

Sun 27th August: Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) (StH) (Sat) 5.30pm: Sunday Vigil Mass - Fr Andrew RIP (Lilian & Family) (StH) 8.30am: Gilda de Lorenzo

(StM) 10.00am: People of the Parish

Mon 28th August: St Augustine NO MASS

Tues 29th August: The Passion of St John the Baptist

(StH) 9.00am: Jane & Family (Joanie)

Wed 30th August: Feria

(StH) 12.00pm: Holy Souls

Thu 31st August: Feria (StH) 9.00am: Mary Garfield RIP (Joanie)

Fri 1st September: St. Sebbi (StH) 9.00am Holy Souls

Sat 2nd September: Feria (StH) (Sat) 5.30pm: People of the Parish

Sun 3rd September:Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) (StH) 8.30am: Thanksgiving for Blessings (Christina & Paul Aston)

(StM) 10.00am: Fr Andrew Hurley RIP, Lesley Boyall RIP, Brian Arnell RIP (The Arnell family)

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat 4.30pm-5pm at St Helen’s (and by request) Baptisms: Saturdays during 5.30pm Mass or Sundays 2pm

PRAYER LIST Frances, Bruna Roberts, Ellen Witt, Betty Boultwood, Ann Rayment, Anna Lumley,

Michael Weaver, Mary Sage, Marjorie Robbins, Maureen Walsh, Kevin O’Donnell, Sheila Davies,

Jane, Sharon Lewis, Yvonne D’Cruz, Jane Jowers, Lucy Callabritto, Joan Marshall, Anne Fagan,

Chris Easter, Margaret Bates, Alan Nyman, Richard Denton, Ian Maxwell, Matthew Dansey,

Trudi Burrows, Marie Sainsbury, Sybil McCloud, Norman Miller, Kathleen Walsh, Joan Cooper,

Harry & Oliver Dowsett, Douglas Jason, Harrison Wybow, Angela & Hugh Hard, John Harris,

Elizabeth Rainsbury, Margaret Hefford, Fr. Charles Kakooza, Maria Hickey


Sick/Housebound: Sheena Mackintosh - 01277 821524

Hall Bookings: Please contact the Parish Office

New Parishioners: Please introduce yourself to Fr Emile

Steward of the Gospel: Alan Chapman: 01277 822793 [email protected]

Gift Aid Organiser: Bernard Adams - 01277 823511

Parish Admin: Caraid - 01277 362645 (Tues 8.30-4.30, Weds & Thurs 8.30-2.30)

The Brentwood Diocese Trust is a Registered Charity no: 234092

The Catholic Parish of

Ongar & Doddinghurst Parish Priest:

Fr Emile Nkumu Phone: 01277 362645

[email protected]

St. Helen’s Catholic Church The Presbytery 87 High Street Chipping Ongar CM5 9DX

St. Margaret of Scotland Doddinghurst Road

Doddinghurst CM15 0QJ

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) 27th August 2017

Readings: Isaiah 22.19-23 / Romans 11.33-36 / Matthew 16.13-20

Eliakim is appointed in the place of arrogant Shebna as Master not just of the Palace

but of the whole of Jerusalem and Judah. In the Gospel, Peter is similarly given a title

and appointment that is not for himself but for the benefit of God's people. In a culture

where - for very good reasons - we are very concerned that a proper job description

and person specification is prepared for every post and role, it can seem somewhat

arbitrary the way God's chosen ones are appointed. In fact it should be more striking

that God chooses to use frail weak human beings as significant elements in his plan of

salvation for humankind. And the emphasis should be on the choosing - it is not as if

the short list for applicants is so poor, it is that God opts to work with the frailty and

weakness of humanity. In that sense God takes the idea of incarnation very seriously -

as should we. God brings about human salvation and the kingdom through people like

Eliakim and Peter - and each of us. In Paul's words that is a key aspect of the riches of

the depths of God - and the extraordinary love and dignity that God offers humanity.


Date Mass Reader B P E M

Sat 26th 5.30pm K Hamilton Pauline

Sun 27th 8.30am


S Wrobel

E Woodburn

J Gay


Kathy / Mary

Sat 2nd 5.30pm B Sainsbury Sally

Sun 3rd 8.30am


B Readman

J Adams

C Adams


Mary / Lorraine


PARISH OFFICE: Please note that the Parish office will be closed from Thursday 31st

August to Monday 11th September. Fr Emile will also be away Mon 4th-Fri 8th Sep-

tember on a Clergy retreat and so there will be no mass during that week.

PPC MEETING: The next PPC meeting will be on Thursday 14th September at 7.00pm

in the Presbytery. All are welcome.

LOST WEDDING RING: If anyone has found a gold wedding band in St. Helen’s can

you please let Caraid know.

