Page 1: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms





Dina Abdelazim Ghoraba

Page 2: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms


Page 3: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms



Medical Terminology

Basic elements of the medical word

Medical word

Prefix Combining Form Suffix

Root Combining vowel

A Disease may be described by

Phrase One Word

English Latin or Greek


Page 4: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms



Prefixes Pertaining to Direction Prefix Meaning Example

Ab- Away from Abnormal Ad- Toward, near Adrenal gland Dia- Through, complete Dialysis Per- Through Percutaneous Trans- across Transfusion

Prefixes Pertaining to Numbers Prefix Meaning Example

Prim/i-, prot/o First Primigravida Mon/o-


One Single

Monoclonal Unicellular


Bi-, Di-, Dis-, Bin

Two Twice

Bicuspid Diplegia

Dipl/o- Double Diplopia Hemi- Half, one side Hemithorax Semi- Half, partial Semilunar Tri-


Three Third

Triad Tertiary


Tetra- Four Quadrant

Tetramer Penta-

Quint Five Pentose

Hexa- Sex- Six Hexose Hepta- Seven Heptose Octa- Eight Octigravida Nona- Nine Nonan Deca- Ten Decan Multi- Many Multiple Poly- Many, much Polymorphic


Page 5: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms


Prefixes Pertaining to Position

Prefix Meaning Example

Ambi Both Ambilateral Ana- Up, apart, backward Anabolism Cata- Down Catabolism Con- With, together Connective tissue Dextr/o Right Dextrose Ect/o, ec- Outside, outer Ectopic Em- In Emmetropia End/o In, inside Endoscope Epi-, ep- Above Epigastric Eso- Inward Esotropia Ex/o Away from, outside Exophthalamos Extra- Outside Extracellular Infra-, infer- Below Infrared radiation Inter- Between Interstitial fluid Intra-, en- Within Intracellular Lev/o

Sinister/o Left Sinistrad

Mes/o Middle Mesencephalon Meta- Beyond, over, between, change Metastasis Para- Beside, alongside, Paraplegia Peri-, circum Around Peri-anal Retr/o Backward Retroperitoneal Sub- Under Subgastric Syn/o

sym- Together Synapse

Symbiosis Tel/e, tel/o End Telangion

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Prefixes Pertaining to Time/ Position

Prefix Meaning Example

Hyper- Over, excess, high Hypertension Hypo- Under, below, low Hypotension Olig/o- Few Oligospermia Pan- All Panplegia Super-, supra- Above, beyond Superinfection

Prefixes Pertaining to Degree

Prefix Meaning Example

Ante- Before Antepartum Pre- Before, in front of Predisposing Pro- Before, in front of Prophylaxis Post- After, behind Postoperative

Prefixes Pertaining to Colors Prefix Meaning Example

Cyan/o Blue Cyanosis Erythr/o

Rub Red Erythrocyte

Leuk/o Leuc/o



White, colorless White White

Leukocyte Albinism


Nigr/o Black Melanin


Glauc/o Grey Polioencephalitis


Chlor/o Green

Verdoglobin Chlorophyll


Icter/ Yellow Xanthoma

Cirrh/o Brown Cirrhosis Iod/e Violet Iodine Porphyr/o Purple Porphyrinuria Aur/e Golden Streptococcus aureus Ciner/o Ashy Cinerea

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Prefixes Pertaining to Disease

Prefix Meaning Example

Brady- Slow Bradycardia Tachy- Rapid Tachypnea Pachy- Thick Pachyderma Brachy- Short Dys- Painful, difficult, abnormal Dyspnea Mal-, cac- Bad, poor Malabsorption Xero- Dry Xeroderma

Negative Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example

a-, an- Not, without, lack of, absence Apnea Anti- Against Antidote Contra- Against Contralateral De- Down, without, loss, removal Detoxify Dis- Absence, removal, separation Disinfect In-, im- Not Incontinence Un Not Unconscious

Prefixes Pertaining to size and comparison

Prefix Meaning Example

Eu- True, good, easy Eukaryotic Heter/o Other, different, unequal Heterosexual Homo-

Homeo- Same, Unchanging Homothermic

Iso- Equal, same Isograft Macro- Large Macroscopic Mega-

Megalo- Large, Abnormally large Megabladder

Micro- Small Micro-organism Neo- New Neonate Normo- Regular Normal Ortho- Straight, upright, correct Orthosis Poikilo- Varied, irregular Poikiloderma Pseudo- False Pseudoparalysis Re- Again, back Reflux

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Pronunciation Silent letters and unusual pronunciations at the start of a word


A suffix: is the word ending; all terms have only one suffix.

