  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    s""'.~.e!J04r ; . .08-6795"'"CA 5".,....%00N/1744-06_

    N.B,__ (1)(2)

    Question No..L is 'OO1:ip:.1JLsor 'Y.At:bemp,tany' four qni?st:.ion~.fromthe .t"eltaining .six questl.ons.. r1. (a)Vlihat i:sa storage class? Ex;pj~in the different S10,I'ageclasses,wtrh an exampfe, .

    (b) 'Write .a-pog_ram to ,fiisplay first.n Filbornacd OIJrnoe('S

    ,(a),What is st!1"uc'tUll'e?; How to iill~da~ize structure v;ariable? Exphiinwith su~tablee:xample(b) l,\--rit,ea pcogram to read 10 numbers from key lloar_dand displaythe~ tin aseendiflg.oruer. -



    3,. (a) (i) What is Iililcondita] branching? EXplain with suitable example'Or) Lisrand e-oc_plaindata types s~pp0rted by C language(b) Write program t,oswap 2 [lJUmbe'fsusing a : fu.nction (14)(6)

    4_ '\VriE

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    MeA .Be", ..& .

    (3HOU1:s)BB-6437I'1'J;:)tal. Marks : 1.00

    (1) Quusllon no. :.J.s ",o.tnaul::;ury. . .(2) .An:;"""CI f any foyr questions Irom Question Nos :2 to 1,-('3) All Qu.estiolls:c:;rryequa.1. marks, -. ~

    l. '3) Oefineai!ld explain cGntrol structures in C Jangua-ge. 101(Il) WiI.u rs a storage cI

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    88-'6807(3 Hours) [TQt~~M,ark:s: 100

    N.,S. (1)(2)(3)(4)

    Question No, 1 is"COrHPI.II s,owy,Aflswer ~ny foul' out of,re{Tlainin~sb; qIU&slions.Fwgtl'res, 10 the riglbt Indicate ma:rk.Answers 10que,stions should be grouped and wriUen t.og,ethel' i.e. al 'l answer to saro-questron of individualqu'eslioo like CLNqlS. '.2,3 etc. should t;,e, {Jne belm v the oU,er,. .I. (a) Name tour Hopula[" operating System. Describe the m.ain feature of anyone: ofthem, (10)1. (b) What are Appli: cation program ? ' \ are 'the diffe.cences between anappltcation program and system prognlms ?Cite any two examp Ies of each,- (10)2. (a) Draw a Biock diagram showing internal, -Nchitectur,e of either 8025 or8086 1vficroproeessor ? Give any five difference between g08~ or 808.6Inicroprocessor.. (15)3,(bJ List &Explain [thefunctions &components of a oompaner, (05)

    3. (a) Describe _thediffi I:ent:types of input and output de-vice of personal .Computer._


    3.(b)What are PROM, EPROM, lNEF'RUM, EEPROllli. What is thedifferent between Static and dynamic R..A:rvE? (100)

    4.(a) "Vhat are the compflers '1H o , , " v are they dafferentfrern ioterp' features of compiler ,& .ineerpreter , PO)

    4.(b) Explain the drawbacks &. difficulties m ,writing programs in Lo\Vlevel language.


    5.(a) Wnat is the need ofprogram.ming language? Give the classi:licationof pl;ogFamming language in detail ?

    5. (b) Explain the role of computer in scientific application ..(0'8)(07) Lis.t & expJain types. of Com_Pl;lter.. (05)

    6.(a) What are differences betweep. the LAN and WAN? Desoribe thelayering Concept in the OS]!mode} of network architecturewith functian ,of each rarer. in brief,


    6. (0) Describe floating pojrrt representatilon of number. (05}

    7 . (b) 'Write a Short note on. :i) Data as resources. ii) TCP1 IP,iii.)Use of Inreenet ,


    1. (a) .Explain the eva'~uation:of Miorcprecessor.

