Page 1: Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Education Academic Appointments

Updated: 07-01-20

Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Psychology

Chodakowska 19/31 Str., Warsaw, 03-815, Poland +48603985111, [email protected]


Ph.D., (Psychology, honors degree), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland Thesis Title: Parental Acceptance in Childhood and Functioning in Close Relationships in Adulthood Advisor: Prof. Barbara Tryjarska, Ph.D.


M.A., (Psychology, honors degree), University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 2005

Academic Appointments

Full-time Assistant Professor

Faculty of Psychology, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Warsaw, Poland

Part-time Instructor Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland


Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland

Jr. Assistant

Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland

since 2017




Other Positions and Employment

Psychotherapist, Private Practice,, Warsaw, Poland

Psychotherapist, Private Practice, Pro Psyche, Warsaw, Poland

Voluntary psychologist, 1st Clinic of Psychiatry, University of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland

Tobacco Cessation Counselor Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland

since 2007




Honors and Awards

Dean’s Award for the best workshop instructor (Faculty of Psychology, SWPS University)

Academic Award for the best elective lecturer (Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw)



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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 2 of 8 Professional Memberships and Activities

European Association for Psychotherapy (Member)

Polish Psychology Association (Member) Polish Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Member) Polish Psycho-Oncology Association (Board Member)

since 2012

since 2012

since 2010

since 2005

Editorial Responsibilities

Psychoonkologia, Polish Journal of Psycho-Oncology, reviewer since 2013

Educational Activities

Teaching Activities - M.A. in Psychology Program

Techniques in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, specialization workshop, 12 pers.

End of Life Care, elective seminar, 20 pers.

Introduction to Counseling and Guidance, obligatory lecture, 40 pers.

Advances in Humanistic and Existential Psychotherapy, specialization seminar, 20 pers.

Medical Psychology, elective seminar, 25 pers.

Family Therapy, specialization seminar, 20 pers.

Genogram Self-Experience, self-experience specialization workshop, 12 pers.

Genogram Technique, specialization seminar, 20 pers.

Psychology of Love, elective seminar, 25 pers.

Introduction of Humanistic and Existential Psychology, elective, 20 pers.

Psycho-Oncology, elective seminar, selected years, 25 pers.

Interventions in Psycho-Oncology and Health Psychology, workshop, 12 pers.

since 2015 since 2015

since 2013

since 2012

since 2011

since 2011 since 2011

since 2011

since 2010 since 2010 since 2009


Clinical Teaching and Supervision

Supervision for psycho-oncologists, Private Practice, Warsaw, Poland since 2009

Graduate Student Education

Assistant Professor, Psychology in English, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland

Instructor, Warsaw International Studies in Psychology. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland (see: above list of teaching activities).

since 2017


External Educational Activities

Invited Instructor, University de La Laguna, Spain

Invited Instructor, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Invited Instructor, Dogus University, Istanbul, Turkey

Invited Instructor, Faculty of Psychology, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain





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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 3 of 8

Advising and Mentoring

Students Mentoring 15 students per year, M.A. and B.A. in Psychology Program, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland

since 2017

Mentoring 10 students per year, M.A. in Psychology Program and empirical yearly papers, Warsaw International Studies in Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Warsaw




European Commission Grant EU 2005319 S. Fleitmann (PI) General Practtioners and Economics of Smoking Cessation in Europe - PESCE Assessment of efficacy and costs of smoking cessation treatments in Europe at national and EU level 658,000EUR total budget Role: CE Europe coordinator and local investigator (15%), steering committee member


Technology Development

Patents/Authorial Methods

Development of Interaction Narcissism Questionnaire

Development of Love Expectations Questionnaire



Software Applications/Assessment Tools

Adaptation of R. Rohner’s Parental Acceptance and Rejection Questionnaire in Polish

Adaptation of Implicit Association Test procedure software to measure implicit self and partner’s working models

Adaptation of Implicit Association Test procedure software to measure personalized implicit self-esteem

2007 2006 2004

Clinical Practice

Certification and Licensure

European Certificate of Psychotherapy (EAP) 2012

Psycho-Oncology Supervisor Certificate (PTPO) 2012

Psycho-Oncology Certificate (PTPO) 2012

Clinical Discipline

Psychotherapy, certified postgraduate training in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy, graduate specialization in Family and Couple Psychotherapy



Clinical Activities

Private Practice,, Warsaw, psychotherapist, 15 hours per week

Private Practice, Pro Psyche, Warsaw, psychotherapist, 24 hours per week

M.S.-C. Memorial Cancer Center, psychologist, Warsaw, 12 hours per week

since 2007



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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 4 of 8 Publications (examples)

Peer-reviewed publications

1. Porebiak, M.I. Komentarz do art. Jaeshke R. Palenie tytoniu a ryzyko rozwinięcia się dużej depresji. Medycyna Praktyczna Psychiatria 4: 82 (2013).

