  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis






  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    The postnatal period is well established as an increased time of risk for the

    development of serious mood disorders. There are three common forms of

     postpartum affective illness: the blues (baby blues, maternity blues), postpartum

    (or postnatal) depression and puerperal (postpartum or postnatal) psychosis each of

    which differs in its prevalence, clinical presentation, and management.1 

    Maternity Blues The maternity ,baby or third day blues occur in the first two to

    three weeks after delivery. The depression often follows a latent period of three or

    four day ,is usually mild and transitory but can be more intense .Ma!imum

    tearfulness and depression occur on fifth postpartum day. This condition is often

    aggravated by a sore perineum ,breast, fatigue from broken nights and endless

    visitor. " woman#s sense of success or failure about her labour, delivery and baby,

    as well as thoughts comments from staff can be triggering factors too. The

    mother#s response to her baby may not have been what she had e!pected perhaps

    the automatic surge of love did not materli$e, the fact that friends, relations and

    hospital staff seem more interested in the baby than in her life. "ny or all of these

    can play a part in the blues, which are e!perienced by as many as %&'of newly

    delivered mother. esearch suggests that about *'of mother e!periencing severe

     postnatal blues will go on to develop post natal depression2.

    The postpartum blues, maternity blues, or baby blues is a transient condition with a

    comple! mi!ture of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that mothers

    could e!perience shortly after childbirth with a wide variety of symptoms which

    generally involve mood liability, tearfulness, and some mild an!iety and

    depressive symptoms. Baby blues is not postpartum depression, unless it is

    abnormally severe.1


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    +ostpartum blues is the most common observed puerperal mood disturbance, with

    estimates of prevalence ranging from &-*' 3.The symptoms begin within a few

    days of delivery, usually on day or , and persist for hours up to several days.

    The symptoms include mood labiality, irritability, tearfulness, generali$ed an!iety,

    and sleep and appetite disturbance. +ostnatal blues are by definition timelimited

    and mild and do not re/uire treatment other than reassurance, the symptoms remit

    within days  4.The propensity to develop blues is unrelated to psychiatric history,

    environmental stressors, cultural conte!t, breastfeeding, or parity, however, those

    factors may influence whether the blues lead to ma0or depression . 1p to &' of

    women with blues will go on to develop ma0or depression in the first year


    " wide variety of complementary therapies claim to improve health by producing

    rela!ation. 2ome use the rela!ed state as a means of promoting psychological

    change. 3thers incorporate movement, stretches, and breathing e!ercises.

    ela!ation and 4stress management5 are found to a certain e!tent within

    conventional medicine.


    3ne wellknown e!ample of a rela!ation techni/ue is known variously as

     progressive muscle rela!ation, systematic muscle rela!ation, and 6acobson

    rela!ation and Mitchell#s rela!ation. The patient sits comfortably in a /uiet room.

    7e or she then tenses a group of muscles, such as those in the right arm, holds the

    contraction for 8* seconds, then releases it while breathing out. "fter a short rest,

    this se/uence is repeated with another set of muscles. 9n a systematic fashion,ma0or muscle groups are contracted, then allowed to rela!. radually, different

    sets of muscle are combined. +atients are encouraged to notice the differences

     between tension and rela!ation. ;hile postpartum depression is a ma0or health

    issue for many women from diverse cultures, this condition often remains


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    undiagnosed. "lthough several measures have been created to detect depressive

    symptomatology in women who have recently given birth, the development of a

     postpartum depression screening program re/uires careful consideration.1

    ela!ation can help to relieve the symptoms of stress. "lthough the cause of the

    an!iety will not disappear, you will probably feel more able to deal with it once

    you have released the tension in your body and cleared your thoughts.

    6acobson#s progressive rela!ation techni/ue involves contracting and rela!ing the

    muscles to make you feel calmer.

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    rela!ation of muscles would lead to rela!ation of the mind, ??because an emotional

    state fails to e!ist in the presence of complete rela!ation of the peripheral parts

    involved#’7. 9n other words, rela!ation inhibits the generation of thoughts and

    emotions, and undoes the effects of neuromuscular hypertension on the body.