Letter Pronunciation Example

Ch K Chemical Dys Dis Dystrophy Eu U Euphoria Gn N Gnathic Ph F Pharmacy Pn N Pneumonia Ps S Pseudo Pt T Ptosis Rh R Rheumatic X Z Xiphoid

Suffixes Pertaining to Specialists and Specialties

Suffix Meaning Example

-logy Study of Physiology -logist Specialist in Studying Pathologist -er, -or One who Instructor -ist Specialist in (a field of Study ) Dentist -ian, -ician Specialist in (a field of Study) Physician -iatrics, -iatry , -ics Field of medicine Psychiatry -iatrist Specialist in (a field of study) Podiatrist



Page 9: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms


Adjective Suffixes

Suffix Meaning Example

-ac, -ic , -iac

-ar, -ary , -ior

-al, -eal, -ical

-ile, -tic

-ous, -ad

-an, ine

Pertaining to

Cardiac, hypochondriac

Superior, Abdominal, Necrotic, Mucous

Neurological, Ovarian

-ose Pertaining to; sugar Adipose, pentose -form Resembling, in the shape of Epileptiform -oid, -ory Resembling or like Mucoid -ole, -ule, -cle Little ; small Arteriole -in, -ine A substance Morphine -um Structure, tissue, thing Cerebellum -us Structure, thing Hydrocephalus

Suffixes Pertaining to Surgery Suffix Meaning Example

-centesis Puncture to remove fluid Thoracentesis -desis Binding, fusion Pleurodesis -ectomy Surgical removal, excision Tonsillectomy -pexy Surgical fixation Uteropexy -plasty Plastic repair, reconstruction Rhinoplasty -rrhaphy Surgical repair, Suture Herniorrhaphy -stomy (Surgical creation of) an opening Colostomy -tome Instrument for incising (cutting) Dermatome -tomy Incision, cutting Laparotomy -tripsy Crushing Lithotripsy

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Suffixes Pertaining to Disease

Suffix Meaning Example

-algia Pain Gastralgia -algesia Sensitivity to pain -dynia Pain Cephalodynia -ache Pain Headache


Hernia localized dilation, tumor, swelling Cystocele

-cision Process of cutting Incision -clasis, -clasia, -clast Braking Karyoclasis -itis Inflammation Colitis -megaly Enlargement Hepatomegaly -oma Tumor Lipoma -opsy View of -paresis Weakness Hemiparesis -pathy Disease of Neuropathy -penia Lack of, deficiency Leukopenia -pheresis Removal Plasmapheresis -puncture To pierce Venopuncture -rrhage,


Bursting forth, profuse flow, hemorrhage Hemorrhage

-rrhea Flow, discharge Diarrhea -rrhexis Rupture Amniorrhexis -schiasis Fissure, splitting Retinosciasis -graph Instrument for recording data Spirograph -graphy (Process of) recording data Mammography -gram Record, weight, mark Sonogram -meter Instrument for measuring Ergometer -metry (Process of ) measurement Optometry -scope Instrument for viewing or examining Cystoscope -scopy (Process of) examination Laparoscopy -section Cut

Page 11: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms


Words Pertaining to Disease and used as Suffix Suffix Meaning Example

-culture Cultivation -dilation

-dilatation Expansion, widening Vasodilatation

-ectasis, -ectasy

-ectasia Dilation Bronchiectasis

-edema Accumulation of fluid, swelling Cephaledema -emesis Vomiting


Separation, loosing, dissolving, destruction Hemolysis

-malacia Softening Osteomalacia -necrosis Death of tissue Hepatonecrosis


Dropping, drooping, downward, displacement Nephroptosis

-spasm Sudden contraction, cramp Bronchospasm -stasis Suppression, stoppage Menostasis -stenosis Narrowing, constriction Tracheostenosis -systole Contraction Asystole -tension Pressure Hypertention -therapy Treatment Chemotherapy

Suffixes That Mean “CONDITION OF”

Suffix Meaning Example

-ia Condition of Insomnia -iasis Condition of Ambiasis -ism Condition of Alcoholism -osis, -esis, -is Abnormal condition of Neurosis -y Condition of, process, Pertaining to Atony

