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Calculous Cholecystitis_________________________________________________________________

A Case StudyPresented to the Faculty,

Emilio Aguinaldo College-ManilaCollege of Nursing and Midwifery

Submitted to:

Clinical Instructor

Submitted by:

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I. Introduction.................................................................................................1

II. Objectives (General & Specific).................................................................3

III. Patient’s Data..............................................................................................5

IV. Family Background and Health History....................................................7

V. Definition of Complete Diagnosis.............................................................14

VI. Physical Assessment.................................................................................17

VII. Anatomy and Physiology...........................................................................25

VIII. Etiology and Symptomatology..................................................................28

IX. Pathophysiology.........................................................................................38

X. Review of Literature ………………………………………………………

XI. Doctor’s Order............................................................................................41

XII. Diagnostic Exam.........................................................................................53

XIII. Drug Study..................................................................................................63

XIV. Nursing Care Plan.......................................................................................76

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XV. Discharge Plan (M. E. T. H. O. D.) & Prognosis........................................98

XVI. Recommendation........................................................................................101

XVII. References..................................................................................................103

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The BSN-IV of Section-4 Goup-C, would like to acknowledge the contributions of

the following groups and individuals to the development of this case presentation.

To the Almighty God for blessing them with wisdom, competence and genuine

passion and giving them the strength to finish this presentation. The group dedicates to

Him the fruits of their hard-earned achievement.

To the staff of the Medical Center Manila 8th Main for being accommodating to

the students and for giving them additional teachings during their exposure in the said

hospital. They have also been very willing to allow the students to obtain records

necessary for this presentation.

To their respected clinical instructor for this rotation, R.N., R.M., M.N., for her

support and guidance to the group. She has imparted knowledge that would furthermore

enhance the student’s understanding of their patient’s case, thus making them ready to

present this case presentation.

To their client, V.Q and her family, for being open and generous enough to

disclose personal information that would be helpful for this study. The group would also

like to thank them for their patience throughout the duration of the study and for giving

the group the opportunity to care for Selecta and apply what they have learned.

To the proponents’ respective family and friends for their prayers as well as their

financial support. They have also been a source of inspiration of the students.

To the members of this group for working hard and giving their efforts, time and

resources in conducting the study and for the completion of the written output.

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One of the body organs that we can live without is the gallbladder.

However, does this mean it is of no use to the body? The gallbladder is a pear-

shaped organ situated underneath the liver. Its function is to store bile and

release it as needed for digestion. Bile emulsifies the fats in food, breaking them

to small fragments so they can be further digested and absorbed in the small

intestine. If the gallbladder is not working as it should, the digestion of fats can be

seriously impaired.

One of the common gallbladder diseases is calculous cholecystitis.

Calculous cholecystitis is a condition wherein gallstones obstruct the gallbladder

outlet leading to poor drainage of bile. Trapped bile can irritate and inflame the

walls of the bladder, thus leading to inflammation. Calculous cholecystitis is the

cause of more than 90% of cases of acute cholecystitis (Feldman, Friedman &

Brandt, 2006). It affects women more often than men and is more likely to occur

at the age of 20-50 or over 60. Asians are also more prone to develop pigment

stones. Moreover, people who are obese and those who had had low fat diet are

at an increased risk for developing cholelithiasis. In the United States, it is

estimated that 6.3 million men and 14.2 million women aged 20 to74 had

gallbladder disease (Everhart, Khare, Hill, Maurer, 1999). In the Philippines, an

extrapolated prevalence of 5, 073, 040 people are affected by the disease

( Gallstones that do not cause symptoms

do not require treatment. However, if gallstones cause, disruptive, recurring

episodes of pain, surgical removal of the gallbladder is recommended.

Recently, the Group- C had a patient who was diagnosed with

symptomatic calculous cholecystitis and underwent laparoscopic

cholecystectomy. The group chose this case for they see it fit for their

perioperative concept. Rarely do they interact with patients who had minimally

invasive surgery. The proponents are hoping that through this case study, they

will be more knowledgeable and aware about such gallbladder disorder and the

surgical procedure done for the said disease. They are also interested to know

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the proper and necessary nursing management that will be given to a patient

affected by the disease. Moreover, they would also like to impart their learning to

their families and their community regarding the prevention and care if ever such

condition will arise in the scenario.

As nursing students, they are hoping that this study will help them become

more efficient and better nurses in the future. The student nurses also hope to

apply their learning in taking care not only of their patients but of themselves as


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General objective: Within 4 weeks exposure to Medical Center Manila 8th Main,

the group should have been able to present a comprehensive case study which

explains the pathology, the treatment and the appropriate medical and nursing

management regarding the condition of their chosen client. The group also aims

to perform the necessary nursing interventions to help alleviate the patient’s

condition and improve her health.

Specific Objectives: The proponents also created certain aims that will help

them in achieving their general objectives. Within 4 weeks of exposure, the

proponents aim to:


Gather pertinent data regarding the past and present health history of the

patient through interview and assessment;

Draw the family genogram of the patient;

Define the complete diagnosis of the patient by directly citing it from three

different sources;

Conduct a thorough cephalocaudal assessment obtained from the client;

Review the anatomy and physiology of the organs affected in the patient’s


Present the etiology and symptomatology of the disease;

Trace the pathophysiology of the patient’s disease;

Obtain the doctor’s orders and make rationales for each order;

Obtain, analyze and interpret laboratory and diagnostic procedures done

on the patient and include the normal and abnormal values and findings

for comparison, and the specific nursing responsibilities associated with

each diagnostic procedure;

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Make drug studies on each drug given to the client, correlate them with

the disease process, explain why such drugs were ordered, and present

important interventions in administering the drug;

Present specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bounded

nursing care plans for the patient;

Make a discharge plan for the patient with the use of M.E.T.H.O.D.;

Broaden our scope of knowledge about the disease and the appropriate

Nursing Care for the patient with the disease;


Find a patient who will be the subject of their case presentation;

Render health teachings to the patient and her significant others to

promote health;

Provide care based on the various nursing care plans formulated by the

researchers and the patient herself;

Share information about calculous cholecystitis and the factors that cause

the development of such disease and its complications;

Share how the disease affects those affected by it and the systems

involved in its occurrence;


Establish rapport with the patient and significant others;

Show genuine concern and willingness in serving the client;

Be aware of the client’s progress on the succeeding interactions;

Appropriately state the bibliography of all resources used in order to

prevent plagiarism and promote honesty.

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Client’s Code Name: V.Q.

Age: 38 years old

Gender: Female

Birth date: November 6, 1971

Address: Sampaloc, Manila

Nationality: Filipino

Religion (Denomination): Christian (Roman Catholic)

Civil Status: Married

Spouse: Bobong

Educational Attainment: College Graduate

Occupation: Government Employee

Height: 5ft 2inches

Weight: 62 kgs.

Health Insurance: Philhealth Care

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Hospital: Medical Center Manila

Vital Signs on Admission:

Date of Admission:

BP: 130/80 mmHg PR: 79 bpm RR: 19 cpm

T: 37 ºC

July 22, 2011

Room No. 815

Chief Complaint: Pain at right upper quadrant

Admitting Physician: Dr. Fojas

Admitting Diagnosis: Acute Cholelithiasis

Final diagnosis Calculous Cholecystitis

Surgical procedure Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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A. Family Background

V.Q is the second child among the four children. All children of

Mamang were born through Normal Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery without

any complications. She delivered all her children at the hospital .The

family have been residing in Sampaloc, Manila since the marriage of their


The client, V.Q has 3 siblings namely: Kenny (Male, deceased),

Luigi (Male, 30, married), and Dora (Female, 28, married). She’s a college

graduate. She is a government employee for almost 15 years.

According to the patient, her father and mother are still alive and

they suffer from hypertension and diabetes. She said that the family

lineage of her mother also suffers from heart problems as well as kidney

problems. Two of her uncles on father’s side underwent surgery,

cholecystectomy, and had the same condition as V.Q. Her older brother

died due to motorcycle accident. Luigi was diagnosed with hypertension

and Dora had a history of UTI. There was no one else in her immediate

family that suffered cholecystitis aside from V.Q herself.

V.Q got married to Bobong in the 1998. They were blessed with 3

children. Her 3 children were delivered through Normal Spontaneous

Vaginal Delivery, all were born in the Maternity clinic. Her eldest child is

now studying in 4th grade. So far, none of her children suffer a serious


In terms of their expenses, both of them provide money for their

daily expenses. Bobong is a Supervisor in one of the companies in Metro

Manila and has a wage of approximately 15,000 a month. V.Q said that

they budget the money well for them to have food and to provide the

necessary daily needs and expenses.


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The patient has an vigorous lifestyle. Right now, she is busy

working and taking care of her family. She is the one who cooks, cleans

the house, and does the laundry of the whole family. Sometimes, she

does gardening in their backyard. According to her, she experiences

fatigue from doing household chores especially since she is the only one

who does the laundry.

She reported that she doesn’t smoke, but her husband does; he

smokes almost one pack a day. V.Q said that she drinks liquor very

seldom; she only consumes a half of glass or a glass of liquor


The family has good relationship. At night, they watch television

together and this serves as their bonding time. Occasionally, they gather

together with her relatives when there are fiestas, birthday celebrations

and other special occasions.

She is not so active in terms of social organizations but she

sometimes joins in the events in their community like the fiesta. She

sometimes goes to church on Sundays together with her children.

V.Q sleeps around 9:00 o’clock at night and wakes up around 5:00

o’clock in the morning to prepare things needed of her husband. She is

the one who cooks the “baon” of her husband for work.

V.Q said that she eats at least two times a day in small meals. She

said “nagda-diet kasi ako kasi feeling ko mataba na ako. It started when I

was 36 years old pero nag stop din ako last year”. For breakfast she

usually eats bread. Every morning, she always drinks coffee. In a day, she

can consume at least 3 cups of coffee. Her lunch and supper are

sometimes vegetables .She is not fond of eating pork and beef. She said

that before, she limits herself from eating fatty foods since she aimed to

lose weight because she was afraid of becoming obese. Also, she is so

fond of drinking soft drinks. In a day she can consume 4 glasses of coke.

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But she also drinks approximately 5-6 glasses of water. She also loves to

eat salty foods, especially junk foods, daing, bagoong. According to her,

she has no allergy from any form of food.

B. Past Health History

V.Q and her husband preferred to have artificial family planning than

natural family planning. She started using birth control pills since she was

36 years old.

She said that she is not sure if she completed her immunizations.

Her mother forgot already and the records were lost. They only avail of the

services of the health center very seldom. She said that their house was

far from the health center so they weren’t able to avail of all of the

services. She also experienced common illnesses such as cough, colds,

fever, measles and even chickenpox. They only treated it at home; they

bought over-the-counter drugs such as paracetamol, Neozep, and


She experienced measles when she was a 1-year old and had

chickenpox when she was 10-year old. Meg had her menarche when she

was 11 years old.