2. Porebiak, M.I. Komentarz do art. Jaeshke R. Szkody indywidualne i społeczne związane ze stosowanie substance psychoaktywnych. Medycyna Praktyczna Psychiatria 5: 77-78 (2011).

3. Zatoński, W., Porebiak, M.I. Komentarz do art. Miernik-Jaeshke M. Uzależnienie od nikotyny – porównanie skuteczności pięciu farmakologicznych metod leczenia. Medycyna Praktyczna Psychiatria 5: 113 (2010).

4. Porebiak, M.I. Fakty i mity dotyczące chorób nowotworowych. Psychoonkologia 12(2): 52-57 (2008).

5. Porebiak, M.I. Mechanizmy obronne w uzależnieniu od tytoniu a trudności z asymilacją informacji o szkodliwości palenia. Problemy Higieny I Epidemiologii 88(3): 17-20 (2007).

6. Porebiak, M.I. Zniekształcone myślenie w uzależnieniu od tytoniu. Problemy Higieny I Epidemiologii 88(3): 21-23 (2007).

7. Porebiak, M.I. Samoocena jawna i utajona: model dwuskładnikowy. Nowiny Psychologiczne 2: 93-106 (2005).

Books & Chapters

1. Porebiak, M.I. Narcyzm – szczególna forma tworzenia więzi. In Bliskość w Rodzinie (B. Tryjarska ed.) 147–170. Scholar (2010).

2. Zatoński, W., Porebiak, M.I. Zniekształcone myślenie w uzależnieniu od tytoniu. In Podręcznik Polskiego Forum Profilaktyki tom 2 (P. Podolec ed.) 167-170. Wydawnictwo Medycyna Praktyczna (2010).

3. Pająk, Z., Broda, G., Drygas, W., Gąsior, Z., Porębiak, M.I., Jaworski, J.M., Rutkowski, M., Szafraniec, K., Szczęch, M., Wizner, B., Wolfshaut-Wolak, R, Zatoński, W., Zdrojewski, T. Pierwotna prewencja chorón sercowo-naczyniowych rozwijających się na podłożu miażdżycy naczyń. Wydawnictwo UJ (2009).

Non-peer-reviewed publications

1. Porebiak, M.I. (2015). Światowe doniesienia z kongresu łączonego Amerykańskiego Towarzystwo Psycho-Społecznej Onkologii (APOS) i Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Psychoonkologii (IPOS) w Waszyngtonie, USA. Psychoonkologia 2: 80-82 (2015).

2. Porebiak, M.I.. Światowe doniesienia w dziedzinie psychoonkologii. Psychoonkologia 4: 164–165 (2014).

3. Porebiak, M.I., Samardakiewicz, M. Sprawozdanie: 15. Światowy Kongres Psychoonkologii w Rotterdamie. Psychoonkologia 3: 129–130 (2013).

4. Porebiak, M.I., Blogosz, A. Współczesne trendy światowej psychoonkologii. Psychoonkologia 1: 70–72 (2011).

5. Porebiak, M.I., Zatoński, W. Zniekształcone myślenie w uzależnieniu od tytoniu. Biuletyn Polskiego Forum Profilaktyki 4(9): 4 (2007).

Non-print / Online materials

1. Porebiak, M.I.. Jak pomóc choremu na raka?. wywiady/chorzy;na;raka;szybko;dowiaduja;sie;ze;musza;sobie;radzic;sami;lekarze;staja;przed;dylematem;kto;ma;wieksze;prawo;zyc;-;maly;chlopiec;czy;matka;trojki;dzieci,185,1,1505977.html (2014).

2. Porebiak, M.I. Działanie substancji uzależniającej na ukłąd nerwowy.,114653,14449572,Dzialanie_substancji_uzalezniajacej_na_uklad_nerwowy.html (2013).

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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 5 of 8 Invited Presentations (examples)

International Supportive Strategies: Psychosocial interventions. Ulm University & ESO, Certificate of Competence in Breast Cancer programme.