Page 12: Medical Terminology Part 1; Prefixes, Suffixes, Combining Forms


Grammar Break Plural Endings

Word Ending Plural Ending Example

Singular Plural

-a -ae Vertebra Vertebrae -en -ina Lumen Lumina

-ex,-ix -ices Index Indices -is -es Diagnosis Diagnoses -nx

(anx,inx,ynx) -nges Phalanx Phalanges

-on -a Ganglion Ganglia -um -a Ovum Ova -us -i Fungus Fungi -ma -mata Adenoma Adenomata -ur -ora Femur Femora -y -ies Biopsy Biopsies


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WORD PARTS Combining Forms; Roots Combining form: is the root + vowel.

Root: is the foundation of the word

Combining vowel: (usually o or i) links the root to the suffix or the root to another root.

Combining Forms Pertaining to Chemistry

ROOT Meaning Example

azot/o Nitrogen compounds Azoturia ferr/o(i) Iron Ferric sider/o Iron Sidropenia hydr/o Water, fluid Dehydrate kal/i Potassium (K+) Hyperkalemia natr/i Sodium (Na+) Hyonatrimia calc/i Calcium(Ca+) Hypocalcaemia ox/i


Oxygen oxygen; sharp; acid


Combining Forms Pertaining to Disease ROOT Meaning Example

carcin/o Cancer, carcinoma Carcinogen lith/o Calculus, stone Lithiasis onc/o Tumor Oncology path/o Disease Pathologist py/o Pus Pyuria pyr/o

pyret/o Fever, fire Pyretic

scler/o Hard Sclerosis tox/o

toxic/o Poison, toxin Toxic


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Combining forms pertaining to Time

ROOT Meaning Example

chron/o Time Synchronous

noct/o Night Nocturnal nyct/o Night, darkness Nyctophobia

Combining Forms Pertaining to Physical Factors

ROOT Meaning Example

aer/o Air, gas Aerobic bar/o Pressure Barotrauma chrom/o

chromat/o Color, stain Chromatic

cry/o Cold Cryoprobe electr/o Electricity Electroshock erg/o Work Synergistic kine, kinesi/o

kinet/o Movement Kinesis

phot/o Light Photosensitive radi/o Radiation x-ray Radioactive son/o

phon/o Sound Ultrasonic

therm/o Heat Hypothermia

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WORD PARTS: Miscellaneous

Word Parts Pertaining to Infectious Diseases Word Part Meaning Example


Staphyl/o Grape like; cluster Staphylococcus Strept/o Twisted chain Streptococcus ROOTS Myc/o Fungus, mold Mycosis Vir/o Virus Viremia

Word Parts Pertaining to Body Chemistry SUFFIXES

-oxia Level of oxygen Hypoxia -capnia Level of CO2 Hypercapnia -ase Enzyme Lipase -ose Sugar Lactose ROOTS Lip/o Lipid, fat Liposuction Adip/o Fat Adiposis Steat/o Fat Steatorrhea Amyl/o Starch Amyloid Glyc/o Sugar, glucose Hypoglycemia Prote/o Protein Proteolysis

Word Parts Pertaining to Cell Activity ROOTS

Blast/o Immature cell, productive cell Glioblastoma multiforme Gen/o Origin, formation Genesis Phag/o Eat, ingest Phagocyte SUFFIXES -blast Immature cell, productive cell Fibroblast -philic Attracting, absorbing Hydrophilic -tropic Acting on Gonadotropic -trophy

-trophia Growth, nourishment Atrophy

-plasia Formation, development Hydroplasia


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Grammar Break Word building; Analysis

Word Analyzer:

1- Read the medical terms from the suffix back to the beginning of the term Cross

the suffix at the end of the term

2- Discriminate between the proceeded parts (This is easily achieved by memorizing the

PRIFIXES) Cross the prefix, the root and/or the combining form

3- Give the meaning for each part.

4- Give the whole term meaning as following:

(Prefix + Suffix)

(Combining form/root +Suffix)

(Prefix + Combining form/root +Suffix)

Word Builder:

1- Underline the basic structures for the medical word.

2- Give the word parts from the underlined structures.

3- Arrange them.

4- Drop a combining vowel:

1. Before a suffix begins with a consonant

2. Between two roots


The arrows indicate the reading direction

The underline indicates that it must be

read first

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