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    I " ,2.C'O.c( 3 HourS ) E . '!!atOll .Marks ; 100

    N.B. :- (1)Qu.esHon, No 1 isCOnilplJlsory ..(2) Attempt any four rqucsti.OlliS OUI::of ICcm.aining sh.. quc;.stioons.

    1~ Ex:pllain the role of rut operati ng system wi ti l respect to ftdlQwi:n~ fimctiQ!1s;, (20)i Process Managementi) Memory Managementim Pil.e Managementiv) Secu:dty'V) Corn mBl'J.d In.te:rpretadon.

    2.(A} What are the advantages & Iimitanen of high level Ianguages as comparedto assena b~y Img1!l;ages, ? (10)

    (B) Wha~is meant by network topelogy '? Describe three commonly used network (10)topologywith their relativ,e advantages &. disadvanteges.3. (A) Wba't is WWW browser? What types of navigation facilities are typi,caUy (10),

    supported by modern browsers 00 , help users. save time while .intern...ets,urfing 1 "(8), D~ffe.,enthl'te.between input &outp,ut devices .Can a device be used as (10)both an. input &output devices '{'If no explain why. If yes J' give anexample of such. a device .

    . 4. (I\.) What are Computers? Explain thecharacter:ist~cs,.& 'Classification of computer'With Suitable example, (12)(Bo)Give differences between. 80:85&8086 microprocessor . (8)

    s. (A) What is a. compilers &Assemblers? Why is; u'l'equired? A . computer supports fiveh~gh ievd languages. How many compilers. w m computer have? ( W 2)(B) Give an example to illustrate the relationship among 11character, a field, (8). a record, &a file.

    . 6. (A) What a r e PROM, EPROM, UVEPROM EEPROM"!'What is d.ifference '(8)oo.tween static &dynamic RAM . ?(B) What is meant by Iruemetworking ?What are the main issues. ti l internerworking?Explain the difference among the noUo,wing terms.* : . Bridges...,.. Router

    .(+ Gateway. (1)ee) :Exp~arn in detail types. of Software. Give two example of each. (5)

    (]2). (A) Write a short note G,D :a. Data Precessing'1). TCPllPc. Main functions of CPU~

    (B)f~nd the:hinary difference.;I), 1 ] 0 I 2)- I. 0 0 W t

    (4)111000011- 1 0 1 n ~ 000

    C) Convert OCI!aJ(0 Hexadeeiroa! _ (4)1) 31.57 2) 23'27

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    " Pd' ,"'''''.1"'-'"'"iG""""1- ;' ..( .3 Hout's )

    ~2i[ TOtal Marks : 100

    N ..!.: ( l~ Question N0~ . l :is COIpllso::ry.1(2) Answ~r a n y four from the :r:@ Jm in in .gQ. NCls~2 to 1.(3) .All q~est.i.dns carry ~al marks., .(4) Figures ttl the 'right ind-ic'ate marks.

    ' . I .\ (a) C o n v e r t m e fol~.o'wing e x p r e s s i o n tO I S U m - ( ) f = p ro d u 0 t f o n t' . ! '".. {A~+ C) (A~+ fl,~+C~)(A + B') (5 ) ,(b ) Write (rR AY code for dec imal numbers 0 lo 15 and ex plainwhe re it. is us~d. (5)( c ) D r a w th e b l o c k d i a g r a m : Q f D M A . ( 5 )(d ) inst ruc tion o~de s m I l e diagram. along mth i n d l . r e o t sub ~y 'c le l. (5 )

    2. (a) W h a t ate m t e r r o p l 1 ' S ? Bxplain . a comple te instmct~on , c y C l e with i ! tt em a p l t : s , usingD i a g r , a m s . (I0 )

