
Match the following names of the items to the pictures on slides 1 to 28.

barcode scannerCD-ROM OR DVD-ROMCPUdesktop Macdesktop PCdrawing pad and stylusfloppy diskHard drive (internal)joysticklaptop Maclaptop PC

laptop touchpadlaptop trackpointmainframememory stickminicomputernetbooknetworked computersPersonal Digital Assistantports of a computerprojectorsupercomputer

trackball mouseUSB drivewebcamZip disk and drive

Each picture must be labeled with at least one name. However, some pictures may be labeled with more than one name, and some names may be used for more than one picture.You may choose to add the names on the ppt document containing the pictures. If you do so, please remember to save the document on your USB drive. You should name the document “Computers - xxx” (please replace the “xxx” with your full name).Or you may choose to write the names on the printout. If you do so, please write your full name on the printout.

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