V.Q reported that she got pregnant with her 1st child at the age of 28;

unfortunately, she had miscarriage on the 1st week of pregnancy. She

was hospitalized at Manila Doctor’s Hospital. Completion curettage was

performed to her. Again, on her 3rd pregnancy, she had a miscarriage and

was hospitalized on the maternity clinic and underwent completion

curettage. She reported that in almost all her pregnancies, she

experienced an increased blood pressure, usually 140/90. After delivering

her third child at the age of 36, Bobong and V.Q decided to make use of

family planning. V.Q started to take birth control pills until now to prevent

unexpected pregnancy.

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C. History of Present Illness

On the second week of January 2011, V.Q felt mild pain at the right

upper quadrant of her abdomen. She neglected it thinking that it’s nothing

serious and might be just an episode of indigestion. After three days, the

pain went away. But after two weeks, pain recurred at a higher scale

(5/10). Because of this, she was forced to seek medical advice. She went

to Manila Doctor’s Hospital and was asked to have ultrasound of the

whole abdomen. After 2 days, the result was released and they found out

that there were stones in her gallbladder. She was advised by the doctor

to undergo surgery, cholecystectomy. However, the patient resisted the

doctor’s advice due to fear of surgery. She was given medications as an

alternative (the patient already forgot the name of medications

prescribed). She was instructed by the doctor to increase water intake and

have a low fat diet, unfortunately, she wasn’t able to follow the doctor’s

order and still continued with her usual lifestyle.

V.Q said that she still felt the pain after the check-up but she could still

tolerate it. She just took medications that were prescribed by the doctors

to alleviate the pain she felt.

Last July 19 this year, three days prior to admission, the patient again

experienced right upper quadrant pain which lasted until the present

condition. This was characterized to be progressive pain with a pain scale

of 8 out of 10. There was no radiation noted and no associated symptoms.

Two days prior to admission, pain recurred with a pain scale of 10 out of

10. This prompted V.Q to seek consultation, hence, admission.

On July 22, the patient was admitted at Medical Center Manila 8 th Main

Room 815 under the service of Dr. Fojas, with admitting diagnosis of

Acute Cholelithiasis.

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D. Effects/Expectations of Illness to Self/Family


When V.Q knew about her condition that she needs to undergo

surgery, she didn’t know what to do. She was very worried about herself

because she has fear of not waking up after surgery. She feared having

complications of not having a gall bladder anymore.


Also, she is worried about her 3 children, who still need care and

guidance from their mother. This made her decide not to go through with

the surgery before.

V.Q wants to overcome her illness so that she can still spend time

with her family and friends. Furthermore, she said that she wants to be in

good condition as much as possible so that she can do her daily task in

everyday life for her family. The client is worried about her condition

because she has many plans in life together with her family.


Still, V.Q is still hopeful to overcome her challenges in life. The

client still has faith in the Creator, and she continues to pray to Him. She

believes that everything will be alright with the help of the creator.

Also, her children were worried about their mother, who’s suffering

from such condition. Her husband, Bobong is trying his best to support his

wife. Bobong was worried about V.Q because for him, it makes him suffer

seeing his wife suffering. In addition, their relatives are also extending

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their care and prayers for V.Q because they are worried and concerned

for her.

The client is also very thankful because her family, relatives and

friends are still there giving support to her for her fast recovery. They are

always there and look after her in the hospital and to aid her physically,

mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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Maternal Side Paternal Side

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Ana, , 70 Lala, K, 67

Lolo, K ,†

Jose, c, , D, 64

Mamita, †,

Lola, †, o

Papito, †

Papa, 62Po, c, 67Mama, 60, DSis, , 64

Dora, 28, K

Kenny, a, †

- Female


#- age

- Heart problems


D- diabetic

K- Kidney problem

o- old age

c- cholelithiasis

a- accident

V.Q, , c, 38

Bobong, 45,

Luigi, 30,

Bebe two, 7Bebe three, 2 Bebe one, 10

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Complete Diagnosis: Calculous Cholecystitis


Calculi, or gallstones, usually form in the gallbladder from the solid

constituents of bile; they vary greatly in size, shape and composition.

Source: Boyer, M. (2006). Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-

Surgical Nursing, 11th ed., p. 1347. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Calculus (pl. calculi) is also called stone; an abnormal stone formed in

body tissues by accumulation of mineral salts. Calculi are usually found in

the biliary and urinary tracts.

Source: Retrieved

May 15, 2010.

Calculi (stones) can be divided into two groups—renal calculi and

gallstones. The majority of gallstones are composed principally of

cholesterol and other calcium salts.

Source: Iyengar, V. Elemental Analysis of Biological Systems: Biomedical,

Environmental, Compositional and Methodological Aspects of Trace

Elements, Vol. 1, p. 49.


Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. In more than 90% of

the cases, gallstones are present.

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Source: White, L. Foundations of Nursing: Caring for the Whole Person, p.


Inflammation of the gallbladder is called cholecystitis (chole = bile +cyst =

bladder + itis = inflammation)

Source: Crowley, L. (2010). An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology

and Pathophysiology Correlations, 8th ed., p. 563. USA: Jones and Bartlett


Inflammation of the bladder which may be either acute or chronic. In an

acute cholecystitis, the blood flow to the gallbladder may become

compromised which in turn will cause problems with the filling and

emptying of the gallbladder. A stone may block the cystic duct which will

result in bile becoming trapped within the bladder due to inflammation

around the stone within the duct. Chronic cholecystitis occurs when there

have been recurrent episodes of blockage of cystic duct.

Source: Digiulio, M. & Jackson, D.(2007). Medical-Surgical Nursing

Demystified, p. 288. USA: McGraw-Hill.

Calculous Cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. There are two major

types of acute cholecystitis— calculous and acalculous. In calculous

cholecystitis, gallstones obstruct the gallbladder outlet leading to poor

drainage of bile. In physical exam, patients may exhibit Murphy’s sign—

right upper quadrant pain elicited by palpation under the right costal

margin when the patient inspires.

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Source: Ginsber, G. & Ahmad, N. (2006) The Clinician’s Guide to

Pancreaticobiliary Disorders, p. 121-123. USA: SLACK Incorporated.

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Patient’s Name: V.Q.

Age: 38 yrs. old

Sex: Female

Admitting Diagnosis: Acute Cholelithiasis

Final Diagnosis: Calculous Cholecystitis

Chief Complaint: right upper quadrant pain

Date of Assessment: July 27, 2010

Time of Assessment: 11:00 am

Location of Assessment: Medical Center Manila 8th Main

Room Number: 815

Vital Signs upon physical assessment:

Temperature : 36.6 °C

Pulse Rate: 82 bpm

Respiratory Rate: 18 cpm

Blood Pressure: 130/80 mmHg

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I. General Survey

The patient was received lying on bed, awake, conscious, coherent, a

febrile and without IVF. She has three 0.5-cm long incisions at her epigastric and

right lower rib cage areas and a 1-cm incision under her umbilicus. Incision site is

dry and intact. Each incision is covered with dry and intact dressing. Patient

complains of pain on the incision site and rated this pain as 6 out of 10 in the

pain scale. She is oriented to time (verbalized it was late in the morning), person

(identified watcher correctly), place (verbalized she’s in the hospital) and reason

for admission (stated that she was admitted due to right upper quadrant

abdominal pain). Patient is not in respiratory distress.

Patient appears appropriate for her stated age. She stands 5 feet and 2

inches tall and weighs 62 kg. Her body mass index (BMI) is 24.9 which is normal.

She has an endomorphic body type. Patient is in fair grooming as evidenced by

unsoiled t-shirt she is wearing, well-kept hair and clean linens and pillows.

However, it was noted that patient has halitosis. Nails were long but clean.

Through the course of the physical assessment, it was observed that the

patient is cooperative and has an accommodating attitude towards the student.

The patient is calm. Patient’s speech was audible, comprehensible and in

moderate pace.

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II. Skin

Skin is fair in color, intact and with hairs, except in the palms, soles and

dorsa of the distal phalanges. Skin is dry and slightly warm upon palpation. It

returns quickly to its normal state when picked up between two fingers and

released. Skin texture is soft and fine while extensor surfaces such as the elbows

have coarser skin. The palms and the soles are calloused. No skin breaks

present aside from the incision sites on her abdomen. No edema present.

III. Hairs and Nails

Upon inspection, hair was noted to be black. It is thick, oily, straight, long

and well-kept. Hair is also evenly distributed as evidenced by absence of bald

spots. Dandruff or flaking was not present. Other infestations, such as lice, were

not noted. The color of scalp is lighter than the color of skin.

Nails on both hands and feet are long but clean. Nail polish was removed.

Client has a capillary refill time of 2 seconds. No clubbing of the nailbeds noted.

IV. Head

Patient’s head is round and normocephalic in configuration with smooth

skull contour. There were no palpated masses, nodules, deformities or fractures.

Facial features are symmetric as evidenced by palpebral fissures being equal in

size and symmetric nasolabial folds. Facial movements are symmetrical and

patient is able to perform different kinds of expression effortlessly and without

any obstructions. Patient can move her head up and down and side to side. No

lesions noted on the face.

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V. Eyes

Hairs of eyebrows are thick and evenly distributed. Eyebrows are

symmetrically aligned and there’s equal movement as evidenced by the patient’s

ability to elevate and lower the eyebrows. No edema, lesions, puffiness or

tenderness noted upon inspection and palpation of the periorbital area.

Eyelashes are equally distributed and curled slightly outward with no ectropion or

entropion. Eyelids’ surface is intact with no discharges and no discoloration but

with noted eye bags on the lower surface. No lid lag noted. Blink reflex is

present. Palpebral fissure is equal in both eyes. Bulbar conjunctiva is pale pink.

Cornea is transparent and without cloudiness. Sclera is anicteric. Eyeballs are

symmetrical with no bulging observed. Pupils were black in color, equally round,

3mm in size and reactive to light and accommodation. Pupils quickly constrict

when a penlight is shone towards the pupil from a lateral position. Iris is dark

brown in color.

Client has central and peripheral vision. She can see things on the side

of her eye, like the adjacent bed, even when looking straight ahead. Moreover,

pupils constrict when looking at near objects and dilate when looking at far

objects. During ocular motility testing, patient was asked to follow the examiner’s

finger in the six cardinal fields of gaze. There was smooth, parallel movement of

eyes in all direction. Both eyes move in unison. No nystagmus noted. To test her

visual acuity, the students asked her to read their nameplates placed about 1 ½

feet away from her. She was able to correctly read the names without any

difficulty. Patient verbalized she doesn’t use any corrective aids. She also did not

report any vision difficulty or eye pain.

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VI. Ears

The color of the patient’s ears is the same as her facial skin. The skin

behind the ear in the crevice is smooth and without breaks. The left and right

pinna are symmetrical and aligned with the inner canthus of the eye. Pinna

recoils after it is folded. Auricle is nontender upon palpation. Mastoid process is

smooth and hard and no tenderness or swelling noted. External canals have

minimal cerumen. No sanguinous discharges noted on the meatus. Patient was

able to hear a soft whisper equally in both ears. She can also hear normal voice

tones as evidenced by prompt responses to questions asked.

VII. Nose

It was noted that the nostrils were symmetrical and the nasal septum is

midline. There were no observed discharges draining from the client’s nose. Hair

is noted on the nares. Nares are patent since patient is able to breathe normally

on both nostrils without difficulty when one nose is closed with digital

compression and patient inhaled with mouth closed. No lesions on the external

nose structure were seen. There was no tenderness over the maxillary and

frontal sinuses upon palpation of the cheeks and supraorbital ridges. Client’s

gross smell was functional as she could identify the scent of alcohol.