    (bl W.d te in . d etails aoou t an y f i- ve c ommon ly u s e d P :e r f o rm a n C ( i EvaluationTe c hn iqu e s.. (10 )J .. ( a) D l is Q ll :S '1 b~ s~ tru cm e ~ bu s ty pe s a n d . methods o f Arbitrarion. ( 1 . 0 )(b) Discuss the various a r d , d r , e s s i ng . modes av ailsble , (10 )4 ( a ) D i s c u s s w i t h the he lp ofad ia.~ the ,fu n.c tioning:f an I / O . M o d u l e . (10)

    ( b ) D t s l C ~ S S b r i e f l y t h e m a p p f u ;g f u n c t i o n l l in C a o n e m e m o r y . (10)5 ( I ) 'W i t h R e fe re o o 'e " t o RiSe, d s c u s t h e fo U o w i n ,g . . (I0 )

    ( i) One instruc tion.ptt Cycle.(ii) Regist,er to register opetations. ( b) E x plain the work ing of'A ssodativ e' memory . (10)

    6 e a ) W r i. te II , d e t a il e d n o te o n S ix S ta g e m s t r u c t i o u p ip e l i n e and th e e ff e c t . o fC o n d iu ( ) n a l b ra n c h e s, on t h . e : s a m e o p e r a t i o n . . (l 0 )(b) Compare As- yn ch fomn t'S a n d S y n c .h w n o u s 'u-ansmisswn (10)

    " (a) Discuss the variQ us Supersealer instruc tion Issue Polic ies. (10 )~b) What a r e th e ~es , o f P u ; a J J e l p ro ce ssing sy stems? ( m O )

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    ~ - z z .( 3 Hour:;;;, )

    Nl..B".; 0.) Question No,.,1 is COIIPUlsory.,(2) Attemptal'l'yfour fromthe remainingNos. 2to 7.(3) All, quest,io,ns, carry equal. marks.,(4,) Figu~t,Q the rigbt indica,te fu1.1markB.

    1 .. iJ Using K-Maps., simpli(ythe e x p re s n in f oW "v a :ria bl, es :F(A,B ..C.D) =ABD1!-ABe +'B~CD"+A"B'c'n +A"BCDiil Convert Binary number 1011 {)Om)" Code num.ber.


    i. J Draw the:block diagnun of an i/O ,Module. 5:HJ What.are Fli,p~Flops?Discuss their basic pr-op~es... 5

    2. (al What areintesruprs? Explain a complete instruction. cycle with :to~ntenupts. using diagrams.(b) Compare and contrast ruse Vs. CISCdesign Pbiloso'pny.. 101'~ (8:.) Discuss die various Supe:-siCa~a:tInstrnction Issue Policies,

    (bJ il Write a short no~een Mappi ng Functtens i,nCacheMemory.ii) Discuss the foUowing addressing modes with diagt,an:IS;L R.egisoo,c Indireee2. lDisp,lacement


    If. (a.) Discuss any fiv,e commonly used. Perform:am:eEval uati,onTechniques.


    U Explainm details the functioning of any 'two levels. of 5RAID.iij Write a short note em 'Half Adder Circuit. S

    S:.. Ca) Wr-i:'te : desailed note on Six . Stage i~~ttu.ctiQn pipeliine and the t.oe~(ect of conditioaal branch on th.esame operatio:n....(b)

    ~J Nwne the categories of Parallel Oomputers given byFh~n:n.Draw the diagrasn for each.m Discuss 'the diftere~t Bus Types, 55 06 '0 [a) Discuss 4lo I multiplexer USiUl ,gTruth Table, D.raw its

    impleme:c:tationusing approprlam.ga1les.1.0

    (b)ijWl.'ite a shod note anAssociative Memory. .5iii Depsct diagJ'amma,ticaUy a Mioroprogrammedi Contro! 5Unit..

