. We Pray for God’s

comfort, graces and healing each week.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];

Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11

Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30

Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38

Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59

Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42

Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56

Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4- 7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 —

March 22, 2015

5th Sunday of Lent

Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma

Page 2: March 22, 2015 From Pastor’s desk: Fifth Sunday of Lent ... · 3/22/2015  · del árbol de arce de primavera, para que podamos estar dispuesto a dar de nosotros mismos por el bien

Sunday Collect ion Offering

March 14th & 15th

$3,914.94 2nd Collect ion -$1,071.90

Chi ldren ’s Love Offering – $80.75

Next Week’s Second Col lect ion:

Holy Family M iss ionaries

Thank you so much for your

fai thful and cont inuous support and donat ions.


Sun. March 22: NO Classes/Spring Break Wed. March 25: NO R.E. 8th-12th Classes

FIRST COMMUNION NEWS: Children receiving Holy Communion on May 3rd are having their 1st Confes-sions on Thurs. March 26th at 7pm, arrive by 6:45pm. Angie is calling those who need to be there. Parents, Thank you for all you have done to prepare your child.

CONFIRMATION NEWS For Ms. Denise’s Class Confirmation Retreat: Sat. March 28, 2015 Confirmation Mass: Fri. May 1, 2015 Check our Parish Website for Updates:


Sun., Mar. 22: NO R.E. Classes Spring Break/ Youth Ministry Trip: Take Jesus to the Streets Rally in S.A.12noon-8:30pm Mon., Mar. 23: Pray the Rosary 6pm/Chapel Wed., Mar. 25: Via Crucis/7pm/ Iglesia NO R.E. 8th-12th Classes Thurs., Mar. 26: Confessions/7-8pm (First Confessions for Group 1 First Communion Class) Fri., Mar. 27: Stations of the Cross/7pm/Church -Hosted by R.E. Classes Sat., Mar. 28: Confirmation Retreat for Ms. Denise’s Class Sun., Mar. 29: R.E. Classes (Class with most diapers collected gets a pizza party!) View more info on these items and other upcoming events

on our Parish Website:

Mass Attendance Weekend

March 7th & 8th

5pm—129 8am—195

10am—176 12pm—196

Total— 696

Mass Attendance Weekend

March 14th-15th

5pm—134 8am—444

10am—139 12pm—155


News from St. John Paul II Catholic High School:

Fish Fry, Fri. March 27th 4pm-7:30pm or until sold out.

YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: THANK YOU Parishioners! for your support of the youth attending the Steubenvillesouth Conference. Thank you Dr. & Mrs. Hickman God Bless You! If you would like to support a youth who is attending the conference, please contact Priscilla Vela. Deadline to turn in financial sup-port is Monday, March 30th.

The Next Youth Ministry R.A.G.E. Night will be Thursday, April 16th 6:30pm-8:30pm. Dinner, Fellowship, Music, Message and Prayer.

Come see what God has in store for you!


*ACTS BREAKFAST: Sun. April 19 after 8:00am and 10:00am masses @ parish hall. *Save the Date: NEXT Men’s and Women’s Retreat Women's Retreat: July 23-26 Men's Retreat: August 13-16

During these 40 days for Life, Feb 18th-Mar29th, We are

having our Diaper Drive. (Any size & brand) Drop Diaper

Donations in the box located at the church entrance.

Thanks for your support! R.E. Kids bring them to class!

The 2015 Archbishop’s Appeal Continues. Learn more at: La Campaña del Arzobispo del 2015 contiua. Para más información visite:

Our Parish Goal: $10,643 Total Participants: 32 Total Pledged: $5,327

Total Collected: $3,969 If every family participates w/$15, we will reach Goal. Slips & Envelopes are in the Church Entrance.

(Holy Family-New Braunfels on the check memo)

"Attention, single Catholic men 18-30: The Knights of the Holy

Eucharist, a community of consecrated brothers dedicated to fos-

tering devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, invite you to discern your

vocation at their House of Formation, located at the Shrine of the

Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more: The Knights (having members around the country) offer

hospitality to priests. Any priest who would like to make a private

retreat at the Shrine (totally without charge) can visit

for more information. For more info. call 541-375-0195. God bless

you. Maureen Hunkler/Vocations Awareness Assistant

A Life in the Spirit Seminar will start on April 9th &

will be presented in a series of talks & meditations over sever-

al weeks. The Life in the Spirit seminar is intended for any

Young Adult or Adult who desires a new or renewed aware-

ness & a deeper relationship with God, especially through the

working of the Holy Spirit. Participants will be invited to "stir

into flame" in a renewed Pentecost the gift of the Holy Spirit

that was given at Baptism and Confirmation.

“What can the Holy Spirit do in my life?” Lead me to a better personal friendship with Jesus & the Fa-

ther-Help me better appreciate the Mass, Jesus in the Eucharist

& the Scriptures- Lead me to become a better Catholic.- Help me

be a better parent, neighbor, parishioner, or citizen.- Help me deal

with some of my personal problems To get more information,

Contact Mario Ortiz

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