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Final keyword

1 Which of the following are not true about Extension methods.

The first parameter in this method identifies the type of objects in which the method can be called

Extension methods are non static methods

You can declare an extension method by specifying the first parameter with this keyword

None of the above


Statement 1: The this keyword is required before the first argument in extension method Statement 2: The this keyword is not required in its argument declaration in static methodsBoth the statements are False

Statement 1is True and Statement 2 is false

Both the statements are True

Statement 1is False and Statement 2 is True

3 The C# compiler generates the anonymous type at run time not at compile time



4 Which of the following are the not true about partial methods:

Partial methods do not return void

Partial methods can return ref but not out

They are implicitly public

The partial keyword is not a must while defining a partial method

5 Which of the following is the correct syntax of initializers class:

1) ClassName objname=new CollectionClassName{ collection-initializer}2) ClassName objname=new CollectionClassName, collection-initializer3) ClassName objname= CollectionClassName{ collection-initializer}4) ClassName = new CollectionClassName{ collection-initializer}1




6 _____________ is an inline expression or statement block having a compact sytax and can used wherever a delegate or anonymous method is expected.


Partial method

Query expression


7 A lambda with only one statement is called a statement lambda



8 Which of the following query operators can be used with Lambda expressions





9 Match the column.

Sl No. Left Column Sl No. Right Column Correct Answer for column A

A1 into B1 Used in a group clause B1B2B3

A2 by B2 Used to introduce a range variable to store sub-expression results in a query expression B1B2B3

A3 let B3 Used to indicate an identifier which serves as a reference to the results of a join,select,or group clause B1B2B3

10 In visual C# 2008 type inference causes arrays of pointer types to be excluded from the method overload resolution process.



11 In C# 2008 it is possible to define an explicit implementation of an indexer in which the implementation has a __________parameter but the interface definition does not





12 What happens when a static type is used as a parameter in a delegate or in a lambda expression

An error

Program terminates

Program executes successfully

None of the above

13 The InvalidCastException exception is thrown when an explicit conversion from the base type to another type fails.



14 The is operator in c# returns an integer value.



15 Which of the following are the restrictions for an implicitly typed local variable:

1.The variable should be declared and initialized with some value or expression.2.They can be initialized to null type.3.The local variable declaration cannot include multiple declarations.4.The var keyword cannot be used in the argument list of a method.1.3,4



All the above

Total Duration 35Total Questions 15

Aptech Ltd. All Rights Reserved Version 3.0.17 Build-0.0.2

______________ is an API provided by Microsoft for accessing the Database, it uses SQl as its database language. JDBC ODBC MDBC DBDC Java application is connected to a JDBC driver using an object of the ___________ class. JDBCDriverManager ODBCDriverManager SQLDriverManager DriverManager ______________ driver converts the JDBC calls into database specific calls for databases such as Oracle, MS SQL Server or Sybase. JDBC_ODBC Native API/partly Java driver Net-protocol/all-Java driver Native-protocol/all-Java driver

______________ interface provides methods for retrieving data returned by a SQL statement. Statement Class.forName ResultSet Connection

______________ is a graphical framework that includes abstract window tool kit, Swing, and Java2D classes. Java Tool Kit(JDK) Java Foundation Classes (JFC) Java Development Kit (JDK) Java Development Tool (JDT)

______________ is a stand alone Application that runs on its own without depending on the browser. JFrame JClass Java Main Class Applet ______________ method is called when the applet interface is to be redrawn, this method accepts a parameter of java.awt.Graphics class. init() paint() repaint() draw()

A ____________ manager is a Java object associated with a container, which governs the placement and size of the component, when it is added to a container. Frame Layout Applet Main Class

The Listener object is an object of any class which implements the ActionListener interface and provides implementation of the _______________ method. Actionperform() ActionPerformed() Actionperformed() ActionPerform()

____________ is a protocol that sends independent packets of data from one computer to an other with no guarantee about its transmission. TCP UDP SMTP FTP

Port numbers ranging from ______________ are reserved. 0 to 6655 0 to 1234 0 to 1023 0 to 1024

If the host does not exist, Socket(String host, int port) throws ___________ exception. UnknownHostException HostnotFoundException HostMissingException HostNotExistException

Once the ServerSocket instance is created, we can invoke the ______ method to listen for client request. request() accept() listen() receive()