VIII. Mouth

Mouth is proportional and symmetrical. Lips are cracked, dry, pink in

color and with no masses or congenital defect. Buccal mucosa was uniform pale

pink in color and moist. The patient’s gum was, moist, firm and pinkish in color.

No gum retraction or bleeding was noted. Teeth are of complete set. There are

no spaces in between teeth. Dental carries are evident in lower right and left

molar. Teeth are yellow in color. Patient has no dentures. Tongue is pink, moist,

slightly rough and has thin whitish color on the surface. It is also in central

position and moves freely. The base of tongue is smooth with prominent veins.

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No tenderness, lesions or any unusualness noted. Soft palate is light pink in

color. On the other hand, hard palate is much lighter and more irregular in

texture. Uvula is positioned in midline of soft palate and rises when the patient

says “ah”. Tonsils are not inflamed. No ulcerations and exudates present. Patient

has no difficulty of masticating and swallowing. Halitosis was noted. Patient has

no speech disorders.

IX. Neck

Neck is symmetrical with no masses or unusual swelling upon

palpation. No jugular vein distention noted. Pulsation at carotid arteries is strong

and regular in rhythm. Range of motion is normal and no pain elicited upon

flexion, extension, and rotation of head. Thyroid is not enlarged upon palpation

with no nodules, masses or irregularities upon palpation. Thyroid also rises when

patient was asked to swallow. Trachea is symmetrical and in midline without

deviation. No lymph adenopathies appreciated. No torticollis present.

X. Breast

Breast is conical, symmetrical and skin color is lighter than exposed areas.

No lesions, redness, or edema and texture is even. No dimpling or retraction.

Nipples are in midline and everted pointing in the same direction. Areola and

nipples are dark brown in color and has no discharges, crusting and masses.

XI. Chest/Lungs

Chest skin integrity is good and intact. Patient has symmetrical chest wall

movement. Point of maximal impulse is at 5th intercostal space left midclavicular

line. Apical pulse is 84bpm. Patient has distinct heart sounds, with S1 louder than

S2; negative for murmurs. There were no noted deformities in the client’s

thoracic area. There are no bulges or retraction of the intercostal spaces.

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Client’s respiratory rate is 18 cycles per minute. Patient did not complain of

chest pain or chest tightness. Guarding of the chest noted upon respiration due

to the proximity of the incision site to the diaphragm. Patient is not in respiratory

distress. Coughing episodes were also not observed. Vesicular breath sounds

are soft and low pitched. Her breathing is deep, regular and slow with a long

inspiratory phase and a short expiratory phase. With no adventitious sounds,

lungs are clear to auscultation and no crackles, wheezes or rubs. It was

observed that vocal fremitus is present both at the back and front of the chest

when the patient says “ninety-nine”.

XII. Abdomen

Abdomen is round. Color of skin in abdomen is slightly lighter than the

rest of the body. A 0.5-cm incision was noted at the subxyphoid area. Another

two 0.5-cm incisions are seen at her right lower rib cage. A 1-cm incision is also

present just below her umbilicus. All four incisions are covered with dry and intact

dressing. Patient reported a pain scale of 6 out of 10. Aortic pulsations are not

visible. Umbilicus is midline and inverted. Symmetrical movement of abdomen

upon respiration was noted. Upon auscultation of the abdomen, it was noted that

patient has normal bowel sounds—high-pitched and occurred 16 times per

minute. Abdomen is soft and there is no point tenderness. Patient was on DAT

as ordered.

XIII. Back and Extremities

Peripheral pulse of the patient was symmetrical and regular in rhythm;

radial pulse is 82bpm. Patient has normal capillary refill of 2 seconds. The nails

were pinkish in color without cyanosis and clubbing. Patient is able to ambulate

freely. She was able to sit up on bed and perform range of motion on both upper

and lower extremities. However, it was noted that patient has guarded and slow

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movement for she feels pain on her abdomen. Client’s grasping ability was

moderately strong on both hands. No edema or cyanosis was noted on both

upper and lower extremities. There is no swelling, tenderness or nodules

palpated on each joint. The shoulders, arms, elbows and forearms are free of

nodules, swelling, deformities and atrophy.

The skin at the back of the patient is uniform in color. Symmetrical

chest expansion with respirations noted. No spinal tenderness noted. There are

no skin breaks present. The back is also symmetrical with the spinal cord

aligning from the neck down to the buttocks. There were no deformities or

abnormalities on the bone such as scoliosis, osteoporosis and alike to be noted.

XIV. Genito-urinary

Pubic hair is present, thick in each strand, curly and equally distributed

on the mons pubis. No vaginal bleeding or any other unusual discharges noted.

Patient voids freely. She has no difficulty urinating and did not report dysuria.

She verbalized her urine is amber in color.

XV. Neurological

Patient was received lying on bed, awake, conscious, coherent and

afebrile. Reflexes are normal and symmetrical bilaterally in both extremities.

Patient is oriented to person, place and time. She has a Glasgow coma scale of

15: 4 from eye opening, 5 for verbal response and 6 for motor response. She is

also alert and attentive.

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The gallbladder is a hollow organ that sits just beneath the liver. In adults,

the gallbladder measures approximately

8 cm in length and 4 cm in diameter when

fully distended. It is divided into three

sections: fundus, body, and neck. The neck

tapers and connects to the biliary tree via

the cystic duct, which then joins the common

hepatic duct to become the common bile

duct. Its function is to store and release bile,

a fluid made by the liver.

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The cystic duct is the

short duct that joins the gall bladder to

the common bile duct. The cystic duct

varies from 2 to 3 cm in length and

terminates in the gallbladder.

Throughout its length, the cystic duct is

lined by a spiral mucosal elevation,

called the valvula spiralis (valve of

Heister) which is

a series of crescentic folds of mucous

membrane in the upper part of the cystic duct, arranged in a

somewhat spiral manner. Its length is variable and usually ranges from 2 to 4 cm.

The cystic duct is usually 2-3 mm wide. It can dilate in the presence of pathology

(stones or passed stones).

The duct and spiral folds contain muscle fibers responsive to

pharmacologic, hormonal, and neural stimuli. There is, however, no convincing

evidence of a discrete muscular sphincter within the duct. Although the cystic

duct is unlikely to play a major role in gallbladder filling and emptying, it appears

to function as more than a passive conduit. Coordinated, graded muscular

activity in the cystic duct in response to hormonal and neural stimuli may facilitate

gallbladder emptying. The principal function of the internal spiral folds that are

found in man may be to preserve patency of this narrow, tortuous tube rather

than to regulate bile flow. 

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The main components of bile include contains water, cholesterol, fats, bile

salts, proteins, and bilirubin.

Bile, is produced by hepatocytes in the liver and and then flows into

the common hepatic duct, which joins with the cystic duct from the gallbladder to

form the common bile duct. The common bile duct in turn joins with the

pancreatic duct to empty into the duodenum. If the sphincter of Oddi, a muscular

valve that controls the flow of digestive juices (bile and pancreatic juice) through

the ampulla of Vater into the second part of the duodenum, is closed, bile is

prevented from draining into the intestine and instead flows into the gallbladder,

where it is stored and concentrated to up to five times its original potency

between meals. This concentration occurs through the absorption of water and

small electrolytes, while retaining all the original organic molecules.

When food is released by the stomach into the duodenum in the form of

chyme, the duodenum releases cholecystokinin, which causes the gallbladder to

release the concentrated bile to complete digestion.

Bile helps to emulsify the fats in the food. Besides its digestive function,

bile serves also as the route of excretion for bilirubin, a byproduct of red blood

cells recycled by the liver.

The alkaline bile also has the function of neutralizing any excess stomach

acid before it enters the ileum, the final section of the small intestine. Bile salts

also act as bactericides, destroying many of the microbes that may be present in

the food.

In the absence of bile, fats become indigestible and are instead excreted

in feces, a condition called steatorrhea.

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Predisposing Factors

Present/ Absent

Rationale Justification

Female PRESENT Women between 20 and 60 years of

age are twice as likely to develop

gallstones as men.

Estrogen increases cholesterol

levels in bile and decrease

gallbladder movement, both of

which can lead to gallstones.


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine,

Tenth Edition 1983 page 1822

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook

of Diseases Third Edition, page 184


The patient

is female.



ABSENT People with diabetes generally have

high levels of fatty acids called

triglycerides. These fatty acids

increase the risk of gallstones.


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine,

Tenth Edition 1983 page 1823

The patient

is not


Page | 28

Page 33: MCM

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook

of Diseases Third Edition, page 184


(20-50; over

age 60)

PRESENT Many of the body’s systems and

protective mechanisms become less

efficient with age. Body systems and

processes become sluggish.


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine,

Tenth Edition 1983 page 1823

Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook

of Diseases Third Edition, page 184

The patient

is 38 years








PRESENT Native Americans have a genetic

predisposition to secrete high levels

of cholesterol in bile. In fact, they

have the highest rate of gallstones

in the United States. A majority of

Native American men have

gallstones by age 60. Mexican

American men and women of all

ages also have high rates of


Asians are more genetically

predisposed to having pigment

stones as compared to those living

in the Western countries

The patient

is Filipino.

She is


to having



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Page 34: MCM


Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook

of Diseases Third Edition, page 184


Precipitating Factors

Present/ Absent

Rationale Justification

PregnancyABSENT Excess estrogen from pregnancy,

hormone replacement therapy, or birth control pills appears to

increase cholesterol levels in bile and decrease gallbladder

movement, both of which can lead to gallstones.



The patient is not pregnant.

Rapid weight loss ABSENT As the body metabolizes fat during

rapid weight loss, it causes the liver to secrete extra cholesterol into

bile, which can cause gallstones.


Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook of Diseases Third

Edition, page 184

No rapid weight loss

was noted by the patient.

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Page 35: MCM

Obesity ABSENT The most likely reason is that obesity tends to reduce the amount of bile salts in bile, resulting in more cholesterol. Obesity also decreases

gallbladder emptying.


Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, Tenth Edition 1983 page


Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Handbook of Diseases Third

Edition, page 184

The patient is not obese.

Fasting ABSENT Fasting decreases gallbladder movement, causing the bile to become overconcentrated with cholesterol, which can lead to



The patient doesn’t fast.

Hormone replacement therapy, or

birth control pills

PRESENT Excess estrogen from pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, or

birth control pills appears to increase cholesterol levels in bile

and decrease gallbladder movement, both of which can lead

to gallstones.


Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

The patient has been on birth control pills since

she was 36 years old.

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Page 36: MCM

Handbook of Diseases Third Edition, page 184

Low Fat Diet PRESENT Before dietary fat can be digested, it has to be emulsified. Bile is used for this purpose. The liver makes

bile continuously and stores it in the gall bladder until such time as it is

needed. However, if a low-fat diet is eaten, that bile remains in the gall


Gallstones are formed when the gall bladder is not emptied on a

regular basis. In people who continually resort to low-fat diets,

bile is stored for long periods in the gall bladder — and it stagnates. In time — and it is really quite a short time — a 'sludge' begins to form.


