Download - Media evaluation 1

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this


During the creation of our film making we found that a great deal of technology was helpful in producing our film to the best available.

We’ve used technology straight from the Pre – Production right though to the evaluation.

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Pre – production and Research


This came in handy when doing research on what kind of conventional codes are most suitable for are genre of film (thriller/horror.)

Also we used Google when looking up pictures similar to the types of shots we would like to re-create.


YouTube was in use researching similar movies already produced and out in cinema (Taken) to get an idea of the conventional codes we should be look at adding to our own.

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Construction •Digital SLR camera

We used this equipment when filming are footage. This offered us a high quality like professional. This camera is good when paired with a tripod for different angle shot, zooms in/out and going from blur to focus on our stalking scene. •Final Cut X

Using this software enabled us to make the sequence flow smoothly going from scene to scene. It enabled us to pick our best quality footage filmed. This was my first time using this software and I felt it was easy to use with professional effects.• Royalty free / License free

music sitesIncluding YouTube

To get music to go through our film in order to create an atmosphere had to be license free so we wasn’t breaking any laws. We didn’t have enoughlength of time to create ourown music.

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This is used as a presentational devise for our evaluation



These software and others were used to create the presentation I presented on my blog. This was in order to show a range of techniques shown over a range of different software's

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