    "1~011) n1:

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    MeA ScM ..,% .'iiiCon.1i679~06. IB8-6804

    (3 Hours) [T~:lHalMarks: 1100N.B. (1)(2)(3)


    Questuon No. 1 is compu l,g,o..Y '.AFlswer any f,our out of remaining six q'ue,st10J1l.s.AsslLJme any ne,O'eSSO'iI ry data bUitjustify the salm:e,.li"'i'g'Yl"esto the rii~ght indlia.a'temalr,Ii:S, .

    I S ( ' 1. a) (ir Obtain a: disjunetive normal fonn o,f ---.(PvQ}li-t{P',...Q). [$](ii) Let C={2.8,.14.18}., Define a re1aJ!tlonR 'by :;ffi.y if and only ifx-y~5.Draw l:he digraph of R_ Give Mit. [5]b) (:ill' Determine whether the foUowing set A roge$er the binaty operation a semigroup, monoid or~neither.!fit is amonoid, spelSify the identity. If it'isB e semigroup ora ;monoiddet,e.nD!i:n,ewh~the:rit Is oonmiutarive. '[5]

    ,1\;= Set or ,all positive integoers" -a,.b~a.'b} c . e. bigger a:fa: and b.(ii)Define of' gr-aphs. Give one; example of is om .orphic g,apas.,-' [5]

    {{ 2. a) (i)Using truth table show that (P--+(Qv'R)r=F~Q)v (P-4-R)). [51(ii) Let P be the prQposition. "It is raining", Q be the proposition 1avetime", and- R be the proposition "'1 wiU go to a movie".. Translate thefollowing sentences: into propo,sitionat fonns using logical connectives. [:;,]Ifit is not mining and 1have time 'then I Will go (Q, a movie.

    It,israining amd 1w.ill not go to a movie,. Itisnot raming_I will not &,0 toa W\ov.i.e.I will~,o to a movie only if it is not raining,.

    b) (:i) Ler A be a conee:tion os:uo.setsof a setS, Show that (..o\.,~) isa pose! .Draw Hasse diagram when g,-{a.O,;c}_ [10]' f 3..,a)(i),Usmg the principal o c r ind~uGtionprove tha~ [.5}12 .. 2 32 , ~ _ n(n+ l)(2n + I)+... +. + -...+ 11 - . ......:..--...:.:.!.,;:;__-~- ~(ili.can we ,e;o'J!il.pluc:eS wm tn,e f611Qwmg pIe~s:es? [:5]'

    (i) fL+Q(n) P . . . . . ; ) J R(ill) -.(QAR)(iv) SvP'

    b~(i),Writenegationof [5]'" (I) AlI:men me animals.(2) Some mea are a'Qimals_(.3) If~tsnoWs~then they do not drive tie car"(4) No. teacher is, a :milli.amUre ..,(5) Mala ismot gpCld.

    'ton)Fm.d theadjacen,cy m.atrix and pa'!h+'matrix ofthei"olLowIDg graph. [5J

    [ "(U'RNeVER

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    2'~ 4~a)Find minimum sp:apning tree \ising Prim's algorithm. Start with node A.



    F 4 ,b) Let A=( 1>2,3~4L R=Hl~2),(2,3).(3'.4).(2>1)}.. Find th e transitive closure ofR . Use Warshall's alg,Qriilim. [10]

    ~ S .. ,a) (i) Considerthe group O=II.2,3,4.5,6} un~.rmultiplication modulo 7.Find. memultip,HcatiQo table of G. Find 2-1~J-], 6-~. [5][(ii) Le t G be a group of Iealuu:~b:ers l.w de r ad dition and G ' be th e grou p of.. positive numbers 1J;Ode !rmu ltiplication. Let f:G-+G' be defined by j(x)=e:o c Sh(lw tbst :f is an isom orphism from a to G'. . [5]-b) (i) DefuJ.egrQup 00de.' Show that (2~5) encoding nmction. e: B2:-7 'Ssdefined by e(Oa)=ooooo" e (Ol )=OHIJO. e(IO)=1010I. ~(n)=lWl1 ~ .a .~OUiPcode. [5]

