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MEALER INITIATIVE 2014Public Safety (immigration at end of book) 1Education 2Growth 4Recovery 6Infrastructure Systems Rebuilding 6Energy and Land Use 7Tax Reform 8Healthcare Insurance Payment issue 8Water Resources 10Omnibus Program 11Manufacturing 12Industrial Hemp 12Biomedical Industry 12Arizona Meat & Agriculture Department 13Aerospace & Motorsports 14Arizona Entertainment Industry Office 14Border, Immigration, Safety 15Closing 17

Arizona is at a crossroads of economic survival, we really can't afford another four years of pay to play politics. Arizona needs a moral make-over. We must not allow the perpetuation of this economic moral turpitude no matter how 'sweet' the career politician and global business talking points may seem.

Many believe it is past time to take our state back from an unfairly stacked union of states that places Arizona at a disadvantage in order to protect the interests of a group of bureaucrats in Washington DC.

We can do this and prove we are on the right track... A better and stronger track. Our youth will be the best educated in the nation, our economy the most robust and our Citizenry the best protected with the most opportunity. “We want our Liberty back and we're not asking.”


Education and public safety -everything from an unprotected border to the infiltration of terrorists to this downhill, destructive economy, to homelessness, to illegal activity committed by elected officials and more- is within the duty of a state governor for his constituents.


All of Arizona's borders must be secured, PERIOD. This includes protection from runaway federal government agencies. Since Arizona will be saving the feds $100's of million on healthcare payments alone, they'll probably want to work with us. The FDA and EPA will take a backseat because we can do it better and we will prove this within the first year, and Arizona's advancement will not be stifled due to ridiculous demands and restraints

The main key to being able to do Common Sense and even paltry protection of our state, is funding that program. JL Mealer has that funding detailed --to the dollar in most cases-- within his series of plans and programs for Arizona.

Without a secure state, through protected borders and the over-reach of what has been

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assumed as Law when it is merely statutory remedy by federal, state, city, local governments, Arizona cannot reach and maintain a positive future. Mealer is here to change that.

With trillions of dollars in new industry knocking on Arizona's door, all he needs to do is remove the political backstabbing and end the pay-to-play schemes set forth by elected officials and agencies they have created. For a start, it's really that simple. Secondly, Arizona needs ample sized tracks of property to lease to new industries and very large businesses. Again, this is explained in detail in this booklet. With “clean hands” and the lawful authority to extend the Law to those elected officials who have violated it, Mealer can do exactly what Arizona needs to have done while creating and maintaining a healthy environment for all Arizonans.


John Mealer is not a teacher and does not claim to know everything about education, but these are his views. Education is Number One. Our children are critical to the future of Arizona. Let's be realistic here... Teachers make decent pay by Arizona employment standards, HOWEVER, once our living standards rise, the teachers remain at the same stagnant levels, there is no reason that teacher salaries cannot rise by 50% to 75% or more. The Mealer Initiative 2014 proves this and to be fair and within current legal standards, the teachers must be kept at the level of comfort as those with the opportunities the teaching profession gives up. Once the Mealer OEISP kicks into play, the teachers who are working at public schools must be given equal opportunity to leave their jobs to participate or to simply get a competitive pay raise. With the full scope of Mealer's plans running solid for a year or two, Arizona revenue will be increased thousand-fold at the very least and we must place a portion of our windfall profits into the public school system to maintain the future of Arizona: OUR CHILDREN.

Recently, the term differentiated instruction was brought to my attention by a very qualified dual PhD underpaid teacher, rancher and a “real person” (who I have yet to be allowed to relinquish her name), and I realize that this is what I have been trying to explain. Arizona is diverse, our children learn at different rates. This must be accounted for with all teacher-student based bonuses. We should cater to the student’s strengths and interests, and get them hooked on the learning and quite possibly help them develop new strengths and skills to help themselves learn and retain their new found knowledge. This should not be a political position – just good teaching practices.

NOTE: Those in the Public Schools who are not teachers, IE. over-paid Administrators, will not be part of the option Arizona provides to underpaid teachers.

One point where Arizona's Constitution mandate of evenly distributed school expenditures -per student- misses the mark is:

1) - All Arizona students are given an equal share of what amounts to 'funding per student'. This falls apart when one school district has 100 students (most of Arizona's small towns) and the amount of funds distributed to that district actually comes up shy of what is required to maintain a school. Especially when the local school's legislative body and administration is paid the same as in larger Arizona schools. Teachers are still underpaid, but the lack of allotted cash seriously hinders the students from getting the full education the Constitution allows them.

The solution for this issue is not cut and dry:

2) - The fix for this problem is not cut and dry and will require an open forum without unions and muscle behind special interest groups. This is something we can work on, but the solution must be dealt with and hammered out if Arizona is to climb out of this educational embarrassment. Being ranked 49th in education will not fly under my leadership.

As far as 'education solutions'- we first need to address the problems:

I). Lack of funds and lack of state oversight vs federal regulations that promote a skewed “global perspective,” and

II). Qualified teachers who can agree on incentives and bonuses for going above and beyond.

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We cannot underpay teachers and find the amount of quality instructors that our state requires. John feels that teaching students on a curve works, but due to Arizona's diverse population and diverse willingness to learn, we must take a slightly modified approach. With an increase in teacher's pay, the stress and need to juggle dozens of students becomes less of a chore and more of a job. Arizona teachers are usually willing to go the extra mile without added pay to cover expenses but it's doubtful they would turn down the pay raise and bonuses for helping all students pass the new Arizona benchmark. Common core must end, because it is not only improperly taught, but the actual history has been replaced with 'life lessons' which are mostly based on a skewed view from a special interest party. Arizona will exceed all other states in education and we will have the tools with which to make this a reality.