REFUGEE CHARITY DINNER: There will be a charity dinner in support of the Refu-

gee’s on Saturday 30th September, 5.00pm-10.30pm at Isumi Restaurant in Warley. Tick-

ets will be £20—please contact Carmen for more information on 821886.

BIDDING PRAYERS: We are looking for volunteers to assist with composing the bid-

ding prayers each week. It is not an onerous task— you just need access to a computer

and an hour to spare on Fridays or Saturdays. The prayers form a vital part of the Liturgy

and give the laity the chance to become involved in voicing the parish’s responses to

world events and local needs. The rota runs with one person composing the Biddings for a

month and there are lots of resources online to assist each week. Please see Fr Emile or

contact the Parish Office if you would be willing to help.

COFFEE MORNING: each Sunday after 8.30am Mass. Come along and join us in the

Presbytery for a friendly chat and a cuppa!

ALL SAINT’S CHURCH DODDINGHURST will be serving cream teas in the Priest’s

House (next to the Church) on the 17th September, 2.30pm to 4.30pm. Cream Tea with

Homemade Scone & cakes also available.

GAS FIRE AVAILABLE: Sue Potter would like to find a new home for a gas fire they

have—It is an Alpena H6 Gas "Coal Effect" fire with brass trim suitable for a standard

fireplace with flue. It has been regularly serviced and although it is old, it has had very

little use and looks very smart. It is in good working order, but as the chimney flue is

faulty they do not want to go to the expense of rebuilding the chimney. Sue doesn't want

any money for it, but perhaps the new owner will make a contribution of £10 or £15 to the

Catholic Children's' Charity. Of course, the new owner will have to arrange collection

from Sue and arrange a gas fitter to install it.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2017-18: The parish programme to prepare our children

for Confession and Holy Communion will begin in the autumn. Applications are invited

from Catholic parents of children who will be 7 or older on or by 31st August 2017. Ap-

plication Forms are available at the back of the church or from the Parish Office. Parents

should complete the forms and give them to Fr Emile or the Parish Office along with

documentation showing that their children are already baptised and proof of their address.

Applicants need to be parishioners resident in the parish or already known to the priest as

practising every Sunday at St. Helen’s or St. Margaret’s. Applications must be made by

1st September.


SIR WILLIAM PETRE ALMSHOUSES: Trustees required for the Sir William

Petre Almshouses Charity, to bring their skills and experience to support the residents

of the Almshouses in Ingatestone. Trustees meet four times a year in Brentwood. This

is not a remunerated position. Please contact Mike Falcone on [email protected]

for further details.

LOURDES SUMMER 2017: Video clips of 2-10 minutes capture the flavour of the

recent Diocesan pilgrimage, including all the homilies, and interviews with Bishop

Alan and Fr Bob Hamill. You can find these via or search “Virtual Pil-

grimage – Lourdes 2017” on YouTube.

WORLD YOUTH DAY: If you will be in year 12, or aged 17-27, in January 2019,

then join the BCYS group travelling to Costa Rica and Panama for an encounter with 2

million young people from all over the world, and the Pope. This is truly a “once in a

lifetime” experience and an amazing opportunity to discover and celebrate faith in

Latin America. For more information email [email protected].

BCCS: The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society will be holding an exclusive La-

dies’ Afternoon Tea at The Rayleigh Club, Hulbridge on Thursday 21st Septem-

ber. Afternoon Tea will be served at 2pm and to add some extra sparkle to the occa-

sion, ladies will be greeted with a glass of Bucks Fizz. Tickets cost £20 per person—

please contact Libby on 01268 784544 / [email protected] for more information.


This will take place on Sunday 17th September and be led by Rt. Rev. Robert Byrne

CO, Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham. All are warmly invited to unite in this day of

prayer. For further details see poster on noticeboard or pick up a flyer from the porch.

PILGRAMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: Our Lady of Canvey & the English Mar-

tyrs are running a Parish Pilgrimage from Thursday 10th May to Thursday 17th May

2018 to the Holy Land – In The Footsteps of Christ & the Holy Family.

Cost will be £1,415. If you are interested or for further information please contact

Cathy on 07885 577 342.


The next study day will be led by Mgr David Manson, former Vicar General of the

Diocese of Brentwood and expert in Liturgy. He will take as his topic ‘The Signifi-

cance of Sunday’, and will explain the contents of Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter

Dies Domini (The Day of the Lord). The study day will take place on Saturday 28th

October, with coffee available from 10.30 and ending at 3 p.m. Please make your

booking in the usual way by email to [email protected] There is no charge for

the days. You are invited to bring a packed lunch.

Mass Attendance 19 / 20 August: Sat 5.30pm: 25 Sun 8.30am: 34 Sun 10am: 57

Offertory Collection: £351.84

Thank you for your generosity and support

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