    Briefly, in +M clients sit in a comfortable chair and the therapist instructs them in

    contracting and releasing different muscle groups. "n individual ??learns to

    recogni$e contraction in the various parts in a certain order. The large muscle

    groups are attended to first, because the sensation from them is most conspicuous.

    ;hen an individual rela! a given part, they simultaneously rela! all parts that have

     previously received practice5. "fter they master rela!ation while lying down, they

    are taught how to rela! muscles in reallife situations, which re/uires ??differential

    rela!ation,## minimi$ing tension in the muscles needed for some activity while

    completely rela!ing muscles not being used. @lassical +M was timeconsuming.

    9nitially suggested & to A& min treatments several times a week for up to more

    than a year .8 

    +rogressive muscle rela!ation is especially helpful for people whose an!iety is

    strongly associated with muscle tension. 3ther symptoms that respond well to

     progressive muscle rela!ation include tension headaches, backaches, tightness in

    the 0aw, tightness around the eyes, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, and

    insomnia. 2ystematically rela!ing your muscles tends to help slow down your


    The immediate effects of progressive muscle rela!ation include all the benefits of

    the rela!ation response described above. ongterm effects of regular   practice of 

     progressive muscle rela!ation include:8

    • " decrease in depression.

    • " decrease in anticipatory an!iety related to phobias.


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    • eduction in the fre/uency and duration of panic attacks.

    • 9mproved ability to face phobic situations through graded e!posure.

    • 9mproved concentration.

    • "n increased sense of control over moods.

    • 9ncreased selfesteem.

    • 9ncreased spontaneity and creativity.

    Mitchell#s  rela!ation techni/ue is a method physiological rela!ation. 9t is

    the name given to a techni/ue of rela!ing the whole, or part, of your body,

    thus relieving the muscle tendons produced by stress. 9t can be applied

    rapidly, either as full rela!ation of your whole body or rela!ation of selected

     parts of body not in use at any given moment. 9n this way rest can be

    obtained in one part of body, while activity may be going on in another .2

    This method utili$es knowledge of the typical stressCtension posture and

    reciprocal rela!ation of muscle whereby one muscle group rela!es as

    opposing group contract. 2tress induced tension in the muscle that work to

    create the typical posture may be released by voluntary contraction of the

    opposing muscle groups. +ropioreceptive receptor in 0oints and muscle

    tendons record the resulting position of ease and this is relayed to and

    registered in the cerebrum.2

    Mitchell#s method involves adopting body positions that are opposite to

    those associated with an!iety (fingers spread rather than hands clenched, for

    e!ample). 9n autogenic training, patients concentrate on e!periencing


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


     physical sensations, such as warmth and heaviness, in different parts of their

     bodies in a learned se/uence.9





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  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis






  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    •   To study the effects of Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue in maternity blues.

    •  To study the effects of progressive rela!ation techni/ue in maternity blues.

    To compare the effects of +rogressive rela!ation techni/ue and Mitchellrela!ation techni/ue on maternity blues.


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





    • A!"#$%&"'(# )*+,")#': The progressive rela!ation techni/ue would be more

    effective than Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue in the management of maternity


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    • N!! )*+,")#' The progressive rela!ation techni/ue would not be more

    effective than Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue in the management of maternity



  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





    M"T>D9TE B1>

      Maternity blues, or baby blues is a transient condition with a comple!

    mi!ture of physical, emotional, and behavioral changes that mothers could


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    e!perience shortly after childbirth with a wide variety of symptoms which

    generally involve mood liability, tearfulness, and some mild an!iety and

    depressive symptoms. Baby blues is not postpartum depression, unless it is

    abnormally severe 2 .The maternity, baby or third day blues occur in the first

    two to three weeks after delivery. The depression often follows a latent

     period of three or four day.