The patient avoids fatty



Signs and Present/ Rationale Justification

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Page 37: MCM

Symptoms Absent

Right upper

quadrant pain

(may radiate

to right


shoulder, or



“biliary colic”

PRESENT Obstruction of ducts

connected to the gallbladder

will cause inflammation

produced by increased

intraluminal pressure and

distension of the



Harrison’s Principles of

Internal Medicine, Tenth

Edition 1983 page 1825

The patient

came into



of RUQ pain.

Fever (low


ABSENT Fever is a nonspecific

response that is mediated

by endogenous pyrogens

released from host cells in

response to infectious or

non-infections disorders. It

may be brought about by

prostaglandins released

during inflammation.

Source: Carol Mattson

Porth (2005.

Pathophysiology, Seventh

The patient

was not


Page | 33

Page 38: MCM

edition page 205)

Murphy's sign


interruption of



PRESENT Classically Murphy's sign is

tested for during

an abdominal examination;

it is performed by asking the

patient to breathe out and

then gently placing the hand

below the costal margin on

the right side at the mid-

clavicular line (the

approximate location of

the gallbladder). The patient

is then instructed to inspire

(breathe in). Normally,

during inspiration,

the abdominal contents are

pushed downward as

the diaphragm moves down

(and lungs expand). If the

patient stops breathing in

(as the gallbladder

is tender and, in moving

downward, comes in

contact with the examiner's

fingers) and winces with a

'catch' in breath, the test is

considered positive. A

positive test also requires

no pain on performing the

The patient

was positive

for the



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Page 39: MCM

maneuver on the patient's

left hand side.




Nausea and


ABSENT Nausea and vomiting

sometimes occur with biliary

colic. The inflammation of

the gallbladder causes pain

and spasms of the

abdominal muscles which

may make one feel



Understanding Medical

Surgical Nursing by

Williams and Hopper page


The patient


complain of

nausea or






ABSENT Biliary obstruction causes

suppression of bile flow,

and regurgitation of

conjugated bilirubin into the

The patient’s

bilirubin was

not increased.

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Page 40: MCM



Harrison’s Principles of

Internal Medicine, Tenth

Edition 1983 page 1829


SGPT and




an enzyme found mostly in

the liver but also in the

heart, the muscles, the

kidneys, the pancreas and

in red blood cells. High

elevations may be

associated with liver

disease or muscle trauma.

Elevations may also be

associated with a variety of

conditions including

myocardial infarction (heart

attack), pancreatitis, bile

duct obstruction and more.

Abnormalities of liver

enzymes including


are indicative of problems

such as Mirrizi syndrome, or

The patient’s

lab tests

reveal an

elevated level

of SGPT and



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Page 41: MCM

a stone in the bile duct

causing infection/liver





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Page 42: MCM


Page | 38

Predisposing Factors:

Female Age 38 Ethnicity Diabetes Mellitus

Precipitating Factors:

Birth control pills Low Fat Diet Pregnancy Rapid weight loss Obesity fasting

Bile stagnates in the gallbladder

Pigment solute precipitate as solid crystals

Crystals clump together and form stones


Upon contraction, a stone is moved and becomes impacted on the cystic duct

Bile stasis

Gallbladder contracts after intake of fat to release bile


Lumen is obstructed by stones

Page 43: MCM

Page | 39

If treated with:

If not treated

Good prognosis

Chemical reaction inside gallbladder triggers the release of inflammatory




Increased intraluminal pressure and distention

of the gallbladder

Inflammation of the gallbladder

Biliary Colic

(RUQ pain)

Murphy’s Sign

Fluids leak into gallbladder


Constriction of blood vessels

Continued increase in intraluminal pressure of gallbladder

Rupture of gallbladder

Spread of bile and indigenous microorganisms into peritoneal cavity

Continued lack of blood supply to gallbladder


Gangrene and empyema

Perforation of gallbladder

Surgery, proper diet (low fat, high fiber), compliance

to medications

Page 44: MCM

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Page 45: MCM


Date Order Rationale Remarks

07/22/11 Low fat diet Doctors were not sure

whether the gallstones are

either cholesterol or pigment

stones. Thus, this is done to

prevent any further damage

to the gallbladder.


Monitor VSqShift and


Monitoring vital signs is

important in order to note any

unusualities and to refer

these as follows.




A complete blood count

(CBC) is a series of tests

used to evaluate the

composition and

concentration of the cellular

components of blood. It

consists of the following tests:

red blood cell (RBC) count,

white blood cell (WBC) count,

and platelet count;

measurement of hemoglobin

and mean red cell volume;

classification of white blood

cells (WBC differential); and

calculation of hematocrit and

red blood cell

Platelet count is to determine

the number of platelets; If the


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Page 46: MCM



number of platelets is too low,

excessive bleeding can occur.

However, if the number of

platelets is too high, blood

clots can form (thrombosis),

which may obstruct blood


It is done to detect urinary

tract infection. It also

measures the level of

ketones, sugar, protein, blood

components and many other




Venoclysis: PNSS 1L

@ 100cc/hr

PNSS is an isotonic solution

to provide hydration since it

was found out that the

specific gravity for urine is in

the borderline (1.010). It is

also to provide electrolytes,

and as a medium for IVTT


Done. IVF

infusing well

at right




Demerol 50mg IVTT

now then prn for

abdominal pain

Acts as agonist at specific

opioid receptors in the CNS to

produce analgesia, euphoria,

sedation for relief of moderate

to severe pain


Page | 42

Page 47: MCM

HNBB (Hyoscine N-

Butyl Bromide) 20mg

1amp IVTT now

It's a competitive antagonist

of the actions of acetylcholine

and other muscarinic agonists

causing smooth muscle

relaxation indicated for her

abdominal pain


MHBR Moderate high back rest is to

elevate the upper portion of

the body to increase lung

expansion thus promoting gas

exchange. This is also to

prevent ascending infection

that could be caused by

possible rupture of the



Refer any

unusualities: severe

abdominal pain,


In order for the patient to be

assessed and evaluated

properly and be managed



7/23/11 Start Cefoxitin

(Monowel) 1g IVTT


Cefoxitin inhibits synthesis of

bacterial cell wall causing cell

death which acts as a

perioperative prophylaxis for

surgical procedures. ANST or

after negative skin test is to

check whether the client is

not allergic to the antibiotic.

Done. Result

for skin test

is negative.


may be

given to the


For ultrasound

tomorrow morning

This is done to visualize

internal organs, to capture

their size, structure and any

pathological lesions with real

Not able to


Patient had


Page | 43

Page 48: MCM

time tomographic images.

This is also to know the

condition of the gallbladder

whether it ruptured or not.


on May 11,


For total bilirubin,

Direct bilirubin,

Indirect bilirubin

Alkaline phosphatise

Bilirubin is elvated if

hepatocytes are injured and

cannot metabolize or excrete


Increases in conjugated

bilirubin are highly specific for

disease of the liver or bile


Increase in unconjugated

bilirubin may be caused by

hepatic disease, cholestasis,

and hemolysis

High levels of alkaline

phosphatise indicates liver



Results are



(Serum glutamic




(Serum glutamic

SGPT is released into blood

when the liver or heart is

damaged; thus, this is to

determine liver function.

Elevation of this may possibly

mean liver problems

AST (aspartate

aminotransferase) or SGOT is




results are


Done. SGOT

results are

Page | 44

Page 49: MCM


transaminase)an enzyme found in high

amounts in heart muscle and

liver and skeletal muscle

cells. It is also found in lesser

amounts in other tissues.

Elevated levels may be

caused by liver or heart


also high

Schedule for


cholecystectomy on

Tuesday (4/11/10)


Lap Chole was to surgically

remove the gallbladder with

only a small incision.


Surgery was

done on

4/11/10 @


Secure consent/AC Patient has the right to be

consented in all procedures to

be done, and for legal

purposes. Anesthesia

clearance is for the patient to

be evaluated whether he/she

is fit to undergo the operation.

It is also for the

anaesthesiologist to predict

the operative risk and the

appropriateness of the

anaesthesia to be induced

during operation.


Inform OR For the OR to know that such

case will be performed and to

prepare the necessary


Page | 45

Page 50: MCM

instruments and room. This is

also to coordinate availability

of staff and surgeon

Refer In order for the patient to be

assessed and evaluated

properly and be managed



07/24/11 May have ultrasound

on Tuesday 5/11/10

This was to visualize internal

organs, to capture their size,

structure and any pathological

lesions with real time

tomographic images. It is also

to know whether the

gallbladder has ruptured or





retrieved on






ally normal

liver and


07/25/10 To reschedule OR

tomorrow from 9am

to 11am

To inform the OR that the

procedure will be moved from

9pm to 11am


Patient had

her surgery

at 11am of

July 26,




PNSS is an isotonic solution

for hydration and as a

medium for IVTT meds; KVO

was done since patient’s

hydration was good.


Please facilitate AC AC is to assess patient’s rate Done

Page | 46

Page 51: MCM

of survival and check for what

anesthetics is right for the

patient, making sure that the

patient isn’t allergic to the


For Lap Chole tom


This was to surgically remove

the gallbladder with only a

small incision. Patient can

undergo laparoscopic

cholecystectomy since

gallbladder has not ruptured

yet as seen on the ultrasound



For blood chem. and

Ultrasound tom

Blood tests are used to

determine physiological and

biochemical states, such as

disease, mineral content,

drug effectiveness, and organ



Pre-op orders:

NPO after light

breakfast (8am)

Assess VS prior to


General oral hygiene

NPO is to prevent peristalsis,

aspiration and injury during


as baseline data and to detect

any unusualities

Oral hygiene is the practice of

keeping the mouth clean and

healthy by brushing and




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Page 52: MCM




Diazepam 10mg 1

tab 2am

Ranitidine 150mg

1tab 2am

Vitamin K

flossing to prevent tooth

decay and gum disease.

Intravenous solutions with

reduced saline concentrations

typically have dextrose added

to maintain a safe osmolality

while providing less sodium

chloride; to hydrate before

surgery in preparation for

disruption of homeostasis

Potentiates the effects of

GABA; Act in spinal cord and

at supraspinal sites to

produce skeletal muscle

relaxation; it is also used as

adjunct to General anesthesia

Inhibits basal gastric acid

secretion and gastric acid

secretion; patient was placed

on NPO

For the liver to activate

clotting factors such as

prothrombin, proconvertin,

thromboplasstin, and stuart





Page | 48

Page 53: MCM


07/26/11 NPO NPO is to prevent peristalsis,

aspiration and injury to the GI

tract during surgery.


Post op orders:

To PACU then to


NPO for 4 hrs then

may have SD

Monitor VS q15 until

stable then q30 for

2hrs then q2


Etoricoxib 120mg PO


Tramadol 100mg

1tab 12mn

Patient must first be stabilized

before transfer to the ward;

PACU is a place with

complete gadgets and staff

for emergency purposes after

post op.

Patient not yet fully conscious

due to anesthetics, thus this

is to prevent aspiration.

Monitoring vital signs is to

detect any unusualities after

the operation.

Half life is 22hrs. Etoricoxib

blocks COX2 thus relieving

pain and inflammation.