A _____________ is a standard dialog box that is used to navigate the file system to choose a directory or a file. JFileChooser JColorChooser JSaveChooser JOPenChooser

The __________________ is an abstract class with no default implementation provide your own implementation to specify the filter criteria. javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter javax.swing.Filechooser.FileFilter javax.swing.filechooser.filefilter Javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter

__________ is a class used to displays group of items, allow to choose more or one items. JCombobox JTree JTable JLsit

In order to support scrolling in JTable ____________ is used. JScroll JScrollPane JScrollPanel JScrollingPane

18.The rmiregistry program listens on port ___ for incoming request: (a) 1099(b) 1024(c) 80(d) 1211

19.The ___ is the default layout manager for the content pane of a swing-based applet. FlowLayout (b) Card Layout(c) Border Layout(d) Grid Layout.20.____ is the model used with all Swing components Java Model(b) Spiral Model(c) MVC Model(d) Contorller.

21.___class is used to create tree-like structure while__ class is used to create table-like structure.(a) JTree, JTable(b) Tree, Table (c) JTree, JScrollPane(d) JMenu, JItem

___ cursor can move forward or backward and also can be moved to a particular row relative to the current position: TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE TYPE_BACKWARD_ONLY

23. The developer uses the API to make calls to a database with the help of SQL and retrieve the results in the _ layer: (a) Application(b) Data(c) Driver(d) Network.

24. The __ class attempts to locate a driver that can connect to the database represented by the URL. Driver Manager(b) Connection (c) Prepared Statement(d) Called Statement.

25.A__ object compiles and executes the SQL statement when the program is executed. Prepared Statement(b) Called Statement(c) Statement(d) Execute Statement

The conditional attribute allows to create ____________methods Conditional Exponential Functional Practical

A conational method is invoked only when a specific symbol has been defined via #define otherwise, the method is ________. Overload Override bypassed Overwrite A conditional method offers an alternative to conditional compilation using _____ #define #if @define @if Conditional is another name for _____________________ System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener System.Diagnostics.ConditionalListener System.Diagnostics.ConditionalTrace ______________ namespace must be included in the program in order to add a Conditional Attribute. System.Text System.Collections System.Diagnostics System.Condition The ________ attribute is used to define types or members of types that should no longer be used. Obsolete Archaic Condition Order In .NET Win32 API using platform _________ services is called Import Interop InterApp InterAPI For Interop services resides at ____________ namespace System.InteropServices System.Runtime.Interop System.Service.Interop System.Runtime.InteropServices

Win32 API consists of a set of _____________ COM (Component Object Model) DCOM (Component Object Model) DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) Assemblies __________ attribute is used to import functions from User32.dll DLLImport DLLExecute DLLBring GetDLL DllImport method is prefixed with the ________ keyword. Implicit Extern Interface Protected ___________ is a mechanism of discovering class information solely at runtime. Reflection Emitting Manifest Extending _____________ Class contains methods for obtaining attributes information for programming elements like classes, methods, properties and so on. System.Attributes System.Type System.Obtain System.Windows The custom attributes information can be retrieved into an object array by calling the __________ method. GetAttributes() GetAllAttributes() GetCustomAttributes() GetAttributesAll() The .NET Framework is equipped with a number of built-in attributes that performs a ____________ of function. Host Class Type Service A software component that an application links at runtime is called ______________ COM (Component Object Model) DCOM (Component Object Model) DLL (Dynamic Link Libraries) Assemblies Every assembly contains ______ Data Dynamic Data MetaData Linked Data MSIL stands for Microsoft Integrated Language Microsoft Intermediate Language Microsoft Intermediary Language Microsoft Internal Language _________ contains the complete information about the type in the types in the assembly and MSIL code. Metadata Reflection Manifest GAC GAC stands for Global Assembly Cache Global Attributes Collector Global Assembly Collection Global Access Collection The minimum unit of deployment and security is called Remoting Web Service Assemblies None of above Assembly can contain one more files and these can be any ________ files. Native Recourse Physical Module NIC stands for Native Image Cache Native Image Collection Native Internal Cache Native Internal Collection ____________ assemblies are used for storing localized data Global Local Satellite None of above Reflection is the ability to discover the composition of a type at ________ Compile Runtime Debug None of above __________ Class provide the static methods for creating, copying, deleting, moving, and opening files. File FileInfo StreamReader StreamWriter