    +3>229F> >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1>

    +rogressive muscle rela!ation was described by dmund 6acobson .9t is a

    systematic techni/ue for achieving a deep state of rela!ation. Tensing and

    releasing various muscle groups throughout the body.6


    M9T@7> >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1>

    Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue is a method physiological rela!ation. 9t is the name given to a

    techni/ue of rela!ing the whole, or part, of your body, thus relieving the muscle tendons

     produced by stress. 9t can be applied rapidly, either as full rela!ation of your whole body or

    rela!ation of selected parts of body.IJ

    >2293D 2@">


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





    • #%&!! #" &!:The maternity ,baby or third day blues occur in the first two to

    three weeks after delivery. The depression often follows a latent period of

    three or four day ,is usually mild and transitory but can be more intense

    .Ma!imum tearfulness and depression occur on fifth postpartum day. This

    condition is often aggravated by a sore perineum, breast, fatigue from


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


     broken nights and endless visitor ." women#s sense of success or failure

    about her labour, delivery and baby, as well as thoughts comments from

    staff can be triggering factors too.2

    • O’ H&$& #" &! : +ostpartum blues is the most common observed puerperal

    mood disturbance, with estimates of prevalence ranging from &-*' 3.The

    symptoms begin within a few days of delivery, usually on day or , and

     persist for hours up to several days. The symptoms include mood lability

    irritability, tearfulness, generali$ed an!iety, and sleep and appetite

    disturbance. +ostnatal blues are be definition timelimited and mild and do

    not re/uire treatment other than reassurance, the symptoms remit within

    days.4  The propensity to develop blues is unrelated to psychiatric history,

    environmental stressors, cultural conte!t, breastfeeding, or parity (7apgoodet al.,8K%%) ,8, however, those factors may influence whether the blues lead

    to ma0or depression (Miller, &&). 1p to &' of women with blues will go

    on to develop ma0or depression in the first year postpartum.31

    • S"#'% 198  :Lound that postnatal blues peaked on days *.

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    stressors, () discussion of postpartum stressors, and () a control discussion

    about their awareness of postpartum stress. They found that the groups

    receiving rela!ation training were significantly less distressed than the non

    rela!ation training groups during the first K weeks postpartum. They also

    found that the groups that discussed possible postpartum stressors were lesselated after delivery than the groups not e!posed. The authors recommended

    the use of e!tended, nonspecific rela!ation training both before and after

    delivery as a way of reducing postpartum emotional distress.24

    • ')! 0.O H&$& 2tudies of the prevalence of the blues have reported a

    wide range (A' to %*'). 2tudies reporting relatively high prevalence rates

    have used criteria such as the presence of crying at some time during thefirst week after delivery. ower prevalence rates have been obtained in

    studies using more stringent criteria for the blues, such as high scores on

    standard depression or mood scales.11 

    • E% J&,:,% trained his patients to voluntarily rela! the muscles in

    their body whenever they are not being used to perform a particular task. 7e

    found that the rela!ation procedure is effective against a number of ailments

    including ulcers, insomnia, and hypertension.6

    • P$,;$#'(# $#!&dmund 

    6acobson in the early 8K&s.12 6acobson did not ever fully understand how by

    shutting down ones responses to e!ternal and internal stimulants one could

    not only reduce an!iety, but actually reduce such problems as skin allergies

    and rashes. 9t is not at all clear how shutting down our physical responses

    can be so effective in curing various disorders.12

    •O’H&$& = S>&'% 1996): 9n a meta analysis of *K studies from Dorth"merica, >urope, "ustralasia and 6apan (nN8,%8& sub0ects), found an

    overall prevalence rate of postpartum depression of 8'. This was based on

    studies that assessed symptoms after at least two weeks postpartum. (to

    avoid confounding of postpartum blues) and used a validated or standardi$ed

    measure to assess depression.1


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    • B""%#$ O?H&$& 0 0&",% D. 212 The structure of women=s

    mood in the early postpartum. 2tates that Opostpartum bluesO is a mild,

     predictable mood disturbance occurring within the first several days

    following childbirth. +revious analyses of the ObluesO symptom structure

    yielded inconclusive findings, making reliable assessment a significant

    methodological limitation. The current study aimed to e!plicate the

    symptom structure of women=s mood following childbirth, and to e!amine

     psychometric properties of the !periences Huestionnaire (H), an

    adapted version of the ennerly Blues Huestionnaire that included

    additional items from the +ositive and Degative "ffect 2chedule. Mothers

    who recently delivered (D N 8A) were recruited from a university hospital

    and asked to complete mood ratings on si! consecutive days using the H.

