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  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-2 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solution of Non-linear FE Models

    The cause of nonlinearity:

    The FE solution to a time-independent problem always

    involves of solving a set of simultaneous algebraicequations of the following form:

    In linear analysis, both [K] and {F} are regarded asindependent of {a}.

    Whereas in nonlinear analysis, [K] and/or {F} are regardedas functions of {a}.

    The followings are two examples of nonlinearity.

    { } { }FaK =][

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-3 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solution of Non-linear FE Models

    Material nonlinearity:

    Stiffness matrix is composed of a constant term [Ko]and a term [KN] that depends on deformation. Thus:


    where: [KN] = f ({a}), i.e. depends on deformationof the structure.

    Geometric nonlinearity:

    Consider the plane cantilever beam, we seek the

    quasistatic deflection produced by loads P and ML.

    Assuming that the beam is slender and that its

    material is linearly elastic at all times. For small

    deflections, linear theory is adequate, and the rootmoment is: Mo =P LT + ML.

    For large deflections, the moment arm H of force P

    is less that LT, thus:

    Mo =P H + MLwhere H depends on P and ML.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-4 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solution of Non-linear FE Models

    In the solution of non-linear problems, we will always obtain a set

    of algebraic equations:

    (a) = F - P(a)where a is the set of discretization parameters, F is a vector that isindependent of the parameters, and P is a vector dependent on theparameters, a. These equations may have multiple solutions, asshown below. Thus, if a solution is achieved it may not necessarilythe solution sought. In order to obtain realistic answers, small-step

    increment approaches from known solutions are essential.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-5 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solution of Non-linear FE Models

    The general nonlinear problem should always be formulated as the solution of:

    n+1= (a n+1) = F n+1 - P(a n+1) = 0 (1)which stars from a nearby solution at:

    a = an, n= 0, F= Fn (2)and often arises from changes in forcing function Fn to

    Fn+1 = Fn + Fnthe determination of the change such that

    an+1 = an + anwill be the objective and generally the increments ofFn will be kept reasonablysmall in order to follow the path dependence.

    The solution of the problem above can not be solved directly and will alwaysrequire some sort of iteration (repeated solution of linear equations). There aremany iterative techniques for solving non-linear problems. Among them, the

    Newton-Raphson method is the most rapidly convergent process for solutions ofnon-linear problems.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-6 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solutions of Nonlinear FE Models

    The Newton-Raphson Method

    In the Newton-Raphson iterative method, to the first order, Eq(1)

    can be approximated as:


    Here the superscript i indicates the iteration number and usually

    starts by assuming

    a1n+1 = an

    in which an is a converged solution at a previous load level or time

    step. The Jacobian matrix corresponding to a tangent direction is

    given by

    Eq(3) gives immediately the iterative correction as




    1 =

    + +++









    n daaaa

    aaPKT ==












    T KdaordaK 11

    1 )( +

    + ==

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-7 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Solutions of Nonlinear FE Models

    The Newton-Raphson Method

    A series of successive approximations gives


    The process illustrated in the figure below shows the vary rapidconvergence:












    += ++++ 111








    n daa1

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-8 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal & Thermal-Stress Analyses

    The following procedures are discussed:

    How to do a thermal analysis;

    How to apply thermal loads in a stress analysis;

    How to do a coupled-field analysis.

    These will be done through the following two


    1. Thermal analysis

    2. Thermal-stress analysis

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-9 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis

    Thermal analyses are used to determine the

    temperature distribution, thermal gradient, heat flow,

    and other such thermal quantities in a structure.

    A thermal analysis can be steady-state or transient:

    Steady-state implies that the loading conditions have settled

    down to a steady level, with little or no time dependency.

    Transient implies that conditions are changing with time. A

    typical example is a casting in the process of cooling down

    from molten metal to solid.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-10 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis

    Thermal Loading Conditions

    Perfectly insulated surfaces where no heat transfer

    takes place.

    Adiabatic surfaces:

    Surfaces where heat transfer occurs by means of

    radiation. Input consists of emissivity, Stefen-Boltzmann

    constant, and optionally, temperature at a space node.


    Regions where the volumetric heat generation rate is


    Heat generation:

    Points where the heat flow rate is known.Heat flow:

    Surfaces where the heat flow rate per unit area is known.Heat flux:

    Surfaces where heat is transferred to (or from)

    surroundings by means of convection. Input consists of

    film coefficient h and bulk temperature of thesurrounding fluid Tb.


    Regions of the model where temperatures are known.Temperatures:

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-11 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis

    Element Attributes

    1) Thermal element types:

    Thermal analyses use thermal elements only. A thermal element

    has only one DOF per node.

    The commonly used thermal element types are:

    2-D Solid 3-D Solid 3-D Shell Line Elements

    Linear PLANE55 SOLID70 SHELL57 LINK31, 32, 33, 34

    Quadratic PLANE77




  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-12 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis

    Element Attributes

    2) Material Properties:

    Minimum requirement is the thermal conductivity, KXX.

    Specific heat (C) is required if internal heat generation is to beapplied.

    ANSYS supplied material library contains both structural and

    thermal properties for a few materials. Generally the analystscreate and use their own material library.

    3) Real Constant:

    Primarily needed for shell and line elements

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-13 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis

    Thermal Loading

    Prescribed Temperatures:

    DOF constraints for a thermal analysis:

    Solution > -Load- Apply > Temperature

    Convections: These are surface loads:

    Solution > -Load- Apply > Convection

    Adiabatic surfaces:

    Perfectly insulated surfaces where no heat transfer takes place.

