Page 1: Media magazine analysis

The layout of this magazine is typical of the popular magazine franchise “W”. The mast head is located in the top left of the picture, however plays a huge part in it. It’s main body is tilted to the right slightly, in conjunction with Cara’s body on the right side of the picture. The organised and “royal” tone of the magazine creates a professional feel and quality magazine, appealing to an audience who want detailed analysis alongside big industry exclusives.

The main image simply consists of Cara, sitting down and having her body facing east – however her face is aimed towards the camera. Her clothing consists of a thin black velvet shirt – with white collars and sleeves. Her look remains plain but sophisticated. With only a few accessories to enhance her look, the artist has allowed Cara to remain a more natural look. I assume that this is simply to allow the focus to remain on the clothes that she’s wearing due to the magazine actually being a fashion magazine – a focus on the popular or latest style of clothing. Her face remains rather plain, looking towards the camera with quite a bored expression. It looks like this has been shot in a studio rather than a location.

The colour scheme in this magazine follows a normal pattern, The background colour is notably a light grey, which is only to enhance Carats figure in the main image of the magazine. It reflects off of her eyes, enhancing them and making them look more green than they already are, surprisingly. The “W” mast head is, just like in all other magazines located in the top right corner, but however in order to match up with the current colour scheme, is notably a nice light red. This matches in with the current effect of Cara and her clothing. The writing font seems to follow New times Roman, and most of it is white. This ties into the classy effects of the magazine.

In the cover lines there actually is a notable hierarchy in play. The words written in white seem to have more important than in red, as seen to the left where they’re stretching off the page however cover Cara’s body. The writing in red seem to have les importance, as they list other models – however Cara herself is in white as she’s on the front cover – highlighting her importance in the magazine over the others in red.

Page 2: Media magazine analysis

Mast Head – The bright colour read ties in with the rest of the picture, the main theme of the colours being white, black, light blue and red. This also ties in with the record that Alex Turner is grasping in his hands, notably red with a black shirt on with a red rose on it. This could resemble a rather simple structure of the picture, the red being bright bold and easy to read in order to further represent the already well known band name.

Barcode & pricing – In the bottom right corner of the picture, A small but noticeable barcode is located. This is actually rather smaller than other bar codes however I think this is due to the price of the actual magazine being £3.40, which is actually quite expensive. However this might just only re-iterate that it’s a magazine of high quality.

Positioning – In this magazine Alex Turner takes up most of the space of the entire page, being broadcasted right in the middle, in order that he’s the main character of the magazine. Him being in the middle may also represent his importance, due to the fact that Alex Turner doesn’t really star on magazine covers. However in this magazine, most of the words in bold cover his body which may underline his importance, however the fact that he’s actually smack bang in the middle may prove his importance more so ever. The colour’s that he’s shown to wear may also represent his image as he’s sporting the colours of the magazine, red and black, along with the record in his hand.

As Alex turner is the main person featured in this magazine, this may also indicate that the target audience is actually aimed at men, rather than women. In the top of the picture, it also states that there’s an exclusive Drake interview, which may yet again reiterate the fact that this magazine was made for men and not for women. However it isn’t all sexist, other people may also read the magazine if they want to.

Page 3: Media magazine analysis

In this magazine the colours that are chosen are noticeably black and white. This refers to the simplicity of the magazine, enhancing the quality and sophistication of it. The mast head, “GQ” Is placed in the top right corner of the page, each letter representing a different colour, however the Q is overshadowed by Kanye West in the middle. This may indicate that they prioritised him over the normal features of the magazine. Unlike normal Magazine covers, they’ve featured Kanye West directly in the middle, taking up ¾ of the page or even more. This may indicate that the magazine was actually made up in his favour and is about him and how he dresses and how he lives (refer to four words under mast head).

The way that this magazine was actually made may lead the reader to think that it’s more of an article focused on men and what they want to do in life and how they should dress. He is the biggest and boldest part of the magazine, maybe even proving more importance than the mast head, which may drive the viewer to read the magazine in more depth. The same colours designated towards this magazine may focus on the main theme in the magazine, however due to it not consisting of only white and black, there’s some grey In there, there may be a variation further in this magazine.

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