    >!ploratory factor analysis yielded an interpretable twofactor solution

    identified as Degative "ffect and +ositive "ffect. 2cale reliability indices

    were e!cellent, with a high level of agreement in factor structure over time.This twofactor model  provides reliable assessment of women=s mood in the

    early postpartum, informing the study of reproductiverelated mood


    • N&$&')&'&) @ &%%&") @'$'*&++& V#%&"#) R&&%%& 211:

    +ostpartum blue is common in socially and economically insecure mothers ,

    "mong the 8& women screened, 8 mothers fulfilled the inclusion criteria

    and were recruited in this study. 3f the 8 women screened, - werediagnosed to have ++B, accounting for *%.*' prevalence rate. Most of the

    mothers were literate (K8') and housewives (--'). "bout K' of the

    mothers had previous history of miscarriage and %' had a history of

     psychiatric illness. Two mothers had marked suicidal tendency (by >+stimated the prevalence and

    track the risk factors associated with, Maternity blues (MB). " transversal

    study was performed with 88 women, on the tenth day of puerperium. +itt2cale (8KA%), 2tein (8K%&), and a /uestionnaire with socio demographic and

    obstetric data were used for assessment. esults of study showed the

     prevalence of Maternity Blue was .-' according to the 2tein scale221. 9n

    the univariated analysis, civil status and tobacco use were associated with

    MB. egally married women and nonsmokers showed a risk appro!imately

    times lower of e!periencing the problem.15


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    • P#"$,' A @&;!'&$' /.213  "n!ious and depressive components of

    >dinburgh +ostnatal dinburgh +ostnatal ++

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    7eart rate was measured using a pulse o!imeter , at baseline, and before and

    after intervention .The supine position showed reduction in heart rate

    significantly in all groups.

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    a firstline treatment in a stepped care approach to managing depression,

    especially in younger populations and populations with sub threshold or

    first episodes of depression.2

    • V'",$'& / S&!" &")!##% #$$ 1997 : Mitchell=s 2imple +hysiological

    ela!ation and 6acobson=s +rogressive ela!ation Techni/ues: "

    comparison. This study was aimed to compare the shortterm physiological

    effects of Mitchell=s simple physiological rela!ation and 6acobson=s

     progressive rela!ation. Twentyfour nor motensive sub0ects, 8 men and ten

    women, participated in the si!week study. 2ystolic blood pressure (2B+)

    and diastolic blood pressure (

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    forgetfulness Cmuddled thinking. +rimary blues emerged as a separate

    cluster from depression and was more fre/uent (A' versus 8A',

    respectively). The final /uestionnaire was validated on a further sample of

    %- newly delivered women, comparing prenatal scores to the mean of

    scores obtained on days 8to 8& postpartum. The scores for the primary blues

    cluster significantly increased postpartum, while scores for depression did

    not change. These findings may indicate that changes in depression are not

    characteristic in the early puerperium. " second study by ennerly and ath

    (ennerly 8K%K) on88 women compared maternal blue /uestionnaire

    scores with the women# s social environment and personality type (>ysenck

    +ersonality 9nventory).+ostnatal blues was significantly associated with

    neuroticism, poor social ad0ustment with the role as a house worker, and a

     poor relationship in either the family unit, e!tended family or marriage.4131

    • H&+;,, #" &!.1988  The propensity to develop blues is unrelated to psychiatric history, environmental stressors, cultural conte!t, breastfeeding,

    or parity . 7owever, those factors may influence whether the blues lead to

    ma0or depression (Miller, &&). 1p to &' of women with blues will go on

    to develop ma0or depression in the first year postpartum (@ampbell et al.,

    8KKP 3=7ara et al., 8KK8b).31

    "mong the 8& women screened, 8 mothers fulfilled the inclusion criteria

    and were recruited in this study. 3f the 8 women screened, - were

    diagnosed to have ++B, accounting for *%.*' prevalence rate. Two mothers

    had marked with suicidal tendency (by >+

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis








  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    •SAP/E SIE The sample si$e consists of A& sub0ects in maternity blues.