_________ Class provides the instance methods for creating, copying, deleting, moving, and opening files. File FileInfo StreamReader StreamWriter

_________ Class Contains methods that read characters from a byte stream. File FileInfo StreamReader StreamWriter

________ Class Contains methods for writing characters to a stream. StreamReader StreamWriter TextReader TestWriter

___________ Class Contains methods that read a sequential series of characters. StreamReader StreamWriter TextReader TestWriter

___________ Class Contain methods that write a sequential series of characters. StreamReader StreamWriter TextReader TestWriter

___________ Method reads a Boolean value from a stream of data and advances the current position of the stream by one byte. ReadBoolean ReadBooleanValue ReadBooleanStream ReadBooleanCurrent

___________ Method Reads next character from the stream, and returns the data in a character array, and advances the current position in accordance with the encoding used and the specific character being read from the stream. ReadCharValue ReadChar ReadCharStream ReadCharCurrent

___________ Method reads am 8-byte floating point value from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by eight byte. ReadDoubleStream ReadDoubleValue ReadDouble ReadDoubleCurrent

___________ Method Reads a 4-byte point value from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by four bytes. ReadSingleStream ReadSingleValue ReadSingleCurrent ReadSingle

___________ Method Reads a 4-byte signed integer from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by four bytes. ReadInt ReadInt32 ReadIntValue ReadIntCurrent

___________ Method returns a string that represents a current object. ToString ForString ToStr String ___________ Method sets the position with the current stream. Look Seek Position Index ___________ Method closes the Stream object and frees all of the recourses it consumes. Close Dispose End Quit ___________ Method forces the contents of the buffer to be written to the underlying device. Blush Glow Flush Wash ___________ Method reads available data to an array of bytes and returns an integer that indicates the number of byte read and if the pointer is at the end of the stream when Read is called the method will return zero. Read ReadArray ReadByte ReadStream ___________ Method writes an array of byte into stream. WriteStream WriteByte WriteArray Write ___________ Method writes single bytes of stream and accepts a byte as its argument and does not return a value. WriteSingle WriteByte WriteStream None of above ___________ Method releases system resources that are consumed by the object Close Dispose Release None of above ___________ Method Closes the TextReader and releases the system resources. Close Dispose Release None of above ___________ Methods returns the date and time of the specified file or directory that was last accessed. GetLastAccess GetLastAccessTime GetAccessLast GetAccessLastTime ___________ Methods returns the date and time when specified or directory was last written to. GetLastWrite GetWriteLast GetLastWriteTime GetWriteLastTime ___________ Methods replaces the content of a specified file with the contents of another file. It deletes the original file and creates a back-up of the replaced file. Another Backup Original Replace The FileInfo is ____________ class Heritable Irheritable non-Irheritable non-heritable ___________ Methods when overloaded returns the names of all files and subdirectories in specified directory. GetFileSystemEntries GetSystemEntries GetEntries None of above ___________ Methods returns the volume information, root information of the specified directory. GetRoot GetDirectory GetDirectoryRoot GetRootDirectory ___________ Method retrieves the current working directory of the application. GetCurrentDir GetCurrrentDirectory GetDirectory GetCurrent