Communication as a first level of psycho-social care. Masterclass in Oncology, ESO, Split, Croatia

Psycho-social aspects of cancer. International European School of Oncology Summer School, ESO, Poznan, Warsaw

Smoking as a disease. International Seminar Smokefree Europe, MANKO Association, Cracow, Poland





National Zastosowanie terapii rodzin w psychoonkologii. (Family counseling in psycho-oncology). Polskie Towarzystwo Psychoonkologiczne, Gdansk, Poland.

Gdzie człowiek nie może… czyli o zastosowaniu nowoczesnych technologii w psychoonkologii. (Where human cannot reach… the use of new technology in psycho-oncology). Polskie Towarzystwo Psychoonkologiczne, Gdansk, Poland.

Problemy psychiczne osób chorych na raka (Psychological problems of cancer patients). Śląskie Centrum Zdrowia, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.

Powrót do pracy po chorobie nowotworowej z perpektywy psychoonkologa (Return to work after cancer – psycho-oncologist’s perspective), Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.

Psychoonkolog w Służbie Chorym i ich Rodzinom, (Psycho-oncologist’s Role in Patient and Family Care). Tydzień Rodzin, University of Warsaw, Poland.

Terapia Rodziny w Obliczu Żałoby (Family Focused Grief Therapy). Polskie Towarzystwo Psychoonkologiczne, Gdansk, Poland.

Narcyzm w związku miłosnym (Narcississm in intimate relationships.). Conference „Narcyzm fenomem naszych czasów” (‘Narcissism – phenomenon of our days’), University of Warsaw, Poland.





05-16-14 09-07-13


Regional Rzuć palenie razem z nami! (Quit smoking with us!). Discussion panel, Conference at Palace of the President of Republic of Poland, Warsaw, Poland.


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Other Presentations, Posters & Abstracts (examples)

International Wirga, M., DeBernardi, M., Wirga, A., Porebiak, M., & Ostrowski, M. (2019). Maultsby’s

Rational Behavior Therapy for cancer patients in an interactive virtual reality environment. 4th International Congress of Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, Cluj Napoca, Romania.

Porebiak, M. I., Ostrowski, M., Wirga, M. Using Virtual Reality Technology in Behavioral Relaxation Training for Oncology Patients – Feasibility Study. 16th Annual Conference of American Psycho-Oncology Society, Atlanta, USA.

Porebiak, M. I., Ostrowski, M., Travado, L., Reis, J. C., Delaney, G.P., Girgis, A. Using Virtual Reality Technology in Behavioral Relaxation Training for Oncology Patients. 20th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Hong Kong, China.

Kissane, D. W., Porębiak, M. I., Zaider, T. Models of Family-Centered Care During Advanced Cancer Sustained into Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 19th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Berlin, Germany.

Kissane, D. W., Porębiak, M. I., Zaider, T. Family-Centered Care During Palliative Care and Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 18th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Dublin, Ireland.

Kissane, D. W., Lichtenthal W., Porębiak, M. I., Steinglass, P., Zaider, T. Models of Family-Centered Care During Palliative Care and Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 17th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Washington, DC, US.

Kissane, D., Porebiak, M.I., Running Family Meetings: family focused therapy in advanced cancer and bereavement.Psychosocial Academy, 16th Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Kissane, D. W., Porębiak, M. I., Zaider, T. Family-Centered Care During Palliative Care and Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 15th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Porebiak, M.I., Blogosz, A., Krajewski, R. Role of Stress Coping Strategies in psychological adjustment of head and neck cancer patients: results of a 12-month surveillance.14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Brisbane, Australia 10-15.11.2012.

Kissane, D. W., Porębiak, M. I., Zaider, T. Family-Centered Care During Palliative Care and Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 14th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Brisbane, Australia.

Kissane, D. W., Porębiak, M. I. Family Therapy – Models of Family-Centered Care During Palliative Care and Bereavement. Psychosocial Academy, 13th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Antalya, Turkey.

Porębiak, M.I. Parental Acceptance in Childhood and Functioning in Close Relationships in Adulthood. International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Gdansk, Poland.

Porębiak. M.I., Branson, J. Joint project for decrease of Tobacco use among Polish migrants communities in Crewe, UK. VII World Congress of Medical Polonia, Toruń, Poland.

Porębiak, M.I., Błogosz, A. Systemic Family Therapy in Psycho-oncology. The Genogram Technique. 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Quebec, Canada.

Błogosz, A., Porębiak, M.I. Sense of coherence and acceptance of illness by patients with head and neck cancer. 12th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, Quebec, Canada.