    • SAP/E CRITERIA: 2ystematic random sampling method is used to

    divide the patient in to two groups.

     roup " M9T@7>#2 >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1> (nN&)


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


     roup B 6"@3B23D#2 >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1> (nN&)


    I%#+#%#%" (&$'&:!#

      +rogressive rela!ation techni/ue

      Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue

    D#+#%#%" (&$'&:!#dinburgh +ostnatal 2cale (>

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    nsure the legs are not straight. 3pen (A& degree) angle behind knee

    A. +oint the toes, then release. ;iggle toes to and fro to ensure no cramping


    -. +ush yourself into the support. elease.

    %. +ush your head into the head rest (or cupped hands).

    K. Breath using the diaphragm. +ush tummy out as you breathe in. Lour

    seconds in and hold for four seconds then breathe out for four seconds.

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    8.;ith eyes still closed imagine a calm place and put yourself in a deck chair

    in the scene. Meditate on that scene.

     emember that you should never drive away in a car after work without doing this

    sort of e!ercise first to ensure that neckC0aw tension is not creating tunnel vision for



    The system comprises8*& basic e!ercises, which have been found to be

    effective, if practiced regularly.8

    There are no contraindications for progressive muscle rela!ation unless the musclegroups to be tensed and rela!ed have been in0ured. 9f you take tran/uili$ers, you

    may find that regular practice of progressive muscle rela!ation will enable you to

    lower your dosage.

    @'#!'%# ,$ P$&"''%; P$,;$#'(# !# R#!&

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    ways of supporting your body most completely. (;hen lying down, you may want

    to place a pillow beneath your knees for further support.) 2itting up is preferable to

    lying down if you are feeling tired and sleepy. 9t=s advantageous to e!perience the

    full depth of the rela!ation response consciously without going to sleep. 

    A. oosen any tight clothing and take off shoes, watch, glasses, contact lenses,

     0ewelry, and so on.

    -. Make a decision not to worry about anything. ive yourself permission to put a

    side the concerns of the day. "llow taking care of yourself and having peace of

    mind to take precedence over any of your worries.

    %. "ssume a passive, detached attitude. This is probably the most important

    element. Eou want to adopt a Olet it happenO attitude and be free of any worry

    about how well you are performing the techni/ue.

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    . @lench your fists. 7old for -8& seconds and then release for 8*&

    seconds. 1se these same time intervals for all other muscle groups .(fig no.)

    . Tighten your biceps by drawing your forearms up toward your shoulders and

    Omaking a muscleO with both arms. 7old... and then rela!.

    . Tighten your tricepsthe muscles on the undersides of your upper armsby

    e!tending your arms out straight and locking your elbows. 7old ... and then rela!.

    *. Tense the muscles in your forehead by raising your eyebrows as far as you can.

    7old ... and then rela!. 9magine your forehead muscles becoming smooth and

    limp as they rela!.

    A. Tense the muscles around your eyes by clenching your eyelids tightly shut.7old... and then rela!. 9magine sensations of deep rela!ation spreading all

    around them.

    -. Tighten your 0aws by opening your mouth so widely that you stretch the muscles

    around the hinges of your 0aw. 7old ... and then rela!. et your lips part and allow

    your 0aw to hang loose.

    %. Tighten the muscles in the back of your neck by pulling your head way back, as

    if you were going to touch your head to your back (be gentle with this muscle

    group to avoid in0ury). Locus only on tensing the muscles in your neck. 7old ...

    and then rela!. 2ince this area is often especially tight, it=s good to do the tense

    rela! cycle twice.

    K. Take a few deep breaths and tune in to the weight of your head sinking into

    whatever surface it is resting on.

    8&. Tighten your shoulders by raising them up as if you were going to touch your 

    ears. 7old ... and then rela!.

    88. Tighten the muscles around your shoulder blades by pushing your shoulder 

     blades back as if you were going to touch them together. 7old the tension in your 

    shoulder blades ... and then rela!. 2ince this area is often especially tense, you

    might repeat the tenserela! se/uence twice.