Common Core (CC), while based on creating a uniform standard for all education systems, has become an intentional format to indoctrinate our children in order to -what can only be- create some type of cathartic stigma into America's youth. CC has been around for decades under different names and regardless of whether these unelected CC writers are from the left or the right, our children must not be taught partial truths in history and a seriously backwards mathematical system, but instead, they must be taught only the absolute proven and documented truths of history. And a solid course in mathematics. We must raise our education standards, but we can do better than Common Core.

This is a funding issue and little more. Arizona will have the best paid teachers. A work base that keeps our young men and women in Arizona rather that wandering the states for a decent job or a real career. The opportunity we provide with the Grand Canyon state will exceed all other state's expectations and they will hopefully follow our lead.

Teaching outside of the classroom with various teaching devices is not a bad idea, but it will not work for everyone and leads to a completely disenfranchised parent-school relationship. As much as it may seem mundane to many of us, sports and other extracurricular activities are very important to both parent and student alike. If we have no public school system to support these events, then parents will make certain they create a public school system that will. When does fairness come into play? When each parent and student have the choice of when and where they are educated, the process makes for a stronger education.

There is no simple approach to a complex question when the fate of our state and our future rest on our the education of our children, but we simply cannot jump into a hasty solution for the over-all lack of useful learning experience. One method to help procure a stronger and more competent workforce for our youth is to work within the business community, especially once the Mealer Initiative 2014 huge expanse of industry and career oriented jobs kicks in by 2015, whereby the business sector takes note of individual student's personal abilities when the students tests out for particular careers. If the parents/students wish to share their test scores, they may very well be 'picked up and sponsored in trade schools or colleges' with an expectation of a career in that particular industry. Flipping burgers out of high school may become a strong and 'fair-pay apprenticeship' within those restaurant businesses in the program, then again, so may metal working and aircraft design.

Although high school is more or less re-teaching what was learned in K-8, I urge an optional schooling for students from Kindergarten through their 14th year (associate degrees). Oftentimes, our youth need the added time with career orientation to decide the path they will take. They may decide to play the field and wind up struggling like Arizona has been doing for the past 103 years. With our new growth of Arizona Industry, the students may very well be picked up by the various companies in paid internships and gain the education required to make it in the real world. At the business's expense and ultimate choice.

At some point in the education system, parents and students must be held accountable for what they participate in and the amount effort put into their own education and that of their children. I would like to see a Parent Teacher Association figure this out for each district.

No education system can exist without funding, but Arizona will refuse Federal Funds and refute Common Core simplistic "dis" education. Arizona teachers will be paid above and beyond to

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help refine the current system because we can do better here at home. We cannot attract industry with dumbed down students!

STATE BANKA State Education bank should be established in Arizona and funded by industry and business so that Arizona students may be granted loans without interest and a payback system extended until they find degree related work. If the schools fail to prep a college student for the careers they are being schooled for, the college should bear some responsibility for taking helping the student to secure a loan and then failing that student. A mandatory class on using one's degree in higher education would make more sense than many of the core classes colleges mandate today for a degree.


Regardless of what any politician tells you, Arizona needs to cover a few key principles before it can begin to grow. These principles are all simultaneously required, but are in order of timing rather than importance.

First; Secure State and Rule of Law. We must secure our state from our enemies and invaders. Not referencing those who are merely in Arizona illegally, but those who are here to harm us. That threat must be under wraps and forever taken care of. Elected and appointed officials who routinely violate the Law whether against the public or monetarily through office must also be addressed if Arizona is to remain a free state.

Second; Level Playing Field, and choice for job and business creation. We must end this rampant unemployment and underemployment so we can gain a foothold away from the federal government's public assistance. We must do this with a lengthy safety live for those of us who are forced to survive on government assistance and the state can take up the slack for every single able bodied and employment ready Arizonan in the state. We certainly can't simply 'cut people loose' from their needs for government assistance without providing a safety net. Mealer Initiative 2014 explains in details how we can do this. The results of continuing our need for government assistance will destroy not only Arizona, but the nation. We do have a way to ease of this nightmare that traps us.

Third; Solution for healthcare insurance payments. Arizona's next governor cannot snap his finger and remove the federal law known as the Affordable Healthcare Act, but he can change the tide and reverse the payment issues. The “exchange” as it is written, will not work and both state and federal failure is eminent. Mealer's plan details a method for full payment, lower prices, common sense insurance policy law and a method to save the federal govt hundreds of millions per year on Arizona.

Without these three major concerns being remedied, we have no viable chance to become a self-sufficient state where we can create opportunities for all Arizonans.


To recover in Arizona, as a state and as an economy, should be a rough road. It has taken 102 years for Arizona's past leaders to take us from zero and keep us at zero. We have never been a viable state when it comes to industry and at one time, Arizona was designated as a place to lock Native Americans on reservations and little more. We can use all of this to our advantage and work with our neighbors whether Native American, Arizona Natives, American Transplants, new and old US citizens residing in our Great State, our large group of winter visitors and even those undergoing naturalization. The road road is about to smooth out ad for one reason only.

JL Mealer has been working with investment groups and both large and small innovators of the American Dream, people who are set on building our Arizona land and economy the right way, in a

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water smart and land savvy way. A vast number of people who simply want to create new, untouched industry in Arizona as well as those Americans with global connections to the Entertainment, Racing, Aerospace and medical industries. This means that on Day One, Arizona will have that jump start underway that will allow us to recover to heights we've never seen in this state. After being kicked down and set back for 25 years, many of these people and groups offer opportunities for out state that may never come our way again.

Further, while other out-of-touch candidates speak of middle class and tax savings, only Mealer discusses and solves the issues related to working class, working poor and those without retirement.