Half life is 5-7hrs

Inhibits the reuptake of

norepinephrine and serotonin;






Page | 49

Page 54: MCM

Demerol 50mg IVTT

Sultamicillin 375mg


causes many effects similar

to opioids – analgesic

Half life is 3-5hrs

Causes analgesia, euphoria,

sedation; thus reducing pain

Inhibits synthesis of bacterial

cell wall causing cell death;

this was indicated due to

possible intra – abdominal




O2 inhalation @ 4pm

until fully awake

This ensures optimum

oxygenation of cells gearing

towards achieving balance or

homeostasis. Also this was

for optimum respiratory level;

prevents lung collapse.


MHBR Moderate high back rest is to

elevate the upper portion of

the body to increase lung

expansion thus promoting gas



Deep breathing

exercises for 15mins


Post op exercise is indicated

To prevent lung collapse and

to eliminate anesthetic gases

introduced to the body


07/27/10 May have DAT Patient may eat anything as

long as it can’t harm her

current condition


Continue meds For the patient to complete Done

Page | 50

Page 55: MCM

the medication regimen and

for continuity of care

Wound care Daily routine wound care is

indicated in order to promote

healing and/or prevent



07/28/10 MGH Patient may go home after

the doctor decides if

unusualities are absent


Home meds:

Etoricoxib 90mg PO


Tramadol 100mg ½

tab PO BID

Sultamicillin 375mg


Half life is 22hrs. Etoricoxib

blocks COX2 thus relieving

pain and inflammation.

Half life is 5-7hrs

Inhibits the reuptake of

norepinephrine and serotonin;

causes many effects similar

to opioids – analgesic

Inhibits synthesis of bacterial

cell wall causing cell death


Patient was


C/D IVF Terminate IVF when IVF is

about 50cc



ff. up check at


Follow up check up is for the

patient to be assessed and

Patient to

come back

Page | 51

Page 56: MCM

evaluated properly and be

managed accordingly.

at 08/02/11

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Page 57: MCM


CBC – a determination of red and white blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. It helps health professional check any

symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, or bruising. It also helps diagnose conditions such as anemia, infection and other


Test Normal Values

Result Remark Rationale Interpretation Nursing Responsibilities

Hemoglobin 115.0-


137.0 Normal Hemoglobin carries

oxygen to and removes

carbon dioxide from red

blood cells. It measures

total amount of

hemoglobin in the blood

Within normal


There is very little risk

associated with taking

blood from a vein in the

arm, although there is a

slight risk of infection

anytime the skin is

broken. Strict asepsis

should be observed

The patient may feel

discomfort when blood is

drawn from a vein.

Bruising may occur at

the puncture site, or the

Hematocrit 0.36-


0.42 Normal Hematocrit measures the

percentage of red blood

cells in the total blood


Within normal


RBC 4.2-6.1 4.47 Normal Measures the number o

RBCs per cubic millimeter

of the whole blood.

Within normal


WBC 5.0- 14.1 High Determines the number of Elevated levels

Page | 53

Page 58: MCM

10.0 circulating WBCs per cubic

millimeter of the whole


may be caused by

acute infections –






colitis, etc.

person may feel dizzy or

faint. Pressure should be

applied to the puncture

site until the bleeding

stops to reduce bruising.

Warm packs can also be

placed over the puncture

site to relieve discomfort

Instruct patient in dietary

sources of iron such as

red meat, organ meats,

clean green vegetable

and fortified grains

Protect the patient from

potential sources of

infection, monitor for

signs of infection.

Provide soft, bland diet

Neutrophil 55-75 74 Normal Phagocytes engulfing

bacteria and cellular

debris. It prevents or limits

bacterial infections.

Within normal




20-35 21 Normal Cells present in the blood

and lymphatic tissue that

provide the main means of

immunity for the body.

There are three types of

lymphocytes: the natural

killer (NK), thymus-derived

lymphocytes (T cells), and

bone marrow-derived

Within normal


Page | 54

Page 59: MCM

lymphocytes (B cells). NK

cells are found in the

blood, red bone marrow,

lymph nodes and spleen

and are able to destroy

many kinds of infected

body cells and tumor cells.

The T cells and B cells are

involved in specific

immune responses.

high in protein, vitamins,

and calories. Meticulous

hand washing and strict

asepsis are mandatory

Institute protective

isolation measures

immediately if there is

neutrophil disorder. Also

instruct the patient to

observe aseptic

technique and to take

caution most especially

if immunocompromised.

Inflammatory responses

involve more than one

body system. Monitor

the patient for worsening

of the inflammatory

condition, particularly

Monocytes 2-10 4 Normal This type of granular

leukocyte functions in the

ingestion of bacteria and

other foreign particles

Within normal


Eosinophil 1-8 1 Normal Functions in allergic

responses and in resisting

infections. Eosinophils

mount on attack against

parasitic invaders by

attacking to their bodies

and discharging toxic

Within normal


Page | 55

Page 60: MCM

molecules from their

cytoplasmic granules.



Encourage patient to

rest between activities.

Encourage patient to

plan ahead and save

energy for the most

important activities.

Encourage patient to

void or stop activities

that make short of

breath or make heart

beat faster.

Encourage patient to Eat

a diet with adequate

protein and vitamins.

Drink plenty of non-

caffeinated and non-

alcoholic fluids.

Platelet 150.0-


278 Normal A test that direct count of

platelets in whole blood.

Platelets number from

100,000-500,000 per cubic

millimeter and are

important in triggering the

sequence of events that

leads to the formation of

blood clots.

Within normal


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Page 61: MCM

Urinalysis - Urinalysis is a physical, microscopic, or chemical examination of the urine. It is done to detect urinary tract

infection. It also measures the level of ketones, sugar, protein, blood components and many other substances


Glucose Negative <50mg/dL Glucose is the type of sugar found in blood.

Normally there is very little or no glucose in urine.

When the blood sugar level is very high, as in

Advise Patient to:

Wash hands to make

sure they are clean

Page | 57

Page 62: MCM

uncontrolled diabetes. Glucose can also be found in

urine when the kidneys are damaged or diseased.before collecting the


If the collection cup

has a lid, remove it

carefully and set it

down with the inner

surface up. Do not

touch the inside of the

cup with your fingers.

Clean the area around

your genitals.

Begin urinating into

the toilet or urinal.

Finish urinating into

the toilet or urinal.

Carefully replace and

tighten the lid on the

cup then return it to

the lab.

After the urine has

Protein Negative <30mg/dL Protein is normally not found in the urine. Fever,

hard exercise, pregnancy, and some diseases,

especially kidney disease, may cause protein to be

in the urine.

Bilirubin Negative <1mg/dL This is a substance formed by the breakdown of red

blood cells. If it is present, it often means the liver is

damaged or that the flow of bile from the gallbladder

is blocked.

Urobilinogen Normal <2mg/dL This is a substance formed by the breakdown of

bilirubin. Urobilinogen in urine can be a sign of liver

disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis) that the flow of bile

from the gallbladder is blocked.

pH 6 4.5-8 Urine pH is used to classify urine as either a dilute

acid or base solution. The lower the pH, the greater

the acidity of a solution; the higher the pH, the

greater the alkalinity. The glomerular filtrate of blood

is usually acidified by the kidneys from a pH of

approximately 7.4 to a pH of about 6 in the urine

Blood Negative <5- Red blood cells in the urine may be caused by

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10RBC/mL kidney or bladder injury, kidney stones, a urinary

tract infection (UTI), inflammation of the kidneys

(glomerulonephritis), a kidney or bladder tumor, or

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).

flowed for several

seconds, place the

collection cup into the

urine stream and

collect "midstream"

urine without stopping

your flow of urine.

Do not touch the rim

of the cup to your

genital area. Do not

get toilet paper, pubic

hair, stool (feces),

menstrual blood, or

anything else in the

urine sample.

Ketone Negative <5 mg/dL Ketones in the urine may mean a very serious

condition, diabetic ketoacidosis, is present. A diet

low in sugars and starches (carbohydrates),

starvation, or severe vomiting may also cause

ketones to be in the urine.

Nitrite Negative Negative Bacteria that cause a urinary tract infection (UTI)

make an enzyme that changes urinary nitrates to

nitrites. Nitrites in urine show a UTI is present.

Leukocytes 25 <25WBC/


Leukocyte esterase shows leukocytes in the urine.

WBCs in the urine may mean a UTI is present.

Clarity Clear Clear Urine is normally clear. Bacteria, blood, sperm,

crystals, or mucus can make urine look cloudy.



1.010 1.010-1.030 This checks the amount of substances in the urine.

It also shows how well the kidneys balance the

amount of water in urine. The higher the specific

gravity, the more solid material is in the urine.

Color Yellow Pale to dark Many things affect urine color, including fluid

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yellow balance, diet, medicines, and diseases. How dark

or light the color is tells you how much water is in it.

Vitamin B supplements can turn urine bright yellow.

Some medicines, blackberries, beets, rhubarb, or

blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown.

Blood Chemistry - A number of tests performed on blood serum (liquid portion of the blood). It determines certain

enzymes that may be present (including lactic dehydrogenase [LDH], certain kinase [CK], aspartate aminotransferase

[AST], and alanine aminotransferas [ALT]), serum glucose, hormones such as thyroid hormone and other substances

such as cholesterol and triglycerides. These tests provide valuable diagnostic cues.


Total Bilirubin 8.3 2.0 – 21.0 Normal It occurs when bilirubin production exceeds the liver's

excretory capacity. This may occur because (1) too

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much bilirubin is being produced, (2) hepatocytes are

injured and cannot metabolize or excrete bilirubin, or

(3) the biliary tract is obstructed blocking the flow of

conjugated bilirubin into the intestine

Direct Bilirubin 0.9 0.0 – 3.4 Normal Increases in conjugated bilirubin are highly specific for

disease of the liver or bile ducts

Inderct Bilirubin 7.4 2.0 – 17.0 Normal Increase in unconjugated bilirubin may be caused by

hepatic disease, cholestasis, and hemolysis

SGPT 60.2 0.0 – 34.0 High SGPT is released into blood when the liver or heart is

damaged; thus, this is to determine liver function.

SGOT 55.6 0.0 – 31.0 High SGOT is an enzyme found in high amounts in heart

muscle and liver and skeletal muscle cells. Elevated

levels may be caused by liver or heart disease



191 64 – 306 Normal When a person has evidence of liver disease , very

high ALP levels can tell the doctor that the person’s

bile ducts are somehow blocked

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Generic Name: Meperidine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: DemerolClassification: Opioid agonist analgesicOrdered Dose: 50mg IVTT now then prn for abdominal pain Mode Of Action: Acts as agonist at specific opioid receptors in the CNS to

produce analgesia, euphoria, sedation; the receptors mediating these effects are thought to be the same with endorphins

Indications: Relief of moderate to severe acute pain.

