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Lance Armstrong Foundation 2201 Elizabeth Road

Austin, TX 78702

Contact: Kati Jones For Immediate Release (334)447-1759 [email protected]

A Much Needed Cancer Center Opening in Texas

AUSTIN, TEXAS (May 15) - The Lance Armstrong Foundation will open its new headquarters

in Austin, Texas, on Friday, May 22, 2009. The new headquarters will bring necessary cancer support

services to Texas, which has the most cancer related deaths compared to any state. On average 1.7 million

Texans a year dies from cancer or complications from cancer.

“When I saw the figures on the loss of life in Texas from cancer, I knew we had to do something.

The Foundation and I decided we needed to build the new headquarters in Texas to provide cancer

sufferers guidance to health care facilities and educate them on the dangers of not getting treatment

immediately,” Lance Armstrong said. Armstrong is the creator of the foundation, which began in 1997

after he was treated for testicular cancer.

The building made from primarily recycled and salvaged glass, plastic, rubber, steel and wood

took three years to complete. The building will provide cancer survivors, families affected by cancer,

patients, doctors, nurses and advocates for cancer research with a place to hold conferences about cancer

prevention, treatment and recovery.

“The new headquarters is located in the Hollum suburb of Austin, Texas, which is the most

underserved community in Texas. Also with Austin being the fourth largest city in Texas, it is important

the Foundation grows along with the city,” Armstrong said. The new headquarters has the capacity to

hold 2,500 guests at a time, so there will be space for all who are interested in visiting the 30,000 square

foot building.


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p. 2 Cancer Headquarters Comes to Texas

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters will include conference rooms, which are

available to rent for non-profit organizations. The headquarters will also include facilities to help cancer

sufferers relax, such as the meditation pond and entertainment rooms. The new headquarters cost $2

million to build, which came from donations and fundraising for The Lance Armstrong Foundation.

“The Foundation hopes to achieve great success in decreasing the number of cancer related deaths

in Texas for good. We will be hosting fundraising events monthly to raise funds to keep the establishment

going and to meet the needs of underserved people in this community,” Armstrong said.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation was founded by Lance Armstrong in 1997 in support of cancer

awareness. Lance Armstrong started the foundation after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The

foundation provides one-on-one support with cancer victims and families affected by cancer. The

foundation provides cancer specialists and survivors to speak at events held by Lance Armstrong himself.


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April 20, 2009

Opening of the Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Who

The Lance Armstrong Foundation has built a new headquarters for cancer patients, survivors, doctors, nurses, advocates and families that have been affected by cancer.


Austin, Texas Where

The Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters will open on April 24, 2009. When

The headquarters will allow people affected by cancer to network with health care professionals to find help and recovery. The building will also provide the organization with its first permanent home.


The architecture alone is a sight for all to see since the building is sustainable. Whether a person has experienced cancer, knows a person who does or advocates cancer research, the facility can provide knowledge about and promote prevention against cancer.


Armstrong: “I will be attending the opening of the new headquarters located in Austin. I cannot wait to see what will become of this new headquarters in the next year. The headquarters will provide so many people with answers about cancer and provide a beautiful environment for them to enjoy. If we can guide five people to find health care to treat their cancer, I would be happy. I believe we could help millions.”


The new headquarters was built with donations given to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The 30,000 square feet building has conference rooms available for rent to non-profit organizations and for any forum involving cancer.

Background of The Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters

The Lance Armstrong Foundation was established in 1997 by testicular cancer survivor and six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. The organization has raised $10 million for cancer research, prevention and advocacy.

Background on The Lance Armstrong Foundation

Information Contact Kati Jones, public relations director for The Lance Armstrong Foundation (334) 447-1759

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Lance Armstrong Foundation 2201 Elizabeth Road

Austin, TX 78702 Contact: Kati Jones For Immediate Release (334)447-1759 [email protected] Lance Armstrong’s Fight for Life and Success AUSTIN (May 15) – On Oct. 2, 1996, Dr. Larry Einhorn told Lance Gunderson that he

had testicular cancer, which had spread to his abdomen, lungs and brain. He also told Gunderson

that his chance of living after all the surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments was

around 50 percent. Gunderson, who goes by Lance Armstrong, had a choice to fight for his life

or quit. He chose to fight.

On Sept. 17, 1971, Lance Edward Gunderson was born in Plano, Texas. “He was born

an athlete and before he was ten, everyone knew that was going to be his true calling in life.

Lance could run faster than anyone in his elementary school when he was five, and I have never

seen a boy ride a bike faster than him,” Plano’s Mayor and close family friend of the

Gundersons, Jim Barrett said. By the age of 13, he was competing in triathlons against people six

years older than him and winning. At the age of 16, Armstrong had become a professional

triathlon champion, and in 1992 Armstrong placed 14th

Later that year, Armstrong competed in the Tour de Ireland. “While I had grown up

competing in many sports, the Tour de Ireland proved that the passion to become a professional

cyclist was in me,” Armstrong said. In 1993, Armstrong became the No. 1 cyclist in the world

based on him winning the 10 stages of the Tour de Ireland. Armstrong had a strenuous workout

schedule to prepare for the Tour de France that included three hours of biking and two

in the Summer Olympics.


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p. 2 Lance Armstrong hours of jogging each day. “I wanted to be in the greatest physical shape possible for the Tour de

France. I was determined to be successful, and it was well worth the effort,” Armstrong said.