Let's begin by recognizing that the entire infrastructure across the USA is crumbling. We've patched and maintained roadways, waterways, utilities of all types for over 160 years. In Arizona as a state, we've done this patchwork for 102 years with most of it on the taxpayer's dime. It's time to begin a new rebuilding of a modernized infrastructure through Arizona and this time it can be done on the backs of a well conceived industrial plan. Industry in the way of non-invasive, reverse polluting in many cases and minimal in others. These industries are so vast that they will need to have a massive network of new businesses to back them up and keep their fields, farms, plants, offices working like clockwork day after day. This is the industry that Arizona missed out on and in some cases were removed from our grasp as a state.

The infrastructure was put in place for much of these industrial and farm related ventures and extended for proposed business growth, but it stopped abruptly many times throughout Arizona history. Most of the time, business and industry itself bailed from Arizona due to political corruption where Laws were created by corrupt politicians for national and global industry giants. We've never gotten that start we've needed and we're at the point where tourism simply doesn't cut it for reasons of a failed infrastructure and what amounts to an abandoned wilderness. A state where more towns are becoming ghost towns than tourist stops. A place where our rest stops are closed due to lack of common sense in state budgeting and forethought.

Cutting to the chase, with Mealer Initiative 2014 programs, many of the clean industries which will become what Arizona has always meant to be, will supply their own framework of infrastructure while the towns, cities and new construction for a tremendous amount of new home and businesses will do the same. Many cases of growth in our state will require new towns and cities and the obligatory, “butcher, baker and candlestick maker” with components beginning at AAA-Towing, police departments, theaters, restaurants, schools, retail, wholesale, courts, public pools, utilities of all types, car lots, gas stations, service shops of all types, grocery stores, clothing stores, et al to Zoos. The state is responsible for the proper growth with this scope of the components of new industrial growth and we finally have a road map to walk us through this.

We are not starting this process without ample knowledge of what NOT to do. We have the knowledge of the history of civilization itself to do the right thing and not make the mistakes others have made. This is the one time in the history of mankind you will want to be alive. What we are about to embark on in Arizona is an entirely new way of life without the everyday burden of not knowing whether we will have a job or if our business will survive, let alone the worry of a flushing toilet or a road without potholes that swallow up small cars or a bridge set for failure.

Some, but not the majority, of these infrastructure projects will become Private, Public Partnerships and the localities will then have the 'industries' and where-with-all to pay their bills. Currently, localities use traffic tickets and violate allodial title Laws to secure payment for basic utilities in direct opposition of Arizona's Constitution. Mealer plans to remedy that anti-Constitutional issue and give us a better way to live as a civilized Arizona. More private 'absolute' ownership, more

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state leased land (we never lose it, we simply lease it in mass), more prosperity, better use of our Lands and a solution for our critical lack of water problem. This gives us and our new industry a safe place to work and prosper and oddly, everyone is on the same level playing field, without special favors or added advantage outside of the absolute freedom of equal protection under the Law.

The next few pages will begin detailing where the industries and public lead by an honest and accountable Arizona government will mesh. You will begin to understand the innate ability and perfectly timed opening in 2015 that John has to bring this to a reality. Keep in mind, John would not be running for the office of Governor if these projects and plans were not in hand and ready to go.


This is a great section of this booklet because it allows for detail and the sharing of some exciting plans for Arizona. We also address some problems that no other candidate will point out except in general terms.

ENERGY. Arizona has the following power plants in order of megawatt output (low to high): Last count; 19 Solar plants (many combined with other power generating systems), 3 wind, 3 biomass, 1 wood, 4 petroleum, 2 pumped water storage, 18 natural gas, 11 hydro plants (water/dams), 6 coal, and 1 nuclear driven power plant(s). These private-public companies supply all of Arizona as well as export power to other states. They are critical businesses, yet they are based upon a failing infrastructure. With many components made in the 1970's-80's. It's time to bring them into the 21st Century and new industry will take care of that issue in most cases.

With a well designed, industry driven and arranged new urban-suburban infrastructure working around and with existing underground utilities, we can revive the points of failure and reroute groundwork and basis for Arizona's soon-to-be new towns and cities. We can build much of this off grid, so to speak, while allowing current homes and structures to utilize cost-effective structure contained power supplies. While it takes the private sector, in many cases, to build power plants, Arizona must begin a massive campaign to manufacture, sell and export our own solar and wind generated power units. We must allow private residents and businesses the right to use solar, wind and other power sources whether to augment the use of privately owned public power companies.

Our state has had many interested parties interested and willing to manufacture and sell solar units and related hardware in Arizona. This is yet another new industry which can build off the backs of existing and new businesses across the state. This particular industry can use existing building or build to suit, that is not the governor's choice, but either way, it is a proven that we can make 100% of all components for entire solar units right here in Arizona. The government needs to simply set the stage and get out of the way.

Land use in Arizona must change drastically. While our great state certainly is worth protecting and preserving, we have a vast portion of our state in Trust Land and it is going to waste and costing our education system millions per year-- Just by sitting. The state must put strategic portions of that land back into the system where it can become taxable property. Those taxes go to the school system and we can cut the federal aid for the education of our children and place them well above the national average. We must do better. We can do better. We will do better.

Once the state reclaims both trust land and even certain sections of federal land for water savvy and well researched industrial use (such as hemp trees, farming, et al), we will, without a doubt, pull ourselves out of the perpetual Arizona working poor rut and get to real living. The suggested industries who have long sense offered to pay their own way and will build their own infrastructure under state guidelines, will be covered later in this book. Don't worry, this is not plan to recreate the steel mills of Gary, Indiana.

