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Wallander- Analysis

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The first shot we see is a long shot of water. This gets the audience asking question right from the start. They ask themselves where are we and why are we here. In this shot we also start to here a sound which could be wind, and a rumble sound but it sounds more

artificial at this point of the clip. The audience get the feeling of being at the coast because the water and the noise reminds them of the coast. We cant see much else apart

from water, but as the camera tilts up land starts to come in to the shot, this reinforces the idea of being at the coast. As the camera tilts up the sound of the wind becomes more dominant and it becomes clearer for the audience to understand. The wind is hyperbolic because it has been exaggerated to give the idea of us being at a coast.

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In this shot shows us that we were right to think of the coast but it doesn’t seem like the coast we were thinking, as there isn’t any sand etc. From this shot we can also we that the place looks empty, we cant make any thing out from this. It is an extreme long shot of the land which is used to show us that it isolated. This is still the same shot from the

last as there hasn’t been any cut between so we tilted from the water up to see this shot of the land. The wind noise continues on and it sounds like it could be building to a

climax, the wind is creating tension because the wind has been made hyperbolic. We then continue with the same shot as it starts to track in to a specific point on the land.

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We then start to see this car in the middle of no where, with which looks like two people walking away from the car. The audience now think that the car has been abandon because the two

people walking away seem to be in a rush and the car doesn’t seemed to be parked therefore giving the ides that something bad has happened. We think this also because of the speed of

which the people are walking away. We continue to track in until we cut to the next shot, as we cut to the next shot we hear a sound which could be foreshadowing something that happens

later, it sounds violent and it could be telling us that something violent happened in the car that they are walking away from.

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We then see a mid shot of what we believe the two people walking away are. From this we can tell that they are both girls and that the one on the right is older, we think this because she is taller and has red in her hair. The red in her hair also shows us that

she is a rebel and we can tell this from her leather jacket as well. They are both wearing dark clothing to suggest they are trying to hide. This reinforces the pace in

which the girls are walking away.

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This reinforces that something bad has happened and that someone is hurt. The two girls can be seen and are out of focus, this gives the idea they are rushing away from the car. The ID tells us who the

character is and what he looks like from the front. The blood on the windscreen shows that someone is hurt badly and that there has been a struggle and violence in the car. We think that this man on the left is dead and that the girls had something to do with it. In the background we hear a radio playing but we also hear birds singing, this is juxtaposition because the two things contrast each


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We no get a two shot close up of the girls, this is the first time we see there faces as before the camera was hiding them keeping the identification a secret . The girl with the red hair is in the foreground to suggest she is more

important. The girl has a cold and emotionless facial expression to show that she doesn’t really care. The other girl seems to be more worried and scared. hyperbolic breathing suggest that their scared , even though their faces

don’t show it. The close used shows the facial expressions of the two girls this is why it has been chosen.

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A big close up is used next, it shows the mans face showing the audience of the serve injuries that the he has suffered. From this we can see that it isn’t a car crash we also know that this isn’t a car crash because earlier we saw the car in the open. The man is positioned to the right of the screen so we can see the left of the screen this helps show us that his face is down on the steering wheel but his cuts and bruises are on the other side of this face. In this shot the mans eye blinks, this is

showing us that he isn’t dead, but most probably on his last bit of his life. This also is telling us that if the girls wanted to have helped him they could have because he isn’t dead. This means

they have left him to die.

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In this mid shot of the two girls we see that the red headed girl has blood on the left side of her face. And the girl on the right has blood on her neck. This tells the audience that they have

something to do with the man in the car. At this point we are not sure what has happened but we think that the taxi driver may have taken them to this isolated place to hurt or sexual assault them. But then again the red headed girl has a raze blade on a necklace around her neck this could show

that she is violent this also reinforces the idea that she is a rebel. We can see their facial expressions here and they girl on the left looks angry and doesn’t seemed to bothered by what has happened.

But the other girl looks a lot more shocked and scared which could show us the girl on the left is more strong and therefore the leader.

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A close up of the hand is showing that the man is still alive, we know this because the hand moves slightly. The hand is in the foreground and is in focus this makes us

concentrate on it more because it is the only thing in the shot. They have done this because if we was to be half focused on the hand then we would miss the hand more.

The hand seems dirty and it has cuts as well which could be showing that he has struggled with someone and the cuts could be defense marks.

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We then get a out of focus image of this taxi license, from this it gives us an idea of who this man is and what he kind of looks like. We also see a date on it 2014-11-11, this could be telling the audience that his license runs out soon, which could be ironic because he only had a few years left before he quit and retried from this job. The blood over the license is showing us that the blood is every where and it was a violent attack. The idea that it is out of focus could be saying

that the man is looking up at this and this close up is a point of view shot which is showing us that he can barely see making us feel the pain he is in.

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A big close up of the girl with red hair is used to show the blunt expression she has on her face. As this girl is in focus we concentrate on her more, this reinforces the idea she is the leader of the two girls. We can still see the other girl in the background but she is

out of focus making her loess important to the audience. This shot is also showing us the blood around the red headed girls neck. This means that she played the biggest part in attacking the man as she has the most blood meaning that she was closest to him. Even though the girl in the background is still out of focus we can see the expression on her

face which is telling the audience she is scared. We can hear heavy breathing which could be showing us that they are panicking and that even though the girl in the

foreground has got a don’t care expression her breathing is showing the audience that she is still scared and isn’t as brave as she looks.

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This shot gives us a little background information about the journey to where they are. 546 is the number they have traveled and it is still going up which means the man

didn’t even have time to turn the meter off before he was attacked by the girls. Again the blood is showing that the attack was violent and blood went everywhere. In the

shot we cant see the whole image which could be another point of view shot which is showing that the mas vision is impaired and what he sees is blurry.

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This close up gives us a little bit more knowledge of the driver, as from this we can tell that he could be a father, this makes us feel sympathy for the driver because we feel sorry for

his son or who ever the person in the picture is. This is because they must be close or mean a lot if he keeps a picture with him the whole time. There is blood on the picture

which again shows that it was very violent and blood has gone just about everywhere. The image is in focus and the background is out of focus, this could be another point of view

shot as the man is looking at the picture and this could be the last thing he sees, this could be saying that it means that much to him that he wants it to be the last thing he sees.

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We finally cut to a close up of a knife being dropped, the knife is covered in blood as it shows the audience that this was the knife that has killed the man in the car. From this picture we can see that the girl with the red hair is holding the knife, we know this because we can understand the

180 degree rule. This means that the knife would have to be held by the girl if it was to make sense. The close up shows the detail in the knife and it tells us that if she has a knife then it must be planned to some sort of degree because she wouldn’t have found his knife. We can also tell

that she is the girl with the red hair as she has a rebel looking glove over her hand and this would match the rest of her appearance.

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