The GetDirectories() method of Directory class has ______ overloads. Two Three Four Five The __________ namespace contains classes that allow reading and writing to files and data streams. System.File System.Files System.IO None of above The __________ and ___________ classes are used to read and write binary data into file. BinRead, BinWrite BinaryReader, BinaryWriter BinReader, BinWriter BinaryRead, BinaryWrite The BinaryWriter class writes ________ type in the binary to a stream and supports writing strings in a specific encoding. Primitive Elaborate Refined None of above The Stream class provides functionality that enables programmers to manipulate a _____ File Data Stream Structure A thread is part of a program that can execute ___________ of other part Independently Dependently Liberally Freely Type of threading Single Apartment Free All of above Which of the following is true for Threading A single thread handles all the work in the application. It doesnt occupy all the space that was allocated to process A set of process within multiple application Not shares portion of memory with other threads in the same application. _____________ delegates in System.Theading namesspace that indicates the method that executes on a Thread. ThreadExe ThreadStart ThreadExecute ThreadBegin _____________ delegates in System.Theading namesspace that indicates the method that handels calls from a Timer. TimerCall Timer TimerCallBack TimerHandel _____________ delegates in System.Theading namesspace that indicates callback method to be executed by a thread pool thread. WaitCall WaitBack TimerCallBackWait WaitCallBack The enumerations in System.Threading namespace which indicates the priority of the Thread. ThreadPriorty PriorityThread PriorityThreadCall ThreadPriortyCall The enumerations in System.Threading namespace which indicates the execution state of Thread. StateThreading CallState CallStateThread ThreadState The enumerations in System.Threading namespace which Specifies whether an EventWaitHandele is reset. ResetEvent EventHandle EventResetMode EventReset The class manages the resourses efficiently especially when multiple threads are used is called. ThreadQueue ThreadWork ThreadResourse ThreadPool _________ method of the thread pool adds threads to be executed whenever the processor is free. QueueUserWorkItem QueueWorkItem QueueUserItem QueueUserWork

The method of ThreadPool class which gets the difference between the maximum number of thread pool threads and the number currently active. GetAvailable GetAvailableThreads AvailableThread There is no such method exists in ThreadPool class The method of ThreadPool class which lines up a method for execution when a thread pool thread becomens available. QueueUserWork QueueUserWorkItem QueueWorkItem QueueItem The method of ThreadPool class which sets the number of requests that can be active concurrently in the thread pool. SetMaxThreads MaxThreads MaximumThreads SetMaximumThreads A timer is called automatically when its due time is ____________ Over OverDue Elapsed Late __________ method of the Timer class can used to change the values of the timer object or to disable the timer. Disable Stop ChangeValue Change __________ method of the Timer class can used to to free the resourses when it is no longer needed. Disable Close Dispose None of above The methods associated with a Timer object cab be specified by the ________________ delegate. TimerCall TimerCallBack SetTimerCall SetTimerCallBack The first overload will suspend the thread for the number of miliseconds specified as An Intger As Dobule As Boolean None of above _________ method is the best way to bring the sleeping thread back life. Disrupt Interrupt Suspend Barge __________ method can accept an integer or a TimeSpan as a parameter. Unite Link Join Connect When _____ method is called on a thread that is in the Unstared state. Unstared Cancle Interrupt Abort By using ____________ property, a threads priority can be adjusted. Priority Adjuest Order Importance The object of __________ class lock the critical sections of code so that only one thread can access the critical sections of code so that only one thread can access the critical sections at one point of time. Critical Access Section Monitor The object of _______ class grant exclusive access to a resourse that shared across processes to only on thread. Shred Access Mutex Service _________ class notify one or more waiting threads that an event has occurred. AutoResetEvent, ManualResetEvent ResetEvent, ResetEvent AutoReset, ManualReset None of above The methods in _________ class provide a mechanism for synchronizing access to a variable that is shared by mutiple threads. Synchroniz Interlocked Multiple Shred The ___________ class ensures that only one thread can access an object at a time. SynchronizationAccess AccessSynchronization Synchronization SynchronizationAttribute The _____________ class notifies the complier on how the method should be implemented. MethodImplAttribute ImplAttribute ImplementedAttribute None of above When two or more threads are waiting for their turn to perform but application is not allowing the to execute is called _________. Hang Deadlocks Suspend Fall RCW stands for Remote Callable Wrapper Remote Call Wrapper Runtime Collection Wrapper Runtime Callable Wrapper COM Stands for Common Object Model Component Object Model Callable Object Model Collection Object Model COCLASS ia an abbreviated from for ___________ Common Object Class Callable Object Class Component Object Class Collection Object Class Argument can be exchanged between managed and unmanaged code by a process know as ___ Marshaling Assembling Collecting Organizing __________ method informs the garbage collector that an object is no longer needed and can be removed. Liberate Release Discharge Let XML is designed to describe Object Tags Data Collections ____________ class is used to handle any XML errors that may occur during parsing of XML file. XMLException XMLError XMLErrorOccur XMLExceptionOccur ______________ enumeration has a list of members that indicate the type of node contained in the XML document. XMLNode XMLNodeType XMLNodeContained XMLContainedNode ____________ namespaces provides a verity of classes that use the XPath model. System.Xml.PathModel System.XmlXPath System.XmlPath System.Xml.XPath XslTransfrom class is considered obsolete in .NET 2.0 and replaced by the _______ class XslCompliedTransform XMLXslComplied XslTransform XMLXslTransform XPathNodeIterator class provides an iterator over a ________ set of nodes. Elected Current Selected Special In XML DTD stands for Document Type Definition Document Type Development Development Type Document None of above