    This is the default condition, i.e, any surface with no boundaryconditions specified is automatically treated as an adiabaticsurface.

    Other possible thermal loads:

    Heat flux (BTU/Hr-in2 or W/m2)

    Heat flow (BTU/Hr or W)

    Heat generation (BTU/Hr-in3 or W/m3)

    Radiation (BTU/Hr or W)

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-14 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    1. Thermal Analysis


    The results of a thermal analysis are written to a result file, jobname.rth, as

    well as to the in-memory database.

    Review results typically consists of contour plots of temperature, thermalgradient, and thermal flux:

    General Postproc > Plot Results > Nodal Solu (or Element Solu )

    A useful option for contour plots in 3-D solid models is isosurfaces, whichare the surfaces of a constant value:

    Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Contours > Contours Style

    Results validation.

    Are temperatures within the expected range?

    You can generally guess the temperature range based on the prescribedtemperatures and convection boundaries.

    Is the mesh adequate?

    In the case of stresses, you can plot the un-averaged thermal gradients(element solution) and look for elements with high gradients. These regionsare the candidates for mesh refinement.

    If there is a significant difference between the nodal (averaged) and element(un-averaged) thermal gradients, the mesh may be too corse.

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    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-15 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    2. Thermal-Stress Analysis

    The followings are discussed:

    How to apply thermal loads in a stress analysis;

    How to do a coupled-field analysis.

    These will be done through the following


    A. Overview

    B. Sequential Method

    C. Direct Method

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-16 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    A. Overview

    Thermally Induced Stress:

    When a structure is heated or cooled, it deforms by expanding

    or contracting.

    If the deformation is somehow restricted, either by

    displacement constraints or an opposing pressure, for example,

    thermal-stresses are induced in the structure.

    Another cause of thermal stresses is non-uniform deformation,

    due to different materials (i.e, different coefficients of thermal


  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-17 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    ... Overview

    There are two methods of solving thermal-stress problems inANSYS. Both methods have their advantages anddisadvantages:

    Sequential coupled field: Older method, which uses two element types mapping

    thermal results as structural temperature loads.

    Efficient when running many thermal transient time points

    by few structural time points Can be easily automated with input files

    Direct coupled field:

    Newer method, which uses one element type to solve bothphysical problems

    Allows true coupling between thermal and structuralphenomena.

    May carry unnecessary overhead for some analyses.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-18 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    B. Sequential Method

    The sequential method involves two steps of analyses:

    1) First, do the Thermal Analysis

    2) Then, do the Structural Analysis

    1. The thermal analysis (steady-state or transient) :- Refer to slides No. 10-9 ~ No. 10-14:

    Model with thermal elements

    Apply thermal loading Solve and review results (the results file: jobname.rth)

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    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-19 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    ... Sequential Method

    2. The static structural analysis:

    Switch element types to structural.

    Define structural material properties, including thermalexpansion coefficient.

    Apply structural loading, including temperatures from

    thermal analysis.

    Solve and review results (the result file: jobname.rst).

    The GUI paths for the above procedure are given in the

    next slide.

  • 8/4/2019 math2034notes-10


    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-20 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    ... Sequential Method

    The Procedure of the Structural Analysis :

    a) Move to PREP7 and switch element types from thermal to structural:

    Preprocessor > element Type > Switch Elem Type

    Select Thermal to Struc, then [OK]Caution: switching element types will reset all element options back to their default settings. For example,

    if you used 2D axisymmetric elements in the thermal analysis, you may need to re-specify theaxisymmetric option after the switch. Therefore, make sure to verify and set the proper elementoptions:

    Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > [Options]

    b) Define structural material properties, including the coefficient of thermalexpansion (ALPX).

    Caution: If ALPX is not defined or set to zero, no thermal strains will be calculated. By the way, thistechnique can be used to turn off temperature effects, if it is needed !

    c) Specify static analysis type. This step is needed only if the thermal analysiswas a transient:

    Solution > -Analysis Type- New Analysis

    d) Apply structural loads and include temperatures as part of the loading:

    Solution >-load- Apply > -Structural- Temperature > From Therm Analye) Solve and review the results.

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    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-21 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    C. Direct Method

    The direct method involves just one analysis that uses a coupled-

    field element type containing all necessary degrees of freedom.

    The procedure is:

    First prepare the model and mesh using one of the following

    coupled field element types:

    PLANE13 (plane solid)

    SOLID5 (hexahedron) SOLID98 (tetrahedron)

    Apply both the structural and thermal loads and constraints to

    the model.

    Solve and review both thermal and structural results.

    Only produces one result file: jobname.rst.

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    MATH 2034 Lecture Notes 10-22 Dr. Yan DING Dept. of Maths & Stats. RMIT University

    Thermal-Stress Analysis

    Sequential vs. Direct


    For coupling situations that do notexhibit a high degree of non-linear

    interaction, the sequentialmethods is more efficient andflexible because the two analysesare performed independently ofeach other.

    Sequential thermal-stress analysisprovides more flexibility inapplying thermal load for a stressanalysis. For example, you canperform a nonlinear transientthermal analysis followed by a

    linear static stress analysis, duringwhich the nodal temperaturesfrom ANY load step or time-pointin the thermal analysis can beused as loads for the stress



    Direct coupling is

    advantageous when the

    coupled-field interaction is

    highly nonlinear and is best

    solved in a single solution

    using a coupled formulation.

    Examples of direct coupling

    include piezoelectric

    analysis, conjugate heat

    transfer with fluid flow, and

    circuit-electric analysis.

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