Pre-op: Support for of anesthesia

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to narcotics, diarrhea, asthma, COPD, respiratory depression, pregnancy, seizure, renal dysfunction

Drug Interactions: Potentiation of effects with barbiturate anesthetics Severe/fatal reactions with MAOIs Increased chances of respiratory depression,

hypotension, sedation, and coma with phenothiazinesSide Effect: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, dizziness,

sedation, drowsiness, impaired visual acuityAdverse Effects: CNS: light-headedness, dizziness, sedation, euphoria,

dysphoria, delirium, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, fear, hallucinations, disorientation, mood changes, lethargy, weakness, headache, tremor

CV: peripheral circulatory collapse, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension

Dermatologic: pruritus, urticaria, bronchospasm, edema GI: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, anorexia, constipation, GU: ureteral spasm, urinary retention, oliguria,

decreased libido MAJOR: respiratory depression, apnea, circulatory

depression, respiratory arrest, shock, cardiac arrest

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Nursing Responsibilities:

Keep opioid antagonist and facilities readily available during parenteral administration

Use caution when injecting to patients with hypotension Reduce dosage of Demerol in patients receiving

phenothiazines or other tranquilizers Reassure that addiction is unlikely to occur Use Demerol with extreme caution in patient with renal

dysfunction Give only prescribed dosage Avoid alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives, tranquilizers Do not take left over medications for other disorders Keep out the reach of children Take Demerol with food, small frequent meals May use laxative if constipation occurs Avoid driving or doing activities that require alertness

because it could cause drowsiness and impaired visual activity.

Bibliography: 2005 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug

Generic Name: Hyoscine N-butyl Bromide

Brand Name: Buscopan

Classification: Gastro-intestinal antispasmodicOrdered Dose: 20mg 1amp IVTT nowMode Of Action: It's a competitive antagonist of the actions of acetylcholine

and other muscarinic agonists. Hyoscine works by relaxing the muscle that is found in the walls of the stomach, intestines and bile duct (gastrointestinal tract) and the reproductive organs and urinary tract (genitourinary tract)

Indications: This medication is used to relieve bladder or intestinal spasms.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to hyoscine butylbromide, Patients with prostatic enlargement, paralytic ileus or pyloric stenosis, ulcerative colitis, closed angle glaucoma

Drug Interactions: Anticholinergic agents Antihistamines Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

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Tricyclic antidepressants Competitively blocks prokinetic agents

Side Effect: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, constipation, dry mouth, rash, itching, swelling of the hands or feet, trouble breathing, increased pulse, dizziness, diarrhea, vision problems, eye pain

Adverse Effects: CNS: light-headedness, dizziness, sedation, euphoria, dysphoria, delirium, insomnia, agitation, anxiety, fear, hallucinations, disorientation, mood changes, lethargy, weakness, headache, tremor

CV: peripheral circulatory collapse, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension

Dermatologic: pruritus, urticaria, bronchospasm, edema GI: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, anorexia, constipation, GU: ureteral spasm, urinary retention, oliguria,

decreased libido MAJOR: respiratory depression, apnea, circulatory

depression, respiratory arrest, shock, cardiac arrest

Nursing Responsibilities:

Inform patient that drug may cause blurred vision. Instruct patient to report if she experiences such symptom.

Assess for parkinsonism and Extra-pyramidal symptoms.

Assess for urinary hesitancy Assess for constipation. Caution patient to avoid alcohol because it may

increase CNS depression. As appropriate, review all other significant adverse

reactions and interactions Give only prescribed dosage Do not take left over medications for other disorders Keep out the reach of children

Bibliography: MIMS 113th edition 2007

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Generic Name: Cefoxitin Sodium

Brand Name: Monowel

Classification: Antibiotic, Cephalosphorin (2nd gen)Ordered Dose: 1g IVTT q8 ANSTMode Of Action: Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall causing cell death

Indications: Perioperative prophylaxis

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to cephalosphorins and/or penicillinsDrug Interactions: Increased nephrotoxicity with aminoglycosides

Increased bleeding effects with anticoagulants

Side Effect: Stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrheaAdverse Effects: CNS:, dizziness, lethargy, headache

CV: peripheral circulatory collapse, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension

GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, abdominal pain, psuedomembranous colitis

GU: Nephrotoxicity Hematologic: bone marrow depression,

thrombocytopeniaNursing Responsibilities:

Culture infection before starting therapy Have vitamin K available in case of

hypoprothrombinemia Discontinue if hypersensitivity occurs Avoid alcohol while taking drug Take only prescribed dosage Complete antibiotic therapy, don’t skip doses Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose Do not use drug if you are allergic to penicillins and

cephalosporins Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be

a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or has blood in it, call your doctor.

Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light

If you get a skin rash, do not treat yourself.

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Bibliography: 2005 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug GuideMIMS 113th edition

Generic Name: Diazepam

Brand Name: Valium

Classification: Benzodiazepine, skeletal muscle relaxantOrdered Dose: 10mg 1 tab 2am

Mode Of Action: Potentiates the effects of GABA; Act in spinal cord and at supraspinal sites to produce skeletal muscle relaxation

Indications: Relief of anxiety and tension; to lessen recall in patients prior to surgical procedures

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, psychosis, shock, coma, alcoholic intoxication, pregnancy

Drug Interactions: Increased CNS depression with omperazole Increased effects of diazepam with cimetidine,

hormononal contraceptives Decreased effects with ranitidine

Side Effect: Drowsiness, dizziness, GI upset, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, nervousness, crying

Adverse Effects: CNS: drowsiness, sedation, depression, lethargy, fatigue, light headedness, disorientation, restlessness, tremor, stupor, psychomotor retardation, EPS, hallucinations, nasal congestion

CV: bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, edema

Dependence: drug dependence Dermatologic: uticaria, pruritus, dermatitis GI: constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, salivation,

nausea, anorexia, vomiting, hepatic dysfunction, jaundice

GU: incontinence, retention, change in libido, menstrual irregularities

Other: phlebitis and thrombosis at injection site,

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hiccups, fever, diaphoresis, pain at injection siteNursing Responsibilities:

Carefully monitor pulse, respiration rate and blood pressure during administration

Keep addiction – prone patients under careful surveillance

Ensure ready access to bathroom if GI effects occur Provide small, frequent meals to prevent GI upset Establish safety precautions if CNS changes occur Monitor liver and kidney function, CBC during long term

therapy Taper dose gradually after long term therapy Discuss risk of fetal abnormalities with patients desiring

to become pregnant Take drug exactly as prescribed Do not stop drug abruptly during long term therapy Caregiver should learn to assess seizures and monitor

patient Use of barrier contraceptive is advised while on this

drug Avoid alcohol, sleep inducing drugs

Bibliography: 2005 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug GuideMIMS 113th edition

Generic Name: Ranitidine Hydrochloride

Brand Name: Zantac

Classification: Histamine2 antagonistOrdered Dose: 150mg 1tab

Mode Of Action: Competitively inhibits action of histamine at histamine2 receptors of the parietal cells of the stomach, inhibiting basal gastric acid secretion and gastric acid secretion that is stimulated by food, insulin, histamine, cholinergic agonists, gastrin, and pentagastrin

Indications: Against ulcer brought about by NPO due to surgical procedure

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Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ranitidine, lactationDrug Interactions: Increased effects of warfarinSide Effect: Constipation, nausea, vomiting, breast enlargement,

impotence, headacheAdverse Effects: CNS: headache, malaise, dizziness, somnolence,

insomnia, vertigo CV: bradycardia, tachycardia, Dermatologic: rash, alopecia GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, vomiting,

abdominal pain, hepatic dysfunction, jaundice GU: gynecomastia, impotence Hematologic: leucopenia, granulocytopenia,

thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia Local: pain at IM site, local burning pain at injection site

Nursing Responsibilities:

Administer oral drug with meals and hs Decrease doses in renal and liver failure Provide concurrent antacid therapy to relieve pain Avoid cigarette smoking as it decreases

effectiveness Have regular medical follow-up to evaluate

response Adjust environment (lights, temp, noise) to prevent

headache Using ranitidine may increase your risk of

developing pneumonia Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase the risk of

damage to your stomach If you think you have taken too much of this

medicine contact a poison control center or emergency room at once.

If you need to take an antacid you should take it at least 1 hour before or 1 hour after this medicine. This medicine will not be as effective if taken at the same time as an antacid.

If you get black, tarry stools or vomit up what looks like coffee grounds, call your doctor or health care professional at once. You may have a bleeding ulcer.

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Generic Name: Phytonadione

Brand Name: Hema K

Classification: Fat soluble vitamin; antifibrinolytic agent Ordered Dose: 1amp now

Mode Of Action: Vitamin K is required for the liver to make factors that are necessary for blood to properly clot (coagulate), including factor II (prothrombin), factor VII (proconvertin), factor IX (thromboplastin component), and factor X (Stuart factor).

Indications: Preoperatively: to activate clotting factors to decrease chances of bleeding during surgical procedure

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to benzyl alcohol, Drug Interactions: Coumarin and indanedione derivatives

Side Effect: No known side effects for this drug; bruising and bleeding are less likely to happen.

Adverse Effects: No known adverse effects reported

Nursing Responsibilities:

Instruct patient to take only prescribed order If a dose is missed, take as soon as remembered

unless almost time for the next dose Cooking does not destroy substantial amounts of

Vitamin K Caution patient to avoid IM injection and activities

leading to injury Patient should not drastically alter diet while taking

Vitamin K Use a soft toothbrush until coagulation effect is

corrected Advise patient to report any signs of

bleeding/bruising Patient should be advised not to take OTC drugs

without advice of health care provider Advise patient to inform health care provider of

medication regimen prior to treatment or surgery Emphasize importance of frequent lab test to

monitor coagulation factors

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Source MIMS 113th edition 2007

Generic Name: Etoricoxib

Brand Name: Arcoxia

Classification: COX-2 Selective Inhibitor

Ordered Dose: 120mg PO 12mn

Mode Of Action: Arcoxia reduces pain and inflammation by blocking COX-2, an enzyme in the body.Arcoxia does not block COX-1, the enzyme involved in protecting the stomach from ulcers.Other anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDS) block both COX-1 and COX-2.Arcoxia relieves pain and inflammation with less risk of stomach ulcers compared to NSAID

Indications: relief of acute pain

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to arcoxia and it’s ingredients such as etoricoxib

Drug Interactions: warfarin, a medicine used to prevent blood clots rifampicin, an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis and

other infections water pills (diuretics) ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers,

medicines used to lower high blood pressure or treat heart failure

lithium, a medicine used to treat a certain type of depression

birth control pills hormone replacement therapy methotrexate, a medicine used to suppress the immune


Side Effect: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Headache, Rash, Blurred vision, Difficulty in sleeping, Muscle cramps, Fatigue

Adverse Effects: CNS: headache, malaise, dizziness, hallucinations,

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insomnia, vertigo, anxiety, drowsiness, confusion CV: bradycardia, tachycardia, hypertension Dermatologic: rash, urticaria GI: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, vomiting,

abdominal pain, hepatic dysfunction, jaundice GU: gynecomastia, impotence Hematologic: leucopenia, granulocytopenia,

thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia Local: pain at IM site, local burning pain at injection site

Nursing Responsibilities:

Take Arcoxia only when prescribed by your doctor.

For the relief of chronic musculoskeletal pain the recommended dose is 60 mg once a day.

If you have mild liver disease, you should not take more than 60 mg a day. If you have moderate liver disease, you should not take more than 60 mg every other day.

When taking the tablets, swallow them with a glass of water. Do not halve the tablet.