    8. Tighten the muscles of your chest by taking in a deep breath. 7old for up to 8&


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    seconds ... and then release slowly. 9magine any e!cess tension in your chest

    flowing away with the e!halation.

    8. Tighten your stomach muscles by sucking your stomach in. 7old ... and then

    release. 9magine a wave of rela!ation spreading through your abdomen.

    8. Tighten your lower back by arching it up. (Eou should omit this e!ercise if you

    have lower back pain.) 7old ... and then rela!.

    8*. Tighten your buttocks by pulling them together. 7old ... and then rela!.

    9magine the muscles in your hips going loose and limp.

    8A. 2/uee$e the muscles in your thighs all the way down to your knees. Eou will probably have to tighten your hips along with your thighs, since the thigh muscles

    attach at the pelvis. 7old ... and then rela!. Leel your thigh muscles smoothing

    out and rela!ing completely.

    8-. Tighten your calf muscles bypulling your toes toward you (fle! carefully to

    avoid cramps). 7old ... and then rela!. (fig no.)

    8%. Tighten your feet by curling your toes downward. 7old ... and then rela!.

    8K. Mentally scan your body for any residual tension. 9f a particular area remains

    tense, repeat one or two tenserela! cycles for that group of muscles.

    &. Dow imagine a wave of rela!ation slowly spreading throughout your body,

    starting at your head and gradually penetrating every muscle group all the way

    down to your toes.

    E% , $#!&

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    first day of the commencement of the treatment. Then they were given respective

    treatment as decided per group. The sub0ects were reassessed on the last day of the


    Lig no8 M9T@7>#s >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1> 9D 21+9D> E9D


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    Lig no M9T@7>#s >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1> 9D 29 E9D


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    Lig. no 6"@3B23D#2 >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1>-


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    "sk the patient to clenched your fist and hold for-8& seconds than rela!.

    Lig no. 6"@3B23D#2 >"G"T93D T>@7D9H1>


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    "sk the patient . Tighten your calf muscles bypulling your toes toward you (fle!

    carefully to avoid cramps). 7old ... and then rela!.

    O",# #&$#



  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis






  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    I%"$& ;$,+ ,+&$',%

    RT-+$# " "#" , @ROUP A

    JRT-+$#-+," "-"#" , @ROUP B



  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    I%"#$ ;$,+ ,+&$',% :* EDPS


    A##%" S)#!#




    #&% S"&%&$






    P$# T#"


    RT 3 15.33 3.325 .374 .71

    JRT 3 15.66 3.575

    P," "#"


    RT 3 8.2 2.28 1.95 .55

    JRT 3 7.1 2.73

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





    This chapter deals with the most important and crucial aspect of investigating the

    data to answer the research /uestion through suitable statistical treatment.


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    " sample of A& patients were selected and allotted randomly into two groups of

    e/ual si$e of & sub0ects using systematic random sampling method .roup "

    received Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue and roup B received 6acobson rela!ation

    techni/ue. The assessment was done by >dinburgh postnatal depression scale. The

    collected data was statistically analy$ed.

    The score were following:

    8.MT 2cores:roup"

    • +re test mean 8*. and standard deviation .*

    • +ost test mean %.& and standard deviation .%&

    .6T 2cores:roupB

    • +re test mean 8*.AA and standard deviation was .*-*

    • +ost test mean -.8&& and standard deviation was .&-

    • .@omparison within the groups before and after treatment : BE >

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    • +ost test comparison: tN 8.K*P pN&.&**


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis







  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    CHAPTER -1




  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    9n this study the effectiveness of progressive rela!ation techni/ue Fs Mitchell

    rela!ation techni/ue on maternity blues was assessed.