Armstrong won the first stage of the Tour de France, the Thrift Drug Triple Crown of Cycling

and the Tour Du Pont.

He competed in the 1996 Olympic Games and placed 12th

Armstrong had won four stages of the Tour de France by this time, but his disease kept

him from winning more for the moment. “I went to a doctor to find out why I had debilitating

fatigue, and he sent to me to Dr. Einhorn. When Dr. Einhorn told me the results, I could not

believe I had cancer. At first, I ignored his recommendation about getting my testicular cancer

treated. Two weeks later, I realized that I had been fighting to be the best in cycling, but how

could I be the best in cycling if I was deceased,” Armstrong said. Armstrong went back to Dr.

Einhorn, and Armstrong began to fight for his life against his scariest opponent—cancer.

in the road racing

competition. “I literally felt on top of the world, until the seventh tour of the Tour de France. I

felt physical weakness, which was unlike anything I had ever experienced before,” Armstrong


In 1997, Armstrong declared he had won his battle with cancer. He began riding again

with Dr. Einhorn’s consent, and he also began his strenuous workout plan to prepare for his

comeback in the 1999 Tour de France. Fans of Armstrong were fretful that he had not fully

recovered enough from cancer, but Armstrong remained confident and goal oriented.”I wanted to

prove to myself that if I could win the fight against cancer, then I could win the Tour de France,”

Armstrong said.


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p. 3 Lance Armstrong

Armstrong made the comeback he wanted and then some. Armstrong won the Tour de

France, including four stages of the race, and he won the fastest individual time in 1999. “Once

again I felt on top of the world, and I wanted people to understand my struggle and success,”

Armstrong said. Between 1999 and 2004, Armstrong won an additional five medals at the Tour

de France to bring his total to six wins overall.

In 1997, Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation which promotes

prevention, treatment and recovery for cancer victims. “I never considered myself a victim of

cancer because I was so determined to fight the disease with no other option but death,”

Armstrong said. “I would like to help people locate health care facilities in their area and

promote education about one of the number one causes of death in the United States. That is

what the Foundation’s main purpose is,” Armstrong said.

Armstrong retired from cycling in 2005. Armstrong now lives in Austin, Texas, where

the new headquarters of his organization is scheduled to open on Friday, May 22, 2009. “I will

be excited to see the opening of the Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters. I have had to

fight for success in cycling, fight for my life with cancer and I intended to help people fight their

battles with cancer by paying for treatment through the Foundation’s donations,” Armstrong



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New Home for Cancer Foundation :30 Jones 10 lines Kill Date 05/22/09 The Lance Armstrong Foundation will be opening its new headquarters in Austin, Texas

on Friday, May 22nd

The new building will be the permanent home of the foundation started by famous cyclist

and six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong.

, 2009.

The environmentally friendly building is available to anyone affected by cancer.

The 30-thousand square foot building will include a patient navigation center, meditation

pond, entrance plaza and conference rooms available for use for doctors, advocates, local non-

profit organizations, patients and survivors.

For more information about The Lance Armstrong Foundation Headquarters, visit the

organization’s website online at


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New Home for Cancer Foundation :60 Jones 17 lines Kill Date 05/22/09 The Lance Armstrong Foundation will be opening its new headquarters in Austin, Texas

on Friday, May 22nd

The new building will be the permanent home of the foundation started by testicular

cancer survivor and six-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong in 1997.

, 2009.

The foundation built the new headquarters to guide cancer patients to health care

facilities in this underserved area of Austin.

The foundation will provide education, support services and financial information about

cancer prevention and recovery.

The 30-thousand square foot, environmentally friendly building will include a patient

navigation center, meditation pond, entrance plaza and conference rooms available to cancer

survivors, patients, doctors, nurses and families affected by cancer.


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New Home for Cancer Foundation 2-2-2

The two million dollar building was paid for by donations collected by The Lance

Armstrong Foundation for cancer advocacy.

The new facility will have daily tours Monday through Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. and

ending at 5 p.m.

For more information about The Lance Armstrong Foundation and its new headquarters,

visit the organization’s website online at


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Lance Armstrong Foundation 2201 Elizabeth Road

Austin, TX 78702 Mrs. Susan Lee Reporter The Cancer News Daily 773 Brooke Drive Austin, TX 78702 May 15, 2009 Dear Mrs. Lee: On Friday, May 22, 2009, the first permanent home of the Lance Armstrong Foundation will

open in Austin, Texas. Famous cancer survivor and six-time Tour de France winner Lance

Armstrong will be the guest speaker. Armstrong will be signing autographs on his new

LIVESTRONG bracelets, which will only be given out at this event to cancer advocates,

survivors, patients and families affected by cancer. The Cancer News Daily will be the only

newspaper allowed to cover this event.

This will be the first time Armstrong has made an appearance since last year’s fundraising events

for the Foundation for cancer treatment advocacy. The event will also include educational games

about cancer, which can win guests prizes and other signed memorabilia from Armstrong.

Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation after his recovery from testicular cancer in

1997. He created the yellow LIVESTRONG bracelet to collect donations for the Foundation.

The bracelet alone has allowed the Foundation to build its new headquarters. The new version of

the bracelet Armstrong will be unveiled at the opening of the foundation.

I will be keeping in contact with you over the next week about this upcoming occasion.


Kati Jones Director of Public Relations for the Lance Armstrong Foundation

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