    .{ii) C onside r the (2A) encod~ function e as followa, How m any e rrors 11.! ille>detect'? [5]e{CH'.I)=0000 e(O!}= 0110 e(Un = lOll! e'll~ =110'0,

    ~ 6. a) (i) Define weight of a eedeword, Find the weightsofthe follbwina_(l)x~OlQOOO (2)x=lHntr (3)x=OOOOO (4)~=Ulll [5 1(n) Co,ru; . truet the , state. mms itio n - .b l'e o f th e finit~ state machine whosediagraph is s_hQwn~ [3]


    4)0.1 ' 1

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    Q : I 1 " 1e79'Be6:81l4~IUi"b ) (i) . L e f i l i e s ta te t r a n s ,i l i o n table f O l a " f 1 ,D i te state machine b e [J]

    0 1S o S { ) 818J ,31 S z& h 82 s,53 S 3 S o

    List values offhe t r a n s i t i o n function fw : f o r ( 1 ) w =O J0 01, (2) w=lllOO.( . i i ) _ L e t V~{v(l.w:,a~b,cL S ; ; : : : { a ~ . ' ~ , c )and ..., be the r e l a t i Q D On V ,. g iv e n by

    (1) voHevob (2.) VobHbw (3 J a b W } " + c .Le t O=(V "S "v o, H ) b~ the c oue spon~ phas;e . s lmCtu r~ grammar.D ete nn fn e the f o rm o f a l lQ w a b l e seIlli t~ucesinL~ 'G). [5 ]

    ,~ 7 . a) De~ rmme whe~ r the r:lation R .(lU a se t A ~ .~efiecti~e1rreflective,' s y m m e m c :; a s y m n le U 1 C , :m illS :ym niem e or transrav e. Giv e n e c e s s a r ye . x p l a n a t i o . D . to y o u r answer . [ l O ]

    A := 2; , ! S e t o f al l in tegers , an d aR~ iffaSb+ 1.b e ) Find th e crmcalpath ill the P ' ERT graph. [10 ]

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    ( 3 Hours )< [ 'Ibtal Marks .: 100BB-=6446

    N_B. ~ D) Quest.ion N < : : T . l is Qalirpilll_so.ry .(2) At!:;smptany fR-,){(P--4Q)~(P~R) is ~rtautology.ii) Let P be the proposition "U is raining". Q be the proposition "Ihavetime", and R be the proposition "I v "m go to a movie". Translate thef . :OHOWtt lg sentences into proposit ional [onus.

    (I) If it is not mining and I have time then I will go te a movie.(2) It is mining and Iwi n not go to a movie,(3) It is not raining.(4 I will not go ra amovie,(5) I will go to a movie only if. it is not raining,

    (b) Let A~{],2.3A.i.~} and R be defined by aRbi.fa,nd.oldy if alb, Showthat R is a partial order relation 0111 A. Draw the Hasse diagram ofR .. :5 . (a) 0) Using mathematical iaducrion prove that

    !(. ])~1.1+23 +)""+.~.+II' = N n+4




    (1'i) Check the validity of the following argurnerns. C.rJIfRam has completed M.CA or M.B,A, then be is assured a good job. IfRam is assured a good job. he is happy., Ram is not h-appy .. So Ram hasnot completed M.B.A.(b) (i) Let the universe of discourse be D={O.]. 2",... ,9). Let Q(x,y) be the' 0-;]statement "x+y=x-y". Determine the truth values of the following,(1') Q(l,l), (2).3y '\Ix Q(x:~y) (3) Vy:3x Q{x;y)~(4) 3x Q(x,2) (5) 'ix3y Q(x.y) ( ~ OVERUi) Explain with suitable cxampfes: Eulerian and J-IamiHc;:nian graphs. ILS-)