Take your Arcoxia at about the same time each day.

Taking Arcoxia at the same time each day will have the best effect. It will also help you remember when to take the dose.

It does not matter if you take Arcoxia before or after food.

Do not use Arcoxia for longer than your doctor says. Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose that

you missed. If you get an infection while taking Arcoxia, tell your

doctor. Arcoxia may hide fever and may make you think, mistakenly, that you are better or that your infection is less serious than it might be.

Generic Name: Tramadol hydrochloride

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Brand Name: Ultram

Classification: Central acting analgesicOrdered Dose: 100mg 1tab PO Mode Of Action: Binds to mu-opioid receptors and inhibits the reuptake of

norepinephrine and serotonin; causes many effects similar to opioids but doesn’t cause respiratory depression

Indications: Relief of moderate to severe pain.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to tramadol or opioids or intoxication with alcohol, opioids, or psychoactive drugs

Drug Interactions: Decreased effectiveness with carbamezapine Increased risk of tramadol toxicity with MAOIs

Side Effect: Dizziness, sedation, drowsiness, impaired visual acuity, nausea, loss of appetite

Adverse Effects: CNS: sedation, dizziness, headache, confusion, dreaming, anxiety, seizures

CV: hypotension, tachycardia, bradycardia, Dermatologic: pruritus, urticaria, sweating, pallor GI: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, flatulence,

constipation, Other: potential for abuse, anaphylactoid reactions

Nursing Responsibilities:

Control environment ( temp, light, noise) Limit use in patients with past or present history of

addiction or dependence to opioids Caution patient not to chew or crush tablet Keep opioid antagonist readily available in case of

emergency Instruct post-op patients that drug suppress cough

reflex Monitor bowel function and arrange laxatives for

constipation Institute safety precautions (side rails, assistive

device) Provide frequent, small meals if GI upset occurs Provide back rubs, positioning, and other non

pharmacological measures to alleviate pain Take drug exactly as prescribed Avoid alcohol, antihistamines, sedatives,

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tranquilizers while taking this drug

Generic Name: Sultamicillin (ampicillin and sulbactam)

Brand Name: Unasyn

Classification: AntibioticOrdered Dose: 375mg tab PO TID

Mode Of Action: It acts through the inhibition of cell wall mucopeptidebiosynthesis. Ampicillin has a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity against many gram-positiveand gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. sulbactam in the UNASYN formulation effectively extends the antibioticspectrum of ampicillin to include many bacteria normally resistant to it and to other beta-lactamantibiotics.

Indications: Intra-Abdominal Infections caused by beta-lactamase producing strains of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp. (including K. pneumoniae*), Bacteroides spp. (including B. fragilis), and Enterobacter spp.

Contraindications: contraindicated in individuals with a history of hypersensitivity reactions to any of the penicillins.

Drug Interactions: allopurinol (Zyloprim); probenecid (Benemid); or an antibiotic such as amikacin (Amikin), gentamicin

(Garamycin), kanamycin (Kantrex), neomycin (Mycifradin, Neo-Fradin, Neo-Tab), netilmicin (Netromycin), streptomycin, tobramycin (Nebcin, Tobi).

Side Effect: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bloating, gas, vaginal itching or discharge, headache, itching, swollen, black, or "hairy" tongue, thrush ;pain, swelling, or other irritation where the needle is placed.

Adverse Effects: CNS: lethargy, hallucinations, seizures GI: stomatitis, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, nonspecific hepatitis

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GU: proteinuria, oliguria, hematuria, pyuria Hematologic: anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia,

neutropenia, prolonged bleeding time Hypersensitivity: rash, fever, wheezing, anaphylaxis Local: pain, phlebitis, thrombosis at injection site Other: superinfection, sodium overload, CHF

Nursing Responsibilities:

Culture infected area before beginning treatment Monitor serum electrolytes and cardiac status Do not use this medication if you are allergic to

ampicillin and sulbactam or to any other penicillin antibiotic

Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, which may be a sign of a new infection. If you have diarrhea that is watery or has blood in it, call your doctor. Do not use any medicine to stop the diarrhea unless your doctor has told you to.

Use this medication for the entire length of time prescribed by your doctor. Your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated.

This medication can cause you to have unusual results with certain medical tests. Tell any doctor who treats you that you are using ampicillin and sulbactam.

Store ampicillin and sulbactam at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light.

Provide small, frequent meals if GI upset occurs Do not use extra medicine to make up the missed dose. Seek emergency medical attention if you think you have

used too much of this medicine. If you get a skin rash, do not treat yourself.

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1. Acute pain related to presence of surgical incision secondary to status post laparoscopic


2. Impaired skin integrity related to surgical procedure: laparoscopic cholecystectomy secondary to

calculous cholecystitis

3. Deficient knowledge regarding illness and treatment course related to lack of information presented.

4. Risk for infection related to presence of surgical incision.

5. Risk for imbalanced body temperature related to exposure to anesthesia secondary to status post

laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

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Patient’s Name: V.Q Age: 38 years old

Chief Complaint: Pain at the right upper quadrant of the abdomen Ward: MCM 8th Main

Diagnosis: Calculous Cholecystitis Room No. 815

1. Acute pain related to presence of surgical incision secondary to status post laparoscopic cholecystectomy.

Cues Nursing Diagnosis Objective/Goal Nursing Interventions Evaluation

Subjective Cues:


“Masakit pa yun

opera ko,

kumikirot pa sa


Objective Cues:

pain scale of 6 out

of 10 noted ( 1 is

the lowest; 10 is the


Acute pain related to

presence of surgical

incision secondary to

status post laparoscopic


R: Pain is a common

aftermath for every

surgery after the

anesthesia wore down.

Pain is recognized in two

different forms:

physiologic pain and

At the end of 3

hours nursing

intervention, the

patient will be able


1. Report a

decrease in pain

intensity to a

scale of 3 out of


2. Demonstrate


1. Monitor and assess

vital signs every 2 hours.

R: Vital signs are usually

altered in acute pain.

2. Administer analgesics

(e.g Tramadol) as


R: Tramadol is an

analgesic. It binds to

mu-opioid receptors and

inhibits the reuptake of


At the end of

rendering 3 hours


intervention, the

patient was able


1. Report pain as

relieved and

controlled as

evidenced by


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Grimaced face



behavior noted.

Slow and limited

movement of the

upper extremities

Patient is 1 day

post operative.

Vital Signs: T-


BP- 130/90;


PR- 81.

clinical pain. Physiologic

pain comes and goes,

and is the result of

experiencing a high-

intensity sensation. It

often acts as a safety

mechanism to warn

individuals of danger

(e.g., a burn, animal

scratch, or broken

glass). Clinical pain, in

contrast, is marked by

hypersensitivity to

painful stimuli around a

localized site, and also is

felt in non-injured areas

nearby. When a patient

undergoes surgery,

tissues and nerve

endings are traumatized,

resulting in incision pain.


methods and/or

use of relaxation

skills and


activities, as

indicated, for



norepinephrine and

serotonin; causes many

effects similar to opioids

but doesn’t cause

respiratory depression. It

is for moderate to severe


3. Evaluate the

effectiveness of

analgesic at regular

intervals after each

administration, also

observing for any

signs and symptoms

of untoward effects

(e.g. respiratory

depression, nausea

and vomiting)

R: The analgesic dose

of client,

“Hindi na


masakit yung

affected area,


tolerable na”

And reported

a pain scale of

3 out of 10

2. Demonstrate



al methods

and/or use of


skills and


activities (e.g.



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This trauma overloads

the pain receptors that

send messages to the

spinal cord, which


overstimulated. The

resultant central

sensitization is a type of

posttraumatic stress to

the spinal cord, which

interprets any

stimulation—painful or


unpleasant. That is why

a patient may feel pain

in movement or physical

touch in locations far

from the surgical site.

may not be adequate to

raise the client’s

pain threshold or may be

causing intolerable or

dangerous side

effects or both. Ongoing

evaluation will assist in

making necessary

adjustments for effective

pain management.

4. Monitor patient’s pain

at least every hour

while awake by the

use of the pain scale.

R: Allows evaluation of

the severity of the pain

felt by the patient. Pain

is a subjective

experience and only the

patient can describe the

moderate high

back rest

position; she




activities such

as talking with

her watcher)

Vital Signs: T-

36.4°C; BP-

120/90; RR-19;

PR- 84.

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pain she’s feeling.

5. Instruct and

demonstrate use of

deep breathing

exercise. Also

instruct patient to do

splinting while doing

deep breathing


R: Deep breathing

increases oxygen in the

body and prevents

atelectasis. Deep

breathing exercise also


comfort.Splinting while

doing deep breathing is

to lessen the pain upon


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6. Position the patient

properly in bed.

Elevate head of bed.

Maintain anatomic


R: Alignment helps

prevent pain from

malposition and it

enhances comfort

7. Encourage

diversional activities


socialization with

others, mental


R: These highten ones

concentration upon

nonpainful stimuli to

decrease one's

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awareness and

experience of pain.

8. Provide rest periods

to facilitate comfort,

sleep, and relaxation

R: The patient's

experiences of pain may

become exaggerated as

the result of fatigue.

Adequate rest helps

provide comfort

9. Assist patient in

doing her activities of

daily living

R: Helps reduce pain

brought about by the

exertion of force

necessary to perform

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10.Encourage patient to

report pain as soon

as it starts and allow

her to verbalize pain

experienced or

describe the pain

she’s feeling.

R: Severe pain is more

difficult to control and

increases the client’s

anxiety and fatigue.

2. Impaired skin integrity related to surgery: laparoscopic cholecystectomy secondary to calculous cholecystitis.

Assessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Evaluation

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“Inoperahan ako ditto sa may tiyan,” as verbalized by the patient


post laparoscopic cholecystectomy (2 hrs)

Disruption of the dermis, epidermis, and subcutaneous tissues.

with 0.5 to 1 cm incisions at the epigastrium, right lower rib cage and below the umbilicus

incisions covered with dry and

Impaired skin integrity related to surgery: laparoscopic cholecystectomy secondary to calculous cholecystitis.


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a less invasive way to remove the bladder. It is performed through inserting a laparoscope just below the navel. Three additional ports are inserted by making three other incisions in the epigastrium and in the right upper quadrant of the

At the end of 2 days nursing intervention the patient will be able to:

1. Display improvement in wound healing as evidenced by intact incision site.

2. Remain free from infection as evidenced by normal vital signs and absence of purulent discharge.

3. Demonstrate behaviors/techniques to promote healing or prevent

1. Assess dressings/ wound every shift. Describe wounds and observe for changes.

®: Establishes comparative baseline providing opportunity for timely intervention.

2. Keep the incision site clean and dry, carefully dress wounds.

®: Keeping incision site clean and dry prevents infection; it also aids in the process of wound healing.

3. Encourage early ambulation. Assist patient in doing active and passive range of motion exercises.

®: Movement stimulates circulation and assists in the body’s natural process of repair.

4. Monitor temperature

At the end of 2 days nursing intervention, the patient was able to:

1. Maintain incision site and dressing intact and dry.

2. Remain free from infection as evidenced by normal vital signs (BP= 120/70; RR=18; PR=85; Temp=36.6) and absence of purulent discharge.