    A& sub0ects of the age group between 8%Kyears were taken for the study .The

    sub0ect who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study .+ermission for

    the study was taken from the above hospitals and ethical committee of career

    institute of medical sciences . "n informed and written consent form was also

    taken from the females , where the patient agreed to participate in the study and

    the data was collected from females by using evaluation tools. The participant

    were divided into two groups. roup " (&) and roup B (&) using the systematic

    random sampling.

    dinburgh +ostnatal +dinburgh +ostnatal +

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    were taking part in +M treatment from 8&CK% to KC&&, were /uestioned

    about their e!periences.7

    • J&'# A!&% B#!! J,#""#B#""&%* S&!"',(  2  Mitchell=2 ela!ation

    Techni/ue:  9s 9t >ffectiveQ 2howed effectiveness of Mitchell=s rela!ation

    techni/ues including diaphragmatic breathing, compared with diaphragmatic

     breathing alone and supine lying.1.

    • "s maternity blues is postpartum depressive condition. Maternal blues is a

    common condition in most of the +ostpartum women and left untreated.27.

    • "mong the rela!ation techni/ues, we emphasi$e that of +rogressive Muscle

    ela!ation, which is used in this study. 9t is mainly based on the premise

    that an!iety and rela!ation are e!cluding situations. The procedures used are

    simple: the individual retracts a specific set of muscles as much as possible

    and e!periences as tension sensation. The muscles are then rela!ed as much

    as possible and the individual focuses on the rela!ation sensations. 9t is,

    therefore, a participant e!ercise in which the individual herself seeks a state

    of rela!ation and physical wellbeing.;hen +rogressive Muscle ela!ation

    is practiced and incorporated to the mother#s life style, it can help to

    neutrali$e some of the effects of stress reaction.24

      The distinction in the current study is that both techni/ues either 6acobson

     progressive rela!ation techni/ue or Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue were used to

     produce rela!ation in maternal blues rather than physiological effects on cardiac

    components. "lthough the current study does not provide information about the


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    mechanism of action or change, however it suggests that both methods were found

    effective significantly.


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  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



     9n this study we found that both the techni/ue Mitchell#s rela!ation and 6acobson#s

    rela!ation techni/ue are effective in the management of maternity blues but

    6acobson#s rela!ation was found to be more effective than Mitchell#s rela!ation

    techni/ue. esult of this study suggest that  a gradual improvement was seen

    throughout the session. The pre and post treatment score of >dinburgh +ostnatal


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis






  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    • This study was conducted on a small sample si$e of A& patients.

    +opulation of the both groups was smallP only & patients in each group

    might not represent the ma0ority of the maternal blues population.

    • The study was not consent and concluded with appropriate interval

    follow ups. 2ome follow ups should be conducted to strengthen the


    • 3nly one scale was used to assess the maternal blues. The >

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    CHAPTER -13



  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    1.  obertson, >., @elasun, D., and 2tewart, . (&&). isk factors for

     postpartumdepression. 9n 2tewart, ., obertson, >., 6: +rospective study of

     postpartum blues: Biologic and psychosocial factors. "rch en +sychiatry %: %&8,

    8KK8 .

    4.  ennerly 7, ath

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    13. +ost partum depression literature review of risk factor and interventions

    :Buttner MM, 3=7ara M;, ;atson

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    21.Fictoria 2alt, athleen M err Mitchell=s 2imple +hysiological ela!ation

    and 6acobson=s +rogressive ela!ation Techni/ues: " comparison +hysiotherapy 

    Folume %, 9ssue , "pril 8KK-, +ages &&U&-http:CCd!.doi.orgC8&.8&8AC2&&8


    22.  +itt B: 4Maternity blues.5 Br 6 +sychiatry 8: 8, 8K-.

    23. 2tein : The pattern of mental change and body weight change in the first post

     partum week. 6 +sychosom es : 8A*, 8K%& 8. 7andley 2, nfermagem && setembrooutubroP 8&(*):A*K.

    25. B9@> +9TTV @onsultant +sychiatrist, .8

    26. 2tefanie aers8 , Melanie ;aschke8  and 1lrike >hlert8 81niversity of Wrich, 2wit$erland

    X@orrespondence: 1lrike >hlert, .,

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis




    T'"!# , ")# "*  

    4The effect of progressive rela!ation techni/ue Fs Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue

    on maternity blues5

    I%(#"';&",$ "nkita upta

    9, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, freely and voluntarily agree to participate

    in her research pro0ect.