    [ TORN OllER

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    - - -( a : ' ) { i ) Construct a tree representing the fl1owiug algebraic expression

    (31"(2-8)) -;-(4 r{7-(y' 2)) x(71(x."..y)Jii) Find stJiong cemponenss, uni:lat:eral cempeneats and weaikcomponen.t:s.h~tbe:following d~gr~ph.

    l 0 ~n 0 I o 0 [5)"(b- ) LefR b e the relation whose rnarrfx is 1 0 1 1 00 I o G1 1 0 1 o

    Pind i l l ) th:ereflecti ve closure of R. i'i) rhe sYJU~.etTi ciQ$me of R.S. a) (:I) Let S={x~xis areal number and xO.x-l} ..Consider the fonowin.gfunctions f;:S - - - -* ,S ,i= I .2 .- - -~ ;6 : _

    fJ(x)=x, .f2(x)=1 -x. (,(~)= L. ~.(x)~ -._1_. i3(~X)~]!. ,. t6(x}=-=--x I-x X x'-']Show that G='{ fl' f ; . , f~h(,~ ~sagmup hnder the op.eration ofc orn po sltion .. G j .y t:- the HlllJti '>ou tai.?,l.eof G ..ii) Let-G be a group will] jdentity e. Show that ff a2_e for all a in 0, then:every elemenr is its own inverse. -b) Defil'le gn.:oupcode, Test whether the following (2,5) en.Godingfunctio1nis a g 'riQU p code?@(OO)=00000. e(JO) = 1,0101, eC'(1) = 01110, e(ll) -- 11011

    Define minfmwll distance of an e:tlcodingfunclion. FEnd the minimumdistance oftbe ,abovel lCiDdlng. functiou. How many W'T:OIE 'S win it detect?

    Loa} (I) Let H:'" 0 be a perity checkmatrix,

    I 0a I

    i~)Draw the dfagraph of~hel.'lHllchi.],le,whose state ffarlsitian table is shown.below+ Remember to label the edges with appropriate i .npu;ts.

    , 0 ~ 2So S o !itl s~S1 $1 S 3 S 2- S . 2 s;~ ~1 SJs.~ .s~ s.~ S o ?


    [ $"]


  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06



    b) (1)Letthe state transition table for a finite state machine be0 W

    'S o So 51:: h :9 1 S2S2 S2 5 3S s 83 S o

    List values of the transition functiQu ~ for (i) w~{nQOl. 0 1 ) \\'=1 ~10'0.ti) Let S={Ra:mesh. Seema, drives jogs, carelessly, rapidly, :frequently}N=~sentence-, noun. verbphase, verbcadverb} and let V=SuN.

    Let o=seo.tence~and suppose that: the relation Hon V isdescribed bysentence ~ noun verbphrasenouns-e Rameshnoun I - ? - Seemaverbphrase Hverb adverbverb i - - - 7 - d!r~esverb Hjogsadverb ~ carelesslyadverbHapidlya dv e rb J- -- 7 fre qu e nU y

    Write the above productions using BNF notations.a) Determine whether the relation R on a set A is reflective, irreftecrrve,symmetric, asymmetric. antisymmetric or transitive, Give necessaryeX ip lc u lia tio n t o y o ur a nsw e r .A= set ,of all positive integers, aRb iff OCD.(a,brl.b) Find the c-riticalpath in the following PERT gr 'aph.


    [ ' 0 1

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    MA SIft ..X Afw1E',3 Hours)

    88-8798[r:ota,1 Marks: :.1oo

    CCl'n, 1749-06.

