Page 1: Marijuana Use & Academic Achievement

Marijuana Use & Academic

AchievementMarion HughesSociology 391

Spring 2011

Page 2: Marijuana Use & Academic Achievement

Q. 110: How many days out of the past 30 have you used marijuana?

0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21+

Recoded into 3 ordinal categories: 0 1-5 6 +

Independent Variable: Marijuana Use

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Q14. Please indicate the range that best categorizes your current cumulative grade point average. Don’t have one 2.50 or less 2.51 – 2.67 2.68 – 3.50 3.51 or higher

Recoded into three ordinal categories: 2.67 or less 2.68 – 3.50 3.51 or higher

Dependent Variable: Cumulative GPA

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Students who use marijuana will have lower GPAs than students who do not.

The frequency of marijuana use is negatively related to cumulative grade point average.

Research hypothesis

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X2 = 2.177, df = 4, p <.703

Method: contingency table

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No statistically significant relationship between marijuana use and GPA

My hypothesis is not supported

Bivariate results

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Q. 204. What is your sex? female male

Hypothesis: Controlling for sex, the frequency of marijuana use is negatively related to cumulative grade point average.

Control variable: Sex

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X2 = 10.910, df =4, p <.028Cramer’s V = .235

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Moderately strong, statistically significant relationship between marijuana use and GPA

However, my hypothesis is not supported

The occasional users (1-5 times a month) have the lowest GPAs

17.3% more of the women who used 6+ times last month have GPAs above 3.5 than women who never used

Results for females

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X2 = 3.023, df = 4, p < .554

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No statistically significant relationship

Hypothesis not supported

Results for males

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Hypothesis not supported by the data

Specification: significant relationship only exists for women, although not in the predicted direction

Outcome of elaboration

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Shortcomings: time order of variables

Further research

Legalization of marijuana


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