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Tax reform is a very knee jerk issue, and one that must be addressed. Eliminating or increasing certain taxes will destroy and entire class of people and not for the better. Through a strategic and well devised plan, Mealer has created a program that will actually create and entirely new “level” of an economy. An economy within, yet above and economy so to speak. With the Mealer Initiative OMNIBUS Plan (See Omnibus Program Page 11), a large amount of wealth will be generated to individuals who are in the actual arena of what will become Arizona's exclusive “Business Commodity Market,” which will have it's own state office at the cost of the Omnibus program itself. This participant tax revenue will both provide a very solid office that will disperse the majority of it's tax revenue to cut and augment other tax revenue, elsewhere in the state. Projected yearly cash flow is estimated in the billions.

Adding to the Tax Reform is the State leased land which will increase in value the moment it is leased --at a very reasonable rate-- on 60 and 100 year leases. This entirely new revenue will more than pay for our state's education system, infrastructure and will allow Arizona to return to allodial title where the Law demands it and end private property taxes.

When the cash flow is available from alternate taxes for alternate purposes, John supports an across the board cut in all state taxes by 2%.

No taxes, sounds nice, but that is not feasible at this time and dropping private state income tax is not always an option. With Arizona having a large portion of our Citizenry the working poor or simply non working, cutting income tax would not harm that class as many of the media moguls claim, but it would not help them either. A flat income tax rate is most impartial, regardless of what kind of earnings someone makes, fair is fair, even if it's a low tax. This is something to be addressed by state legislature who knows their districts and constituents best.


Personally, being forced to do or buy anything that we neither want nor need is criminal, but this act as done through an anti-Constitutional twist in tax collection. Sure, individuals and families needs healthcare insurance, but being forced to buy it (even if we already have it) should roil our blood. Even though, the groups who made this into law and have committed gross malfeasance, fraud, bribery and breach of oath of office along with a few other High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and the 'statute' is technically nullified due to the criminal activity... Let's make it work and put the special interest groups and the corrupt lawmakers in the hot seat. You will love this solution on many levels.

The scope of destruction of the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) of 2011. is hitting home on both individuals and employers. We are beginning to reap the results of this new Law with unknown rules. Albeit the rules for care are way over rated and actually deadly in many cases, we are going to discuss full coverage for any and all diseases we may encounter or already have. That's the way Congress and President Obama promised this heap of a law which was written then and is rewritten daily at the whim of the special interest groups who control politicians.

“Mealer Care” is a term used facetiously and not in a serious manner.

Rather than waste time fighting a losing battle in court over a federal law that was passed by Congress, Mealer has a defined, easy resolution that will save Arizona tax payers millions right off the top.

Even though no American should ever be forced to buy anything… read what has been easily formulated to make this work for Arizonans.

It is obvious that our country has lost practically any chance of gaining individual full-time jobs

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with these huge costs on employer’s backs. Sure, health insurance is nice, but most businesses will be forced to cut employee hours and push the cost of an insurance policy to the employee who will either fall into the Medicaid and ‘single-payer’ system, or they will live in poverty working part time.

Underemployment (part-time jobs) actually account for close to 85% of Arizona’s workforce once we remove the military and government employees from the equation. The rate climbs ever more drastically when business owners, who are also the workforce for their own enterprise, are removed from the count. Our state will fail in the next half-decade under current conditions.

Arizona employment levels are at the bottom of the heap, ranked 45th with 7.9%. Of course we know that the 7.9% is actually an incomplete percentage of unemployed Arizonans because so many people have stopped looking for work.

The projected costs of the Affordable Health Care Law (aka Obamacare) runs around $20,000 per year per person, with certain family members covered, so don't misunderstand these numbers, but those rates are ludicrous... And we've not yet covered the huge deductibles for the more seriously “designated-sick” individuals let alone those who are healthy.

With the ACA causing employers to cut their employees hourly work week to thirty hours or less, so they can avoid paying for health insurance at $500 per person (or more), our economy will tank out in 2015 when the law runs full force. Add that to Dodd-Frank, NAFTA and GATT and the pending TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) and free enterprise and America's wealth is done.

This issue is not only about whether we want to be forced to purchase our own health insurance or be forced to pay a fine. It has everything to do with Arizona's (and America's) future as a state (and nation) where we actually turn a profit without government mandates running our personal lives.

As Governor; within the first week of taking office, I will ‘officially’ ask all licensed Arizona insurance carriers to consider being the first company to accept our ‘free enterprise’ proposition to provide a full Seven Million Arizonans with full coverage health insurance at $75 per person, per month (OR the companies can work it out with each other and share). The $75 monthly fee would include a percentage of the funds to be applied to dental insurance as well. Arizona will pay no more than $75 per person.

Let me explain how we can afford to do this...

The offer is already on the table and Insurance companies are planning to step up to close the deal if I make it to office. Either that, or one very smart individual will create his or her own Insurance Company strictly to make this deal.

The first company to accept the offer will have the very large deal of $525 Million per MONTH (7,000,000 x $75) or $6.3 Billion per YEAR. Employers will kick in a portion of the funds and increase the amount if push comes to shove, but Arizona may absorb the employees cost if need be, simply because of our huge kick in taxable revenue from the Omnibus program, our added jobs boost and your spending sprees. The insurance company who takes this deal will not be struggling by any means. All new Arizonans above the 7 mill mark, will wind up paying the same $75 whether the state absorbs the cost or not.

The Mealer Care insurance cap is already a “done deal” and not just a talking point or hypothetical situation. Sounds incredible, but read how and why this will happen in the next few sentences. This about Government working for the best interest of the people and not vice versa.

The following are facts and logic presented with legal details on issues that neither the IRS, nor the HHS, nor Social Security may want to accept, even though this plan will be saving the federal government billions of dollars from both the Social Security fund and Indian Health Services (IHS) related Treaties.