    N,EL : (1) Question No.1. is co,mpulscU"Y".(2) Attempt any two from question Nos. 2. te 4.(3) Attempt ar'ltwo from que,s~tiGfINos,S to 7,~4J Attempt thequ,estiol1 fo; aooounting and mana.gerial eCQnomioSel;'Nlu'.a.ely.(5) A .n qjue.stioi'l.s carry equa:1 m,arks. _1. (a) (I) DeUne maAage.r.ial economics with deffnitio,n. ,6rm B-E Analysis.(b) FoJlswing is t_neTrial Balance ef Mis. Ai8~C.prepare Trading' Ale, Profirt and Loss:Ale fur the year 14ended -31-3-2006 and a~soBalance Sheet as o n that date:

    Trail Blance as on C'n-3-2006~Particulars

    Tr\ilvelliAg ExpencesRant Inwa:rdDebto~s


    4,00013,O~O16,000.,ared ito fS'

    Omee PremsesSalary and WagesPurchasesSalesCa,pitalUrawin9sPrintin! i' j and St.atlr.;)I 'IeJ!)!'Octro-iGommiGs~on(Given)Sales Ret!tlHlGo3Js.h in Han dCash at Banik:Stock Olil 1-4-2Q05MachinellYrf:

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    . .~...~~~ , , ~,~

    .. .

    (b ) From the fQI~Qw]n!J i ll lf \ ]r r i1 :a: tion Q. i~ernby th ~ AQ'c..aUr:lt,am~ Qr:e;pare a.Ba.jik 'A~CHicil1atrM statemerfl

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    . .(3Heurs) . . -ElSoISoMO[Total Marks ': 1DCIN.S,: (1) Questio,n No. '\ I Isca,mpalsory.(2) Solille any'lwo questions bo,m o. No. 2kl Q. NQ, 4.

    ,(3)' SQIVe ,any' two quastlcns from a. No" 5 to C. No.7.,(4) Attlsmpt questions for ,A.ccou.ntlngand MSJfla:QerialEconomics 8Ie:pa"oIJ~l!I,and 'l,~aequenea,(,5) All ql.le$~ions Ica.rl'y 'equal m'1:lrks. .~6) Malkie req:ldred aS6um,ptions ,and state tham ,e:Elfariy.

    11. (a) Write short' Inotes on the foHowlng (Slrlytwo)' ;i-~I~ Responsibilities of Managerial EcCl,nomlst.(II) Break,-sv,Gl1l An:a,IY!; l i ls.(iJl) Ee,G!'lomi es of Scale.

    (b) Mr. IR,a,jEl'JS!iIhOI,S prepaTEld th,&; toHowing triaQ baJliaru::e ,as on 3'1-03-2005 ;W:ageo$' 8.000 S,alesSalani'e's 12,,000, Creditor:$O!;lel1ing Stosk 5"OOQ [),iscoun'lt r;eceiv,ed

    ,2. (a)

  • 8/3/2019 MCA Sem 1 Question Paper 2005-06


    - .~tA S.M~~,. r i , r 7 : t T D ~ I ~

    6 " , ( a l W r it e S h , O F t . n . o t , ~ ( ) I n a n y ,o in e :( ij P ' r e l P ' a r a t i o l n l o f n 9 l ~ l b ! e B t J d ' g e t .( i i ) A n y th ~ e ! e . f 1 J r 1 c t i o n a l b u d g e ' t s , 1 2