Porębiak, M.I. Parental acceptance and rejection and self and partner’s image in adulthood relationships. 2nd Congress of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, Crete, Greece.

Porębiak, M.I. Polish adaptation of PARQ short form. 2nd Congress of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, Crete, Greece.

Intervizzi, G., Porębiak, M.I. Influence of the Professional Environment. European Stakeholder Conference General Practitioners and the Economics of Smoking Cessation, Barcelona, Spain.








11-04-13 11-13-12 11-10-12

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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 7 of 8

Porębiak, M. I., Cedzyńska, M. Smoking cessation therapeutic groups in Poland. 4th European Conference 2007 „Tobacco or Health”, Basil, Switzerland.

Porębiak, M. I. Explicit, Implicit Self-Esteem and Narcissistic Tendencies in Spouse Relationships. 1st International Symposium of Pedagogy and Psychology of PhD students „Human relations and nowadays challenges”, Wrocław, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Medical and psychological support in smoking cessation. World conference „European Health Psychology Conference”, Warsaw, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Explicit and Implicit Self-Esteem and Narcissist Tendencies in Marital Relationships. First International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, Istanbul, Turkey.

10-12-07 03-16-07 09-01-06


National Porębiak, M.I., Cedzyńska, M., Przepiórka, I. Tworzenie grup dla rzucających palenie (Creation of

smoking cessation groups). XII Kongres Naukowy Pamięci prof. Franciszka Venuleta „Tytoń albo Zdrowie” (Tobacco or health), Cracow, Poland.

Porębiak, M.I., Błogosz, A. Systemowa terapia rodzin w obliczu choroby nowotworowej. Zastosowanie techniki genogramu. (Systemic therapy of family facing cancer. Genogram technique). 10 Ogólnopolska Konferencja Psychoonkologiczna, Władysławowo, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. , Smolińska, A. Fakty i mity dotyczące chorób nowotworowych (Facts and myths about cancer). 9th Cogress of Polish Psychooncological Association Gdańsk, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Profilaktyka chorób nowotworowych w Telefonicznej Poradni Pomocy Palącym (Cancer prevetion in quitline). IX Scientific Congress dedicated to memory of prof. Venulet „Tytoń albo Zdrowie” (Tobacco or health), Płock, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Grupowe formy pomocy psychologicznej osobom rzucającym palenie (Group psychological support for smoking addicted). IX Scientific Congress dedicated to memory of prof. Venulet „Tytoń albo Zdrowie” (Tobacco or health), Płock, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Samoocena jawna i utajona a narcyzm w związku małżeńskim (Explicit and implicit self-esteem in love relationship). Conference Homo automaticus or homo sapiens? Jadwisin, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Samoocena jawna i utajona a tendencje narcystyczne przejawiane przez kobiety w związkach małżeńskich (Implicit and explicit self-esteem and narcissist tendencies of women in marital relationships). Conference „Kobieta w Kulturze, Kultura w Kobiecie” (Women in culture, culture of women) Gdańsk, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Profilaktyka chorób nowotworowych w Telefonicznej Poradni Pomocy Palącym (Cancer prevention in Polish Quitline). 8th Cogress of Polish Psychooncological Association, Jurata, Poland.

Porębiak, M. I. Relacje miedzy samooceną jawną i ukrytą małżonków a tendencjami narcystycznymi przejawianymi w związkach (Relationships between self esteem and narcissism of spouses). XXXII Reunion of Polish Psychological Association, Cracow, Poland.


09-10-09 06-02-07




03-08-06 10-01-05


Regional Porębiak, M. I., Cedzyńska, M. (2006). Infolinia - Profilaktyka chorób nowotworowych w TPPP

(Quitline – cancer prevention in telephone consultations). Conference of Primal Prevention Programme and European Code against Cancer, Warsaw, Poland.


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Marta I. Porebiak, Ph.D. Page 8 of 8 Professional Development

Polish Psychiatric Association Certified Training in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum), Cracow, Poland.

National Specialization Course in Palliative Care (Gdansk Medical Academy), Gdansk, Poland.

Global Leadership Tobacco Control Program (Johns Hopkins University), Baltimore, MD, USA

European Seminar on Methodology of Clinical Research in Smoking (Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Europe & ESO), Brussels, Belgium.





Committee Assignments and Administrative Service

Department, School, and University

Steering Committee of the PESCE project (Member), PESCE project group 2006-2008

Community Service

DUM SPIRO SPERO, psycho-oncology consultations pro-publico bono 2009 - 2013

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