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As a couple -who has worked under US tax guidelines- making between them, roughly $88,000 per year will have paid approximately $120,000 in FICA/SECA and Medicare taxes which are placed into the Medicare program. Normally, you would use three times that amount over the retirement era, so the current version of Social Security was actually a decent deal. Until it became bankrupt.

Mealer's plan is also about replacing the need for those under Social Security (Medicare) to draw from the funds they have paid into “their account,” and the funds that future generations will be paying into Social Security, so they may instead apply it to these new insurance payments. We expect to get these retirees a refund and in most cases it will range between $100 to $200 per month. Not bad for someone living on a fixed income and the new insurance coverage will be better. There is more to learn and we must view this from the over-all picture.

Those of us who have worked in the US and have paid our FICA and SS taxes, will have paid, by retirement, roughly $60,000 into Medicare coverage. Our insurance costs under Mealer's Program will be $900 per year. If we retire at 65 and live another 25 years, we will have paid $18,000. for Mealer's Program insurance (whether we bill the feds or not). Over 25 twilight-retirement years, this is a difference of over $42,000 in savings for the federal government and Governor Mealer will expect at least a portion of these funds be returned to you. Keep in mind, we will have saved the Federal Government billions of dollars and there should be no problem with a large refund for every Arizona resident who has paid their FICA and SS taxes over the years, regardless of what state they worked in.

Those who have not worked and paid in, will obviously not have the same dollar amount in the federal Social Security coffers and they will not be entitled to anything above what they have paid in.

This same principle applies to health coverage for our Native American neighbors (existing treaty costs are quadrupled at minimum) as to our retirees living under Medicare benefits where their individual care was prepaid should receive a refund* from the federal government. The range of refund should be between $300 to $700 per month (or even more), depending on how the federal Trust Funds apply this approach and whether the Federal Government will adhere to their treaties. The US Government saves Billions of dollars by working this Mealer's Program plan out Arizona style versus the very poorly run IHS system.

Military families will also be covered with the choose your doctor health care versus military grade, 'grind it until you find it' style of care. No offense to military doctors/dentists, but being honest, the care you offer American soldiers is not top grade. They can do better in the private sector.

*Regarding Medicare and based on FMAP and other new US Codes within the Affordable Health Care Act .

It’s all part of the contract you signed up for and Governor Mealer expects to strike up a deal with the federal government under this very simple and cost saving approach and return your funds to you when you need them most. This is most certainly a plan that will be challenged, but we have the Law, common sense and incredible savings for the feds on our side.

Who doesn’t want the added cash in their bank account? Or you may return all or a portion of it to the Federal Government and help take care of the huge hole in Social Security.

What this amounts to is placing the special interest Insurance Companies in their place.

We want our Liberty back and we're not asking.


Arizona is a desert. Water is a huge issue today and always will be, but we have some options to help mitigate an excessive lack of water during droughts. Although Arizona is underutilizing our allocation of water from the Colorado River and our share is going to California, we can change current

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state policy and take all of that water. I suggest we put our engineering hats on and trickle fill hundreds underground water storage locations or as some term it, managed aquifer recharge. Arizona is currently doing this via the Central Arizona Water Conservancy District (CAWCD) with the primary mission to deliver the State’s full allocation of 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River Project (CAP) water per year to Pima, Pinal, and Maricopa counties.

The problem with this plan alone, is obvious. We have 12 other counties which are going dry and the deep aquifers are being used up with very little recharge capability. I suggest the state simply channels water from the various northern Arizona tributaries into a variety natural -yet dry- recharge basins. We may even naturally filter this water so as to avoid allowing sediments from running the various reservoirs. Williams and Flagstaff are on the verge of a water emergency while Prescott is suffering greatly. The smaller towns nearby are also running out of water and habitable towns and cities. The reason we use the tribularies and a trickle recharge is because we would not be using Colorado River water according to to the Colorado River Water Compact (Lower Division) we share with Nevada and California. Water use from tributaries does not cut into Colorado River supply, so no one would be getting a 'raw deal'.

One critical issue that no other candidate for governor has ever mentioned is the fact that the Glen Canyon Dam is being filled with silt and without heavy dredging, the silt will block the flood gates and make the dam worthless. In fact, it will become a danger at that point. Arizona has the perfect opportunity -through Mealer's run for governor- to work with a new industry to dredge the Glen Canyon Dam and use some of the silt along Highway 89a to plant Melaleuca and Hemp trees which they will give and then purchase from the Navajo and Hopi. The key to this plan is running underground piping as aqueducts for the tree growth while also supplying the tribes with Colorado River water. The soil Ph is nearly perfect for both species of plants and with the Navajo Generating station (coal fired plant) being scheduled for an end date of 2044, the plant may then begin augmenting the coal supply with Melaleuca and Hemp tree wood when combined burns hotter and longer than petroleum based coke and leaves coal in the dust (no pun intended).

Right here, we just solved many problems: Saved Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell and ultimately the northern half of Arizona because the next lake in line for river flow is Lake Mead and it cannot handle the entire amount of water alone. Not to mention, the power supplied to other states by the Glen Canyon Dam hydro system. We save the Navajo Generating plant and keep thousands of northern Arizona homes powered, while keeping the coal pollution issue under control. We supply a very valuable duo of plants for thousands of other high retail uses, but this is explained in the hemp industry portion of this book. The Navajo and Hopi are currently trying to locate a water source that is not polluted. This is a must do project and private industry can foot much of the bill. They will do this willingly in order to have Arizona work with them in this huge new endeavor.



The Arizona Omnibus Program is comprised of a long proven system of trading commodities as stock, except this program uses the quarterly value of those commodities so there is no danger of eroding the actual worth of the either individual or grouped business enrolled into the program. Where an actual item such as pound of sugar, coffee or barrel of crude oil may gain and lose value when traded/sold on the commodity market, a business involved in this system has no way to lose out because the traded item is the quarterly projected earnings.

