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To vibe magazine publisher Len Burnett.

What are the fans of grime music missing?That’s right a magazine featuring some of their favourite artist including freebies,tour dates,interviews and much more. This is where i believe i can help, my magazine aims to revolutionise the grime scene in order to create a magazine which will appeal all grime fans. My research shows that the target audience is most likely to be anything from the ages 12-30. We believe grime music can relate to anyone of any age,wealth or ethnic background meaning there will need to be a wide variety included in the magazine in order to suit a wide audience's needs. In order to create the impression of aggression and danger that is linked to the genre i will need to use images of dark scenarios and the house style is most likely to be dark colours as well as red. This will symbolise to the reader that the genre holds power and a sense of evil and mystery. This will all be done because my research shows they are the main colours that appeal not only to the target audience but the genre and style of music.My first issue will hopefully include detailed articles of new upcoming talent in order to broaden the grime scene horizon as i feel this is a key part of the business in order to keep it going in years to come. The magazine will also feature pictures and tour dates of current artists in order to advertise and sell more tickets, this will also increase the amount of people interested in buying the magazine as it will attract an audience that already know and love the genre and the artists.

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