
McKesson Radiology Station Feb 25th, 2015

Mckesson Radiology Station (MR12) Quick Start Guide

Launch McKesson Radiology Station , login with IH windows username and password. (Same as: Login to Windows/IH network/email)

When using the Folder Finder , search for a specific patient by Patient Name, Today, Yesterday, Recent and Date Range. (#1)

Enter the search data in the appropriate fields and left-click on the Find Now button to update the list. (#2)

Patient matches will display in the top section of the Folder Finder window. Studies belonging to the highlighted patient appear in the bottom section. Double left-click on a study to view the images.

Filters can be added by selecting them from the Filter drop down menu (#3).

Note : If unable to find Patient exam, ensure filters are set to "No Filter Set" (#4).

McKesson Radiology Station Feb 25th, 2015

Double click on the exam study line to open exam. Once the study has loaded, view any of the smaller thumbnail representations of the images by left-clicking and dragging it into a view port (#1).

All images can also be dragged down into one view port by left-clicking on the "All images" tab located to the left of the first thumbnail image in the exam (#2)

Images can be manipulated by using the tools on your main toolbar (#3) or by selecting one of the manipulation tools from your right-click menu (#4).

Another method of manipulating images is by using the keyboard and mouse shortcuts. Some commonly used shortcuts include:

Zoom: CTRL + Mouse Wheel Pan: SHIFT + Left Mouse Click + Drag the Mouse Window/Level: Right Mouse Click + Drag the Mouse Up/Down/Left/Right

Measurement and Annotation tools can be accessed from your right-click menu or by pressing the letter "D" on the keyboard.

McKesson Radiology Station Feb 25th, 2015

To access other studies for the same patient for comparison, left-click on the study date (#1).

A list of the Patient's exams that are "most similar" to the one that is open will display (#2).

To see a list of all the Patient's studies, hover the mouse over "All Studies" (#3).

A list of all the patient's studies will display (#4).

To access patient documents such as radiology reports and study details, left-click on the Documents (#1) or Info (#2) icon on your main toolbar.

Reports can be also be viewed by clicking on the report icon associated within the exam in the thumbnail bar (#3).

Select the document of interest by left-clicking on it in the Patient Portfolio window.

McKesson Radiology Station Feb 25th, 2015

To change the number of viewports displayed on your monitor left-click on the Screen Layout button and highlight the desired number of viewports.

To close the study left-click on the Close(X) button (#1) to return to your default study list or left-click the Sweep (#2) icon to close all open studies.

To close the McKesson Radiology Station application, click the Quit (#3) button or left-click on your name in the top right corner and select Quit.

If you require any additional support with MR12 or would like to know more about advance features such as creating custom filters, linking studies or making changes to your PACS preferences, please contact your

PACS Administrator @ 1-800- 862-4007

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