These projected earnings are used as $1 fractions of a commodity and compound with each trade ultimately –over the year-- becoming worth one hundred times their beginning value. This profit

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minus the 1/2 of 1 percent (not counting the trader costs of 1/2 of 1 percent per dividend) goes to the individual business involved in the program. It acts as a safety net for fledgling businesses and after a year or so, it becomes a very lucrative addition to business growth. Within a couple of years, the business can go to a 1/2 percent tax provided they maintain a certain number of employees and pay them at a rate equivalent to what it takes to remove the respective employee and their family from government subsidies. Further, if the company can maintain that status of employee payroll and number of employees, after about five years when and if the company goes public (IPO), they are taxed only at the 1/2 of 1% rate along with the owners and their capital investment return.

If the Omnibus Equity Investment Stock Program does not cause an immediate influx of new businesses and create a huge push for existing business expansion, nothing will.

As governor, JL Mealer would create an office to oversee the trading and to make certain the businesses are properly enrolled in order to keep the lawyers from creating lawsuits at every turn. Of course, the entire Omnibus program is voluntary to the business, both existing and new, but one main rule of this system would be that the legal businesses are privately owned within the state and not currently traded on the NASDAQ or a franchise which is often traded globally in the same market. Due to the simplicity of the Omnibus Equity Incentive Stock Program, any business may participate including those which are solid ideas in their fledgling stage. No other plan in the world, offers a better incentive or gives the entrepreneurs who create them, a more optimal position to take a start-up to a publicly traded company in five years.

An added bonus is the entirely new tier of an economy rating for the Arizona based traders in this entire program. In order to keep this higher pay rate of investors and state residents content, Arizona will need to up it's base of higher end businesses. Those may also be created through the same program. Of course, not all people involved in trading will want the higher end stores and restaurants, but it's nice to have them when they are sought after. Common sense says that Arizonans who grow their businesses and create new businesses and partake in the new industries business opportunities in one way or another will also want the higher send “economy” offerings.

Looking at the tax generation from the Arizona OEISP State Office, we have what will be a limited staffed Agency responsible for the protected statewide trade of new and existing 'business quarterly assessment' who participate in the program, to the extent of 1/2 of 1% (one cent per two dollars) per trade dividend. Compared to the current the Top 30 stocks listed on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, we expect and project well over 100,000 active Arizona new and existing businesses enrolled in the program (within the Second Quarter) with a minimum 100 such dividends per quarter, per business. At this rate, the new Arizona Office will pay for itself before the fiscal year is fully underway and the rest is 'OEISP only' tax revenue may be applied elsewhere. We can talk pie in the sky scenarios for actual revenue, but it is best to maintain the lowest possible assumption and consider the office will pay for itself within the year. Everything else is gravy.


Manufacturing is one of those industries that built America and the most critical industry we have lost as a nation yet never really had as a state. Arizona is in the prime position to become the world's epicenter for high quality manufacturing and America's rebound State.

We are on the precipice of win or lose. We win with a massive push for statewide manufacturing and Mealer has the investors and connections to make it happen. Over the past 25 years, a variety of

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manufacturing projects and companies have benefited from John scouting the state looking for the right work climate as well as the impact on local land. We all know the way the government blocks advancement when it does not grease somebody's palm along the way. We're still no better off today, then we were 102 years ago.

Five of the seven pillars to support Arizona detail methods of manufacturing including a basic projected valuation breakdown for each industry and the components that keep a new industry going. Keep in mind, “industry” does not refer to one business, or one group of employees. It is the expression used to explain an “economic activity involving a group of businesses that provide a particular product or service” and we are using it to define all of the businesses that support new industries as well. Manufacturing is only part of the huge industries that Mealer is bringing to Arizona.


Industrial Hemp is an untouched industry in itself. No other country is utilizing the full scope of what the hemp tree can supply. A tree that reaches 20 feet in four months and provides ten times more fiber than cotton and uses a third of the water, with a steady run-off that can irrigate other plants. Many businesses will be formed to use the hemp fibers as well as the oils and such from the tree. Hemp is not a drug plant like Cannabis (that will be explained later) and can be used for hundreds of products with little to no research into the oil properties. Hemp oils will create biofuels as well as it's own version of plastic and rubber and even high protein food products. The fibers itself can be used in everything from paper, textiles, clothing, construction materials, body products and Arizona will make certain that we corner the market on processed hep oils electrodes which are more efficient than graphene for use in supercapacitors. Imagine the amount of businesses that will be created just to participate in these few uses for hemp. We are right here, waiting to open the door.


Arizona's opportunity for a cornered biomedical industry is also on the chopping block. Withthe proper taxation and land use required, we can control the research, development and manufacture of cannabis oil related medications. Currently, the pharmaceutical companies rely on opium and it's derivatives for a vast majority of the medication the FDA has us consuming. More people in the US die from accidental drug overdose than any other method of death. The death rate for doctor prescribed medications is higher than that of automobile accidents. It's about time, we put money into research of medications not related to opium. Arizona has an entire industry on medical R&D and Mfg and it is partially based on cannabis and cannabis oils.

This is just another connection that John Mealer has for Arizona. The current system will never allow this to take root here, because most elected officials are paid through “Big Pharma” in one way or another. The Federal Government has many medications outlawed because of Big Pharma. JL Mealer's answer to the problem of how the FDA and federal law will affect this research. His answer, “We're not asking.”

Nothing should prevent Arizona from this easy $3 Trillion industry, considering it will include new construction, new towns, new utilities, new industry paid infrastructure, new support businesses such as restaurants, theaters, grocery stores, export businesses and so much more. We should also legalize cannabis for recreational use and part take in the huge tax revenue and reduction of crime like other states are doing.