Which of the following true for XML A serialized data coming in different business transactions A collection of data coming in range of business transactions A formatted data coming in specific business transactions A common data format for data coming in various business transactions

INTERNAL TEST (IT2) JAVA Student Name:________________Batch Code: PRO-201305C Date: 3rd July 2014 Duration: 50 Minutes

______________ is an API provided by Microsoft for accessing the Database, it uses SQL as its database language. JDBC ODBC MDBC DBDC

Java application is connected to a JDBC driver using an object of the ___________ class. JDBCDriverManager ODBCDriverManager SQLDriverManager DriverManager

______________ driver converts the JDBC calls into database specific calls for databases such as Oracle, MS SQL Server or Sybase. JDBC_ODBC Native API/partly Java driver Net-protocol/all-Java driver Native-protocol/all-Java driver

______________ interface provides methods for retrieving data returned by a SQL statement. Statement Class.forName ResultSet Connection

______________ is a graphical framework that includes abstract window tool kit, Swing, and Java2D classes. Java Tool Kit(JDK) Java Foundation Classes (JFC) Java Development Kit (JDK) Java Development Tool (JDT)

______________ is a standalone Application that runs on its own without depending on the browser. JFrame JClass Java Main Class Applet ______________ method is called when the applet interface is to be redrawn, this method accepts a parameter of java.awt.Graphics class. init() paint() repaint() draw()

A ____________ manager is a Java object associated with a container, which governs the placement and size of the component, when it is added to a container. Frame Layout Applet Main Class

The Listener object is an object of any class which implements the ActionListener interface and provides implementation of the _______________ method. Actionperform() ActionPerformed() Actionperformed() ActionPerform()

____________ is a protocol that sends independent packets of data from one computer to another with no guarantee about its transmission. TCP UDP SMTP FTP

Port numbers ranging from ______________ are reserved. 0 to 6655 0 to 1234 0 to 1023 0 to 1024

If the host does not exist, Socket(String host, int port) throws ___________ exception. UnknownHostException HostnotFoundException HostMissingException HostNotExistException

Once the ServerSocket instance is created, we can invoke the ______ method to listen for client request. request() accept() listen() receive()

A _____________ is a standard dialog box that is used to navigate the file system to choose a directory or a file. JFileChooser JColorChooser JSaveChooser JOPenChooser

The __________________ is an abstract class with no default implementation provide your own implementation to specify the filter criteria. javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter javax.swing.Filechooser.FileFilter javax.swing.filechooser.filefilter Javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter

__________ is a class used to displays group of items, allow to choose more or one items. JCombobox JTree JTable JLsit

In order to support scrolling in JTable ____________ is used. JScroll JScrollPane JScrollPanel JScrollingPane

18.The rmiregistry program listens on port ___ for incoming request: (a) 1099(b) 1024(c) 80(d) 1211

19.The ___ is the default layout manager for the content pane of a swing-based applet. FlowLayout (b) Card Layout(c) Border Layout(d) Grid Layout.20.____ is the model used with all Swing components Java Model(b) Spiral Model(c) MVC Model(d) Contorller.

21.___class is used to create tree-like structure while__ class is used to create table-like structure.(a) JTree, JTable(b) Tree, Table (c) JTree, JScrollPane(d) JMenu, JItem

___ cursor can move forward or backward and also can be moved to a particular row relative to the current position: TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE TYPE_BACKWARD_ONLY

23. The developer uses the API to make calls to a database with the help of SQL and retrieve the results in the _ layer: (a) Application(b) Data(c) Driver(d) Network.

24. The __ class attempts to locate a driver that can connect to the database represented by the URL. Driver Manager(b) Connection (c) Prepared Statement(d) Called Statement.

25. A__ object compiles and executes the SQL statement when the program is executed. Prepared Statement(b) Called Statement(c) Statement(d) Execute Statement

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