3.Demonstrate behaviors/techniques to promote

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intact dressing skin slightly

warm to touch. Temperature: 36.8°C



Talamini, M. (2006). Advanced Therapy in Minimally Invasive Surgery, p. 179. USA: Decker Inc.

complications every 4 hours.®: Early recognition of developing infection enables rapid institution of treatment and prevention of further complications.

5. Place in semi-Fowler’s position or moderate high back rest.

®: Proper positioning decreases tension in the operative site and promotes healing.

6. Instruct to wear clean, dry, loose-fitting clothes, preferably cotton fabric

®: Skin friction caused by stiff or rough clothes leads to irritation of fragile skin and increases risk for infection. Loose clothing reduces pressure on compromised tissues, which may improve circulation/healing

healing or prevent complications (e.g patient washes hands after using the comfort room, eats a balanced diet, and takes antibiotic medication (sultamicillin) as ordered)

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7. Emphasize importance of adequate nutrition and fluid intake. Encourage patient to eat foods rich in protein, iron and vit. C.

®: Improved nutrition and hydration will improve skin condition. Protein and iron helps in repair of tissues. Vitamin C is important for immune system function and increases resistance to some pathogens.

8. Instruct the client in proper postoperative skin care. Teach client and her significant

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others the importance of proper hand washing.

®: This is to involve the patient in caring for skin, promoting comfort, and preventing infection or other complications. Proper washing of hands deter the spread of microorganisms.

9. Instruct the client to observe for signs and symptoms of complications such as

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elevated temperature, redness, warmth, swelling near the surgical incision, purulent discharge, or breakdown of sutures around the incision, and report to the physician.

®: Provides for prompt recognition of complications and facilitates prompt treatment.

10. Administer antibiotics as prescribed by the physician (sultamicillin)

®: May be given prophylactically or to treat specific infection and enhance healing.

3. Deficient knowledge regarding illness and treatment course related to lack of information presented.

Asessment Diagnosis Planning Nursing Interventions Evaluation

Subjective Knowledge At the end of 2 1. Assess the patient’s At the end of 2 hours

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“Para saan

yang gamut

nay an (holds



Objective cues:








of treatment


deficit regarding

illness and

treatment course

related to lack of



R: Knowledge is


especially in

health matters.

Deficiency in

knowledge might

affect the

patient’s health

status. If ever

health issues are

taken for

granted, it may

result to


hours nursing

intervention, the

patient will be

able to:

1. Verbalize

understanding of

disease process

and treatment.

2. Initiate


lifestyle changes

and participate in



current knowledge of the

medications and other

doctor’s instructions and

nursing procedures and its

implications, the likelihood

of complications if these are

not followed, and the

likelihood of cure or disease

control. Specifically ask

about the physician’s

explanations and the

patient’s past experiences.

R: Adults learn best when

teaching builds on previous

knowledge or experience.

Assessing recall of the

physician’s explanations as

well as the patient’s past

experiences and exposure

to health information

of nursing

intervention, the

patient was able to:

1. Verbalize”Naiintind

ihan ko na kung bakit

binibigyan ako nang

ganitong gamut para

malabanan ko yung


2. Initiate necessary lifestyle changes and participate in treatment regimen and verbalized “ Sa susunod iiwasan ko na kumain nang matatabang pagkain.


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es that could

have been

prevented if the

patient had



regarding her

current health

status. Lack of

knowledge about

health may also

contribute to

occurrence of



Berman, A. et.

al. (2008) Kozier

& Erb’s

Fundamental of


provides an opportunity for

evaluating attitudes and the

accuracy and completeness

of knowledge.

2. Ask how much the

patient wants to know.

Consider patient’s

preference for information in

planning and teaching.

R: People vary in the

degree of detail they find

helpful. Those who cope

with a threatening

experience by avoiding it

generally want to know

relatively little about

impending experiences,

whereas those who cope by

learning as much as

possible about the

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Process and

Practice 8th

Edition. Pearson

Prentice Hall,

volume Two,

Chapter 42,

stress and


threatening experience want

to know a great deal. When

possible, supporting the

patient’s preferred learning

style shows respect for

individual differences.

3. Determine learning

needs. Consider needs

expressed by the patient

and family.

R: Learning needs

determine appropriate

content. Learning occurs

most rapidly when it’s

relevant to current needs.

Responding to expressed

needs displays sensitivity to

the patient’s and family’s

concern. Identifying

predictable concerns and

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responses and necessary

self-care activities helps the

nurse fulfill learning needs

of which the patient and

family may be unaware.

4. Present manageable

amounts of information at

any one time.

R: Too much information at

one time causes confusion.

They patient may lose sight

of key points.

5. Inform the patient about

indication of medication,

drug interaction and its side


R: Allows patient to be

knowledgeable about

medication and avoid

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6. Inform the patient about

the diet specific for her

condition (low fat, high fiber

foods; avoid spicy foods,

alcohol and caffeine)

R: A patient who has

recently had

a gallbladder removed may

suffer from diarrhea and

bloating after consuming

foods high in fat. Diarrhea

and bloating occur because

of two reasons. One reason

is that fat inside the

intestine absorbs more

water, causing stomach

upset. A second reason is

that bacteria begins to

digest the fat within the

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intestine and ultimately

produces gas. When a


with gallbladder problems

consumes spicy foods, ,

unpleasant side

effects such as gas

and heartburn can occur.

7. Provide simple

explanations, using easy-to-

understand terminology.

R: Medical and nursing

jargon distances the patient

and family members.

Intricate explanations may

confuse or overwhelm them.

8. Discuss to the patient

and to the family the

importance of complying

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with the medications and

other doctor’s orders.

R: This lets the patient be

aware of the significance of

the doctor’s instructions. It

also lets the patient know

the consequences which

might occur if instructions

weren’t followed. Knowing

the benefits of complying

with the instructions

encourages participation.

9. Ask for feedback.

R: The patient may initially

feel overwhelmed and

insecure about learning

because of the magnitude,

urgency or unfamiliarity of

necessary adaptations to

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10. Use review and

repetition judiciously,

considering individual


R: The unit environment

and the patient’s age may

contribute to a short

attention span and poor


11. During and after

teaching, determine what

learning has occurred.

R: Determining learning

accomplishment permits

resolution of some learning

needs and provides

guidance for meeting


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12. Provide information

about additional learning

resources, like the nearest

baranggay health center in

their area.

R: Patients should be

informed that there are

health services in the health

centers which are for free,

so as to persuade them to

avail it.

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1. Take medications as ordered.

2. Inform the patient to take medications on time or as directed for the full

course of therapy even if feeling better.

3. Inform the client about the adverse effects and possible side effects of

the medications.

4. Inform the client about the importance of taking prescribed medications

and the consequences of not following the treatment regimen.

5. Encourage the patient to report or inform the health team if any of these

side effects occur. Inform and explain to the client that other drugs that

he is taking will probably have effects with the medication given.

Moreover, emphasize the right time interval of these drugs to maximize

its effects and avoid further complications.

6. Provide information for better understanding regarding therapeutic



1. Promote regular light exercise and exercise as tolerated.

2. Encourage exercise in lower and upper extremities to promote good


3. Inform patient about proper exercise regimen to avoid injury.

4. Alternate rest periods with activity.

5. Encourage walking exercise.

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1. Instruct the patient to continue drug therapy as ordered.

2. Inform the patient as well as family the dangers of non compliance to

treatment regimen.

3. Discuss to the patient the complications and other problems that might

arise from the condition.

4. Inform the patient to exercise and do breathing exercises.

5. Instruct the patient to report to the health team promptly about any

changes on health condition.

6. Encourage patient to strictly comply with the doctor’s orders, especially

in taking prescribed medications.

7. Encourage the patient to have followed up visitations to the physician

after discharge.


1. Encourage patient to avoid strenuous activities.

2. Improving nutritional intake; meal planning is implemented with High

fiber moderate calorie, low fat and low salt as the primary goal.

3. Encourage to balance diet and intake of nutritious food such as

vegetables and lean meat, avoiding high fat foods.

4. Check with healthcare provider to evaluate progress of the condition.

5. Encourage to have adequate hydration. Water is the best source of fluid

that is needed by the body to maintain its function.

6. Instruct to avoid alcoholic beverages due to a compromised hepatic


7. Encourage to have a restful and quiet atmosphere at home.

8. Encourage patient to use relaxation skills when in pain.

9. Encourage patient to seek emotional and social support especially to

family and friends to promote strength and comfort.

10.Check the condition with a healthcare provider to evaluate progress of

the condition.

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1. Remind patient on the arrangements to be made with the physician for

follow-up checkups.

2. Follow-up check up regularly in order to monitor and properly manage

patient’s illness.

3. Inform to continue medication as ordered.

4. Instruct to have a follow-up check up or refer to the physician if the

patient is uncomfortable.

5. Instruct the patient and significant others to report for any irregularities.


1. The diet recommended for the client is High fiber moderate calorie, low

fat and low salt

2. Encourage patient to increase nutritious foods intake by eating fresh

fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, and lean meat.

3. Recommend to eat 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day.

4. Encourage to choose whole grain foods instead of white flour and


5. Advise to try to limit meats that are high in fat and cut back on processed

meats like hot dogs and bacon.

6. Inform patient to avoid food such as salted, cured, smoked, or canned


7. Increase oral fluid intake. Hydration is needed by the body to transport

nutrients needed by the body.

8. Instruct to avoid drinking of alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

9. Encourage not to forget to get some type of light exercise because the

combination of good diet and regular exercise will help in the

maintenance of healthy weight and the feeling of more energetic.

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This case study about Calculous Cholecystitis gave the group more

information and knowledge in making an actual management for this kind of

problem. Thus, the members of the group have realized the need of promoting

and maintaining optimal health to both the patient and her significant others. With

these, the group would like to recommend the following.

To the client:

The patient’s participation and willingness to be assessed and comply with

the therapeutic regimen is needed for an effective management and prevention

of complications. The patient is encouraged to always reach for wellness, and be

cautious enough to know what her body needs and to recognize her limitations in

complying therapeutic regimen. Also, the patient is encouraged to follow the

discharge plan for the betterment of her condition while at home. She is also

recommended to have her regular follow-up checkups to evaluate her condition.

The patient is enlightened to be more open with her feelings regarding her

current condition, family problems and concerns about her health

To the client’s family:

The patient’s family plays an important role in the improvement of patient’s

condition because they are source of strength and inspiration to deal with the

disease. The family is encouraged to be sensitive enough to know the patient’s

need and weaknesses that they may be able to render their support and care. Just

with their presence and affection can help the patient feel that she is being loved

and that she can successfully surpass the challenges that are brought by her

illness. The feeling of being secured and accepted is what also the patient needs

to achieve optimal state of well being.

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To the Student Nurses:

Give appropriate nursing care and follow out doctor’s order properly to

avoid any errors and give better care to the clients. Cooperation with the

healthcare team is also essential to provide better quality care. They should also

be honest in the data collecting done to the patient, putting in mind that they are

dealing lives. They should treat the client as a fellow human being giving quality

care and service. They must also research about the disease to enhance their

knowledge about it. They must also be updated with current updates that could

be beneficial to the nurse, the client and the rest of the healthcare team.

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