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Arizona must create an Arizona Meat & Agriculture Department where we can have private state business and individuals raise their own livestock and grow their own produce at a much higher standards than what the FDA allows big companies to produce. We will label all participants food products with a stamp provided by the state office and they may market it as AZMAD labeled food. GMO, toxins and steroid free produce, meats and dairy.

Arizona will offer an option for Arizona grown medical cannabis as well. Our medical cannabis will be allowed under the regulated THC medicinal programs by this forced healthcare law (which is addressed elsewhere in the booklet). “Medical Marijuana” is not part of the biomedical cannabis R&D, but instead stands with the AZMAD program.

This specialized food department will enable thousands of growers –big and small-- to begin and grow businesses. Farmers can do what they do best and a marketing firm may potentially work with them as they send their high end products to market. We can ship not only nationally, but globally.

We can place a multi trillion dollar value on this new industry itself.


Mealer has been approached by a firm who has offered to move one of the world's largest aircraft manufacturing plants to Arizona. The USAF has been offered a landing strip in the proposed new location for the city that will house the facilities. These facilities will include a heavy aircraft MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul), again an offer that will stand for the next few months.

To be clear, airplanes are losing their tail numbers by the FAA because the only MRO repair facilities existing in the world these days are in third world countries and considered unworthy of their services. Have you noticed the amount of aircraft dropping from the sky or disappearing lately? Arizona will become one of six worldwide MRO facilities to keep our air travel safe. We can expect this service alone to be worth several hundred million dollars over ten tears.


The entertainment industry is worth $3 Trillion worldwide. Arizona can easily grab $30 Billion of that by recreating a powerful Entertainment Industry Office as a replacement for the state Film Office that was closed in 2009. We can expect this office to coordinate the return of major motion films as well as a certain culture that Arizona can put to use. With another high end “economy” added to our state, we can only grow. Under Mealer's land lease program we can attract enough large studios while creating new studios and related film businesses along with small to large production units through the Omnibus Program.

The Arizona Office of Film Industry should be re-established as the Entertainment Industry Office and made to be a much larger part of Arizona's economy. We are the prime state to corner film and TV production.

There is much more to this conversation and as Mealer works with the industries themselves,

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this document will be updated and better clarified.

The Arizona Border and Our Immigration Issues Create Profits Vs Spending Resources

The need for a secure border is a must. Not so much to prevent illegal entry by those souls who are searching for that shining beacon on the hill, but for the critical reason of protecting Americans from people and influences we do not want in the USA. These inexpensive solutions are simple (unless you're a politician looking for votes or bribe money).

The federal government prevents Arizona from enforcing immigration at the border, but there is no federal law that prevents Arizona from locating federal felons and potentially dangerous people from 10 to 100 yards into Arizona. We have a many solutions, but few fall within the law. Below, are a few of those options that meet the requirements of federal and state law.

*The law will allow Arizona National Guard/Citizen's Guard secondary role being used in Arizona within their legal parameters in a training zone. Technically, this means the Arizona National Guard and our Citizen's Guard can interact within our state in a fenced of training ground spanning the east to west sections of the state. This would create a blockade against the human and drug trafficking and help to prevent illegal entry. Keep in mind, that much of the illegal entry for finding work is actually human trafficking and that is a serious crime which must be addressed.

Yes, trespassing to find a job in the USA is a federal felony, whereas Arizona's SB 1070 makes it a misdemeanor with a three strikes rule, the problem of enforcement is because neither of these laws and the prescribed punishments clarify single specificity on the 'Rule of Engagement' for unlawful entry with intent to commit crimes. This is the reason drug trafficking is a drawn out process in the courts and the exact reason the Global Sex-Slave Trade activity is neither properly addressed, nor funded for it's criminal activity.

As far as Human Trafficking is concerned, we will rescue those we can and send out a clear message to the traffickers. Once caught, those using the end result of the trafficked victims will be charged with the same crimes as the hard core traffickers themselves -kidnapping, human trafficking, slavery, attempted murder, fraud and many other crimes. We will seize all of their assets and use them to rehabilitate the victims as well as build homes and jobs training facilities as well as back psychological, emotional and other necessary programs for them. We can mix much of this in with out veterans of wars programs who be given Carte blanche where the Federal Government drops the ball and leaves them completely on their own or worst yet, with a criminal record.

The Mealer Initiative outlines that we use private money and build versions of secure hotels that would allow those who are undocumented and oftentimes without English language skills to pay their way , learn English and pass the typical US citizens test. They could do this safely (from drug cartels) and comfortably from their own rooms and turn around within a couple of weeks as persons “Undergoing Naturalization Through the State of Arizona” IE. “UNTSA” as an adverb - unless we can come with a better acronym. This limited, 'protected naturalizing class of the Arizona citizenry' is technically without Federally protected rights until the federal government accepts them as US Citizens, but once they become UNTSA citizenry, they must be treated fairly by federal law.

*NOTE: We will have just saved the feds billions of dollars and Arizona's share in taxes to cover the federal taxation for doing what we will have accomplished while we made a tremendous profit and have gained many respectable UNTSA citizens who may very well become part of the huge economic boom. Having not paid into the Social Security or FICA system, it only makes sense that they are not entitled to Social Security benefits until they gain standing in the workforce and state.

The new Arizona citizenry classification of UNTSA would make the persons under contract liable for all law violations, while being accepted as limited citizens until the federal government performed their own tests to make US citizens out of each individual. They pay their way and no one is stuck with the bill. Simple math makes this work and these persons would not be able to collect

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Federal Aid, not state aid unless they were working and paying into Arizona's tax coffers. No one cuts in line, we make money vs spending it to round up deportees and life continues to smooth out for all Arizonans, including those UNTSA. The term will grow on us.