    ( ~ ) R .'B oo rd th e f o U o w l i n . g t r a n s a c t i o n s !n o a s h b o o k w ith e a s h a n d b a :n k . o o l l u m n o f , S h r i R a l u .D a te P a r t l o u ' l a r s ,1 )1 O a ~ h b a la J 'u :e A s . 1 : 2 , 0 0 0 1 ' a n d b an k b 's la no e A s . 5 , ,0 0 0 / ,.0 2 B a i ! k .c h a r g e ~ R s . 1 0 / , , a s , c h e q u e b o o k i C ~ , a r g e s .0 4 C a s h Sa j , e ' s R s . 2 , 0 0 0 / .0 0 D e p o s i te d lR 's , 1, OOO l l n t o b a n ' k .O S I P r r o~ r l e , r i t 0 r M ~ ~ R a j u w i t M f e w R s " 1 O O ~ b y o h e q i u e f o ~ p e f $ o n . a l u s a "'1 6 C a :~ h i ~ r g ! i V e , s U f f i o i e n t o a s h to p e U y e . a s h i e r to r e s t o r e i n t e , r , e s t a m o u n t , o f A s . 2 ; O O f a . f t e r o h fc k in g p ~ tt y ' c a : s ~ e x p I l s e s f r J ' r f h e p e r i o d w h i i l h a m o u n t e d to R s . ' ; , 6 0 / - .2 2 : P ,a i d e l e c t r i c ~ t y b i n R s . ; 5 0 1 ~ 'b y t n e q u B .'2 4 C a s h p u r c h a s e s R s , ' 1 , e g O / .2 9 B a n k 'e d R s o , 1 G Q r / ~b e i n g c a s h s a l S IS o : f t h e d ay .,

    , 12! > i l , ( ,a ) M Is . V is h a l T m d e ff i , ! i t W 6 , 9 . ( : u O ' e n - 1 a , c o o u n t w i t h : O e n : i ' e a r l l k . , O n . a O O S - 2 O : 0 5 ~ J ~ b eR S S S b o o k d js c lo s e o .

    a b i d a n c e o f R s . a , 1 , 4 8 e f ~ f ' r e p a n ! b a n k r 'e c o n c i i li a tl lo n s t e .~ : ~ m e n t a s I o n 3 ( 1 . 0 6 , 2 , 0 0 0 , a n d I S C I , e r t a J nb a o l a n c , e a s p e ' l r a ~ S h b O O K : .

    ( J ~ C h e ~ l I~ ,s r e c $ iv e d ~ ro m c u s t o m e r s a m o u n ti n g to lA s . 8 , '0 00 ,, , w e r e d e ;p ro s n~ s i n t o ~ a n k . o n. : 2 S Q S , : 2 0 0 4 , .T h , e : s ! c h e q u e s w e r e < C ' o J le c t e d b y b a J i k . ( j ,1 ' l 1 0 4 ~ 0 7 2 0 Q t 4 .Q i ) B an k h ad c o R e e l e d a d i v i d e n d 0 1 R s , 1 5 0 / o n 2 9 " '0 6 2 , (l :0 4 . ~ 1 .h a ~ , v sm a i l ' l e d to b e .~ e o o r d e di n c a sh , b o o k ,

    ( H i ) C h e ~ u , e i s s u e d t o ' R a m e s h , o f R I . 1 , 5 '0 0 / h a s b e e l 1 , e n t e r e f j t w i c e i R t h e , c a s h b o o k .{ i v ) C h e q u l e s , o l f R s ,. 1 0 "O O 'Q / i s s u e d to I c r e d : ~ o r s o n 2 0~ 06 ~ 2 0 04 w e re n o t p r e se m ed fo r p a ym . e n t

    I J p t o lO 0 6 ~ 2 0 0 4 " , .( ' 1 . ) B I~ k h a s . d e b i te d c h a r g e s a t . A .s .4 0 / o n 3 : 0 , ; l 0 6 ' ~ 2 0 0 4 . T h e se 'h :a ve n o t b e e n r . ! l o o : r d e d i n c a s : hb o o ! k i .

    ( v i ) 1 C h e q u e o t A . s . 2 , 0 0 ,0 / ' i s s u e d b " S ' ll m i 'f w a s n ~ c o r d e d in c a s h o o l : u m n o f c a s h b o o k . 8( b : ) W ~ ite n o te s G n l a ny , tw o o 'r th e J o l l o w ;in g :

    ( i) G o s , t a o o o u l " l l i : n g a n d i ts a d v a . ~ t a J g e s .( i i i ) ' C O s t e e n t e l r a nd o o s t u lI ' I l( i i i ) Co n t r a en t r y ;

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