    P$+,# , "*

    9 have been informed that this study is going to help me in maternity blues .

    ela!ation techni/ue is an acceptable management to treat maternity blues and will

    help the healthcare professionals to predict better treatment in future.


    9 understand that i will be treated with either 6acobson rela!ation techni/ue or

    Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue. 9 also understand that this would be done under

    the physiotherapist#s supervision. 9 am aware that 9 will have to follow therapist#s



    This treatment will help to improve /uality of life, and will reduce depression. 9twould also help in detecting better choice of treatment for maternity blues.


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    9 understand that the medical information produced by this study will be

    confidential. 9f the data are used for publication in the medical literature or

    teaching purpose, no names will be used and other literature such as photographs

    or audio or visual tapes will be used only with permission.

    R##" ,$ ,$# '%,$&"',%

    9 understand that 9 am free to ask /uestions about the study at any time. The

    therapist will be available to answer my /uestion. @opy of this consent form will

     be given to me to keep for my careful reading.

    R#&! ,$ >'")$&>&! , +&$"''+&"',%

    9 understand that my participation is voluntary and 9 may refuse to withdraw

    consent and discontinue participation at any time. 9 also understand that she may

    terminate my participation in the study at any time after she has e!plained the

    reason to doing so.

    2ign of 9nvestigator 2ign. 3f +articipant


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis





    4The effect of progressive rela!ation techni/ue Fs Mitchell#s rela!ation techni/ue

    on maternity blues5

    N&# , ")# ),!&$ : "nkita upta

    @'# :

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    T$#&"#%" )'",$*

    F&'!* )'",$*

    #%"$&! )'",$*

    O:"#"$' )'",$*' &%*

    P#$,%&! )'",$*

     "ppetite: oodC+oorC9mpaired

    Bowel: DormalC@onstipated


    2leep: oodC

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    S*"#' #

  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis



    H'%' "$&%!&"# E'%:$;) P,"%&"&! D#+$#',% S&!# EPDS)

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  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


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    नननन नन ? *

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    7. नननन नन नन ननन नन नननन ननन नन नननन नननन ननन

    ननननननन नन ? *

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    8. नननन नन नननन नन नननन ननननन नननन ननन ? *

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    9. नननन नन नननन नननन ननन नन नन नननन नननन ननन ? *

    □ ननन, नननन नननननन

    □ ननन ननन ननन

    □ नननन नननननन नननन


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis


    □ नननन नननननन नननन

    10.नननन नननन नन ननन नननन नन नन ननन नननननननन नन

    ननननन ननन नन ? *

    □ ननन, नननन नननननन

    □ ननन ननन ननन

    □ नननन नननननन नननन

    □ नननन नननननन नननन


    • QUESTIONS 1, 2, & 4 (without an *) are scored 0, 1, 2 or 3 with top boxscored as 0 and the bottom box scored as 3.

    • QUESTIONS 3, 5-1 (!a"#$% with an *) are reverse scored, with the top boxscored as a 3 and the bottom box scored as 0.

    • Maximum score: 30

    • Possible Depression: 10 or greater

    • lwa!s loo" at item 10 #suicidal thoughts$




  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis

    68/70 Students Name Class Contact No Feedback & Remark Signature


  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis







  • 8/13/2019 Maternity Blue Final Thesis










    1 15 9 11 9

    2 14 11 20 5

    3 16 12 15 6

    4 12 6 21 7

    5 15 10 16 8

    6 18 7 17 5

    7 16 9 20 4

    8 12 6 12 5

    9 11 7 15 10

    10 19 11 10 4

    11 13 10 12 6

    12 17 8 20 12

    13 16 7 12 5

    14 15 9 15 6

    15 21 9 17 10

    16 11 6 12 517 20 10 17 6

    18 17 6 16 7

    19 15 7 10 5

    20 23 15 20 8

    21 18 8 13 7

    22 13 9 15 8

    23 15 7 15 9

    24 15 6 12 5

    25 22 10 14 9

    26 14 8 13 9

    27 13 6 20 7

    28 12 7 23 10

    29 11 5 19 7

    30 11 5 18 9


    Mea 15.33 8.20 15.66 7.100

    S! 3.325 2.280 3.575 2.073

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