What the above paragraph could do is, remove protections granted to non-citizens by the federal government's inaction, while allowing people UNTSA to have access to an ability to work within Arizona, and to pay all taxes within Arizona . They would be under Arizona law protection and not liable for deportation until federal law mandates it and the federal government decides one way or the other on their individual citizenship.

These Ellis Island motels would quickly be surrounded by entire towns, built by private business and possibly incorporated into State recognized cities. Taxes could then be assessed and further boost our state economy. Felons (outside of the Federal Immigration Laws) would be rejected, as would any type of drug dealer, rapist, child molester and the like. Now, we have an entirely new tax base, more business creation and yet another tier of an economy, with new cities and new tax revenue along with the new businesses under the OEISP.

With this proactive plan, we cannot lose and many of the otherwise honest 'illegal aliens' or 'undocumented workers' may actually come forward, begin their naturalization process and literally feel free and human again (and pay taxes).

Arizona will neither build, nor allow the I-11 Corridor to be built as a federal highway, laws will be established as such and we will block it's construction on a federal level. Any intentions to build it will become a statewide felony.

However, Arizona will build our own highway Intrastate Highway in lieu of the I-11. A highway, where Arizona authorities can monitor and protect what is rightfully ours to protect.

The real border issues are security from people who want to cause major physical harm the these united States and Washington DC as well, plus the drug trade and human trafficking problems.

Regarding the drug trade/Human Trafficking and Arizona's southern border. The Arizona drug smuggling issue is all but solved: I propose Arizona erect a series of solar lighted billboards written in both Spanish and English and directed south, towards Mexico, stating the truth:

“Arizona and the FBI have a huge task force that has infiltrated various cartels of both drugs and human trafficking. We are also offering a $1,000,000 bounty, plus asylum, for any member and their family from any drug cartel and/or human trafficking who will lead Arizona and US DEA and FBI forces back to the highest member of that major drug and/or human trafficking cartel.”

No trust in the drug cartels means little to no drug or human slavery victim movement. Who would you trust after this news and these facts were circulated in your drug or human trafficking cartel?... That is, IF you were some sort of cartel kingpin.

Is it me, or is this partial solution towards drug smuggling far too simple?

FURTHER: Arizona and Arizonans will owe no allegiance to International Law for criminal activity except such activity as the Sex-Slave Trade, drug trafficking and terrorism. We will never give up our Right to Self-Defense or our firearms, especially after the looming and misguided International Court Rulings (wait for it) because the contract between the US (the federal government) and these united States across America (the various Republic and Common Wealth forms of state government), clearly protects the Bill of Rights and each state's Constitution.

We will hold the Federal and all other State government's 100% responsible for any violation of the Bill of Rights, and we can do this by the very contract we have entered into as the union was formed. This agreement crosses State lines just as Arizonans may cross state lines, and as such, no State is allowed to hold an Arizonan to their own laws IF those statutes nullify or hinder any portion of the Bill of Rights or the 14th Amendment.

By law, any state Governor can and must (also by law) force other state governments (county or

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city as well) to abide by the contract called the US Constitution, specifically the American Bill of Rights. Arizona will act accordingly. Case law, US Code and every state statute is on the side I am speaking from. We must stand to protect this Republic we live in and as a leader of the State, one has the duty to have the laws enforced. As Governor, I expect to do exactly that.

Arizona is prohibited to attempt any type of rounding up of “the undocumented” in our state. First and foremost, the federal government has that duty and currently they are blocking any attempt by the State's to secure their workforce or immigrant status. Even at that rate, the federal government cannot afford to round up even half the head-count of people who are in this country illegally. They/we would be forced to return them to their country of origin and the costs for airfare, safe passage and general costs would destroy an already dead economy. We need to work around this issue and we can make Arizona a stronger state by doing so.


John Mealer

This document covers the majority of the Mealer Initiative 2014. Every step of it, excluding the Immigration issue can be implemented by Governor Mealer alone. I expect plenty of feedback on this UNTSA plan, and I hope to be very interactive with all of Arizona on this serious issue.

My aspect of earning a dollar rather than spending what we cannot afford to spend will resonate with all Arizonans, but I want you -the reader- to be aware that unlike a politician, I have not skirted my opinion and idea on the issue. My plan is “All-Win.” There are no other options for an all-win situation related to immigration control on a state level. Actual US citizenship is a federal issue.

The following could be used against both you and me, but over-all, it's not all that bad.

In 1984 at the age of seventeen, I had my first experience of drinking hard liquor and wound up finding myself racing the streets of Mesa with the Mesa police department chased me all around the city, through red lights at 3AM and as I sobered up I parked the stolen motorcycle near a “friends” house and headed home on foot. I later approached the detective and without hesitation, I made a bargain for him to wait a few months until I turned eighteen before he arrested me because I did not want to embarrass my parents, nor involve them in my problems. I was given a misdemeanor charge if illegal use of a motor vehicle.

I find myself far too busy these days to bother with drinking and/or with any type of illicit drugs use.

In the 90's I filed documents with the county recorder to express my dislike for criminal activity of public servants. That just goes to show how much I have disliked bullies and corruption and to what lengths I would go to express my opinions backed by law.

In 2000, I moved an abandoned, burned out motor home with MVD and local Sheriff permission from an area near an acre of land I owned in Apache County. Somehow, the Apache County Attorney decided to create a crime spree against me but due to the FACT that I was innocent of his charges, they were dismissed in court. To date, Apache County Courts do not expunge charges and this will simply need to “fall off the records”.

Contact me with questions, concerns, suggestions. My number is listed in Lakeside, Arizona.

John Lewis Mealer, candidate for Arizona Governor in 2014

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